• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Limestone: A New Drift

Limestone's heart propelled her, causing her to move forward. She couldn't take her eyes off the stallion. He had a golden coat with a shaggy, brown mane and tail. He turned around to find her walking over. That was when Limestone got a first look at his eyes. Dark blue. Like the ocean colliding with a bolt of lightning.

The stallion descended, his wings blowing a small breeze as they flapped. Limestone couldn't explain it. She couldn't stop staring. It was like his eyes had trapped her. She would normally think this was stupid and out of the ordinary for her, but at this moment, she felt fluttery and warm. A smile started to inch up her face. The stallion eyed her all over.

"May I help you?" He asked in a deep, raspy voice as Limestone flushed. Her heart seemed to pick up the pace when he spoke. She tried to make eye contact.

"Uh... hi. I'm... I'm Limestone Pie..." she responded, her normally loud voice becoming soft. She looked up at his eyes, and was thrown into a trance again. He smiled back at her.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Lightning Drift," he replied, holding out his hoof to shake. Limestone's ears perked up as she moved her hoof towards his. As soon as the two hooves met, the current from Limestone passed through her and into Lightning. Limestone's eyes widened as she flushed. The Pegasus pulled away after a second.

"You... you have electrical powers?" He asked, a little surprised. Limestone didn't know what to say. Coming out and saying he was the one the Choosing Stone picked for her was hard to grasp. It then all caught up with her. He was the one she was meant to be with. This big, muscular, piece of golden eye candy. She shook the thoughts out of her head and responded.

"Uh... I don't think so. Last time I checked, no."

Lightning chuckled. "Well, it seems like you do." The two were silent for a moment; Limestone not sure what to say. He spoke up again. "So... do you come here often?" He asked as Limestone shook her head.

"Nope!" She then looked down to the ground. "Is it alright... if you can show me where some hotels are or something?"

Lightning smiled and nodded. "Of course! Now, it's not everyday I get to make a new friend!" He responded. When those words left his mouth, Limestone felt an uneasy feeling in her heart. Friend. She quickly regained her composure and looked back up at him.

"Thanks! Same... same with me!" She replied as she trotted a few spaces to the north. She smiled as she realized there was no more current flowing through her body. She walked faster, happy she could feel free after a day.

"Hey! Wait up!" Lightning called from behind, flying up to land next to her. Limestone felt her face heat up when the stallion landed a hoof-step away from her. She tried to ignore it and get a conversation started.

"Well... what do you work as? Like... your job?" She asked, hearing her own voice tremble a bit.

"Well, I work as a Vanhoover weather pony!" He replied as he showed her his flank. Limestone flushed at this action, but quickly smiled. His cutie mark was a lightning bolt. "What about you?" He asked as he pulled his flank away and started walking normally again.

"Well, I own a rock farm near Ponyville." Limestone responded, holding her head high up.

Lightning's facial expression turned to one of confusion. "A what now?"

Limestone looked into his eyes as she continued. "A rock farm. We basically farm rocks. My family is given rocks which seem to be cluttering up the land, and we have to take a pickaxe to them to get rid of them. I know, it probably sounds strange, but it's what I've grown up with."

Lightning nodded, still clearly confused. "I guess that makes sense. I've just... never heard of a rock farmer before."

Limestone nodded her head. "I get that a lot." She then looked all around and saw a nice looking hotel. "Maybe I could stay there!" She remarked, pointing towards the hotel.

Lightning smiled. "Well, since you're here alone, do you want to hang out later?"

Limestone got an even bigger smile as she nodded her head. "Sure!"

"Alright. Meet me out here when you're done getting settled in, if that's alright," Lightning suggested as Limestone nodded her head.

"That sounds great!"

Lightning nodded back at her. "Okay! See ya!"

Limestone offered him a smile. "See ya!" She waved as he gave her a big smile before flying off. Limestone watched him leave for a few seconds before letting her composure drop.

Even though the Stone is telling her that he's the right one... is it really telling the truth? Does he really like her back?

These thoughts kept whirling through Limestone's head as she checked in and got settled in a room. Along with those thoughts came certain other thoughts. Daydreams. Daydreams which made her stomach flutter and her cheeks grow warm. She tried to shake these thoughts out of her head, but it was pretty challenging.

She walked over to the window and folded her hooves on the ledge. She rested her head on them, letting her head drift. There was no way to stop it. This was the most daydreaming she's done in a very long time. Normally she's just thinking of how many rocks she's going to farm. Now, the only thing on her mind is a stallion. A kind, muscular, handsome...

Limestone felt a blush creep onto her face before shaking her head, trying to get it to leave. She couldn't believe it. She was completely infatuated with a stallion she just met. After she finished shaking her head, she saw a yellow blur dashing around. She knew who it was. Lightning. Her ears perked up and her heart did cartwheels inside of her chest. Just seeing him gave her an adrenaline rush like no other. She just couldn't stop watching him fly around. There were no other words to describe his movements besides awesome and mesmerizing. She wished they could do those moves in the sky together. Their hooves meeting...

