• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Limestone: Preparations

Author's Note:

This chapter takes place about a month from the last chapter.

It's been quite a while since I've written Limestone and Lightning. I have to write about their upcoming wedding, of course! :duck:

Fan-made Equestria calendar I referenced in this chapter
Credit for the Equestrian months goes to Superfortress78 on DeviantArt

Limestone paced around the living room, looking up at the door every few seconds. She was waiting for it to swing open and hit the wall with a loud thud. She was waiting to hear a flurry of hoof-steps run up the stairs.

"Ugh, where is she?!" Limestone burst, flopping onto the couch. Lightning Drift walked over.

"Maybe she got lost or something."

Limestone lifted her head up to make eye contact. "Lightning, she's Pinkie. She'll use her Pinkie Sense to figure out where I am."

Lightning raised an eyebrow. "Pinkie sense?"

He was cut off by a fit of knocks coming from the door. Limestone jumped off the couch and opened it. As soon as she did, confetti was blasted in her face.

"Hey, Limestone!" Pinkie greeted as she walked into the house, her party cannon in front of her. "Gee, nice house, Lightning!"

Lightning walked over to Pinkie. "Thanks! And that's a cool cannon you've got there!"

Pinkie then blew some more confetti into his face. "Thanks! It's my party cannon; I can't go anywhere without it!"

Lightning looked at the cannon, confused. "How do you carry it around? Wouldn't that be a burden?"

Pinkie giggled. "Oh, that's a Pinkie Secret, silly! I can't give you this information!" She replied as she sassily flicked her tail.

Limestone rolled her eyes. "Yeah, cool, Pinkie. But we need help."

Pinkie's lips morphed into a super large smile. "Oh, yeah! I need to help plan your wedding! This is gonna be a blast!" She replied as she pulled a clipboard, paper, and pen out of nowhere. "Now, where are you planning to have your wedding? That's quite essential when planning the party!"

Limestone and Lightning looked at each other, giving a smile. "We were thinking... to have a wedding outside."

Pinkie wrote a few things down, her smile never fading. "Ooh! Where are you planning?"

Lightning grabbed a paper from the table in the living room. "We've booked for the wedding to be at the Vanhoover Park." He then looked between Limestone and Pinkie. "It's where Limestone and I visited when we first met each other."

Pinkie gasped. "Oh my gosh, you two are adorable!"

Limestone crossed her fore-legs and huffed. "Please, Pinkie, I prefer not to be called cute."

Pinkie snorted. "Yeah, right. You probably love hearing it from your fiancée."

This caused Limestone to go silent. Pinkie hoof-pumped. "Yes! I win! Pinkie one, Limestone zero." Limestone looked quite red in the face and like she wanted to punch Pinkie.

Pinkie now looked over to Lightning. "Oh, and do you remember that Princess Twilight is going to be the one who weds you?"

Lightning nodded. "Yeah. But... why? She's a princess!"

"She said that she would love to wed a sister of mine! You should totally get to know her! She's really nice!"

Lightning meekly nodded. "Uh... yeah. I'll talk to her. After all, we need to talk to the pony who declares us together."

Pinkie smiled and nodded. "Yep! Now... let's go over the other things, shall we?" She turned to Limestone. "Limestone, let's plan your bridal shower!"

Limestone shook her head. "Pinkie, I'm planning for my shower to be a surprise for you as well. Plus, I already have that planned."

Pinkie nodded. "Sounds good! Now... let's go to the park! I need to look at it to get some awesome decorating ideas!" She said as she zoomed off. She then returned a second later. "Are you two coming?"

Limestone nodded. "Yeah. We just can't go that fast."

Lightning flipped his mane. "Well, maybe I can."

Limestone nudged him. "Doubtful. The day someone catches up with Pinkie Pie is the day I wear a bunny suit all day."

Lightning chuckled. "I didn't know I wanted to see that until now."

Pinkie started laughing as well. "Oh, Lightning, can you imagine? That would be so funny!" She said before erupting into more fits of laughter.

Lightning continued to laugh as he responded. "Yeah! We just need somepony to go faster than you!"

Limestone's cheeks burned. "You two know I would never wear something silly like that, right?"

Lightning nudged her with his wing. "Not on your own will. I'll get you to. I might need some help from Pinkie Pie, but I can do it."

Pinkie giggled. "Lightning, Limestone is quite stubborn. Getting her to do something against her will is one of the hardest things you can ever try to do."

"I'll take your word for it, Pinkie."

Momentarily, the three found themselves outside the park. Pinkie entered with a few bounces, looking at the areas of the park. She then turned around to the two.

"Do you guys know where in here you'll be having your wedding?"

