• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,788 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Limestone: A Perfect End to a Perfect Day

After descending the stairs, more confusion started to swirl in Limestone's mind. She trotted up beside Lightning and looked up at him. "Okay. So."

Lightning looked down at her. "'So' What?"

Limestone gave him a peculiar look. "Well... Speed said that she saw you somewhere today. And she said that I can't know where you were." Limestone flipped a bit of mane out of her face. "So... where were you earlier? Were you planning a surprise birthday for me?"

Lightning's ear flicked. "Oh, stop! You're going to ruin the surprise!"

Limestone snorted. "Nice try. My birthday's not for a few months."

Lightning's form deflated. "Dang."

Limestone leaned up against his side. "So..."

Lightning blushed and looked down at her. "I was getting something for our date. Just some food arrangements. It's a surprise."

Limestone stood for a moment before rolling her eyes. "I should have known it would have been food with you." Even after this, Limestone was still really suspicious, considering how crazy Speed and Sapphire were acting earlier. Well, they were probably just hyped about seeing Limestone being taken out on a nice date.

That still seemed pretty strange, though. She knew they were excitable, but not that excitable. She tried to shake the thoughts out of her head. She just wanted to have a nice night without being worried about what may or may not be coming.

She soon saw the sign marking the start of the woodland trail where she took Lightning on a date. She looked up and saw the woods, the trees swaying a bit in the breeze. She smiled when she saw it.

"You're taking me out here?"

Lightning nodded. "Yep. I love it here, and I know you do, too."

Limestone smiled even brighter. "I do. Good choice."

The two walked into the woods, looking at all of the trees and scenery. The trees were more bare than they were the first time the two walked through. But, it is still pretty enjoyable to witness. Limestone took a breath of the nice, fall air. She then looked over to Lightning.

"It's really nice here. I would take a walk in these woods any day."

Lightning smiled down to her. "That's good to know." He then looked up at the trees. "All the leaves will be gone soon. Then, the weather team will have to bring snow." He gave a chuckle. "Just a warning: I'm a master at snowball fights."

Limestone grew a look of determination. "Well, we'll just see about that!"

Lightning nudged her with his wing. "Are you doubting me? Doubting my skills?"

Limestone stuck her tongue out. "I guess I am."

Lightning gave a roll of his eyes. "What a way to treat a stallion you love, Limestone."

Limestone scrunched her face up. "Lightning, that's no way to treat a mare you love. You know you should always let her think she's stronger than you!"

Lightning looked at her in confusion, feeling like he was missing out on something. "Is it always like that?"

Limestone shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. That's just what I've heard." She nudged him again and smiled. She then looked up to the trees, and everything around her. The sun cast a refreshing glow on her face. Even though it was close to setting, it was still at the perfect position in the sky, according to Limestone. Thoughts and memories then started to swirl in her mind.

"Lightning? Can I tell you something?"

Lightning's feathers ruffled uncomfortably, almost looking like he was scared. "Sure! What about?"

Limestone looked up into the sky, a smile still on her face. "You. Well, love in general." A shade of red presented itself on her cheeks. "Before I found love... before I ever met you... I was a bitter mare." Her ears folded back as she remembered the Hearth's Warming incident with the Apples. Ever since that day, she had regretted the way she treated them. The way she treated Applejack's efforts to make the rock farm like her family's traditions. It was an invasion, sure, but she regretted kicking them out instead of letting them make it up. She shook these thoughts out of her head and got back to what she was saying. "And then... when I met you... I felt... different. I felt happier, more joyful, and less hateful of everything." She paused once again. "Sure, I sometimes raise my voice and act bitter around you, but... I just wanted you to know this. I want you to know that you... changed my life. You changed it for the better."

Limestone felt Lightning grab her hoof and give it a small squeeze. "Limestone... I didn't think I did much to change your life. Do you think you're a better mare than you were before you met me or something?"

Limestone nodded, looking into his eyes. "Yeah. I was just focused on protecting the rock farm back then, that I rarely opened up to anypony. I just gave off intimidating impressions so they would know not to mess with it."

After hearing this, Lightning draped a wing over her back. "Well, that sure has changed. Since coming to Vanhoover, you have five close friends, plus me, your special somepony."

Limestone leaned closer to him. "And I couldn't be happier."

The two's lips met, and like always, Limestone's heart fluttered. The sensation she felt when kissing him was one of the best things in the world to feel. They broke apart before continuing walking, their hoof-steps feeling a bit lighter.

Limestone finally looked away from him and saw the place where she had took him a few weeks ago to eat. It was all fancied up, and looked amazing. She smiled and trotted over to the table.

"So this is what you were working on all day! Is this what Speed and Sapphire saw you doing?"

Lightning nodded. "Y-yeah! This is what they were so excited about! I'm sure of it!"

Limestone raised an eyebrow. "Well, they seemed a little too excited for this. I mean, I'm really happy, but... they won't be experiencing this, so..."

Lightning's ear flicked. "Oh, you know them. Always excited about everything!" He then took a seat across from Limestone and opened a pocket of his saddlebag. Inside were a few amazing looking meals packaged up. He smiled at her.

"I took these from Brave and Candy Latte. Apparently, Candy has been trying out new recipes, and Brave has been the taste tester." He then opened the food, and slid one container to Limestone. Limestone licked her lips as she looked down at it.

"It certainly looks good, that's for sure!"

Lightning then passed her a bottle of water. "Okay. Now, let's start!"

Lightning didn't waste any time in eating. Limestone didn't, either. It wasn't everyday you get free food from a five-star restaurant. Limestone's smile grew as she chewed her food.

"My, this is amazing!"

