• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

  • ...

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Marble: Planting and a Question Gone Wrong

Marble put her plate into the sink, smiling at Applejack.

"Thanks again for the breakfast."

Applejack smiled. "Marble, ya don't have ta thank me every day. Though, Ah am happy y'all are satisfied!"

Marble nodded. "Alright."

"So... are ya ready for Pinkie's weddin'?"

Marble smiled. "Oh, yes. I'm so happy for her."

Applejack chuckled. "Ah am, too. Ah had a feeling she wouldn't want ta wait ta get married. Hopefully everyone can make it so short notice."

Marble nodded. "I hope so. It's going to be crowded."

"It is. Well, at least we won't have ta fight for a chair," she said, chuckling.

Marble smiled. "Yeah. Oh, and I can work on the farm today."

Applejack smiled. "Oh, that's good! We have our first shipment of trees comin' in. If you're strong enough, ya can certainly help!"

Marble nodded. "I think I am. I've carried extremely heavy rocks back and forth across the rock farm."

Applejack scanned Marble's body. "Yeah, ya do have pretty toned muscles. For a shy pony, ya sure look quite strong!"

"Um... thank you. I'll help, if you think I can."

"Great!" Applejack replied, stepping to the door. "Now, we gotta meet my cousin Braeburn. He's bringin' some trees in from Appleloosa."

Marble tilted her head, walking out of the house and closing the door. The two started walking. "Wait... how does he transport trees from Appleloosa?"

"Oh, he brings 'em with him on a train. He has to get a special cart and everythin', but we help pay for it so he's not shooin' a bunch of money out of his pocket."

Marble nodded. "That makes sense. Are they big trees, or..."

Applejack shook her head. "Nope. At least, Ah don't think so. They're fairly small, but we do still have ta carry them from the train station to the orchard. That's why ya have to be strong."

"I can do that without much trouble."

"Good! Now, let's wait here for Mac. He should finish his barn chores soon," Applejack replied, stopping at the front of the orchard.

Marble blushed as she heard Mac's named. "O-okay."

Applejack chuckled. "Marble, ya have ta tell him soon. Trust me when Ah say that Mac is lookin' for a relationship. Ya don't want him to go off with another mare, do ya?"

Marble's pupils shrunk. "I... I didn't think he was looking for one."

Applejack nodded. "Oh yeah. His ex broke up with him a year ago because of distance and careers. They never would've worked in the long run. He was quite strong and honest with himself about it, but it doesn't mean that he hasn't been lonely and sad."

Marble's ears flopped. "Oh. I'm sorry."

Applejack nodded. "Ah feel bad, too. Ah've been trying to encourage him ta maybe find someone else, and he might take my advice soon. Ah just don't want either of ya to get hurt. Imagine how horrible he would feel if he was with another mare and heard that y'all were his soulmate."

Marble blinked. "That... is a good reason to tell him. I will soon, Applejack. Don't worry."

Applejack smiled. "Alright. Ah can help ya if ya need it."

Marble smiled as well. "Thank you. I might."

Applejack nodded as she looked back out to the farm, seeing Big Mac approaching. "Ah, there he is!"

Mac came up to the mares, nodding. "Eeyup."

Marble blushed and looked to the ground as Applejack smiled up at her brother. "Well, let's go meet him!"

Mac nodded. "Alright. Ah'm a bit tired to talk to Braeburn, but Ah'll try."

The three left the farm, Applejack chuckling. "Well, he might be mellowed down this mornin'. Ya never know."

Big Mac shook his head. "Braeburn? Mellowed down? That's impossible."

Applejack chuckled. "Ya never know, Mac."

They reached the train station, waiting only a few seconds before the train from Appleloosa rolled in. After many other ponies got out, the three saw Braeburn appear with a fairly small tree on his back. He smiled as he saw Applejack.

"Cousin!" He exclaimed, putting his face in front of hers. "Well, it's mighty fine ta see ya! Gettin' on a train at the call of the rooster was unusual but pretty! Ya should've seen the sunrise!"

