• Published 1st Dec 2015
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Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Limestone's Wedding

"OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!" Pinkie shouted as she continuously bounced. "I can't believe I'm already in my dress! That means the wedding's starting soon!"

Maud nodded, smiling. "Yeah. I'm pretty excited as well," she said as she slightly kicked the back of her dress to see the beautiful design Rarity had woven. "I still know Lightning's probably going crazy. He's not allowed to see Limestone until the ceremony."

Pinkie's smile grew larger. "But that will make it even more special! And... speaking of Limestone... where is she?"

Maud shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I know she was getting things arranged with Twilight while we put our dresses on and everypony takes their seats. Or, positions, in the stallions' case."

Speed Blast giggled. "I bet Lightning is going crazy right now! I want to go over and see-"

Sapphire stopped her by grabbing her tail in her mouth. "No. Don't stress Lightning out more."

Speed turned back to her friend and pouted. "Geez, you're a killjoy."

Sapphire let go of her. "Oh well. I-"

"Ms. Sapphire?"

Sapphire turned around upon hearing this voice to find three fillies standing next to her. They all had their dresses on, which were white cascading into a very light red near the bottom.

Sapphire smiled. "Yes, flower fillies?"

The one in the middle spoke. "Do we look good?" She asked, looking at her dress.

Sapphire nodded. "Of course you do! We just need the flowers-"

"Did somepony say flowers?" Pinkie interrupted, quickly placing the baskets of flower petals in the fillies' hooves. She then smiled and cartwheeled away, yelling something to Marble Pie, who just smiled and nodded in response.

Sapphire looked from Pinkie to the fillies. "Uh... yeah! You look absolutely beautiful!"

The fillies smiled, though one started giggling.

"Does this mean we don't have to do exercises in class tomorrow?" The one on the left asked, earning nods from the other two.

Sapphire smirked. "Nice try. No. If we didn't do exercises, you would strain yourself."

"Fineeeeeee," the three consecutively replied, giggling shortly after.

"Breathe. Just breathe, Twilight," Applejack said, putting a hoof on her friend's shoulder.

Twilight's ears folded back. "Sorry, Applejack. I'm just... really nervous about messing up."

Applejack snorted. "Twi, you're too hard on yourself! You'll do fine! How many times do Ah have to tell ya this?"

Twilight perked back up. "Oh... thank you, Applejack. I guess I am being a little hard on myself."

Applejack smiled. "Yeah. Just do what ya'll rehearsed. It'll be fine." She then looked to the crowd. "We should probably take our positions. Ah think Limestone's almost ready as well."

Twilight took another deep breath. "Alright. I can do this, I can do this..." She said to herself, boosting her morale.

"How... How do I look?" Limestone asked her maids, who all gawked at her appearance.

Her mane was hanging loosely on her back instead of being spiked up, which was also slightly curled, and her bangs were perfectly brushed. She was wearing a ruby necklace that perfectly fell against her dress. Her dress slightly dragged against the floor. Shimmering geodes were hung from the dress, catching the sunlight.

"You look... amazing..." Marble said as everypony else nodded in agreement.

"And that is how it's done," Cloudy Quartz said as she came over, her head held high. "I've always wanted to style my daughters' mane," she said, her voice chipper.

Pinkie bounced over. "Mom, shouldn't you be in the audience? Twilight's gonna start the ceremony soon!"

Cloudy smiled. "Yes, dear. And... here's your father, Limestone!" She said as she gestured to Igneous Rock. Cloudy walked to her seat as Igneous walked up to Limestone.

"Are you ready, dear?"

Limestone smiled. "Uh... yeah."

Pinkie wrapped a hoof around her sister's neck. "You should be! We didn't set this all up for nothing!"

Limestone pushed Pinkie away. "You're right. I'm just... a little nervous. I can do this."

Light conversation in the audience was silenced as Twilight cleared her throat and spread her large wings, effectively capturing everyone's attention.

"Friends, comrades, brothers and sisters..." She began the speech, causing Pinkie to start silently squealing.

