• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,784 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Limestone: News

One of Limestone's eyes fluttered open. The next opened, her vision a little blurry. She shut her eyes again, her brain only half awake. All she knew was that she was in a different bed and there was a presence next to her. She then opened her eyes again to find Lightning lightly breathing, his hoof around her, which had pulled her closer. Her brain was now fully awake, and she smiled. She scooted away from Lightning and off the bed, stretching. She then saw Lightning stir and lift his head up, looking at Limestone. He gave her a smile.

"I see you're awake." He remarked as he sat up and stretched his wings. Limestone nodded and walked over to his side of the bed.

"What was your first clue?" She said as she flicked her tail sassily. Lightning got off the bed, not dropping her glance.

"Feeling you push my hoof away so you could get up. You didn't push it softly, either."

Limestone rolled her eyes. "Well, excuse me, princess!" She responded as she trotted over to the other side of the room, swishing her tail sassily once again. Lightning chuckled.

"Where are you going? You scared?" He asked as Limestone shook her head.

"No. I was going to find a desk," Limestone responded as Lightning tilted his head to the side.

"Why do you need a desk?" He asked as Limestone turned to face him.

"Because I need to write to my family. They're probably anxious to hear some news."

Lightning raised an eyebrow. "Oh? About me?"

Limestone nodded. "Yeah. If I don't tell them soon, they're probably gonna spam me with letters asking about everything. I better get started."

Lightning smiled. "Alright. Well, I'll be making breakfast. The desk is in the guest room. There's paper and quills that you can write with. Come down when you're ready!" Lightning finished as he walked out of the room and descended the stairs. Limestone stood in silence for a moment before walking over to the guest room and sitting in front of the desk. She picked up a piece of parchment paper and a quill and thought for a moment. She then put the quill to paper and started writing.

Good day, everypony! In case you haven't figured out, this is Limestone Pie writing to you about my experiences. I decided to write to you now before Pinkie Pie started sending a frenzy of letters in hopes of contacting me.

So... where to start? Well, the Choosing Stone led me to Vanhoover. I really like it here! It has nice landscapes, nice ponies, and nice weather. Although, I'm about as far away from the rock farm as I could get.

I met some new friends while here. They are all pegasi, and are really great fliers. One is Sapphire, who is a gym coach. Another is Speed Blast, who is the fastest out of her friends. They both are probably my best friends here. They've helped me a bit over the last couple days. There's also four stallions: Cloud Warrior, who is an expert at cloud busting, Stormy Night, who is awesome at creating storms, and Brave Flight, who is... well... a huge flirt. He's really good at stunts, though. Although, it seems like he has something to tease me about whenever I run into him.

So... that leaves just one pony out of the group of friends I joined. The one that I haven't mentioned is Lightning Drift. Lightning can create great lightning storms, and is amazing at flying. He is, well, the one that the Stone led me to.

I confessed my love to him yesterday, and he let me stay with him until I decide I want to leave. I had been staying at a hotel the last few days before confessing, and it was very nice. I just was unable to pay another night there.

He now knows that we're meant to be together, and seems happy about it. I'm definitely going to have to bring him by sometime. I'm sure he will love to meet you.

And, for Marble, Maud and Pinkie: I'll describe a bit of what the Choosing Stone is like, because I'm sure you're curious. Well, it's like mom and dad have described. The current is very strange: electrifying, but warm and loving at the same time. It was pretty easy to see where it led. Even though I doubted the Stone's powers for a bit, I soon realized that I was wrong. I thought it was impossible for Lightning to feel the same way about me. So, what I have to say is: don't doubt the Stone. You'll be with somepony who you love very soon after you touch it.

I'll be waiting a response. I hope you all are doing alright!

Sincerely, Limestone Pie

Limestone smiled at her letter before rolling it up to look like a scroll. She would have to get it copied to send to both Pinkie Pie and the rock farm. Well, she could do that later. She picked up the letter in her mouth and descended the stairs. She soon walked to the dining room to find some food stacked on the table, and Lightning walking in with a few bags of what looked like toppings. He met eye contact with Limestone and smiled.

"There you are! Do you need to get that mailed?" He asked as Limestone nodded.

"Yep. I also need to get it copied. Do you know where I could do that?" She asked as Lightning nodded.

"I do. We just need to go to the post office." He then took a seat at the table and gestured for Limestone to sit across from him. "We can do that on our way to tell our friends about us."

Limestone nodded. "That sounds good to me." She then sat across from him and looked at the meal on her plate. It looked like something Pinkie Pie would make in her bakery. It was soft, but warm. She looked up to Lightning in confusion.

"I'm sorry, but what is this?"

