• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Eye of the Storm

Chapter 66- Eye of the Storm

Samus sat in her ship, both of her hands at the controls. Her ship was a Hunter class, nicknamed the ‘Cosmo Liner.’ It was about 30 feet long, 20 feet wide, and 8 feet high. While the dimensions are adequate for a small cruiser ship for one person, much of the ship was taken up by weapons, propulsion system, and other things. Luckily, the “cargo” area had enough room to hold a cage for the dangerous creatures she sometimes hunted. She did have a co-pilot chair, a bathroom and a teleport standing pad. Roughly, this meant she could carry about 3 humans and 3 ponies without too many problems.

And there were problems. Team Espionage was first, taking Twilight, Trixie, and Big Macintosh and their humans on the first run. For Twilight and Trixie though- It was a rough ride. For some odd reason, unicorns did not travel well at high speeds. And Samus had no airbags. Luckily, this was a ridiculously short trip for her ship. Ponyville was a short trip from Canterlot, and in her ship it took less than 10 minutes. Would have been five if Trixie and Twilight had not thrown up on controls.

“I can’t see the controls!” Otacon screamed out. Twilight had insisted on riding in front, wanting to see the windows and monitors of the ship. She thought she could handle space flight, having her own balloon. Wrong.

“You okay, Trixie?” Snake moved a left hand to pat Trixie’s back as her mouth was heaving into the human toilet.

“Twily!” Shining Armor smiled, a huge grin on his face to see his favorite sister. Twilight Sparkle rushed over to hug her brother. Otacon flinched at the name. While a nerd and geek, that nickname was horrible. “Who is this?” Armor asked to look at Otacon. “Is he ok?” He took a second to sniff the air. Did... Did he smell bile? Had Otacon thrown up in the ride? Vergil had both eyes shut, arms crossed on his chest to not throw up at the display of affection between the pony siblings.

“Oh, sorry BBBF,” Twilight moved herself from her brother, turning to look up at Otacon. “This is my partner, Dr. Hal Emmerich, but we all call him Otacon.”

“Ah, this is Science? The quiet one here is Vergil Sparda, my partner,” Armor moved to the side and present Vergil. “He’s... A very capable commander.” He had taken a pause to try and find a positive thing to say.

“Otacon. You have no idea how much we need someone with intellect...” Vergil said in a low voice. “Other than Jack, the others are too swept up in the “feel good” sentiment.”

“Feel good?” Otacon asked, moving his right hand to push his glasses over his eyes. The devil turned his head to the side, motioning to ‘Bravo’ team. Johnny and Blueblood and their new Daedric warrior ‘Carl’ were trying to figure out how the chaotic staff worked. They had Spike as a guinea pig. So far though, they changed him into various things before he was restored to his purple self.

“Spike! What are they doing to you?!” Twilight rushed off to try and save her assistant.

“I don’t want to ask, do I?” Otacon asked. “Well, let me introduce you to...” Otacon stopped a second, trying to look around. “Where’s Snake and Trixie?” Off to the side, a cardboard box was seen with blue hooves and a pair of dark gray legs making their way off to the side.

(If anyone wonders how Snake got another cardboard box- A wizard did it. Yeah, Snape.)

“Why are we doing this?” Snake whispered as he took the unicorn towards the garden.

“I antagonized Princess Celestia’s personal student! I even took them all to trial. Trixie has no desire to show her face.” The two continued to the gardens undetected.

“By the way doctor...” Armor had both eyes closed a second. “If I found out you’ve been making out with my sister..” He opened both eyes, suddenly making an angry snarl. “I’m going to-”

“Armor... I’m not the aggressive one. Maybe you can talk her down?” Otacon questioned with a sweatdrop on the side of his head.

“Come. We are gathering in the gardens,” Vergil turned away without much warning. “We can make introductions later.”

“What about the others?” Big Mac asked as he walked along side Otacon’s side.

“Others?” Vergil asked, stopping a moment.

“The ponies left in Ponyville. Some of the humans in our group got left behind.”

“Leave that to the welcome committee,” Vergil walked back towards the gardens. “The others have the job to lead the other groups.” He was referring to Terra and Cadence, who were now welcoming some of Team Ponyville.


