• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,784 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Pinkie: One Crazy Party

Pinkie ran up to Citrus Whisker and placed a party hat on his head. He quickly shook it off.

"What's your problem?!" He asked, earning a one-legged hug from Pinkie.

"Hey, I'm not the one with the problem! You're the one who needs to be thrown an awesome party!"

Citrus pushed Pinkie away. "Actually, I'm the one who needs to get a full night's sleep for work tomorrow. Today was stressful, and I would much appreciate it if you moved your stupid party somewhere else!"

Pinkie grabbed his hoof. "But there's food! Come on!" She said as she dragged him over to a table. Citrus fixed her with an even sharper glare.

"There's food in my house, too."

Cloud landed by Citrus' side. "Not good food! Last time I was there, the food you had was awful!"

Citrus' tail flicked. "Well, I don't care what you think. You've always been known to have the weirdest taste buds."

"Hey!" Cloud burst, spreading her wings to the side. Pinkie jumped in between the two.

"Break it up! No family fights at a party!" She said before stuffing a cupcake into Citrus' mouth. "Isn't that good?" She asked, holding back a giggle.

Citrus shook his head, frantically wiping the fluffy cake off of his mouth. He grunted after he was cleaned and started to walk away. Pinkie's leg somehow extended and grabbed Citrus, pulling him back. He looked to Pinkie in confusion.

"How were you able to do that?" He asked.

"Hey, that doesn't matter! What matters is that you need to stay!" She replied. Citrus' ears flopped against his head.

"Well... I guess I'll have to stay out here, considering I wouldn't be able to get to sleep anyway with all this chaos outside." He tried to make himself more intimidating by looming over Pinkie, though that didn't work very well. "Though, you and whoever else planned this dumb party will take full responsibility if I'm not fully awake at work tomorrow. Do you understand?"

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah, I got it. But you're gonna have so much fun, that you might not even be tired at all! Come on, let's hit the dance floor!" She said as she bounded forward. Citrus rolled his eyes as he stayed put where he was, eating a few chips.

"Why are you staying here?" Cloud asked as she ate a cupcake. Citrus' ears folded back at the sound of her voice.

"Because I don't like dancing."

Cloud tried to nudge him forward, but she could barely move him. "Oh, come on! You really need to loosen up!"

Citrus glared at her. "Actually, I should really be feeding my cats right now, but you and your dumb friends are forcing me to stay here!"

Cloud glared back. "Fine, cranky, I'll feed them."

Citrus glared even harder at his cousin. "No. You don't know how."

Cloud hovered into the air. "Of course I do! I fed them when you were on that business trip a month ago, remember?"

Citrus blinked. "Ah... right. But still-"

Before he could continue, she had flown towards the house. Citrus knew there was absolutely no way to drive Cloud away from her intentions, so he let her be. He would give the cats treats later for having to put up with her.

"Where's Citrus?" Cheese asked as he and Pinkie swayed their bodies to the bass boosted music.

Pinkie shrugged. "I dunno. I guess he didn't want to come." Pinkie's mane started to slightly deflate, and Cheese took immediate notice.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Pinkie blinked. "Am I really that obvious to read?"

Cheese nodded. "Yeah."

Pinkie's eyes drifted. "Darn." She paused for a moment. "But... I'm sad because I don't know how much progress I'll be able to make with Citrus. He's the most stubborn pony I've ever met."

Cheese gave Pinkie a sympathetic look. "Well, maybe there's something that makes him happy. Like... something he's always loved. Could you teach him laughter with something like that?"

Pinkie blinked. "Actually, that's a great idea, Cheese!" She started trotting away. "I'm gonna go ask Cloud Nine!"

Cheese smiled. "Alright!" He replied as he watched her walk away.

She sure is cute when she's determined... He thought, immediately feeling his cheeks turn red.

When Cloud flew back to the party, she heard her name being called from down below.

"Cloud! Hey, Cloud!" Pinkie called up. Cloud Nine smiled when she saw her friend and immediately descended.

"What's up?" She asked, folding in her wings.

Pinkie looked around her friend to see Citrus angrily drinking a bit of punch near the snack table. "Do you know what interests Citrus has?"

Cloud cocked her head. "Huh?"

Pinkie looked back at her. "I'm gonna try to make this party more fun for him by having him do stuff related to his interests. Do you know anything that he really loves?"

Cloud thought. "Well, besides cats, I really don't know. He's always loved cats."

Pinkie thought. "Then... oh my gosh! I got it!" She thought aloud as she jumped into the air. "Cloud, I'll need your help!"

Cloud smiled. "Well, what are friends for?" She asked, following Pinkie.

"I don't care what you have, I'm not dancing!" Citrus said with a huff as Pinkie pushed him over to the dance floor.

"Oh, come on, Grumpy-Pants! Just loosen up!" Pinkie said as she started striking the most ridiculous moves.

Citrus turned his head away. "No."

Pinkie put on a pouty face. "Alright, fine. Time to bring out the big guns."

Citrus raised a brow down at her. "And, pray tell, what would that be? Throwing cupcakes at me until I agree to accept your terms?"

Pinkie snorted. "That would have been a great idea! But no, not quite!" She turned around to face Cheese. "Cheese! Bring out the cat line!"

Cheese nodded. "Okie dokie!" He said, pulling a curtain up to reveal about ten really fat and fluffy cats. He gestured them to stand in front of Citrus, and they did, giving him the widest eyes.

Citrus looked down to them and managed a small smile. "Well, hello there."

Cloud Nine, who landed beside Pinkie, gleefully whispered into the latter's ear. "It's working!"

