• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,784 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Pinkie: The Big City

The last two weeks had passed rather slowly. Every day, Pinkie would wake up hoping that day would be the day that Cheese is ready to get into a relationship. Sadly, however, that was not the case. Pinkie didn't want to rush him, but she felt horrible holding up Marble! Plus, a relationship with him sounded really nice.

Now, though, with the harsh sun beating down, a snow cone sounded really nice.

The two were very close to Manehatten when they passed a roadside snow cone stand. They quickly bought some and continued on their way, Pinkie savoring the taste with each bite. None of her randomly generated snow cones could taste this good.

Her train of thought was broken as Cheese spoke. "I'm happy we're finally here. It's gonna be one heck of a party!"

Pinkie nodded, spooning more of her treat. "Yep! I'm excited!" She replied as she continued eating. It had been a tiring two weeks, that's for sure. Pinkie ran out of good conversation starters a few days in, so their conversations really fell flat. She didn't like that, but she didn't know what to say. She did know, however, that she wanted to hug him. To snuggle with him. To kiss him.

Pinkie blushed as she tried to remove these thoughts from her head. She knew she would be able to fulfill her desires eventually, but not yet. For now, she would just have to be patient. Which, sadly, is one of the things she's awful at.

The two crossed the bridge to Manehatten in silence, Pinkie marveling the waters and city. It had been two weeks since she had seen a city, and it was a very nice sight. Pinkie just couldn't wait to find whoever the lucky pony was.

As the two entered the city, they were immediately greeted with noise. Pinkie had forgotten how noisy Manehatten was with all the loud ponies and taxis.

Cheese looked a little... upset to be in Manehatten. Pinkie noticed this.

"Cheese? Is something wrong?" She asked. Cheese's ears stood straight up as he shook his head.

"No. This is just my hometown. I... don't exactly have the fondest memories of this place, I'll say that."

Pinkie's ears fell. "Oh. I'm sorry."

Cheese looked at her and smiled. "It's okay, don't worry about me. Once we get started on a party, I'll be perfectly fine."

Pinkie smiled back at him. "Okay, you better be. Or else I'll have to shoot the happy into you with my party cannon, buster," she said, nudging him. Cheese chuckled.

"Oh, I am so scared," he replied sarcastically. Pinkie tried to wear a serious expression.

"You better be," she affirmed, playfully swatting him with her tail.

Cheese's tail twitched a few times. A smile climbed up his face as his Cheesy Sense continued to tingle. "Oh, I think I know where the lucky pony is! Follow me!" He said as he started to sneak around. Pinkie discretely followed behind him, looking all around her at the same time. It had been a while since the last time she visited Manehatten. It was always an interesting place, that's for sure. Not as great as Ponyville, of course. Ponies here were hostile and grumpy all the time.

Cheese stopped, slowly peeking around a building. Pinkie did too, after making sure no one would walk into her.

The two saw an orange earth stallion seated on a bench, reading a newspaper. He also had a red mane and light, blue eyes. His cutie mark had the appearance of an angry cat.

Who would like a cutie mark like that? Pinkie thought to herself. Sure, it was a cat, but it just seemed very mean. Maybe he's good with working with mean cats?

Cheese looked back to Pinkie. "Here he is! Let's surprise him," he said, smirking. Pinkie smiled back.

"After you!" She replied as Cheese turned and made his way to the stallion.

"Sir, I have a question for you," he asked in the most professional voice possible. The stallion looked up, glaring at Cheese.

"What do you want?"

Cheese just brushed off the sour attitude. The guy was probably just really in need of a party! "Well, why are you so grumpy? It's your birthday!" He said, throwing confetti onto the stallion. The stallion looked at Cheese in confusion before grunting.

"Uh, why is that so important? Nopony has celebrated my birthday since I was a foal. Now, if you'll excuse me-"

Cheese jumped in front of the stallion as he stood up. "What?! Well, it's time to change that! Pinkie!" He called. Pinkie jumped next to him, looking the stallion in the eyes.

Cheese took out an accordion and started playing a happy tune. As he was about to burst into song, the stallion took the accordion from him.

"Please, no music. I have an awful headache."

Pinkie's mane deflated. "Aw, come on! We still have to throw you a party!"

The stallion's ears flattened as he sighed. "Okay. Did you two strangers just bug me because you want to throw me a party? How did you even know it was my birthday? Are you... stalkers?" He asked, leaning closer to the two. Cheese shook his head.

"Oh, no, sir. You got it all wrong. You see, we're party ponies. I have a Cheesy Sense which shows me to a pony who is in need of a party!"

"And I'm accompanying him!" Pinkie chimed in.

The stallion snorted. "Well, go find a different pony. I don't want any part in this," he said as he quickly hopped on a taxi which had just appeared, directing the stallions pulling the taxi to speed away. They were gone in a few seconds, Cheese and Pinkie looking after them.

"Aw, come on!" Pinkie burst as the taxi disappeared from sight.

"Well... I guess we'll have to start planning the party without him!" Cheese said, smiling. A ruffle of feathers was heard above the two party ponies, causing them to look up.

A light blue pegasus mare was descending from the sky, her two-toned dark blue mane flowing in the wind. Her purple eyes were filled with discontent. She landed, fluffing her feathers. "Was he mean to you guys?"

Pinkie tilted her head. "You mean the guy who just left? Uh... sorta, yeah." Pinkie's ear flicked. "Wait... why are you asking?"