She stepped away from the window, not letting her mind trail off again. She decided to step outside and see him. The daydreams were too awkward for her to bear. She trotted out of her room, keeping a steady pace while walking down the hallway. The carpet was soft on her hooves; feeling like walking on pillows compared to the rock farm. She soon reached the doors and opened them to be engulfed in a cool breeze. She took a few steps before seeing a certain golden Pegasus pass overhead. She smiled when she saw him. She wanted to call his name desperately, but she felt a wave of shyness wash over her. Oh, if this was so hard for her, how hard would it be for Marble? Marble can barely get two words out of her mouth. She pushed this to the back of her mind and took a breath in before shouting.

"Lightning!" She shouted as she waved up. The stallion stopped and descended next to her. He ruffled his wings before giving her a smile. That very smile was very infectious. She soon felt her grin widening as well.

"Hey, Limestone! Do you want to take a walk around the park or something? You can't come to Vanhoover without somepony to talk to!" He replied as he looked into her eyes. Limestone flushed when her eyes met his.

"Uh... sure! Why? Is Vanhoover boring?" She asked as Lightning thought.

"Well, I guess you can say that. It definitely doesn't have any places for tourists. It's a small, but nice, city." He then gave her another smile. "But ponies always seem to keep themselves company with the residents, like me, which they meet here. I end up talking and hanging out with a lot of ponies who decide to stay here."

Those words sent pangs through Limestone's heart. He doesn't just talk to her this much? He talks to other travelers? She felt her ears droop. She quickly regained herself.

"Interesting! Now, let's head to the park," she responded as she walked by his side. She still made sure to keep her distance, even though she wanted to stand closer to him. She flushed at the thoughts of pressing her body next to his. She quickly stopped thinking about her daydreams and looked up to him.

"So... are you good at your job?" Limestone wanted to slap herself after saying that. That was a very stupid question. She picked up the pace a little bit; getting an adrenaline rush because of the strong love she was feeling, and the anger of her own stupidity. Lightning gave a small chuckle.

"Of course! They would kick me out of the team if I wasn't good!" He responded as he looked straight. In front of them was the park. It was small, just enough to have a small walk.

Limestone smiled. "I guess so. I saw you flying earlier. You looked great!" Limestone felt heat rise up to her face. Not the right thing to say. She just wished she could stop talking so she could stop being so awkward.

"Oh! Thanks! I would compliment you, but I haven't seen you do much. I mean... no offense."

Limestone nodded, happy he didn't think her comment was really creepy. She smiled. "None taken.

Lightning looked down to her, and then around at the scenery in the park. There were many shrubberies cut to different shapes and designs. There was also a big unicorn, earth pony, and Pegasus made out of greens. Limestone looked at them, smiling. It was very peaceful there. Lightning broke the silence by speaking up.

"So... do you want to go to a café tomorrow for lunch? Sorry for asking you to keep me company, like, every few minutes. My friends aren't coming back to town until two days. I'm a very social pony, so I always want to talk with others."

Limestone nodded. "I understand. I like having somepony to talk to." She gave him a smile. "And sure! But... what are your friends doing that they left you?

"Oh, they asked me to go on a trip to the Crystal Empire with them. I declined, wanting to stay here." He smiled at her. "And great! Makes for good company tomorrow!"

Limestone nodded in agreement. "Yeah!" She then looked to see that the walk in the park was almost over. That was fast. Well, whatever time she spent with Lightning flew by. The two walked out of the park in silence before looking up at the sky. The sun was starting to set.

"Wraps up a good day!" Lightning remarked, sitting on the ground. Limestone sat next to him. He then looked down to her with a look of confusion in his eyes. "I'm still wondering. Where did that electric current come from earlier today?"

Limestone's pupils shrunk. "What?"

"Where did it come from?" He asked, moving his hoof along the ground. "It felt really strange. But warm also."

Limestone flushed and looked to the ground. "I-I don't know where that comes from. I must have just picked up a shock from the ground or something."

Lightning raised an eyebrow. "I know what shocks feel like. That was nothing like a little shock. It was something else."

Limestone shrugged her shoulders, pretending to not know what it was. "I don't know. That's weird." She looked up to see Luna's moon scaling the sky.

Lightning looked up to the moon and nodded as well. "Yeah. That is weird." He then gave a yawn before standing up. "It got late fast. I better get to sleep. So... I'll see you tomorrow!"

Limestone stood up as well. "Where?"

Lightning turned around to face her. "Your hotel at lunch?"

Limestone smiled and nodded. "Sounds good. See ya!"

"See ya!" He responded before raising himself into the sky and flying off. Limestone watched him fly off before turning around and heading back to her hotel.

As soon as she got back into her room, she flopped on the bed and buried her face in her hooves. She then let out a small sigh.

"Ugh... what am I going to do about him?"

Author's Note:

Here is a drawing of Lightning Drift:

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