• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Marble: The Party

Marble woke up the next morning to light chatter and giggling. She rubbed her eyes, looking to see Pinkie talking to Twilight, and they seemed to be the only ones awake. As Pinkie saw Marble lift her head up, she waved.

"Hey, Marble! Did you sleep well?" She whispered. Marble sat up in her sleeping bag, moving her mane to the side of her face.

"Yes. I'm a bit surprised."

Twilight lightly giggled. "Well, we were up late last night." She stood up. "Now, I really should start making breakfast. Something quick and easy."

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah! We still have to tell everyone about the party tonight!"

Twilight blushed. "Oh, yes, of course we do. I'll tell you when breakfast is ready," she said, leaving the room. As she did, Pinkie looked over to Marble.

"So... are you planning to tell Big Mac your secret tonight?" She asked. Marble blushed.

"Um..." She responded, her gaze darting. "I... maybe."

Pinkie pouted. "Aww, you should! That's the purpose of this party, after all! To get everyone to confess to their crushes and their little crush developing into full blown love!" She replied, still making sure to keep her voice at a whisper.

Marble bit her lip. "I'll try... again. Last time I tried to tell him, it didn't turn out so well. Meaning, I didn't have the courage to ask in the first place."

"Well, I'm sure you'll be able to do it! I mean, you are soulmates. Better he finds out now, huh?"

Marble nodded. "I know. I just... when I actually start talking to him, I get all nervous and can't find the words... y'know?"

Pinkie shrugged. "I mean, I guess. We're a lot different, so of course I won't understand completely. But what I do know is that tonight's the best night to tell him!"

"I know. I promise I will try again."

Pinkie smiled. "That's good enough for me!"

Marble lightly smiled. "Alright."

I will do it this time. I won't be shy and will confidently tell him he's my soulmate.

...I hope.

Marble finished eating her pancakes, which were quite good with blueberries. Her sister had finished much more quicker than her, now talking a mile a minute... like usual.

"...Ooh! I have some great games planned for tonight, too!"

Applejack chuckled. "Ah'm sure it'll be great, Pinkie."

Pinkie nodded. "Oh, it will be!"

Twilight blinked. "So... will the only ones here be my guards, the Wonderbolts, Discord, Big Mac, and us?"

Pinkie shook her head. "Nope! Cheesey will also be coming, and I'm sure AJ would love to invite Flim, too."

Applejack nodded. "Sure. And if they're both goin', Ah should probably invite AB, too. If that's alright, of course."

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah! The CMC can totally come!"

Rarity nodded. "Alright. I will tell Sweetie Belle as soon as I get home. I'm sure she'll be delighted to come to this little party."

Dash groaned. "Pinkie, I really don't know how I'll get to all of the Wonderbolts' houses in time. They live all over Equestria!"

Pinkie pouted. "Awww. Well, then just invite Soarin and your closest Wonderbolt friends!"

Dash thought. "Well... alright. Here, I'll invite him, Fleetfoot, and Spitfire. I'm sure they'll love it, especially Spitfire, considering getting away from her paperwork will be great for her."

Pinkie beamed. "Great! So, I'll start getting this whole thing ready!"

Twilight giggled. "Don't start without me! Though this is a castle, it's still my home, y'know."

Pinkie nodded "Oh, I know. I'll wait."

Applejack chuckled. "Here, Ah'll leave so Ah'm not all up in yer mane. Marble, are ya ready?"

Marble nodded, slinging her sleeping bag onto her back. "Bye."

"Bye!" Everyone else chorused as they seemed to be picking up their sleeping bags as well. Applejack looked to Pinkie.

"So... when should we be here?"

Pinkie thought. "What about... six o' clock!"

Applejack nodded. "Alright! See ya!" She replied as she stepped out of the castle, Marble trailing behind. As they walked, Applejack chuckled.

"Are ya excited for the party, Marble?"

Marble blushed, nodding. "Mmhm."

"This should be a lot of fun. Ah wonder if everyone will confess to their little crushes."

Marble blushed harder. "Um... I promised Pinkie I would try to tell Big Mac."

Applejack smiled. "Well, Ah sure hope ya go through with it! Trust me when Ah say that he'll be excited ta hear y'all are soulmates!"

Marble bit her lip. "Oh, I don't know..."

Applejack chuckled. "Marble, Ah'm his sister. Ah spend every blessed day with him. Ah am certain that he will love ta date ya. Ah can tell that he thinks you're cute."

Marble blushed. "Um... Granny Smith also mentioned something similar to that."

Applejack nodded. "Well, Granny is never wrong! So, that means that y'all have nothin' ta lose!"