Limestone nodded. "Yep. Follow me." The two followed her to a long, open area. There was a nicely crafted, wooden arch across a field of grass, and a sidewalk on each side of the grassy area which were each leading to it. There were trees around the sidewalks and all around the arch, giving off shade. The arch was mounted on smooth pavement which was in a large, circular shape.

Pinkie walked up to the arch, looking at the nice, shady area. "You two picked a nice place to have your wedding! If you do it in the evening, the sunset would make the scene much prettier!"

Limestone's ears wiggled at this idea. "Pinkie, you're right!" She turned to Lightning. "Does that sound good? Getting married in the evening, I mean."

Lightning nodded. "Of course it does! The sunset would add a nice feel!"

Pinkie nodded. "Yep! Now... for decorations..." She then stared to look at the trees closely. She then looked at the arch. "I think white streamers would look great on the trees and archway." She then turned her glance to the field they were standing in. "And I think, right in the middle of this field, we should place a long, white carpet for Limestone to walk down. Chairs will be on either side. I think that sounds great!" She then lifted her head up and turned to the couple. "What do you two think?"

Limestone and Lightning nodded. "That sounds good!" Lightning answered.

Limestone nodded her head. "I agree. That sounds like a good plan, Pinkie!"

Pinkie smiled and wrote a few more things down. "Okay..." She then looked back up. "Now, let's discuss catering."

A smile climbed Limestone's cheeks. "I was thinking about asking the Apples to cater. They make quite good food."

Pinkie's eyes widened. "Oh, yeah! I'm sure they would love to help!" Pinkie said as she wrote more on the paper. "Ooh, and do you want me to get my friend, Rarity, to be your tailor? She's amazing at fashion!"

Limestone nodded. "Sure! Lightning, does that sound good?"

Lightning nodded. "Of course! We'll just need to meet her."

Pinkie waved a hoof. "That shouldn't be a problem! You can visit Ponyville to go over things with the Apples, Rarity, and Twilight!"

Limestone and Lightning looked at each other before nodding. "That sounds like a good plan. When should we come?" Lightning asked as Pinkie got really close to him.

"Well... that all depends. When is your wedding date?"

"The 29th of Frost's End." Limestone replied.

Pinkie smiled as she started to think. "So... it's Final Fall now... which means Frost's End is in..." Her smile brightened as she came to a conclusion. "About four months!" She started to bounce. "Wow! I can't believe it's only four months until you get married!" Her bouncing came to an ease as she continued to glance between the two. "Are you two ready?"

Limestone shrugged her shoulders. "I mean I guess..."

Lightning nudged her with his wing. "She means to say that yes, she is ready."

Pinkie giggled. "Great!" She then looked between the two. "So... do you two have a bouquet picked out yet? I need to coordinate the decoration colors with your bouquet colors."

Limestone waved a hoof. "Oh, well, we're getting the bouquet ideas from our friend's marefriend, who is a flower shop owner."

Pinkie leaned closer. "And...? Have you figured anything out yet?"

Limestone shook her head. "Not yet-"

Pinkie started to drag her. "Bye, Lightning! Limestone and I are going to get the other bride's maids! We. Need. Information!"

Lightning awkwardly waved a hoof as Pinkie drew his fiancée away. "Uh... bye?"

"Sapphire, Speed, this is Pinkie Pie: my sister." Limestone introduced to the two mares, who gladly waved before continuing to walk.

"Hiya!" Pinkie greeted. "Like she said, I'm Pinkie Pie, Ponyville's premier party planner!"

Speed's eyes widened. "Wow! I've never met a professional party planner before!"

Sapphire snorted. "Speed, where have you been? Hiding under a rock?"

Speed stuck her tongue out at her friend as Pinkie giggled.

"I've only met one other besides myself. He's pretty good, but I'm the best," Pinkie boasted, raising a hoof to her chest.

Sapphire's look now turned to one of confusion. "Say... where are we going, anyway?"

"Flowers, duh!" Pinkie said, stopping in front of a flower shop. "Is this the one?" She asked Limestone, who nodded.

"It is, but Pinkie, not all of my bride's maids are here!"

Pinkie gasped. "Oh my gosh! Who are we missing?"

Limestone rolled her eyes. "Pinkie, we're missing Maud and Marble."

"Oooh!" Pinkie remarked. She then thought. "Well... I know Maud's favorite color is gray... and Marble doesn't have much of an opinion on a favorite color..." She looked to Limestone.

Limestone looked from the flower shop to Pinkie. "Well... I think they'll be fine... both of them always want to go with the flow anyway..."

"AND I NEED TO DECIDE ON COLORS!" Pinkie interrupted as she pulled the three other mares into the shop. Once inside, a floral smell hit their nostrils, and they stood in pleasure. An earth pony with a yellow coat, brown mane, and pink eyes looked towards the mares. A smile instantly flew up her cheeks.

