• Published 17th Jul 2012
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Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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While Otacon’s Away

Chapter 42- While Otacon’s Away

King Aurelius and his subjects marched slowly through the Everfree Forest. No, it was not fear nor safety that was a concern. It was food, nourishment. Delicious emotions. While animals of the forest were wild- They did have emotions. Mostly hunger, fear, contentment. Many of the animals were self serving and seeking their own desires. But now and then, they got lucky. A mother caring and rearing its young was full of love. Now and then there was also animals in mating process. Some animals that mated for life also had love for each other. And if things were desperate, fear was also an emotion they could eat, one they could easily inspire.

In short, none of them went hungry, but just finding dinner was hard. It was a shame though, most of the changelings that had their horns cut off had been of the infiltrator class. Those were the ones that had armored carapaces. He was left with the lower rank, that actually needed the armor or weapons Otacon could provide.

The King kept his head held high. For the time being, his current entourage and himself had changed into timberwolves. Not too big of creatures, and it helped them camouflage into the Everfree Forest as a pack. Still, acting like wolves was odd. The only thing that worried him was the fact no changeling children were around to take the shape of wolf cubs. Still, its not like anypony or creature was keeping an eye out for them.

At least in the form of wolves, other creatures gave them a wide berth. Also, they made excellent travel time this way. Least, it had been faster than being donkeys. Unlike Dr. Otacon and his crew through, they could not travel along the edge of the forest. The changelings had to travel through the deeper part of the forest to head towards the direction of Dodge City. Luckily, they made it to the ruins in the first night. They did not stay in them though, just around them to stay out of sight. Something about this place made all creatures, even Changelings, stay away.

Still, King Aurelius made sure they all continued with Otacon’s schedule. Train in morning, travel, and write letters as needed. The indigo eyed changeling looked down at his subjects as they learned to fight better. It was barely a day since the human had left, but the King found himself missing the ugly ape’s company. Clearly not much to look like, but the conversations and ideas this “human” had were beyond anything he could ever conceive of.

Sadly, none of his current subjects could come remotely close to Otacon’s mind. In a way, King Aurelius noticed a trend as he traveled through the Everfree. His changelings were so much like animals. They only cared to satisfy their needs. While the idea of conquest of Equestria was in all of their grasp, they only did it for food. In comparison to the human though- All he did was in the name of gratitude. No need for food. No need for promotion. No need of mates. No payment.

Are all humans this noble? Did the humans Celestia obtained for her ponies only help out it in the sake of helping others as well? He lowered his head a moment to think. It’s all he could do now while his subjects learned true combat. Just having Otacon around had given his subjects...Objectivity? They were thinking outside the box, gaining confidence through pride of hard work, and even they were thinking about themselves as an army instead of a hive. Odd thoughts plagued his own mind.

Were the ponies being influenced in the same way?

King Aurelius lifted his head and shook his head to the sides. Such idle and foolish thoughts. He had to focus now. They were almost out of the Everfree, and some of his generals said they would meet him on their way outside the forest. With any luck, they would reach Dodge City at the end of this day and see if Otacon made it to the Diamond Dogs. With the doctor’s limp and the fact the human’s guards had to walk through the edge of the dangerous forest, he doubted it.

“Changelings! Move out!” He commanded, lifting his head to command with his projected voice. The black insect like ponies raised their head and nodded. Shifting their forms back into timberwolves, they all begun to once more trek through the forest. Little views changed from one part of the forest to another. Dark canopy of trees, with occasional sunlight through the foliage. The ground was hard and brittle, even the grass that managed to live was tough to walk on. Roots from gnarled trees spread out to trip those that dared to cross them.

With little to focus on other than travel and a sharp lookout for food, the Changelings managed to make it out of Everfree a little bit after the afternoon on the second day of travel. Sure enough, three of the Changeling Generals were waiting to meet with him. Unlike the others, they had not been in disguise. They stood a little taller than the other lower class changelings, but they smaller than himself. They were infiltrator class, having the purple armor carapace on them.

Pharate the Hunter stood closer to the forest, head raised high to smile. Unlike the other generals that would stab him in the back and take the place of the King, Pharate had no interest in the title. He earned the title of “Hunter” because this fellow thought of himself as a male. One that liked to womanize and flirt with his female prey. Love was tasty, and manipulation was easy when you could change into the fantasy a female could think of. This made him one of the best infiltrators of his generation. At the moment though, he wore a tattered brown hood with cape.

