• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

  • ...

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Marble: ...So That's What's Going On

Marble sat at the table beside Apple Bloom, the filly now looking up to her with a mouth full of cereal.

"Whant sum cereal?" She asked while eating. Marble shrugged.


Apple Bloom grabbed a bowl and poured a lot of fruity cereal into it. She gave it to Marble, smiling as she swallowed.

"Applejack finally bought me fruity cereal! And... there she is! AJ, ya want some?" She asked, shaking the box as Applejack approached the table.

"Ah'm good, AB."

Apple Bloom lazily poured some on the table where Applejack sat down. "Oh well. Yer gettin' some anyway."

Applejack rolled her eyes and tried to eat the cereal off the table. "Thanks, Ah guess. Ah'm not that hungry today."

"Well, ya should still eat somethin'!" Apple Bloom said, looking to Marble. "How's the cereal?"

Marble smiled. "It's good."

"Good!" Apple Bloom finished her bowl of cereal, putting it in the sink. "Ah'll be off! Say, where's Granny?"

Applejack gestured to the living room. "She's sleepin'."

Apple Bloom nodded. "Well, alright! See ya!" She said, stepping outside. As she did, Marble finished her bowl of cereal, smiling.

"This is really good."

Applejack nodded. "Ah could always get more if ya like. Y'all are workin' here, after all. Whatever ya want, we can provide."

Marble smiled. "Thank you. But I have a feeling Apple Bloom will ask anyway."

Applejack nodded. "Yeah. Also, y'all don't have ta work this mornin'."

Marble tilted her head. "Huh?"

Applejack nodded. "Yeah. Ah told ya Ah have ta tell y'all somethin'. Ah'm gonna tell Rarity as well. She adores romance, she'll understand better than anyone else. You can come because Ah feel y'all have a right ta know."

Marble blinked. "Oh. Well, alright. It's alright if you don't want to tell anyone."

Applejack shook her head. "Nah. Ah really should. Keepin' secrets is a bad idea." She stood up. "So... do ya wanna go?"

Marble nodded. "Sure thing," she said, following Applejack out of the barn. Applejack grunted.

"Hopefully Mac won't bug me about missin' a few minutes of mornin' work."

"Are you going to tell him about what's going on?"

Applejack's eyes widened. "Well... not now. He'll be real mad." She sighed. "Marble... a word of advice from me."


"... Don't keep secrets for too long. Otherwise, they have a way to be spilled in the worst and most embarrassin' way imaginable."

Marble blushed, her thoughts instantly flashing back to the night before. "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, it's not your fault. Ah'm just sayin', stuff like this happens more often than ya would think."

Marble's ears flicked. "So... you're saying I shouldn't keep the Choosing Stone a secret from Mac too much longer or else it'll come out in a way I don't want it to?"

Applejack nodded. "That's exactly what Ah'm sayin', Marble."

Marble nodded. "Alright. I'll try to tell him as soon as possible."

"Do ya wanna buy lilies for him? We'll be by the market, so maybe ya can."

Marble blushed. "Um... I guess so."

"Alright. We'll do that after visitin' Rarity."


The rest of the short journey was met by silence, Applejack obviously distressed. Is this what keeping secrets could do to you? Marble hadn't had much experiences with keeping something from her family, considering she trusted them more than anyone in all of Equestria, though she knew that keeping her secret from Mac could be disastrous for her if it accidentally is discovered by him. She wanted to be the one to tell him formally, and she was going to make sure she could do it.

"We're here," Applejack said, causing Marble to come to a halt and look up to the large building. She had been so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even realize they were here! Applejack walked in the boutique, Marble following.

"Rarity?" She called.

"Just a minute!" Rarity responded from somewhere in the boutique. After a second, Rarity came out of a large rack of clothes, smiling proudly. "Sorry about that, dear! I just finally finished putting up my new line! Isn't it fabulous?"

Applejack nodded. "It sure is. But, anyways, Ah have somethin' ta tell ya, Rarity."