Limestone started to shake. In the midst of her nervousness, a loud sound broke her from her thoughts:

Rolling thunder.

Limestone glanced around, seeing that clouds were covering the area. Great, now it's going to rain on me.

She took a deep breath, calming herself.

Music then started playing, signaling the bride's maids. They all got in an orderly arrangement before turning the corner, waving and sending bright smiles Limestone's way before they disappeared from her vision.

Nerves built up in Limestone again. Tons of ponies were out there; many on Lightning's side of the family. She planned to meet them all later, but right now, they're going to be staring at a mare they don't know suddenly joining their family.

Twilight spoke a few more words, and then the merry tune of the bridal march filled the air. To Limestone, however, the sound filled her with more nerves.

"That's our cue," Igneous said, taking Limestone's right hoof. Limestone was frozen in place. She couldn't do this!

On impulse, Limestone tried to break free from her father's hold. Igneous held on tight, not letting her break free.

"No. Limestone, it's okay. You'll be fine," he reassured her, which didn't help her much. Limestone stopped thrashing as her father started walking. Limestone took a breath before trying to keep up with him, finally walking at a good pace.

The two turned the corner, Limestone wanting to shut her eyes. Everyone will be staring at her, judging.

She took a few steps, and decided to look around. To her pleasant surprise, she was getting warm smiles from everyone in the audience. They all scanned her up and down, looking at her dress. She looked down in front of her to see the three fillies bounding while throwing flower petals onto the ground, smiles on their faces.

Limestone looked forward to see Lightning. Lightning seemed to be looking towards the ground in nervousness, but as soon as he looked up and met Limestone's eyes, his wings shot up and his eyes grew wide.

Limestone now smiled, feeling secure in his glance. Her worries suddenly vanished. After today, the two will be together forever through the bonds of marriage. Sure, they haven't known each other for so long, and sure, others may say they were too eager for this, but in reality? It felt like they finally put that last piece of their puzzle together. As soon as the current from the Stone transferred into Lightning via Limestone, that formed a connection between the two forever.

Limestone soon reached the archway, smiling at Lightning, who was looking her up and down. Limestone wasn't exactly surprised. It wasn't like she normally dressed like this. At this point, Igneous stepped away from Limestone and sat next to Cloudy, who was getting misty eyed.

Twilight smiled at her, then looked to Lightning before the music cut off.

"As you all know, we are gathered here today to join Limestone Pie and Lightning Drift in marriage. They have had an amazing relationship, sticking together, and fulfilling the missing pieces of each other's puzzle."

Wow, Twilight's quite the mind reader, Limestone thought to herself, trying not to giggle.

"All of you have come here to observe this union, and most of you to accept a new family member. You have been here for Limestone and Lightning, watching their relationship progress." She looked to everypony, taking another breath. "Without further ado, Lightning Drift, do you accept this mare as your lawfully wedded wife?"

Lightning smiled. "I do," he said, earning a bright smile from Limestone, who was now lost in his eyes.

"And Limestone Pie, do you accept this stallion as your lawfully wedded husband?"

This brought her back into reality. She broke her trance as her cheeks seemed to burn. "I-I do."

Twilight looked over to Brave. "Brave Flight, may I have the rings?" She asked as Brave extended the pillow. Twilight levitated the rings off and put one around a feather of Lightning's wing, and the other around Limestone's hoof.

"I now pronounce you... husband and wife," she said as Lightning quickly pulled Limestone in and gave her a passionate kiss, sealing the marriage. The audience applauded and cheered, and Pinkie Pie had fountains of tears coming out of her eyes . Marble put a hoof to her sister's shoulder, her eyes wielding tears as well.

As soon as Limestone and Lightning separated, they looked to the crowd, flashing bright smiles. As Twilight left the archway, the ponies went up to congratulate the new couple.

Before Lightning could do anything, he found himself in the arms of a white Pegasus mare with long, purple mane, who was practically hovering in excitement.