Lightning nodded. "It certainly is! I could eat this everyday!"

Limestone took another bite and pleased her taste buds once again. She then looked up at Lightning. "So... how was work today? I haven't gotten to ask you yet."

Lightning swallowed before responding. "Work was the same today as almost every other day. Clearing the clouds, going over the weather, etcetera. What about you?"

Limestone smiled. "Well, I broke rocks today, hoping to find crystals."

Lightning looked over at her before taking another bite of his food. "Did you find any?"

Limestone happily nodded. "Yep! I found five geodes and a lot of small crystals. My boss is thinking of promoting me to break tougher rocks, since I'm one of the best there."

Lightning chewed his food, smiling at her. He then swallowed. "That's great, Limestone! I deduce you've learned well over the years, then?"

Limestone swallowed before picking up another bite of food. "I have. Farming rocks since I was a filly taught me well." She then took the final bite of her food, savoring the taste. After she wiped her face off with the napkin that was provided, she looked up at Lightning, who had finished a while ago.

"So... should we sit here and watch the sunset?"

Lightning stood up and shook his head. He then put the containers in his saddlebag to be thrown away later. "Nope. I have a better idea." He then walked forward a bit, Limestone following. He looked back to her with a look of determination on his face.

"Let's race. We'll start here, and run down the path ahead. The first one to the next open area like this wins."

Limestone tilted her head as she stood next to him. "How will we know we're going the right way?"

"There's only one path there." He then lowered a bit, getting himself into ready position. "Ready?"

Limestone did the same. "Yeah. Just don't fly."

Lightning looked ahead, ready to charge. "Don't worry, I won't." He let a moment of silence hang over them. "Three... two... one... go!"

The two ran forward, dashing across the path. Limestone's legs were still a little tired from playing dodgeball, but she shook it off and used all the energy she could to get in front of Lightning. The two were head-to-head, trying to get ahead of one another. Lightning slowed down a bit, enabling Limestone to get ahead of him. She picked up the pace, feeling more wind flow through her mane. She felt like she could continue running at this speed the whole duration of the race. She maintained this pace until she saw an open area. She pushed her legs to run a bit faster, despite the small hints of soreness.

Once she got in the area, she smiled brightly, a victorious look on her face. She slowed down, panting. "I won! Lightning, I beat-" Once she processed what she was seeing in front of her, her jaw dropped and ears flattened in surprise.

A beautiful streamer was strung in a circle around the area on trees, making it look like a gazebo. There was also a white tarp laid out on the ground, looking like it was attached to trees, which prevented it from moving. Overall, it looked amazing. Limestone looked back to Lightning, her eyes wide.

"You... you made... all of this?!"

Lightning nodded. "Of course!" He then walked on top of the white tarp, holding an arm out. Limestone looked into his eyes before stepping forward.

"Are you asking me to... dance?"

Lightning nodded. "Of course. Come on."

Limestone smiled and took his hoof in her own. He then dropped her a bit before picking her back up, and romantically walking with her, twirling and dipping her.

Limestone felt light on her hooves, letting Lightning take over. She had never learned how to dance, and had no idea he even knew how to. Well, he has dated before. It can be assumed that those other mares wanted to dance with him.

Lightning pulled away for a second and held onto her hoof, spinning her round and round. He then stopped her by placing a hoof behind her, gazing into her golden eyes. He then passionately pressed his lips against hers. Limestone's ears perked up at this sudden action. She smiled and threw her hooves around his neck, pulling him closer. This sudden movement startled Lightning, causing them to fall to the ground in each other's hooves, still lip-locked. They never wanted to separate from each other. The amount of passionate love flowing would give even Queen Chrysalis an overdose. Limestone kept her hooves around his neck, pulling him even closer to her. They were intertwined, fluffiness in their hearts, butterflies in their stomach, and blissfulness in their minds. It was like they went to another world. They finally separated, Lightning staring down at her, his blue eyes filled with love. They just stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like hours, never wanting to look at anything else. They wanted to stay like this forever, and gaze at the endless galaxies that were trapped in each other's eyes.

Lightning stood up, breaking their seemingly endless moment of paradise. He then stuck his hoof out for her to take to stand up as well. She took it and stood up, smiling brightly at him, obviously pleased. Lightning smiled at her before shifting in place, looking... nervous, almost? His glance darted before he looked Limestone in the eyes.

"Limestone? B-before we continue with our date... can I... can I ask you something? Something important?"

Limestone tilted her head, confused. "Sure! What's on your mind?"

He gave a sigh, avoiding her glance for a minute. He then looked back at her. "Limestone, what we were talking about earlier... about how I apparently changed your life. Well... the thing is... you changed mine more than you think. When I first laid eyes on you, the most unbelievable feeling washed over me. I knew then that my life would never be the same." He paused for a moment, thinking of something else to say. "I-I cannot imagine a life without you. If you left me, I would be so depressed, not willing to do anything. You are the whole world and more to me." He lifted a wing and opened his saddlebag, the wing visibly shaking. He then carefully pulled out a small black box. When Limestone saw this, her heart picked up pace. She couldn't think straight.

Still shaking, he sloppily got down on one leg, his wings flaring from nervousness. He took a breath in hopes to relax. He then used a hoof to slowly open the box. Limestone gasped when she saw what was inside.

There was a ring. It was a beautiful silver color adorned with small, clear crystals all around it. The gem in the middle looked a lot like a topaz. Limestone was speechless. It was amazing.

Lightning gave her a smile, trying his hardest to say what was on his mind. After a moment, he finally said it:

"Limestone Pie... will you make me the happiest stallion in the world... and... marry me?"

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