Applejack chuckled. "Ah did see the sunrise, Braeburn-"

"Oh, hey, Mac!" Braeburn said, giving him the tree. "This is probably one of the biggest, so here ya go!"

Mac blinked. "It's lighter than Ah thought it would be."

Braeburn nodded. "Yup! Now, Ah gotta get the other trees before the conductor yells at me," he said, disappearing. After a few minutes, he arrived back with three trees on his back.

"Here they are! Ya both can carry two."

Applejack shook her head. "We have another helper, Braeburn," she said, gesturing to Marble. Braeburn stepped up to her, eyeing her up and down.

"Well, hey there, little lady! Ah'm Braeburn!" He said, holding out a hoof for her to shake. She gave him her hoof, Braeburn taking it and aggressively shaking it. "And you are...?"

"Um... Marble Pie."

Braeburn beamed. "Well, it's nice ta meet ya! You're a cute little thing!"

Marble blushed. "Um... thank you."

Braeburn chuckled. "Aww- ow!" He exclaimed as Applejack kicked him in the side.

"Braeburn, behave yourself. Don't scare her off."

Braeburn rolled his eyes. "Alright, fine. Here, Ah'll give ya one, and Ah'll give AJ two since she kicked me."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "That's fine. But hurry up before the train leaves."

Braeburn nodded. "Yup!" He gave the mares the trees before leaving. "It's nice ta see y'all! See ya!"

"Bye Braeburn!" Applejack replied as he disappeared into the train. Shortly after, the train left the station back to Appleloosa. Big Mac looked down to Applejack.

"Ah thought ya said he might be mellow."

Applejack grunted. "Well, Ah was wrong. Come on, let's get back to the farm and plant these."

Marble moved forward, trying not to drop the tree on her back. "Wait... are these the only trees we're getting?"

Applejack shook her head. "Nope! We just decided to take some young trees from Appleloosa that Braeburn didn't need. It helps him clear more room, and helps us a bit too. The other ones we bought from an orchard far away. They're comin' in sometime next week Ah think."

Marble nodded. "Alright."

The three made it to the back of the barn, Applejack directed Mac to plant the tree on his back right near the front. She turned to Marble .

"Dig a hole here for that tree. Also, Ah'll fertilize and water the soil. Don't worry about that part."

Marble nodded. "Okay," she said, digging a hole where Applejack directed. She was really not used to working in soil, but it was pretty easy once she got the hang of it. Luckily, she didn't care if her hooves got dirty or anything. After digging a fairly deep hole, Applejack came over and sprayed fertilizer in it before pouring a nice amount of water into the hole.

"Nice work, Marble! Now, can ya plant the tree?"

Marble nodded. "Yep. Do I remove the little fence thing from around the bottom?"

Applejack nodded. "Yeah. That's what kept the roots from gettin' damaged. Here, Ah'll do it," she said, removing the little barrier. "Alright. Ya can plant it."

Marble smiled. "Thank you," she said, taking the tree and placing it in the fertile dirt. After making sure it was in perfectly, she stepped back and looked at it, smiling. It was so small and cute, and was going to soon grow into a huge apple tree.

She soon found her eyes drifting to the left, finding Big Mac planting his tree, wiping sweat from his brow. She found herself blushing as she looked to the ground. Applejack caught her looking and started to laugh.

"You should tell him," she whispered in her ear. Marble blushed.

"Um... later."

Later that day, she sat in the living room with Apple Bloom as they waited for dinner to be ready.

"So... who's yer soulmate again? And why haven't ya gotten with 'em yet?"

Marble blushed. "Um..." She leaned closer to Apple Bloom's ear. "Don't get excited, but... it's Big Mac."

Apple Bloom gasped, immediately covering her mouth as she saw Mac in the room next to her. She leaned over to Marble's ear. "Oh my gosh! That's so cool!"