Rarity's eyes gleamed. "Wait... gossip?! Oh, count me in!" She said, sitting down on a large couch, Applejack and Marble taking a seat on the one across from it. Rarity looked between Applejack and Marble, her brow furrowing. "Say... does it have something to do with Marble?"

Applejack shook her head. "Nah. Ah just feel she needs ta know."

Rarity blinked. "Well, okay. So, what is it?"

Applejack bit her lip. "Well..."

As she started, the door slammed open, revealing Pinkie, Dash, Twilight, and Fluttershy. Marble took notice that Pinkie looked... quite disoriented.

"Hey, Rarity- oh, Applejack and Marble, too! Pinkie's going to be decorating for the wedding, do you want to help?" Twilight asked. Rarity nodded.

"Oh, certainly! Though, Applejack was about to tell me something first!"

Pinkie gasped, perking up. "Ooh, what is it?!" She asked, running to the couch where Rarity was and sitting down. Applejack blushed.


The other three walked over and sat on the couches, Dash crossing her arms. "Say... why do Rarity and Marble get to know, but not the rest of us?"

"Um... well, Ah figured Ah should tell one of y'all at a time-"

"Then why is Marble here?" Dash looked to Marble. "Sorry, don't think I'm accusing you or anything."

Applejack's ears fell back. "Because she walked in on it, that's why!"

Applejack's hoof flew to her mouth as soon as she realized what she said. The five went wide-eyed, Fluttershy fiddling with her hooves. "Um... Applejack?"

Applejack looked to her. "Yeah? Ah guess Ah gotta tell everyone now."

Fluttershy gulped. "Um... you're still a... virgin, right?"

Applejack blushed. "What the hay?! Of course Ah am!"

Rarity sighed. "Oh, thank goodness! That would mean she would be hiding a relationship from us or something!" As she said that, it was obvious how Applejack's eyes widened and how hard her cheeks flushed. Rarity took notice of this. "Um... darling, you aren't hiding a relationship from us, are you?"

Applejack looked to the ground. "Um..."

Pinkie gasped. "Ooh! Who is it?! Let me guess-"

Twilight put a hoof to Pinkie's mouth. "Pinkie, let Applejack tell us when she's ready."

Dash leaned back into the couch. "I had a feeling that's what you were hiding from us. What's so bad about telling us? I mean, it's not like you're dating Tirek or anything like that."

Applejack blinked. "Alright. Well, Ah want y'all ta promise ya won't start yellin' at me."

Twilight giggled. "Applejack, we would never do something like that! Right, girls?"

Everyone nodded, prompting Applejack to continue.

"Well... alright. Ah'm... in a, let me assure ya, healthy relationship with... Flim."

It was like she had just told everyone something of much more importance, because everyone besides Marble was staring at Applejack, bug-eyed.

"Um... well, alright... this day is just full of surprises," Rarity said, glancing around. Marble tilted her head. What's the big deal?

"Um... sorry, but who are you talking about?"

Dash slammed her hooves against the table in between the couches, immediately catching Marble's attention. "Probably the worst pony ever-" She started, shutting up as soon as she met Applejack's glare. "Uh... hehe... please don't beat me up."

Applejack raised a brow. "Ah thought y'all promised ya would be supportive."

Twilight nodded. "Applejack's right. Sure, this is big news, but she-"

"She's dating the pony who tried to overrun Sweet Apple Acres! You're seriously alright with this?!" Dash interrupted, getting in Twilight's face. Twilight lightly nudged her back.

"As I was trying to say... Applejack surely has her reasons. I mean, we all know how much she used to be opposed to relationships. He obviously changed something for her."

"Well, maybe he's lying. I mean, I can't trust that guy."

Marble tilted her head. "What all happened?"

Dash looked to her. "Basically, him and his no good brother tried to overrun Sweet Apple Acres. They almost won it, if it weren't for their cider tasting horrible."

Marble blinked. "Oh."

"They're just no good con-ponies. End of story."

Applejack let out a deep breath. "Let me talk for once." She waited until everyone's eyes were on her, which didn't take long. "Alright. Ah understand your frustration, cause believe me, Ah was the same way when Ah saw him again. But, like Twilight was sayin', Ah do have mah reasons. Basically, he came to me because he wanted ta learn honesty. Long story short, he realized what he and his brother have been doin' was wrong. He wanted ta get an actual job, and the only way ta do that in Equestria is ta have friendship. So, Ah decided ta teach him."

