• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

  • ...

Marble: As the Hourglass Ticks

Marble sat down for breakfast, a large smile on her face. As she did, Applejack walked over to the table with a plate full of scrambled eggs and another with warm, dark toast.

"So, did Ah hear right that y'all and Mac are goin' to Canterlot today?" Applejack asked, sitting next to Marble. Marble nodded.

"Mmhm. We're going to meet Minuette."

Apple Bloom raised a brow. "Wait... Marble, are y'all and Mac datin' now?"

Marble turned to the filly and nodded. "Mmhm."

Apple Bloom gasped. "Hooray! But... why didn't anyone tell me?"

Marble giggled. "I was tired last night and wanted to get to bed."

Applejack nodded. "Me, too. Well, at least ya know now."

Granny Smith hobbled into the room, taking a seat. "Applejack, where's your little whippersnapper?"

Applejack raised a brow. "Ya mean Flim? Ah don't know. Hold on, Ah'll go look fer him," she said, standing up from her seat. As she did, a flash of light appeared in front of her, causing her to jump back a bit. As the light disappeared, Flim was seen standing in the spot, his tail half singed.

"I'm here!"

Applejack took her hat off her head and lightly whacked him with it. "Hey! That scared me!"

Flim chuckled, sitting down. "Maybe that was my intention."

Applejack rolled her eyes, sitting down as well. "Well, y'all know how Ah can get. Try me again, Ah dare ya."

"Nope, I would like to keep my mane today."

Applejack smirked. "Very good."

Marble giggled at the exchange, the use of unicorn magic immediately flashing her thoughts to Minuette. A light blush crawled up her face as she thought of the mare. Minuette seemed to be so cute and fun, and Marble was excited to get to know more of her.

As she finished her breakfast, Big Mac walked through the doorway, wiping the sweat off his brow. Marble's eyes were trained to him immediately.

"Are ya ready ta go, Marble?" He asked. Marble nodded, smiling as she stood up.


"Good luck ya two!" Applejack said, smiling at them.

"Thank you," Marble responded. As she did, she left the barn with Mac, feeling all warm and fluffy. She was going to be alone with Mac for an entire train ride!

"So... where exactly are we goin'?"

Marble shrugged. "I'm... not sure. We'll have to ask Pinkie. She knows where Minuette lives."

Mac nodded. "Alright. Lead the way, Miss Pie."

The walk to Sugarcube Corner was filled with awkward silence. Marble wanted to talk to Mac, but wasn't sure what exactly to say. It seemed Mac was the same way.

As they entered the shop, Pinkie noticed them immediately, beaming. "Hey, you two! Have you come for a date~?" She chirped, running up to the couple. The two blushed, Marble shaking her head.

"No. We need directions to Minuette's house."

Pinkie gasped. "Wait... you're meeting her today?!" She asked, squealing. "Well, good luck! Also, she lives here," she said, grabbing a piece of paper and scribbling the mare's address on it. Marble smiled.

"Alright, thank you. On another note, are you almost ready for the wedding tomorrow?" She asked. Pinkie blinked as she thought it over.

"Um... I think? Well, I mean, I can't have a wedding rehearsal at all, considering there is no time and I can't push the actual wedding off. So, we'll just have to hope the bride's maids know where they're standing tomorrow," she said, worry creeping its way into her voice. "I pretty much just have to get everything set up and make sure there are enough chairs and tables. Also, I need to help the Ponyville DJ move her beatbox into where we're having the after party..."

Marble patted her sister's shoulder. "I'm sure everything will be alright."

Pinkie nodded. "Oh, it will! Even though I've had to work so much, I'm so excited!"

Marble giggled. "Me, too. Now, Mac and I should get going. Our train's going to leave soon."

Pinkie gave a chipper giggle. "Well, alright! Have fun you two!" She said, winking. The two made their way out, Marble looking at the card.

"I'm pretty excited to meet her."

