• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Limestone: Colored Leaves

Author's Note:

Hello readers!

So, I time-skipped two weeks or so with this chapter. Why? Because nothing really interesting is happening in those two weeks I skipped. Lightning's working (even though his job doesn't take much time), Limestone's spending her days talking to mainly Sapphire, Speed, and Lightning, and that time is basically just slice of life that isn't as exciting to read.

Well... more romance and drama is ahead! And thank you to everyone who has commented, favorited, and enjoyed this story! The feedback is highly appreciated! :derpytongue2:

"So... do you want to? I mean... I know it sounds really simple, but..."

"That would be really... nice. Like you said about me, I love any time spent with you, Limestone," Lightning replied. Limestone's ears perked up before her composure fell again.

"I know. It's just... you just made the first date up to me by treating me to an even nicer dinner a few days ago. And I just... offer the cheapest option for a date available. I-I'll be fine if you don't want to..."

"Limestone!" Lightning interrupted her and met her glance. A smile then inched its way up his face. "This is fine! A walk through the woods is perfect! Don't think you have to outshine me in planning a date. You've never had any experience with it. And, it's autumn now, so it would be really nice to walk through the trees." He stopped for a moment as he saw Limestone smile. "Why are you doubting yourself on this? If it makes you happy, I'm happy as well. I don't think you know how flattered I am that you took a step and asked me out."

Limestone lovingly gazed into his eyes before nodding. "Well... alright."

"Why would you think I would be upset with a date? You've never asked me out before. It's always nice to have a pleasant surprise like this," Lightning said.

"I... I suppose you're right. My worries sound really childish when they're voiced," Limestone replied as she giggled. "I guess... I was just afraid I'm not returning the favor."

Lightning rolled his eyes. "Limestone, we talked about this. You don't have to feel like you're doing nothing. Because, in reality, you're giving me the best mare a stallion could ask for."

Limestone smiled even brighter. "T-thanks." She scooted a bit closer to him. "So... when do you want to go?"

Lightning took a step closer as well. "I'm ready to go now. I've always enjoyed walking the woods, and it will be better when walking with you."

Limestone and Lightning walked past a sign that said Vanhoover Woodland Trail. Limestone had wanted to take Lightning out on a date recently, and she had discovered just a few days ago that Vanhoover had nice woods to have a stroll in. Not only that, but all the leaves were changing colors, making it even more romantic.

Lightning let out a pleasant sigh. "It is really nice here. Don't you agree, Limestone?"

Limestone nodded. "Yeah. I really like it here." She then looked up to Lightning. "Walking with you just makes it more special and memorable."

Lightning smiled. "You said it. I feel the same way."

Limestone looked up to the trees. Two birds were flying around each other, going back and forth around a few tree branches. A few leaves fell as they finally landed on a branch. The leaves fluttered down and softly landed on the ground. Limestone smiled at this. She had never seen anything like this back at the rock farm. She loved being in Vanhoover. She couldn't think of anyplace else she would like to live. It was perfect there. Though... her rock farm is really far away...

She shook that out of her head and put in more happy thoughts. The breeze flowed through her mane, causing her to relax a bit. She was started to feel her hoof grasped and pulled in. She looked to see Lightning had grabbed her hoof and was now staring into her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I had to," he said as the two shared a smile. They then continued walking, looking into each other's eyes a bit more. Limestone felt her stomach flutter. It was just like the couple she saw walking together from her hotel window before she confessed her love to Lightning. She remembered thinking that her and Lightning could be like those two if the feelings were shared. Now, Limestone felt happier than ever before. She had never really taken too much time to think about it, but her wishes had come true. Being with Lightning... feeling his touch and the thought of how she first felt the warmth of his lips against hers... it all just sent more butterflies whirling in her stomach. She wouldn't want to trade her current life for anything.

She then remembered something. She perked her head up and looked around. Lightning looked up as well.

"Do you see something?" He asked, confusion dwelling in his voice.

Limestone stood still. "I'm looking for something..." she replied as she smiled when spotting it. "There it is! Come on!" She replied, pulling Lightning along with her. Lightning willingly obeyed. Limestone led him into a large, open area. It looked like tree trunks were set up to make a table and chairs. Picnic mats were draped on them, giving more comfort. Limestone held her head high as Lightning gawked.

"Did you... set all this up?" He asked as he trotted over to a seat. Limestone nodded.

"Yep. Do you like it?"

Lightning smiled brightly. "Of course I do! But... when did you do this?"

Limestone sat on the seat across from him. "I set this up while you were at work yesterday."

Lightning looked into her eyes again. "Makes sense why I had trouble finding you after finishing up. You were in these woods!"

Limestone nodded. "Yep." She then looked all around the skies. "I was talking to everypony about this as well, and Brave volunteered to drop food by. I think it was about this time that he planned, too..."

Lightning's eyes widened. "Limestone, you did not have to feel obligated to bring food!"

