• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Pinkie: Let's Get This Party Started!

Pinkie Pie threw her mail on an unoccupied table in Sugarcube Corner. She picked up the envelopes, squinting so she could read the print, which was quite tiny.

"Hm... junk... junk... OHMYGOSH!" She suddenly exclaimed. She looked at the flyer in her hooves, smiling brightly and holding it close to her. "A USED FURNITURE SALE!" She said, bouncing around. She was about to leave to go to the sale before she saw another letter on the table. She walked back to where the letter was and read the label: Pie Family Rock Farm.

Pinkie gasped. "Oh my goodness, I wonder if something good happened to Maud!" She wondered aloud, tearing open the envelope. She eagerly scanned the letter.

Dear Pinkamena Diane Pie,

Good day. I am writing this letter to tell you that, as of last night, Maud Pie and Crystal Geode are happily engaged, and beginning to plan their wedding as I write. Because of this, Pinkamena, you must come to the rock farm as soon as possible so you can leave to find your soulmate while the sun is still high.

I will be awaiting your arrival.

Sincerely, your father, Igneous Rock.

Pinkie read it again. And again. And again.

A warm blush crawled up her face as she set the letter down on the table. She marched over to the counter where Carrot Cake was and put her hooves on it.

"Mr. Cake, I'll be gone for a while," she informed, earning a confused look from him.

"Oh? What's going on, Pinkie?" He asked, a bit concerned.

Pinkie wrapped him in a tight hug. "I'm gonna go find my soulmate!" She yelled, smiling brightly.

"Oh, well, that's great, Pinkie! We will be waiting for your return!" He replied, smiling back.

Pinkie nodded. "Yep! I have to get to the rock farm as soon as possible, so... oh right! I have to tell my friends first!" She said, bouncing over to the door. "The furniture sale will have to wait until I get back. Woohoo!" She exclaimed, darting to the direction of Twilight's castle.

Carrot Cake watched her leave, a smile on his face. "Good luck, Pinkie..." He whispered before taking the next order.

Pinkie was practically bouncing in her seat as her friends sat down in the throne room. Twilight had called them all over to hear the announcement from Pinkie. Starlight Glimmer was still in the Crystal Empire, of course, so she was the only one who wasn't able to come.

Fluttershy gave Pinkie a smile. "What did you call us here for, Pinkie?" She asked. Pinkie started giggling, but Rainbow Dash cut her off.

"Before we get started, I think we all need to know an answer here." She pointed to an empty chair which had Applejack's cutie mark on it. "Where the heck is Applejack?!"

"I have no idea," Spike said, shrugging his shoulders. Spike was awkwardly sitting in his chair, considering he had gone through big growth spurts the last few years, and is now as tall as Twilight when on two feet.

Rarity nodded her head, showing that she agreed with Spike's statement. "I don't know. Applejack has been late to everything lately."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Well, she said that she's been having to do more work recently. Maybe that's why she's so late."

The door suddenly swung open with a loud thud. All eyes turned to find Applejack standing in the doorway to the throne room. What everyone took notice of, however, was that her face was completely red. She nervously chuckled.

"Uh... hey, everypony! Sorry I'm late. Ah had a lot to do on the farm," she said, taking a seat. Rainbow raised a brow.

"You've 'had a lot to do on the farm' a lot recently," she said, leaning forward. Applejack's pupils shrunk as her face grew redder.


"And why are you so red, darling?" Rarity asked, blinking.

Applejack looked to the ground. "Ah... always get flustered when it's hot outside."

Rainbow Dash nodded her head. "Uh-huh. Then how come-"

"Girls!" Twilight interrupted, silencing Dash. "Let's not argue and focus on Pinkie Pie. It seems like she's been wanting to tell us something."

Rainbow leaned back in her seat. "Alright. What's up, Pinks?"

Pinkie looked between her friends, who all had their eyes on her. Pinkie lifted her head up.

"Later today, I'm using the Choosing Stone."

Aside from a gasp from Rarity, no one uttered a sound. Applejack stood up from her seat, which was between Twilight and Rarity.

"Wow, that's great, Pinkie! Ah hope your search is easy!" She said, running around the table to hug her friend. Pinkie returned the hug.

"Aw, thanks, AJ! It'll be great!" Pinkie replied. Applejack broke from the hug and tried to back away to the door.

"Applejack, darling, where are you going? You can't just leave this soon!" Rarity asked.

Applejack froze, her face growing warm. "Uh... back to the farm. To work."

Pinkie giggled. "Silly, Applejack! I'm not gonna let you leave without a group hug!" She said. In an instant, Pinkie had picked up all of her friends and wrapped them in a gigantic hug.

Rainbow Dash squirmed. "Pinkie... can't... breathe!"

Pinkie let go of her friends, letting Dash catch her breath. Pinkie smiled at them.

"I would love to stay and chat some more, but I have to get going. My parents are expecting me!"

Twilight smiled in return. "Well, good luck, Pinkie. Remember to write to us!"

"And include every detail~!" Rarity chimed in, her eyes glittering.

