• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Meetings Through Time

Chapter 55- Meetings Through Time

Dear Reader, this is the final chapter of the Appleloosa Flashback Arc. I want to thank you all for bearing with this step back in order to move forward. Thank you as well for indulging with the Bonus sections. I can’t help myself when I write those. We now start with Humans Assemble, Day 4.

The blonde gunslinger raised his head to squint his eyes hard once. Sleeping in a barn full of hay was not very comfortable, but it beat sleeping on the ground and outdoors. Vash picked himself to stand up and yawn, moving his right hand to his metal hand to inspect it and make sure there was no hay inside the joints. Since he just woke up, his curly hair fell over his green eyes as he opened them. He took a moment to remember yesterday’s events.

The Appleloosans? Appleloosanites? Appleloosians? Appleloosarians? The residents of Apple Town gave him a tour. Horse drawing horse drawn carriages indeed... They showed him the places the town had to offer for food, as well as the Trading Hut and Salt Lick saloon. He also was introduced with the current contenders for the Rodeo.

Team Minotaur, consisting of six of them. While he didn’t catch all of their names, they were tough competitors. Unlike the multi-colored ponies, the minotaurs were all a single colors with shades to their fur. Apparently, the goats served as their support crew.

Team Ox were four males and one cow, but they kept it to themselves. Something about being scared of his Angel Arm. Out of all of pictures he could recall from his past, they were the only ones that were a definite match for the galleries.

Team Ponyville was on its way, least from what he was told. Something about a letter from a “Princess Celestia.” Since Appleloosa was hosting the event, none of the town residents could compete.

Also missing from yesterday’s introductions were Team Griffon and Team Donkey. The Griffons would be arriving today, but the donkeys had him more worried. The Sheriff assured him that they were sorry, and merely overzealous with trying to get the reward double dollars- Scratch that, Bits. Trying to remember all these things during his morning routine let him relax a bit.

Vash’s routine was a simple one:

1- Take an egg from a chicken.
2- Balance it on the end of the barrel of his .45 Long Colt.
3- Make his whole arm and gun slip down and then up to catch the egg without breaking it with the gun. He usually did reps of three.
4- Fry the egg and eat it with toast.

He wasn’t sure how early these ponies woke up, but he was told about some meeting. While he was free to stay with Braeburn and his family at their farm, they still needed to find out how he got to... Equestria. Least the town residents left him alone here. “Its really a strange name. Why not name it after a month like normal people?” Vash said, grabbing his red long coat and slipping it over himself. Time to go meet up with Braeburn and find out what this meeting was about.

“How are ya feeling Toph?” Raining Meadows asked her patient. Toph moved to sit up from the small stool to smile at the female buffalo.

“I’m feeling much better. I feel like I’m full of energy and my body feels lighter than before,” Toph said to move her arms to lift them over her head to touch her fingertips. “I guess I did need that sleep after all. Thanks again Doc.”

“Oh, there’s no need for that. We owe you our lives as well. Least we have good news for you. We are now in a town, Appleloosa. Chief Thunderhooves went to get a friend of ours from town, his name is Braeburn,” Meadows said to lead the way out from her healing teepee.

“Is he one of these ponies you guys were talking about?” Toph asked to set Sokka sword over on her back. “And how is it good news?”

“Yes, Braeburn is sort of our liaison between our two races. It’s good news, because we found out you were not the only human. We are going to go meet with them now.”

“Another human? So I’m not the only one... I hope it's someone I know,” Toph said to drag her feet a bit. The weight of Sokka’s sword was heavier on her mind than her back. Still, she knew better than to keep her hopes up. More than once she had them crushed. “Where are we going?”

“We are going to the Appleloosa Apple Orchards. Though... Some call it farm, but that’s not right,” Little Strongheart said.

“Orchards...” Toph said to pick up her eyebrows. Come to think of it, now that she was walking on a new patch of earth- She could feel much more vibrant soil here. Her feet no longer felt like burning, and the earth wasn’t arrid or brittle. As she moved, she could feel the trees as they got closer. Was... Yes, there was also a river going by close as well. “Hey, its that them?”

