• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Marble: Was I... Misguided?

Marble lay sprawled out on her bed, reading a rather interesting book about interdimensional creatures. It was all she could think to do nowadays; when she wasn't working out on the rock farm, she was reading. Though, as she is reluctant to admit, most books that she reads are romance books. The type of romance that other ponies would cringe when reading.

Marble soon heard loud, muffled voices echoing up from downstairs. Confused, she put a bookmark in her book and closed it. Her parents weren't loud talkers, so that must mean that someone was here. She left the bedroom and creeped down the stairs, but her ears flicked at the familiar voice that was bellowing throughout the house.

Pinkie Pie.

Marble's ears perked as she galloped down the stairs, ready to see her sister again. However, as she got down there, she noticed that there was a rather lanky stallion standing next to her, and her parents were all smiles and discussing with them. Then, a knock came from the door. Pinkie ran to it and opened it, revealing Limestone.

"Hey, everyone!" She said, making her way in. Igneous Rock blinked.

"Wait... how does Limestone know?"

"Oh, I wrote to her last night! Maud should be coming, too!" Pinkie said before hugging her sister. As they parted, Limestone saw Marble out of the corner of her eyes and smirked.

"Ah, there you are!" She said, walking up to Marble. Marble smiled.

"Hi, Limestone. Hi, Pinkie."

"Hiya!" Pinkie said, eagerly waving her hoof. She then stuck it out. "Look at this ring, Marble! Isn't it pretty!"

Marble smiled brightly when she saw the gemstones sparkling in the light. "Ooh! I like that!" She said, earning a chuckle from Limestone.

"Oh, you better, 'cause that's what's sending you off to find your soulmate," Limestone said, nudging Marble in the side. Marble's cheeks turned red in a split second.

"Oh...oh... that's why you're all here," she realized in a hushed tone, hiding behind her mane. Pinkie nodded.

"Yep! Cheesy here proposed to me last night!" She said, hugging Cheese. Marble waved.


"Hi there!" Cheese greeted, smiling. The door opened again, and everyone snapped their heads over to look.

"Maud!" Pinkie yelled, hugging her sister. Maud hugged her back. When they separated, Maud walked up to Cheese.

"I'm Maud Pie. I'm assuming you're Cheese Sandwich."

Cheese nodded. "Yep! I sure am!"

Igneous Rock stomped to get everyone's attention. Once all eyes were on him, he started. "Alright, everypony. As we all know by now, it's time to let Marble use the Choosing Stone. Marble, thou must use the Choosing Stone as soon as possible. I assume thou have eaten breakfast."

Marble nodded. "I-I did earlier."

Igneous nodded. "Alright. Let us not waste any time. Thou does not want to be running around in the middle of the night," he said, walking to the living room. Marble followed, her legs practically shaking. Just as the three times before, Igneous took the key out from behind the painting and smiled. "Are thou ready?"

Marble shakily nodded. "I-I guess so."

Igneous walked forward. "Well then, let's go. I packed thy stuff into a bag with a lot of bits," he said, walking to the door and holding it open for Marble. Marble was about to walk forward, but instead found herself trapped in a group hug.

"Good luck Marble!" Pinkie yelled, everyone else nodding. Marble tried to hug everyone back.

"Thank you guys," she said as everyone pulled apart. Limestone smiled.

"You'll do great! Just don't be too shy, alright? You have to talk to whoever your soulmate is, y'know."

Marble nodded. "Yeah. I'll try my best," she said before grabbing the full saddlebag and walking to the door. "Bye."

"Bye!" Everyone chorused as they saw Marble leave. As she left, she could hear loud conversation taking place inside the house. She trotted to catch up to her father, who was already making his way down to the caverns at a steady pace. As Marble reached him, he cast a glance down at her.

"I can not believe it."

Marble's ears flicked. "Hmm?"

Igneous picked up his pace even more. "My youngest daughter is using the Choosing Stone to find her soulmate... I just cannot believe it."

Marble nodded. "Me, too. I expected it would be a bit longer before my turn."

Igneous nodded. "Yes, I honestly did too. But I am not complaining. Using the Choosing Stone is one of the most amazing experiences thou will ever have." Marble smiled as she thought about it; adrenaline was already pumping through her. The two reached the caverns, and Igneous walked to the door. He looked between Marble and the key, sticking the key in the slot and pushing the door open. He held it open and Marble entered, her eyes widening at the beautiful red glow at the end of the walkway. Captured by the glow, her pace picked up. The red light bounced against the crystals, reflecting everywhere in the little tunnel. She eventually reached the rock, stopping to stare at it. Igneous appeared beside her, smiling.

"Well, Marble, when thou are ready, touch the Stone. A current will pass through thy body, and thou will be led to thy soulmate. Marble, I love thee and wish thou the best of luck."

Marble took a deep breath, slowly moving her hoof up to the Stone. She reluctantly set it down, feeling a current like no other rush through her body. It was warm and tingly, but uncomfortable at the same time. As it continued to run through her body, her mind was only yelling one thing at her: run. She ran past her father and out of the caverns, up to the train station. It was the fastest she had ever run in her life, but if felt like she kept gaining energy to keep going. She quickly got up to the ticket window, putting a few bits on the counter. The mare behind it wore a look of concern on her face.

