• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,784 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Pinkie: Rendez-Vous

"So? Do you like it?" Cheese asked, taking his hoof away from Pinkie's eyes and letting her look around. Pinkie gasped as she took in everything. They seemed to be on top of a large hill, looking down at a stream and trees below. The sun was setting, casting a ray of pinks and orange onto the ground.

"This is... beautiful, Cheese!" She exclaimed. Without warning, she grabbed Cheese's face and kissed him passionately. Cheese's ears stood up before he closed his eyes, melting into the kiss. The two continued to kiss over and over for a few minutes before tiring, staring into each other's eyes. The two smiled, their eyes dancing with joy.

"That always feels so nice..." Cheese commented. He then snuggled up against Pinkie, putting an arm around her and letting her rest her head on his shoulder. She emitted a low moan.

"Yeah..." She agreed, her smile never fading. "Wait a second..."

Cheese looked down to her, kissing her forehead. This caused her to giggle. "Huh?"

After Pinkie regained herself, she continued. "How do you know about this hill and I don't? I've lived here most of my life!"

Cheese shrugged. "I dunno. I came here last time I visited Ponyville, though."

Pinkie nodded. "Ah. Now that I think about it, I do remember you leaving Dash's party for a short time."

Cheese nodded. "Yep. This is where I went. As soon as you said we were going to Ponyville yesterday, I got excited and planned to bring you up here for a relaxing night."

Pinkie buried her face deeper in Cheese's fur. "Aww... you're so sweet! I love it."

Cheese nuzzled her head. "I would hope so."

Pinkie looked up to him, her blue eyes wide. They looked at each other for a few seconds before pulling into a kiss, both smiling. As they separated, they continued to stare at each other. Pinkie felt safe and secure in his eyes; more so than she had ever felt in her life. Love truly was a beautiful thing.

After a few more seconds, Cheese pulled a picnic blanket and basket out of thin air. "Dinner, mon chère?" He asked, lighting candles. Pinkie giggled.

"We're not in Prance anymore, Cheesey!"

Cheese shrugged. "Eh. Doesn't mean I can't speak it on our little rendez-vous," he said before lightly kissing her. Pinkie giggled as soon as the warmth of his lips left hers.

"Aww, alright, I'll let ya. What do you have in here?"

Cheese opened the picnic basket, smirking. "Why... none other than..."

Pinkie gasped. "You didn't!"

Cheese bounced his eyebrows. "Oh, I certainly did."

"Cherry changas?! You packed cherry changas?!"

Cheese took one out and ate it, smiling. "I'm assuming it's not a problem?"

Pinkie shook her head. "Of course not, silly! It's just my most favorite food ever!" She replied, instantly taking out at least five cherry changas and eating them, trying to savor their taste. Drool escaped from her mouth as she ate, and her eyes lowered. Cheese chuckled.

"I'll have to get these for you more often."

Pinkie nodded. "Please!" She replied as she ate her next one. After a few more minutes, she flopped on the ground, holding her stomach. "I'm full..."

Cheese chuckled, walking over and laying next to her. "Well, you can snuggle against me until you feel better."

Pinkie snorted. "Oh, you are such a sap! But it's cute!" She said, shimmying closer to him. After a few moments of silence, she felt something poking her stomach. In a split second, she was giggling as Cheese tickled her.

"Cheese... stop!" She tried to get out, but was then overcome by more giggles. Cheese chuckled as well, stopping after a short time when he realized he had somehow ended up on top of her. The two went eye-to-eye before Pinkie harshly grabbed his head and slammed it against hers. His eyes widened, but he closed them and reciprocated the kiss. The two kissed a few more times before Pinkie flipped him over so she could be on top, passionately kissing him. Cheese's face heated up, but was quickly back to normal when a warmth washed over his entire body as Pinkie kept kissing him. He felt safe. Secure. Like he never wanted to leave. It was a much different warmth than anything he had ever felt before.

After a few more seconds, Pinkie was finished, and they stared at each other for a short time. Then, Pinkie plopped her head on his chest, lightly moaning as she listened to his heartbeat. Cheese held her tight, smiling.

"You seemed like you were really into that, Pinks."

Pinkie lightly swatted his side, earning a giggle from him. "Shush. It was nice, wasn't it?"

Cheese nodded. "It sure was."

Pinkie kissed his chest, earning a light giggle from Cheese. "Good."

The two sat there in silence for a few seconds, savoring each other's warmth. Pinkie kept getting lost in the sound of Cheese's heartbeat, her smile about to break her face in two.

I love you... She thought, her face instantly becoming red. She wanted to say it. Oh, she wanted to say it so badly. However, they were only a few days into their relationship. It was a bit early for that, wasn't it?

These thoughts were chased away when Cheese spoke. "It's getting dark out. Should we go camp out for the night?"

Pinkie raised her head up, raising a brow. "Of course not! Why would we sleep on the ground when we could sleep in my bed?"

Cheese blinked. "Oh. Would your parents be alright with it?"

Pinkie giggled. "Silly, Mr. and Mrs. Cake aren't my parents! I live and work with them at the bakery, but my real parents are at the rock farm!"

Cheese nodded. "Ooh, okay. They'll still be okay with me spending the night with you, right?"