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup." The two approached the train station, waiting for theirs to get there after getting the tickets. After a few minutes of waiting, the train made its way into the station, and the two boarded and took a seat, Marble next to the window. The train started up rather quickly, and, before they knew it, they were off.

Now, Marble desperately wanted to say something. She and Mac had planned to get to know each other on this train ride, but of course, Marble couldn't think of anything interesting about herself to tell him.

After a few seconds, he broke the silence, much to Marble's relief. "So... how exactly does the Choosin' Stone work? Ah mean, how did it show ya ta two different ponies?" He asked.

Marble smiled. "Well... when you touch the Stone, it makes a current go crazy in your body, and it gets stronger the closer you get to your soulmate. So, it first led me to Minuette, and I shook hooves with her, and the current passed into her. Then, it came back, and after talking to my parents and finding out the Stone was leading me to polyamory, I followed it to you and decided to try to ask you out first." Her ears perked up. "Oh, right. I also have some flowers to give you when we get back. I originally meant to ask you out with those."

Big Mac smiled. "Well, that's awfully kind of ya, Marble."

Marble blushed. "Oh, I'm glad you think so. But, anyways, do you want to tell me something about yourself? Maybe about how you... got your cutie mark?" She asked, thinking about the first thing that popped into her head. As she said this, Mac smiled.

"Certainly. Well, when Ah was younger, Ah was givin' the task of apple buckin'. Now, mind ya, this was mah first time tryin'. Ah was young an' nervous, knowin' Ah could hurt myself real bad if Ah wasn't careful. So, in the middle of the afternoon, Ah bucked a tree. Instantly, all the apples fell out. Surprised, Ah went ta more trees, continuously buckin'. Granny was quite surprised as she saw Ah was knockin' just about everythin' down. Ah didn't stop until Ah got tired, considerin' Ah felt so pleased with myself. Later that night, Granny pointed out that Ah had a cutie mark. Ah looked, and saw this..." He said, gesturing down to his mark, "A big apple cutie mark. Granny feels it's supposed ta symbolize both strength and apples, considerin' it's a big apple."

"Ooh, that's cool," Marble said, smiling.

"How did ya get yers?" Mac asked. Marble smiled even brighter as she remembered.

"Well... it's probably because I'm the best in the family when it comes to actual rock farming..." She blushed. "Um, I don't mean to brag or anything, but I'm the only one who has a talent in it. Maud has one in mining and researching, Pinkie has one in party planning, Limestone has one symbolizing how she's a great protector and has great strength with her bitterness and desire to protect, and mine is rock farming itself. I got it when we had a huge shipment of rocks to break. Limestone was injured, so she couldn't help. It was just me and Maud, since Pinkie was already in Ponyville. I broke the most of them, and continued to keep pushing through to finish it. They were hard rocks to break, too. Once I finished my share, I noticed Maud wasn't even half finished with hers, so I helped her. After that, it appeared," she said, looking down to her mark and smiling.

Mac smiled as well. "That's quite interestin', Marble." Silence hung over them for a few more seconds. "So... where are ya gonna be workin'?"

Marble's ears twitched. "Huh?"

"Yer soulmates are outside the rock farm. Where are ya plannin' on livin' and workin'? Are ya gonna stay at Sweet Apple Acres?"

Marble blinked, feeling a whole new wave of stress enter her brain. She had never thought about where she was going to work.

"Um... is there a mine in Ponyville, maybe?"

Mac thought. "Hm... actually, yes, there is. It's apparently a beautiful one, too."

Marble breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, that's good. I was a bit worried for a second there."

Mac nodded. "Eeyup."

Marble looked to Mac, feeling herself blush. He was even more attractive up close...

Wanting to distract herself, she hurriedly thought of another question. "Um... what is your favorite thing to sell?"

Mac shrugged. "Probably apples."

Marble nodded. "Okay," she replied. Not knowing what to say, she looked out the window, seeing they were climbing the mountain to get to Canterlot. Her heart immediately started pumping faster.

