• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Opinions and Confessions

Chapter 7- Opinions and Confessions

One by the one, the heroes and heroines marched back towards the City Hall. Colorful ponies of all types had gathered on each side of the road and let them pass. First, Pinkie Pie lead them all with Dan at her side. Dan didn't mind the attention- For once in his life, ponies recognized his betters.

Nate followed, carrying Sweetie Bell on his shoulders. She waved as well, getting an envious look from Scootaloo. Rarity walked behind them both, looking up at her sister to make sure she didn't fall. She did however, take the time to strike a pose when a camera presented itself.

Applejack came in next, earning a higher cheer from the ponies. Mrs. Reliable and a rodeo queen earned her a few fans. The Dovahkiin moved both hands to lower his hood and walk behind her. This was new sensation. Sure people had cheered and even sing his praise- But this was a proper reception. He wished that the people in Skyrim could get together in the name of peace. Made for easy pickpocketing.

Soma walked next, but in front of Fluttershy. The teen said nothing, merely lifting his right hand up to wave. The pink haired pegasus struggled a bit to stay close to him. A few of the female earth ponies gave him a few hollers and blew kisses. This made the poor kid blush a bit and close his eyes. In returned, the female ponies were granted a stare from Fluttershy that made them stop.

Phoenix walked behind Rainbow Dash- Well, he walked while she hovered in the air. Wright had both of eyes lowered, hands inside each of his pockets. Rainbow Dash though, was drinking the attention like it was a fine wine. Which meant "Oh Yeah, who do ya love, Ponyville!" She shouted, lifting her front hooves up to dance. Wright could only try not to bump into her thanks to her showboating.

Princess Celestia, along with Twilight Sparkle, were smiling at the center of town. Lacking balloons, streamers, or confetti, this was short of a real parade. The Princess raised her head up and then nodded to the Mayor. The gray haired mare smiled and stepped forward to nod at the group. She then raised her hooves up and stand on her hind legs to make all quiet down.

"Dear citizens of Ponyville. Once again, we owe our thanks to the Elements of Harmony and to the humans. To honor them all, we will be having a feast! It will be close to evening, and we hope by then to have the ponies afflicted by the Changelings back in perfect health," The Mayor said and smiled. This earned a loud cheer from the background. "See you then!" The Mayor spoke to end, and then headed to meet the group.

"I want to personally thank you for saving my town," The Mayor spoke. "For now, you can stay in City Hall until arrangements can be made for where you can stay. There is a bathroom, large seats, and a communion room if you want to rest for tonight."

"Is it me, or are the humans getting more attention than we ever did when we saved the day?" Asked Rarity to Applejack. The group was being urged into City Hall by the Mayor.

"I dunno 'bout that. You guys gave me a big ole party in thanks when ya sent me off to that competition rodeo," Applejack responded. Twilight left the side of the Princess and joined her friends inside the building.

"You ever get the feeling you were being herded around?" Dan asked, getting suspicious about the whole party. This was happening really fast to him.

"Actually, yes. Yes I have," Soma said. Back when he had to deal with crazy worshipers and fanatics- They always had him doing errands or find items in order to proceed further. He frowned a bit as well.

"Oh, you guys don't have to worry. None of us are Changelings. Also, Pinkie Pie has gotten parties started faster than this," Twilight said. She chuckled, remembering the paranoia Dan had in the past.

"That's exactly what a Changeling would say!" Dan challenged, turning to look at Twilight.

"Smartypants is washed and waiting for you," Twilight said, her eyes closed a bit to look back.

"Oh. Its her..." Dan said, realizing that only the real Twilight would know that. Also, he better not let anyone know he liked dolls. Damn him for needing something to cuddle when Mr. Mumbles was nowhere to be found!

"So, what now?" Asked the Dovahkiin. As they all entered the communion room, he remained in the back to inspect the place. The building looked well made, and the roof looked new. There were sofas that were a bit larger and lavish than what he had seen at Applejack's place. Soma and Nate immediately headed to a red couch. Sweetie Bell was placed on the ground and Nate was able to lean back and take a load off.

"Actually, I was hoping to talk to my friends for a bit. Alone. Its nothing you guys should worry about, but I wanted to get their help for the feast, and also get them ready for a speeches. The Mayor was hoping that my friends can introduce you in a more intimate level for the feast," Twilight said with a smile. The humans looked in better moods at least.

"I guess that makes sense," Said Rainbow Dash. She landed on the ground next to Twilight and nodded. "I won't have to write a speech or anything, right? I am not too good at those," She said, looking over to Phoenix. He had moved over to sit on another couch.

