• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 4,784 Views, 1,120 Comments

Chosen Love - Just A Random Pegasus

The time has come for the four Pie sisters to use the Choosing Stone to find their special somepony. Love isn't a breeze; even when the right pony is thrown right in front of you.

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Pinkie: Home with Extra Cheese

"Pleaseeee! We'll get there faster, Cheese!"

Cheese smiled. "Alright, fine, we can take the train. I just like walking."

Pinkie giggled. "I respect that, but Ponyville is so far away. And, besides, I'm kinda tired from yesterday. Well, and walking every day before that."

Cheese nodded. "It's definitely something to get used to. So, let's go to the train!"

Pinkie beamed. "Mmhm! I can't wait!" She exclaimed, picking up her pace. A realization suddenly hit her, causing her to turn around to Cheese. "Wait a second..."

Cheese's ears perked. "Huh?"

"Have you gotten your Cheesy Sense yet?"

Cheese shook his head. "Nah, and I'm not gonna get it until we're leaving Ponyville. My Sense is directly connected to my brain, where my brain tells it that it's not time to plan a party yet, so it waits."

Pinkie nodded. "Ah, that makes sense! Mine just comes at random times, like..." Pinkie's tail started twitching. "Cheese! Jump to the side!"

Cheese did as he was told, watching a briefcase fall from the sky and land directly on the place he had originally been walking. Pinkie smirked.

"It never fails me! That would've hurt if you were still standing there!"

Cheese looked to see a blushing pegasus fly down to retrieve his dropped briefcase, then taking off into the sky once more. He chuckled.

"He's not having the best of days."

Pinkie shook her head. "Nope! That's why we should blow a party cannon in his face!"

"He's too far away. Plus, we have to get to the train. This was your idea, remember?"

Pinkie's ears perked. "Oh, right! Let's go!" She said as she suddenly darted down the path. Cheese looked after her and laughed.

"I'm coming, hold on!"

"Two... tickets to Ponyville... please!" Pinkie said as she slammed bits on the counter, taking labored breaths. The stallion looked her up and down without a word before giving her the tickets.

"Two tickets to Ponyville, ma'am. The next train will come in... about two minutes, actually."

Pinkie smiled. "Great!"

At this moment, Cheese finally caught up to Pinkie, catching his breath as well. She walked over to him and gave him a ticket.

"It'll be here in about two minutes."

Cheese wiped sweat from his brow. "Well, I'm happy we ran here, then!"

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah!"

As the train rolled into the station, the two were just starting to breathe regularly again. They boarded, giving the conductor their tickets, and took a seat near the back.

"So... what are we going to do in Ponyville?" He asked.

"Visit everypony, 'duh!" Pinkie replied, giggling. "They're gonna be so surprised! I didn't tell them anything about us coming yet! Hehe!"

Cheese smirked. "Well, this'll be fun!"

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah!" She then yawned. "Oh... I'm more tired than I realized. The ground in Prance wasn't very soft to sleep on."

Cheese giggled. "I agree with that."

Pinkie smiled and leaned his head against his shoulder. "Tell me when we get there. I'm going to sleep."

Cheese smiled brightly as he held her close. "Of course."

"Pinkie... Pinkie, we're here," Cheese said, shaking Pinkie. Pinkie's eyes shot open.


"We're here! Ponyville? Remember?"

Pinkie looked to Cheese and smiled. "Yeah! Let's go!" She said, dragging him out of his seat. That short train ride seemed like more than enough for her to get a good nap.

As they stepped out into Ponyville, Pinkie started bouncing. "Hm... who should we surprise first?" She wondered. Cheese shrugged.

"I dunno."

Pinkie thought. "Hm... what about we visit the castle to see Spike, Twilight, and Starlight!"

Cheese smiled. "Sure! And Starlight Glimmer, right? The one who saved Equestria from the changelings?"

Pinkie nodded. "Mmhm!"

"Cool! I can't wait to meet her!"

The two approached the castle, looking up at the way the sunlight reflected off of it. Pinkie eagerly went up to the door and rapped on it, waiting for an answer.

"Coming!" Spike yelled after a few seconds. Pinkie hid her giggle as the door was opened.

"Hello- Pinkie?! Cheese?!" He exclaimed before giggling. "We were just writing our letters to you, Pinkie! Why don't you come on in!"