Pinkie giggled. "Sure thing! I'll make sure to give you daily updates!"

Fluttershy smiled. "I look forward to reading them. I'm so happy for you, Pinkie."

Pinkie nodded. "Thanks, Flutters. Now..." She looked at her wrist, pretending that she had a wristwatch. "I gotta go!"

"Bye!" The five chorused. Pinkie didn't hear them, however, considering she bolted out the door.

Silence filled the room, and everypony was wearing a smile. Well, Applejack's faded rather quickly. The mare in question started walking towards the door, her face still red. To her dismay, she felt herself stopped, and a blue glow around her.

"Wherever are you going, darling? We can still hang out!" Rarity said, the tone of her voice practically screaming that she wanted to know something else.

Applejack's face and ears turned completely red again. "Uh... Ah already told ya! I'm heading back to the farm!" She replied. Before Rarity could stop her, Applejack had already bolted out of the castle.

The four looked to the door and then each other in confusion.

"Well... Okay then..." Rarity said. She then sat down on her seat, reclining. "Say... how about we make predictions about who Pinkie's soulmate is?"

Twilight sat down as well, a devilish grin upon her face. "Oh, of course," she replied, her mind instantly pondering.

The train ride was taking forever. After what seemed like an hour, Pinkie would look at the clock, and see that only a few minutes have passed.

She lay down in the seat, groaning. The rock farm was still a few minutes away, and she could hardly sit still. From what Maud and Limestone had described, the Choosing Stone was unbelievable. Pinkie immediately smiled, realizing that in just a few hours, she would have met her soulmate, and everything would be perfect.

The train's whistle blew as it came to a stop. Pinkie immediately bounced up and ran to the door. The conductor opened it, letting Pinkie zoom outside. As she ran from the train station, the familiar sight of the rock farm filled her vision. She couldn't stop smiling at the sight of her old home, and hummed a merry tune as she bounced up to the front door. She opened it, sticking her head inside.

"I'm home!" She yelled, trotting in. She set her saddlebag down on the ground.

"Hello, Pinkie," a shy voice said. Pinkie turned to find Marble.

"Marble!" She greeted, hugging her sister tight. She let go after a moment, bouncing. "I'm so excited!"

"I would hope so!" Another voice said. Pinkie turned to find Limestone leaning against the wall, a smile on her face.

Pinkie gasped and wrapped her other sister in a hug as well. "Oh, Limestone! Hey!" She greeted before pulling apart. "Say... where's your hubby?"

Limestone snickered before pointing. "He's in the other room."

Pinkie nodded, about to spring after him, when the door opened again. Standing in the doorway was Maud, looking to Pinkie. Pinkie started bouncing in place.

"Maud!" She exclaimed, hugging Maud. She pulled apart, smiling. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe it! You're engaged!" She looked away, confused. "Wait a minute... how did I not see you?! You must have been on the same train as me!"

Maud smiled. "I tried to get your attention, but you were too focused on the clock. And yeah. I'm pretty excited."

Pinkie giggled. "Whoops! I am, too! I get to plan another wedding, right?"

Maud nodded. "Sure. That is, if you and your soulmate aren't busy."

Pinkie snorted. "Maud, I will always be able to make time for party planning!" She replied, lifting her head up. She then looked around in confusion. "Did you not bring Crystal with you?"

Maud looked outside, briefly chuckling. "Oh, no, he's here. He's just admiring the sights." She snickered and turned back to Pinkie. "He's always wanted to visit a rock farm, so he eagerly came along." She looked back again to see Geode galloping over to the door.

"Maud! This is amazing! Can we go mining later?"

Maud smiled. "Sure thing. We have a bit of work to do, anyway."

"Are you enlisting more workers, Maud?" Cloudy Quartz asked as she walked over, smiling. She looked to Geode, who was now in the house and shutting the door with his magic. "It's nice to see you again, Crystal Geode."

Geode smiled. "It's nice to see you, too."

Cloudy smiled brighter. "After Pinkamena leaves, we must discuss the upcoming wedding."

Pinkie bounced next to her mother. "Don't forget to tell me! Send me a letter when you have everything figured out!"

Maud raised a brow. "How will we know where you are?"

Pinkie face-hoofed. "Whoops! I'll just send you a letter first!" She replied, giggling.

Igneous Rock walked in the room, smiling. "Hello, everypony." He turned to Pinkie. "Pinkamena, are you all packed?"

Pinkie gestured to her saddlebag on the ground and nodded. "Yep! I got packed back in Ponyville!" She informed, earning a nod from Igneous.

"Good. I would love for thou to talk with family, but we must be on our way. If thou wants to find thy soulmate before evening, thou must leave now," he replied, walking to the living room. "Follow me, Pinkamena."

Pinkie nodded, bouncing after her father. They entered the living room, where Lightning was sitting on a chair. He and Pinkie waved to each other before Igneous got out the key from behind the picture above the fireplace; the key to the room where the Choosing Stone is.

Igneous looked between the key and Pinkie a few times. He smiled at Pinkie. "Well, grab thy bag, and we will be off."