The second trip took Merchant Pasta, Junebug, Sokka, Dovahkiin, Ash, and the KND. Though this run had much less problems. The KND were all caged up through, Ash frowning at them. They had their heads down, as if they were punished. Though they needed to pry the dragonborn off before he squeezed the life out of Sokka. While Junebug was squeezing Merchant for dear life though, he didn’t seemed fazed at all.

Samus was assured by the Canterlot medics that his bones would be restored relatively quickly.

“Greetings champions!” Princess Cadence greeted them with a warm smile. “Where... Are your pony partners?” Sokka was taken away by medics, so Ash took over. He moved to hand a paper for Terra and the Crystal Kingdom leader to read quietly.

“I’m a what?!” Terra said, lifting her head up from the article. A few more memories started to fill her head. It seemed all she needed was a catalyst to clear her head. Memories flooded of when she was freed from the slave crown. Her mouth slowly fell open.

“Yeah. The kids here spread the news in all Ponyville, so all of our partners....” Ash raised his metal hand up to lift two fingers to making a cutting noise.

“Oh... This is bad, very bad” Cadence shut both of her eyes a bit. “Terra, please take them to the garden. Nopony mention anything to anyone until we can gather everyone. I will have Canterlot chariots retrieve the ponies in Ponyville.” Terra nodded, leading the somber humans over to the meeting place.

“Just a word of warning... Don’t use “anypony” or anything with pony when you’re referring to us all. It pisses Dan off,” Dovahkiin turned to look down at the.... Oddly colored princess alicorn. While he loved Applejack’s simple rustic look, Cadence was too much.

“Hey Princess... What are ya buyin’?” Junebug said, lifting a hoof up to Merchant as he opened his jacket to flash the princess.

“I...” Cadence shook her head to the sides. “You are a Ponyville earth pony?”

“Yer losing her, Junebug. She’s trying to change the subject....” Merchant Pasta graded his partner's sales pitch.

“Please, Junebug. I need you to go with the guards to collect the other ponies.”

“Even the little ones? I’m not sure how the parents will feel about that.” Junebug frowned, losing her interest in the sale.

“I will write you a letter. Let’s hurry.”


The third trip for Samus lead her to retrieve Team Baltimare. Team Appleloosa was closer, but by the team count, it would take two trips for her. Being further away, the trip took her longer than an hour. The trip was easy enough for her- The bounty hunter knew how to keep Rarity in the bathroom, and both Pinkie and Fluttershy had no problems with flight. It was deciding what to do with the ponies riding the train that was the problem.

“We don’t have time for this! We got to go to the meeting!” Dan frowned, his right hand up to point at the ship. Pinkie Pie stood behind Dan, but she was frowning a bit. While the idea of leaving ponies behind bothered her, she knew that Rainbow Dash and her old pony friends and new humans friends needed them all.

“But we can’t leave them here, Dan. What if the changelings come back?” Soma asked, Fluttershy in his corner. Both turned to look at the Conductor and the other ponies staring at the strange looking air balloon that was Samus’ ship.

“They both make good points,” Nate said with eyes closed. “How far is Baltimare? Three, two hours walking?”

“So close to our destination, yet so far...” Rarity mused as she turned to look at the direction of the city. It was still so far away that it could not be seen.

“Look, I can’t stay. I can’t ferry them all!” Samus shouted, lifting her arm cannon at the arguing. “I’m doing this because its an order, not out of the goodness of my heart! Thanks for considering my opinion and asking me!” She was just tired of things. She still had other deliveries to make, and them arguing like she was not even here was pissing her off. Men. Let her be the bad guy, she was used to people looking down at her because of her occupation.

“I’m... I’m sorry, Samus,” Fluttershy added. She had urged Soma on. Dan turned his head, not really wanting to apologize. But there was a lot that needed to be done and not wasted on other things.

“Can’t we send a letter to Celestia or something and have someone pick them up?” Pinkie offered with a small smile to look back at the ponies traveling with them. Every now and then Pinkie had a good idea.

“We can send word via radio. Otacon should have his communicator working. Get on.” Samus lead the way into the ship.

