• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Maud: Guarded Truths

Author's Note:

This chapter takes place a month from the last. :twilightsmile:

"Okay, why doesn't Geode want to come this time?" Crystalline asked, shifting in her seat.

Maud shrugged her shoulders. "I honestly don't know. He seemed a bit... I don't know. He just seemed different today."

Abalone took a sip of her drink. "Did he have anything bad coming up?"

Maud shook his head. "Nope. I mean, unless he kept something from me."

"But why would he do that?" Crystalline chimed in before inhaling the rest of her water in her cup. She then jumped up from her seat. "Sorry, I gotta get some more water. Don't continue talking until I get back!" She said before disappearing in a streak of purple.

Maud raised an eyebrow before looking at Abalone. Abalone put her drink on the coffee table in the center of the chairs they were sitting on.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and two familiar pegasi, Gallant Haze and Thunder Spear, hovered into the room. Abalone smiled.

"Hey guys! I was just wondering when-"

"LEAVE! WE'RE GOSSIPING!" Crystalline yelled over as she entered the room.

"Well, we could just sit at the other side of the room and talk while you three have your little mare session. You told us to come over, Cryssy," Thunder said, moving closer to her. He then nuzzled her cheek, earning a few giggles from her.



Maud cocked her head to the side as she tried to process the sudden gesture of affection between her two friends. Abalone picked up on her confusion and gasped.

"Goodness! Crys, did you not mention it to Maud?!" She asked, causing Crystalline to look over to her.

Crystalline pushed Thunder away before looking to Maud. "OH! No, sorry!" She said before giggling.

Maud raised an eyebrow. "Crystalline, are you and Thunder... to-"

"Together, yep!" Crystalline finished. "We've been together for a while now! We haven't been able to sit down and talk in a while, so I haven't gotten around to telling ya!"

Maud nodded. "Well, congratulations. And weren't you dating Gallant?"

Crystalline leaned back in her chair. "Yeah. We went on two dates, and then realized we both didn't like each other as much as we thought. I then got together with Thundy a little later!"

Abalone seemed to mumble something under her breath, inaudible for anypony to hear. However, Crystalline picked up on the fact that she had something on her mind.

"What's on your mind, Ab?"

Abalone turned to Crystalline, shock spread across her face. "Uh... What do you mean?"

Crystalline's brow flattened. "Well... You were just mumbling something to yourself. And you seemed angry."

Abalone instantly blushed. "It's nothing!"

Crystalline narrowed her eyes. "Yeah, sure. I've got my eyes on you," she pointed a hoof to her eyes, and then to Abalone's light blue ones. Abalone huffed and turned away.

Gallant looked between everyone. "Well... What are we gonna do?"

Crystalline thought before a devious smile crossed her face. "Actually, I have an idea," she said, her smirk growing as she set her eyes on Maud.

"What is it this time?" Abalone asked, her cheeks now their normal white tone.

"Oh... We're just gonna find out why a certain someone couldn't be here today."

Maud raised a brow. "Crystal Geode?"

Crystalline pointed a hoof to Maud. "Bingo! We're going on a search for Geode!"

Thunder spread his wings. "I'll check the sky!"

Crystalline lightly slapped him across the face. "Geode is a unicorn, idiot! He can't fly!"

"Oh, right..." Thunder replied as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. Crystalline giggled before turning to Maud.

"So... Should we visit his workplace? He's normally always there."

Maud nodded. "That's a good place to check. I'll admit, I'm more than a little curious."

Crystalline snorted. "Well, duh! He's your coltfriend! He shouldn't be keeping secrets from you!"

Maud wanted to agree with what Crystalline was saying, but she also felt she should respect his privacy. However... she's told Geode almost all of her secrets. Why is he hiding things from her? These secrets obviously seemed a bit hindering, considering Geode was acting completely different this morning.

Her thoughts were diminished when Crystalline thrust the door open. "Let's go!"

Everyone walked through the door, Maud at the back of the small crowd. She wanted to be the one to confront Geode, but at the same time, if he was working...

She wouldn't want other ponies to watch them starting a possible disagreement.

Crystalline flipped her mane before turning back to Maud. "Maud, it's okay if I ask him, right? I'm good at this kind of stuff," she said, winking.

Maud felt relieved. She knew Crystalline was great at getting information out of ponies. Why would she decline?

"Sure thing," Maud replied, causing Crystalline to bounce out of happiness.

"Yay!" She exclaimed before turning around. She did just in time, considering she was just about to run into a passerby.

The five were close to the shop, and Crystalline turned around again. "Okay. You guys stay by the window, and let me do the talking. I'll give a full report when I come outside," she said, earning nods from everyone else.

At this, Crystalline darted to the doors. Before entering, she lowered her eyelids, swished her tail, and entered.

When they got to the window, Abalone put her head in her hooves. "Ugh, she's gonna overdo it..." She mumbled, watching her friend approach the counter.

Crystalline's steps were light and airy as she walked up to the counter. Crystal Geode wasn't there, but his coworker was. Crys leaned on the counter, staring at Tangerine Slate.

Tango raised a brow. "May I help you?"

Crystalline nodded. "Actually, you can. I need to see Crystal Geode. His marefriend wants to know something."

Tango nodded. "Ah, okay. Hold on a sec," he said, walking over to the door that leads to the back room. He opened it, poking his head in. "Crystal Geode? Maud wants to see you."

"Why?" Geode replied. Something about his tone seemed... kind of defensive.

"I... I don't know," Tango replied.