...We're almost there... She thought, feeling both nervous and excited at the same time.

"Do ya want somethin' ta eat? Mah treat," Big Mac offered, gesturing to the food cart being held in place by a stallion. Marble smiled.

"Sure thing," she replied, feeling herself blush. He's so courteous... what a great stallion to have as a soulmate.

As the train pulled into the station, the two stepped off, trying to figure out where to go. Luckily, they found a passerby who knew where the address was, and showed them where to go. So, the two set off, told to go to a house with a large hourglass on it. They made their way through the city, eventually spotting the house.

"So... I think this is it?" Marble said, looking up at the many hourglass windows, the hourglass door, and the large hourglass on the wall. Mac nodded.

"Seems like it."

Marble gulped. "Well... okay," she said, walking up the marble stairs. Taking another deep breath, she knocked on the door a few times, waiting for an answer. In a few seconds, the door opened, and Marble felt her heart thumping in her chest.

"Um... hello?" She whispered. As she said that, Minuette poked her head in the doorway, beaming. This, in turn, caused Marble to blush and her hairs to stand on end.

"Oh my gosh, you were that cute mare that I saw the other day!" She said, smiling. "It's nice to see you! And..." She looked down, seeing Mac near the bottom of the steps. She blushed. "Oh my, what are an adorable mare and attractive stallion doing at my doorstep? Have I gotten lucky, or what?"

Big Mac blushed as well, Marble knowing she would probably have to be the one to answer. "Um... we're here to tell you something. Well, I am. He's tagging along."

Minuette nodded. "Alright, then. Come on in!" She said, gesturing inside. Mac stepped up beside Marble, the two entering together. As they walked in, they closed the door and sat on a couch, Minuette bringing over a box of cookies and sitting down on the one opposite from them.

"Anyways, my name is Minuette. What are your names, cuties?" She asked, eating a cookie. The two blushed, earning an overenthusiastic giggle from the unicorn.

"Um... I'm Marble."

"Ah'm Big Macintosh. Y'all can call me Big Mac or just Mac."

Minuette bit her lip. "Whoo, Mac, you have one attractive voice!" She said, winking and causing Big Mac's face to turn a darker shade of red. She giggled again. "Anyways, what do you two need?"

Marble took a deep breath, fighting a blush. "Well... um... This might sound a little weird considering we just met..."

Excitement grew in Minuette's eyes. "Ooh, then I'm curious. What is it?"

Marble played with her hooves. "Um... I don't think you have, but have you ever heard of the Choosing Stone before?"

Minuette raised a brow, shaking her head. "Nope. Is it, like, something that can help you make decisions when you're indecisive?"

Big Mac let out a short chuckle, Marble smiling as well as she replied. "No. Far from it."

Minuette blinked. "Huh. What is it, then?"

"Well... it's... a rock on my farm that's supposed to send you to your soulmate."

Minuette gasped. "Wait... are you by chance... letting me use it to find my soulmate?"

Marble shook her head. "You don't have to. I used it. And... it led me to both Big Mac and you." She said, hiding her face behind her mane.

Minuette took a second to process this, looking between Marble and Mac. "Wait... are you saying that... you both are my soulmates?"

Marble shook her head. "Well, technically, we only know that you and Mac are my soulmates. We don't know if you are each other's. You might even have more out there."

Minuette blinked. "Huh. Well, to be honest, I'm quite pleased with my soulmate," she said, winking. "I mean, you're one of the cutest ponies I have ever met."

Marble blushed. "Um... thanks. But, anyways, this brings me to my next topic."

Minuette nodded. "Alright. Heh, I'm still trying to process the whole I'm staring at my soulmate thing."

Marble giggled. "Well, anyways, my parents told me that I'm destined to be in a polyamorous relationship with you and Mac. You and Mac don't have to fall in love, of course, but maybe, if you wanted to try, we could certainly go out on a date. The three of us, I mean."

