• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Marble: Work and an Actual Conversation

Marble finished the pancake on her plate, smiling.

"Thank you so much for this breakfast," she said, wiping off her face with a napkin. Applejack nodded.

"You're more than welcome!" She then turned to Apple Bloom. "Bloom, are ya almost ready?"

Apple Bloom nodded. "Yeah," she said as she grabbed her saddlebag near the door. "Ah'll be at school!"

Applejack waved. "Alright! See ya!" She called as Apple Bloom left. Applejack started to clean off the table and hum a happy tune as Marble looked around at the empty seats.

"Where are Big Mac and Granny Smith?"

"Mac is outside gettin' started on work, and Granny is still asleep."

Marble nodded. "Alright. Why does he start this early?" She asked, putting her plate by the sink.

"During the summers around here, it gets real hot in the afternoon. He prefers to finish up with everythin' as early as possible in the summer."

"That makes sense," Marble said, helping Applejack put some things away.

"Thank ya kindly for yer help, Marble."

Marble smiled up at Applejack. "No problem."

Applejack gasped. "Oh, Ah almost forgot to tell ya! Ah'm gonna have y'all work on the farm."

Marble tilted her head. "Huh?"

Applejack nodded. "Eeyup. Well, only if y'all want to. Considerin' y'all don't have a job now, Ah was thinkin' ya can work fer pay. Also..." She smirked. "Ah'm gonna have y'all work with Mac."

Marble blushed. "W-wha... Uh..."

Applejack giggled. "Marble, don't worry! Ah'm doin' this so y'all might actually talk! if y'all are soulmates, ya have to talk sometime!"

Marble kept her glance down at her hooves. "Uh... o-okay," she said in a hushed whisper. Applejack smiled.

"Alright. So, ya want me ta show ya what you'll be workin' with?"

Marble nodded. "Sure," she replied, following Applejack outside. Applejack found Big Mac feeding the pigs and whistled.

"Hey! Big Mac!" She called. Mac looked over.


Applejack pushed Marble over, who was as still as a statue. "Ah'm gonna have Marble here work with ya. Is that alright?"

Mac raised a brow. "AJ, why are ya havin' our guest do labor?"

Applejack giggled. "Mac, she just wants a job." Applejack looked at Marble. "Before Ah send you off... y'all do want a job, right?"

Big Mac rolled his eyes as Marble nodded.

"I do. I don't know how long it will take me to get with my soulmate, so I want to make some money."

Mac nodded. "Alright. Only if it's what ya want."

Applejack smiled. "Alright! Ah'll leave y'all to do work. Ah gotta buck some apples."

Mac raised a brow. "AJ, shouldn't y'all help plow today? We need to make sure next year's cider season isn't-"

Applejack sighed, cutting him off. "Mac, Ah don't wanna hear one more blessed thing about this past cider season. We lost a ton of business."

Mac nodded. "Ah know. That's why we need ta plant a bunch of new trees."

"Alright, alright. Ah'll get started on plowin'," she said, going to the barn. Marble blushed as she realized she was alone with Big Mac, and tried to think of something to say. She swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Um... what do you need help with?" She asked, her voice a whisper. Mac thought.

"Well... it would be mighty helpful of ya ta check the soil as AJ and Ah plow the fields. New trees are comin' in soon, so we need ta have the ground ready. Ah think Granny's gonna help with that, too."

Marble nodded. "Alright. Should we get started?"

Big Mac nodded, walking into the barn. "Eeyup. Wait for a minute as Ah get on my plow."

Marble waited for a minute before he reappeared, attached to a plow. He gestured for Marble to follow him.

"We're plantin' new trees behind the house. We have all this land and haven't used it yet."

Marble nodded. "Alright."

The two continued their short journey in silence, and Marble felt her heart rate pick up. She wasn't sure what exactly to do or say; they're both extremely shy ponies. Marble fought the urge to sigh. This was why her parents kept pushing her to be more outgoing. Without Applejack, Marble probably wouldn't have spoken a word to Mac yet and still be stuck with that current.