"She wants to know why you can't hang out with us today," Crystalline piped up, loud enough for Geode to hear.

Silence filled the shop for a moment before Geode's voice was heard again. "Crystalline, please tell Maud that I have... something to take care of. I can't hang out. I thought I mentioned that already."

Crystalline immediately grew a glare. "Oh, I think not! You're hiding something!" She said, stepping behind the counter.

"It's something personal, okay! I don't want anypony knowing!"

Before Crystalline could reach the door, Tango shut it.

"Hey! What gives?!" She scolded, slamming her hoof down on the ground.

"Sorry, miss, but I think you should respect Crystal's privacy. If he says it's something personal, it means you should respect him," Tango replied, earning a glare from Crys.

"But he should tell his marefriend everything! It's what a good stallion does!"

Tango's glare narrowed. "And last time I checked, you're not his marefriend, so you shouldn't be the one prying for information."

Crystalline went silent as she was defeated. She fumbled to come up with another argument, but nothing came to mind.

Tango pointed towards the door. "Unless you want to buy something, please leave. Customers shouldn't have to wait because of a personal disagreement," he said, now pointing towards a line that was growing in front of the counter. Crystalline blushed as a sheepish grin crawled up her cheeks.

"Oh... okay. See ya," she said, walking towards the door.

Maud looked in with confusion as she saw Crystalline and Tango bickering about something. It was almost loud enough to be heard from outside.

"I take it it's not going to well in there," Gallant said. Abalone snorted.

"No, really?"

Gallant looked to Abalone. "Geez, what's gotten into you..." He muttered, only audible for Thunder, who was sitting next to him, to hear.

The door suddenly opened, and the four looked to see Crystalline stepping out, a slight look of anger on her face.

"What did you find out?" Maud asked, earning a sigh from Crystalline.

"Sorry, Maud. He wasn't letting anypony in. He said it was something personal."

Maud nodded. "Ah, okay."

Crystalline walked over by them. "Maud, find out more from him tonight. He might be willing to directly tell you."

Maud shrugged. "Well, he didn't this morning. And I should respect his privacy."

Crystalline mumbled something under her breath before Thunder stepped over.

"Hey, let's not be sad the rest of the day. How about we all lighten up?"

Almost on cue, Crystalline brightened up again. "Sounds good with me!"

Maud slightly smiled. Hopefully, she would be able to push away all thoughts of her secretive coltfriend from her mind.

Maud looked up to the clock. It was half past five, and Geode hadn't shown up yet. She sighed as she lay on the couch, her tail swishing.

She looked up to the large ceiling and fancy lights. Geode had a beautiful house, however... it was a bit eerie when no one else was there. Maud had always been a bit uncomfortable when alone in large houses, and now was no exception.

The door suddenly clicked open, causing Maud to sit up. She then saw Geode walk through the door, a... peculiar look on his face. Maud couldn't pick apart his emotions. He looked happy, nervous, and a teeny bit excited at the same time. He was giving off a very strange mix of vibes.

"Hey," Maud said, standing up from the couch.

"Hey there, Maud," he said before shutting the door with his magic. He also removed the saddlebag from his back and carefully placed it on the table; the same spot he always puts it.

Maud stared at him. "So... why aren't you telling anypony anything? Did... something happen?"

Geode's face turned from blue to red in a split second. "Uh... no. It's just... something personal."

Maud cocked her head. "Is it embarrassing? You're very... red."

At this, Geode turned his head away. "Uh... it's a long story, Maud. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you."

Maud slightly deflated. Geode took notice of this, his ears folding back.

"Maud, please don't get upset that I'm keeping something from you. I mean, I normally would tell you everything, but... this is different. I mean... I'm sure I'll tell you in the future."

Maud raised an eyebrow. "What's the difference of telling me in the future versus telling me now?"

Geode's eyes nervously scanned the floor. "It's... it's complicated. I mean, I guess I can tell you... tomorrow or something."

Maud furrowed her brow. "Tomorrow?"

Geode nodded, licking his lips. "Yeah, tomorrow. It'll all make sense then."

Maud nodded. "Alright. I hope so."

Silence hung between them before Geode walked in the direction of the kitchen. "So... dinner?" He asked, his hoofsteps a bit bouncy.

Maud smiled. "Sure."

A day had gone by since their conversation. Now, Maud was awaiting Geode's return from work.

Maud looked out the window, watching Geode approach the mansion. He looked... very nervous. Heck, he was even sweating. Whatever he had to tell Maud, it was something very personal.

This had been on Maud's mind all day. Yesterday, he had mentioned that he would spill his secret to her today. Now, she was about to here it. She hoped it wouldn't be something that jeopardized their relationship. She shuddered at that possibility.

The door shakily opened, revealing Geode. He took a deep breath, and calmed himself down. He looked towards Maud.

"Hey, Maud? Up for a date?" He asked, completely out of the blue.

Maud smiled. "Of course."

Geode flashed a relieved smile before opening his saddlebag and walking to a closet room. He was then filling it with a few things. Maud glanced at him in confusion.

"What are you putting in there?" She asked as Geode kept his eyes toward the closet, now closing it as well as his bag.

"Some bits. We might buy something."

Maud nodded. "Cool. Where are we going?"

Geode approached her, nuzzling her mane. "We're taking a walk."

A smile tugged at Maud's lips. "That actually... sounds really nice," she said. At this, Geode opened the door with his magic, and the two walked outside into the evening spring air, staring into each other's eyes.

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