Minuette thought. "Hm... I'm actually quite the fan of polyamory. And, I mean, I would love to have all three of us in love with each other, if it gets to that point. So, we can certainly try."

Marble nodded. "Well, alright. Big Mac, what do you feel?"

Mac shrugged. "Well, Ah'll go out on a date with both of ya, and see if Ah like Minuette. If Ah do, Ah'll be fine with datin' the both of ya."

Minuette beamed. "Great! I mean, I don't even know for sure if I'll like you two yet." She giggled. "Actually, I'll take that back. I know Marble's my soulmate, so I should really like you, Marble, but I'll have to see with Mac. I mean, physically, I think you both are extremely attractive and I would love to kiss both of you. So... let's try."

Marble nodded. "Yeah. So... maybe we could go for a walk in the park? Like... right now?"

Minuette nodded. "I don't see why not! I can't wait to get to know you two!"

Mac nodded. "Eeyup. That sounds great."

Minuette giggled. "Well, alright! I know a great park we can go to, follow me!" She said, jumping out of her seat and out of the house. Marble and Mac followed, small smiles on their faces.

"So... do you like Minuette so far?" Marble asked. Big Mac blushed.

"Um... Ah mean... Ah have a feelin' Ah'll really like her."

Marble nodded. "Me, too. Well, I know I will. It's just a matter of time. I mean, she is really cute..." She said with a blush.

Big Mac nodded, sheepishly smiling and blushing as well. "Um... E-Eeyup..."

"Hey, what are you two waiting for?! Come on!" Minuette called.

In a few short minutes, the three arrived at a large park with many trees. Minuette stopped at the entrance, waiting for the two to catch up.

"Oh, finally, there you two are! This is one of the nicest parks for walks. It has super shady trails! Come on!" She said, walking in. The two followed, looking around them. There were many trees and benches, and even a play area for foals to the side. Many ponies were walking dogs, and, overall, the area gave a very peaceful feel. The path eventually broke off into three long, shady trails. Minuette looked back to them.

"Which trail do you want to walk in?"

Big Mac and Marble both shrugged. "The middle one, Ah guess," Mac said. Minuette nodded, a light blush on her face.

"Alright! Mac, your voice will forever make me blush," she said, walking in. This in turn caused Mac's cheeks to turn a little red, and Marble to let out a short giggle.

Minuette let the two catch up to her, smiling at them. "So... let's get to know each other. Or, well, I need to get to know you two. So... what do you two work as?"

Big Mac smiled. "Ah work at Sweet Apple Acres in Ponyville-"

Minuette gasped. "No way! Wait, are you an Apple, or just working there?"

"Ah'm an Apple."

Minuette gasped again. "Oh. My. Gosh! That's amazing! I'm such a huge fan of your products!"

Big Mac smiled. "Well, we try out hardest ta produce the highest quality apples by stickin' ta traditional earth pony methods."

Minuette beamed. "Well, that's really cool! So, all your workers are earth ponies?"

"Yep... Wait, nope, not anymore. We have a unicorn workin'. But Ah'll be teachin' him how ta buck apples the earth pony way if he still wants ta work there."

Minuette raised a brow. "Wait... isn't it hard for unicorns to generate enough physical power?"

Big Mac shrugged. "It may take more work, but that's how it's gonna be. Unless he only wants ta make pies and such, but we rarely allow unicorns ta use magic at all when helpin' us out."

Minuette nodded. "I guess that makes sense." She giggled. "Do you know I wanted to have a summer job there a few years back? Whew, I would have died if I actually pursued it!" She said, giggling.

Marble smiled. "It's not too hard to work there. Well, I mean, for me."

Minuette looked to Marble, Marble finding herself trapped in her blue eyes. "Wait... you work there, too?"

Marble shrugged. "Well... for now. I was raised on a rock farm, so I've been doing physical labor my whole life. Working at Sweet Apple Acres is easy."

Minuette blinked. "What's a rock farm?"