"We're here," he said, looked out over the area. Marble blinked.

"Wow. That's big."

Mac nodded. "Eeyup. Now, as Ah plow the fields, make sure the soil is nice and soft. If not, get water and water it. We need it in the best condition. Granny'll be out in a moment to help."

Marble nodded as Mac started. "Alright," she said, trying to distract herself from his well toned body as he worked his strong muscles. She bit her lip as she touched the soft earth, not used to working in dirt but managing. Applejack was helping to plow the fields too, but the real eye candy was Big Mac. Oh, how his body shone in the sun...

"Hello, Marble! Need help?" Granny asked, startling Marble from her fantasies. She nodded and let Granny take a spot beside her, almost sticking her head in the ground as she got back to inspecting. It took quite a while for the blush to leave her face.

Big Mac stepped away from the plow, panting. It had been a grueling hour for each party; the sun was high in the sky and there was no breeze nor clouds to cool them off. Applejack unhooked herself as well, looking around.

"We... did it..." She said, panting. Marble and Granny walked up to them, no seeds remaining.

"All the soil is great," Granny said, wiping her brow. "Ah, Ah dunno how ya whippersnappers can plow a field in this heat. Ah could barely look at soil!"

Mac shrugged. "It's... kinda easy. It just takes a while to recover." He paused for a minute. "So... do y'all want to come in for some lemonade? We can go swimmin' in the lake afterwards. We've done plenty of work today."

The three nodded, Granny smiling. "Now that's somethin' Ah can get behind. Do y'all remember when Ah realized Ah was still good at swimmin'?"

Applejack chuckled. "Yes, we do. Y'all almost killed yourself, of course we wouldn't forget!"

Granny blinked. "Ah... Ah would've survived! At least, Ah think..."

Mac and Applejack chuckled, walking into the house. Mac held the door for everyone, Marble fighting off a blush as she walked past him. As they got inside, Big Mac took a large container of lemonade out of the fridge, pouring it into cups for everyone. As Marble took her respective one, she smiled as the cool liquid ran down her throat. It was the perfect way to cool down, and it looked as if everyone else agreed. Applejack set hers down, going to the pantry to make a few sandwiches and throw some other things into a paper bag. She shut it and walked to the door.

"Ah'm gonna eat outside."

Mac nodded. "Alright."

And with that, she was gone. Silence hung over the three before Granny shrugged.

"Eh, if she's not back soon, she'll miss swimmin' with us!" She said, walking to the closet. "Ah gotta grab mah swim gear."

Marble watched Granny walking away, her ears folding back. A realization had dawned on her: she couldn't swim. She thought about telling Mac, but was concerned about saying something conflicting to him. What if he judged her? Now, that's silly, but still...

She took a breath. "I can't swim."

Mac looked down to her, raising a brow. "Ya can't?"

Marble shook her head, her eyes tracing the ground. "N-no."

Mac nodded. "Okay, follow me. We have some little floaty things in the closet," he said, walking to where Granny was. Marble's ears perked at this reaction as she followed him, smiling.

Granny stepped out of the closet, looking at Mac.

"Mac, do ya know where my swim stuff is?"

Mac looked to the highest shelf and grabbed Granny's hair cap, giving it to her. She put it on and smiled.

"Why, thank ya, Big Mac! Now, Ah'll start walkin' down. Ah know ya'll will still get down there before me," she said, walking out of the house. As Big Mac was looking through the closet, he got a deflated pool ring out and blew into it, the ring growing into its actual size in mere seconds. He gave it to Marble and Marble put it around her neck, smiling and trying her hardest to make eye contact.

"Thank you."

