• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,784 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Limestone: Reasonings and Explanations

Limestone and Sapphire exchanged awkward glances when they stepped outside the restaurant. It seemed like everypony else was looking to the ground, a bit embarrassed.

"That was... interesting..." Limestone said, looking all around.

"Yeah. Very," Sapphire responded. Limestone then thought about what happened. What Lightning had said. A question burdened on her mind.

"Uh... has Lightning dated... before?" She got out. Sapphire stood in silence for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah. He dated three different mares before you came along. Why do you ask?" she replied as she brushed some of her mane out of her face. "Oh, but I can guarantee that he loves you more than he ever loved any of them!"

Limestone smiled and looked up to her. "I was curious. And thanks. But it doesn't bug me anyway. It just... concerns me what he will be feeling now. He probably just wanted to treat a mare to a really good date."

Sapphire put a hoof on her shoulder. "I think you should go talk to him. Apologize on our behalf. He won't want to talk to us," she said, looking down as her ears folded back. Brave's ears perked up as he looked over.

"I don't care if he doesn't want to see us! I need to apologize to him. I really, really shouldn't have done that," he said with a hint of sadness in his voice. Cloud Warrior looked over to him.

"I've never seen you so persistent to apologize, Brave. Normally you just let things go."

Brave nodded. "I know. But I also know that I would be upset too if I actually won a mare's heart for once and my friends ruined my time with her. I... I really should have thought before I did this. And now, I must say this to Lightning. I would feel horrible not resolving this."

Stormy smiled at him. "I always knew you had a heart in that tough exterior," he said, his voice having a small hint of teasing in it. Brave smiled.

"I-I guess so." He then looked ahead. "Let's fly over to Lightning's place. It's not far away... but..." he then looked to Limestone. "I can carry you on my back, and then we could get there faster."

Limestone shook her head, even though part of her loved the idea of being in the open skies again. "No thank you. I would rather walk. I have some thinking to do."

Brave slowly nodded as he spread his wings. "Alright. We'll see you at Lighting's house."

Limestone nodded. "I won't take too long."

With that, the five were off into the skies. Limestone would probably arrive five minutes after they started talking to Lightning. She turned and took a few hoof-steps forward. Her mind then drifted to the dinner... well... date she just experienced. She had only drank a bit of water and stared at Lightning the whole time. Even with the interruption, she still really enjoyed it.

She desperately hoped Lightning would forgive and forget. He didn't seem like the type to hold grudges, but then again, she had only known him for about a week.

She soon saw Lightning's house, and her walk became a fast trot. She soon reached the stairs and opened the door, which was unlocked. She slowly opened it to find Brave trying to explain something to Lightning, who was angrily looking away.

"Lightning... I'm... I'm sorry. I can... bring back the date for you two! I can pay for it and apologize to the restaurant, too!" Brave said, coming up with concessions off the top of his head. Lightning looked up to him. Limestone caught a glance of his eyes. She had never seen them so filled with anger. She had only seen them filled with love. She felt like she could shrink and disappear. Lightning didn't look like he was going to let up so easily.

"No, I'm fine. We're fine. I'll just take her on another date. I'm sure the restaurant wouldn't want to see us back, either," he replied, his voice growing angrier.

"Lightning, I can say it was my fault! I can then give you two a nice dinner!"

Lightning shook his head. "I'm sorry, but we're fine. I appreciate your apologies, but..."

"Lightning, don't shut him out like this! Don't shut us out! We're sorry!" Sapphire interrupted, her voice having a small spark of anger. Speed nodded.

"This is the first time I've seen Brave being apologetic. Come on. Don't take it too hard," she said as Lightning drifted his glance to her.

"Don't take it too hard?! Do you know how much effort I put into this date?!" Silence filled the room as he continued. "I booked at the most expensive restaurant in town. I got the best tables they had. I even paid more for them to surprise Limestone with a cake after dinner! I actually tried to make this date the best I've ever thought of..." his mind then trailed off as his form deflated. "I just... well... wanted to have something very special for the mare I love the most."

Upon hearing this, Limestone felt her cheeks grow warm. She looked to Lightning, and met his eyes. She then took a few steps forward.

"Lightning, I know you wanted to make it really special... but... you didn't have to go all out." She stopped as his ears perked up, showing he was listening. "You see... I love the effort you put into pleasing me... but... I just don't feel right being spoiled that much. Even though the date ended in a disaster, I really enjoyed it."

Lightning's eyes widened. "R-really? But... but you didn't get to eat anything!"