"Oh, right. Basically, we break down rocks that ponies don't want. For example, if there's a lot of rocks near a construction site, many ponies just ship them out to us to break so they can get started on their work without rocks. We also mine in a crystal mine on our farm, and we have found rare gems like diamonds down there before."

"Oh. Well, that actually sounds really cool! What's the rarest gem you yourself have ever found?"

Marble thought. "I think... a sapphire. I don't mine too much; my other sisters mostly do... well, did in the past. They've found much cooler things in their trips."

Minuette smiled. "Was the sapphire big? Was it shiny?"

Marble thought. "It was a decent size, and very shiny." She looked to Minuette. "Actually, it was the exact color of your eyes..." She said before blushing. Did I really say that out loud?

Minuette giggled. "Aww, how cute!"

Marble blushed even harder. "Um... mmhm..."

Minuette giggled some more. "Aww, I'll change the topic, since you seem really embarrassed. Why are you working at Sweet Apple Acres now?"

This cleared up a bit of Marble's blush, but not completely. "Well, I used the Choosing Stone. It first led me to you-"

"Oh my gosh, I remember that!" Minuette interrupted. "That was the first time I saw you! You ran away from me!"

Marble nodded. "I did. Here, I'll explain from the beginning. So, the Choosing Stone is a stone on our farm that is tradition for my family to use that shows us to our soulmates. When you touch it, it gives you a current that gets stronger the closer you get to your soulmate. When you touch them, it passes through to them, and then disappears right after."

Minuette thought. "Wait a second... I remember you seemed to have given me a shock. Was that actually the current thing?"

Marble nodded. "Mmhm. I passed the current onto you, and then I realized it came back afterwards, which I thought it wasn't supposed to do. That's why I ran away. I had to go home and ask my parents what was going on. They told me I was destined to be in a polyamorous relationship, so I followed it to Big Mac, and after I touched him and it went through him, it never appeared again. So... yeah, that's why I ran away from you."

Minuette nodded. "Hm. That must feel really awkward. Like, when that thing passed through me, it felt like my magic went completely bezerk and started traveling around my body again."

This caught Big Mac's interest. "Again?"

Minuette giggled. "Yeah. Sometimes I use my magic so much that it screws up and flows all around my body. It gets control of itself after a short time, but then I'm not allowed to use magic for the rest of the day. A good rest fixes the problem, though."

Mac blinked. "Ah didn't even know such a thing was possible."

Minuette nodded. "Yeah, it's one of those things that terrifies other races when they're around unicorns and it happens. It's actually really common unless you're really good at magic, kinda like Twilight Sparkle. She never gets those anymore."

Marble smiled. "That makes sense. After all, Twilight is amazing at magic."

Minuette raised a brow. "Wait a second... you know Twilight?"

Marble nodded. "Yep. She's my sister's best friend, and a friend of mine as well."

"Oh, alright... wait, who's your sister? I might know her."

"Pinkie P-"

"Pinkie?! Pinkie Pie is your sister?!" Minuette asked, gasping. "Oh my gosh, she's one of my best friends!"

Marble nodded. "Pinkie's told me about you. When I told her you were one of my soulmates, she got really excited."

Minuette smiled. "Well, that's just really cool! I had no idea!"

Marble smiled as well. "I get that from everyone. Pinkie's a lot... different than me and my other sisters."

Minuette nodded. "Oh, she really is."

Big Mac chuckled. "Yeah, when Ah was first meetin' Pinkie's family a while back, Ah expected them all ta be like her. They... kinda surprised me."

Minuette giggled. "Well, I'm still surprised!" She looked over to Marble. "Also, where are you planning to work in the future? You said you were only temporarily working at Sweet Apple Acres, right?"

Marble nodded. "Mmhm. I'll probably be working at the mines in Ponyville soon, now that I've finally told my two soulmates that they're... well... my soulmates." She looked to Minuette. "What do you work as?"

Minuette puffed her chest out. "A dentist!"

Big Mac tilted his head. "Really?"