Limestone waved a hoof. "Lightning, Brave offered to bring some. He said he had a lot of really nice food that could be given to us. He had the idea, not me. He seemed very persistent on bringing us a meal. I'm not sure why... but he was."

Lightning chuckled. "I have no idea why he would be so excited. He probably wants to spy on us or something."

Limestone nodded. "Mm-hm." She then looked up to the skies to see a Pegasus flying in from overhead. It looked like he was carrying something on his back. The closer he got, the more Limestone and Lightning realized he was carrying someone on his back. He descended and flipped his orange mane out of his face, looking at Limestone and Lightning.

The two gawked. In front of them was Brave, and a fairly pretty mare stepping off his back. She also seemed really familiar to both of them. Brave gave a flirtatious raise of his eyebrows before taking a really nice meal out of his saddlebag. He placed it on the table in front of the two and smiled.

"Bon appetite," he said as he backed away. Limestone looked at him in confusion.

"Uh... Brave? Who is that?" She asked, gesturing towards the mare. The mare waved at Limestone, offering a shy smile. Limestone knew her from somewhere... just... where?!

Brave walked over to the mare and put a fore-hoof over her shoulders. The cream colored mare flushed, brushing a few pink locks of her mane out of her face. Brave smiled. "This is Candy Latte. She is... the mare who yelled at us to get out of the restaurant a few weeks ago."

Limestone felt her jaw drop. That's where she knew that mare!

Lightning stared at Brave in silence for a few seconds. He then looked at the meal that was on the table. "Wow... did you get this meal from the restaurant?"

Candy nodded. "Yeah. These are the leftover bits of food that weren't served in the restaurant, but were cluttering up the kitchen. Instead of throwing it all away, I asked Brave if he knew anything to do with it." She then stopped for a moment. "Oh, I believe I owe you two an apology. I'm sorry for chasing you out of the restaurant. I was just afraid I would get fired for letting the restaurant fall into chaos, and... well... I basically went a bit crazy."

Lightning and Limestone were beyond confused. "So... how? How did you two get together?"

"Well... remember when I apologized to the restaurant about ruining everyone's night about two weeks ago?" Brave asked as the two nodded. "Well... she was the one I apologized to. She then came out of her shell before I left and told me she liked me, and would like to do something together sometime."

Candy nodded. "As I have already told him, I couldn't stop thinking of him the night after he attempted to liven the date. I had it for him so bad for some reason, that I couldn't sleep. I couldn't explain it. So, I somehow had the nerve to ask him out when he came up to me the next day."

Lightning was the most confused out of all of them. Nopony has ever fallen for Brave, nonetheless, that fast. Well, he and Limestone fell for each other at first glance. It really doesn't take long for love to blossom. He then had one pressing question on his mind.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner, Brave?"

Now Brave's face turned a shade of red. It was the first time Lightning had ever seen that happen. He then spoke up. "Well... I... I didn't really know how to react, to be honest. All my life, I have been the one falling for mares, and no feelings were ever shared. Now... a mare actually likes me back... and, well, I was a little unsure about it."

Lightning laughed for a second. "I didn't think I would ever hear that from you."

Brave shook his head. "Me neither."

Limestone raised a hoof, showing she wanted to say something. "Wait... when did you realize you had feelings for her?"

Brave recounted his memories. "Well... I think I fell for her when I first saw her. It was really strange. I felt too... shy to flirt. I guess I truly loved her at first sight. I know... it sounds cheesy."

"Well, it doesn't matter if it's cheesy or not! You two fell in love, and are together now. So... congratulations!" Lightning replied as Brave gave him a sincere smile.

"Thanks, dude. I think we should leave you two alone now," Brave responded as Candy climbed onto his back.

"Uh... okay. Thanks, Brave!" Lightning said.

"Yeah! Thanks for the food!" Limestone added on.

"No problem. Now... I'll see you guys later!" He replied as he carefully took off, not wanting to hurt the mare on his back. Lightning and Limestone watched him fly away before looking back to each other.

"Brave is... really different from normal. I guess he finally found love, so is now a bit more calm and sincere," Lightning said as Limestone nodded.

"Yeah. Maybe him crashing our date was a good thing," Limestone replied as she opened up the food in front of her. It looked pretty good, to say the least. She then started on the meal.

"Yeah. It does seem weird that he kept it a secret, though. I've always known him as a boastful stallion who always speaks what's on his mind," Lightning said as Limestone thought about this.

"That is true. But... you have never seen him love another pony like this before. Maybe this is just his love-self."

Lightning nodded. "That's true. I am still a little surprised on the change of character, though. But love does strange things to ponies."

At that statement, Limestone suddenly remembered the amount of jealousy she felt while playing soccer a few weeks ago. She giggled at the though when she compared it to where she was now. "Yeah. Love is very strange at times."

Lightning nodded, keeping his glance to Limestone's eyes. "Yes. But, also very amazing," he said as he leaned over the table and pressed his lips onto Limestone's. Limestone pulled him closer with a fore-hoof to lengthen the kiss. The two then pulled apart.

"I love you so much," they said, almost at the same time.

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