"Oh no, I am going just going to have you girls answer some questions. That should help you get started..." Twilight said as she turned to look at the others. Fluttershy nodded, not liking public speaking. But if it help Soma get along with the residents of Ponyville, it was worth doing it.

"Oh, Alright. I owe Mr. Drake that much," Rarity spoke. "Come along Sweetie," She said, lowering her head to urge her sister to walk.

"But what about my interview?" Sweetie asked, turning to look back at Nate.

"I am not going anywhere. Maybe tomorrow you can interview me with your friends," Nate said with a smile. In truth, a little time without ponies was appealing. With any luck, he could get more info. They both left the room after a second, though Sweetie had a pout on her face.

"Pinkie Pie?" Dan asked, moving to pull her aside.

"Yes Dan?" The mirthful one said.

"Do you remember the plan? About what food I like?" Dan said, voice shushed now.

"Oh yeah! Do you want me to get it ready?" Pinkie asked, lowering her own voice.

"Please. Something tells me we are all going to want some," Dan said, making sure he was not being heard.

"Okey Dokey Lokey!" Pinkie Pie sang out. She left after the others, bouncing instead of walking.

"See you guys soon! I gotta check on my own family too," Applejack said. She turned to the Dovahkiin and winked. "I gotta get something special for you," She said. Twilight raised her eyebrows at her friend. Was that... Flirting? She shook her head to the sides and then closed the door, leaving the humans in the room.

"What was that all about?" Phoenix asked, motioning to Dovahkiin. While he was dense about relationships concerning himself- He was not blind to others. "I think the cowgirl has a thing for you."

"You know, I have no idea," The nord responded. Flirting in Skyrim was different to these ponies apparently. "Though I think it is not flirting. More like she wants to try something I showed her..." He thought back to the recipes he shared. Probably one of those.

"Speaking of which, you noticed the looks Fluttershy was giving the ponies in the crowd?" Asked Phoenix.

"What looks?" Soma asked, picking up his head.

"Oh, well whenever a certain pony blew you a kiss, the yellow pegasus would stare at the others down," Nate said. "I know I was at the front, but I could feel those stares from my spot..." He said. Involuntarily, he shivered.

"I do not know what you're talking about," Soma said, feeling a blush coming on.

"Of course. You couldn't help but close your eyes and blush at the attention, huh?" Dan said with a smirk.

"Oh lay off the kid. Now that we finally have a chance, I want to compare notes," Spoke out the treasure hunter. Nate moved to take out his journal. "I think we need to share what we know about this place. Something tells me we may need it..."


"So, what kind of questions were you going to ask?" Rainbow Dash asked. She had lead the way for the mares, leading them outside of City Hall. Though she wondered which ponies had not met Phoenix before. The last trial in Equestria was hers, and that was a pretty big deal considering it was a murder.

"I have something to confess, I didn't call you out just for the introductions," Twilight said, lowering her head to the right side. Both eyes had closed, walking in front of the group. Applejack picked up an eyebrow. Why didn't she pick up on that?

"What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked, moving to stand next to Rainbow.

"Umm, Sweetie Bell, you better go talk with your friends about the humans. I think Applebloom is still at the farm. You should bring her family here for the feast," Rarity said with a smile. The white unicorn had a feeling Twilight was up to something little ones should not know.

"Aww, I never get to hear the grown up conversations... But I better go tell Applebloom about my interview anyway," Sweetie Bell said. She ran off, looking for Scoots first to go together.

"Thank you Rarity. What I am- Hey, where did Pinkie Pie go?" Twilight asked, lifting her head to look around. The Pink one was not to be seen.

"Oh, you let her go. She can be so random at times. Plus, Dan is already kind of infamous around here," Applejack said. "But what was this about then?"

"Alright. Well, Princess Celestia wanted to know two things. First, what are your opinions on the humans? Even Dan and Phoenix. Have they changed at all? And second- Are you girls feeling alright? You have been acting odd..." Twilight said, closing her eyes a bit.

"Odd?" Asked Fluttershy. "Now that you mention it, Rainbow Dash has been awfully close to Phoenix..." She said, looking back at things.

"Hey! What... Well look at you and Soma! Why were you giving the "Stare" to the other mares?" Rainbow Dash said. Her cheeks were red though, but she was still defensive. Fluttershy lowered her head, feeling a blush as well.

"And you Applejack? What did you mean when you said "something special" to Dovahkiin?" Twilight asked, turning to look at her orange friend.

"Huh? Well, uhh... I just wanted to cook one of the recipes he'd shown me, that's all!" Applejack said, looking from left to right. Her normally confident smile was replaced with a confused wiggle. "I certainly wasn't planning on wearing my Gala dress if that was what you were thinking..."