“Woah, that human is much taller than you,” Little said. She turned her head to look ahead of herself and blinked, surprised by Toph’s ability to see while being blind. This human could really detect things through vibrations in the earth? But the human was right, Braeburn was walking alongside Vash. The earthbender frowned a little though. Another four legged creature, Toph was having an easier time telling them apart now. A lot softer than the buffalo for sure.

“Huh. Both of the heartbeats are a lot different that I’m used to...” Toph said to lift her eyebrows. When she felt Vash’s heartbeat though, the teen wondered if Vash was human. The young buffalo raised her brows, still trying to understand how the teen could feel heartbeats. The two humans stopped in front of each other while the native Equestrians look between the two.

“Hello, its nice to meet you. You have no idea how glad I am to see another human. And a pretty one at that,” Vash said to smile. “I’m Vash.” Toph had to tilt her head to the side, not sure how to take the compliment- Also still confused by the tall human... Oddness. Its like he was human, but then again- Not.

“Well, at least its nice to know I’m not the only one. Morning, I’m Toph Bei Fong,” The earthbender said to greet Vash, then Braeburn. They both took a second to take a note of Toph’s eyes. Braeburn immediately lost the smile he had, while Vash lowered his head to take a better look. “Hey, you’re too close buddy.”

“Oh, am I?” Vash said, closing his eyes to stand up and give a nervous chuckle. Children? He could handle them, and young ladies? He could flirt all day with them too. But teens, especially blind ones... Were new to him. Ones with a sword on their back no less. “Well, I just wanted to see your pretty face.”

“Oh, flatter the blind girl, that will win me over,” Toph said to turn her head a bit. A blush hit her cheeks even though she didn’t want it. She never got complimented over her looks, and Vash’s voice was a lot more calming than she was used to. “Can we get this meeting started?”

“Oh, right! Well, Little Strongheart and I got together to talk about yer situation. As a matter of fact, we got some news about that,” Braeburn said to smile again. “While we may not help ya, we do got friends in high places.”

“Oh yes. Miss Twilight Sparkle and her friends are our friends, and they know this...” Little lowered her head, trying to recall the name. “Umm, Princess Celestia! She rules over Equestria. They know all kinds of magics!”

“Not only that, they all got fancy books and may know how to get ya’ll home,” Braeburn added as Little smiled with him.

“Oh, that’s a relief to hear. I take it there’s more?” Toph said to smile a little. FInally, some good news since she was feeling better. Vash blinked, turning to look down at the box Braeburn had. He smelled donuts.

“The Sheriff of town got a letter from Princess Celestia. A team is being sent here! He thinks the team can help you!” Braeburn said to look at the two humans.

“A team, huh? What kind of team?” Vash asked. It seemed odd. The timing seemed a bit weird.

“We’re not sure. But we think they are some kind of fancy schmancy ambassadors,” Little Strongheart said. “We think they were sent for the Rodeo, but its for a different matter. Letter says the team will give the details.”

“Huh. I’m not liking the sound of that...” Vash said after a second. “You don’t think its to investigate how we got here?” Why a team? Even insurance companies only sent two ladies to keep tabs on the humanoid typhoon.

“I dunno. Maybe. It does sound kinda sudden. But there’s more to it, right?” Toph asked.

“Well, now that you mention it...” Braeburn said, lifting his right forehoof to run his chin.

“Braeburn? Is this bad news?” Vash asked, lifting his left eyebrow.

“Well, not really bad news- More like an inconvenience. With the big rodeo and all, all of the town’s resources went to the competitions and decoration. We got no money to send you guys to the capital or anything special. All of the rooms at the inn and the saloon have no space for new ponies.”

“So what you’re saying, even if they could help us, we need to earn some cash for ourselves?” Toph asked to cross her arms on her chest.

“Well, yes. We buffalo are saving to build a home...”

“And the trains that run to Canterlot ain’t exactly cheap. Even if the team can’t help ya, we still gotta send ya there in case somepony can help you there better. And we got no clothes yer size there Vash...” Braeburn said to point at the tallest one.

