• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Marble: Meet and Greet

Marble walked down the stairs to find everyone else already in the house, Applejack not in sight. After looking at the clock on the wall, she realized how long she slept in. She then joined everyone who was near the door of the barn.

"Hello," Marble greeted. Twilight smiled.

"Oh, hi! We were wondering when you were coming down!"

Marble blushed. "Sorry. I overslept."

Twilight giggled. "Oh, it's okay!" Her voice toned down to a whisper. "We were told not to tell Applejack's family what's going on. They know Applejack has something to say, but don't know what."

Marble nodded her head. "Oh, okay. Where is Applejack?"

Twilight pointed outside. "She left to go get him. She'll be back in a few minutes, I'm sure."

Marble nodded. "Alright."

Pinkie started bouncing. "Oh, I can't wait!"

Apple Bloom looked to Pinkie in confusion. "What is it, Pinkie? Applejack never keeps secrets! Is it somethin' big?"

Pinkie giggled. "Well, I can't tell you now, silly! It'll ruin the surprise!" Her back left leg twitched. "Oh! My Pinkie Sense it telling me that... Applejack's about to walk in!"

As soon as she finished that statement, Applejack slightly opened the door and poked her head in, Apple Bloom staring at Pinkie with wide eyes. Applejack looked around at the crowd, seeming a bit nervous. "Uh... hehe... hello, everyone."

Apple Bloom smiled, her glance breaking from Pinkie. "Hey, AJ! Is somethin' wrong?"

Granny raised an eyebrow. "Y'all don't look so good, dearie."

Applejack blushed. "Um... Ah have somethin' to tell y'all. Well, mah family and Spike, that is," she said, waving at Spike who, if she had to guess, was probably told by Twilight. "Ah've... been keepin' a secret." She took a deep breath, her unsure glance lingering at Mac a little longer than the others. "Ah... am in a healthy relationship of a few months."

Apple Bloom gasped, Granny and Mac's eyes widening.

"Oh my gosh! Why didn't ya tell us?!" Apple Bloom asked, walking up to the door. She raised a brow. "Hey... why aren't ya comin' inside?"

Applejack blushed again. "Um... because he's here with me."

Apple Bloom gasped. "Really?!"

Applejack nodded. "Yeah. Ah told everyone else yesterday. They're here ta meet him."

Pinkie ran up to Applejack's face. "Well, what are you waiting for?! I'm so excited!"

Applejack chuckled. "Um... y'all... have ta promise me somethin'."

"Yes?" Apple Bloom asked, her eyes still dancing with excitement.

"Um... that ya won't flip out. That mainly goes for you, Mac," Applejack said, Big Mac raising a brow.

"Applejack, don't worry. Ah won't kill him," Mac said. Applejack obviously looked a bit unsure, but took a breath.

"Well... alright..." she said, opening the door a bit more. Everyone looked out, and, to their surprise, no one was outside. Rainbow Dash started laughing.

"Oh, so you're dating air, AJ?"

Applejack sighed, looking to the side of the barn and talking in a low voice. "It's alright, you're fine," she said walking inside and waving a hoof. Meanwhile, Marble noticed that Pinkie was about to burst with excitement. In a second, an unfamiliar stallion walked inside the barn, seeming quite nervous and unsure of himself. Pinkie immediately shot over to him, getting right in his face.

"Hey there! I'm Pinkie Pie! Well, you probably remember me from that one time you came to Ponyville and-"

Applejack threw a hoof to Pinkie's mouth. "Pinkie!"

Pinkie giggled. "Whoops! Sorry!"

Flim shook his head. "It's alright. It's all in the past, though I can't deny it never happened."

Meanwhile, Big Mac was fuming, Granny Smith had an eyebrow raised as she watched, and Apple Bloom's jaw was basically on the ground. Everyone else seemed completely unfazed by Flim, their enemy, being here, which greatly confused the three.

"Hello!" Twilight greeted. "So... you can teleport?" She asked, smirking. Flim's eyes widened.

"Uh... yeah..."

Twilight started laughing. "Oh, I'm just giving you a hard time. Applejack told me she stole the book."

