• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Maud: An Interesting Way of Life

Maud's eyes widened as she scanned the interior of the crystal mansion. The foyer had a large, crystal lamp hanging from the ceiling, basking her fur in rainbow colored lights. She looked around to see many hallways leading in different directions. She also saw a ballroom straight ahead of her, which was mostly blocked off by the half-closed door.

"Wow. This is amazing." Maud complemented before looking back at Crystal Geode. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess."

The two looked at each other in uncertainty before Maud averted her glance away. She could hear Geode moving his hoof on the ground.

"Um, Maud?"

Maud looked back to him. "Yes?"

He took a breath before nervously scanning her. "Would you care if I... well..." he tried to find the right words. "Am not as... boring?"

Maud tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

"Maud, I'm really boring out in public. Just admit it." He moved a bit of his white mane out of his face. "Would it bother you if I was... well... a bit hyper? Only at home, of course."

Maud blinked, still really confused. "I wouldn't mind. But-"

Hearing this, Geode immediately smiled brightly and twirled on one hoof before falling on a couch against the wall. "Thank Cadence!" He jumped up, his orange eyes shining. "I was afraid you would like me to keep my public appearance up!"

Maud did not know how to respond. Nothing made much sense. "What do you mean by that?"

His form deflated for a second. "Well, you see, Maud..." he gulped. "I used to be a model."

Maud nodded. "I've heard."

Geode looked at her in surprise before continuing. "Well... yeah. My mother nearly forced me to, because she said I had the looks to do it." He snorted. "Well, really, she said, 'You have your father and I's amazing looks, so you should be a model!'" He stuck his tongue out, mocking them. "She also forced me to act sophisticated in public. Y'know, use fancy words, and keep a straight face most of the time." He rubbed his temples. "Sadly, ponies got used to me being like that. Now, if I acted like my true self out in public, there would be so much talk about me "lying" to ponies because I showed them a "false" side. Seriously, some ponies always find something to complain about!" He now rubbed his eyes in irritation. "I just... well... don't feel like being the talk of the Empire."

Maud blinked, the gears starting to turn in her head. "So... you're saying... you restrict yourself from being who you really are in public just because of the opinions of others?"

Geode blinked a few times. "When you put it like that, it sounds ridiculous." His ears fell back. "But it's true. I just want to blend into the background, and never be noticed again. Being a model was horrible for me, but I didn't want to disappoint my mother."

Maud thought for a minute. "What if they don't even notice?"

Geode raised an eyebrow. "Pardon?"

Maud blinked. "What if they don't care if you're hyper? They may embrace you with open hooves."

He shook his head. "They wouldn't."

"Why is that?"

"Well..." he paused a second before continuing. "About two weeks ago, I overheard this big posse of mares talking. One said, 'I hope Crystal Geode never changes. He is so perfect.' The rest then nodded their heads."

Maud internally cringed. "Don't listen to what they say. They're just a bunch of mares who don't know you. They can't dictate your life."

Geode thought about this. "But... what if they spread rumors about me? I would be the talk of the Empire in no time!"

Maud stared him right in the eyes. "So what? If you feel like you're living your life in misery, don't keep yourself locked in a closet."


"No buts. Tomorrow, I want you to come out, and be who you truly are."

Crystal gave a laugh. "Maud, I am not homosexual!" He said as he stuck his tongue out.

Maud tilted her head. "What do you-" she stopped as she realized what she said could be misinterpreted. A small smile appeared on her cheeks. "Oh."

Geode laughed a bit harder before regaining his posture. "Okay. I guess I could try. To be myself, at least."

Maud nodded. "That sounds good. I'll be there to help you." Her eyes widened. "Well, that is, if you'll be fine with me working at your shop."

Crystal smiled. "That would be... nice. Thank you."

"No problem."

He then looked from Maud to the kitchen. "Say, are you ready to eat?"

"Of course."

Crystal bounced before making his way to the kitchen. "Okay. So, in the Crystal Restaurant today, we have corn, luxury oats, and fruit. All will be free of charge." He stuck his tongue out again before using his magic to levitate the food items he listed over to the table. "Does this all sound good?"

Maud nodded as she took a seat on a cushioned chair. "It does."

He now levitated two plates to either side of the table, along with napkins and silverware. He then levitated the food items to each plate.

Different from Limestone and Marble, Maud had left the rock farm plenty of times, and has tried many other foods across Equestria. So, she was familiar with what was placed on the plate in front of her.

The two started their dinner as Maud welcomed the taste of the food. The food did taste a little different in the Empire, but in a way, it was better. She tried to start up a conversation.

"So, how were you able to get a mansion like this?"