“But its not a big deal! You can always win some competitions on the Rodeo! Surely with your special powers you could win an event or two...” Little Strongheart said to rub Toph’s left shoulder to reassure her.

“What kind of competitions are we talking about?” Toph asked. While she could win fighting ones, a lot of others wouldn’t let her compete. Damn handicaps, she was handi-capable.

“Well, there’s two types. The street fair ones, and the ones held in da corral. The street fair ones are things like pie eatin’ contest, target contests, square dancin’, and that kind of thing. The corral ones are the ones like mud wrestlin’, lassoin’, racin’, and such,” The Apple cousin said.

“Can you enter separately?” Vash asked again. He could handle targets easily, even won a few. He wasn’t sure about pie eating though.

“The ones in the street fair are individual. But the ones in da corral are teams, and da ones with the more bits to win,” Little said to nod. “But they won’t let little ones compete in the teams...”

“And why is that?” Toph asked, wondering if she was already disqualified.

“Well, this is kinda the First International Open Rodeo,” Braeburn said to lower his head a bit. “A whole lot of races don’t have Rodeos. Its their first time competing, and we wanna make it big. How good would it feel if a team lost cause a little one that’s done it all their life beats them? The Minotaurs are very competitive too, they don’t wanna compete against the young uns. Makes them not wanna give it their all.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Toph said, though she didn’t like it.

“If this one goes well, they may have a Junior Rodeo!” Little Strongheart said, getting excited. “If it goes well, they will make it an annual event!”

“Alright then... So the reason for the meeting is to have us try to make a team and earn money?” Vash asked.

“You got it! The Rodeo is just a day away. We can train out here in peace. Toph can compete in the street fair ones. Even if she only enter one event and wins, it outta be enough for a ticket or two,” Braeburn said to smile. “But Donut Joe is already competing with his new human... Umm... Smoochie Honeykins,” Braeburn said to frown. “She doesn’t seem to want to leave the kitchen.”

“Alright, sounds like a plan. Vash, what were you doing before you came here? I’m an earth bender. What can you do?” Toph asked.

“Oh, well I’m kinda of a marksman- But its not what I do. A dear friend of mine died. He was a traveling priest,” The man said to smile a bit. “This cross I carry was his. I carry it as a memento, and also to keep his cause alive. His name was Nicholas D. Wolfwood, and his job was to travel from town to town to find orphans. Nick would give them a home and also collect money to keep his orphanage going...”

“Really?” Braeburn asked to look at the cross. No wonder Vash never let that go. “So you now run the orphanage?”

“Yes, well someone else does. I just collect money and also send orphans to the orphanage. I was traveling to another city to carry on his work when I got lost in a sandstorm. I fell into a sinkhole and couldn’t remember much, after that, I woke up near Appleloosa.”

“Wow, sounds kinda what happened to me,” Toph said. She moved her left hand to touch the handle of Sokka’s sword. “Even the memento part,” she added in a low voice. At least Vash was telling the truth. Both humans fell silent, the mood turning somber.

“Hey hey now! We have to train! We gotta get you back home!” Little Strongheart said to try and lighten the mood.

“She’s right! Lets get to it!” Braeburn said to smile.

Meanwhile, even more distant past, way before the mystical 1000 years ago which every little thing seems to happen in Equestria...

The blue police box known as the Tardis appeared on the ground, in a patch of wild green grass. Dense and wild thicket covered the ground, along with many wildflowers. This was the time before even before Equestria even existed... The Doctor and Severus Snape walked out to look around.

“Look at this mess, where are we?” The wizard asked as he had to take large steps through the wild grass.

“Oh, not when? We are in Ponyville- Well, back before it existed... I think,” The Time Lord said to look around. “According to the historical data Spike found, the only concrete info about Star Swirl is that he helped found Equestria.”

“So, what’s he doing in this thicket?” Snape moved to take out his wand and start waving it up and down to make the grass apart and make it easier to walk.

“Well, they were looking for a place to set the capital. Ponyville is probably the closest ground city to Canterlot. It makes sense that they would survey this area...” The Doctor said to walk behind Snape.

