• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Pinkie: Tumbleweeds and Internal Dilemmas

Pinkie stretched out her legs, smiling. She shook her head, her mane becoming a bit poofier. After stealing a quick glance at Cheese, who was still sleeping, she walked outside for a drink. As she drank the cool water, her mind drifted.

Last night, she became an insomniac, just like the last two nights. She had been confused as of why, too. Surprise and Cheese had broken

up. They didn't care for each other anymore. But... Cheese is probably content with staying single.

Then it may take forever for us to get together, and then delay Marble! Pinkie thought to herself, groaning. She plopped her head in the water, which muffled her groan. She threw her head out, shaking out her mane, causing it to spray everywhere like a sprinkler and even make sprinkler sound effects. She had also heard something hard hit the ground as she was shaking her head. She looked to see that a bowl full of milk and cereal had flown out of her mane. She giggled and picked it up, spooning the food into her mouth.

Cheese came out of the cave, instantly spotting Pinkie eating cereal. "Well, that's boring," he said with a smirk, taking a sip of water from the stream.

"Oh, really?" Pinkie asked, her heart now fluttering. "How so?"

Cheese stuffed a bowl full of jalapeno peppers in her face. "I'm eating these!"

Pinkie looked at the peppers and put her hoof over her mouth, trying to hold back laughter. Cheese rose a brow.

"What is it this time?" He asked, stuffing a pepper into his face. Steam blew from his ears, earning more laughter from Pinkie.

"You look like a tea kettle!" She remarked, falling onto her side.

Cheese snickered as the smoke stopped being thrown from his ears. "Do I?" He asked, putting his hooves above his muzzle to look like a spout. "How about now?"

Pinkie took out a sign that read 10/10. "Perfect!" She beamed, holding the sign up. She then started laughing again as she looked at the peppers.

"What?" Cheese asked.

Pinkie held back a few more giggles as she replied. "Why does nopony like jalapeno peppers?"

Cheese raised a brow, smirking. "Why?"

Pinkie threw her hoof to her mouth again to stop laughter from pouring out of her muzzle. She regained herself and continued. "Because they're always jal-ap-en-o business!" She finished, immediately bursting into laughter and falling to the ground. Cheese started laughing as well, falling down next to her. After a few minutes of laughing, they settled down. Cheese snickered, breaking the silence.

"What do you call cheese that isn't yours?"

He and Pinkie stood up at the same time, a silly smile on their faces. "Nacho cheese!" They both yelled before falling over in laughter again. Cheese eventually regained himself and stood back up, though he still had a bright smile.

"Are we going?" Pinkie asked before standing up, giggling a bit more.

"Yep!" Cheese replied, trotting into the cave. "Let's get the stuff!"

Pinkie nodded, bouncing in as well. "Sure thing!"

They had started walking all of five minutes ago, and Pinkie was already on the lookout for tumbleweeds. She had to be the first one to spot one. She just had to.

Pinkie looked everywhere; it was like she had eyes all over her body. This wasn't exactly a desert, so it was pretty rare when a tumbleweed rolled by - but when it did, one of them would spot it instantly.

Preferably me, Pinkie thought, a devilish smirk taking hold of her muzzle. She stole a very quick glance to her right to find that Cheese was still focused on the road ahead. Bingo. I have an advantage.

Her eyes continued to look everywhere. Where, oh where, is a freaking tumbleweed hiding?! Pinkie almost grunted aloud, getting a bit frustrated.

Her thoughts started drifting. She tried her best to refocus on searching for a tumbleweed, but for whatever reason, she couldn't focus. All she could think of was Cheese. How he probably doesn't want a relationship. Pinkie sighed aloud. Cheese's ears flicked.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. His voice caused Pinkie to jump in surprise.

"Uh, nope! I'm just... mad I haven't seen a tumbleweed yet! Haha!"

Cheese bobbed his head. "Well, alright. Just so you know, I'll be the first one to find the tumbleweed."

Pinkie scrunched her face before turning around. "We'll see about that..." She quietly said, though it could be heard by Cheese. Cheese chuckled before everything went silent again. The only sound that could be heard was a bird chirping overhead.

Pinkie didn't know what to do. She herself felt awful asking out someone who just finished a relationship. It would be too much for Cheese. He would want to wait a while. However, Pinkie didn't want Marble waiting anymore because of it. She knew her parents were prepping Marble and helping her with her social anxiety, and Marble was probably excited to meet her very special somepony. Pinkie didn't want it to be her fault that Marble had to wait any longer! Pinkie bit her lip. Just like the day before, she wasn't sure what to do. She felt awful no matter which action she carried through with. She thought a bit more as an idea came to her head. She could just tell him he's her soulmate! Not right now, of course, but... Vanhoover?

Pinkie smiled as a plan came together in her head. And she would make use of the park where Limestone was wed for this endeavor. This way, Cheese would know he and Pinkie were meant to be together, but could wait a while if he wasn't ready yet!

However, Pinkie was quite nervous. What if he doesn't like her at all? What if he sees her as just a friend that could never be anything more? These thoughts attacked her from the inside out, causing her heart to plummet a few times. She didn't want to think of any of this being true. She just wanted to get together with Cheese and live happily ever after. Why did love have to be so hard? Now she understood why Rarity reads all those mushy novels. There's so much drama in any romance that they can entertain anypony when written down in a book.

Pinkie smiled at her plan after going over it in her head again. It was perfect. The perfect way to tell Cheese Sandwich about them being soulmates. The thought made her heart pump faster, sending adrenaline to her legs. She wanted to run once again. However, she hasn't found a-

"TUMBLEWEED!" Cheese yelled, pointing to his right. Pinkie followed his hoof and, sure enough, there was a tumbleweed rolling along. Pinkie quickly darted ahead, zooming along the ground. Anyone passing by would only see a pink streak. Pinkie knew there was no way Cheese would be able to catch up with her.

