• Published 1st Dec 2015
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Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Pinkie: Party in Vanhoover

Pinkie walked with light hoofsteps. She could see Vanhoover in the distance! They were so close! The day before, she still felt very awkward trying to start up conversation with Cheese. Why? Because Vanhoover was all that was on her mind! She could possibly get into a relationship with Cheese. But... Pinkie immediately thought of Applejack in a princess dress to cheer herself up. She knew that even if he didn't want to get into a relationship, he'd still know they're supposed to be together. Pinkie could not stop rehearsing it in her head. It. Was. Perfect.

Pinkie noticed that Cheese had a small smile on his face as he approached Vanhoover. "Ah, Vanhoover. It's been a while since I've been here," he said, picking up his pace. Pinkie started bouncing, now at a faster rate of speed.

"The last time I was here was over a month ago for my sister's wedding!" She said, beaming.

Cheese smiled. "Well, congratulations!" He smiled even brighter. "I cannot wait for this party."

Pinkie stopped bouncing. "Wait... is this gonna be different than your other parties or something?"

Cheese looked to Pinkie in surprise, and Pinkie felt herself melting under his gaze. She immediately glanced to the ground.

"No party is the same, Pinkie!"

Pinkie looked back up to him, trying not to swoon. "I know that! And I can't believe I forgot!" Pinkie said, slapping a hoof to her face. Cheese chucked.

"It's okay. It is pretty early."

Pinkie nodded. "Touché."

Pinkie looked out to find Vanhoover getting closer and closer. They were so close! Pinkie just wanted to run in and search for who they would be throwing the party for.

Cheese started bouncing alongside Pinkie. "I gotta get my party muscles warmed up!" He said as he bounced higher, landing on his hooves before doing the splits and pulling out an accordion, moving it to extract a bit of noise.

Pinkie giggled as he put the instrument away and started bouncing again. "I always have those muscles ready! You never know when you'll have to throw a party!"

Cheese looked down to Pinkie. "Well, in your case, that is. I know exactly when I'm having mine."

Pinkie raised a brow. "But... doesn't that make parties less fun? They're less of a surprise for you!"

Cheese shook his head. "Nope! All parties are fun!" He said, brightly smiling. This caused Pinkie to smile too.

"Well, that's true!" She said before looking in front of her. Now, they were just entering the town. Pinkie looked around at the friendly atmosphere and smiled. However, there were two ponies in particular she wanted to find...

Her thoughts were stopped short by the cutting of air directly above her. She looked to see a few pegasi flying overhead, loudly talking. They looked oddly familiar. Then, two mares flew by at a slightly slower pace. Pinkie gasped at the sight of them. It was Sapphire and Speed Blast!

As she was about to call out to them, Cheese threw a hoof over her mouth. Pinkie blushed heavily at the sudden contact and drew away from him. She looked him in the eyes, or at least tried to, and tried her hardest to shake off her blush. "What was that for?"

Cheese's expression turned serious. "For them to know that we're not here. Our entrance must be a complete surprise for everypony."

Pinkie blinked. "Oh. Right!" She said, turning. "So... how are we going to find the pony with the birthday?"

Cheese smirked. "I know. We just have to go in the direction those pegasi were going."

Pinkie raised a brow. "How do you know?"

Cheese's body twitched and he nodded his head. "Cheesy Sense. And that confirms it."

Pinkie nodded. "Right!" She said. The two walked throughout Vanhoover, passing only a few ponies. However, they were trying to keep themselves hidden as much as possible. Pinkie was darting into barrels and around buildings to make sure nopony saw her. However, she was still looking for Lightning Drift and Limestone. Even though she wouldn't be able to talk to them until later.

As they neared an open area, they heard a lot of loud talking. Pinkie and Cheese stayed close to a wall and looked out. Pinkie immediately broke into a large smile and placed a hoof over her mouth to make sure she didn't say anything. Sure enough, Limestone, Lightning, and their five friends were all talking. Pinkie giggled to herself.

"It's your birthday, dork! What do you wanna do?" Limestone asked her husband, bumping against him.

"Uh... I dunno?" Lightning responded, grinning sheepishly.

Pinkie had to do everything she could to not gasp. Lightning's birthday was today? And she didn't know about it?!

"Bingo," Cheese murmured under his breath. Pinkie stayed silent as Cheese cleared his throat, took out a party blower, and blew it. The sound immediately caused the seven ponies to look to their direction. Pinkie stayed hidden behind Cheese, who was leaning against a wall.