"Good job, little bro!" She said as she separated and smiled, her turquoise eyes gleaming up at her brother. "You almost made me shed a few tears!"

Lightning snickered. "Oh no, the great Windy Drift is loosing her tough exterior!"

Windy huffed. "Oh well. Don't dwell on it."

Limestone smiled at her. "Oh, you're Windy Drift? Lightning's sister?"

Windy nodded. "Mmhm! And you're my new sister!"

Limestone nodded. "I guess so. It's nice to meet you."

"You too!" She replied before turning to Lightning. "And Lighty-Light, guess what?"

Lightning blushed. "Windy, I told you not to call me that in public!" He said as Limestone lost herself in a fit of laughter.

Windy giggled. "Sorry, Lighty." She calmed her laughter a bit, and Limestone did as well, though she was still smirking. "I wanted to tell you that I finally got into the Wonderbolts Reserves!"

Lightning smiled. "That's great news, Windy!"

A white Pegasus stallion with a two toned blue mane and purple eyes approached Windy and put a hoof around her. "I agree. Then we will be able to see each other much more!"

Windy giggled. "Captain Spitfire won't enjoy that very much. She already has to coach some distracted lovestruck Wonderbolts as it is. She would find it hard teaching us, a married couple!" She giggled a bit more, imagining the sight.

The stallion lifted an eyebrow. "How do you know tons of my teammates have their minds in the love land?"

Windy rolled her eyes. "Because you always tell me, doofus!"

The stallion smirked. "Oh, right. Well, there are about... six who have other love interests, including Captain Spitfire," he snickered. "Oh, it's entertaining when we're not being all professional, let me tell you that."

Windy giggled. "I bet!" She then looked to Limestone. "Oh, sorry! This is my husband, Blue Streak. He's a Wonderbolt."

Limestone smiled. "It's nice to meet you!"

Blue Streak shook Limestone's hoof. "You too."

Pinkie's head appeared in Limestone's vision. "Party's starting in a few minutes!" She stated before disappearing in a flash of pink, causing Limestone to smirk.

"Well, let's get over there!"

Limestone took a heavy breath before nudging Lightning. "Goodness, your little cousins are crazy!" She said, approaching the turntable Pinkie was sitting at, who was taking out a pink and white disk.

Lightning chuckled. "Hey, I warned ya. They're a little wild, especially since they had to sit through the ceremony."

Pinkie's voice suddenly blared into the air. "Hey, everypony! Before we start the wild party, let's start with a slow dance!"

At this, Lightning looked to his side, and saw that Limestone had disappeared. He shrugged and looked back towards Pinkie, assuming Limestone may have seen family and darted away. He was still confused, however.

Pinkie put the disk in the turntable, and slow music started to fill the room. Lightning recognized it immediately.

It was the traditional Pegasus mating dance.

This particular song had been used for pegasi couples since before the founding of Equestria. It held a place in each pegasus' hearts, and it was tradition to play it if two pegasi were getting married.

However, one thing bugged Lightning about this: Limestone wasn't a Pegasus. Pinkie must have not known about the tradition.

The music started to pick up, and many pegasi couples in the area danced in the sky, dipping and diving around each other.

"Stop looking over there and look behind you, idiot."

Lightning turned around at the all too familiar voice and found Limestone, who had... very red cheeks. However, that wasn't the first thing he noticed about her. She also had large butterfly wings on her back.

Lightning held in a laugh. "Limestone, you-"

"Look absolutely ridiculous in these girly wings, I know. But you wanted to do the Pegasus ceremonial dance? We're doing it."

Lightning's ears flicked. "Oh! Uh... okay then!" He said, everything making more sense now. He put a hoof around Limestone's shoulders, and the two hovered into the air together. Limestone's ascension was a little shaky, but she managed.

As Lightning led her, he stared into her eyes in confusion. "Where did you get those?"

"Twilight used a spell to generate them. She didn't tell me they'd be pink butterfly wings, though," Limestone replied, turning away.

