• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,784 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Pinkie: En Prance

Pinkie woke up by something nudging her. Her senses turned on as she woke up, her eyes slowly opening. A rush of euphoria filled her when she realized the soft feeling on her muzzle was Cheese's fur, causing a large smile to crawl up her face. She buried her face deeper into his chest and hugged him closer.

"Pinkie?" He said, shaking her some more. Pinkie groaned.

"But I want to hug you..." She complained, hugging him even tighter.

Cheese giggled. "Yes, yes, I know. I want to hug you too. But, if we don't leave now we're gonna miss the ship to Prance."

This earned another groan from Pinkie as she let go of Cheese and stood up. She shook herself once, her messy mane returning to its normal self, which wasn't much of a difference. She quickly pulled a toothbrush out of her mane, brushed for a whole three seconds, and spit it out into a cup. Where the cup went next, Cheese couldn't tell. He stood up as well, going through his short morning routine. After brushing, he snapped his sleeping bag shut, and Pinkie put away her unused one, which was pretty cold. She looked to Cheese and met his eyes.

"Hey..." She started. She then took a few steps closer to him, holding onto his head, and placing a passionate kiss against his lips. Cheese's eyes danced with happiness as he closed them to hug her closer. They parted, taking a second to stare at each other.

"Well, that was a pleasant surprise," he said, going in for another kiss. Pinkie happily accepted.

"Mmhm," she agreed, smiling at him. Cheese let himself look into his eyes a little longer before looking away.

"Alright, we do really need to get to that boat now."

Pinkie's ears flopped down. "Aww, okay. But I'm gonna kiss you a lot."

Cheese chuckled. "That's perfectly fine, Pinks."

She gave him one last smile before the two started moving, Cheese flipping Boneless 2 up on his back. Pinkie couldn't stop replaying their first kiss in her mind. It was so nice!

"So... where is this port?"

As they got out of the cave, Cheese pointed to the city. "On the east side of Manehatten. It'll take a few minutes to get there."

Pinkie nodded. "Okay!" She started bouncing, happiness radiating from her. The two started walking onto the large bridge, seagulls calling all around them. After a moment, Pinkie gasped.


"What?" He asked. Pinkie turned to him, her eyes wide.

"After this next party, I have a great idea!"

"What is it?"

Pinkie's smile grew larger. "We should hang out in Ponyville for a few days so you can see my friends again! They're gonna want to see you, considering we're dating now!"

Cheese smiled. "Actually, that does sound nice! A break from the road is just what I need, really!"

"Woohoo!" Pinkie whooped. She couldn't wait! It's felt like such a long time since she's seen her friends, and spending time with Cheese in her hometown seemed like one of the best ideas ever.

The two walked down from the bridge, feeling the morning sunlight run down their coats. Cheese took a right, his pace turning into a gallop.

"Oh, man, I'm excited! Prance is so much fun!" He chirped, looking towards the large boat in the dock. Pinkie nodded.

"I'm even more excited to go there!" Pinkie added on. She then gave him a perplexed look. "Wait a second... aren't we not allowed on these boats unless we bought tickets in advance?"

Cheese shook his head. "For expensive cruise boats, yes. But for the small boats that just travel to Prance without serving all the fancy food, you just have to pay a small price for tickets. Most ponies want the cruise boats, so we shouldn't have any trouble."

Pinkie nodded. "Alright! How close is Prance, anyway?"

Cheese thought. "A few hours by these boats, considering they're speedboats. They get you places really fast. For a cruise ship, it'll take a day or so, which makes sense considering you would want to enjoy everything on the boat."

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah."

The two went up, bought two tickets, and walked onto the small boat. It had only two levels, and the lower was basically just for cargo and some first aid equipment. As Pinkie got on the boat, she immediately ran up to the railing and looked out over the water. The waves danced and splashed, showering a few drops over her. She smiled as she felt Cheese approach her.

"Oh, I'm just so excited, I'm..." She lost track when she looked into Cheese's eyes. Then, without another word, she gave him a passionate kiss, and he happily returned it. They smiled at each other as they broke apart.

The tranquility was broken abruptly as the boat blew it's loud horn, signaling its departure. Cheese chuckled.

"Well, we got on just in time!"

Pinkie nodded. "Yep!

The boat started up slowly, gaining speed as it continued to move along the clear water. Pinkie stuck her head over the side and looked at the fish jumping alongside them. She giggled.

"Cheesy, look at them! They're pretty!"

Cheese nodded. "They are. Now... do you want to play a game?"

Pinkie nodded. "Of course!"

Cheese smirked and looked out into the distance. "I spy with my little eye, something..."

"The Eiffel Tower! Is it the Eiffel Tower, Cheese?"

Cheese nodded. "Yep!"

Pinkie started bouncing. "Oh, I'm excited! We're finally here!" She exclaimed, bouncing in place. The past few hours, they had gazed at the clouds and played many rounds of I Spy. Pinkie felt so much excitement bubbling up inside of her; Prance already looked like such a beautiful place!