"I hear somepony doesn't know what to do for their birthday," he said, his voice low and ominous. Pinkie held back a huge giggle fit.

Limestone raised an eyebrow at the strange newcomer. "Uh... who are you? And why were you eavesdropping?"

Cheese tilted up his hat, revealing his eyes. "Oh, I am Cheese Sandwich. And I plan parties."

Lightning smiled. "Really?"

Cheese nodded, walking over. "Yep. And let me tell you... this party is gonna be a blast!" He said as he shook, his western clothes disappearing. The seven smiled, though Limestone veered her glance and her eyes widened.

"Wait... PINKIE PIE?!" Limestone exclaimed, looking towards Pinkie in confusion. Pinkie smiled and merrily bounced up.


Limestone fumbled for words. "What are you doing here?! You're supposed to-"

"Pinkie's my assistant for this party!" Cheese said. At this, Limestone looked to him, and then to Pinkie. From him, to Pinkie. A smile slowly made its way up her face as gears turned in her head.

"Oh, okay," she said, her tone having a lighter edge. "Well... what do you two have?" She asked before bouncing her eyebrows at Pinkie. Pinkie blushed, earning a snicker from Limestone.

Lightning stepped up next to Limestone. "Yeah! You both are party planners, aren't you?" He asked.

"Yep!" They said at once. Cheese then jumped forward.

"Who's ready to par-tay?!" He asked before a happy tune filled the surrounding area.

"The super-duper party pony–that pony is me!" He started, getting in Lightning's face. "You'll never meet another party pony quite like Cheese!"

"And Pinkie!" Pinkie piped up.

Cheese immediately jumped by the other pegasi, and showed some cheese that was on his hooves. "My parties are all off the hook, I never plan them by the book! I start out fun, then whoopsie-daisy, everybody just gets crazy! " He said, shoving a pie in Sapphire's face at the last line. Speed fell to the ground in laughter as Cheese sprung up again.

He turned to Limestone and pulled out a horrible looking sandwich. "Bored of snacks made by your mom? How about a giant party bomb?" He sang, setting off a party bomb into her face. "Huge piñatas filled with cake, or dive into my fruit punch lake!" He said, suddenly at the top of a diving board above a bowl of fruit punch. Somehow, Lightning was up on top with Cheese. Cheese pushed him off and he dived in, yelling "Woohoo!" as he splashed in.

"Oh, when I throw a Cheese party, be sure to not be lame, and miss my pie fights, wacky kites, and streamers in your mane!" He said as he wore a tie, blowing streamers into Brave Flight's face, who chuckled. "Fizzy drinks, Hawaiian shirts, and brie fondue delight, you know that with Cheese Sandwich, you'll be partying all night!" He said as Pinkie bounced up.

"And Pinkie!"

"The super-duper party pony–that pony is me-e-e-e-e!"

"And Pinkie Pie!" The two finished, landing on the ground. The two hoof-bumped as the song ended, giggling. Pinkie was trying her hardest to hide a blush as her hoof made contact with Cheese's. Everyone applauded them, talking amongst themselves about the party.

As the applauding died down a bit, Lightning walked up to Limestone, still completely drenched in fruit punch. It looked like he was holding back a few giggles.

Limestone shot him a glare. "I know what you're gonna say, and don't say it."

"Are you from Prance?"

Limestone hit her head with her hoof repeatedly.

"Cause madamn!"

Limestone rubbed her face in agitation. "Why am I married to this idiot?" She muttered to herself. Meanwhile, Pinkie was cracking up.

"That was great! Where did that come from, though?"

Limestone took her hoof away from her head. "He heard it the other day at work and hasn't stopped using it on me since," Limestone said. She immediately brightened up. "Well, if you two think you're the best party ponies ever, how about you plan an awesome party?"

Everyone else nodded. There were some other townsponies that were attracted to the area because of the music and streamers flying everywhere. Cheese smiled.

"Well, I was about to get set up! Though, I'll need a lot of help if we want to get this party in the best of shapes by tonight."

"Well, isn't it my birthday party? Shouldn't I be surprised?" Lightning asked. Pinkie snorted.

"Of course, silly bro! Everypony else helps, and you can... I dunno what you can do," Pinkie said, rubbing the back of her neck. Limestone flicked her tail at Lightning before turning back to Pinkie.

"Don't worry. He'll find ways to entertain himself," Limestone said before blowing a raspberry in Lightning's direction. Lightning rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'll try," he said, hovering into the air. Speed flew up next to him.

"And no peeking! This is gonna be awesome!"

