• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Limestone: A Carefree Day

Author's Note:

I have another time jump; this chapter takes place two weeks after the last one. Basically, what happens in those two weeks I've skipped is Limestone and Lightning working for most of the day. Limestone's job is only interesting to write and read to a certain point, so, I decided to go with a time jump. :moustache:

Limestone smiled as she stepped away from the building. She had spent the day breaking rocks to hopefully find crystals or some other mineral inside. Her job was filled with that, mining, and polishing minerals. She has enjoyed it, that's for sure. When working with minerals, she got to work in an air-conditioned room inside, making the work a bit easier and more enjoyable.

The breeze flowed through her mane, and she took it all in. Now, she would go to Lightning's home, and he would be inside the door to greet her like every day since she started her job. Unfortunately, Lightning's job takes much less time than her own, so he has to find something to do to buy the time. It's not like it's too much of a struggle for him, but it's different than what's been happening the past month and a half. He had gotten used to Limestone being around all day.

Limestone didn't know why, but all day, she had been very happy and enjoying everything. It could be that today was Friday, and that she got out a four o' clock instead of five. Whatever it was, she liked it. She enjoyed being in happy moods all day. She secretly envied Pinkie for being able to always be happy.

As she continued walking, she looked at the leaves which were still falling from the trees. Autumn was going to draw to a close in a month, but it was still nice and warm outside. The leaves and grass in Vanhoover always made her smile. She enjoyed being around all the vibrant colors as opposed to the grays and browns she's been around her whole life at the rock farm.

By now, she was in front of Lightning's house. She climbed the stairs, getting ready for Lightning's daily embrace. She opened the door and scanned the room. No Lightning. Tilting her head, she walked inside. She walked through the kitchen, then upstairs. She checked every closet or place he could be hiding.

While she was searching, she found that the saddlebag he always leaves by the bed wasn't there. She hadn't seen it when she came in, either. That confirmed her suspicion: Lightning wasn't home.

Where is he? Did something happen?

Limestone was now struck with unshakeable curiosity. She descended the stairs and walked outside, deciding to see Sapphire and Speed about the matter.

The two mares looked at Limestone, confused.

"Nope. We haven't seen him," Sapphire said as Speed nodded.

"Not a trance." She then thought for a moment. "Well... I might have seen him... but I completely forget where..."

Limestone nodded. "Alright. That's fine. Well... I guess I'll go-"

Speed put a hoof around her neck. "Hey! Don't go! You called me over to Sapphire's house, and now want to just leave at a time where we could hang out?!"

Limestone pulled away from her friend's hoof. "I'm sorry, but I need to find Lightning. Something may have happened to him."

Speed rolled her eyes. "Limestone, I can assure you: Lightning's fine. Have we ever told you about the time he was attacked by a griffin?"

Limestone perked her ears up as her eyes widened. "What?! No! You've never told me about that!"

Speed started to walk inside. "Well, if you want to hear the story, hang out with us," she said as she stuck her tongue out at Limestone. Limestone groaned.

"Alright. Fine!"

Sapphire let her in before closing the door. "Limestone, don't worry. He must have forgotten that you got off of work an hour earlier. That seems like a Lightning thing to do."

Limestone raised an eyebrow. "Then where could he be?"

Sapphire shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Most likely, he's either eating, or hanging out with the other guys." She then sat down on a chair. Speed and Limestone took a seat as well.

Speed leaned forward a bit. "So... you wanna hear the story?"

Limestone nodded. "Of course! I want to know what happened!"

Speed nodded and thought back to the day. "Well... we were all hanging out about a year ago or so. We were flying, and just being a bit reckless. Of course, Lightning tries to show off a trick to us. And, of course, he wasn't watching where he was going. He accidentally collided with a griffin that was passing overhead. Now, we weren't exactly sure why a griffin was flying overhead, nor have we ever seen one, but that wasn't exactly what was going through our heads at the time.

