• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,784 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Pinkie: Dancing in the Rain

Pinkie woke up to light rain falling on her face. Her nose scrunched up as she looked around to see that it was quite cloudy, and the trees she and Cheese were under only covered them a bit from the downpour.

Pinkie stepped out from under the trees, feeling the rain drip all over her coat and seep into her mane. She smiled at the sensation. The rain wasn't falling too hard, and was a nice contrast to the last few days, which were hot and humid. She sat on the ground and felt the chilly drops hit her, closing her eyes so they wouldn't fall right into them.

Pinkie turned to find Cheese slightly stirring. A sinister smirk climbed her face as she pulled a bucket out of her mane. She then squeezed her mane above the bucket, filling it to the brim with water. She approached Cheese, and with a giggle, splashed the water all over his head.

"AH!" Cheese shrieked in surprise as he woke, earning loud giggles from Pinkie.

"Gotcha!" She said, now falling over and rolling on the ground in laughter. Cheese snickered.

"Oh, you think so?" He asked, getting up.

Pinkie nodded and stood up as well. "Oh, I know so," she said, sticking her tongue out.

Cheese rummaged through his mane and pulled out... a gigantic water gun. Pinkie gasped.

"Oh, it's so on!" She replied. She pulled a large, pink, water gun out of her mane, opening up the little cartridge to fill the gun with rain water.

"Let's get going. Remember to keep your eyes behind you at all times," Cheese warned, stepping away. Pinkie stuck a hoof out.

"Wait! We haven't even eaten breakfast yet! We can't leave yet!" Pinkie said. Cheese snorted and ate a jalapeno pepper.

"I still have some peppers from yesterday," he replied. Pinkie lowered her eyelids.

"Is this a challenge?"

Cheese raised an eyebrow. "A challenge about what?"

Pinkie snorted. "Who will eat the most bizzare food for breakfast, duh!" Pinkie replied. Cheese smirked.

"I dunno, is it?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

Pinkie smirked back at him. "Well then... challenge accepted!" She replied. She immediately took out a huge ghost pepper. "I think I'm winning, Cheese."

Cheese pulled out a beach chair and reclined, wearing 3-D glasses. "Oh, this'll be entertaining," he said, throwing popcorn into his mouth. Pinkie huffed.

"You really have no faith in me," Pinkie replied. She stuffed the pepper in her mouth, but as soon as she did, her face turned completely red and she rocketed into the sky, leaving a smoking trail behind her. Cheese, meanwhile, was cracking up.

Pinkie landed on the ground after being airborne for a few seconds, spit the pepper out, and rubbed her tongue. She let some rain fall on it, enjoying the chill now more than ever. Cheese had now fallen off of his chair in laughter, and his glasses were sliding off his face. After Pinkie recovered, she shot Cheese a glare.

"You suck," she said, taking out her water gun. Cheese took notice, and immediately changed his demeanor. He took the chair and glasses away, and replaced them with his own water gun. However, Pinkie's was near full. She squirted it right at his face, laughing as the water slapped against him. Pinkie immediately started bouncing away, making sure to keep her eyes all around her at all times.

Cheese immediately let the now growing drops of rain fall into his gun. He aimed towards Pinkie, hoping to get her the second her eyes drifted away. He studied her closely, and as soon as she looked towards her front, he shot the gun. Water hit Pinkie's back, earning a groan from Pinkie and laughter from Cheese.

"Oh, come on!" Pinkie yelled into the sky. Cheese laughed even louder, causing pinkie to shoot him. She hit him in the forehead, and then she moved the water down his chest and soaked his fur even more. Pinkie giggled and zoomed away. Cheese tried his best to run after the mare and fill up his gun at the same time, but he found it a little hard. He stopped, looked to his right, and saw a large hill nearby. He smirked as a plan crawled its way into his brain.

Pinkie flopped down on a wet hill, which was already starting to become soppy with mud. Pinkie had chosen the only part of grass that wasn't muddy, though she knew she would run out of luck soon. She opened the hatchet in her gun and watched as water started filling up. She giggled as she watched it, hoping that Cheese would arrive soon.

Momentarily, the gun was filled with water. Pinkie looked all around her, but saw no sign of Cheese anywhere. She had the feeling deep inside of her that he was going to jump out of nowhere, so she kept her eyes steeled for him. He wouldn't be hard to find, of course. She did like him.

A warm blush made its way up Pinkie's cheeks, a contrast to the chilly rain that was still pattering all over Pinkie. She knew they were almost to Vanhoover. It was almost time for her plan to take place.

She couldn't think about it for long, though. She felt chilly water being shot at her side, causing her ears to stand straight up in alarm. As the water ceased, she looked over to see Cheese standing on top of a large hill. He was laughing, and Pinkie pouted.

"Darn it!" She yelled. She pumped up her water gun, aiming at the hill. However, Cheese jumped off of it, avoiding the incoming water. Pinkie immediately hid behind a tree, letting the heavy drops of water dropping from the leaves fill her gun. She looked from right to left, but didn't see Cheese anywhere. She sighed in relief as she noticed her gun was almost completely filled with water. She closed her gun up, and got ready to fire. When she looked out, however, Cheese was nowhere to be found.