“With any luck, somepo- Er, someone will come from Baltimare to pick you all up. Till then, do stay hiding,” Rarity added with a smile to look at them all. While she tried to put on a brave face, Dan was staring at her from behind. They managed to contact base camp, and a letter was sent from Princess Celestia towards the navy base in Baltimare. The trip was silent enough, no one wanted to comment on the motion sickness Rarity had. Once at Canterlot, they were welcomed by Travis and Princess Luna.

“Bro!” Travis moved out to have his left arm out to Nate.

“Ha! I thought you told me to knock off the mushy stuff!” Nate moved his own arm out to grasp his blood brother’s hand in a squeeze. Both humans then lowered their arms, still hold their hands to move into a shoulder bump. Princess Luna and Rarity smiled at the sight. If only their own sisters shared an unspoken bond of affection.

“Can we get on with this? We got a-”


Dan was interrupted when Snape and the Doctor hoped out from some bushes in an ambush. Each one of the taller humans moved to grab an arm of Dan. Snape the right, leaving the Time Lord to the other.

“Unhand me!” Dan yelled out, looking up in anger.

“Are we giving Dan a party?” Pinkie Pie blinked once, looking at how the two taller humans took her fiance to Distant Star as he jumped out from behind Dan’s position.

“Not exactly!” The Doctor shouted, grin on his face. When was the last time he had done a good hazing? Distant lowered his head, placing his horn on the back of Dan’s head. The horn glowed with a gray color. The Discord spell had been placed on Dan.

“Umm... What’s going on?” Soma raised both eyebrows, not sure how to... Wait a second. The soul hunter’s eyes narrowed a bit to look at Snape’s form. “You! You poisoned Nate!” Soma shouted, lifting his right hand up to point at the wizard. Fluttershy’s eyes opened wide, as the others also caught wind. The young man was the only one that recognized the dark robes Snape had revealed that fateful day.

“You?! You poisoned my Nathan!? Prepare to be used as a pincushion made from foot long needles!” Rarity shouted as she charged at Snape. Nate’s mouth lay open, as did Travis. Nate, in shock of his partner’s outburst. Travis because the helpful wizard was the one to poison his bro.

“Leave room for me!” Travis shouted as his beam katana was flicked up at attention to join the charge.

“Levicorpus!” Snape released his hold over Dan to turn around and wave his wand at the approaching duo. The jinx took hold in an instant , the unicorn and the assassin were hoisted up by their right ankles to float upside down. Normally, Snape could use this spell without even chanting it, but there was two people he had to use this on.

“The hell is this!?” Travis shouted out loud, his focus suddenly disrupted as the blood flowed into his head.

“Magic?! Release me this instant, you brute!” Rarity shouted, her own magic horn also being disrupted by her upside downness.

“Oh my! Is this a party trick?” Pinkie Pie shouted with glee. One would think she would be more concerned with Dan, but she thought this was a welcome back party. After all, Dan was smiling from ear to ear.

“Wha?” Dan was released by the Doctor, who took out his sonic screwdriver and begun to scan Dan’s head. “Oh, hey. You got any munchies? I have a snack attack brah.” Both of Distant’s eyes shot open, not sure what to expect there.

“Say what?” The gray unicorn asked, taking a step to the side to look at Dan’s face. The angry one had both eyes closed, showing off his pointy teeth.

“Oh man. You look awesome with yellow and red eyes,” The smaller human also turned to look at Discord. “Say Brah, know where I can score some cheesey puffs?”

“Dear me...” The Time Lord blinked once. “That spell instantly hit Dan with thousands of milligrams of dopamine at once. Oh well this explains it. Dan has the Amygdala three sizes larger than a normal human. No wonder he’s always angry.” It would take a lot of dopamine just to affect the angry one. He also took a second to raise both eyebrows. Who put a microchip inside Dan’s head?

(Chris, Dan’s best human friend from his home town, has a wife named Elise. She placed the chip one night to keep track of Dan to keep her husband safe. Poor Chris, always getting dragged in Dan’s revenge schemes.)

“Put my knight down!” Luna shouted, her eyes turning white as she used her projected voice.