Big Mac nodded, smiling back, causing Marble's stomach to flutter. "Eeyup," he said, closing the closet door. He then got a piece of paper and wrote a note which seemed to be directed to Apple Bloom, saying where they all were. He set the pen and note down on the counter when he finished and started walking out, gesturing for Marble to follow. They walked outside, Mac shutting the door and walking forward as well as keeping the same pace as Marble. He smiled.

"When Apple Bloom gets home and sees that we're at the lake, she'll run there in a heartbeat. She loves swimmin'," he said, lightly chuckling. Marble giggled as well. After a minute, Big Mac glanced at her with a more serious look. "Also, are ya sure y'all wanna work here? You're allowed ta say no to my sister. Trust me, she won't hurt ya."

Marble giggled. "Yep, I do. Don't worry."

Big Mac nodded. "Alright. Ah just wanted to make sure ya were alright with it, is all."

Marble nodded. "I am. I wouldn't know what to do with myself without doing some physical labor throughout the day." She paused for a moment, a question sparking in her mind. "Will Applejack be at the lake soon?"

Big Mac walked a few more steps in silence. "Ah don't know, to be completely honest. She's been disappearin' in the afternoons."

Marble tilted her head, seeing the lake in the distance. "Oh?"

Mac nodded. "Yeah. Ah don't know what she's doin', but she leaves a lot more work for me ta do."

The two reached the lake, and somehow, Granny had already gotten there and was swimming. Mac walked in, relaxing as he eased in. Marble put the swimming ring around her, stepping in the cold water. It was chilly, but Celestia, was it refreshing. After a minute, she was used to the water, but wouldn't go to the deeper end of the lake. Mac looked at her.

"Are ya alright?"

Marble nodded. "Yes. I've just... never swam before."

Mac blinked. "Oh. Well, it's pretty easy once ya get the hang of it," he said, swimming further out. Marble kept taking steps, soon finding there was only water beneath her hooves. The ring kept her floating, but she felt quite anxious about the whole experience. However, she wanted to talk with Mac to actually, possibly make progress and gain the courage to tell him that he's one of her soulmates. So, she kicked her legs, moving forward to the deep end of the lake. She had to admit, it was quite relaxing. Well, as long as the ring supported her, at least.

She reached Mac as he came up from under the water, tossing his head to the side to throw some water off his mane. Marble blushed at the sight, but quickly tried to fight it off. Mac smiled.

"Well, Ah didn't think ya would make it this far in."

Marble nodded. "Mmhm," she said, looking to the water. "And, um, to continue with what you were telling me about Applejack..."

Big Mac raised a brow. "What is it?"

"Well..." Marble started, trying to be polite and look him in the eye. However, when she made contact with his emerald eyes, she quickly found herself blushing and turning away. To be honest, he had really pretty eyes. "Um... maybe she's had something to do. I mean, she doesn't seem like the type to slack off... but I don't know."

Mac shrugged. "Ah dunno what she would have to do. She's never told me anythin'."

Marble nodded. "Well, maybe you should ask her soon."

"Yeah. Ah will," He said before waving and going under the water again, swimming across the lake. Marble was content with sitting here; it was comfortable with the hot sun beating down on her coat. The cold water was a nice contrast.

A loud "Cannonball!" Was heard from her left. Marble turned her head, seeing Apple Bloom jump into the water, immediately sinking under. She came up to the surface, spitting the water out of her mouth and giggling. After a second, Mac seemed to have swam under Apple Bloom and pushed her up with his back, because she flew a few feet out of the water before splashing back into it. As she reappeared on the surface, she looked at Big Mac for a second before the two broke into laughter.

Marble smiled as she witnessed this, her gaze primarily on Big Mac's face as his features lit up from laughter.

Goodness, both of my soulmates are utterly adorable... She thought, a warm smile crossing her cheeks. She let herself stare at him a little longer before trying to learn how to swim (with the ring around her, of course). After a minute, she decided it would be easier to sit in the water with the ring and watch Big Mac smile. That was always a good alternative.

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