Twilight gasped. "Applejack..."


"You had a friendship pupil... without telling me?!"

Applejack nodded her head. "Ah'm sorry. He asked that nopony besides me knows that he's here. He didn't want ta hear more ponies tellin' him how bad of a pony he is, considerin' at that time his self confidence was already low enough. Hearin' more bad things would break him."

Twilight blinked. "Oh."

Applejack nodded. "Yeah. Ah encouraged him ta let me tell y'all, but he insisted on himself bein' a secret. So, we met daily in the woods, and Ah taught him honesty and confidence. Soon... we-"

"Fell in love?!" Rarity asked, her eyes starry. "Oh, this is exactly like a romance novel I just finished! A redeemed nemesis approached a mare's door, and slowly but surely, they fell for each other!"

Applejack blushed, smiling. "That's... the gist of it."

"When did he first ask you out?" She asked, the gleam in her eyes never leaving.

"Well... Ah told him Ah liked him the day Pinkie used the Choosing Stone."

Pinkie gasped. "That's why you were so flustered and nervous!"

Applejack nodded. "That's why."

Rarity squealed as Dash blinked.

"Oh. You could have said he was reformed when you first told us about him. I was scared."

Twilight nodded. "See, Dash? I told you Applejack had her reasons!"

Pinkie was currently wearing a bright smile. "That's so cute! So, anyways, what did you walk in on, Marble?"

Marble blushed. "Um..."

Dash immediately burst out laughing. "Applejack, did you seriously lie about losing your virginity?"

Applejack blushed. "What?! No!"

Dash started to laugh again. "Well, why else would Marble be flustered? Also, just to let ya know, the walls in your house are pretty thin," she said, winking. Applejack's face was as red as a cherry now as she glared at the laughing pegasus.

"Rainbow Dash! Ah did not lie! We were just kissin' on my bed!"

"That's what they all say!"

Applejack raised a brow. "Really?"

Dash's laughter finally died down. "Ah, sorry, AJ. I've just been waiting forever to make fun of you with sex jokes!"

"Y'all can wait a little longer. It won't hurt ya."

Dash shook her head. "Nah. I'll still make fun of ya. Especially when I meet him!"

Fluttershy tilted her head. "Wait a second... how did he get into your room?"

"Well, he teleported. A little while back, Ah borrowed a teleportation book-"

"That's where it went?! Applejack, please, tell me next time you borrow something! Spike and I were looking for that book for days! Then, about a week later, we found it magically appeared in the wrong bookshelf!" Twilight interrupted, glaring. Applejack chuckled.

"Hehe... sorry, Twilight. Ah didn't want anyone knowin' about us, so Ah kinda stole it."

Twilight sighed. "Applejack, for Spike's sake, please tell me next time."

"Ah will. Ah'm sorry. After we started datin', he told me Ah could tell ponies about him, but... Ah opted not to. If anythin' found its way back to mah family, Big Mac would beat him to a pulp."

"Well, you gotta tell your family sometime!" Pinkie said. Applejack nodded.

"Yeah. Ah've been thinkin'... maybe Ah could tell 'em tomorrow. We've been together for a few months now, so they'll hopefully be more hesitant about breakin' us apart."

Pinkie gasped. "Do we get to meet him, too?!"

Applejack nodded. "Yeah. He's a good pony. He's a lot different from his past self, let me tell ya. He'll also probably be workin' on the farm. Well, if mah family lets him."

"Really?" Marble asked. Applejack nodded.

"Yup! Ah might have him work with you, but Ah'm not sure yet. Big Mac would work him too hard, and he wouldn't be allowed ta work with me for obvious reasons."

Rainbow started laughing again, Applejack raising a brow.

"What now?"

"Oh, well, the work isn't the only thing he's gonna do!" Dash replied, smirking. Applejack sighed.