"I agree!" Brave said, flying to the other side.

"So... are you all helping?" Cheese asked. Everypony besides Lightning nodded.

"Woohoo! Let's get this party started!" Pinkie said, blowing her party cannon. Limestone chuckled, walking forward. Lightning sped off, making sure to not peek at anything.

Pinkie looked to Cheese. "Wait... I just thought about this."

Cheese looked down to her, raising an eyebrow. "Yes?"

Pinkie recalled memories. "Well... when it was Rainbow Dash's birthaversary, why did she help? It was her party!"

Cheese shrugged. "I tried to tell her to make it a surprise, but she insisted on helping. She's a stubborn one."

Pinkie snorted. "Actually, that does sound a lot like Dash," she replied before giggling. Limestone cleared her throat, causing Cheese and Pinkie to turn to her.

"So... when are we gonna start?" She asked, raising a brow. Pinkie blushed and Cheese smirked.

"Right now! Come on everypony, we have quite the party to plan!" Cheese said, earning cheers from everyone.

"Got it!" Pinkie said, throwing a streamer with lightning bolts across the top of a large stage. She placed it so it nicely rested, and wasn't too saggy on one side. Her inner Twilight came out as she continuously checked it to make sure it was perfect. There can be no mistakes.

"That looks great, Pinkie!" Cheese said from a few feet away. Pinkie smiled and turned to him, her heart fluttering.

"Uh... thanks! Got anything else I can work on?" She asked. Cheese was currently constructing a big piñata of Lightning's cutie mark, and a few others were helping to fill it.

Cheese looked around before spotting a table with no food on it. "Is it alright if you get the food?"

Pinkie nodded. "Sure!" She said, bouncing over to the table. She pulled her mane, causing a whole bowl of punch to fall out, earning more than a few disturbed glances from ponies nearby. Pinkie didn't notice them, however, as she poured the punch into a bunch of glasses. She arranged them perfectly on the table, and then put a platter of cupcakes and cookies. She ate a cupcake and shuddered at the goodness. As she swallowed, she licked her lips. She wanted another one... desperately wanted another one. If you eat one cupcake, you always have to have a second one! Pinkie didn't want to take more than she should, though. But how can I survive without a second cupcake?

Pinkie glanced all around her before determining that there was no one nearby. Slowly, she picked up another cupcake, and was about to put it in her mouth.

"Pinkie!" Limestone's voice called.

"Ah!" Pinkie shrieked, dropping her cupcake onto the ground. Limestone looked at it for a second before glancing up to Pinkie.

"I need help with moving some stage decorations. Everypony else is occupied. Can you help?"

Pinkie was currently sweating. She nodded. "S-sure thing, Limestone!"

Limestone gave her sister a peculiar look before starting over to the stage. "Okay. Follow me."

Pinkie nodded and followed behind Limestone. The two were pretty close to the stage, so all they had to do was walk a few paces. They stepped up, and picked up a large lightning bolt. The two moved it to the right side of the stage, and when they placed it on the ground, Limestone gave Pinkie a smirk.

"So... Cheese Sandwich, huh?" She asked, a sly tone to her voice.

Pinkie's ears shot straight up as she blushed and looked away. "Uh..."

"He's pretty cute, isn't he?" Limestone teased, causing Pinkie's legs to lock up.


Limestone snickered. "Y'know, his flank is pretty-"

Pinkie threw her hoof over Limestone's muzzle, shutting her sister up. Pinkie was completely red and trying to find words. Limestone, however, was strong enough to pry Pinkie's hoof from her mouth and started laughing. Pinkie glared at Limestone and walked away, lifting her legs high as she did so.

Limestone caught up with Pinkie, still laughing. "C'mon, Pinks. I'm just teasing."

Pinkie turned to Limestone. "I know..."

"So... you two really are soulmates?"

Pinkie nodded, smiling. "Mmhm," she replied in a soft voice, much like Marble.

Limestone nodded. "You two will work well together. Even though having another party pony related to me could be difficult, I live with Lightning. I can take on anything," she said, chuckling. The two picked up the second lightning bolt and moved it to the other side of the stage.

"He's not that bad," Pinkie said, giggling. Limestone snorted.

"Sure, whatever," she replied, setting the lightning bolt down at the same time as Pinkie.

"You know you love him," Pinkie said, bumping into Limestone. Limestone bounced her eyebrows.

"I can say the same thing about you and Cheese."

Pinkie's cheeks started burning again. "S-shut up."