Spike groaned. "Applejack, next time, please tell her. I didn't get to do anything but look for that book for a week!"

Applejack blushed. "Um... Ah'm sorry."

Now, Big Mac had walked up to Applejack, looking down to her. Applejack met his glance, hers not deterred.

"AJ... what are you doin', datin' someone who almost ran our farm out of business?"

While Flim looked absolutely terrified, Applejack calmly responded like she had rehearsed this in her head. "He came up ta me askin' ta learn honesty, considerin' he felt awful about everythin' he had done in the past. Ah forgived him, and... this happened."

Big Mac looked to him, glaring, before looking back down to Applejack. "Is this why you're never around anymore?"

Applejack sighed. "Yes. It is."

"Well, next time, tell us. Ah guess it's okay that he's reformed and a little friendship pupil of yours, but Ah don't know how comfortable Ah am with y'all datin'. Especially because Ah don't trust him. Ah don't think Ah ever will."

Flim tried to say something, but nothing came out. Meanwhile, Applejack was glaring daggers into her brother.

"Why, you-"

"Enough," Granny said, walking up next to Mac. "Applejack, Ah didn't expect this, but this here isn't the first time Ah've seen someone fall in love with their enemy. And Mac, y'all need ta listen to AJ. Ya might not understand it, but-"

"Granny, he-"

"Ah was talkin', Mac," she said, shutting him up immediately. "Ah think ya should give him a chance. That's what Ah've always done as an Apple; we're an acceptin' family. Ponies can change, Mac. If I've learned one thing in mah long life, it's that."

Apple Bloom walked over. "Wait... so he's... good now?" She asked, raising a brow.

Applejack nodded. "Yup, he sure is. Ah taught him honesty, and was like his teacher."

Apple Bloom gasped. "That's so cool!" She said, looking up to Flim. "Was she good?"

Flim nodded. "She was a great teacher. I knew she would be."

Rarity squealed. "Aww! That's so cute!" She cooed as Rainbow Dash pretended to gag. "Oh, I'm Rarity, by the way."

"Eh, no thanks." Dash said. As she said that, she started to laugh. "Oh, yeah!" She flew up to Flim, getting near his face. "Well, if you haven't met me yet, I'm Rainbow Dash, Wonderbolt and probably the best flier in Equestria."

Flim raised an eyebrow. "Cocky, much?"

Dash's eyes widened. "I am not! I'm speaking the truth!"

Applejack chuckled. "Whatever ya say, Dash. He's right."

Dash looked down to Applejack. "Hey! You're only agreeing with him because he has a nice-"

Applejack slammed a hoof against Dash's mouth, already knowing what she was going to say. She glared at her. "Rainbow Dash, Apple Bloom is right there!"

"What about me?"

Dash pulled her friend's hoof away. "Fine, fine."

Applejack looked down to Apple Bloom. "Nothin', sugarcube. Dash was just about ta say somethin'... not age appropriate."

At this, Flim started to laugh. Applejack looked up to him.

"Oh, what's so funny?"

"Well, it took me this long for my tired mind to process the joke, is all," he said, laughing some more. Applejack groaned.

"Oh, come on!"

Dash held a hoof out, Flim bumping his against hers. "Finally! Someone who laughs at my jokes!" She said, smirking. "I officially give you the Rainbow Dash Stamp of Approval to date my best friend."

Applejack raised a brow. "Just because he likes a joke ya made?"

Dash nodded. "Yeah! If he's dating a friend of mine, he has to appreciate me, too!"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Whatever helps ya sleep at night."

Fluttershy walked over to Flim. "H-hello."

Flim looked down to her. "Oh! You're the mare that helped us with Gladmane!"

Fluttershy nodded. "Yeah. I'm very proud of you and Applejack. From what she told us yesterday, it sounds like you two are in a completely healthy relationship."

Flim smiled. "Well, thank you!"

Spike raised a brow. "Say... where's your brother?" He asked. Flim blinked, a bit surprised by the question.

"Oh. Well, I left him after I finally decided that lying to ponies wasn't the way to live. I haven't talked to him since."