“We’d best split then, cover more ground?” Snape stopped, turning to look at the man in the bowtie.

“Well, yes, I suppose so,” The Doctor said to sigh and step away from Snape’s landscaping to march through the grass. The alien muggle took out his sonic screwdriver to start scanning the area. The wizard watched with a small smile, glad to see the Doctor get dirty for once. They both walked their own way for a while. Snape was the one to find Star Swirl though- He was not sure how or why. Was it because they were both magical entities, or because Star Swirl had a little gray colt walking along with him?

“Oh! Hello there,” Star Swirl spoke. The Unicorn was dressed in a cape and hat that had a celestial pattern of stars on it. He smiled at the human, clearly not afraid of him. From what Snape could tell though, Swirl had no beard. Star walked over to Snape to inspect him as he had flattened the grass with magic. “I’ve never seen a manner of creature like yourself. Are you related to minotaurs by chance? Is this your domain?”

“Ah, no. Greetings... Sir,” Snape added after a second. Least Snape thought Swirl was male. It was hard to tell. “This is not my home, like yourself, I am a traveler.”

“Hey dad! I like his robe! Its a lot cooler than yours!” The little colt said to smile up at Snape. The wizard turned to look down at the little gray one. Was this supposed to be Discord?

“And how do you know he’s male, son? No offense robed one. I am Star Swirl, and this is my son, Distant Star,” Swirl said to smile up.

“Rest assured, I am male. My name is Severus Snape. Thank you, I like my robes too,” Snape said. Was this Discord? The little gray unicorn colt was too adorable to become a draconequus. The black haired man had to kneel on his right leg to get a good look at Distant’s eyes. He could recognize Discord’s yellowish eyes in the colt, and the dark gray mane as well.

“Hello Mr. Snape. I see my son has taken your interest?” Swirl said to smile.

“Oh well, he has excellent taste. Its nice to meet you both,” Snape said. He then raised his left wand to send a few fireworks up into the air. “Please do not be alarmed, I was merely signaling my traveling companion.”

“Ah. Is that what the fireworks are for? An interesting idea... I must make a note to create some sort of sky bolt for our own use...” Swirl said to smile and look at the fireworks. Distant smiled, watching the show as well. “But that answers my other question. I see you are not alone,” Swirl said to look over at The Doctor as he walked over quickly.

“That strange fellow is The Doctor. Trust me when I say he is not to be trusted. He lies with a silver tongue, and he manipulate things to no end. There is a reason I call him traveling companion and not friend,” Snape said in a low voice.

“And hello to you all! I’m the Doctor and-”

“Zip it! We’re on to your tricks...” Distant said to sneer up at the Time Lord. “I’m warning you, I got matches!”

“And there goes my first impression...” The Time Lord said to sigh. “Snape, did you do this?”

“Better I warn them now than they find out the truth later,” Snape said to stand up and smile at the little colt. He liked this Discord much more now. “But he means well. Usually.”

“I see,” Swirl said after a second. While he liked to give beings the benefit of the doubt, the fact that The Doctor was not answering things seemed to be enough evidence. “Why are you in this land?”

“Please excuse my partner, but we came to see you Star Swirl..” The Doctor said. Best to make the best of things and move along. Besides, it was nice to play the role of bad cop for once. Let Snape play good cop for once. Maybe that would get the wizard in a better mood.

“Me? And how do you know my name?” Star Swirl asked to raise his bushy eyebrows at the alien.

“Ah, well you see we came from the future-” Snape was silenced as The Doctor moved a hand to pull the wizard back a bit.

“Snape, if you tell them we are from the future they will think we went loony,” The Time Lord said in a low voice. “Better let me handle this. We are already influencing them enough.”

“Ah, the future then. Do go on,” Swirl said to smile and walk to stand behind the two. “I do have a few time spells to my name.”

“Is that so? I must study these then,” Snape said to look back at Swirl. “We came to investigate a champion spell? One to summon them from distant lands.”

“A summon spell?” Distant said, blinking twice to look up at his dad. “Do you even have one of those?”