Limestone laughed a bit as she made her way to the front of the stage. "I think we're about done. It's almost evening," Limestone said, looking up into the sky. Pinkie bounced over to her sister.

"Yep! I'm excited!"

Limestone nodded. "I am, too. It looks like it's gonna be a blast." She then turned to Pinkie. "So... are you staying here tonight? If so, you can crash at my place."

Pinkie nodded. "I intended on doing that, actually," she replied. Limestone smirked.

"Well, this way I can get lots of details."

Pinkie rolled her eyes. "I guess you can," she said, looking to the side. Limestone raised a brow.

"Are you okay, Pinkie? You seem out of it."

Pinkie looked up to Limestone. "I'll tell you later."

Limestone nodded. "Okay. Is it about-"

"Everypony!" Cheese yelled through a megaphone, capturing everyone's eyes. "I think we are ready! Pinkie Pie and I will put the final preparations on things, and then we will start the party!" Everyone cheered, applauding. Limestone nudged Pinkie.

"That's your cue. See ya, Pinkie."

"See ya, Limestone!" Pinkie replied, bounding off the stage and over to Cheese. Her heart raced as she approached him. His green eyes were practically piercing her, begging for her to come closer. She stepped up to him, not losing his glance.


Cheese looked around, and Pinkie dropped her gaze. He turned back to her. "Let's just go through everything and make sure it's perfect. We don't want something not perfect for tonight!"

Pinkie nodded. "Yep!"

Cheese smiled, making Pinkie's stomach flutter. "You check everything there, and I'll check everything here," Cheese said, pointing his hoof. "Meet up here when we're done?"

Pinkie nodded. "Yep! I'll get to it!" She said, turning and bouncing away. Inside, she was furious. Why couldn't I have stayed with him?!

She slowed down to a walk as she approached the stage, making sure everything was perfect. A small smile crawled up her face. Tonight is going to be fun.

Lightning's vision completely darkened as a blindfold was thrown over his eyes. He stepped back a bit. "Goodness! Okay then!" He said, chuckling. Pinkie giggled.

"What? You gotta have a blindfold for a surprise party!" Pinkie said, jumping up. Limestone snorted.

"Lightning, you look so silly with that thing on."

Lightning turned to the sound of her voice. "Well, I'm sorry, but this wasn't my choice," he said, pouting.

Limestone nudged him. "I know. I'm just giving you a hard time."

Lightning smirked. "When are you not?"

Pinkie jumped in between them. "Party now, snarky comments later! You're gonna love it, Lightning!" Pinkie said, turning Lightning around to face the direction of the party. "Okay. Now walk forward. I'll scream at you if you're about to hit something."

Lightning started walking forward, snickering. "Good to know."

He successfully walked to the area of the party, and Pinkie jumped up next to him, putting a hoof on him to stop him.

"Okay, I'll get the blindfold!" She took the blindfold off his eyes, and as soon as Lightning looked, his eyes widened.

There was a gigantic cake near the center, and many streamers hung from trees. There was a stage set up, and many huge lightning bolts all around the area. There were so many things to do... Lightning couldn't count it.

However, he couldn't think when everyone around yelled "SURPRISE!" At the same time, popping out from everywhere. It looked like just about everypony from Vanhoover attended. Lightning smiled.

"This looks awesome!" He said, hovering into the air. Pinkie giggled and bounced.

"I know, right?! Let's party!" She said, jumping over to where Cheese was. Cheese looked out as everypony advanced into the area, smiling. As Pinkie bounced up next to him, he looked down to her and smiled.

"Are you ready to have some fun?!" He asked, lowering his head to her level. Pinkie blushed before smiling widely and jumping.

"Yep! Let's go!" She said, the two taking off to a huge game of corn hole Cheese had set up. There were at least five boards, and they were pretty big.

Pinkie bumped Cheese. "I bet you can't beat me!" She said, picking up a beanbag. Cheese snorted and pranced over to the other side.

"Oh? Try me," he said, a devilish grin on his face.

Pinkie sneered at him before catapulting a beanbag, landing it in the top hole. As soon as it fell through, a ton of streamers shot out from the sides. Pinkie giggled.

"You built streamers into this?!" She asked, giggling some more.

Cheese nodded. "Of course!" He said, picking up his beanbags. As soon as Pinkie wasn't looking, he threw them all, making them into the holes. Confetti and streamers fired everywhere; most all over Pinkie's face. Pinkie recoiled from the impact, blinking, before falling to the ground in laughter.