Geode leaned back in his chair a bit. "Well, being a model pays a lot of money. I modeled for a lot of stallion products. Hence, they gave me money. Also, I started up the Crystal Emporium, which is my rock shop. The crystals on display really sell to travelers, especially the geodes. It is my talent to find them, after all." He showed her his cutie mark, which was none other than a geode. "And, my parents also wanted me to be rich like they are, so they supplied me with money to get a large house. I had to take it without a choice."

Maud nodded. "Interesting. And how did you get your cutie mark?" Maud loved asking ponies this question when she wasn't being a complete introvert. Seeing a pony's face light up as they recall how they got their special talent had always been a treat for Maud to see.

However, Crystal shrugged his shoulders, which was to Maud's dismay. "I don't know. I got my cutie mark before King Sombra took over the Empire. Nopony remembers anything before he took over." He thought for a moment. "Well, besides our names and loved ones. That's about it."

Maud now immediately felt bad for bringing it up. "I... see. I'm sorry."

Crystal waved a hoof. "It's okay! What about you?"

Maud recounted her memories. "Well, when I was a filly, I was looking at the many rocks scattering my family's rock farm-"

"You have a rock farm?!" He asked, his eyes wide. "I've always wanted to visit one!"

Well, this was sure different from everpony she's ever had to explain it to. "You know what a rock farm is?"

Geode nodded. "Of course I do! I love geology, so I have to know what a rock farm is!"

Maud's heart soared. She just realized how much he has in common with her. "Well, maybe I can bring you there sometime."


Maud nodded. "Yes."

Crystal smiled. "Why, thank you!" He then folded his hooves on the table. "Now, continue with your story."

Maud resumed with what she was saying. "Well, as I was looking at the rocks, I labeled them by their types. My parents were surprised that I had such a great knowledge of rocks at my age. And then, my cutie mark appeared." She looked down to see her cutie mark, which was a rock. She then looked back up as she opened a pocket in her tunic. "I almost forgot."

"What?" Geode asked as he saw Maud take out a little rock out of her pocket.

Maud blinked at him, and then at the rock. She then put it by her plate and put a slice of apple next to it. She looked up to Geode again.

"This is my pet rock. His name is Boulder."

Geode smiled and reached his hoof out. "Uh... hello, Boulder." He gently stroked the rock before pulling his hoof away.

Maud looked at Boulder before blinking again. "It seems like Boulder likes you."

Geode let out a chuckle. "Well, the feeling's mutual. I always like little rocks who have a great taste of diet." He stuck his tongue out, causing Maud to internally smile.

"He likes hearing that." She then started eating again. "Many ponies give him judgmental looks. He always wonders what he does to make them dislike him."

Geode looked down to Boulder. "Well, little guy, just know that you have me and Maud to love ya."

Maud looked up to him, blinking. "It sounds like you're taking on the responsibility of parenting."

Geode snorted before shaking his head. "Nah, that'll be a while." He shifted in his chair. "By a while, I mean at least five years."

Maud tilted her head. "That's pretty soon."

Geode shrugged his shoulders. "Eh... oh well. Five years just seems like an easy amount to say. Knowing me, it would probably be about ten."

I sure hope it doesn't take that long for us to get down to business...

Maud cleared her thoughts before nodding her head. "Same."

The two finished their dinners as Geode patted his full stomach. He stretched a bit, flexing his muscles. "That was good. Now, I think it's about bedtime."

Maud stood up, internally hoping that he only had one bed. Though, that was extremely unlikely.

"There's a guest room upstairs. Here, I'll show you."

And... I was right.

Maud followed him up the shiny, waxed stairs. After getting upstairs, he opened the door to show a very spacious room. It was neatly organized, and even had a few geodes on display. Maud walked in, setting her saddlebag on the ground.

Geode gave her a sincere smile, which sent Maud's heart fluttering. "Is there anything else you need?"

Maud shook her head. "No thank you. I'm fine."

He nodded and started to close the door. "Well, I think you can find your way to the kitchen if you need any food. Just... don't eat too much."

"Don't worry. I won't."

He smiled again. "Alright. I'll honk a horn in the morning to wake you up. Then, we can leave together."

Maud nodded before raising an eyebrow. "O... what?"

Her question wasn't answered, because the door was already shut. She shrugged her shoulders and turned around. She then decided to walk over to the geodes on display. They were beautiful. He had the light situated to perfectly reflect the crystals inside the rocks.

After observing them, she turned and tucked herself into bed. She turned off all the lights and looked outside before drifting off. The nighttime glow of the Empire lights refreshingly shone along the streets. Maud then placed her head on the pillow, and slowly closed her eyes.

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