• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Maud: A Small Request

Rain. Rain is always something that Maud has loved to listen to. It calms her nerves during difficult situations, and provides a nice rhythm to fall asleep to.

Now, she was sitting inside the Crystal Emporium, nopony entering in and out the doors. Everypony was probably spending times indoors, so they didn't think to walk all the way to the small rock shop. The rain was falling pretty hard outside, and Maud saw many crystal ponies scurrying home, some crystal pegasi flying through the rain.

She now looked back to the counter. Besides the rain, the only sound to be heard was the clock ticking on the wall, and Tango writing something down. Geode was in the back room, trying to uncover a few new rocks Tango apparently found.

Maud walked over to a silver geode with blue crystals on the inside for about the sixth time that hour, and admired it again. She has always loved the look of geodes, though throughout her youth, Limestone found most of them in the mines whenever Maud would try to uncover some. And she was not hesitant to inflate her already large ego about it.

Geode now walked out of the back room, a smile on his face.

"Tango, these look great! They're pretty expensive looking as well!" Geode remarked, levitating a few papers over to the orange unicorn. Tango looked at the data and smiled back.

"Thanks. So... I should go display them?"

Geode nodded. "Yeah. Maud and I will agree on price range," he said as he signaled Maud to walk over to the counter. Maud did just that, and scanned the papers curiously.

She looked up to him. "You're right. These are really nice rocks."

Geode nodded. "Yeah. So... I think that the first one should be worth about thirty bits, the second one should be worth about thirty-five, and the last should be worth about fifty."

Maud put a hoof to her chin. "Well... I don't think the last one is worth that much. It's very easy to tell that it's sedimentary, and even with the crystals on the outside, you can still see the remains of the rocks and surfaces it has been on. See, the edges are all uneven. So, I think the price should be forty bits instead of fifty."

Geode thought. "True, but those crystals are very expensive. In all my years of searching, I have found only about three rocks with those crystals; be it a geode or not. I did some research on them, and found out they go for a high price."

Maud blinked before running her hoof over the texture of the rock. "That's true, but I still think the surface will turn customers off."

Geode felt it as well. "Well... maybe it goes at... forty-five?"

Maud stood in silence for a moment. "Forty-two."

Geode nodded. "Alright, I guess that's fine. I'll go make the price tags now." He replied as he started heading towards the back room. He walked away, and Maud was standing by herself.

Now, Tango was walking over, scanning the rocks he had found. For a minute, the two were left in an awkward silence.

"So... uh... hi." Tango started, trying to start up a conversation with Maud.

Maud looked over to him. "Hello."

Tango kept his glance on the rocks. "I honestly did not expect you to be a geologist when I first saw you a few days ago. Heck, I would have never expected you to be my co-worker!"

Maud tilted her head. "I'm not exactly your co-worker. I'm just volunteering in the Empire to pass the time."

Tango's ear flicked before he looked back up at Maud, his expression dictating confusion. "Wait... pass the time for what? Aren't you on a vacation? Like... don't you want to see all the Empire has to offer?" His glance was now not leaving Maud. "Or... do you feel like it's rude leaving Geode after he let you stay with him? He's a cool guy; I don't think he'll mind."

Maud stood in silence for a moment, not sure what to say. She didn't want to give the impression she wants to leave, but she also doesn't want to say that Crystal Geode is her soulmate. Yeah... that may not go over too well.

She quickly came up with an explanation off the top of her head. "I'm passing the time because I was called to do something here in the Empire. I don't know when I'll have to do this certain thing, but I know it's here, and that I should keep it a secret."

Tango stared at her in confusion. "Wait... are you a spy? Part of a secret organization?" He lightly snorted at his own comment. "Well, you probably wouldn't answer that anyway, but..."

"I am not part of any secret organization. There is something else that is factoring into my trip that I cannot share with anypony besides my own family." She paused. "You'll probably find out in the future, however."

Tango's eyes widened. "What do you mean by that? Is something going to happen to Equestria? The Crystal Empire?"

Maud internally slapped herself. She was making this worse. "No. It's something you'll see in the future when the time comes. It's not bad."

Tango looked at her with mixed emotions for a few seconds before turning away. Maud turned away as well.

At this moment, Geode came out from the back, levitating three price tags.

"Well... I think it's about time we close up shop. Are you ready, Maud?"

Maud nodded. "Sure." She walked away from the counter as Geode levitated the price tags to the new rocks on the shelves.

Tango stepped behind the counter. "I'll get my stuff from the back room. See you guys tomorrow," he said before opening the back door. Geode and Maud walked to the rainy outdoors, bullets of rain immediately touching their coats as soon as they stepped outside.

They walked for a good distance in silence. Finally, Geode spoke up.

"So... your friends didn't have anything planned for today?"

Maud shook her head. "Nope. Not that I know of." She tilted her head. "And aren't they your friends as well?"

Geode shrugged his shoulders. "I mean... I don't know. They're fun, but I see them more as acquaintances instead of friends."

Maud thought for a moment. What does he think of me? Am I nothing more than a co-worker? A tourist?

She averted her glace, deciding to ask. "Do you... see me as a friend?"

Silence. She was treated to silence.

After a moment, Geode nodded. "I... guess I would. After all, you really helped me this week. Isn't that what friends are for?"