Pinkie and Cheese stepped inside, Pinkie speeding to the throne room where voices came seeping out of. She jumped on the table, capturing everyone's eyes.

"Hey, guys!"

"PINKIE!" They all shouted at once. Pinkie pulled them into a group hug before sitting in her own throne, practically bouncing.

"Heya! Cheesey is here too, but he's talking with Spike I think."

Twilight smiled. "Great! And why didn't you tell us you were coming?"

"So it could be a surprise, 'duh! Wouldn't you agree it's better this way?"

They all nodded. At this moment, Cheese walked in. Rainbow hovered into the air, smiling.

"Hey, Cheese!"

Cheese waved back. "Hey, Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow smirked. "Y'know, you're gonna have to plan my birthaversary again sometime. That was the best party ever!"

Cheese nodded. "I'll make sure to keep that in mind!"

Starlight walked up to Cheese. "I know we haven't met yet, but it feels like we have, considering all the things Pinkie has told about you. I'm Starlight Glimmer."

Cheese gave her his hoof to shake. "I'm Cheese Sandwich, Equestria's premier party planner!" He drew his hoof away and motioned to Boneless 2, who was sitting on his back. "This is Boneless 2. He helps me plan parties."

Starlight giggled. "I have definitely heard about him."

Rarity stood up from her seat. "Say... Now that Pinkie and Cheese are here, why don't we all have a nice lunch together at Sugarcube Corner?"

Twilight nodded. "That's a great idea!"

"Aww! I feel like I haven't seen you two in forever!" Pinkie said to Pumpkin and Pound, smiling. The two have had another growth spurt since Pinkie left; they were almost school age now!

Mrs. Cake smiled. "When you come back to Ponyville again, Pinkie, we're going to need your help foalsitting."

Pinkie smiled. "Not a problem, Mrs. Cake. And, also, can we order treats now?"

Her ears perked up. "Oh! I kinda have to be behind the counter for you to order, don't I?" She asked, taking her position. The group made their way up. "How can I help you?"

As everyone ordered, the boxes and bags started to fill up fast. Especially Cheese and Pinkie's orders. Ponies walking by thought that the two had gone months without any sort of treat. As they all paid for their order, they found a large table and sat down. Immediately, Rarity struck up conversation.

"Oh, Pinkie, darling, you wouldn't believe how much I was freaking out when you said that you two had kissed! I was just about to write a letter back expressing my excitement when you walked in the castle!"

Applejack snorted. "Yeah, Ah couldn't believe it. She was yellin' like a filly who'd just gotten her cutie mark."

Rarity pouted. "Hey! I like romance, excuse you!"

Rainbow pretended to gag. "Ack! I hate it! It's so mushy and weird!"

Rarity gasped. "No it is not! When you find your special somepony, you'll be all over them like there's no tomorrow, I guarantee it!"

"And we'll gladly remind you of when you said that statement," Twilight chimed in, winking. Dash's wings fluffed out.

"Hey, I don't plan on even liking anyone for a long time. I'm cool. I'm a Wonderbolt, for crying out loud! I don't need something as sappy as love."

Twilight giggled. "Sure, whatever you say."

"Uh... speaking of relationships..." Starlight started, moving her hoof along the table. Fluttershy raised a brow.

"What is it, Star? You seem nervous."

Starlight blushed. "Yes, well... it's about me and Sunburst."

Pinkie gasped. "Oh yeah! How are you two doing?"

Starlight smiled. "Well. Really well, actually. That's what this is about."

Twilight smiled. "Well, let's hear it!"

Starlight took a breath. "I'm moving in with him in the Crystal Empire."

Silence fell over the table for a few seconds, Starlight trying to divert her attention to her cookie. Spike tilted his head.

"You're... leaving the castle?"

Starlight nodded. "Yeah. He is doing very well for himself in the Crystal Empire, helping to take care of Flurry Heart and all, that it would make more sense for me to move there than for him to move here."

Pinkie smiled. "That's great! I'm so happy for you two!"

Fluttershy nodded. "Me too. I'll definitely make a lot of trips to the Empire to see you too, and I trust that everyone else will, too."

Everyone nodded their heads to Fluttershy's statement. Twilight had her eyes down on the table, her feathers a bit more sprawled out than normal.

