• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Pinkie: Surprise Encounters

Celestia's golden sun was peaking over the horizon, shining right in Pinkie Pie's face. Pinkie shielded her tired eyes from the rays, groaning a bit.

After finally leaving the outhouse the night before, Pinkie went over to a small, nearby lake and sat down there. She talked to Cheese a bit, or at least tried to, but she couldn't cheer herself up again. Putting on a fake smile in a situation like this was one of the hardest things she's ever had to do.

Pinkie tried to get to sleep by the lake, but was facing a horrible case of insomnia. So, she stared at the water the entire night, trying to get her mind on something else. She wanted to get up and leave, but something was keeping her there. Some force. She didn't know what to feel, and was more confused than ever.

She dipped her front hooves in the water, feeling the refreshing chill lapping around her fur. It relaxed her for a bit, helping her feel a bit more at ease. I'll just stay here for a while... She thought to herself. She was sure Cheese wouldn't be up till later, so she could relax a bit longer before walking again.

The cutting of air was soon heard around her, much like Rainbow Dash was practicing her Wonderbolts flying routine in the sky. Something flew right above her, causing her mane to fly back. It was a strong gust of air, and definitely felt like Rainbow Dash was above her right now.

She looked up, but didn't see anything.

I'm so silly. Why would Dash be here anyway? She thought to herself, shaking her head and staring back at her reflection in the water.

"HEYA! YOU LOOK FAMILIAR!" A high pitched voice called from behind Pinkie. It wasn't nearly as high as Pinkie's voice, but it shared the same enthusiasm Pinkie's voice normally had. Pinkie turned around to find a pair of white hooves. She looked up to see this pony was a mare. She had her wings unfolded, and a poofy yellow mane. She reminded Pinkie a lot of herself.

"I do?" Pinkie asked. Her vocal cords were a bit hoarse, so she coughed a bit to clear them up.

The mare nodded her head. "Yep! And OH! THAT'S WHERE I KNOW YOU!" She replied, earning an eyebrow raise from Pinkie. "You're Pinkie Pie! One of the best party ponies in Equestria!"

Pinkie's ears flicked and she cracked a small smile. "Yep. That's me."

The pegasus started hovering. "Ohmygosh! It's great to finally meet you!" She said, stretching her hoof out. Pinkie took it. "My teammate Rainbow Crash always talks about ya! I've always wanted to meet you!"

"Really? Why? And... Rainbow Dash is my best friend. Are you a-"

"Wonderbolt? Yeah, of course!" She landed on the ground again, smiling so hard her face looked like it was going to break into two. "And I've wanted to meet you because I'm a party pony, too!" She said, showing Pinkie her flank. It had three purple balloons on it in the arrangement of Pinkie's.

"Wow! I've never heard of you. Who are you, anyway?" Pinkie replied, her mane poofing up only a little bit more.

"The name's Surprise! Wonderbolt and professional party pony!" Surprise responded, spreading her wings and lifting her head up. Pinkie's eyes widened.


Surprise nodded. "Yeperooni! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a lazy stallion to wake up," she said as she gave Pinkie another bright smile before bouncing away to the direction of Cheese Sandwich.

Pinkie watched the mare bounce away for a few seconds before turning her attention back to the water. As she looked at her reflection, she noticed how much her mane had deflated. It wasn't nearly as straight as it was when she thought nopony wanted to show up to her party a few years back, but it was a little deflated. It really lacked its usual life.

Her ears twitched uncomfortably at the sound of loud voices behind her. She started feeling a little dizzy again. She dipped her head in the water, cooling herself off a bit more. She took it out of the water and turned to the right to find a huge smile in front of her. Startled, she jumped up.

"Why did you have your head underwater, silly?" Surprise asked, still grinning.

"Because it's hot out here," Pinkie replied, shaking the water off of her head, making her mane a bit more poofy.

Surprise pulled a thermometer out of nowhere and looked at it in confusion. "But it's only... seventy degrees! It's super nice!"