“Someone tell me what the hell is going on! And put my bro down!” Nate shouted as he took out the silver handgun to point at Snape.

“Feeling dizzy...” Rarity said as the blood started to flow into her head.

“Me too!” Dan added, his hand moving to touch the sonic screwdriver.

“Please, stay calm everypony!” Distant begun to talk.

“Ha! Everypony!” Dan chuckled. Pinkie Pie immediately frowned, rushing over to her fiance.

“What have they done to you! Speak to me, Danny Wanny!” Her eyes narrowed a bit to look into Dan’s eyes. Once alert and always vibrant with rage, had now mellowed out. Now she knew something was wrong.

“Oh hey, Pinkie!” Dan said with glee. “Wanna make out?”

“Give me back my Danny Wanny!” Pinkie Pie shouted into the air, eyes closed to push her head into his chest. “Give me back the angry Danny I fell in love with!”

“Damnit,” Distant moved his right hoof to hold his forehead. “Snape!”

“I’m going to put you both down now. Make no sudden movements,” The wizard shut both eyes a bit, lifting his two jinxed subjects to look them in the eye. “We can all calm down, and my partner can explain things.”

“Fuck you!” Travis shouted, the whole time his legs and arms waving about to try to get himself free. “Luna!” Nodding her head once, Luna narrowed his eyes to invoke the roulette and spin. Unfortunately, it was 777. That meant Anarchy in the Galaxy- And he didn’t want to burn Nate or Luna. He added the others after a second. Why did Luna have such good luck? His old partner at least messed up now and then.

“Put them down. Now.” Soma stood behind Snape, his death Scythe out to move around Snape’s neck. “Don’t make me use this.” Fluttershy moved over to fly next to Rarity, trying to lift the unicorn’s body up so she was at least laying down and the blood to relegate once more.

“Make peace, not war, brah,” Dan said with a smile as Pinkie cried into his chest. Both of his arms moved to hug her and pet her pink mane.

“I’m going to move my wand now. It will be to set them down,” Snape answered in a low and deep voice. Soma kept a foot distance from the back of the wizard, eyes narrowed to keep both hands gripped on the long pole arm. Snape kept his face stoic, not showing fear.

“If-” Soma stopped talking, once more his mouth filled with a cupcake. Again? What was wrong with this place and stuffing cupcakes in his throat? The teen shut both eyes to cough and move the scythe back to clear his mouth.

“I would really not want my champion harmed, thank you very much. While he sets them down, can we please get to the meeting? We can handle things there,” Distant said with a bored tone in his voice. Snape still lowered his arm, placing the assassin and the alabaster unicorn on the ground.

“Oh I feel much better now,” Rarity smiled to look at her pegasus friend. Satisfied that Rarity was alright, Fluttershy went off to her new coltfriend to make sure he was alright.

“You know what? No. Not doing it...” Nate raised his gun to point at the sky. “Dan would want this. Start talking!” The treasure hunter commanded with a frown. Even he had a limit of what he could take.

“Fine. Let’s talk and walk,” Distant shook his head to the sides. Humans. So chaotic at times, but yet they constantly wanted things explained to them. Least that was a point for ponies. If someone in charge said something- Like a doctor or princess- The other ponies listened and filed in. Much less time wasted. Then again, this was also a sign of subjugation. All the others started to walk and follow behind them.

“I’m watching you, asshole,” Travis said once he could stand. He stared at Snape, who followed behind Distant. Luna moved in to help her knight lean on her form to start walking. Rarity in the meantime, was being carried by Nate. Both were visibly upset though. The unicorn hosting thoughts of horrible torture while the human wondering if this was really the guy that poisoned him.

“First, Dan is under a status called ‘Discorded.’ It was a safety measure. I’m glad it worked...” Distant muttered that last part in a low voice. Last thing he wanted was another dog running around. “You were there with Dan when he issued his death threats. Least this way, Celestia won’t die and the mellowed out Dan won’t burst a blood vessel.”

“Back to the poisoning...” Soma added, also frowning at Mr. Popular, Snape. Everyone turned to look at the wizard, who walked with his head held high and both hands in front of himself to hold his left wrist in his right.