Marble nodded. "I sure hope so."

"Marble, Ah know so."

Marble smiled. "Well, alright. I just hope I can actually tell him this time."

Applejack nodded. "Ah think ya will. Y'all do seem determined, after all. Ah can hear it in yer tone. Just take him somewhere private and tell him. He'll be honored. Ah mean, not many ponies ever truly meet their soulmate."

Marble tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

"Well, since the Choosin' Stone is the only way ta know if someone's yer soulmate or not, many ponies go through life and love not knowin' if their partner is really their soulmate. Yer soulmate isn't the only pony y'all can live a happy life with, but you'll live the happiest life with your soulmate, if that makes sense."

Marble nodded. "Yeah. So, you're saying that if I didn't have the Choosing Stone, I could fall in love with someone who isn't Minuette or Big Mac, and I could be happy with them, but not as happy as I would be with those two?"

Applejack nodded. "Exactly! When Big Mac hears that he's actually found his soulmate, Ah'm sure he'll be ecstatic. He'll know that he'll have a great life and not have ta worry about havin' ta leave ya."

Marble smiled. "A-alright. Thanks, Applejack."

Applejack gave her a warm smile back. "No problem," she said as the two stepped into the orchard. Applejack looked out into the distance, smiling as she saw a stallion with a large carriage with quite the number of young apple trees. "Hey, our new trees are here! Wanna help?"

Marble nodded. "Sure thing."

After the two dropped their things inside, they walked over to where the carriage was and helped unload the trees. After they did, they paid the stallion a thank you, and he left with the carriage. Big Mac looked to Applejack, smiling.

"Well, it's good ta see you're here. Help me get the trees into the ground."

Applejack nodded. "Yep!" She said. She and Marble both balanced trees on their backs, walking to the back of the barn where the orchard was. As Marble planted the young trees and walked back to get more, she found herself continuously stealing glances at Mac. She thought about his body, running her hooves around his muscles and-

The thoughts caused her to almost drop the tree off of her back, Marble coming to a stop and waiting for a second. She cleared her thoughts before walking to the patch of dirt and planting the tree, sighing.

If I don't tell him today, I don't know how much longer I'll have to deal with this...

Apple Bloom bounced around Applejack. "Oh, Ah'm so excited! This'll be a fun party!"

Applejack nodded. "It will be."

Flim slightly smiled. "Well, I hope. I just hope no one beats me up."

Applejack rubbed his shoulder. "It'll be alright, trust me. If anythin', Discord will mess with ya. He's harmless. Annoyin', but harmless."

Flim raised a brow. "Isn't he the spirit of chaos?"

Applejack nodded. "Yeah, but he's also our friend. So, don't be surprised if he hides one of your eyes somewhere in the castle and makes ya find it."

Flim blinked. "Good to know."

Apple Bloom groaned. "Ugh, where is Mac?! He's takin' forever! Ah wanna go!"

Applejack looked down to her sister. "He'll be out in a minute."

Apple Bloom pouted. "Well, he better be. Ah don't wanna be the last ones there!"

"I'm pretty sure we're a bit early," Marble said. Applejack nodded.

"We are. It doesn't start 'till six."

Apple Bloom blinked. "Oh."

Big Mac walked out, his youngest sister smiling.

"Finally! Let's go!" She said, trotting ahead of everyone else. Applejack chuckled, turning back to Mac.

"She's been waitin' impatiently for ya," she said. Meanwhile, Marble's face was burning as she quickened her pace. Why does Mac have to always look so attractive?

The group eventually reached the castle, and the music could be heard from outside. Apple Bloom swung the doors open, immediately running inside. Marble stepped in, looking over the foyer of the castle.

There were a bunch of tables with a variety of snacks and drinks, a disco ball hanging from the top of the castle, and two large speakers where Pinkie and Cheese were behind, excitedly turning the volume up even louder. There were a bunch of bulky stallions and mares that Marble didn't recognize, assuming that must be Twilight's guard. She did recognize a few faces, however. Her friends were all there, as well as three of the Wonderbolts. She awkwardly stood by the doorway, not sure what to do.

"Ah, what do we have here? A shy pony?" A taunting voice came from somewhere nearby. Marble looked to each side of her, not seeing anyone.

"Up here," the voice said. Marble looked towards the ceiling, seeing a strange snake-like creature laying on a chair... somehow attached to the ceiling. She tried to scream, but nothing came out. The creature laughed. "Oh, don't be so nervous. I'm Discord, redeemed spirt of chaos."