As it stands, Pharate was the closest thing King Aurelius had to a friend. Because the hunter had no intention of settling down, the Queen had no interest in him. Still, many did want the next generation of changelings to posses the hunter’s charisma and flair. Because of his size and magic power though, Aurelius had been picked to be King. Pharate smiled and lowered himself to bow, a mock courtesy though. The hunter also considered the King a friend, both knowing how sometimes females threw themselves at them.

“Welcome, oh great and mighty King Aurelius,” Pharate said, lifting himself to smile. His voice was a bit silky, bit hard to tell it was male or female. The other two trotted up to meet up with the king and also bow. The other changelings stopped, looking at the presentation of the generals.

“Any news?” The king asked, moving himself to transform back into his changeling self.

“None to report milord, but the allies have started to collect and travel towards Dodge City. It will take time, considering the inferior races cannot hide themselves,” Exuvia the Sage said in a soft but calm voice.

“I see. Any ideas of how many?” The king asked.

“The griffons have at least one platoon in Baltimare. That port is the closest to Equestria for them, and it is not uncommon for them to be seen there. But they wish to see more before they can commit for more troops,” she said. This changeling considered herself a female, though one unable to give birth. Such was the way of a hive. The title of “sage” was given to her because of her planning and looking over the old records of the changelings. She was a pale comparison of Otacon though. While she did think of striking down Ponyville and leave Celestia without the Elements, her racist views did not allow her to think or plan for failure.

“And the minotaurs?” Aurelius asked.

“They have been collecting in Appleloosa, under the cover of the first ever annual “rodeo” competition,” Exuvia said. She would most likely be condemned to death for the Queen not meeting with success in Canterlot. Though it was well known that Exuvia was in love with the King and would do anything for him. Some rumored that Exuvia wanted the Queen Chrysalis dead so she could become the next queen. The only reason she was spared was that fact she stayed behind in Dodge and had an excellent memory.

Maybe he could demote her to serve Otacon as a personal assistant. Then when the doctor outlived his usefulness, she could do away with him after learning all she could from his mind. That red sash she wore with so much pride would be stripped and given to the human Champion. Who knew? With any luck, he could spare the doctor.

“Any other news from the other generals?” The king asked to look down at the final general. Sphragis the Warrior. He was possibly the only true army general among their ranks. Helmet, chestplate, and greaves armor for legs made from steel was worn on him. While warriors were needed, true fighters were never encouraged in the changelings. The way of infiltrator was. But Sphragis enjoyed combat unlike the rest of his hive. Though this fellow was a bit simple, he was fiercely loyal to his king and queen. He didn’t care who was in charge, so long as he got to fight.

“At the moment, Imago the Elder is with the Queen. Tumbler the Tower is overseeing the rodeo team in Appleloosa. Haemo the Diver is in Baltimare infiltrating the Maritime Sea School.” Sphragis spoke. His voice was a bit deeper than the other two. Clearly a male, though he didn’t care.

“Imago is to be expected. The Tower in a rodeo- Why am I not surprised. Why is Haemo in the school though? I thought the Diver would be in Cloudsdale in the flight school,” Spoke the largest changeling. Imago was one of the older changelings, and a rumor was spread that he was Chrysalis’ father. Tumbler and Haemo were both contenders to be the next king, though their immaturity and youths made them... Stupid.

“You know how young Haemo is. Although he loves flight and is a talented athlete, his attention span leaves much to be desired...” Sphragis said. While Tumbler loved competition, Haemo was easily bored. Always looking for new ways to amuse himself.

“I also thought it prudent to have one of the generals learn boating. We may need someone to oversee a navy in the future,” Exuvia said. The King nodded, at least she was trying. And a navy could useful. That could keep Haemo busy for a long time.

“Changelings, prepare to move out,” Sphragis commanded in a loud voice. The other changelings begun to change forms from wolves and turn into ponies. The rest of the way a simple march to Dodge City.

“Are we not going to tell our king about the strange creatures?” Pharate said, turning to walk next to his king. Both had taken form of male stallions. Aurelius as a dark purple pony with an indigo mane and an orb as a Cutie Mark, while his friend turned into a light green stallion and light blue mane. His cloak covered his Cutie Mark though.

“Strange creatures... Would they be standing on two legs like minotaurs, resemble ape with flat faces?” Aurelius asked, walking along with the generals he liked. Imago never liked Aurelius. As if no one was good enough for Chrysalis.