“Yes well, Snape didn’t poison Mr. Rogue there,” Distant also kept his head up to look ahead. “Though he did make the concoction.”

“There’s another funny word! Just like pickle barrel kumquat!”

Everyone opened their eyes wide and took steps back from Dan, who had spoken out loud. Pinkie shut both her eyes to trot along Dan. While she understood why they took the precaution against her fiance, she still wanted her old Danny back.

“Don’t worry Dan. We’ll get you back...”

“Who poisoned me then? Changelings?” Nate asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, it was the Doctor...” Distant turned his head to look back. Good. The Doctor made himself scarce.

“What?!” Princess Luna raised her eyebrows. Her sister’s champion?

“And... He’s missing. If I see him again I’m going to make him....” Rarity stopped herself, coughing once into her left hoof. Nathan raised his eyebrow, getting to learn of her more violent temperament. “Do forgive me, Mr. Snape. You... Didn’t know what the Doctor was going to do with that potion, didn’t you?” She added that last part with a icy cold tone.

“Distant Star is still talking. Don’t be rude. I would’ve thought a proper unicorn lady such as yourself would know that. I was wrong...” Snape turned his head away from Rarity. While she deserved the sting, Rarity was still cross with the wizard. She said nothing to let the gray unicorn continue. Now that she thought about it... This unicorn sounded like Discord. But why was he dressed like Trixie? Was he her father? No wonder she didn’t like him.

“Hey, brah. I like, just realized. Talking ponies. Far out, man,” Dan grinned to look up at Soma. As much as the teen feared his team leader, he wanted the old Dan back. This... Mellow Dan was freaking him out.

“Where did that Doc vanish to? The nerve of that guy talking to us like he didn’t do anything wrong,” Travis moved to stand up straight now to talk. “I’ll kill him, I swear it.”

“Back to the explanation folks!” Distant rolled his eyes. “The poison wasn’t lethal. It was just meant to weaken him considerably. As to why he did it? I think Princess Celestia wants to address that. Now, everyone hold your questions and reports until we are all gathered. There is much to go over, and we waste time repeating ourselves.”


Johnny Bravo and Prince Blueblood smiled, looking at the next set of ponies arrived. Johnny’s smile was quickly lost when he saw nothing but more ponies walk out of the carriage.

“Aww dang it,” The Element of Luck cursed his luck with women.

“I dunno, Johnny. They look really nice,” Blueblood flirted behind his shades. “Think they will like the new Blue?”

“Course they will. You got my style,” Johnny moved to cross both arms on his chest. Derpy flew out to set her daughter down on the ground. Applejack moved out to help the Mayor step out. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Rumble, and Pipsqueak all them hopped out to land and look around themselves.

“Welcome to Canterlot!” Blue smiled at the mares. Applejack, the only mare in the group to have actually caught a glimpse of the Prince before took a double take.

“Uhh... that’s mighty kind of ya,” The orange mare stared at the Prince’s new hairdo.

“See? She can’t stop staring!” Johnny grined, giving his partner a thumbs up.

“Ya, umm... Which one of the lying humans are ya?” Applejack quickly turned her head to address Johnny.

“Whoa there Miss Ac-Ti-Tude!” Johnny frowned, immediately losing his good mood. “Now listen here. I maybe alotta things, but Momma didn’t raise no liar!”

“Applejack dear,” Mayor Mare frowned a bit, turning to look at her would be escort. “Please. I know you're upset at-”

“Of course Ah’m upset! That-” Applejack found herself silenced. Prince Blueblood moved to stand in front of the Mayor and looked down at her face.

“I have no idea what is causing your distress, madam,” The Prince spoke with a cold tone, his sunglasses sliding down his nose a bit to expose narrowed eyes. Vain and spoiled he was, but he would never yell at a mare. “But that is no way to treat a mayor or a mare. And if you insult my knight again, I shall consider this an offense to my own personal being.” He then lowered his head to bring his face only an inch away from Applejack’s face. “Do I make myself clear?”