During this whole exchange, Marble noticed that Big Mac was staying silent. She wanted to talk with him, but she was just so nervous. What would she say? Would he just brush her off? She turned her attention back to Flim, wanting to introduce herself.


Flim looked down to her, raising a brow. "Wait... you're the mare from the other night. Marble, is it?"

Marble blushed. "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. I don't know how soon Applejack would have told everyone if it weren't for your intervention."

Applejack swatted at his side with her hat. "Hey! Ah would have! Maybe not as soon, but Ah was plannin' to!"

Marble giggled. "Well, alright."

Applejack looked to her family. "Hey, Granny? Mac?"

The two looked to her, Mac still not very happy. Applejack took a breath.

"Would it... be alright if he worked here? Ah would ideally have him workin' with Marble on the farm. Also, could we give him a place ta live?"

Before Big Mac could say anything, Granny nodded. "Oh, of course, dearie! Now, Flim, where have you been stayin'?"

Flim blushed. "Um... outside."

Granny smiled. "Well, now you'll be stayin' and workin' with us. More workers are always better."

Big Mac's eyes widened as he looked between Flim and Granny. He glared. "Alright, but you are stayin' in the guest room. Clear?"

Flim nodded. "Y-yes, sir."

Mac seemed at least a little pleased by that answer, nodding and walking into the other room. Flim let out a sigh of relief.

"Well... glad that's all figured out."

Applejack smiled. "Me, too.

Twilight smiled. "Well, Flim, you're certainly different than the last time we met... in a good way."

Dash smirked. "Yeah. AJ must have been quite the friendship teacher."

Flim nodded. "Yeah."

"Well, it wasn't all me," Applejack said, "he decided on his own that he wanted ta be a good pony."

Spike smiled. "Well, I respect you, Flim. We'll have to do a guy's hang out sometime! Well... whenever Mac's comfortable with you, that is."

Flim nodded. "Sounds like fun!"

Dash started giggling menacingly. "Hey, Flim?"


"You should tell me every embarrassing thing about Applejack you know!" She said, cackling.

"Rainbow Dash!"

Flim chuckled. "Well, I have quite a few of those. Hm... let's see..."

Applejack blushed. "Flim! Don't you dare say anythin' to her!"

Dash chuckled. "Why not, AJ? You got some secret ya wanna hide?"

Applejack shook her head. "No! Ah just don't want him givin' y'all somethin' ta make fun of me with!"

Flim chuckled. "Well, here's something Dash can't do," he said, winking at Applejack. "Whenever I compliment Applejack, she gets all red and starts pouting."

Applejack blushed. "Hey! That's-"

Flim kissed her cheek, then nuzzled the side of her neck. Applejack turned even more red.


Flim chuckled as he drew away from her. "Aww, she acts like this when I show her love publically, too!"

Applejack pouted. "Why are ya like this?"

Flim ruffled her mane. "Because I love you."

Applejack blushed as Rarity squealed. "W-well... Ah..."

Flim chuckled. "Wow, you certainly hate PDA."

Dash chuckled. "Wow, Applejack. I never thought I would see you so embarrassed!"

Applejack glared at her friend. "S-shut up, Rainbow Dash."

Pinkie started laughing along with Dash, causing Applejack's blush to grow. "Aww, you're so cute, AJ!" She said, causing Applejack to go even more red. After a second, Pinkie stopped laughing, looking at the clock on the wall.

"Oh my gosh! I have to go plan my wedding!" She said, looking over to Flim. "Well, it was great to meet ya! Well... the new you, at least! I'll see ya soon!"

Flim waved. "Bye."

Twilight nodded. "Maybe we should all help Pinkie to let him get situated here."

"That's a great idea, darling," Rarity agreed, the others nodding in agreement. "Well... we'll all see you soon!"

"Don't forget the sleepover tomorrow, AJ and Marble!"

Applejack waved. "We won't! See ya!" She said, sending the group off. As soon as they left, Flim turned to Applejack, sighing.

"Oh, I am so happy you finally told everyone about us."

Applejack smiled. "Yeah. Me, too. It's quite relievin'."

Apple Bloom walked up to Flim, smiling. "So... are y'all like a new brother?"