"Starlight... I'm very happy for you, don't take this the wrong way... I'm just sad you're leaving. You're my first and only pupil, you know."

Starlight nodded. "I do. It was a rough decision for me to make as well, considering I'm leaving all of you and Trixie, too. But I'll visit you as much as I can."

Twilight smiled. "And I'll visit you, too. It'll just... get lonely."

"Hey!" Spike interjected, earning giggles from the table. Twilight giggled as well.

"You know I didn't mean it that way, Spike."

Spike stuffed a cupcake into his mouth. "Yeah, yeah."

After a few seconds, Rarity looked between Pinkie and Cheese.

"So... how was your first kiss, you two?"

As Rarity asked, the two of them blushed.

"Um... it was... nice. Really nice," Pinkie answered. Rarity squealed.

"Oh, how wonderful! I haven't kissed anyone in a long time, so I have almost completely forgotten the feeling!"

Spike murmured something under his breath, but that went unnoticed by everyone. The subject was quickly changed by Dash.

"How awesome have your last few parties been, Cheese?" Rainbow asked. Cheese smiled.

"They've been great! I assure Pinkie wrote to you about Prance?" He smiled as they nodded. "Great! The little filly loved the party, and I loved planning it. I gotta say, Prance is one of my favorite places."

Rarity's eyes practically shone. "Mine, too. It's just so romantic! Is it true you two kissed on the Eiffel Tower?"

The two nodded, causing Rarity to squeal again.

"How adorable!"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Yes, that is cute, but let's not embarrass the two."

Rarity pouted. "Fine, fine."

Twilight smiled. "So, Cheese, how have the past few years been for you?"

Cheese's ears wiggled. "Great, actually! I've had a lot of fun parties to plan."

"How difficult is it to always be on the road?" Fluttershy chimed in. Cheese blinked.

"Well, since I've been going from party to party for practically my entire life, I'm used to it by now. I have strong legs because of how much I walk."

Rainbow Dash whispered something to Twilight after Cheese's comment, causing her to blush and her wings to shoot out.

"Dash! That is so inappropriate!" She replied as Dash almost fell out of her chair from laughter. Pinkie cocked her head.

"What did she say?"

Twilight blushed even harder. "Don't worry about it, Pinkie. Dash is just being Dash."

Spike shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not even gonna pretend I know."

Twilight put her head in her hooves. "Good. You wouldn't."

As Dash started to calm down, Starlight took this initiative to start conversation. "Cheese, what is the best party you've ever planned, in your opinion?" She asked.

"Ooh! It's got to be my birthaversary! Because, y'know, I'm awesome," Dash said, puffing out her chest. Cheese chuckled.

"Actually, no."

"What?" Dash asked, blinking. Applejack giggled next to her as Cheese continued.

"My favorite has got to be the time I planned a party for a filly who was at some boring school in Manehatten. I got everyone to have fun during the school day; even the teachers."

Pinkie snorted. "Why do you always seem to run into rude or boring ponies in Manehatten?" She asked. Cheese shrugged his shoulders.

"I dunno. Manehatten, I guess. Though, Citrus isn't too bad."

Pinkie smiled. "True. He was a huge meanie-pants at first, though."

Cheese nodded. "That's true."

After a few seconds, Fluttershy looked at the clock before gasping. "Oh gosh! I almost forgot I have to go home!"

Dash raised an eyebrow. "Why? We're having such a good time!"

Fluttershy's ears folded back. "I'm hanging out with Discord. We always have Tuesday Tea at this time."

Rarity smiled. "Well, then, have fun, darling! Make sure to keep him in check."

Fluttershy giggled. "Like always. Bye!"

"Bye!" Everyone chorused as Fluttershy left. Twilight looked to them as well.

"Actually, Spike and I have something to do, too. Maybe we should call it quits for now."

Dash rolled her head back. "Fineee. I should probably practice my show, too."

Pinkie nodded. "Okie dokie!" She then turned to Cheese. "What are we doing?"

Cheese shrugged his shoulders. "Wanna just hang out?"

Pinkie nodded. "Sure!"

Cheese smiled. "Good. I have something nice planned for us later tonight."

At this, Rarity gave an overdramatic squeal. She seemed to be just as excited as Pinkie was.

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