Pinkie nodded. "Of course! It's not like we're going to be doing anything concerning, anyway," Pinkie replied before giggling. Cheese's face started to burn.

"Uh... ah... that's a good thing... hehe..." He stammered, causing Pinkie to laugh even harder and Cheese to blush even more. As Pinkie continued to have her little giggle fit, Cheese found himself staring at her. She eventually calmed down, looking back at him and smiling. Cheese smiled as well.

"You have a really cute laugh."

Pinkie's ears perked and her smile grew even more. "Aww! You do too! You're just adorable in general!" Pinkie replied, pinching his cheeks. Cheese giggled.

"Thanks, Pinks." He said before pulling Pinkie into a kiss. Pinkie reciprocated it before pulling apart, smiling even more.

"So... should we head over now?"

Cheese nodded. "Yeah. Let's go," he said, letting her get off of him before he stood up. He stole another kiss from her before they started walking down the hill, Cheese taking Pinkie's hoof and squeezing it tightly. Pinkie giggled and squeezed his back.

"You are just so adorable!" She said, leaning into him. Cheese smiled and kissed the top of her head, earning a light giggle from her. The two walked down the hill and onto the barren streets of Ponyville, which were only lit up by the moon above. Cheese looked around.

"Wow. It really is nice out here."

Pinkie nodded. "It is. I absolutely love Ponyville."

Cheese smiled, squeezing Pinkie's hoof again. "Me too. It must be a very nice place to live."

"It is. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, really," Pinkie replied, gazing off into the night. The stars twinkled, matching the night sky's splendor. Princess Luna sure knew how to make a night.

The two started walking again, looking up at the sky. It was just gorgeous. It was only a short walk to get back to Sugarcube Corner, and when they got there, they noticed there were a lot of ponies getting a treat before bed. Just about every table was full, and both Mrs. and Mr. Cake had to work at the counter to process everyone. Pinkie broke apart from Cheese, running to the side of the counter.

"And that'll be... three bits, please!" Mrs. Cake said as she opened up the cash register, the mare on the other side of the counter happily paying and grabbing her bag of treats.

"Mrs. Cake?" Pinkie asked. Mrs. Cake turned to her.

"Oh, what is it, Pinkie? But make it quick, I have to tend to these customers."

Pinkie nodded. "Yep! Cheese Sandwich is spending the night. Just thought I should let you know."

Mrs. Cake grew a large smile. "Oh! Well, okay! We'll have breakfast ready for you two in the morning, dearie!"

Pinkie smiled. "Alright! Thanks!" She replied, bouncing over to the stairs. She motioned for Cheese to come up with her, and he happily obliged, setting foot on the pink staircase. The two ran up, Pinkie showing him the rooms.

"...And here's the bathroom. We should probably get ready first."

Cheese nodded. "Yeah. And can I use your shower?"

Pinkie shrugged. "I don't see why not! Don't be long, I need to get in there, too," she replied before trotting to her room and flopping onto the soft bed. She couldn't wait to lie down with Cheese, feeling all her worries wash away...

As Pinkie returned to the entrance to her room from showering and throwing on her night clothes, she noticed Cheese sprawled out on the bed, a goofy smile adorning his face. Pinkie raised a brow.

"What did you do?"

Cheese looked around. "Oh, nothing much."

Pinkie took a few steps inside her room, closed the door, and gasped. There were about twenty new balloons hovering in the air. Her room was now even more party-like! She giggled.

"Thanks, Cheesy!"

Cheese smiled. "Well, the balloons themselves aren't the only thing I did."

Pinkie looked to him. "Huh?"

Cheese pointed. "Look at the end of the strings."

Pinkie chose one of the balloons and looked at end of the string, and saw a folded piece of paper attached to it. She unfolded it, noticing writing on the inside.

You are the cutest thing ever, Pinks.

Pinkie smiled. "Aww! Thank you so much, Cheese!" She said, throwing herself onto the bed next to him. She quickly pulled the covers over the two and hugged him close to her. He chuckled.

"There's notes on every balloon, you know," Cheese said, hugging her back. "But, maybe you can save them for a later date when you come back up here again."

Pinkie nodded, smiling. "Mmhm! I will!" She agreed, burying her face into his chest. "Wait a second..." She said, withdrawing from him. She clapped her hooves twice, and the lights went off. She then snuggled up against Cheese again, who looked around in confusion.

"That's a fancy light system you have there."

"Mmhm!" Pinkie replied, savoring his warmth. "Night, Cheesy."

Cheese hugged her even tighter. "Night, Pinkie."

Pinkie smiled against his fur. "I love you." As soon as those words left her lips, her heart dropped in her chest and her eyes shot open.

I was not supposed to say that...!

"...What?" Cheese asked, his voice higher than usual. Pinkie felt her face was going to burn off.


Cheese pulled Pinkie's head up next to his, able to see only a little bit of her face with the light of the moon. He then kissed her, hugging her as tight as he could. They separated, Pinkie's eyes wide.

"I love you too, Pinks," he said, his smile so bright that Pinkie could see it clearly. Pinkie smiled as well, stealing another kiss from him, and then moving back down so she could bury her face in his neck. She held him close.

I love you...

Those three words circled through her thoughts the rest of the night until she fell into a deep sleep, still smiling even after drifting off.

Author's Note:

Ah, I really love writing fluff. :heart:

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