Marble blinked, remembering how he was supposedly Fluttershy's crush and a friend of her friends. "O-oh. I'm Marble Pie."

Discord teleported off of the ceiling and in front of Marble. "Wait, are you Pinkie's sister?"

Marble nodded, the hairs of her coat standing on end as she looked into his mismatched eyes. "Mmhm."

Discord blinked. "Wow, I never would have guessed. I've never met anyone so unlike her in my life!"

Marble nodded. "Mmhm. I get that often."

Twilight walked over to the two. "Discord, please don't scare Marble."

Discord laughed, poking Twilight's head and turning her mane an obnoxious yellow. "Oh, don't be silly, Twilight. I'm doing nothing of the sort!"

As Marble gawked at Twilight's new mane, Twilight sighed like this was a normal occurrence. "Well, don't be scary, then. And can you please change my mane back?"

Discord laughed again. "I will in exactly ten minutes and thirty five seconds!"

Twilight glared. "Discord, you-"

"Have fun impressing your little guardie~!" He said before disappearing. Twilight blushed, groaning.

"Ugh, how does he know about that?!" She mumbled to herself. She turned back to Marble. "Sorry about him. He has a little too much fun."

Marble shook her head. "No, it's alright."

Twilight smiled. "Well, that's good. And-"

Her voice was cut off by loud laughter above her. She looked up to see Rainbow hovering in the air, looking at her friend's mane.

"Twilight, what's with the new look?"

Twilight sighed. "Discord."

Dash continued to laugh. "Oh, that's great!" She then looked down to Marble. "Hey, Marble! Why are ya standing by the door?"

"Um... I got held up by Discord."

"Well, that makes sense. But come on, have some food! The cupcakes are amazing!"

Marble nodded. "Well, alright."

Twilight scrunched her nose. "I'll sit on the balcony until this mane color wears off. I don't know if I want to explain to everyone why my mane is so obnoxious."

Marble lightly giggled. "Alright," she said as she and Twilight separated, Marble walking over to the table and trying a cupcake. The flavor was amazing, and she quickly finished it. Applejack, who was standing beside her, chuckled.

"It's mighty good, isn't it?" She asked, eating a cupcake.

Marble smiled. "Mmhm."

Rarity walked over with Starlight, the two smiling as they saw Marble and Applejack. "Hello, darlings!" Rarity greeted. "Isn't the party absolutely splendid?"

Applejack nodded. "It sure is!"


Starlight giggled. "You guys should see Pinkie. She's out on the balcony pressuring Twilight to ask that little guard friend of hers out."

Applejack chuckled. "Well, that is part of the reason this party was thrown, after all!"

Marble blushed as she instantly thought how she would have to ask Mac out. She was nervous, but really, who wouldn't be? Though, today, she was a lot more confident than the last time she tried. She knew she had to ask him out sooner or later, and she also knew that her sister wouldn't let her wait another day. Well, even Applejack, for that matter.

Marble looked out into the crowd, seeing Twilight with her normal mane walking up to an orange pegasus, talking to him with a blush on her face. After what seemed like a short conversation, Marble saw how both of their faces completely lit up. Pinkie was standing nearby, looking like she was about to explode from excitement. As she looked at Pinkie, she saw her mouth "one down, three to go".

...Oh boy.

The party had been quite enjoyable for Marble. Well, when she stopped stressing out about Mac, that is. She ate more food, talked with her friends, helped Cheese choose some good music while Pinkie was out getting her friends to confess to their crushes, and, somehow, eventually ended up in a conversation with Spitfire. Though Marble wasn't much of a talker at all, Spitfire easily filled the conversation.

"...Heh, yeah. Being a captain is certainly interesting."

Marble nodded. "It seems like a lot of work," she replied, making sure her posture was tall and formal. She was talking to one of the most famous mares in all of Equestria, after all. How she hasn't broken under the pressure yet was a mystery to her.

Spitfire groaned. "Oh, you don't even know, Marble. There's so much paperwork, and I always have to come up with new shows. Having a party like this was a nice little escape."

Marble smiled. "It sure seems like it."

A teal pegasus mare zipped up to Spitfire, giggling. "Hey, Spitty, ya gotta see this!"

Spitfire looked to the mare before smirking. "Oh? Alright." She turned to Marble. "It was nice meeting you!"

Marble nodded. "Mmhm." At this, the two pegasi flew away, faster than what Marble had expected. Marble looked back to the table, tempted to eat another cupcake.

"Oh, Marble~!" Pinkie called, walking up to her sister. Marble turned to find Pinkie had the most devilish smirk on her face.


"It's your turn!"