"Hey, guys! What's up?" She asked as she trotted over. She then looked to Limestone. "Lime, it's been a while since I've seen you! Been busy wedding planning, huh?"

Limestone nodded. "Yeah. Actually, that's the reason I'm here."

The mare smiled. "Oh, okay!" She then turned to Pinkie Pie. "Oh? I don't believe I've ever seen you before."

Pinkie smiled. "I'm Pinkie Pie; Limestone's sister!"

The mare nodded, offering a pleasant smile. "Ah. Well, it's nice to meet you, Pinkie. I'm Radiant Bloom, one of the workers here." She then looked back to Limestone. "Well... what do you need?"

Limestone thought. "Well, we first need to get bouquets for the bride's maids."

Radiant nodded. "Got it. I know the perfect batch that will go with your maids!" She started to trot away, but then stopped and turned. "Wait... are all your maids here?"

Limestone bit her lip and shook her head. "No. Two of my other sisters aren't here today."

Radiant then got closer to Limestone. "Well... then what's their coat colors? Mane colors?"

Limestone answered without hesitation. "One has a gray coat and purple mane, and the other has a gray coat and mane."

Radiant nodded. "Okay." She then turned to Pinkie. "Are you a maid as well?"

Pinkie nodded. "Yep!"

Radiant smiled. "Alright! There's a lot of fun that I can have with the color pink!" She said as she started to pick out a few flowers from their respectful pots and organizing them in a colorful arrangement.

Speed stepped a little closer to her and waggled her eyebrows. "So... how's Stormy?" She teased as Radiant flushed a light red, though a smile grew on her face.

"Oh, Storms is just great!"

Pinkie raised an eyebrow. "Who's Stormy?"

"A friend of ours," Limestone answered. "You'll meet him at the wedding."

Radiant chuckled. "Hopefully! He has had a record for being late to our dates, so hopefully he isn't late to the wedding!"

Speed's ear flicked. "Wait... he's late to your dates?"

Radiant nodded. "Yeah. But, it's alright."

Sapphire shook her head. "No, it's not. I'm gonna have to teach him some discipline like I do my fifth graders." Her wings drooped. "They can be quite lazy when it comes to my class."

Radiant giggled. "It's fine. You don't have to." She then took a last look at the small bouquet she put together before looking at the maids. "Does it look good?"

The mares all gasped. The bouquet had a white rose in the middle, and many other colorful carnations around it. Radiant then showed it to Limestone.

"Do you all like it?"

Everypony nodded. "Yep!"

Radiant then looked to Limestone. "So... I take it this will be held by your maids during your wedding. Am I correct?"

Limestone nodded. "Yep!"

Radiant smiled before putting the bouquet to the side. "Gotcha. I'll have to make more of those before your wedding." She then looked up to Limestone. "Well, now I need to know what you're doing for your bouquet."

Limestone thought before an idea popped into her head. "Maybe... a red rose in the middle, and white carnations surrounding it?"

Radiant thought. "Hm... great idea! It will compliment the maids' bouquets quite well!" She then jotted down a few notes. "So... are you all done?"

Everypony nodded. "Yep!"

Radiant gave them all a smile. "Well... bye everypony! I'll see you soon!"

"Bye!" The mares chorused as they stepped outside.

Sapphire stopped in her tracks and thought. "Wait... when are we going to have to go dress shopping?"

Limestone turned to face the Pegasus. "We're going to Ponyville soon. Pinkie's friend is apparently an amazing dress maker, and we're going to ask her about the dresses."

"Yep!" Pinkie piped.

Speed's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, I've wanted to visit Ponyville for so long!"

Pinkie then walked closer to the other mares. "You'll have a blast!"

Limestone nodded. "I'm sure! Now... are you done writing down your ideas?"

Pinkie scanned her clipboard before gasping and shaking her head. "Limestone... the after party! How could you forget that?!"

Limestone motioned for her to quiet down. "Pinkie, all I need for the after party would be a dance party in a different area of the park from where we're having our ceremony."

Pinkie wrote this down before continuing. "And... Ooh! You can have the Cakes make your wedding cake! We can get things configured with them when you're in Ponyville!"

Limestone nodded. "Sounds good!"

Pinkie smiled. "Yeah! So... when are you planning to visit Ponyville, exactly?"

Limestone shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure. Whenever we can all go. Remember, I also need to ask Maud and Marble about it."

Pinkie nodded. "Oh, yeah! Well, they should be able to come!" She then looked towards Limestone, her pupils narrowing. "Oh! Limestone, we need to get your coltfriend! We left him back there!" She then grabbed Limestone's hoof and ran off.

"Uh... bye!" Sapphire and Speed said, watching Limestone being dragged away.

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