"Ticket... to... Canterlot... please," Marble said, fighting to keep regular breaths. The Current kept going crazy, and she wasn't sure how to handle it. She bounced in place as the mare printed one out for her and gave it to her.

"Here you go, ma'am. The train should be here in about a half hour."

Marble nodded and took it, pacing around the station. She would later deduct that that was the longest half hour of her life.

As the train approached closer to Canterlot, the current kept getting stronger. Marble could already deduct that her soulmate was somewhere in this direction; maybe even the Crystal Empire or Vanhoover. That way, she could live nearby Maud or Limestone!

It pulled into the station, and Marble tried standing up. It was difficult, but she fought for her muscles to move. She eventually stood up correctly, trying to walk off the train. She was breathing heavily, and every hoofstep felt like she was stepping on pins and needles. She eventually stepped off the train, and the current picked up a little in its intensity. It was pretty easy to tell already.

Her soulmate is somewhere in Canterlot.

Marble tried to pick up her pace, and eventually did, but not without some difficulty. She took a few turns, feeling the current grow stronger and stronger as she continued to walk. Now, adrenaline was pumping through her. Momentarily, she was going to meet her soulmate. She started to gallop, the adrenaline winning over the strong current. Soon, she slowed down a bit when the current got even stronger. Now, she could barely walk without her legs almost burning. She slowed to a walk, feeling as if she was in the right place. She couldn't move, so she decided to stand there and wait for whoever her soulmate was. If they were this close, they were certain to walk by any moment.

Marble heard a door open to the right and turned her head. Stepping out of the door was a blue mare. The mare turned her head, and Marble felt both her heart and current go insane as she gazed upon her face and beautiful sapphire eyes. She was frozen. The mare saw her and smirked, moving down the stairs. She got up to Marble and smiled, Marble flushing. Oh, man, she's cute.

"Hey there! It's not every day a cute little mare is staring at me," she said, winking. Marble felt like she was about to burst. This adorable mare just flirted with her. She thought she was cute!

The mare giggled at Marble's expression. "Nice to meet you, cutie! I'm Minuette!" She said, holding out a hoof for Marble to shake. As she moved her hoof up to Minuette's the current passed to the other mare's hoof. Minuette backed up as it entered her body before laughing.

"Wow! You must have picked up a shock on the way here!" She said, laughing some more. Marble felt free as the current left her, giggling along. However, a weird feeling started up in her body again. Her legs and eyes twitched. Her tail swished. Her eyes widened as she felt a very familiar feeling course through her body.

It was the current.

It came back.

It was a much less intensity, but it had come back. Her eyes darted as Minuette said something. She moved her hoof along the ground.

"Um... I'm sorry... but I have to go," she said, backing up. Minuette's ears fell back.

"Aw, alright. Come back soon, cute stuff!" She said, earning another blush from Marble. Then, she did the first thing that came to her mind: run. Get on a train and go home. Her parents should know something about this... right?

The train arrived at the station, and Marble noticed the current was a little stronger than it was in Canterlot. She exited, running up to her house. She didn't want to waste any time. All she could think of was one thing:

It messed up.

The reality was a lot for her to handle; how much can this rock really be trusted? Will it continue to mess up and so Marble never does find her soulmate? Her ears folded back as she walked up to the door, noticing a lot of lights were out and it was quiet. She could deduct that everypony left; otherwise it would be quite loud. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door, waiting a few seconds. Her father opened it, and his eyes widened when he saw her.

"Marble? What are thou doing here?"

Marble struggled to find words. "I... It... the Stone messed up."

Igneous blinked. "Alright... come inside," he said, gesturing for his daughter to come in. She did, Cloudy Quartz looking at her daughter in confusion.

"What do you mean 'it messed up'? It's never messed up!"

Marble shrugged. "I-I dunno! It just... did!"

Igneous sat down. "Alright. Tell me what exactly happened."

Marble moved her hoof in circles along the floor. "Well... it led me to a mare named Minuette in Canterlot. We shook hooves, and the current went away."

Igneous blinked. "What is the problem, then? Minuette is your soulmate, Marble."

Marble shook her head. "It doesn't end there. Shortly after... it came back."

Cloudy's glasses slid down her muzzle. "Um... what? How?"

Marble shrugged. "I have no idea."

Igneous thought. "So... thou still has the current now?"

Marble nodded. "Yes."

Igneous nodded. "Alright. When, on the train ride here, was it the strongest?"

Marble thought. "Well... when I passed Ponyville."

Igneous blinked. "Yes... alright. I know what this means. Marble, only one other Pie in all of history has had this happen."

Marble nodded. "Alright. What is it?"

Igneous took a breath. "Marble... you are destined to have... two soulmates. To... be in a polyamorous relationship."

Author's Note:

And this kicks off Marble's section! I have a lot planned, and am sure you all will love it! :pinkiehappy:

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