Flim chuckled. "Oh... I don't know."

Apple Bloom giggled. "Y'know, you and Applejack should get married!"

Applejack blushed, recoiling. "Wo-oah, what?! Not right now, AB!"

Apple Bloom giggled. "What? Havin' another brother'll be so cool!"

Granny ruffled Apple Bloom's mane. "You'll still have ta wait a bit, ya little whippersnapper." She looked to Flim. "Fer now... let's get ya settled in. Follow me," she said, making her way over to the steps. Marble then decided to walk over to where Big Mac was, hoping to maybe get some conversation in. After all, she promised Applejack she would ask him out as soon as possible.

However, as she entered the living room, she realized Big Mac wasn't in there. In fact, he was most likely either outside working or in his room.

Darn... She thought to herself, sitting down on the couch.

Marble hadn't done much of anything all day. Mac was in town making deals, and Applejack was out getting things for Flim, considering he didn't have anything new with him before. So, Granny taught Marble how to make apple pies.

"Can ya take it out of the oven for me?" She asked. Marble nodded, taking her pie out and smiling as the smell flowed through her nostrils.

"This smells really good," she said, setting it down. Granny nodded.

"It sure does. Just a bit more practice, though, and you'll have the perfect pie."

Marble nodded. "Well, alright. That sounds good."

Granny then chuckled. "So... Apple Bloom told me about your soulmate, dearie."

Marble blushed. "Um..."

"Why are ya hesitatin'? Ah'm not tryin' ta pressure ya, Ah just want ya ta know that Big Mac will be flattered ta know you're his soulmate. Trust me. Ah can tell by the eyes he's been makin' at ya."

Marble's eyes widened. "Y-you really think he... likes me?"

Granny nodded. "Oh, Ah'm sure as sugar, honey! He'll be comin' back inside in a few minutes. Why don't ya ask him out then?"

Marble nodded. She could do this. "A-alright. I'll try."

Granny smiled. "Now that's what Ah like ta hear, dearie. Tell me how it went. Ah gotta go take a nap," she said, walking over to her chair.

Marble giggled. "Alright."

Marble felt like her knees were locked up. Big Mac was sitting in the living room, reading the newspaper. How hard is it to walk up to him?

Marble steeled a breath, trying to walk forward but finding herself unable to. At this point, Applejack and Flim walked inside, the two laughing at something. Applejack caught Marble's glance, tilting her head.

"Is somethin' wrong, Marble?"

Marble blushed. "Um..."

Applejack looked between Marble and Mac, smirking as she came to a conclusion. "Well... alright. Good luck," she said, winking. Marble blushed harder, taking another breath. Eventually, she was able to start walking towards Mac. She could do this. She would do this. She got closer to Big Mac, taking a few deep breaths. Mac seemed completely focused on his paper.

"Um... Big Mac?" Marble started, her voice shaking.

Big Mac looked up from his paper, Marble immediately feeling unsure under his gaze. "Eeyup?"

Marble blushed, glancing around. "I...I..." She started. Mac continued to look at her with a calm, unwavering expression. Marble's nerves exploded within her. She couldn't do it. "Um... nice weather we're having."

Mac blinked before nodding. "Eeyup," he said, going back to reading. Marble then walked out of the living room, but not before catching Granny Smith looking at her and shaking her head in the other room. Marble wanted to try again, but she knew she needed to practice more. After all, she never took Applejack's advice of practicing what to say to him by herself.

As she walked back in the kitchen, neither Applejack nor Flim were there anymore. She then turned to a slice of pie Granny had offered to her before but she had declined, considering she wasn't hungry at the time. She walked over to it, picking it up and putting it in her mouth. The flavors exploded over her taste buds, earning a small smile from her.

Even though she was eating an amazing pie, she couldn't get her mind off of Big Mac. How long will it be before I can actually get the guts to ask him out?

Author's Note:

I have a side story about Applejack and Flim's relationship. If you want to read it, here it is:

Applejack thought she would never give a foe of hers, Flim, a chance to prove himself. However, she soon learns that hearts can change, just like ponies can.
Just A Random Pegasus · 29k words  ·  36  1 · 2k views
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