• Published 17th Jul 2012
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Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Chapter 87- Reunion

Since the changeling HQ was more or less compromised, the Darkbrands decided to “train” outside. With Sombra and the Queen gone, they decided to move along with Luthor’s suggestion. Mostly, to work on the cursed brand powers. Wesker was standing in front of them all, each having more room to sit down on a log and under the shade of a tree. In a way, it was a strange sight to look at. The large and mighty Gilgamesh sitting down at the edge, with the tiny Kefka next. Luthor sat at the other edge, and his suit at the right side with a changeling inside of it. Pharate the Hunter, out of all changelings.

“From what we know, Vegeta’s crystal granted him regeneration. And Sombra himself uses our crystals as a magic catalyst in order to pass along his magic unto us...” Wesker had both hands behind himself, for once without his trenchcoat since the day was so sunny. However, true to King Aurelius’ testimony, there was no clouds in the sky. Since pegasi take care of that, it was no surprise that none would be around. Wesker turned away from the sky to look at his fellow... comrades. “Which brings us to the dark signs.”

“So, more summoned apparitions?” Pharate asked, still inside the mech suit. According to the laws of his rulers, each of the generals was to spend time with the humans, much as how Aurelius spent time with Otacon. So here he was, taking his shift in order spend time with them. It was obvious that the plan was for each general to get a human- but he was not sure why. Exuvia clearly claimed Luthor, and the towering Sphragis got Gilgamesh. Imago was leaning towards Master Xehanort. Vegeta would stay at Sombra’s side, thus leaving him with either Wesker or Kefka. And Tumbler was nowhere to be seen.

“I do not know,” Wesker replied, shrugging his shoulders. Magic was not even close to his sources of knowledge and science. “But at the moment, when I fought that minotaur and human, I felt something....” His head turned away from them all, and his left hand moved to touch his forehead. “Burning for a lack of a better word.”

“And what was awakened, exactly?” Luthor probed, leaning forward to rest each elbow on his legs.

“His name, was Lautrec,” Wesker replied, slowly moving his hand from his head.

“That thing has a name?” Kefka asked, suddenly interested in the topic. Was the darksign like magicite? A crystal with power to summon espers?

“I-” Wesker recalled that day, “was very focused, but also angry. How dare these foolish beings defy me?” Eyebrows were raised, as it was getting clearer that this Wesker had a god complex. “I had few bullets, and I did not want to waste what little ammo I have on those metal heads.” He took a second to calm down, standing straight and face them again. “As I battled them, the burning grew hotter.”

“So, this only happened as you got upset or angry?” Luthor asked, trying not to get Wesker upset. If they wanted their powers, they needed to learn as much as possible.

“Indeed. I had not noticed at the time, I was occupied with the battle. I had to learn and adapt. My eyes were assaulted by various colors. The smells and sounds,” He stopped there, hating to admit it to himself, “were putting me on edge. I was fighting in unfamiliar environments, and having to hold my powers back made things more complicated.”

“You were holding back?!” Pharate asked, eye opening wide.

“Clearly he was.” Gilgamesh nodded. He was the only one watching the invasion since the others were busy fighting their own battles. “Not only had I given an order to not take lives, but also, Wesker is a scholar. There was no need to unleash his full power against opponents that could not even offer a proper battle. To unleash his full power, would be a waste of energy.” The others nodded, since they had also been holding back.

Evil Combat 101: Always have something in reserves should a pesky hero come in and do something.

“It is as Gilgamesh says,” Wesker gave his fellow warrior a nod. Though Wesker was mostly holding back, as to not accelerate the state of his virus. Now that he could inoculate himself, there was no need to hold back. “But when these two arrived, I could feel I should not hold back.”

“Thanks to the debriefing after the mission, we could measure the strength of the opponents we faced.” Gilgamesh took a second to face Wesker and gave him a nod. “Even with your strength and speed, those two were clearly not within human standards. Be not troubled by your anger, few could hope to stand up against a half devil.”

“Your assurance is not needed,” Wesker scoffed, not needing his ego stroked. But it was true, the former STARS had never seen a devil outside of movies, and had no idea how to proceed. “At that moment I felt the burning, it only grew as I fought on. Finally, I had had it, and decided to fight at my full strength. That is when I heard that strange sound...”

“So the catalyst was either anger, or deciding to fight full force,” Kefka mused. He had both arms crossed on his chest, and both eyes closed. It was very much like magicite from his native homeland. “Or both.”

“It would explain why none of us felt anything,” Luthor said. During the battle, he was no emotional at all. Cold, calculating, and making his arsenal count. “And why this Lautrec did not show up sooner.”

“And while I was emotional,” Kefka opened his eyes, “I did not feel anything either.” Stupid pretty archer boy.

“There may be something else, but I cannot think of anything. Even Sombra through the crystals, I felt no magic on me. Not that I would know what that feels like.” Wesker turned to look back at Kefka, the only one that could use magic at the moment. “Do you have anything to add?”