Marble blushed, knowing exactly what her sister was referring to. "Um..."

Pinkie giggled. "Twilight asked Flash out and the two planned a date, Fluttershy told Discord she likes him and the two refuse to leave each other's sides, and Dashie confessed to Soarin and the two are making out on the balcony. So, that leaves you!"

Marble's gaze darted. "Oh... alright. Just... is there a private room, maybe?"

Pinkie nodded, pointing to a closet nearby. "Why don't you talk to him in there? And don't worry, it's a walk in, so there's lights!"

Marble shakily nodded her head. "O-okay. I just don't know how to tell him I want to talk to him."

Pinkie waved a hoof. "I'll do it for you! You can sit in the closet, and I'll direct Mac over to you!"

Marble nodded, her heart racing. "O-o-okay."

Pinkie nudged her. "Well, what are you waiting for? Get in that closet!"

Butterflies exploded in Marble's chest. "Uh...!"

Pinkie giggled. "Oh, Marble, why don't you want to do it now to get it over with? That way, you can have fun the rest of the party!"

She has a point... "Alright, sure," she said, gulping and turning around, taking uneasy, shaky steps towards the closet at the opposite end. As she entered, she found a light switch, flipping it on and illuminating the area. There wasn't much in the closet except for cleaning supplies, which would give her and Mac more than enough room to sit down.

As soon as Marble got comfortable, the door creaked open. Her heart kept beating faster and faster as Big Mac poked his head in, looking at Marble.

"Ya needed me?"

Marble nodded. "Mmhm."

Mac walked in, sitting down. "Well, what's the problem? And why do we need ta be alone?"

Marble looked down to her hooves, knowing she couldn't back down now. Mac knew something was up, and she couldn't pretend there wasn't anything wrong. Marble took a breath, not able to look at Mac at all.

"Um... well..." She started, biting her lip, "I... you know the Choosing Stone, right?" Marble wanted to slap herself. Of course he knows about it!


Marble blushed. "Um... well... I used it. And... it led me to you," she finished, her voice soft. Her mane covered up her face as she looked up to Mac, his eyes wide and his jaw hanging.

"Uh... well, Miss Pie, this has certainly been a surprise," he said, his cheeks turning more red than they already are. "And, Ah must admit, a pleasant surprise at that."

Marble blinked, her eyes now settling on Mac's gaze. "W-what?"

Mac looked away from her. "Eeyup. You're quite pretty, Marble."

Marble blushed. "Um... t-thanks."

Mac awkwardly looked down to her. "So... are we datin' now? Ah certainly wouldn't mind it."

Marble smiled. "Well, I guess so. Also... there's something else I need to tell you about."

Mac nodded. "Alright."

"Well... you're not my only soulmate. I'm destined to be in a polyamorous relationship with... both you and a mare named Minuette."

Mac blinked. "...Oh. Do Ah have ta date this mare too?"

Marble shook her head. "You don't have to, but maybe you two will like each other. I might visit her tomorrow." Wait... when did I decide on this?

Big Mac nodded. "Well, if the Choosin' Stone is leadin' ya to the both of us, Ah might as well meet her and see if Ah like her."

Marble smiled. "Really? It'll be nice if I didn't go alone."

Mac nodded. "Eeyup. We can get ta know each other better on the train ride over, too."

Marble nodded. "Mmhm. That sounds good."

"Eeyup. Well, for tonight... the party's almost over, ain't it?"

Marble shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe?"

Mac nodded. "Well, let's talk a bit, maybe. Though, we should probably get out of this closet."

Marble nodded as well. "Probably," she said, standing up. Mac opened the door, holding it for her and closing it once the two were out, making sure to turn the light off. As they walked out, they saw that a lot of ponies were starting to leave. Pinkie rocketed over to them, smiling.

"Hey! How'd it go?"

The two blushed, Marble trying to find what to say. "Um..."

Pinkie giggled. "Yay! See, Marble, I told ya! But, anyways, the party's ending. Twilight needs to get some sleep."

Marble smiled. "Well, alright."

Applejack walked over to the two, smirking. "Oh, it's about time, ya two!"

Mac looked to her, blushing. "H-how did y'all know?"

Applejack chuckled. "Why, Pinkie told me! Also, ya two are standin' awful close."

Marble looked next to her, noticing that her and Mac's coats were almost touching. "Mmhm."

"Well, we gotta get home. It's mighty late, after all."

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup." He looked down to Marble. "So, meet me tomorrow mornin'. We can take the train and have a nice conversation then."

Marble nodded, smiling. "Alright. I can't wait."

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