"Whatever ya want ta tell yourself."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Well, alright! I look forward to meeting him! Well, meeting his reformed self, that is."

Applejack smiled. "Well, Ah'm glad. Ah'll have ta tell him."

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah! And if your family doesn't let you two be together, leave it to us to convince them!"

Applejack giggled. "Well, ya can try. It won't be easy."

Pinkie shrugged. "Eh, I'll find a way."

Applejack smiled. "Well... thank y'all... most of y'all, at least, for bein' supportive. It means a lot."

Twilight smiled. "It's no problem, Applejack! As long as he's a good pony, we're proud of you and hope your relationship runs smoothly!"

Applejack nodded. "Thanks."

Dash nodded. "Well, I mean, I do ship Applejack with someone else, but-"

"Ya ship me?!"

Dash nodded. "Yep! I actually wrote an erotic fanfiction about you and Caramel a little while back!"

Applejack's cheeks burned. "Caramel?! Seriously?!"

Dash started to laugh. "Yeah! I gotta read it to you sometime!"

"Ah would rather ya not."

"As much as we would love to hear it, Dash, I have some news of my own," Twilight said.

Rarity's eyes widened. "Do you have a coltfriend too, darling?"

Twilight shook her head. "No. Anyways, Starlight's coming into town in two days!"

Pinkie gasped. "Really?! We totally need to have a sleepover! We have so much to catch up on!"

Twilight nodded. "Well, that sounds good. Marble, do you want to come, too?"

Marble's ears flicked. "Sure."

Pinkie gasped. "Yay! Hopefully you'll be with Mac by then, Marble!"

Marble blushed. "Um... I'll try."

Applejack chuckled. "Well, Ah gotta get goin' and tell Flim what's all happenin'. So... see y'all at the farm tomorrow!"

"What time?" Twilight asked. Applejack thought.

"Uh... nine o' clock! It's a Saturday, so hopefully it'll be easy ta make! See y'all!"

"Bye!" They replied as Applejack and Marble stepped outside. Applejack looked down to Marble.

"So... wanna get lilies?"

Marble nodded. "Sure thing," she replied, following Applejack into the town market. "So... congratulations on your relationship."

Applejack smiled. "Thanks."

Marble smiled. "No problem. Also, is it alright if I ask you for advice?"

Applejack nodded. "Of course it is!"

"Alright. Well... how exactly do you ask someone out?"

Applejack started laughing, causing Marble to raise a brow. "Oh, sorry, but Ah'm probably the worst pony ta ask. Y'all can ask Flim; Ah was so awkward when askin' him out. Well, technically, Ah didn't even ask him out. Ah just said that Ah liked him."

Marble blinked. "Oh."

Applejack nodded. "Yeah. Well, Ah do have some advice: practice what y'all are gonna tell Mac. Say it all out loud to yourself in private. Then ya won't be the mess that Ah was."

Marble nodded. "Alright."

By now, the two had reached the flower stand. Applejack smiled at the mare running the stand, Roseluck.

"Hello, Roseluck! Do ya have any lilies today?"

Roseluck nodded. "Yep!" She said, handing Applejack a bouquet. Applejack smiled, showing them to Marble.

"Do ya want these?"

Marble nodded. "Yeah. I hope he'll like them."

Applejack smiled, putting the bits on the counter. "Oh, he will," she said, waving to Roseluck and walking out of the market with Marble, handing the lilies to her. "Now, Ah need ta meet up with Flim. Y'all can go back to the farm, and Ah'll be over soon."

Marble nodded. "Alright. Thank you, Applejack."

Applejack nodded. "No problem! Practice askin' him out!" She said, taking a right. Marble took a left, walking back to the farm. She looked at the lilies in her hooves, feeling butterflies explode in her stomach as she thought of him.

I hope he likes these...

Author's Note:

I've been waiting to write this chapter since Maud's section. I've just been so excited to write the dynamics, especially Dash's lines :rainbowlaugh:

Anyways, I'm going to have a finished, multi-chapter side story completed by the time the next chapter rolls around! The focus of the story is Applejack and Flim's relationship and how it developed, with Applejack as the main character. :ajsmug:

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