"A pancake," Lightning replied as Limestone face-hoofed in embarrassment. How did she not know that? Lightning gave a warm laugh before taking a few spoons of toppings to put on his. "There's maple syrup, chocolate chips, and blueberries that you can put on yours."

Limestone nodded and took a few blueberries, spreading them on top of her pancakes. She picked one up and took a bite, not used to the soft texture. She then smiled.

"Everything I try here is so good!" Limestone remarked as she continued eating her pancake. Lightning nodded.

"Yep! I mean, I love about every food, so of course I think everything's good."

Limestone playfully rolled her eyes. "No surprise there," she replied as she continued taking bites out of her pancakes. She soon was finished, and Lightning finished his at about the same time. Lightning then looked at the clock.

"Well, my friends should be awake now, so what do you say? Wanna go now?" He asked as he put the plates on the counter. Limestone nodded.


Lightning walked over to her, took the scroll, and held onto it with his wing. "Let's make this delivery first."

Limestone nodded. "That's alright with me."

The two then walked out of the house into the nice, morning air. It was chill and crisp, but very nice. The two then started walking to the left.

"I'll show you where the post office is. Then, you can send you letter to your family," Lightning said.

Limestone nodded. "That works." She then smiled and looked up to the sky. "It's a very nice day, isn't it?"

Lightning smiled down at her. "It is. And I haven't even cleared the skies yet today! I'll do that while you're dropping off your letter."

Limestone smiled even brighter when she saw his own. "That sounds good."

Lightning nodded as he looked ahead. "There's the post office! That building there," he said, pointing a hoof at it. He then gave the scroll to Limestone.

"I'll be back in a minute!" Limestone said as Lightning spread his wings.

"Don't take too long! It doesn't take me long to clear the skies!" Lightning replied as Limestone continued walking.

"Alright!" She replied before she trotted faster, wanting to get to the post office.

The two were standing in front of Stormy Night's house, about to knock on the door. Lightning did just that, and waited for a moment. Silence. He then tried again. This time, a bit of crashing and movement was heard. The door was soon opened to show Stormy. He looked to Lightning, and then to Limestone. He then glanced at them both again before smiling.

"It's nice to see you! And it's nice to see you finally cleared the skies, Lightning!" Stormy remarked as Lightning rolled his eyes and walked into the house, Limestone behind him.

"It's not like you would've done it any earlier," Lightning replied as he took a seat on the couch. Limestone sat next to him. The three let silence fill the small area before Stormy stretched his wings.

"So... why are you guys here? You seem flustered," he remarked as the two looked to the ground, Limestone's cheeks slightly more flushed than Lightning's. Lightning met his friend's glance with a sheepish grin.

"Well... you see..." he rubbed the back of his neck before continuing. "Limestone and I are... well..."

He paused for a moment before Stormy spoke up. "Coming to tell me to do my job better?"

Lightning shook his head. "No! We're your friends, not your boss." He then paused before continuing. "We're... together."

Stormy stood in silence before his eyes grew wide. "As in... romantically?"

Lightning nodded. "You got that right."

Stormy gave the two a smile, which soon turned into a smirk. "I knew it."

Limestone hid her flushed face in her hooves. Lightning raised an eyebrow. "How?"

Stormy flipped a bit of his mane out of his face before answering. "Well, while seeing you and Limestone alone together, I deducted that there could be something more going on. And, you and Limestone seemed really close together when I was watching. Not to mention how flustered you both looked when we were teasing you the other day."

Lightning nodded and used a hoof motion to cut him off. "Yeah, yeah. I get it." He then smiled. "Well, that's your news for the day!"

Stormy gave another smirk. "And good news, at that."

Lightning nodded. "Yeah. We need to tell the others now."

Stormy chuckled. "Good luck. You're gonna have an afternoon full of teasing."

Lightning rolled his eyes before opening the door for Limestone, who walked out. "Yeah, yeah. Tell me about it."

Stormy gave another laugh. "Alright! I guess I'll see you two later!"

"See ya!" Lightning and Limestone said before the door was shut. They descended the stairs before Limestone spoke up.

"That honestly wasn't that bad," she remarked as Lightning nodded.

"Yeah. Stormy's the one that would tease the least about this kind of stuff."

Limestone looked to the ground. "Oh. Oh well. It's all in good spirits."

Lightning smiled. "Yeah. It shows that they care about us. If they didn't, they wouldn't be poking fun."

Limestone nodded. "Yeah. That's always a good thing."

Lightning looked around to find a small house with a black chimney sticking out of a brown roof. He then smiled.

"There's Cloud Warrior's house."

Limestone smiled as well. "Alright."