"The griffin was mad at Lightning. I know that they have a short temper, but sheesh! The thing punched Lightning hard in the side. He almost fell, but picked himself up. He then was about to fight back, but he decided to not provoke the griffin more. They glared at each other for a few seconds before the griffin flew away."

Limestone's ear flicked as she listened. "Wow... I'm just... happy he didn't worsen the situation."

Sapphire nodded. "Same with me. If he attacked the griffin back, he would probably still have scars on him today. That griffin had pretty big claws."

Limestone's eyes widened. "Wow. I'm glad he had common sense."

Speed snorted. "That was the first time I've ever seen him have any." She stood up. "Sapphire, can I get something from the kitchen?"

Sapphire nodded. "Yep! You can get something from the pantry."

As Speed flew into the kitchen, Sapphire looked over at Limestone. "So... it's been a while since we've been able to have a good conversation."

Limestone shifted in her seat. "It has been. I'm sorry. I've just been caught up in so much, and-"

"It's fine! We know!" Speed interrupted as she flew in with a few boxes of food. Sapphire looked at the many boxes stacked on top of each other.

"Don't eat all of my hay crackers, please."

Speed nodded as she tore open a box. "I won't, I won't."

Sapphire now looked at Limestone again. "Well... has anything interesting happened between you and Lightning?"

Limestone's ear flicked. "Interesting? What do you mean by interesting?"

Sapphire stole a cracker from the box Speed was holding. "Oh... you know... have you done anything that others may find interesting? Like, have you accomplished something in your relationship?"

Limestone paused for a moment. "Oh! Well... I met his parents, and he met my family."

Sapphire nodded. "I see. And does Lightning's parents like you? Do yours like him?"

Limestone nodded. "Yep!"

Sapphire raised an eyebrow. "Looking promising~."

Speed gasped as she remembered something. A bright smile was now imprinted on her face.

"What is it?" Sapphire asked as Speed jumped up from the couch in excitement.

"Now I remember where I saw Lightning earlier today! Oh my gosh!"

Limestone's ears perked up. "Really?! Where?"

Speed looked back to her. "Sorry, but you can't know."

Limestone tilted her head. "Why not?"

"Because. You just can't." She then whispered something into Sapphire's ear. Sapphire's smile then grew about ten times larger, and she started jumping.


Speed nodded. "Yep!"

Sapphire looked over to Limestone, holding back another giggle. "Trust me, Limestone. It would be better if you don't know."

Limestone raised an eyebrow. "Um... okay..."

The two burst into another fit of happy giggles before standing back up again. Sapphire looked at Limestone, still smiling brightly.

"Well... do you want to see the gym I have downstairs?"

Limestone nodded. "Sure!" She followed her two friends down a hallway and to some stairs. Suspicion was swirling in her mind. Where could Lightning have been that she shouldn't know about? She decided that she could ask him later.

When she got downstairs, she found a gym with basketball hoops, a few soccer goals set off to the side, a basket full of balls, some exercise equipment, and a folded volleyball net. Sapphire smirked as she opened the ball bin. She got out six fairly soft balls and put them on the floor.

"Anyone up for some dodgeball?" She asked as she picked one up. Limestone raised an eyebrow.

"What exactly is that?"

Sapphire took the balls to the middle of the gym. "All you do is throw balls at each other, and try to dodge them. If you get hit, you're out." She then stood on one side. "Normally, when everypony's here, we have a free-for-all, since there aren't many of us. Since there's only three of us, do you want to do that?"

Limestone nodded. "Sure! I'll be willing to try."

Sapphire now grew a determined smirk on her face. "Okay. But, is it alright if Speed and I fly? We're used to doing tricks in the air as we throw the ball. Would you be able to avoid balls coming from the sky?"

Limestone now grew a determined smile as well. "Of course! I will try my hardest."

Sapphire, Speed, and Limestone now all distanced themselves. Sapphire looked at the two of them.

"Ready... go!"

The three dashed towards the balls, grabbing and throwing them. It was easier for the pegasi to dodge by using aerial maneuvers, but Limestone wasn't playing easy either. She could easily stay on her hooves and keep her wits about her. Her throws are also very strong.

