• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Pinkie: A Perfect Plan

Pinkie jumped up from the guest bed, stretching. Her dreams had been filled with cupcakes, confetti, and Cheese Sandwich. A lot of Cheese Sandwich.

Butterflies swirled in her stomach as she looked outside. "It's time," she said to herself. She looked to the clock on the wall and read it: 5:30 AM. Pinkie smiled, grabbed a sticky note, wrote where she'll be, and put it on Limestone and Lightning's door as she left the guest room. She knew they would probably sleep in for a while, and she wouldn't be appreciated barging into the room to tell them that she'll be gone.

She walked downstairs and opened the fridge, looking for something to eat. She knew Limestone wouldn't mind. She closed it after a few seconds, not finding anything to her satisfaction. She looked throughout the kitchen before finding a box of cookies. She smiled brightly, picking it up and taking a cookie. She ate the cookie in one bite, downing it with milk she had poured a second before. She then jumped away, feeling more ready than ever.

As she stepped into the chilly morning air, she smiled. "Cheesy, I know you'll love this," she said, running to the direction of the Vanhoover park. She had a lot to do, and so little time to do it.

Pinkie looked as the sun started peaking over the horizon. The air was taking on a nicer warmth to it, and Pinkie was just about finished getting everything ready. She smiled as she blew up a few more pink balloons.

"Wow! Impressive!" Limestone said from behind, walking with Lightning over to where Pinkie was.

Pinkie smiled. "Thanks!"

Lightning smirked. "I have a feeling he'll love it. I mean, I would."

Limestone narrowed her glance at him. "Oh, so the way I told you I liked you wasn't good enough?"

Lightning fluffed his feathers as his pupils shrunk. "I never said that. I just said-"

Limestone let out a short laugh. "Goodness! I was just joking!" She said, looking to Pinkie. "But seriously. He'll appreciate this." She looked over everything Pinkie had done. "So... how are you gonna get him over here?"

Pinkie smiled. "He's gonna come walking through here in five minutes."

Lightning raised a brow. "How do you know?"

Pinkie's body twitched. "Pinkie Sense!"

Lightning looked at her in confusion as Limestone rolled her eyes. "It's a sense my family has. We can sorta predict the future with it."

Pinkie pointed a hoof at Limestone. "And you barely use it!"

"I do use it! It tells me where the most valuable rocks are when I mine," she replied. A look of realization dawned upon Lightning's face.

"Oh yeah! I remember you mentioning that now!"

Limestone rolled her eyes again. "I had a feeling you'd forget." She jabbed his side before looking to Pinkie again. "So, we should leave, then? Unless you want us watching."

Pinkie shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever is fine by me!"

Limestone raised a brow before starting to walk. "Well, we'll be on our way. Won't want to interrupt whatever private time you two get," she said with a wink, trotting out of the area. Lightning gave Pinkie a quick wave before following after Limestone. As Pinkie saw them leave, she felt her cheeks grow red.

In exactly three minutes and forty three seconds, Cheese would be walking over...

Cheese smiled as he walked into the Vanhoover park. He decided to stretch his legs for a bit, considering Pinkie probably won't be up and ready to start on the road to Manehatten until later.

As he continued walking, he noticed... balloons? That's what they looked like. Balloons started to float through the open skies, causing Cheese to raise an eyebrow. He could have sworn they were all picked up last night!

He walked over to investigate the balloons. He wandered into a large, open area of the park where they seemed to be coming from and immediately stopped in his tracks.

Pink and yellow balloons were scattered all over the ground. A ton of treats were on a table in the middle of the area. Cheese then looked to the left, and saw Pinkie Pie looking at him like a deer in the headlights. He flashed her a confused look, which didn't seem to register with her.

Pinkie couldn't think straight. Just say it, you doofus! Pinkie internally yelled at herself. She could feel her ears flopping, and a warm blush starting to crawl up her cheeks. She took a breath.

"Hey..." She said. She immediately wanted to smack herself in the face. That's not what she was supposed to say!

"Hey, Pinkie!" Cheese responded in his usual happy voice, bouncing over to the balloons. "What's all this?" He asked, taking a cupcake from the table. Pinkie's eyes looked everywhere but him as she tried to form her response.

"Um..." She felt her throat go dry. Why was this so difficult for her?

She took a breath as her heart began to race even faster. "Uh... it's a... you're my soulmate party!" She said, trying to put some enthusiasm in her response. It didn't work too well, however, considering her tone sounded nervous and timid. Cheese cocked his head.

"A what?"

Pinkie bit her lip. "Um... have you... ever heard of the Choosing Stone before?"

Cheese raised a brow. "I'm afraid not. What is it?" He asked.

Pinkie started to smile as she thought of it. "Well, it's an old, mysterious rock owned by my family which shows us to our soulmates. So, I recently used it, and... found my soulmate," she said, her voice growing softer. Her blue eyes were large at this point, and she tried to find reassurance looking into Cheese's.

"And who is that?" He asked, bouncing a pink balloon on his head. Pinkie snorted loudly in response.

"I would think that would be obvious by now! You're my soulmate, silly!" Pinkie said, immediately turning red. She saw Cheese stop bouncing the balloon and letting it fall to the ground by all the other balloons. He blinked.

"Wait... what now? I'm..."