As the ship pulled into the harbor, the captain thanked them for riding and put the bridge down. Pinkie and Cheese were the first ones down, looking around at the city. Buildings stretched into the sky, and the clouds were perfectly arranged. Cheese smiled and looked down at Pinkie.

"Are you ready to find our victim?" He asked, a smirk now playing on his face.

Pinkie nodded. "Yep! Where are they?"

Cheese moved a hoof. "Follow me."

The two walked down a street between small, pretty houses. Flowers were growing all around, and bees were flying around them. Cheese looked around, pausing for a minute, before continuing. It wasn't long before young feminine voices were heard, prompting the two to listen in:

"Tu l'aimes! Tu totalement faire!"


"N'est-ce pas ton anniversaire? Et s'il te trouvait quelque chose?"

"Bingo," Cheese whispered. Pinkie looked to him.


Cheese pointed. "It's that filly's birthday," he said, pointing to a light blue filly with a purple mane and green eyes, "her friend was just saying how it was."

Pinkie cocked her head. "Huh. I actually didn't know that."

Cheese nodded. "Yep. Let's go," he said, pulling out a small party cannon. Pinkie gasped.

"Hey! That looks like mine! Copycat!"

Cheese stuck his tongue out at her. "Well, it's not exactly like yours, Pinks. And, plus, I'm not a cat."

Pinkie blinked. "Well... uh..."

Cheese was already running with it, causing Pinkie to giggle. He stopped in front of the fillies and blew it, confetti spraying all over their faces. Some giggled, while some screamed and hurriedly got it off of them. The blue filly giggled as she saw the confetti all around her, looking at the cannon and then at Cheese.

"Qui es-tu?" She asked, raising a brow. Cheese jumped in front of her.

"Je suis Cheese Sandwich, l'un des meilleurs poneys de l'équestria!" He explained. He then chuckled. "Also, can you speak English well? My marefriend, Pinkie Pie, doesn't speak Prench, and she's helping me today. Well, she can't say much except 'croissant'."

The fillies giggled, and the blue one nodded. "Yes, we can, not well though. And I am Floraison," she said with a heavy accent. Cheese smiled.

"Alrighty then! And, I suppose you all are confused about why we are here," he said, Pinkie now approaching his side. The fillies nodded, and Cheese took Boneless 2 off of his back and placed it in front of him. "We are party ponies and chicken, and are going to plan you, Floraison, the best party you've ever had!"

Floraison smiled. "Really?! How did you know it is my birthday?"

"Well, I have this thing called my Cheesy Sense, and it shows me to where someone needs a party thrown! I travel and throw parties all across Equestria and beyond with Boneless 2, and Pinkie Pie is tagging along with me! You are guaranteed to have an amazing time with a Cheese Sandwich party!"

The fillies gasped and looked at each other in excitement. Cheese smirked again.

"I even have a trademark song! Oh..."

As Cheese's song finished, the fillies were all a giggling mess covered by confetti and fruit punch, and all smiles. Floraison looked up to Cheese.

"Where will the party be?"

Cheese pointed to a large field nearby the neighborhood. "In there! Make sure to be nearby in about four hours, because you will want to be here for it!"

Floraison nodded. "Alright! We will be here!" She said, running off with her friends. Cheese looked to Pinkie.

"Ready to start planning?"

Pinkie nodded. "You bet, Cheesinator!"

Pinkie turned on the speaker as loud, bass-boosted music blasted through. After playing with the volume for a bit, she smiled at Cheese.

"Are we done?"

Cheese nodded. "We sure are! Is the birthday filly here?"

Pinkie looked to the right before nodded frantically. "Yep! Her and all of her friends!"

A group of fillies entered the area, looking up at all the streamers and decorations. Floraison ran up to the two, beaming.

"This is amazing! Thank you!"

Cheese ruffled her mane. "No problem! Have fun, birthday filly!"

As the cake was dug into and the piñata burst open, the party drew on, attracting the attention of many ponies nearby as they walked into the party, joining in on the fun. As the night drew on and the party stopped, everyone started leaving. After the fillies thanked Cheese and Pinkie (and Boneless 2) again, they left, and the area was quiet. Cheese sighed.

"That was fun."

Pinkie nodded. "Yep! I'm so glad she liked it!"

Cheese looked down to her. "And, since we're all alone, I have an idea."

Pinkie smiled. "What is it?"

The next thing she knew, she was looking down at Prance from the Eiffel Tower, eagerly running around the entire top floor and taking as many pictures as she can. She ran back to Cheese after getting pictures and beamed.

"When you said you had an idea, I didn't think it would be the Eiffel Tower!"

Cheese shrugged. "Why not? It's here, and it's nice and romantic too."

Pinkie giggled. "It sure is!" After a minute of looking over the side, she grabbed Cheese's face and kissed him. After they broke away, he went in for another one, a wave of bliss coursing throughout Pinkie's body. She wrapped her hooves around his head and continued, happy not many ponies were on the tower to see this.

Overall, this was a very successful day.

Author's Note:

For anyone who is fluent in French, tell me if I somehow butchered it! I'm only in my second semester of the language, so I had to rely on Google translate for most of it. And we all know how wrong it can be at times. :twistnerd:

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