• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Maud: A Few Changes

Maud heard sounds of an air horn coming from outside her room. Opening her eyes and lifting her head up, the gears in her brain started to turn. This was what Geode meant by honking a horn to wake her up.

She quickly brushed her mane, making sure to look as nice as possible. She also applied some purple eye shadow above her eyes like she always does. Maud doesn't care about her appearance too much, but always feels better if she's neat and tidy. She then walked over to the door and opening it, seeing the crystal stallion beaming at her, an air horn in his hoof.

"Good morning, Maud!"

Maud stepped outside the room as Crystal blew the horn again.

"Where did you get that?" She asked, looking at the horn in his hoof.

Geode recounted. "Well... I went to a fair that they held here a couple of years ago. I kept this thing for whatever reason."

Maud nodded. "I see."

"Yeah." He then levitated it away to his room before looking at Maud again. "So... are you ready to leave?"

Maud held up a hoof before walking back into her room, grabbing her saddlebag. She then walked out again. "Now I'm ready."

The two walked in comfortable silence outside by each other's side before Maud spoke up. "Oh, right. I will have to leave the shop sometime this afternoon."

Geode raised an eyebrow. "What? Why?"

"Well, I met a friend here named Crystalline. She wanted to see me later today so I can meet some of her other friends."

Geode nodded. "Alright." He paused for a moment before continuing. "Say... how should I... you know... change? How do I do it without making a fool of myself?"

The two were now on the streets, and walking to the shop. Maud gestured to a group of crystal mares walking over.

"Start by wishing them a good day. Smile and act like you did with me."

He nodded. "I guess I'll try that."

The mares looked at him as they got closer, and one of them fluttered her eyelashes. Geode took a breath before speaking.

"Good morning, ladies. It's very nice today, isn't it? I sure like it!" He said before winking and sticking his tongue out. The mares looked at him with surprise before one spoke up.

"It is very nice! Not as nice as you, though!" She responded as she fluttered her eyelashes. Her friends all looked at her in surprise, a bit shocked she made a move like that.

Geode looked back to Maud in uncertainty, and the look Maud gave him shaped his answer.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested."

Maud internally beamed. She loved her ability to show emotions and thoughts through her eyes and facial expressions.

The mare's eyes went wide. "What?!"

He nodded. "It's true. Now, I must get to work. The shop isn't going to run itself!" He replied as he stepped through the group of mares, who were all looking at him proudly looking away, flabbergasted.

Maud walked past them to catch up to Geode, who looked pretty darn pleased with himself.

"Good job. You really put the smack down on that mare."

He winked. "Of course I did. I've seen her around the Empire before. She's not the nicest mare."

Maud's eyebrows raised. "Hm."

He took a breath. "I can't believe it! I felt so young being all silly and smiley in public again!"

"And I'm here to help you stay like this."

He smiled down at Maud. "Thanks. Thanks for everything."

Maud's heart did a few somersaults in her stomach. "No problem."

The two walked in silence to the rock shop. It looked like Geode had a pretty large smile on his face. They soon reached the shop and stepped inside, glancing at the stallion behind the counter.

"Hey, Tango! How's it going?" Geode asked as he fixed a few rocks on the shelves. The stallion, or "Tango" as Geode calls him, let his mouth hang open.

Geode raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Tango blinked. "N-nothing. It's just... you always talk to me by my real name, Tangerine Slate, instead of a nickname."

Geode shrugged and made his way to the counter. "Hey, change is good, right?" He then smiled over to Maud. "Oh, and my new friend, Maud Pie, is helping with us today."

Tango silently snorted. "So she's the reason why you've been acting so funny..." he murmured.

"What?" Geode asked, not hearing clearly what Tango had said.

Tango waved a hoof. "Nothing. Now, let's get to work, shall we?"

Geode took some paperwork out of the shelf, which displayed the statistics of each rock. He then looked over to Maud again. "Hey, Maud, mind doing something for me?"

Maud nodded and made her way over to where Geode was. "Sure. What do you need?"

He moved the papers across the counter. "Well... have you ever taken data on rocks before?"

Maud nodded. "Of course I have. I just graduated from the Equestria University of Geology. I had to do this a lot."

Crystal's ear flicked. "Even better! Now..." he took a few geodes and crystals out from behind the counter. "Here are the rocks and crystals that still need to be evaluated. I can show you to a back room if you like."

Maud nodded. "Alright. That sounds good." She followed Geode over to a secluded room where she could easily measure.

"Okay. So, just... come outside and tell me when you're done. Then, you can help with customers and such."

Maud nodded, the small distinction of a smile showing. "Alright. And, I have to help you not be so cloistered up."

He waved a hoof. "Yeah, yeah. You have to agree I'm good at changing, right?"

She nodded. "Yeah, you're getting better."

He smiled brightly. "And that's good! So... see ya in a few minutes!"

"See ya." Maud replied as the door was closed. Maud looked to the few items in front of her, getting ready to measure. This was one part of school that she loved. Sitting alone, measuring rocks...