Maud's heart skipped a quick beat. He did see her as a friend! Though, nothing more...

Maud shrugged it off. For now, she was okay with being just friends. They were closer than they were at the beginning of the week, and Maud was quite happy about that.

The two neared the mansion as she heard Geode take a breath.

"Maud... after we dry off inside... can I ask you something? It has to do with what we were just talking about."

Maud felt her heart plummet. The tone in his voice made it sound like he was about to break something unpleasant to her.

Maud slightly nodded. "Sure."

They walked inside, shut the door, and Geode immediately levitated two towels over. They draped them on their backs, absorbing the rain water off of their coats.

After about a minute of drying, Geode took a seat on the large couch. He was fiddling with his hooves, seeming a bit nervous.

Maud sat down next to him, dreading the upcoming conversation. Did I do something wrong? Do I have to leave? No... I can't leave! The Choosing Stone called me here!

Geode cleared his throat. "Maud... I know you have to leave soon, but..." He paused. Time was ticking slower than ever. He finally drew another breath. "Will you... maybe... want to go out?"

Oh, I'm gonna have to- Wait, WHAT?! Maud's ears suddenly perked as her eyes widened. She couldn't move. All of her muscles were suddenly locked up.

His eyes nervously looked around, his pupils small with nervousness. "Uh... Maud, well, what I'm trying to say, is..." He paused again, making sure Maud's eyes were on him. "Maud, you really helped me with something I struggled with the most. Now, I have friends. I feel special. I feel like I'm worth something. And I never would be this way if it weren't for you." He let this sink in a bit before continuing. "Maud... during these few days, I realized that I... I love you."

Silence hung over the room as Maud's muscles still would not cooperate. Geode's eyes started to fill with sadness as he stood up.

"I-I'm sorry that I suddenly might have come on too strong. Do you want to leave? I mean, I know this is sudden-"

"No!" Maud burst, her voice abnormally high. This caught Geode's attention as he looked back to her, surprised. This was the first real emotion she's ever shown.

Maud now jumped up. "Geode, I don't want to leave!" She started, her voice still higher than normal. "You're not coming on too strong. In fact, I love you as well!" She said, her voice calming down only a bit. Now, a small red hue was visible on her cheeks. She couldn't always perfectly conceal her emotions.

Geode blinked. "R-really? I..."

"And I would love to go out with you tomorrow."

After a moment, Geode's smile grew uncontrollably large. "You would?!"

Maud nodded, a smile on her face as well. "Of course."

Geode now pulled Maud into a small hug, which made the latter's stomach flutter uncontrollably. They pulled apart and smiled at each other.

"So... where are we going tomorrow?" Maud asked.

"It's a surprise, of course!" Geode replied, sticking his tongue out. "Well, now, let's have dinner!"

Maud nodded, following him into the kitchen. "Let's."

Once they got their dinner ready, they took a seat across from each other. A smile was shared before they started eating.

After finishing a bit of their dinner in comfortable silence, Geode spoke up.

"Maud... you have to leave, don't you? Like... when the week is over?"

Maud shook her head. "Nope."

Geode blinked a few times. "W-what? Why? Why are you staying, then?"

Maud sat in silence. She decided that she could probably tell him why she came here. Why she's staying.

Her heart rate picked up as she started to speak. "Well, I used the Choosing Stone-"

"The Choosing Stone?! You have the privilege of using it?!" Geode interrupted.

Maud eyed him, surprised. It's rare for others to know of it. "Yes. But how do you know about it?"

Geode flipped his mane. "Well, it's something I had to learn of when I was taking a geology class. I've always been quite curious about it." He leaned forward and folded his hooves on the table. "So, tell me. What's it like?"

Maud thought. "Well... when I touched the Stone, a current flowed into my body. It went crazy, and it got stronger the closer I got to my soulmate. It felt warm but awkward at the same time. It's very hard to describe."

Geode nodded. "And who did it lead you to?"

Maud raised an eyebrow. "I'm going out with him tomorrow. I thought that was obvious."

Geode blinked. "Oh. You have a point and-" he paused. "I'm... your soulmate?!" His face turned scarlet in a quick second.

Maud nodded, a bit of red showing through her dark coat. "Yep. Is that a bad thing?"

Geode eyed her all over. "No! Of course not! I'm just quite surprised about this." He gave her a sincere smile. "But, I wouldn't ask for any other pony to be my soulmate."

"Same goes with me. I couldn't be happier." Maud replied. Geode smiled before his face turned into a look of confusion.

"Uh... you don't look too happy about it."

Maud shrugged her shoulders. "I don't show many emotions most of the time."

Geode nodded. "Well, okay. You're still the most amazing mare I've met, though." He then stood up from his chair. "Now, let's go to bed, and see each other in the morning."

Maud nodded. "That sounds good."

The two soon reached the top of the stairs before looking at each other. "Good night." Maud said as Geode smiled at her.

"Good night. I love you." He said before turning and walking away. Maud watched him walk away, her heart doing somersaults.

Those three words. She couldn't get them out of her head. She wished she could say it back to him, but he had already turned the corner.

Smiling, she went into her room, the three words revolving around in her head throughout what would soon be the rest of the night.

Author's Note:


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