Pinkie nodded. "Yep! Apparently we're supposed to be together forever!" She stopped for a second, blinking. "I just thought I needed to tell you. I mean, I don't know how much you want to get into a relationship, considering you just ended your relationship with Surprise. But I do like you though. Like, I really really like you," she finished, now refusing to meet eye contact with the stallion.

Cheese stayed silent for a few more seconds. "Pinkie... wow. I can't believe it. I had no idea something like the Choosing Stone existed!"

Pinkie nodded, smiling. "Yeah! It's really cool!"

Cheese nodded. "I bet! And, honestly, I think I may be starting to really like you as well."

Pinkie recoiled as the words fell out of his mouth and through her ears. "Wha...?" Was all she could get out. Cheese nodded.

"Yep. You're just such a good pony, Pinkie, and I would love to be with you. Just... not right now, if that's okay."

Pinkie blinked, still trying to process it. "You... you like me?"

Cheese nodded. "Of course! Though, I think I might want a small break from relationships. I mean, we have our whole life with each other anyway, right? We can take it slow!"

Pinkie smiled. "Yeah! Just tell me when you're ready, Cheese."

Cheese nodded. "Will do." A bright smile climbed his face. "So... I suppose this means you'll still be travelling with me after Manehatten?"

Pinkie nodded. "You bet!"

Cheese smirked. "I'll be ready by then, don't worry. It will just take a few weeks or so before I feel comfortable with the idea of a relationship again."

Pinkie gave him a sincere smile. "I understand. I'm completely okay with being patient."

Cheese looked at her for a few seconds, still smiling. He looked down to his hooves. "So... what exactly do we do now?"

Pinkie looked towards the cupcakes around them. "Eat, duh! I didn't set this all up for nothing!" She replied, bouncing to a table. Now, everything started to catch up with her.

Cheese actually liked her back. He liked her! Pinkie dwelled on this, feeling a warm, fuzzy feeling in her stomach. Soon, Cheese would be hers. Her coltfriend! Then she would have an excuse to hug him and hold his hoof and kiss him. Pinkie felt her heart speeding up as daydreams started to pass through her head as she ate many of the cupcakes in front of her. She wasn't even paying attention to how many cupcakes she was eating. All she could think about was Cheese.

"Pinkie?" Cheese's voice called from behind her. Pinkie's ears flicked as the sound of his voice - the very voice she had just been daydreaming about - passed through her ears. She turned her head, a light blush adorning her cheeks.

"Yes?" She asked, her voice cracking.

"Can I have some?" Cheese asked, chuckling. Pinkie quickly realized that she was blocking him from getting any cupcakes. Pinkie blushed heavier before stepping aside.

"Whoopsy!" She said, giggling. Cheese smiled at her, making her heart melt, before taking a cupcake and eating it. Pinkie stared at him for a few seconds before taking another cupcake. As the icing hit her taste buds, she smiled even brighter. Yep. Today was a great day.

"Well, you two better get going soon! Marble's probably lonely waiting at home for her turn!" Limestone said, taking a sip of her water. Limestone and Pinkie were spending some sister time together before Pinkie left with Cheese to Manehatten.

Pinkie gasped. "Marble! I forgot about her!" She replied, putting her hooves to her head. "I don't want to delay her! But I also can't rush Cheese!" Her ears folded back.

Limestone pat Pinkie's head. "Well, I'm sure it'll be okay. I mean, as long as he doesn't take a year to warm up to a relationship. Besides, Marble seemed really nervous the day you used the Choosing Stone."

Pinkie raised an eyebrow. "She did?"

Limestone nodded her head. "After you left, I talked with her for a bit. She seemed nervous about having to use the Choosing Stone in a few months. Though, she is a lot better at holding conversation, which will serve her well when she does go to find her soulmate."

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah. I don't want to delay her, though! Besides mom and dad, she's the only one at the rock farm!"

Limestone blinked. "Yes, that is true, but I think she's mentally preparing. You know Marble. She doesn't do too well in huge situations like this."

Pinkie took a sip of her water. "You're right." She looked upstairs. "I think I should probably write a letter to everypony now, so I can mail it from your house. Is that okay?"

Limestone waved a hoof. "Of course! Go up to the guest room. On the desk, there are tons of parchment and quills."

Pinkie bounded up the stairs. "Kay! Thanks!" She replied, disappearing into the guest room. As she did so, a loud noise was heard outside the front door. Limestone's ears flicked as she saw Cheese and Lightning flop into the house.

"I won!" Cheese exclaimed. Lightning stood up.

"No, I think you mean I won, Cheesy."

Limestone face-hoofed. "Why did Pinkie and I think letting you two hang out would be a good idea?"

"Bye!" Pinkie called as she and Cheese stood outside of Limestone and Lightning's house, about to start walking. The sun was beginning to descend in the sky, and a chilly evening breeze was blowing.

"See ya! Write to me, Pinkie!" Limestone replied before she and Lightning went inside, shutting the door. Pinkie and Cheese stood in silence for a moment.

"So... Manehatten?" Cheese asked, meeting Pinkie's eyes. A slight blush crawled up both of their faces as they looked into each other's eyes. Pinkie nodded.

"Yep! Let's go!" She said, bouncing away. Her heart started to flutter with excitement.

Cheese likes me... She continuously thought to herself as she and Cheese continued moving forward.

Author's Note:

I am so sorry for the huge delay with this chapter. My life just got really busy, so I wasn't able to write much at all. :scootangel:

I hope you enjoyed it! :pinkiehappy:

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