The two reached the door and knocked. This time, the door was answered almost right away. Cloud Warrior looked at them and smiled.

"What brings you two by today?" He asked as Limestone flushed again, finding it hard to tell others about her and Lightning. Lightning's face turned red as well.

"Well... we have something to tell you." He then cleared his throat, seeming nervous, even though he had already said it once. "Limestone and I are... well... in a relationship."

Cloud Warrior spread his wings and got a teasing smirk on his face. "Oh, that's great! Lightning's striking it out with the new mare!"

Lightning's ears folded back, though a smile inched its way up his face. "Stop it."

Cloud Warrior gave him a slap on the shoulder. "Lightning, don't be so serious! I would think you would be proud about this."

"I-I am!" Lightning stuttered, his face growing redder.

Cloud Warrior chuckled. "You seem embarrassed, too. I've never seen you so red in the face." He then let out another small laugh. "Well, besides the time when you heard that ponies thought you were attracted to stallions."

Lightning's flush now reached the tips of his ears. "Please don't bring that up again."

Cloud folded his wings and gave the two a smile. "Limestone, if he ever doesn't do or give you something you want him to, just tell me. I'll teach him how to treat a mare right."

Lightning rolled his eyes. "Since when have you been the love master?"

"Since my last mare-friend left me. I realized I wasn't being very... well... good to her." He then paused before continuing. "Well, she was also a huge jerk."

Lightning nodded. "Yeah. She hated my guts. Come to think about it, she hated everypony's guts except yours."

Cloud rolled his eyes. "Now she hates me. But that's out of the picture, and I don't care." He then ruffled his wings before continuing. "So... I wish you two luck!"

Limestone and Lightning waved goodbye, and Cloud returned it. He then turned back into his house and shut the door, and Limestone and Lightning descended the stairs. They started walking before Limestone spoke up.

"I feel bad for Cloud Warrior. It sounds like he didn't have a great experience with love."

Lightning nodded. "Yeah. He really didn't."

Limestone's ears folded back. "Lightning?"


"Well..." Limestone looked to the ground, almost seeming scared. "If I ever act like that... like the mare Cloud was talking about... can you tell me, please?"

The two stood in silence before Lightning put a wing over her back. "Limestone, I guarantee that you will never be like her. I knew she was unpleasant from the start, I just never told Cloud in fears of hurting him."

Limestone nodded. "I didn't come off as unpleasant, did I?"

Lightning looked down to her. "Of course not! I wouldn't have fallen in love with you if you were unpleasant!"

Limestone gave a smile, her face growing warmer. "T-thank you for the reassurance."

"No problem." He then leaned a bit closer to her.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A voice asked. Lightning and Limestone stole their glances away from each other to find Brave Flight looking at them, a smirk on his face. The two's faces grew even redder, and Lightning quickly tucked in his wing. Limestone stepped away from Lightning awkwardly, looking at the ground. Brave gave a chuckle.

"I knew it! You two are together, aren't you?"

Lightning nodded, still embarrassed that somepony saw them so close. "Y-yeah. We were just on our way to tell you, in fact."

Brave's smirk grew. "I hope you know that we all suspected something was going on between you two. It's not like you haven't made it obvious."

"Yeah, yeah, we know," Lightning said as Brave looked at Limestone.

"Lightning, your mare seems embarrassed to be with you."

Lightning raised an eyebrow. "She's embarrassed because of you."

Brave pretended to look offended. "Why, I don't embarrass mares! I make them happy and fluttery!"

Lightning rolled his eyes. "Yeah, keep dreaming."

"What? It's true!" Brave responded as his glance traveled from Lightning to Limestone, and then back to Lightning. "So... when's your first date?"

Limestone looked up. "Pardon?"

"Y'know, first date."

Lightning looked around, a nervous expression on his face. "I-I'm not sure."

Brave spread his wings. "You don't know when your first date is going to be?"


"I suggest you take her out soon. You two are together. The least you can do is show her a good time on a date."

Lightning nodded. "You're right. I'll come up with something for a few nights from now."

Limestone looked up to Lightning. "Lightning, you don't have to-"

"Brave is right. What kind of colt-friend am I if I don't take you out?" He asked.


"I'll plan something." He then looked at Brave. "Thank you. I'll see you... soon, I guess?"

"Well, you might see me a few days from now. Considering how much I lay around and do nothing, of course."

Lightning nodded. "Yeah."

"Yeah. See you soon!" Brave replied as he took off into the sky. The two watched him take off as Lightning looked down to Limestone.

"Ready to go?" He asked as Limestone nodded.

"Yeah." The two then walked to Lightning's house, keeping almost no distance between them.

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