Kefka shook his head to the sides. “No, I think that makes sense. The humans we fought against showed no signs of such a power either. I wish Xehanort was here, his-”

Just then, there was a sound spinning up. Like a hollow bell or wail. They all jumped up and turned to look at Gilgamesh, which the sound was the closest to, The weapon collector turned his head to the side, looking at a fellow in a golden light, emerge and press both arms out to his sides. The dark sign of his forehead burned with the intensity of a bonfire.

“Let us engage in jolly cooperation.”

“Shut the hell up!”

All heads turned to look down at how Vegeta had two changelings in his arms. One was the guide to the Diamond Dogs mountain, and the other was a bit larger.

“Tumbler?!” Pharis picked up his head and turned to look at his fellow general. “We have not had a report in days!”

“So that changeling couldn’t make it…” Tumbler sighed. Then again, most of his swarm mates were prisoners in Appleloosa. What happened to that one that got away?

“We got lots of news to report,” Vegeta frowned. “And none of it is good news. This one refused to tell his reports unless it was to one of his rulers.” He dropped both changelings to the ground. “I went off to check on each location since I’m faster.”

“Why move from the plan Vegeta?” Kefka asked, curious now.

“We needed info. Come on, may as well explain it to Sombra and the king.” Vegeta started to lead the way into the cave.

“They are not back yet,” Wesker said, more interested in the fellow in the golden hue.

“Looks like there is much to explain then.” Vegeta turned to look at Solaire as he stared at the sun.

“Praise the sun.”


Unboard the TARDIS:

The double doors pulled open, and the (10th) Doctor walked inside. “Like what you have done with the place.”

“Oh, I know. I miss the circles though...” (11th) Doctor stood up from his seat to walk over. “How’s it going?”

“The students are almost all but done. They are getting control of their powers, and they are also learning a few other tricks.” They both smiled, and the (10th) Doctor walked over to touch a knob.

“Would you two knock it off?” Miles got off his seat and walked over to the both of them. “Where is-”

Miles stopped talking, and then the door opened and two humans stepped through. The first was Dan, clothed in a tattered gray cloak around his form. The second was Phoenix, dressed in his costume. Both looked around the inside, clearly not surprised by the size of the inside.


Phoenix stopped looking around and looked down as he was rushed by Fluttypuff and Trucy. A large smiled went across his face and he rushed over to give his daughter a hug, lifting her off the pony to hold her close. “I am so glad you are alright!”

The others took a second to step back, letting the father and daughter hold each other.

“I’m so sorry that-”

“Mr. Miles told me everything! Don’t be sorry!”

The others took a moment to step away, letting the two have a moment. Phoenix took a second to look at Miles, eyes fighting back the urge to cry and nod a silent thanks to his rival. Lighting Dust smirked, and turned to Miles, how only gave a small bow. Dan himself, smiled a bit and turned his head to the side. “How are the others doing-”

Fluffle pounced upon Dan, knocking him to the ground and proceeded to lick his face. “Oh gods not you!”

“For the most part, the others have finished their training,” (10th) Doctor replied, trying not to laugh at the sight. He took a second to look at the other Doctor. “They used to be roomates. Also, Dan onced saved her life.” The 11th nodded, understanding why Fluffe would not only be an important weapon against the Changeling Queen, but also be so affectionate towards Dan. He turned his back to the father and daughter and got a bit more serious. “But there are, side effects.”

“When is there not any problems?!” Dan lost his smile and looked up in exasperation. “Like what?”


“Vile villain! You will not be allowed to get away with dining and dashing!”

“Please get away from me giant sweaty man!” A catgirl in a hoodie ran away from the Dovahkiin.

“You will answer for your crimes!”

“But you stole wallets!” The catgirl continued to run, more frighten in all her life. This giant man that looked like Bang had more powers than she was used to. Speaking of which, Bang was chasing after them. The ninja was in shock himself, since even with all of Dovahkiin’s powers, he was not agile or fast. Now, the dragonborn was almost as fast as himself, a drastic improvement.

“I steal in the name of Justice!”

“At least share with the poor!” Bang called out after his student.


“Well, some people like Soma, had no problems. Soma himself, managed to finally unleash his full potential and power while still in control. But others that gained a power,” (10th) Doctor stopped there to cross both arms on his chest. “Well, were influenced with their brands, like you.”

“I get it. Give them more time to snap out of it.” Dan shook his head to the sides. Only with the training of Asura was he able to get his rage under full control. “Any other problems?”

“While it’s not a problem, I think it may be a potential threat.”

“What are you talking about?” Dan turned to look back at the (11th) and raised both eyebrows. The small man finally managed to get Fluffle off. This Doctor had been the one overseeing the negotiations between both side.

“The Changelings seemed to have gathered the other races on their side.” Both Doctors sighed, then turned to look at each other and raise eyebrows. “Stop that.”

“Sorry. Do go on,” 10th replied, avoiding the death glare from Dan.