Limestone nodded. "I didn't. But it was still great nonetheless."

Lightning tilted his head. "How?"

Limestone stepped a little closer. "Well, I was with you, of course. Just give me your time, and the date will be good in my opinion."

Lightning smiled. "I just... well... wanted to make it memorable."

"And it was memorable, indeed. I don't think I'm ever gonna forget tonight. Don't feel like you did something wrong."

Lightning grew an even larger smile as he quickly pressed his lips up against hers. It lasted for a few seconds before they broke apart.

"T-thanks," Lightning said, stepping away from Limestone. Brave gave Lightning a chuckle.

"Are we all good, Mr. Romantic?"

Lightning looked at all of them and smiled. "Y-yeah. We're fine. Thank you all for apologizing. Sorry I was kind of a pain in the flank to apologize to."

Brave waved a hoof. "You're fine! I understand how angry you must have been." He then looked to Limestone. "To get on a different and happier subject, do you want to have another soccer game with us tomorrow? It will be fun!"

Limestone nodded. "Sure!"

"Alright. So... I guess I can meet you all tomorrow in front of the restaurant we were at tonight?"

Speed raised an eyebrow. "Why there?"

Brave looked over at her. "I need to apologize there, duh!" He replied as he opened the door. "So... I'll see you all tomorrow!"

"See ya!" Everypony said as he flew out. The other four left as well, leaving Limestone and Lightning in silence. Lightning closed the door and looked over to Limestone.

"Ah, classic Brave. Always moving on from serious topics."

Limestone smiled. "Yeah."

Lightning nodded. "Yeah. Let's get ready for bed, shall we?"

Limestone shifted a bit in the bed, getting in a more comfortable position. Lightning pulled her closer as she snuggled against him. Her mind then drifted to other thoughts.


"Yeah?" He replied. Limestone sat in silence for a moment as she felt his chest rise and fall from breathing.

"Sapphire... told me something about you today. Is it true that you dated three other mares before me?"

Lightning didn't say anything for a moment. Limestone could feel his fore-hooves become tense.

"Yes. That-that is true."

"Well... why did you leave them?" She asked as Lightning let out a sigh.

"Well, the first one just wasn't what I was looking for in life. She was pretty, sure, but I found out later that she didn't have the personality that struck me fancy. She felt the same about me after we dated for a short time. The second one took advantage of me for about everything. I let her go, since it didn't seem like she really loved me. The third cheated on me, and I left her because I couldn't trust her with my love anymore."

Limestone took all of this in. "I'm... I'm sorry."

"Don't be! It's fine. I'm happy I left them. You are a much better mare than they could ever be."

"Oh, you flatter me too much," Limestone replied.

"What kind of stallion-friend would I be if I didn't flatter you all the time? It's just natural for me to do that," Lightning replied as Limestone let out a light giggle.

"Okay, okay. I guess I can let you be happy." She then let another wave of silence wash over the two. "But on another note... do you feel like you are obligated to treat me like a princess or something?"

"What makes you say that?" Lightning asked.

"Well... the date you set up for me tonight. It just... seems like you're afraid I would... leave. Or something like that."

Silence. There was a lot of silence on this given night. "Uh... well... I guess you could say that is... almost true. Completely true. I don't want to feel like I'm lacking when it comes to love. You deserve much more than what I can do for you."

Limestone smiled. "T-thanks. But I really don't. You deserve much more than I do. You've done so much for me, and I've just... kind of sat here and did nothing to progress our relationship."

"Oh, you did. You're the one who started it."

"Nope. You kissed me after I confessed to you, so you were the one who started it," Limestone responded.

"Well... that's true... but I would have never confessed for quite a while if you haven't stepped up." He stopped for a moment. "But... it doesn't matter. We're together, and will always be there for each other. Right?"

"Yeah." Limestone then thought of everything that happened the last couple days. She had already been through quite a lot. "I promise that I will never leave you or misuse you. Don't fear that possibility."

"Why would I fear it?"

Limestone thought. "Well... I don't know. I know I don't fear us separating. The Choosing Stone has picked the perfect stallion for me, and I don't think neither of us ever want to split up."

"No. Not ever. I've seen more of your heart the last few days than any other mare I dated. And I love every part of you."

Limestone felt her face warm up. "T-thanks, I guess. I-I feel the same way about you."

Lightning smiled. "Well... Thanks, I guess. I think we should get some sleep now."

Limestone smiled back. "I agree."

With that, the two shut their eyes, and began to drift off to sleep.

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