“Well, as a matter of fact- No. But I was working on one,” Swirl said to look down at his son. “With the ponies trying to run a new land, we need capable heroes and warriors to help defend a fledgling country.”

“I see... Can you tell us more?” The Doctor said to look at Swirl’s cape. It was stylish.

“Let me guess. Someone in the future must have tried the summon spell and failed,” Swirl said to frown. “But I’m sorry, I haven’t even started any research- At this point its only theory.”

“Please, anything can be of help to us,” Snape said to nod.

“You should help them dad,” Little Distant said to smile at his dad.

“Well, the theory was simple. Ponies are not the best of fighters. So the champions would have to be good fighters. They would have to be champions of a cause or ideal as well- We need heroes to serve as an example to others,” Swirl said to sit down and look down at his son with a smile.

“Anything else?” The Doctor asked. So far, they knew these things.

“Well, as you can imagine... Calling on champions and just asking them for help without some compensation is rude. This would be like kidnapping.” The older unicorn said. “And I don’t want their friends and families to miss them. Can you imagine how tough it would be on them all?” The Doctor and wizard turned to look at each other. Neither had family, but both had people close to them- Even if those people didn't know it.

“So, the perfect champions would be someone that wouldn't be missed?” Distant asked to smile up at his dad. Snape blinked twice, surprised that even younger Discord was smart. Then again, his father was Star Swirl.

“Oh, right again. You are a chip off the old block,” Swirl said to move a hoof to rub his son’s mane. “The champions are all dead. No one would miss them since they died, and the way I wanted to make the spell-”

“The champions summoned that did their duty well would get their life back...” Snape said in a low voice. No wonder Discord summoned him when he was about to die! He could’ve been called at any time, but nooooo- Just when he died. The Doctor turned to look at Snape and frown. The Time Lord also met Celestia when he reincarnated. Well, one of the many times he had.

“Ah, so I got that part to work on in the future then! Thats good to know,” Swirl said to smile. He didn’t consider it cheating, since he would still have to work out the details on his own. “So what was the problem?”

“Let me see if I understand correctly... The champions would be plucked from their homes, at the time of death? What keeps them alive while in Equestria?” Snape asked. he had a feeling he was not going to like the answer.

“Well, I had the idea of an anchor to keep them alive. Sort of their counterpart if you will. To make things easier for everypony, the spell would bound a pony to the dead champion to keep them alive- And at the same time make them very good friends!”

“Wow dad, that’s smart!” Distant said. “If anypony could do it, that’s you!”

“Thank you for the compliment son,” Swirl said to move a hoof to hug his boy.

“Aww dad! Not in front of our friends!” Distant said to blush. The little unicorn didn’t fight his dad though, staying close to Swirl’s hooves.

“One last question... If something happened to the pony the champion is bound to... What would happen to the hero?” The Doctor asked to look up at the sky. If Celestia controlled the sun in the future, who did it now?

“I hadn’t that about that..” Swirl said. “I suppose if a pony wanted to sacrifice their life for their champion... They should get back home alive. It makes sense, right? It wouldn’t be fair to the champions afterall.”

“Thank you Star Swirl, I think we have enough,” The Doctor said to start walking away.

“Don’t you want to ask more?” Snape said to follow after his ride.

“Not staying? Oh right, after all, you are on a mission...” Star Swirl said to stand up again. “Say goodbye Distant.”

“I hope to see you guys again!” The little colt said to smile. “Where are we going next dad?”

“I’m going to introduce you to some friends of mine. They have a daughter, I believe her name is Celestia...”

“A filly? Yuck,” Distant Star said to frown. Snape took a second to look behind himself and give a final look at the little colt. What could have made that little one turn into Discord?

“Did we have to leave like that?” Snape asked. Back inside the Tardis, the alien started to turn some dials to get it going again. Snape walked behind The Doctor, not sure why the muggle was in such a rush.

“Are you mad? Did you forget Discord can talk to his champions in his head?”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Snape asked to take his old seat. “Why did we not ask about the Brands?”