Lightning snickered. "I think it looks cute. You look like a pretty princess!"

Limestone huffed. "Shut up! I do not!"

Lightning continued moving her around, and Limestone continued flapping her large wings. "Yeah you do. And how long will you have these things?"

Limestone shrugged. "I dunno. I guess until I get down, because I'm going right to Twilight and asking her to take them off."

Lightning laughed. "Wow. You must really hate them."

Limestone raised a brow. "What was your first clue?"

The two shared a laugh before continuing the dance. After another minute, the music slowly cut off, signaling the pegasi to descend. The ponies on the ground cheered, applauding for the couples that were in the air.

Pinkie walked over to Limestone and started laughing. "Limestone, you look so cute with those wings!"

Limestone rolled her eyes before cantering away, trying to find Twilight. She found her target, who seemed to be talking to the Apples.

"Twilight, can I have these things removed now?"

Twilight turned back to Limestone and started giggling. "Sure thing!" She said, magic seeping into her horn. She fired a beam forward, instantly getting rid of the wings, and patching up the hole in the dress that the wings had made.


"No problem! Oh, and your husband wants to talk to you," Twilight said, gesturing behind Limestone.

Limestone turned to find Lightning, who was brightly smiling.

"Thanks for making that sacrifice so we could join in the dance."

Limestone smiled back. "Well, no problem, I guess. You owe me, though."

Lightning snickered. "I assumed so. That's why I have a surprise for you."

Limestone cocked her head. "What is it?"

Lightning nudged her. "I'll tell you later tonight."

Limestone puffed out her cheeks. "You suck, you know that?"

Lightning nodded. "Actually, I do." He said before laughing.

A few hoof steps were heard to the right. The two turned to find Comet and Thunder, Lightning's parents, next to them.

"Congratulations, you two. That was a beautiful dance," Comet said, wrapping her son in a hug. She extended an arm to Limestone to join in, which she accepted. Thunder also joined the hug. After they broke, Comet looked to Limestone.

"This has been a beautiful wedding. I'm very happy to have a new member of the family."

Limestone smiled. "Thank you, Mrs. Drift."

Comet smiled back. "Don't mention it." She said before looking next to her. "I think you need to talk with your parents, Limestone. Thunder and I just had the pleasure of talking to them, and your mother seemed like she was about to burst because of her happiness."

Limestone snickered. "Alright, I'll go talk to them. Are you coming, Lightning?"

Lightning shook his head. "Sorry, I think I need to talk to my parents."

Limestone smiled. "Well, you do that. I'll be over in a minute," she said as she separated, going to find her parents.

As she walked away, spotlights aimed towards the center of the area. Suddenly, a lavender unicorn with a pink and purple mane stepped over, her blue eyes glistening in the lights. Multiple gasps were heard as the unicorn presented herself, hovering a microphone over to her side, which was connected to two large speakers on either side of her.

"Who's ready for-" She was cut off by loud, rolling thunder. Suddenly, small raindrops started falling from the sky. The unicorn looked back to the audience. "As I was saying... who's ready for Lavender Rose?!" She exclamined, earning cheers from many young ponies around.

Pinkie walked up to her sister. "Goodness, Limestone! How did you manage to get pop sensation Lavender Rose to perform at your wedding?!" She asked, her eyes glued to the pop star.

Limestone smiled. "Oh, we know each other."

Pinkie gawked. "What?!"

Limestone nodded. "Yeah. I met her as she was rising to fame. In the past few months, she's gained a lot of popularity."

Pinkie nodded her head. "Yeah! It's because of her single Heart Poison!" Pinkie said as instrumentals were suddenly blared throughout the area. "Oh, here it is! This is my favorite song!" She said before rushing to the front of the crowd, loudly cheering.

"Lavender? Seriously? Why did you invite her?" Speed, who was next to Limestone, asked with disgust in her voice as she drank a bit of apple cider she got from the tables the Apples set up.

Limestone blinked. "Didn't I mention that we became friends after the whole fiasco with her wanting to take back Lightning months ago?"