Marble nodded. "Yeah. I also have another soulmate in Canterlot," she whispered.

Apple Bloom tilted her head. "Ah didn't even think that was possible."

Marble nodded. "I'm destined to be with two ponies at once."

Apple Bloom blinked. "Isn't that cheatin'?"

Marble shook her head, making sure to keep her voice quiet. "No. It's a polyamorous relationship, which is consensual."

Apple Bloom nodded. "Ah guess that makes sense. Ah mean, if that's what the Choosin' Stone wants, then that's what ya follow."

Marble nodded. "Mmhm."

Apple Bloom smiled, a smirk forming on her lips. "So... do ya need some encouragement to ask him out?"

Marble shrugged. "I don't think so. I plan to soon."

Apple Bloom nodded. "Ya should. What do ya have ta lose?"

Marble blinked. "You're right. I mean, it might be weird for him to hear, but-"

"Marble, he's desperate. Ah've tried settin' him up with a ton of mares, and even a few stallions. Though, every time, he gets home and said he can only think about his old marefriend. He knows it'll never work out between him and her, but is still pretty sad by havin' to not be with her."

Marble nodded. "I heard something like that from Applejack. I know he wants to get over her, but we shouldn't force it, should we?"

Apple Bloom shook her head. "He's told me he's just lookin' for the right pony. That right pony is you, Marble! Ya need ta tell him!"

Marble's ears flicked. "...Alright. I will."

Apple Bloom beamed. "Great! When?"

"...Soon. I promise."

After dinner that night, Marble sat in her room, thinking. She wanted to ask Big Mac out, but how? As she thought, Pinkie's voice instantly flashed through her brain.

"You can maybe even get him flowers or something!"

Marble smiled. Flowers! Nothing's cuter than getting flowers, or at least, in her eyes! She would have to ask Applejack what his favorite flowers were, but she could easily go pick some up the day after. Confidence filled her chest, and it felt amazing. She would help Big Mac out with his situation, and ask him out to a sweet romantic date. It would be amazing!

She stepped out of her room, trotting over to Applejack's. Pure confidence caused her heart to soar. After figuring this out, she would be ready. She stepped in front of the door, taking a breath as her heart soared as she thought: she finally had confidence! She could ask him out! Then, without hesitation, she opened the door, peeking her head in.

"Applej-" She stopped, her brain processing what she just walked into.

Applejack was in her bed, her mane all messed up. She was laying on top of a unicorn stallion who Marble didn't recognize, and the two seemed to have taken a break from kissing to look at Marble with wide eyes.

Marble's confidence drained in a mere second as she squeaked, slamming the door shut. As she did, she backed up to the wall behind her, blushing.

I just walked in on Applejack and her coltfriend! I didn't even know she had one! Why didn't I knock?! She thought to herself, breathing heavily. Oh, she felt bad.

Applejack slowly opened the door, looking at her. "M-Marble?"

Marble looked at Applejack, her pupils small as pinpricks. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I should've knocked! I-"

Applejack raised a hoof, signaling Marble to calm down. "Marble, it's alright. Ah forgot ta lock the door. And... this is my fault. Ah have somethin' to tell everyone tomorrow, includin' you. Ah've kept a secret for too long."

Marble swallowed. "O-oh."

Applejack nodded. "Please don't feel bad, you're alright."


"No buts. Stuff like this happens. Now... what did you come to tell me in such a hurry?"

Marble blinked. "So... you're not mad?"

Applejack chuckled. "Nah. Shocked? Yes. But not mad. Ya didn't know, and that is partly my fault. Now, tell me what ya came here for."

Marble blushed. "Well... I wanted to know what Mac's favorite flowers are."

Applejack raised an eyebrow, slightly chuckling and smirking. "They're lilies." She began to step back into the room. "Ah'll see ya tomorrow," she said, closing the door. Marble stood against the wall for a few more seconds, shaking her head.

...Oh dear.

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