“Actually, they could be very well be these “humans” you spoke of in your letters. I look very much forward to dissecting one of them,” Exuvia said. She took the form of a cyan blue mare with dark blue mane and a book for a Cutie Mark. “If you could let this Otacon-”

“If you so much as even consider him for one of your experiments, I will not hesitate to let Sphragis here run his horn through your neck,” The King commanded, lowering his head to narrow both eyes at Exuvia. She lowered her head, quickly bowing in respect. “You are to know he is already a champion for our cause, and the new chief strategist- Least until our Queen examines him in person. You do well to know your place, you have already failed us once, and Dr. Otacon already could very well replace you as a Sage.”

“Oh come now my King, now is not the time. We should rejoice! Although Exuvia did fail,” Pharate said with a smile. “At least not all is lost. Maybe we could recruit these other humans spotted in the other cities. And with any luck, this new doctor of yours can come with a plan more brilliant than Exuvia can produce.” The female changeling narrowed her eyes at the flirt, but kept quiet.

“Hah! I don’t care who is in command over the armies, so long as the plan calls for fighting,” Sphragis said after a laugh. He took the form of a brown stud, with a black mane that was cut in a very short fashion. The symbol of a hammer was his Cutie Mark. Exuvia humbled like that made her actually look cute. But he turned away after he noticed something. The warrior inspected the lower rank “ponies” as they marched. Something wonderful had occurred. The scent of sweat emanated from their all. Changelings never sweat, he was the only one that built up a sweat from fighting. And the look in their eyes...

“Why is he not here my King?” Asked Pharate. He wanted to meet one of these humans up close.

“Ha, Dr. Otacon has come up with a plan and also training regimen for the troops. I had him work with the Diamond Dogs so he could assess their strengths and weaknesses. Also, I believe Dr. Otacon has the power to turn the Dogs into our allies.” King Aurelius said with a smile. He turned away from Exuvia, letting her stand. “Walk with me, I have to tell you all about our human champion. In all honesty, the ideas this male had even frighten me.” All of the generals picked up their heads to look at the King.

What demon could frighten Aurelius “the Cruel”?


“Damnit, a tie..” Dan said. He crossed both arms on his chest to look at the others. Dan and Otacon had voted yes to the sting. Samurai Jack and Phoenix voted no. Sokka was the tie breaker. “Come on kid... I thought you were smart.”

“It’s because I’m smart that this choice is hard!” Sokka said, lifting both arms over his head. “On one hand, it may be our only chance to find the changelings.” The teen moved his right hand out. Then his left hand moved to the side. “But on the other hand, Snake made a point I can’t ignore. If Otacon can’t pull this off, we risk losing our Avatar!”

“Avatar?” Jack asked, lifting his eyebrows.

“Er, think of it as one of the most powerful pieces in chess,” Sokka said, lifting a hand to hold the spot between his eyes.

“Come on Dan, this was a hard choice to make as adults. Are you wanting to place a choice that could very well decide the fates of so many on the young man?” Phoenix asked to cross both arms on his chest.

“I still think we should have gotten a vote,” Twilight said, frowning at Dan. Derpy blinked once, lowering her eyelids a bit. Sokka looked worried.

“Look, I picked 5 for a reason. This way if there was a tie, the odd one out could be a tie breaker,” Dan said. Still, he felt Sokka could handle it.

“Alright. Before I vote, can anyone give us more info about the “Diamond Dogs?” I want to know how bad things can turn for the worst,” Sokka asked.

“Well, there is only one group that calls themselves “Diamond Dogs” in the nearby area. They are miners located in a mountain. They live in maze-like tunnels, and one can easily get lost without their help. While the head dogs are smart and can communicate in common tongue and capable of rational thought, they also posses trained dogs that can be pretty dangerous. But they can be reasoned with,” Twilight Sparkle said. She pulled a book out from a shelf using her magic to open up a page to show a picture of the Diamond Dogs.

“So are we talking about Goofy the dog, and Pluto the dog?” Phoenix asked. That part about Disney never made sense with him. Dan nodded. Otacon and Snake also got the reference.

“Yeah, I stopped caring about how things don’t make sense anymore,” Dan said. “Look Otacon, you voted yes. Can you do this, or are you simply trying to prove yourself to us?” They all turned to look at Otacon.