The mare's ears flopped. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry about Citrus Whisker. He's my cousin. I've been secretly following him around to see if he could be nice for once in his life."

Pinkie nodded, though she started to giggle. "Citrus Whisker? That's a funny name!" She said, giggling some more. The pegasus started lightly laughing as well.

"Yeah, he changed it. His birth name was actually Citrus Fruit, but he changed it when he became a developer of cat food." Her ears perked. "Oh, I'm sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself! My name is Cloud Nine!" She said, offering a large smile.

Cheese smiled back at her. "Hey there! I'm Cheese Sandwich-"

"And I'm Pinkie Pie!"

"...And we're party ponies!" He finished, lifting his head up.

Cloud Nine gasped. "Oh my gosh! I've always wanted to meet a party pony! Manehatten is so dull!" She said, hovering up in the air. Pinkie smiled.

"Well, now you've met two!" She said, earning a large smile from the pegasus.

Cheese chuckled. "Cloud Nine, you said you were Citrus' cousin, right?"

Cloud nodded. "That I did!"

Cheese bounced up. "Well, can you tell us where he lives so we can throw him a super big party for when he gets home?"

Cloud's ears fell back on her scalp. "Oh, he would be really mad, though. He hates parties. Well, I mean, he hates anything that brings joy to others. Except cats."

Pinkie deflated. "Aw, but we came to Manehatten just to throw him a birthday party!"

Cloud's ears perked up. "Wait... it's his birthday?!"

Cheese nodded. "Yeah? My Cheesy Sense told me a party was needed here, and showed me to Citrus. Aren't you his-"

"Yeah, I'm his cousin, but I'm not very invested into his life. Last time I wished him a happy birthday he just grunted and walked away from me. I guess I've just forgotten after that," Cloud answered.

Pinkie flicked her tail. "But you should always remember birthdays of family members! I know my entire family's, including extended family's, by memory!" She said, earning a shrug.

"No need to remember if my cousin wouldn't be very happy if I did, right?"

Pinkie blinked. "I guess..."

Cheese pulled Cloud down to his level. "Well, then we have to throw him a party to get him back in the party spirit!" He said, shooting confetti from his mane. "Now... where does he live?"

Cloud put on a determined smile. "I'll show you!" She said, starting to fly at a slower pace. The party ponies followed the pegasus through alleyways and across busy streets. They eventually reached a street with fairly large houses. Cloud stopped in front of one with a large fountain in front and pointed.

"This is his house!" She said. Pinkie gawked.

"Wow! This thing is huge!"

Cloud nodded. "Yeah, he gets paid a lot. However, all he really thinks about is money. I've been trying to persuade him to make friends, but he's only concerned about getting richer."

Pinkie pulled Cloud down to her level much like Cheese did earlier. Cloud gave Pinkie a comfortable smile. "Well, maybe I can help show him friendship. I am the Element of Laughter, after all!" She said, smirking. Cloud gasped.

"Oh my gosh! I'm honored!" She replied. Cheese noticed Cloud's cheeks were a bit red when she looked at Pinkie. Why is she so embarrassed? He thought. He just shrugged it off. Mares are confusing beings he would never be able to fully comprehend.

Pinkie let go of the pegasus and smiled. "Oh, well, thanks! And I know I'll be able to make at least some progress with him!"

Cloud's smile widened. "Oh, hopefully you can! I hate seeing him so lonely all the time. I know he really is, but he just needs to be shown friendship to realize how sad he is."

Pinkie's mane slightly deflated. "Aww. I'll work extra hard then!"

Cloud bounced into the air and started hovering. "You don't know how happy that makes me!" She said as she turned to Cheese. "So... are we planning it right here?"

Cheese nodded. "Yeah! Pinkie, let's set out statues and food. Cloud, do you want to help?"

Cloud nodded rapidly. "Yeah!"

Cheese smiled as he pulled a lot of streamers out of his mane. Cloud watched in shock.

"Hang these from the houses nearby!" He said as Cloud gave him a smile and salute. She then took off and started to hang them.

Pinkie rapidly bounced with excitement as she started setting up the party. Not only would she be helping to throw Citrus a party, but she would also be able to show him friendship in the process!

Twilight would be so proud! She thought to herself as she started to put orange and red cupcakes on the tables.

Citrus Whisker trudged along the street to his home. It had been one difficult and stressful day at work. Some ponies are annoying and feel the need to complain about everything to the developers. Working with them really gets on Citrus' nerves.

As he came closer to his house, he noticed there were a lot of lights and loud music playing. There was also a lot of talking. Confused, he picked up his pace. This had normally been a quiet part of Manehatten, which is one of the reasons he moved here.

He soon realized that there were streamers draped across houses, and spotlights were brightly beaming into the sky. There were many tables, food, and statues on the ground, blocking the road. He looked to the left to see, of course... this thing was right in front of his house.

He groaned as he stomped up to the party. He wanted to have a word with whoever planned this thing and decided to put it right in front of his house. As he approached, he saw a huge crowd of ponies gathered. He looked up, and, to his dismay, saw his cousin, Cloud Nine, hovering in the air. He knew anything involving her had to be trouble.

Cloud set her eyes on Citrus and gasped. "Citrus!" She called out. Everypony else in the crowd turned and smiled.

"Happy birthday!" They all said consecutively.

Citrus' eye twitched as his mouth hung agape. "...Oh. My. Gosh."

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