“Ah...” Applejack frowned, ready to buck kick this spoiled prince’s face in. Still angry over Dovahkiin’s past, she snorted a few times before she turned to look at the others. Applebloom, still bald, looked up at her sister with teary doe eyes. She had said nothing on the whole trip, making her sister upset. The Honest pony turned to look at the rest of the colt and fillies and saw that they were getting a bit scared as well.

“I’m sorry Ms. Mayor. Ah should know better,” Applejack shut both of her eyes and sighed. “And sorry too Mr...”

“Johnny Bravo. Coolest man this side of Equestria. Hu Ha Ho!”

“Mr. Bravo. Ah shouldn’t treat you so poorly either. Ah let my feelings git the better of me.” Applejack then smiled to look at the others. She should save her anger for the one that deserves it. Wait a tic, one of the fillies was missing.

“Why is nopony helping me!” Scootaloo shouted out loud, scared out of her wits by the black clad humanoid chasing after her.

“Oh, that’s just Carl. He’s-” Johnny stopped a second, left eyebrow raised in a whiplash sound. “Why is Carl chasing after the chicken like that? He didn’t chase Bush.” Bush Bravo is the new pet chicken of the blonde, made from the Wabbajack staff.

‘Carl’ finally caught up to Scootaloo when she tripped. Frightened for her life, she gave out a small girlish scream as the Daedric fellow leaned down to grab her.

“You leave Scots alone, you freak!” Rumble shouted as he took to the air and rush in to save... The giggling pegasus? “What the...”

“Stop tickling me!” Scootaloo had both of her eyes shut as she laugh non-stop. “The only pony that tickles me is my... Daddy?” Carl stopped tickling her, lifting her up from under her front hooves and spin her around into his chest in a hug.

“Daddy?” Rumble asked, coming to land and look up at Carl.

“I dunno Rumble. I think this guy is my Dad...” Scootaloo said with an eyebrow raised. The Daedric soldier nodded up and down.

“He used to be a pony until a spell mix up. We’re still working the kinks out,” Blueblood walked up to look at odd father/daughter combo.

“You got- Like, the coolest Dad ever!” Rumble opened his eyes wide to stare in awe at the cool dad. Scoots lowered her head to rub against the black metal of the humanoid to hide her blush.

“Small world, isn’t it?” Mayor Mare asked with an eyebrow raised.

“Come. Your humans and the others are waiting.”

“Mom’s gonna freak out, Dad...” Scoots smiled to move her tiny hooves out to hug her new daddie.

“The KND are here?!” Blueblood took a few steps back as he found himself suddenly assaulted by a lot of young ponies.

“Take me to my matey landlubber, else we make you walk the plank!”


Samus was getting tired of vomiting ponies, whining, and other general unpleasantries going on in her ship. No wonder she liked to travel alone. In order to save the time and make a final trip, she made all of the human males stuck in the cage.

“Small world...” Vash forced a grin, finding himself wedge against the body of Ralf and Sephiroth. He was stuck between a brick wall and a guy with the personality of a brick wall. Braeburn stood next to Lyra, looking at her drooling. Sephiroth and two hot humans?

“Any moment now, one of them will get jungle fever...” Lyra whispered. Braeburn looked up to his worried partner. Vash gulped.

“Yippie Ki Yay,” Cheerilee said with a sultry tone. Ralf now shut both eyes to sweatdrop.

“Aren’t you excited about riding in a flying machine?!” Little Strongheart grinned, looking out the windows at the rapid speed they traveled. “The sights... Oh.”

“Yeah, not gonna lie. Visuals are lacking, I miss having earth under my feet, and I got butterflies in my stomach at the thought of seeing Sokka again...” Toph replied. “But I like this seat, Samus.”

“You’re welcome, Toph Beifong. After hearing your story at Appleloosa, I fear what the others will do to Rainbow Dash...” Samus shoo her head to the sides. Said Rainbow was laying down on Blue Spy’s lap. Both Zecora and the Frenchmen petted her mane. Tucked in a fetal position, Rainbow Dash shivered by the thoughts plaguing her mind.