"Oh, I'm not falling for this one again," Pinkie said to herself, crawling out from behind the tree. She kept her eyes open, making sure to keep all of the surrounding area in her field of vision. She didn't see a sight of anything brown or yellow. She stepped out a bit further, looking everywhere for Cheese.

As she looked to her right, she saw a brown tail sticking out from some bushes. She smirked as she shot it, giggling. Though, to her surprise, she felt a stream of water come from behind her as she was shooting his tail.

She quickly turned to find Cheese shooting her, chuckling. Pinkie looked from the tail in the bushes to Cheese.

"I see you fell for my decoy," he said, walking over to the bushes and picking up the tail. It wasn't attached to anything, and earned a gape from Pinkie.

"Oh, come on! I fell for that?!" Pinkie remarked, face-hoofing.

"I'll say so!" Cheese replied, stuffing the tail away and laughing.

Pinkie pointed to Cheese. "You're unfair."

Cheese shook his head, raising an eyebrow. "No, I'm smart and know how to fake you out."

Pinkie snorted. "Yeah, right."

Cheese raised a hoof into the air. "But I just did!"

Pinkie giggled and snorted. "Whoops!" She replied, earning a snicker from Cheese.

The two looked into the sky as they felt the raindrops lighten. Sure enough, the rain clouds were moving away. There was still a good sprinkle, but not too much.

"No!" Pinkie yelled to the sky. "We can't have our water gun war anymore!" Pinkie stuffed her face into the ground. Cheese fell onto his back.

"Darn! It was a lot of fun while it lasted, though."

Pinkie pulled her head out of the ground, which had some dirt on it. Pinkie shook the dirt off of her face. "Yeah, it sure was! I hope it rains again so we can continue!"

Cheese nodded, standing up. "Yep! Though, I think we should really get going now. We're getting closer to Vanhoover."

Pinkie stood up as well. "Yep! Let's go!" She replied, bouncing ahead. Cheese trotted to catch up to her, smirked, and then continued walking at a normal pace. He then pulled his western clothes and Boneless 2 out of his tail and put them on.

"Wait... why did you stuff your clothes and Boneless in your tail?" Pinkie asked.

"Boneless Two," Cheese corrected.

Pinkie's eyes widened. "Whoops! Sorry Boneless Two! Anyway... why did you?"

Cheese shrugged. "I didn't want them to get wet last night."

Pinkie nodded. "Ah." She said. She looked to Boneless 2, who seemed to be looking at her.

"Hi, Boneless Two!" She greeted. Boneless didn't stir, causing Pinkie to raise a brow.

Cheese looked back to Boneless. "Oh, don't worry about him. He's just tired," he said, tapping Boneless on the head.

Pinkie nodded. "Alright then!" She replied. Pinkie then scanned Cheese's body, which was still dripping wet from the rain and water gun fight. She wanted badly to press herself up against him, and feel all warm...

Ugh, I'm turning into Rarity! Pinkie thought, her eyes widening. She didn't realize it before, but she had been swooning quite a lot the past few days. Thinking of Cheese, staring at Cheese, it was all Cheese with her. Pinkie could practically feel herself turning into Rarity. Like the horn was going to start forming on her head.

Pinkie couldn't meet eyes with Cheese currently, but she wanted to. It was easy to get lost in his eyes; they looked like emeralds shining in the sunlight. Pinkie knew he would find it weird if she was just staring at him like that, but she wanted to. She wanted to feel lost in love. In the past, Rarity would have bored them all by saying how amazing love felt. The only one who really absorbed her words was Fluttershy, and even she didn't listen to every rant about love Rarity went on. However, thinking back on it, Rarity was completely right. Love really did feel amazing. Pinkie wanted to jump around and smile until her face broke.

Pinkie thought about it a bit more. If her plan works out, she would be the first one of her friends to get into a relationship! Well, unless someone else did in the last few days, but that seemed highly unlikely. Heck, Pinkie would even beat Rarity if things worked out. Rarity had been on dates before, but had never actually been in a relationship. Which is a bit of a surprise for Rarity. Though, she always seems to fall for the wrong stallions.

When did this become a contest? Pinkie thought to herself. She shrugged, because she knew it was a contest she was going to win. She was determined.

Her thoughts started to run wild again, which could be a bad thing, considering Cheese was right next to her. Pinkie craved contact; she always wants to touch her friends to feel safer. It was extremely hard currently, considering Pinkie knew for sure she would embarrass herself to no extent if she pressed herself against Cheese.

Though, it would be nice and warm... Pinkie thought, realizing she was shivering a bit from her wet fur. She snorted when she realized she could easily get all the water off of her fur. "Be right back!" She said as she bounced over to the side, and shook her body off like a dog. When she approached Cheese again, she was completely dry.

"Oh, and I just calculated a few things in my mind. We're going to be in Vanhoover in about two days," Cheese said. Pinkie beamed.

"Really?! That's great!" She replied. She looked out into the sky, a wave of excitement overtaking her.

Vanhoover. She couldn't wait.

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