Minuette nodded. "Yep!" She looked back to her flank. "My cutie mark is an hourglass, which resembles the little hourglasses I give to ponies so they can time brushing their teeth. Also, if you want, I can give you dental hygiene facts at any time."

Marble giggled. "Well, maybe in the future."

Minuette smirked. "Oh, you're implying we're going on more dates?" She asked, smiling. Marble blushed.

"Um... y-yeah... we are soulmates, after all-"

Minuette cut her off by giggling. "Hey, I'm just messing with ya! Of course we're going to go out on more dates!" Minuette's ears perked as a thought crossed her mind. "Hey, I have a question. Well, for you, Big Mac."

Big Mac looked down to her, raising a brow. "Eeyup?"

"Well, basically, I've been offered a job in the dentistry practice in Ponyville. Apparently, there aren't enough ponies working there, and they offered me a lot of money. So, I took it. My current house is really run down anyways, and I've always heard Ponyville was a great place to live. I originally asked one of my friends if I could stay with her until I found a house, but she only has a one bedroom house she's sharing with her marefriend. I asked Pinkie if I could stay with her, but she said that there's no free rooms. So... would I maybe be able to stay at Sweet Apple Acres for a time so I can find a house? My job starts next week, and I haven't been able to find a place yet."

Mac thought. "Well, there aren't any guest rooms that are available."

Minuette's ears folded back. "Darn."

Marble looked between her and Mac. "Actually, if you really need to, Minuette, you can share mine with me. The bed I'm in can easily fit the both of us."

Big Mac nodded. "Eeyup. Ah don't know why Ah didn't think of that."

Minuette beamed. "Really?! You'll let me?"

Both Big Mac and Marble nodded. "Sure," they said at the same time. Minuette let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, thank Celestia! I was starting to get worried!" She said. "Don't worry, I won't be staying for too long."

Big Mac waved a hoof. "Stay fer as long as ya want. Y'all and Marble are soulmates, after all. We'll probably both be livin' with her anyway."

Marble nodded. "Mmhm."

Minuette smiled. "Oh, right! Well, thank you!"

Marble looked between the two. "So... the end of the trail is right there, isn't it?" She asked, gesturing ahead. Minuette nodded.


"So... we have to know for sure. Would you two... like the three of us to all date each other? Or would you want more time before deciding?"

Minuette smiled. "Personally, I really like the both of you. You're both pretty fun to talk to, and I would love to go on more dates with the both of you. I'm definitely up for it!"

Marble smiled, looking to Big Mac. "Mac? What about you?"

Mac nodded without any hesitation. "Eeyup. Minuette, you're a lot of fun ta talk to and be around, and Ah really like what Ah see. Well, Ah enjoy bein' around the both of ya equally, and think you're both amazin'. So, yes, Ah'm wantin' ta give it a shot."

Marble was practically beaming. "That's great. I'm excited."

Minuette nodded, stepping between both Marble and Mac and wrapping her forehooves around their necks, earning light blushes from the two. "Me, too!" She said before galloping forward. "Come on! The trail is finished!" She said, starting to run out of the park. Mac chuckled.

"That mare sure loves ta run."

Marble giggled. "That she does."

The three reached Minuette's doorstep, the sun starting to go down.

"We have to leave soon so we can get some sleep before Pinkie's wedding tomorrow," Marble commented. Minuette smiled.

"Right, that's tomorrow! I mean, it completely slipped my mind you two would be there as well! So, I should probably get the wedding gift wrapped."

Marble giggled. "Yeah. So... bye?"

Minuette stared at Marble for a moment before giggling. "Marble, we can't leave each other like this!"

Marble tilted her head. "Like what?"

"Why, I gotta kiss you guys before you go!"

Marble blushed. "Oh... okay."

Minuette noticed Marble's embarrassed blush, so she walked up to Big Mac first. The two looked into each other's eyes before wrapping their forehooves around each other and giving each other a short, sweet kiss, smiling as they parted.

Minuette fluttered her eyelashes. "That was nice."