Both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy turned to look at Applejack, both their mouths open. Twilight herself raised her head, her right eyebrow raised as she looked at Applejack up and down. "Let's... Lets just skip that part. Can you tell me about the humans? Your opinions? Princess Celestia wants to know about them," Twilight said. How'd she wish Spike was here, at least he could provide some sort of support. The baby dragon was off preparing the library for the meeting after the feast. "You first Applejack."

"Yeah, sure," Applejack replied. Anything to change the subject. She moved to look at the direction of the Everfree Forest. "I heard this strange noise from the forest. I went to check it out in case it was a fire. Luckily, it wasn't," She said. Her face turned to look back at Twilight. "It was Dovahkiin, fighting a pack of Timberwolves. He was winning, and by tha look of things, not a single one of them managed to get a scratch on him."

"All by himself? That's amazing," Twilight said. Fluttershy moved to lay down, wondering what could possess any creature to do that. Packs of those wolves were terribly efficient hunters and more dangerous than a dragon if a whole pack decided to hunt you down.

"Yeah. But he used weapons like that fancy axe, and his bow. Also, I heard him use something like a dragon shouting. He breathed fire like Spike, but it was red and also much more than Spike ever has breathed. The area was scorched by fire, and I think it was his doing," Applejack told Twilight.

"Weren't you scared?" Rainbow asked, wondering if Applejack was not stretching things.

"Ya kiddin’? I was terrified! When he finished off the last wolf, he came for me. I couldn't move. He came closer to me, and I shut my eyes and feared tha worse," Applejack said, lowering her head. "I never expected what he did. He stopped and moved to pet ma nuzzle," She said, moving her left front hoof to rub the spot between her eyes and nose. "He was gentle and laughed. He even knew ma name and called me adorable..."

"You? Adorable?" Rainbow Dash said, picking up her eyebrow now. Oh, she was making stuff up now.

"Hey, his words not mine. He told me he knew my name thanks to his weird powers. Speakin’ of powers, he can change time, and to my knowledge, he knows a lot of magic tricks like you Twilight," Applejack said, moving her hoof back. "He was also wearin’ different clothes. I took him to the farm for lunch and thought to look for you at the Library, but ya was gone..."

"That's... That is strange. But you never answered my question. What is your opinion of him?" Twilight said. She didn't doubt her words, but the news worried her. Dovahkiin could manipulate time freely? And knew other magic along with dragon fire and weapon combat?

"Yer right.... Ya did ask that," Applejack said, closing her eyes and lifting her head. The Honesty Element tried to picture what she thought about the fellow. "His smile and laugh are friendly and down to earth. He is educated, gotta be to speak so nicely to the Princess and know so much magic. Although he could whip any one of us in a real fight- He's gentle, his touch was soft. Ah see in his eyes a rough life, but one he's willing to fight for. He doesn't talk as much as tha others, but its more like he listens to others and then makes his own opinion. He is his own Stud- Er! I mean his own boss," Applejack said, trying to cover her slip up.

"Anything else?" Twilight asked, still confused by her friend's odd behavior. Fluttershy turned her head to look at the ground and rub her hoof again. This was going to be weird to explain.

"He's... He's a good guy. Ah know that much. The way he acted around my family was courteous and kind. I dunno though, that feeling I get when a pony is hidin’ somethin’ is there. But that's the weird part! I want to find out more about him!" Applejack confessed, opening her eyes to look at Twilight's face. "He kinda reminds me of my grandpa. Rough on the outside, but nothing but gold on the inside. Am I weird for thinkin’ that?"


The Dovahkiin felt his ears burning. His head turned to the sides and then shrugged, going back to the pow wow the humans started.


"That's weird. I feel like I want to know more about Soma," Fluttershy said. Everyone turned to look at her, making her blush and lower her face to rest on her hooves.

"Umm... Why don't you go next, Fluttershy?" Twilight said. She was no longer confused about Applejack. She was feeling more weirded out by the way her friends were blushing.

"Alright, unless you want to go first Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said in a high squeak. Her cyan friend merely shook her head to the sides. "Oh, ok. Soma just crashed through my roof. I spoke with him, and he told me about his adventures. He's quiet, even more than the Dovahkiin if you noticed. But he's helpful and polite. Much too serious for someone his age," Fluttershy said, picking up her head.

"Who knew Flutters went into younger ponies?" Rainbow added with a smirk. The comment earned her another "eep" from Fluttershy as she blushed harder.

"I must admit Fluttershy, to be on a first name basis with the young man is strange. Even now you still call Phoenix by Mr. Wright," Rarity pointed out.