Pinkie nodded, trotting into the other room, where she saw the rest of her family. Lightning and Igneous followed behind her.

Pinkie cleared her throat, earning everypony's attention. She smiled at them.

"I'm gonna be leaving!" She said, picking up her saddlebag and throwing it on her back.

"Wait!" Cloudy interjected. "How much money do you have, dear?"

Pinkie checked her saddlebag. "Uh... about... a hundred bits?"

Cloudy instantly got more bits from a safe, putting them in Pinkie's bag. "You're going to need more like five hundred," she said, smiling. Pinkie closed up the bag.

"Aw, mom, you don't have to!"

Cloudy waved a hoof. "Of course I do, dear. Where would you sleep otherwise?"

Pinkie nodded. "Touché."

Silence hung over the room until Igneous spoke up. "Well? What are thou waiting for?"

Pinkie giggled and blushed. "Sorry. I'm just..."

"Scared?" Marble asked.

Pinkie shook her head. "Nah. I'm just... excited."

Igneous nuzzled his daughter's cheek. "That's completely natural. Now, let us be on our way."

Everypony backed away from the door as Igneous pushed the door open. Pinkie smiled towards her father before suddenly pulling everyone into a giant group hug.

"I'll miss you all so much!" She said. Marble pat Pinkie's head.

"I'll miss you, too. Make sure to write to us."

Pinkie put everyone down. "Why wouldn't I?!"

Marble giggled. "Okay. Just making sure."

Pinkie ruffled Marble's mane before standing by Igneous. "Well... bye everypony!"

Everyone said their farewells and good lucks at once, making it a bit difficult to understand what they were saying. Pinkie beamed.

"I'll be back~!" She sang before walking out the door.

The two approached the crystal caves, Pinkie bouncing the whole way.

"Oh, I can't wait! What does it feel like, dad?! I mean, the current!"

Igneous smiled. "I can't describe it. It's something thee will have to find out for thyself."

Pinkie nodded. "Okie dokie lokie!" She chirped, bouncing throughout the cave. She stopped in front of the door to the Choosing Stone, letting her father catch up with her. Igneous put the key in the lock, twisting it. He pushed forward on the door, revealing a hallway. He held it open for Pinkie, who gawked at the sight.

It was a narrow passageway, but that was to be expected. However, Pinkie saw a large, red glow on a pedestal. She felt an unbreakable smile climb up her muzzle as she slowly walked forward.

Her heart started pumping faster, and she could practically hear her own heartbeat. She took a deep breath as she reached the stone.

Igneous stepped over to her. "Just touch the Stone with thy hoof, and thou will feel the current. Go to where the current is strongest, and thee will find your soulmate. I love you, I wish you luck."

Pinkie gulped before reaching a hoof out. She touched the Stone with it, taking in its smooth texture. After a very brief moment, Pinkie felt a current flow throughout her entire body. She wanted to withdraw her hoof, but she knew she had to keep it there. As soon as she felt it stop flowing into her body, she withdrew, backing up a few steps.

The current was going crazy throughout her whole body. Her tail was twitching, her mane was flowing, and goosebumps were appearing all over her body. Then, out of nowhere, she got the urge to run. To run fast. She immediately took off, sprinting out of the cave, not getting a chance to give her father a farewell.

When she got outside, she stopped for a moment. She took a breath, bouncing up and down extremely fast. Then, like a rocket, she took off into the sky, leaving a pink streak behind her as she soared like a pegasus.

Normally, when Pinkie takes off into the sky, she takes in the surrounding area. But today, she had a different mission.

She took a moment while the wind batted against her face to really feel the current. It was... strange. It made her fur stand on end and her tail twitch like crazy, but it also made her feel warm and fuzzy. It reminded her of the feeling of warm cookies on Hearth's Warming.

She did, however, take note of where exactly she was going. Currently, she was heading towards Fillydelphia. She was still rocketing in the sky, taking in the breeze.

At one point, she felt the current go crazy. However, it subdued as she continued. A smirk crawled up Pinkie's muzzle as she realized how close she was. She literally passed her soulmate!

She somehow was able to turn in midair, and continued travelling back. She felt the current growing stronger and stronger as she traveled above the quiet road that leads to Fillydelphia. As she continued, she soon felt it extremely difficult to move. The current was moving throughout her body as much as it was when she first touched the Stone.

Pinkie knew it was time to descend. She turned downwards, diving towards the ground. However, she wasn't able to stop herself, so she crashed into the ground, causing dirt to spray everywhere.

Pinkie stood up, somehow unaffected. She spit out some dirt that had got in her mouth, and was brushing off her coat when she heard a voice.

"Are you alright?"

Her ears perked. She knew that voice. Just... where had she heard it before?

Her mind was going crazy, but the current was going crazier. She could barely lift up her head. She knew she had to, however. She had to figure out the source of the voice.

As her blue eyes looked upwards, she got her head to lift a few inches. She then found herself looking into the green eyes of a very familiar stallion. She felt frozen; not sure what to say.

She finally found her voice around the current, and spoke. "Ch... Cheese Sandwich?!"

Author's Note:

And so it begins :yay:

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