Speed cocked her head. "I don't think so."

"Hm. I could swear I did." She looked back to see Lavender passionately singing her song, earning cheers from the audience. "She seems to be well accepted. I purposely made her appearance a surprise to everypony."

Speed smiled. "Well, I guess I'd be lying if I said she wasn't a good singer."

The rain started to pour down harder by the second. Lavender and her fans didn't mind; however, the Apples were on edge.

"Our large dinner'll be ruined if we don't find a way to cover it all up!" Applejack said, urgency in her voice. "Mac, did we bring a tent?"

"Eenope." Big Mac replied, trying to hide some of the food under his large body.

"Then will somepony go and get somethin'?!" She asked. Apple Bloom jumped over.

"Can Ah go?"

Applejack eyed her sister nervously before handing bits to Granny Smith. "With Granny ya can. Be back in a few minutes! We don't need much; just enough to shield the food! We're supposed to be handin' all this out at dinner!" Applejack said. The two nodded before Apple Bloom ran away, Granny Smith slowly following behind. Applejack started panicking.

"Goodness! What will we do to protect all the stuff until the tent gets 'ere, Big Mac?!" She asked.

Almost on cue, a magic aura surrounded the area around the table. Applejack looked over to see Twilight casting a spell to shield the area from the rain.

Applejack took a breath. "Thanks, Twi."

Twilight smiled. "Don't mention it. I just hope it'll stop raining before dinner time. I think we're supposed to be eating out here..."

Applejack nodded. "Ah agree with ya, Twi. Well, there are a lot of trees here, so we can all huddle under trees if we have ta."

Twilight nodded. "I guess that would work."

Limestone took cover under one of the trees, watching Lavender continuing on her song. Many ponies had shed their formal wear, and put it on coat hangers, which Maud and Geode offered to take to Limestone's house to dry. Limestone wanted badly to take her dress off in fear of it being ruined in the downpour, but she figured it had to stay on.

She felt a presence sit next to her. She looked to see Lightning looking down at her.

"What's wrong? It looks like you want to kill somepony."

Limestone blinked. "Well... I don't know. I'll ruin the dress if I continue to wear it... it was really expensive, too."

Lightning raised a brow. "Why don't you take it off?"

Limestone's eyes narrowed. "Because I'm the bride, dummy! Brides aren't supposed to take off their dress!"

"Who says you can't? Everypony else has. If anyone asks, you can give your honest response. It's okay. I was just about to take my tuxedo off."

Limestone huffed. "Okay, fine. If you're doing it, I will too." She said, standing up. "I'll walk on back to the house and hang it up. Follow me."

Lightning smiled. "Yes, ma'am."

Limestone and Lightning were finishing unwrapping their wedding gifts. Ponies had brought them many utilities, and some amazing decorations to display in their house.

The rain had stopped, of course, right after Limestone and Lightning dropped their formal clothes off at their house. They decided to go without them anyway, considering the ground was still sopping wet. Everypony stayed on the sidewalks so their hooves wouldn't get dirty in the mud that formed in the grass. The Apples still had their stand up, now with a tent over it. It looked like they were about to hand out their apple treats for dinner.

As soon as the two unwrapped their last wedding gift, which was a shiny iron skillet, Limestone stood up and cleared her throat.

"Everypony, it's time for dinner! The Apples have made a very nice apple dinner for us!"

Murmurs came from the crowd, all sounding like they couldn't wait to try the food. As soon as Limestone motioned, they all got in line behind the stand, and took whatever they wanted.

After Limestone got a large plate of food, she sat at one of the tables that had been set out. Lightning sat next to her. As soon as Limestone saw him, her ears folded back.

"I told you we should have had the reception inside. We now have to eat on sloshy grounds."

Lightning snickered. "Hey, I'm sorry! And we're not technically sitting on the ground. The chairs are."

Limestone's look turned into a glare. "Smart allec..." She murmured before turning back to her food and taking a bite. A smile instantly crept onto her face. "Goodness, this is good!" She said as she continued to eat.