However, in her peripheral vision, she saw a brown streak closing in on her. She turned to find Cheese running after her, grinning maliciously. He jumped, and Pinkie moved out of the way, causing him to slam into the ground. Pinkie stopped, laughed at him, and then took off again. She felt herself going faster and faster... and was building up momentum. She wanted to rocket into the sky, and be at a huge advantage. It usually takes a lot to power up Pinkie's rocket ability. She either needs to be super excited, or having built up enough momentum by running.

Pinkie soon felt so much momentum beneath her that she was able to shoot off the ground. As she rocketed into the sky, she stuck her tongue out at Cheese, who was a yellow and brown streak along the ground. Pinkie continued cutting through the breeze, the wind causing her eyes to tear up. Her vision grew blurry, causing her to have to wipe the windblown tears out of her eyes. Now, she was losing the energy she had before. She had to descend. She fell down towards the earth, thinking of a way to make a clean landing. She got closer, and closer, and closer...

As she got close to the ground, she felt something slam on top of her, thrusting her downwards. She knew who it was: Cheese. She squirmed, trying to throw him off, but they somehow ended rolling around on the ground in a giggling mess. They ended up with Cheese on top of Pinkie pinning her arms, staring down at her.

"Gotcha!" He teased, sticking his tongue out. Pinkie blushed and huffed.

"Shut up!" She teasingly barked, sticking her tongue out at him as well. her brain was currently mushier than Mrs. Cake's mashed potatoes. One part was screaming, "KISS HIM! NOW'S THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY!" The other was giggling like crazy, and the third part was saying it would be bad to kiss Cheese. Pinkie hadn't even confessed to him yet!

Cheese got off of Pinkie, causing Pinkie to inwardly mope. The warmth that he gave was taken away. Pinkie stood up as well, earning a smirk from Cheese. Pinkie held her head high in a teasing manner before the two went back to walking again.

"So, Pinkie, I thought you said you were gonna find the first tumbleweed," Cheese said, a smug grin crossing his face.

"Whatever," Pinkie replied, bumping into him. He bumped back into her, moving her to the side. She giggled before steeling her eyes again, waiting and waiting for a tumbleweed to roll by.

Pinkie sat on the grass under the trees and relaxed. Besides the one tumbleweed encounter earlier, nothing much happened today. Sure, they had a debate of what would happen if the sky rained popcorn, but other than that, nothing interesting came up. There wasn't even another tumbleweed spotted!

Now, Pinkie wanted to focus on the thing that she had been waiting for since yesterday: responses from her friends. She pulled her mane, and out of it like a slot machine fell a letter. Pinkie beamed as she picked it up, unraveling it. Her eyes literally buried into the paper as she read it.

Pinkie Pie! Believe me when I said I went crazy when I saw your letter in your mailbox! Oh, yeah, this is Twilight. I also want to kindly ask of you to tell me where to send letters to when you send one. I had to use a tracking spell using your hoof prints and then send it to you! It took a lot of effort.

However, aside from that, congratulations! You and Cheese would be very cute together! It's good to know that you don't have anymore drama going on. Now, things should hopefully be much easier for you.

I wait excitedly for your update tomorrow!

-Twilight Sparkle

Woah, Cheese Sandwich? I don't know whether to be happy or completely terrified. You two together are, like, an unstoppable force of silliness!

Though, Cheese is pretty awesome. He totally earns my Rainbow Dash Stamp of Approval. Keep the updates comin'!

-Rainbow Dash

Oh, that's wonderful news, Pinkie! Well, aside from the drama, of course. That doesn't sound very fun.

I can't think of anypony else who would be as perfect with you as Cheese. I hope you two get together soon. I'm so happy for you, Pinkie.



You and Cheese Sandwich?! It's a perfect match, darling!

It looks like the Choosing Stone really outdid itself, hmmm?

Oh, and when you two finally decide to get together, make sure to not forget to include all the juicy details~


Oh, howdy Pinkie! It made me happy to see how you found yourself a stallion as good as Cheese Sandwich. I know your relationship would work out A-Okay. I'm excited to hear about the party! Oh, also, tell your sister I said hi when you get to Vanhoover!

And why does everypony keep asking that? I already gave ya'll an answer: it was a hot day on the farm. I swear, Rarity needs to stop shoving her trashy romance novels in your faces.


Rarity- But we never mentioned anything having to deal with romance, Applejack darling. Hehe! And, Pinkie, my romance novels aren't trashy, are they?

AJ- But ya'll are implying it. I can tell. I'm not stupid. And, yes, they are very trashy.

I'm sorry I missed your departure, Pinkie! I just kinda got carried away in the Empire with Sunburst. Oh, and by the way, we're together now! If you want, I'll fill you in later.

I don't know who this Cheese Sandwich is, but from what everypony else says, he sounds like a great guy.

Also, I hope the drama wasn't too much. Hopefully you two can get together soon!


Oh, heya Pinkie! And Cheese Sandwich? Nice! Can you bring him to Ponyville soon to host another awesome party with ya?

I wish you the best! I can't wait for more updates!


Pinkie giggled at her friends' responses, about to write back to them. Before she did, she went through her plan in her head. She couldn't wait to go through with it. Even if Cheese wasn't ready for a relationship quite yet, he would still know they're meant to be together. Sure, the fact may seem a little crazy, but it is true.

I just hope Cheese will believe me... Pinkie thought to herself as she began writing her next letter.

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