"Have a nice day!" Maud heard Geode say as a pony left the shop. Since Maud had finished the rock measuring, she was now helping customers find what they need. Geode had taken her on a tour around the store, showing her the many different rocks and crystals. Well, it was a pretty small store, but they spent some time on each rock as Geode recounted every detail about them. Maud enjoyed this learning experience. Each rock is unique in its own way, and she loves finding what makes each one special.

As she made sure the geodes were nicely arranged on the shelves, she heard the door fling open. Her ears perked up in surprise. She looked to see Crystalline looking at her, smiling.

"Oh, there you are, Maud! The rest of my guard squad is waiting at a restaurant for us. So, you ready?!"

Maud blinked, remembering Crystalline was supposed to come. "Sure." She then turned back to Crystal Geode. "Bye, Crystal Geode. Should I come back to your house afterwards? It's almost closing time, anyway."

Crystal's ear flicked. "Sure thing! See ya, Maud!"

As Maud was leaving, she saw Tango give her a funny expression. She turned and left, keeping her glance in front of her. After getting out of the rock shop, she heard Crystalline take a breath that sounded like she was holding in a gasp for too long.

"Maud, what in Cadence's name did you do to him?!" She interrogated, her pupils wide. Maud slightly backed away from this sudden outburst, but then blinked to regain her posture.

"What do you mean?"

Crystalline flailed her hooves, trying to come up with an explanation. "He was so... happy looking! His face wasn't stoic!"

Maud nodded. "That is true. He wanted to change a little bit, so I motivated him to."

Crystalline paused. "Really? Wow. I thought he was just a sophisticated jerk." She snorted as she trotted at a faster pace. "Well, on a totally different subject, my friends are excited to meet you!"

A small smirk presented itself on Maud's face. "And I'm excited to meet them as well."

The two walked in comfortable silence for a moment as Maud looked around the Empire again. She loved taking all of the sights in. The brightness and light aura from the crystals put her in a happier mood.

Soon, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked to see Crystalline pointing at an outdoor table where three ponies sat.

"There are my friends! Come on!" She replied as she bounced over, smiling at her friends. Maud got a good glance of all of them. One was a crystal earth pony mare who had a white coat with a green mane and light blue eyes. The pony next to her was a crystal Pegasus stallion who had a light yellow coat and a light orange mane. He also had orange eyes. The pony next to him was a Pegasus stallion who was not crystal. He was orange with a blue, spiky mane and had blue eyes. Crystalline took an empty seat next to him, and Maud took the seat next to the earth mare.

Crystalline beamed before speaking up. "Everypony, this is Maud Pie." She nudged Maud, signaling her to speak.

Maud blinked before speaking. "Hello. It's great to meet you all. I have a degree in geology and love rocks."

Everypony smiled back at her, and had looks of curiosity in their eyes. The mare beside Maud cleared her throat.

"Hello, Maud! My name is Abalone Pearl. I think Crystal might have told you about our duties as Princess Cadence's throne guards, is that correct?"

Maud's heart raced upon hearing the name. "Crystal? No, he hasn't told me anything about royal guards."

Everypony stared at Maud in confusion. Crystalline immediately burst into sputters of laughter.

"Silly Maud! Crystal is one of my nicknames!" She regained from her laughing fit. "We're not talking about your coltfriend now." She gave Maud a devious wink.

Maud's ear flicked ever so slightly. "He is not my coltfriend. He is just a friend. And sorry. Misunderstanding." She turned back to Abalone and nodded. "To answer your question correctly: yes, Crystalline has told me about it."

Abalone nodded, a smile present on her face, but it could also be distinguished as a funny smirk. "Well, alright." She nudged the Pegasus beside her. His wings spread open before he started.

"Hey there! My name is Thunder Spear!"

Maud waved. "Hello, Thunder Spear."

The Pegasus beside Thunder ran a quick hoof across his mane. "My name is Flash Sentry. It is nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, too, Flash Sentry."

Maud felt a quick poke on her shoulder before Crystalline whispered in her ear. "Isn't he such a dream~?" She silently asked before pulling her head away. Maud looked at her before shrugging her shoulders. Crystalline, who had the small hint of a blush on her face, shrugged back.

Silence hung over the five before Crystalline spoke up.

"Well... does anypony want to do anything with Maud?"

Thunder picked up the menu in front of him, scanning the contents. He nodded, looking like he found something he wanted. "Well, I want to eat something first," he said before closing the menu strongly and setting it down on the table.

"I don't know if there's anything for us to do today," Abalone said, biting her lip. "Well... isn't that carnival coming to the Empire tomorrow?"

Crystalline's ears shot up and a bright smile made its way up her face. "Oh, yeah! I completely forgot about that!" She excitedly turned to Maud. "Do you wanna come to the carnival with us tomorrow? We're going to be working a shorter shift, since Cadence apparently wants to spend some private time with her family."

Maud nodded. "Sure. That will be nice."

Crystalline smiled and looked from one pony to another.

Abalone smirked back. "So... Maud?"

Maud turned to her. "Yeah?"

She folder her hooves on the table. "Crystalline has been telling us some rather interesting pieces of information." She deviously licked her lips. "So... what's going on between you and Crystal Geode?"

Maud internally gulped. This would be an interesting meal, all right...

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