“A little of both actually. I realize how serious this decision is. But I can do this, I know I can. I don’t even plan to make up a story to explain why the changelings are not with me. If the Diamond Dogs can be reasoned with, then I’m sure we can come up with a deal,” Otacon said. “I know you’re worried about me, but we have to at least try.” He turned to kneel next to Twilight and smile at her.

“Alright, I vote for Otacon to go. But send at least one more other with him. I know we need Mr. Pasta, but if we are all gone for a week then we can spare him a day or so,” Sokka said. They all turned to look at Dan.

“It’s decided then. I do feel better if our merchant goes with Otacon. But if things go sour, you guys get yourselves out,” Dan said to point at the doctor. Snake released a sigh, but nodded. He didn’t get a vote, but at least he was going with his friend. “Alright. I think we can skip the 4 o’clock meeting. Find your teams and go over plans at your discretion. Take the afternoon off. Tomorrow- we all split up.”


“Umm, how long are they going to stay asleep like that?” Nate asked, turning to look over at Rarity. Since they had to use the buddy system, he figured Team Freelancers should stick together for now. Travis and Luna stayed asleep, somehow Travis had moved to use Luna as a pillow. The princess moved to rest a wing on his knight’s chest.

“You know, I hate to wake them up. But Travis needs to eat, and the big meeting is coming up...“ Rarity said. In reality, they both looked so peaceful. Was... Travis crying in his sleep? She moved to lean down, lifting an eyebrow. Nate turned to look at Luna’s lips. She was mouthing something.

“This has got to be one of the weirder things I ever seen...” Nate said. Still, he had to do this. “Travis! Princess Luna! Wake up!” Nate shouted. He did not want to move in and shake either of them awake. Rarity winced, lowering her ears against her head.

“Couldn’t you do that more gently?” Rarity asked.

“Do you want to touch the man with the laser sword, or the night princess?” Nate asked, turning to look down at her.

“Good point...” Rarity said. “Let me try,” she said to use her magic and nudge them both awake.

“Hm? No encore?” Travis asked, lifting himself up a bit.

“What is it?” Luna asked, moving her left hoof up to rub her eyes. “Was my maid uniform too hard to take off?” She blushed, realizing Nate and Rarity were staring at her. For all they knew, only Luna was the pervert. Did ponies even wear uniforms?

“Um... No. You guys were asleep during the announcements,” Nate said to step away from the Luna. He held out his left hand to help Travis stand.

“Oh.. Really? What did we miss?” Travis asked to take Nate’s hand to stand.

“We’re splitting up into separate teams. We are going to be sent in other towns to investigate things and look out for other humans. You are getting sent to Canterlot though,” Nate said.

“Then why did you wake me up? I was having such a nice dream...” Travis said, grinning at Luna.

“Right...” Nate said, looking away from the blushing princess. “Look, I know it’s corny, but I want to make it official.”

“Do what official?” Travis asked, moving both arms to stretch out a bit. He felt better, but he was starving.

“Being blood brothers. I have your blood in me, and you don’t have mine. Besides, we got the same brand, right?” Nate asked, feeling embarrassed. Rarity looked up at the blushing one. He did look cute.

“You’re serious...” Travis said, taking a moment to look at Nate’s face.

“Yeah. If we’re going to split up, I kinda want to make it right. Guess that’s just Equality in me speaking,” Nate said, turning to smile.

“Screw it, I spilled a lot of blood. What’s a little more?” Travis said to take off his right glove. The white unicorn and the blue alicorn took a few steps back to look at this strange bonding ritual. Nate took the diamond from his side and used a sharp end to cut a slit over his right palm. He then handed the diamond to Travis. The assassin took the other end of the sharp diamond to cut his own hand. The two men moved to join hands, shaking firmly.

“These two are really something,” Rarity said, looking at the two males. Small drops of blood spilled to the ground between the two. They held their hands together in a form handshake, refusing to let go.

“We- I mean, I for one, would not have them any other way,” Princess Luna said. “It’s a strange ritual, but fitting, is it not?” The two humans nodded at each other, satisfied enough blood had changed through them both. The two Brands on their hands glowed, burning a bright red light.

“I think we can call these, “Burning Spirit Insignia”” Nate said.

“It fits, I guess,” Travis said, taking his hand back to grin. The wounds the two hands shared were being healed by the Brands. “But don’t get all mushy and start calling me bro.”

“Hey, screw you. I do what I want,” Nate said, laughing as they both turned to walk to their partners.

Author Notes: The names of the changeling generals are based from insect stages or particular attributes. I wouldn’t look them up unless you like insects though. Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.

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