"Do I even want to ask what else?" Twilight asked.

"Soma has a power that can let him copy the powers of monsters or creatures he's beaten. According to him, he hates the power. Its the mark that he has inherited the dark power of a really bad Dark Lord," Fluttershy said as he tried to get her mind off things.

"So is he evil-"

"NO!" All the mares jumped up at Fluttershy's outburst. She quickly moved to cover her mouth with both hoofs, realizing she had done that. "Er, I mean, no he's not evil. Just misunderstood. I think just needs someone to help him through things," Fluttershy said in a really low voice.

"But you said Dark Lord, right?" Applejack asked. "Why is he not evil?"

"Oh... Well, when he recovered from falling, Soma tried his best to comfort me. I even accused him of wanting to rape me," Fluttershy said.

"Rape? You?" Rainbow Dash said, shocked for the umpteenth time today.

"He was really nice though. He apologized for breaking things, and even made a Pinkie Promise that nothing would hurt me when I was around him," Fluttershy said. She felt she could relax now. "And he looks nicer compared to the other humans-"

"Oh don't even go there!" Rainbow Dash said with her eyes narrowed.

"Why do I feel like I am in the middle of a truth and dare game?" Twilight said with a sigh. Please let Rainbow Dash be the voice of reason. As soon as that thought crossed her mind, Twilight winced. What else could happen this day? "How's Phoenix doing?"

"Oh! Me next right? He's not doing good," Rainbow Dash said. Twilight opened her eyes and relaxed. "He lost his license to practice law. He's got a daughter, and he is worried about his future, and he wants to get back to his little girl as soon as he can," Rainbow said.

Twilight gulped hard at the news. Phoenix was more than a little upset last time he got summoned here. Her fault that time too. "Oh?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, she's young and all alone. Phoenix is a single dad too, and neither of them have any family left. So no one is looking after her," Rainbow hung her head,

"Oh... That's horrible!" Twilight said. The feeling in her stomach was getting worse and worse.

"But other than that, he's matured. He's gotten wiser and more responsible. He stands with conviction and bravery. I think he looks cooler without his tie. Somewhere along the line, he learned to fight. And it feels nice when he pets my mane," Rainbow added as she smiled.

"Well, I admit I am not as attached to Nate compared to the others," Rarity said.

"Finally, someone that can give a proper answer without confusing me." Twilight said. "Please, tell me about Nathan Drake."

"In all honesty, I can't say I know much about him. He spent more time with my sister than me. You notice how attached Sweetie Bell is to Nate," Rarity said. Her head tilted to the side. "But from first impression, I can gather a few things. He's cocky, but it would seem he has reason for being so. I mean, he doesn't have powers like the others- But even on his own he helped Twilight and cut a horn. The dear clearly possess courage, and the way he treats Sweetie Bell reminds me of my Father. Kind and light hearted. He even pointed out two things to me..."

"Things?" Twilight asked, lifting up her eyebrows.

"Oh yes, Nate reminded me twice about my sister's well being. If it weren't for him, who knows what could have happened to her. I do owe him more thanks than I've given. He's a good and considerate human, unlike Dan," Rarity said. They all nodded at that, but the others were surprised by Rarity's confession. She received high praise for people that were more refined and stylish. "And I happen to think he's got strong legs. Makes me wonder what else he has strong, that rouge..."

"Are... Are you girls crushing on the humans? Pinkie Pie said, coming back into view next to Twilight. The purple unicorn gave a quick look at Pinkie and moved back.

"When did you get here?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, been behind the door to city hall. I was making a checklist for the party!" Pinkie said with a smile.

"We are not crushing on anypony... Are we?" Rainbow asked. She turned to look at the others, confused now.

"Umm, I wouldn't know," Fluttershy said, looking towards City Hall.


"Bless you for like, the sixth time already Phoenix!" Dan said, clearly getting upset. "Could you cover your mouth when you do that? Plebeian."

"I can't help it! It feels like someone is talking behind my back!" Phoenix said. He raised a hand to rub his nose.

"Now that you mention it... My ears feel like they have burning for a while now," Nate said.

"You too?" The Dovahkiin said, raising his eyebrows.

"You know, I got the feeling someone was talking about me too," Soma added.

"That's weird, so am I. That's creepy," Dan added.


"Okay Pinkie Pie, let me guess. You really like Dan?" Twilight asked. All of the other mares turned to look at her.

"Oh no, don't be silly!" Pinkie Pie said, giggling.

"Oh thank god. Dan is a bit off-" Applejack said, trying to be polite about this.

"I love him of course!" Pinkie Pie said, blushing a bit.

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.

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