She dodged a ball thrown by Speed. She had jumped away from it just in time. She now picked the ball up and brought her forearm back. She then threw it as hard as she could. It collided with Sapphire, making her stagger a bit in the air. She looked down at Limestone and smirked as she descended.

"You're pretty good, Limestone. Now, it's just you and Speed." Sapphire stepped off of the court and left the two to settle the match. Speed narrowed her eyes as she picked up a few balls. She then spun and threw one, and flipped and threw the other.

Limestone picked a ball up and blocked both of the incoming ones with that ball. She then threw that ball as hard as she could. Speed twirled through the air, stylishly dodging it. Speed then threw another ball, and Limestone was able to jump over it.

Speed smirked as she got an idea. She flew to the ground to get another ball, all while avoiding another catapulting dodge ball. She picked one up and flew back up. With the ball in tow, she started to fly everywhere around the room. As she picked up speed, it became hard for Limestone to tell exactly where she is. Limestone threw a ball, but Speed had already been in front of the space where she threw.

Before she could think, her flank was met with a ball. She looked over to see Speed slowing down and flying to the ground.

"Gotcha! I win!" She said as she pumped her hoof.

"That was a pretty unfair move, Speed. Limestone can't even fly," Sapphire replied as Speed rolled her eyes.

"Oh well. I still won!"

Limestone nodded. "You did. Now, I need to practice so I could win against that move. I need to be able to dodge the ball when it is thrown from a fast moving target."

Sapphire started picking up balls that were scattered around the floor. "So... are you saying you're ready for another game?"

Limestone nodded. "Absolutely."

The three mares flopped on the living room floor, laughing. After catching their breath, Speed sat up and wiped a tear from her eyes.

"Oh my gosh, that was great!"

Sapphire nodded. "Yeah! This is why I don't attempt that trick!" She then fell back on the floor laughing again.

Limestone stopped laughing for a second. "I can't believe it! Speed moved just in time, and then it hit the wall, bounced back, and hit you right in the face!"

Sapphire started laughing again. "That was karma if I ever saw it!"

They then fell into another fit of giggles, trying their hardest to get their laughter under control. An afternoon of fun like this normally ended up in the same way for the three.

Their laughter was broken at the sound of the door opening. They looked to find Lightning standing there, his saddleback on his back.

"Sapphire? Speed? Have you guys seen Lime-"

He looked and saw Limestone looking up at him. She gave him a smile and stood up.

"There you are, Lightning! Where were you? Did you forget I got off early?"

Lightning blinked for a moment before nervously laughing. "Oh. I forgot that was today..."

Limestone rolled her eyes. "Oh. I thought something bad happened to you!"

Lightning shook his head. "Nope. You will never have to worry about protecting me. I'm strong. Have I ever told you about the time I was attacked by a griffin?"

Limestone held in a giggle. "No, but Sapphire and Speed told me about an hour ago."

Lightning looked at them. "Why do you have to tell everypony all of my interesting stories?!"

Speed rolled her eyes. "Because they're interesting, duh!" She then looked at his back. "Now, answer me on this. What's in the saddlebag?"

Lightning blushed and defensively covered it with a wing. "I-it's nothing important! Nothing you would be interested in!"

Sapphire and Speed looked at each other and silently giggled. Lightning's blush grew as he opened the door.

"Let's go, Limestone!"

Limestone tilted her head. "Go where?"

Lightning gave her a smirk in the midst of his embarrassment. "I'm... taking you somewhere."

Limestone smiled. "Like a date?"

Lightning nodded. "Yeah. A date. Now, come on."

Limestone smiled brighter. The idea of a date really pleased her right now. It was the perfect wrap-up to a great day. "Okay!" She turned to Speed and Sapphire, who had huge smiles. "Bye, you two! See you later!"

"Bye, Limestone!" They chorused as Limestone and Lightning stepped out of the house.

Once Limestone was outside, she could hear muffled giggles coming from inside the house.

Is there something I missed out on? She thought to herself as she descended the stairs.

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