• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Limestone: Lying to Her Heart

Nopony in the room moved. Silence hung over the three ponies like a heavy burden on their shoulders. Lightning's ears gradually folded back as he looked between Lavender and Limestone, his wings starting to spread from his side.

"Lavender, leave." He started, a very distinguishable snap in his voice. "We don't care about you. So just get out of here!" He yelled as he pat Limestone on the back, comforting her. Limestone sat up and wiped her eyes, trying to show that she was in fact not crying. But, there was no way to hide it.

Lavender backed up as a glare appeared on her face. Limestone and Lightning both expected her to retaliate, but instead, they saw her ears flatten and her eyes grow glossy. Heartbreak was clearly imprinted on her face as she sunk to the ground, burying her face in her hooves and sobbing.

"Well, you can stop putting on a show now," Lightning said as Lavender peeked at him through her hooves.

"I'm not putting on a show!" She started in between sobs. "I... I really..."

"Am sorry?" Limestone asked as she jumped up from the couch. The mare sat motionless.

"Well...yes...but that wasn't all I was getting at..." She then sobbed a bit more. "I really need to admit something, and finally get this off my chest. I-I messed up."

Lightning snorted. "That's pretty obvious-"

"Please, don't interrupt me. I-I have to say this." The two stayed quiet as she took her face out of her hooves, revealing her now puffy eyes. "Lightning, I'm sorry for being such a jerk back when we were dating. I-I had nopony else there for me but you. I know, that doesn't sound like a good reason for my actions, but... I'll just explain. So, my parents divorced and stopped talking to me, my friends went on to better things, and they all left me in the dust. Seeing somepony like you fall in love with me was the best feeling in the world at the time. I then... well... was still pretty depressed, but I never told you about anything. I wanted to bury it deep within my mind in hopes to get rid of it, and didn't want to burden you with my problems.

"Well, that technique of mine didn't really work. I still had a lot of pain. I was soon so hurt inside that I came to the minset that... small things could help. That's why I took advantage of you and made you buy everything for me, and was never satisfied with what you worked for. Truly, I didn't think back then that I was deeply in love with you. I only thought I had a small crush. Well, I had a wrong judgement. Very wrong. I-I lied to my heart. After we broke up, I realized how much I loved you." She then stopped for a moment and looked between the two. "I really, truly am sorry. I didn't mean to say those things to you, Limestone. I just... well... really wanted Lightning, and seeing that he has a mare of his own... well... broke me. And Lightning, I am sorry for wasting a part of your life by dating you." She now stood up and turned. "I-I guess I should leave, now..."

"Wait!" Lightning said before Lavender turned, looking at him with wide eyes. Lightning gave her a smile. "It's okay. Even though I do think you could have made better choices, I still forgive you." His feathers then ruffled uncomfortably. "I... well... am sorry as well. If I knew what you were going through, I would have helped you."

Limestone nodded her head along to Lightning's statement. "I forgive you as well. I have unleashed like you have on more than one occasion, so I totally understand it."

Lavender smiled at them. "T-thanks. I promise, Lightning, to try to get over you as fast as I can. Maybe... try to find another stallion that I like?"

Lightning took a minute before nodding. "I guess so. Just... make sure to treat them right. And don't force love." He paused for a moment as he saw Lavender's eyes flash a look of understanding. "Oh, and make sure to tell them if you have anything else going on in your life. A good stallion will be able to help you."

Lavender nodded. "I know, I know. Oh well. That's my problem. I'll figure it all out soon enough."

Limestone stepped forward a bit. "I have a suggestion. For you to get feelings out of your head, at least."

Lavender turned back around to face her. "What?"

Limestone flipped a bit of her mane out of her face. "Well... write songs about what you're feeling. That will help get any bottled up emotions out. My sister sometimes writes emotions in a diary, since she's too shy to verbally express them. Since you're a singer, why don't you write songs based on this?"

Lavender considered this for a moment before a smile grew on her face. "That... is a really good idea. I should do that."

Limestone smiled. "I look forward to hearing your songs."

Lavender smiled even brighter. "T-thanks. Though, how are you able to forgive me so easily? I mean..."

"You gave a heartfelt apology, and the reason why is very justified. Trust me. I was a lot like you before I got into a relationship with Lightning."

Lightning tilted his head. "What?"

Limestone looked to him and nodded. "Yeah. I felt like I was going insane at times." She then turned back to Lavender. "Don't feel like you don't deserve forgiveness."

Lavender's smile grew even more. "T-thank you so much. As-as a token of appreciation, I'll send you my albums for free, if you want."

"Really? I would love that!" Limestone replied as Lavender excitedly nodded her head.

"Yeah! I'll do that!" She then turned and opened the door. "Well... I'll be in Manehatten. See you one day, maybe?"

Limestone nodded. "Maybe. We never know."