Pinkie's ear flicked. "But I was still hot," she said, looking to the ground.

Surprise shrugged. "Eh, each their own, I guess," she said before gasping. "Oh, right! I almost forgot to tell ya!"

Pinkie raised a brow. "Tell me what?"

"We're leaving to go to Vanhoover now! I got Cheesy up, so we're all ready!" Surprise replied, hovering into the air a bit.

Pinkie's eyes widened. "Wait... you're coming with us to Vanhoover?"

Surprise rapidly nodded her head. "Yep! It'll be so much fun with three different party ponies!" She took off into the sky, shattering an air cone as she did so. She quickly returned, giggling. "Whoops! I forgot we had to walk!" She said as she landed next to Pinkie. Cheese walked over.

"Hey, guys. Ready?"

"As I'll ever be!" Surprise answered, fluttering her feathers.

"Sure," Pinkie said, keeping her glance to the ground. Cheese nodded, smiled at them, and started walking.

"Well, let's go! We have to get there on time!"

Surprise bobbed her head. "Yep!"

Cheese looked back to Surprise. "You still haven't given me a straight answer, Surprise."

Surprise tilted her head to the side. "Straight answer about what?"

"Well, why you suddenly appeared today. I didn't think you had the time to come!"

Surprise giggled, having to lean on Pinkie from her laughter. Pinkie tried to step away, but realized Surprise would fall on the ground if she did. To Pinkie's happiness, Surprise stood back up normally, and calmed her laughing fit.

"We had off today, Cheesy! I thought you knew my schedule!"

Cheese's ear flicked. "Oh. Whoops!"

Surprise hovered into the air. "Yep! I always mark the days I have off, cause that means I can come find you with my Surprise Sense!"

Pinkie looked away and rolled her eyes.

Cheese smiled. "Well, I haven't checked your calendar in a while. I've been kinda busy with party planning."

Surprise nodded. "Oh, I understand! Have I told you about the party I planned for the Wonderbolts the other day?"

Cheese shook his head. "Nope."

Surprise smiled at the memories and looked between Cheese and Pinkie. "Well, I guess I'll just tell both of you, then!" Surprise said, giggling.

"Sure," Pinkie replied, wanting to tune out Surprise. However, Rainbow Dash did mention having a really fun Wonderbolts party the other day, and Pinkie had been curious about everything that happened. Dash wasn't able to tell her, though, cause she had a lot of training to do for the newest routine. If Dashie won't tell me, Surprise can.

Surprise reclined in the air, keeping herself afloat by gentle flaps of her wings. "So, as I was exercising the other day in the Wonderbolt gym, I realized how long it was since we had a party! So, after dinner, I went right to planning! After dinner the next day, I quickly turned the compound into a huge party place! Everypony was so excited!

"We had our normal party fun, and the punch bowl landed on Lightning Streak's head, but then again, what's new? The party drew into the night, and soon we got tired of dancing, so we decided to play truth or dare." Surprise started giggling uncontrollably. "Blaze dared Fleetfoot to kiss a super strong security guard near the front entrance! And, because of the rules and Fleetfoot's obvious attraction to the guy, she did it! You should have seen Spitfire, Soarin, and Dash! They were crying!"

Cheese chuckled. "That sounds like quite the party!"

Surprise nodded. "Oh, it was!" She turned to Pinkie. "What do you think, Pinks?"

Pinkie's ears slightly folded back at the nickname, but she anyway smiled. "That does sound fun," she answered. She was, in fact, being truthful. It definitely sounded like a fun party.

Surprise smiled. "I'm glad you think so! Getting a compliment from one of the best party ponies in Equestria means a lot to me!" She said, earning a slight smile from Pinkie. Even though Surprise had her stallion, Pinkie couldn't help but feel heart-warmed at the compliment. It was obvious that Surprise looked up to her, and that really made Pinkie feel happy.

I guess I should probably talk to her a bit. I probably seem rude... She started to think to herself. However, I can't help but be mad at her at the same time. What should I do?