“I believe it was Discord that interfered with the spell to allow the humans get Brands. Everything else about the summon spell fits from what we found out. But that’s not the issue. What if he tells the humans how to get home? How much chaos that could make? Not all of the humans are exactly noble...” The Doctor said.

“But I don’t think he would sabotage his own plan....”

“Of course he wouldn’t! But there are so many humans in Equestria already! As it stands, only a few of them would be needed to save the day. He could afford to lose some in the name of chaos.” The Doctor moved to sit down, opening Spike’s diary again.

“Well, I wouldn’t put that past Discord,” Snape said to think back on adult Discord’s personality. “Why are we reading again?”

“Did you remember Spike’s warning? He’s going to kill Nathan! This is probably because he found out about the sacrifice part of the summoning spell...”

“So you think he kills Nathan to keep Rarity from trying to sacrifice herself again?”

“Maybe. We must find out how the humans died. Rainbow Dash is so loyal she would sacrifice herself to let Phoenix see his daughter again. I’m sure the Elements of Harmony and other Equestrians would feel the same way.” The Time Lord released a sigh. He only hoped he was making a bigger deal than he made it sound.

“Well, as a matter of fact, Nathan Drake did take notes about what the humans were doing before they got sent to Equestria...” Snape said to open Nate’s journal to look for the pages.

“Really? Nate was more thorough than I gave him credit.”

“You do give humanity a great deal of consideration, but on individual basis you have much to learn... Ah, here we go:

1. Phoenix Wright died when he was sleeping in a chair. I think he must have slipped seat and all backward and fallen to let his head hit the floor. Something about a thunder.

2. Soma Cruz was in the middle of trying to solve the mystery behind the next suitor for the Dark Lord...” Snape frowned at that. Another Dark Lord besides Voldemort? “Looks like he was very low on health, being poisoned. He didn’t want to use his last antidote, nor bother changing souls. He had taken a warp portal to get to an altar and ‘Save.’”

Both of them raised their eyebrows at each other.

“3. Dovahkiin was in the middle of trying to learn a shout called ‘Dragonrend.’ He had to find an Elder Scroll. He found it, then had a falling out with … A daedra called Wretched.

4. Dan Mandel was yelling to the sky about vandalism done to his car. I can only guess a muggle vehicle ran him over. That should teach him to stand in the street to yell.

5. Nathan Drake was running down a collapsing stone bridge after the Battle for the Tree of Life. Guess he didn’t make it...”

Snape stopped a second to turn the page and look back at the Doctor. He seemed deep in thought and didn’t interrupt him. The wizard continued.

“6. Otacon was ferrying hostages from an oil rig, then he remembers an explosion of the vehicle he was using. I think he must’ve crashed after an attack.

7. Sephiroth forgot his past... But he can recall a battle against a young blonde man and being thrown into the lifestream of the planet. Something about ‘Omnislash’.

8. Ralf was with his team, fighting in a competition called “King of Fighters.” His team made it to the finals when some muggle with a god complex challenged them. He went first for his team and lost.

9. Blue Spy was in a battle over some top secret documents. He was just killed and expecting to respawned in Zecora’s hut. Are you getting all this?” Snape stopped reading to look back at the Doctor.

“Yes, please continue. So far, it seems that Star Swirl’s champion summoning spell works. Just how did Discord muck the spell?” The wizard shrugged and looked back at the journal.

“10. Solid Snake was in an oil tanker when it sank. I think he drowned...

11. Ash Williams was in the middle of taking a portal to go home. According to the story, he swears he said the right words. I’m not sure this killed him though... Then again Nate thinks he already died once and came back.

12. Sokka was in the middle of a journey to retrieve his space sword with a friend called Toph. During their journey, they were separated by a sandstorm. Sokka drank some cactus juice to prevent from dying of thirst... Then it gets fuzzy.

13. You know Samus. She was taking a warp portal because of a bounty. Something went wrong, there was a malfunction...

14. Jack the Samurai was on a mission to return back home to his proper time. He was caught up in a fight against warlords trying to take over Aku’s place and also with followers of Aku trying to resurrect the demon. Another demon lord was going to take a portal when Jack made it overload.