“Dragons, griffons- two of the major races besides ponies, have gathered to them. I am not sure to the reason. Most likely because they have no humans on their side.”

“Hmph.” Dan turned away from the two and looked around the TARDIS. It made sense, humans were like nuclear deterrents in a cold war. Just looking at human tech and pony tech, and it was no wonder primitive races would fear them. “With less than a day to the war games, there’s no way to get a spy on them?”

“The forces are already spread out as it is,” 11th replied. “And at this point, they got Sombra. There is already a 90 percent chance that he will get more humans as a sign of goodwill to the dragons and griffons. They know about the initial group, and the Baltimare defenders- So they are outnumbered. Sending spies now, even back in time, would be a waste.”

“Alright. We make plans assuming they have more. Tell me about the actual wargames decided on.”

“Well, that one took a while to decide. While the events themselves were decided,” Miles turned to look at Phoenix. “The rules of each event are to be presented by the each side, at the time of the contest.”

“What?” Dan closed both eyes a bit. No, he did not like that. Not at all.


“Well, that went better than I hoped,” Twilight sighed. A small group of ponies were talking to each other as the town citizens were starting to leave the concert and the farm. Sapphire Shores, thanks to her celebrity status, managed to get the ponies to at the very least calm down. Thanks to her, the others were left alone. Many of the ponies were in fact, getting in line for her autograph, free of charge. An idea by N to get them distracted.

“Well, they don’t look too happy, but they don’t look angry or scared at all,” Pinkie Pie offered, smiling as her neck spun around slowly and snap back in place.

“Well, it was me giving a great performance you know,” Big Mac offered. “But Ah gotta say, where’s Rarity?” He turned to look at Pinkie, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow. “She was supposed to come for the second act with the new outfits, but she never showed up.”

“Now that you mention it….” Twilight looked around quickly to notice her friend was not there. She had assumed she was collecting the costumes now that the show was over.

The mares turned to look over at Big Macintosh, who was out of his outfit by now and look around. “With all the ponies here, any changeling could’ve...” He stopped talking, frowning a bit. The mares suddenly opened their eyes, in a panic as they understood the implication.

“I’m sure she’s fine. I’ve been meaning to tell you guys- saw another human with Gilda-”

“Gilda?!” Pinkie picked her head to look at RD. “That meany griffon?”

“And with a human no less…” Fluttershy thought out loud.

“Why didn’t you say something sooner?” Twilight asked, not sure what this meant. The fact that Rainbow said “some human” meant it was not from their group. “This human could be with the changelings!”

“Hey, relax egghead,” Rainbow raised her left wing up “we were busy with the concert. He didn’t have one of those things on his head. Also, Gilda was with us at the Rodeo. She didn’t have a partner then, and her team and her were surprised by the changelings in Appleloosa.” The pegasus flapped her wings up and took to the air to point in the direction of Everfree. “And besides, I sent them to the humans. If he was a bad guy, he doesn’t stand a chance.”


“All the humans are gone anyway.”

Twilight raised her head in surprise, being interrupted by the female voice. Gilda was touching down on the ground, with a fainted Rarity on her back. Sora was gliding behind her, and landed by the group.

“Rarity!” Fluttershy, well, shouted in a low tone, and flew off to look at her friend. “Did you-”

Glida flinched back as she was given an angry Glare by the pegasus, only to have Sora also take a step back with her. “Uh… no, back off, seriously. Say something Sora!”

“Uh yeah, there was no one there by the time we got there…” His head turned to the sides as he was greeted by various looks of confusion, worry, anger. “Please stop already.”

“He’s fine…” Rarity picked up her head and moved a hoof to her forehead. “I think they are innocent.” Her friends crowded to her, making sure she was ok.

“You guys better tell us all what happened.” Big Mac took charge now, as even his partner was at stake. “Let’s go to my house and talk there.” One look at Sora, and the stallion knew he had a good heart. Not to mention Samus would give him a whoppin if he tried anything.

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.


Riku crossed both arms on his chest, wondering what was taking Sora so long. According to the old ways, Keyblade masters were only supposed to keep balance between the worlds, and not interfere. Unless the dark forces or outside of the world were interfering. He snapped out of this thoughts though, turning to look as a dark blue.... Dream Eater?

Princess Luna turned to look at the fellow in space armor and some sort of vehicle was looking at her. She looked left and right a moment, not sure what to make of things. She never saw things this far out close to the moon!

"So uh..." Riku raised his right hand up to point at the alicorn. "You can breath in space?"

"What are you?" Luna asked, now wary of the lad.

"Listen..." Riku was not sure what the hell was going on. This thing could talk and travel in space with no air! "Do you mind if we talk?"

"How dare thee speak to me in such fashion!" Luna flew into Riku's face to slap him with a hoof. "I am already in a serious relationship!" She flew to the moon, leaving a bewildered Riku behind. He could only stare at her as she was flying further away.

"Sora, I should be the one down there. You got Kairi, you bastard..."

Author's Note:

I'm feeling better. Still in not over my brother's death.

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