Pinkie bit her lip, looking between Surprise and Cheese. Surprise had flown up beside Cheese, and was hovering very close to him. Something in Pinkie sparked. She took a breath, holding it in.

If I talk to her, she'll get away from Cheese... Pinkie thought. She quickly came up with a conversation starter.

"So, Surprise, what is the best party you've ever planned?" She asked. Surprise whipped her head around to face Pinkie, beaming.

"Oh my gosh, my mom's fiftieth birthday! I need to tell you about it!"

As Surprise went on and on about how she made an awesome party for her mom, Pinkie couldn't help but smile a bit. Surprise looked eager to share the story, and wouldn't stop smiling. She reminded Pinkie a lot of herself.

Well, when I'm not infatuated with a taken stallion, Pinkie thought, her mane deflating a bit at the thought.

"Hey? Are you okay?" Surprise suddenly asked in the middle of her story. Somehow, she noticed Pinkie's sudden sadness. Pinkie quickly regained her large smile.

"Yeah! Why do you ask?" Pinkie asked, trying her hardest to keep her mane its usual, large, poofy self.

Surprise raised a brow. "Well, you just looked kinda sad," Surprise said. Pinkie's tail flicked.

"Well, I'm not. I appreciate the concern, though," Pinkie said. Surprise nodded, hovering into the air.

"Should I continue on my story?" She asked. Pinkie nodded.

"Sure thing!" She said, earning a bright smile from Surprise. The pegasus continued on her story, her tone filled with pure happiness.

Pinkie's ear flicked with irritation as she watched the two ponies in front of her. Surprise had finished her story, talked with Pinkie for a few more minutes, and then flew back up to Cheese Sandwich, chattering her mouth off.

Pinkie's hoof-steps were heavy and laborious, but she continued. She watched as Cheese said something to Surprise, earning a loud roar of laughter to emit from the mare.

Pinkie grunted. She was the awkward third wheel, and she did not like it. Especially since she was forced to see and listen to the stallion the Choosing Stone led her to talk with another mare. Surprise had been nuzzling him every few seconds, which was just another factor that really tested Pinkie's patience.

Pinkie had contemplated turning around and leaving several times. She could probably use the Choosing Stone again, and be led to somepony who actually likes her. It's not like the two lovebirds would miss her at all.

The giggly mare in front of Pinkie stopped talking when Cheese interrupted her, his tone serious.

"Surprise, may I talk with you in private? Over there?" He asked, pointing.

Surprise nodded. "Sure thing, Cheesy!" She replied as she flew over to the direction Cheese was heading. Pinkie watched them leave, a low growl emiting from her throat.

Pinkie turned away from the couple, not wanting to look at either of them anymore. Her eyes started to gloss over again, tears of anger pouring down her cheeks. Now that they weren't near her, they wouldn't see her sadness and frustration making itself known.

A sharp glare formed in Pinkie's eyes, piercing through the tears.

"Why am I still here?!" She said to herself, her voice inhabiting an edge that would even scare Rainbow Dash. She turned and started trotting away, her vision foggy. She got quite far away from the talking couple, taking deep breaths, snarling.

"'Surprise, let's talk alone so we don't have to deal with Pinkie Pie!'" Pinkie mocked, rolling her eyes.

"'Sure thing, Cheesy! It's not like we need her with us anyway!'" Pinkie continued, looked at the road ahead in irritation. She breathed out of her nostrils, her tone becoming more and more angrier.

"URGH! WHY DID LIMESTONE AND MAUD GET THE GOOD LUCK?!" She screamed into the sky. "I'm stuck with a stallion who would never care for me! He has Surprise! His beloved, dear, cherished, Surprise!" She continued. "I should just head back. It's not like anypony here cares about me anyway..." She said to herself.

Pinkie heard a deflating sound, feeling mane trickle down her shoulders. She looked to her side to see that her mane had completely deflated, and was now long and straight. Her tail was the same way. She sighed and started walking away, trying to remember where the closest train station is.

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