"I know, right?" Speed, who was sitting next to her, said. She happily munched on her zap apple sandwich before picking up her fritter. "I'm still happy you asked them to cater!"

Limestone nodded. "Why wouldn't I? Their food is amazing!"

Everyone eating seemed to agree. Happy tones came from all around. The Apples looked around at the dinner, holding their chins high.

Applejack took a bite of a fritter, smiling. "We sure did a good job. Everyone looks happy."

Apple Bloom nodded. "Yeah! Ah didn't think we would be able to make a meal for a weddin'!"

Granny patted Apple Bloom on the shoulder. "Well, we wouldn't have been able to make such great food without all four of us helpin'. It took a while, that's for sure."

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup."

The sun had gone down by now, the nighttime party starting. Lavender had already finished her performance, and the wedding cake had already been dug into, Pinkie now playing with the little figures of Limestone and Lightning.

"Alright! Who's ready for DJ Pinkie to play some epic beats?!" Pinkie shouted, throwing her hooves into the air.

Cheers erupted from everypony around. Pinkie held up the Limestone and Lightning figures, having them dance in excitement.

"Pinkie, put those down!" Limestone yelled from somewhere in the audience. Pinkie set them down and rolled her eyes.

"Sheesh," she murmured before blasting the first song through the speakers. Everyone in the audience started dancing, freely moving to the beat.

The party drew into the night, ponies barely getting tired from the fun. Pinkie had remixed a lot of songs together (with the help of Ponyvillie's DJ, Vinyl Scratch, of course), adding a lot of bass drops and auto tune fun.

As the party came to an end, thunder started rolling again. Lightning snickered.

"Heh, perfect timing."

Limestone looked up to him in confusion. "What?"

She followed his eyes to the pathway right outside the park and saw... a carriage? That's what it looked like. It was splashed with many shades of gray and yellow, and bright Hearth's Warming-looking lights hung off of it.

Limestone gawked. "Lightning... is this..."

Lightning wrapped a wing around her. "This is our honeymoon carriage."

Limestone blinked. "Oh my goodness, I forgot you refused to tell me where we're going!" She looked up to him. "Where's our honeymoon?"

Lightning winked. "You'll know once we get there."

Limestone huffed. "You suck."

Lightning chuckled. "I know."

The new married couple climbed into the carriage, waving to family and friends who were outside. Limestone held up a bouquet which she had held onto, smirking.

"All you single mares, catch!" She said, throwing it. The bouquet flew through the air, many mares trying to catch it. One mare lept into the air to get it, but accidentally hit it instead of grabbing it, therefore making it fall right into the hooves of Candy Latte. Candy looked at it in confusion and shock before hearing laughter come from her right. She looked to see Speed rolling on the ground in laughter, and Sapphire snickering.

"It looks like fate picked you! I can't wait to see how flustered Brave gets when he hears about this!" Speed said in between giggles.

Candy huffed. "Oh, goodness gracious..." She mumbled, though a blush crawled up her cheeks.

Limestone and Lightning looked out the window, chuckling.

"I guess I know who's getting married next," Lightning said, closing the door to the carriage.

Limestone leaned into him. "Stop thinking about who's married next, and start thinking about who just got married."

Lightning nodded. "Well, of course." He snickered, pulling Limestone in for a kiss. "I would never push today aside... Wifey."

Limestone blushed. "Don't call me that. That's the stupidest nickname you have ever come up with."

Lightning chuckled. "Fine." He said. Rain started to fall against the windows.

Limestone looked out the window, smiling. "Wow, we left just in time."

Lightning smiled as well. "Yeah. Now, let's focus on our honeymoon week, shall we?"

Limestone looked back and smirked. "Oh, that sounds like a great idea."

Author's Note:


Next chapter will detail the first day of their honeymoon, and will probably be quite fluffy. After that, Maud's section will resume. :twilightsmile:

I hoped you enjoyed the wedding! :pinkiehappy:

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