"Ee-eeyup," Mac replied, his ears falling and a blush crawling up his cheeks.

Minuette smiled at him before walking over to Marble. "So... ready?"

Marble nodded, awkwardly wrapping a hoof around Minuette, blushing. "Mmhm."

Minuette lightly giggled. "Oh, you're so cute," she said before pulling Marble close and kissing her. Even though it was short, Marble felt like it lasted forever. Her lips were soft and smooth, and Marble felt disappointed when she pulled away.

"That was nice as well," she said. Marble nodded.


Minuette giggled, stepping away. "Well, I have a wedding present to wrap. I'll see you both tomorrow, right?"

The two nodded, earning a smile from Minuette.

"Great! So... bye, cuties!" She said, blowing a kiss before stepping inside. Marble and Mac stood in silence for a few seconds, Marble still in shock. That was her first kiss, and she couldn't wish for a better one. Mac turned to her.

"So... do ya want ta kiss?" He asked, his voice soft. Marble looked to him, smiling.

"Mmhm," she said. Mac stepped closer to her, looking into her eyes before lowering his muzzle to her. Marble let her eyes flutter shut before their lips met, Marble feeling relaxed. The feel of his lips were different than Minuette's; they were more rough, but just as sweet. They parted, the two smiling at each other before pulling into a hug. As Marble buried her muzzle into his fur, she felt completely relaxed.

...This has probably been the best day of my life, she thought to herself as she hugged Mac closer to her. She had kissed and spent time with both of her soulmates, and she really liked the both of them.

The Choosing Stone chose well...

Comments ( 15 )

This was a pretty funny chapter. I am glad that there are no difficulties about the polyamory and that averypony can easily get along.

Well, I'm glad that all three soul mates are happy with each other, even if one third of it isn't my particular cup of tea (I can manage to tolerate it for the sake of the fans and the story's progression).

Minuette raised a brow. "Wait... isn't it hard for unicorns to generate enough physical power?"

How did she know the race? Big Mac only said he wasn't an Earth Pony.

My main criticism still stands, some pony needs to explain why monogamy is the norm in Equestria and said pony should not be portrayed as a backward thinking, status quo holding, narrow-minded, bigoted... I think my point has been made. Also said pony should explain that the term 'polyamory' is actually not the right term linguistically, as 'poly' is Greek and 'amore' is Latin, linguistically it's either 'polyeros' as 'eros' is the Greek for that form of 'love' or 'multiamory' as 'multi' is the Latin.

At first I didn't want to read this story anymore when you changed it for her to have two soulmates, but now I love it, they are really sweet. I can't ever remember why I didn't like the idea.


Thank you for pointing that out, I must have read through it too fast :derpytongue2:

I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to say for the first criticism, but for the second, I have only seen it referred to as polyamory. (And polygamy, but that refers to being married to multiple people.)


Oh, well I'm glad you like it now! :pinkiehappy:


I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Also, there's no difficulties... for now :trollestia:

:yay: And I'm happy you're sticking with the story, and hope you'll enjoy it even more in the future. :pinkiehappy:

Thank Goodness one of them's a talker.

Comment posted by Will-o-Wisp deleted Jul 22nd, 2018

Wait a minute, if their in a polymorphic relationship than who's gonna propose? And what the wedding gonna be like?

I've only read the Limestone part so far, and I am enjoying it. Although, I find it to be a bit choppy, timeline wise. I think it's because the chapters are kinda short. And I know the Limestone Pie wedding comes later, after some other characters go to the stone. I'm not sure if that's a good idea, because when the Limestone wedding comes, I think people will have forgotten what happened, because the other characters events will be on their mind. Just my thoughts. It's good, I hope someday it will be finished!

Minuette is really understanding. The Stone indeed chose well.

I love this story, but will it ever get finished?

Nevermind...The previous story DID have a sequel.. I found it!

So...Will this ever be continued? It's AMAZING..But I sorta want to see the finished product.

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