15. Travis Touchdown was in the middle of clearing through the hoards of henchmen, trying to reach and battle against someone called “Number One Ranked.”

15. Merchant Creeper Pasta was moving to find new place to set up shop. According to him, he found a spot- Though something he calls a “Plaga” was getting close, then he remembers blackness and then waking up in Equestria....” Snape stopped there to look up.

“Is that it?” The Time Lord asked.

“We reached the end of the journal. He started a new one after this, it seems Dan used up some of the pages from the old one as well. I guess Rarity’s descendant's or some other Equestrian museum or whatnot must have his second one. Unless Nathan still has it...” Snape guessed. “Doesn’t Spike have something?”

“Well, Spike does mention those in Canterlot. Vergil lost a battle against his brother and got sent to hell. Such a silly place. Terra was in a company of travelers in a conflict against some clown. They were waiting for a Ninja called Shadow in an airship, then there was an eruption of some sort. Johnny Bravo remembers flirting and then a blow from a woman with a handbag,” The Time Lord said. He set the diary down to look at Snape.

“Anything else? Maybe later in his life?”

“He does add a few notes later. The Crusaders found out the human children were flying in a ship of their own design and crashed in a battle against someone called Father...” The Doctor sighed and shook his head to the sides.

“What’s wrong?” Snape asked, eyebrow raised. Did the Doctor ever sigh?

“Well, this is where Nate and Spike differ. While Nate is a note taker, Spike is more diverse. I shouldnt have told him he becomes a sage. Early in his diary, he wrote simple normal things. Since he found out he was a sage, he started to take his diary writing more seriously.” The Time Lord pushed the dairy over to show Snape. “Not only are there notes about magic, life, and musings- But also recipes, love notes and poetry, and other things to look through. It takes longer to read through things.”

“Better you than me,” Snape said to look away from the diary. “What do we plan now?”

“We have to make sure Discord doesn’t spill the beans. We also have to make a plan to unleash real chaos, not bloodshed. The truth still seems like our best bet though.”

Chapter Notes: While not exactly backstories, it does give some insight on a few things. I didn’t go into too much in detail about how all champions died before getting to Equestria. Then again, it seems like a major way how humans end up with ponies in a lot of fics.

I also wonder how many of you knew they were all dead before this chapter? Its zombie time.

Last note, should I keep making bonuses?

Chapter proofreaded by the shocked LyonAzakura.


“Alright then... So you said you tried lots of things to make Soma hungry. Like what exactly?” Rarity asked. She and Pinkie Pie were riding the train to Baltimare, talking about how to help out Fluttershy with Soma.

“Oh. Well, if you think it will help...” Fluttershy said to lower her head.

“Yes. Please tell Auntie Pinkie.”

“But I’m older than you...” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Back on point please,” Rarity said.

“Well... A hunter only hunts when hungry, right? I had to make Soma hungry, so on that drunken night I thought- What if he has a fetish?”

“Fluttershy dear, don’t tell me you-”

“I tried traditional ones. I dressed up as a maid. I tried talking dirty. I also tried touching him in, umm... Sensitive spots,” Fluttershy said to blush so much that her cheeks had turned into tomatoes instead of a normal pink hue.

“None of that worked?” Rarity asked, lifting an eyebrow. Was Soma a coltcuddler?

“Well, Soma snapped his fingers and made his own maid named Persephone appear. And talking dirty in Equestrian isn’t the same for humans. And then sensitive spots to a human are clearly different than on a pony. I decided to try one last thing....”

“No...Don’t tell me,” Pinkie Pie said to move her front hooves to the table booth.

“I tried whip cream over my lips and... Umm... Under my tail...” Fluttershy squeaked out. She blushed so hard that she decided to hide under the booth.

“And that didn’t work?!” Pinkie Pie asked to peek under the table. That always worked!

“Soma thought I had rabies... And his reaction wasn’t very appealing.”

“Do you remember anything from last night?” Nate asked.

“Well, I had this weird dream. Also, I vomited in a bathroom,” Soma said to shrug.

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