Cheese ran up to Pinkie, sticking his tongue out as she continued to laugh. "I told ya I'd win!"

Pinkie tried to recover, standing up, still giggling. "That's... that's not fa-"

Cheese put a hoof over her mouth, causing Pinkie to stop giggling and start blushing again.

"Oh, hush! It was very fair! Right, Boneless Two?" He replied, turning to a tree which the rubber chicken was sitting under. His neck drooped, showing he agreed. Cheese released his hoof from Pinkie's mouth.

Pinkie looked away. "W-whatever," she stammered, still embarrassed. Feeling his touch was enough to turn her into a blushing, stuttering mess. Cheese didn't notice this embarrassment, however, and gave her a smile, which sent her stomach spiraling into more butterflies.

"I'm gonna call everyone over for the piñata! Wanna help?" He asked, smiling even wider. Pinkie regained herself and smiled.

"Yep! Let's go!" She said, trotting in front of him. She kept her eyes in front, away from Cheese. She wanted to stare at him badly, however, the other half of her mind wanted to keep her glance away. The other half took control, causing her to internally sigh.

The two reached the piñata, and Cheese immediately took out a huge megaphone. "Hello, everypony! We're gonna be hitting the piñata now! All who wants a turn come over!" He yelled, capturing everyone's attention. Lightning was the first over, however.

"Can I take the first hit?" He asked, bouncing like a colt.

Cheese chuckled. "Of course! You're the birthday stallion!" He said, handing the stick to Lightning. He also quickly wrapped a blindfold around Lightning's eyes, shielding his vision. Lightning smirked, getting ready to swing. He took a swing at what he thought to be the piñata, but... missed horribly. Almost instantly, Limestone's laughter could be heard from the side.

Lightning took the blindfold out, glaring at Limestone. "Oh, you think you can do better, huh?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Limestone walked over and snatched the things from his hooves.

"Oh, I know so," she replied, making sure to bump him with her flank as she moved to the piñata. She tied the blindfold around her eyes, readying her hooves. She took a swing, making contact with the piñata. The piñata didn't hold, however. As soon as Limestone hit it, candy and confetti burst everywhere, many fillies and colts trying to pick everything up. Lightning stared at her in awe, his jaw nearly unhinged. Limestone smirked as she took off the blindfold and dropped the stick, walking up to the golden pegasus. She gave him a childish smirk, causing him to huff.

"S-shut up," he said, glancing away. Limestone laughed before walking away.

"C'mon, stud. Let's go do everything else!"

Lightning turned to follow her, leaving Pinkie laughing. She looked up to Cheese.

"So... what do you want to do?" She asked, now feeling as if she could stare at him forever. Cheese looked down to her.

"Hm... wanna go swimming in my fruit punch lake?"

The rest of the party flew by in a breeze. At the end of the night, everyone was completely worn out. Well, except for Pinkie and Cheese, of course.

Limestone walked over to the two party ponies. "Hey, great party, you two! I loved it!" She said, looking to Pinkie. "So... are we going back now? Lightning is whining to get back to the house."

"Am not!"

"Am too!" Limestone yelled back before bringing her attention back to Pinkie.

"Oh, sure thing!" She said. She looked to Cheese, suddenly remembering something.

"Um... Cheese?" She asked, biting her lip. "Um... I'm staying here with my sister tonight. Is it okay if I come with you to the next party?"

Cheese smiled. "Of course! I'm assuming I should stay around here tonight?"

Pinkie nodded. "Yep! Then we can get going tomorrow!"

"Good! Cause..." He looked back, his body starting to shake. He shot up into the air, falling back down again. He smiled. "Our next party is in Manehatten!" He said, throwing a hoof in the air. Pinkie smiled brightly.

"Great! See ya tomorrow, Cheese!" She said, walking away. She felt extremely weird doing this. The past few days, Pinkie had been with Cheese all hours of the day, and felt at home around him. Now, having to spend even a night away from him, felt hollow and empty.

Limestone looked down to her. "Oh, Pinkie?"

Pinkie looked up to her. "Yeah?"

Limestone smirked. "As soon as we get to the house... you have to give me every single detail of everything that has happened."

Pinkie gulped and nervously laughed. "Okay then!" She replied, walking a bit faster. Her mind instantly wandered to tomorrow. It was the day she had been waiting for, though the same day that gave her anxiety when she thought about it. The day she would confess to Cheese.

And she had to wait another few hours for that day to come.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed it! This chapter came out a bit longer than I originally predicted. Hooray for long chapters! :pinkiehappy:

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