Those words of confirmation brought a smile to Pinkie's face. "Yes! Alright, Cheese, switch the music!" Pinkie yelled back to her soon-to-be coltfriend. Cheese nodded and turned off the loud song that was currently playing, and switched it to a fun song, where every beat was a different meow.

With this, the fat cats started dancing, or whatever dancing would be considered for cats. They swished their tails, jumped into the air, and ran around each other in perfect synchronization.

As Citrus looked at the cats, his smile grew larger. Then, as the cats started to roll around on the ground to the beat of the music, he found himself unwillingly laughing at the sight.

Pinkie felt like her face was about to break apart because of the large smile she had grown.

"Woohoo!" She exclaimed, leaping into the air. Cloud looked to Pinkie, beaming.

"Oh, it looks like he's enjoying himself for once!" She wrapped Pinkie in a quick hug. "Thank you, Pinkie. Maybe tonight will help him actually be happy towards others."

Pinkie nodded as she pulled apart. "Yeah! Once the cats are done, how about me, you, and Cheese hang out with him for a while?"

Cloud nodded, her smile growing. "That sounds like a great idea!"

The cats just now finished up, still earning laughter from Citrus and many ponies around. They then ran away into the outskirts of Manehatten.

Citrus looked over to see Cheese nearby. He approached the party stallion.

"Where did you find all these cats?" He asked, earning a bright smile from Cheese.

"Well, I used my catcall, silly!" He said, pulling out a small whistle with a cat face on it. Citrus nodded.

"Well, I actually enjoyed that. So, I guess I can let yourself boost your ego."

Cheese's smile seemed to double in size. "Well then, I'm glad! Say, let's catch up with the others and hang out! There's still a piñata for you to hit!" Cheese said as he started to prance towards Pinkie and Cloud, who were currently conversing. Citrus followed after, now curious, and though he hated to admit it, somewhat excited, for what he would see next.

"Come on Citrus! Hit it as hard as you can!" Cloud yelled from the crowd who gathered around the piñata, which was a can of cat food. Citrus was blindfolded and holding a bat in his hooves.

"I'll try!"

"Pretend it's the annoying customers you had to deal with today!" She added on. Citrus snorted.

"I think I can do that."

With that, he drew back his arms, and hit the piñata with a loud whack. Sadly, it barely made a dent.

"Darn! Try again!" Pinkie said, smiling at him. Citrus nodded and pulled back the bat again. This time, he really put force into his swing, and managed to break off the bottom of the piñata, causing all the candy to spill out.

"Woohoo! Candy!" Cloud exclaimed before diving into the pile and throwing tons of pieces of candy into her mouth. Citrus took his blindfold off and raised a brow at his cousin.

"You're so weird," he said as he picked up a piece of candy and put it in his mouth.

Cloud pressed her side up against him. "Awww, you know you love me!"

Citrus looked down at her. "Whatever you have to tell yourself."

The party started to wind down to a close, soon leaving Cheese, Pinkie, Cloud, and Citrus the only remaining ones at the party site. It was well past midnight, and everyone had long since gotten tired from the constant dancing and excitement.

Cheese wiped his brow. "Wow, that sure was fun!" He said, earning approving nods from the others.

"Yeah! And will you promise to be more fun after tonight?" Cloud asked, looking intently at Citrus.

Citrus scoffed, but slightly smiled. "Whatever you want, mother," he teased, earning an eye roll, as well as a smirk, from Cloud.

"That's the Citrus I know," she said, looking back at the two party ponies. "Well, thank you two for everything. This was so much fun!"

Pinkie nodded. "No problem! It was just as fun to host as it was to partake in the fun!"

Cloud smiled. "You betcha!"

Citrus looked between the three. "Well, I should probably get inside. I have to get to work in about six hours."

Pinkie blinked. "Aww, okay! See you around, maybe!"

Citrus looked back at her and nodded. "See you around, I guess. Thank you." He finished as he walked inside his house, leaving the three in silence. After Cloud was done waving at her cousin, she looked to Pinkie and Cheese.

"Hey! How about you guys stay at my place tonight? It can be like a sleepover!"

Pinkie's eyes lit up. "Yeah! That sounds great!"

Cheese nodded. "Yep! Where is your house?"

Cloud lifted herself into the air. "This way! Follow me!"

Cheese and Pinkie had settled themselves into the two couches in the living room, nestled underneath blankets.

"I'm sorry I don't have a guest room, but these couches will work, right?"

Cheese nodded. "Yep, this is actually great! I've been sleeping on the ground in a sleeping bag for the longest time!"

Cloud snickered. "Well, alright! And also, how about I give you guys a tour of the city tomorrow? It would be so much fun!" She suggested. Pinkie smiled.

"Oh my gosh, yes! Does that sound good, Cheese?"

Cheese nodded. "Yeah! I haven't gotten my Cheesy Sense for the next party yet, so it would be a nice break from the road."

Cloud smiled at them. "Alright, that's a plan! So... See you two tomorrow!"

"See ya!" The two called to her at once. Cloud walked over to her room, turning off the lights as she did so.

"Good night, Pinkie," Cheese said. The sound of his voice made Pinkie's heart flutter.

"Good night, Cheese," she replied, nestling into her pillow.

Today had been a lot of fun, that's for sure. However, all day she had been thinking of Cheese, hoping he would want to be with her soon.

She wanted him to be on the same couch as her, holding her in his hooves and letting her bury her face in his chest. Pinkie knew, however, she would have to wait.

Why, oh why, was waiting so difficult?

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