Lightning and Limestone both waved to her as she stepped outside and closed the door. The two then stood in silence for a moment, thinking about what just happened.

"She's a lot nicer than what I first saw of her. I guess she was so upset with her past mistakes and was so depressed that those feelings changed into anger," Limestone said as Lightning nodded.

"Yeah. I remember this side of her. She was like this when we first started dating; just a happy, carefree mare..." his expression darkened as he continued. "Then... something happened. Out of the blue, she started to turn into a rude mare that didn't seem to care about me. I got fed up with her, so I let her go. Apparently, it did a lot of damage. I now feel... pretty horrible for my decision. Well, I'm happy I left her, otherwise I wouldn't be with you right now."

Limestone brushed up against him. "It's okay. I know she won't be alone for long, anyway."

Lightning shifted a bit closer to her. "How do you know?"

"Well, I know for a fact famous singers like her attract a lot of admirers. She just needs to take a chance with one of them. She seems like the type to want to be in a relationship," Limestone responded as Lightning thought about this before nodding his head.

"That makes sense. And she does have a really amazing singing voice. When I first heard her sing, I remember wanting to be able to hear that voice for the rest of my life. She just puts so much passion in her music. I'm honestly happy she's gone on to better things."

Limestone nodded along and smiled. "I wish I could have heard her sing." Limestone paused for a moment as she gave Lightning a funny look. "On a different subject, it sounds like you really had it bad for her. Did you?"

Limestone felt him grow a bit tense. "Well... actually, not really. I did really like her, sure, but not nearly as much as I love you. The feeling I felt for you when I first met you... well... it wasn't just your looks that captured me. I felt like... I could trust you with my life. With my love. I felt immediately safe and secure in your glance; which is a feeling I have never felt for another mare before."

Limestone's ears wiggled as a light blush grew on her cheeks. "I felt the same way as well. But, I thought love was always like that. Am I... really that different?"

Lightning nodded without hesitation. "Limestone, I've told you before. You are the most amazing mare I've ever met, and I've never felt so strongly about anypony in my life."

Limestone could not hold back her smile. "I-I agree with that. Well, about you being the most amazing stallion I've ever met."

Lightning smirked. "Yeah. You're so special to me, that I even bragged about you to my parents."

Limestone smirked back. "Oh, you did, did you?"

Lightning nodded. "Yeah. In fact, they like what they've seen me write about you, that they want to meet you."

Limestone's ears perked up. "R-really?! When are we talking?"

"Well... tomorrow?"

Limestone raised an eyebrow. "This soon?"

Lightning nodded. "Yeah. I kinda forgot to tell you..." he rubbed the back of his neck as he continued. "Of course, if you don't want to see them, we don't have to go! They offered a small meal. We can always go another time!"

Limestone waved a hoof to cut him off. "No! It's fine! I would love to meet your parents, Lightning."

Lightning's ears perked up. "Really?"

Limestone nodded. "Yeah. How bad can they be?"

Lightning looked away uncomfortably. "Uh... I guess you'll see for yourself tomorrow."

Limestone rolled her eyes. "Really, Lightning? It's just your parents. I don't think they'll shun me from you forever because I'm not a refined mare."

"Well... they wouldn't do that..."

"Then it won't be that bad!" Limestone replied. "And, on a different note, my family will love to meet you, too."

Lightning nodded. "Yeah. I think you've mentioned that before. When should we go see them?"

Limestone thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. I guess I'll write to them tonight to see when they want to see you. They'll probably say 'as soon as possible', but I never know with them."

Lightning smiled. "Alright. And... can I ask you something? For tomorrow?"

Limestone raised an eyebrow. "Sure...? What is it?"

"Well..." Lightning started as he shifted, showing a bit of discomfort. "Please... don't bring up my exes to my parents. I-I've never told them about my past relationships, and I really don't want them knowing. Also, don't bring up my failures and things I lack in. They're very... strict about me being... well... almost flawless."

Limestone put a hoof on his shoulder. "Lightning, you know I wouldn't bring that stuff up to your parents. I have common sense." Limestone took a minute before looking at him in confusion. "Though... why do they want you to be perfect?"

Lightning looked down to the ground. "Well... my sister, Windy Drift... I'll just say that she's much more accomplished in life than I am."

Limestone tilted her head. "How so?"

Lightning looked around the room, recollecting memories. "Well, she is a much faster flier than me, is one of the highest ranking weather ponies in Cloudsdale, is trying her hardest to get into the Wonderbolts, and, to top it all off, is married to a Wonderbolt."

Limestone's eyes widened. "Wow. Your sister has a lot going for her."

Lightning nodded. "Yeah. She really does. My parents want me to be just as successful as her."

Limestone moved a bit closer to him. "It's okay. Don't pay attention to what your parents say. You are the most amazing stallion in my eyes."

Lightning put his wing around her. "Thanks. And I'm sure everything will work out tomorrow."

Limestone nodded. "I know it will."

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