“All my fault. All my fault. All my fault,” Rainbow repeated to herself over and over again. Both of her eyes shut, she hugged her tail between her legs. Only now did she allow herself to realize just how bad she crashed. Trucy was an orphan again, Phoenix could be captured or worse, Dan was going to massacre her, the other Elements would never talk to her again. She did not want to see the look on the angry faces of the other humans once they realized what she had done.

Once they finally arrived, Spike and Jack greeted them with a smile. That was, until they found the somber mood the whole team was in. Vash carried Dash in his arms to lead the way to the others. Save Ralf, who kept his distance from Rainbow.

“So, Phoenix is missing...” The samurai frowned, lowering his head down. “Come. We must gather. We are glad to have you all back though.” Everyone quietly followed behind the now sad Spike. This was gonna be bad...

“Sokka?” Toph picked up her head after walking a few seconds. Although Sokka couldn’t see her, she could certainly feel him.

“Go get him!” Little Strongheart grinned up at Toph.

“But...” Toph blushed, a rush of heat filling her face. When she was younger, she had no problems punching or even approaching her favorite jokester. “What if-”


“Is that his voice? I bet he sounds handsome,” Little teased her partner.

“I...” Toph instantly found herself tackled in a hug.

“Toph! I’m glad to see you!” Sokka moved out to wrap the earthbender in his arms. He hoisted her up and spun her around. “You have no idea how much I needed to see a familiar face!”

Sokka! Cut it out! You’re embarrassing me. It’s not like I missed you...” Toph said in a low voice. Her cheeks could not stop burning her from the inside out. “I bet you’re just happy about your precious space sword...”

“You wait... Space Sword?” Sokka blinked twice, setting her down to look at her back. “I didn’t even notice that. Huh. But look at you! You’re taller!”

“You... noticed me? Not your sword?” Toph questioned.

“Of course I care about you more than my sword! I gave it up once to save your life, remember!?” Sokka grinned. The adults and mare took a second to look at the two.

Sokka and Toph, sitting in a tree...” Spike sang as he lead the others away to the garden.

“Here’syourswordgottagobye!” Toph thrust the sword she had been carrying for the last few months. She then stomped the ground, forming a tent made from earth flaps around her form.

Rainbow Dash picked up her head a second, smiling at the two.

Phoenix had been the one to make sure those two spoke to each other after a long time.

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.

Bonus: Rejected “Discorded” Dan personalities

Attempt #1

“Let me tell you something! The Dan does not like being in armbars! Say uncle!” Dan shouted, lifting his left hand to point at The Doctor.

“What?” The Time Lord raised both eyebrows before he was locked by Dan’s left arm to choke his neck.

“Whatcha gonna do when Danomania goes wild on you!”

Attempt #2

“Oh, that necktie and that suit? Please. Who are you trying to impress honey?” Dan raised his right hand, snapping his fingers repeatedly to make a “Z” in the air while his other hand rested on his hip. “So passe.”

“I made Dan a coltcuddler...” Distant moved a hoof to cover his eyes.

Attempt #3

“La la la la la.... Zzzzzz..... La la la la..... Zzzzzz” Dan passed out on the ground, apparently asleep. The “La la la la” he sang was sorta of a sweet angelic voice. The “zzzzz” sounded like the angry snarls of a demon god.

“I’ve come across many curious and horrifying things in my life, but I still find that disturbing on so many levels...” Snape raised his left arm up to shield himself.

Attempt #4

“I’ve come to chew gum and kick ass... And I’m all out of gum,” Dan said in a deep voice. Each one of his hands moved to his shirt to pull it off over his head to expose his pale and clammy skin. He then put on a pair of shades and took out his grenade launcher. “Hail to the King!”

“Danny?” Pinkie Pie raised both of her eyebrows.

“Anybody mind if... I take off my pants?” The small human raised his eyebrows up and down suggestively. Fluttershy immediately shut her eyes to wince at the thought, while Rarity summoned her couch to faint on it. Pinkie Pie blushed, moving her hooves to cover her mouth and giggle.

Attempt #5

“I say, good sir, do you have any Grey Poupon?” Dan raised his left hand to place a monacle over his left eye. “Or perhaps some tea and spotted dick?”

“Actually, I’m kinda hungry. Could go for some spotted dick,” Nathan rubbed his stomach. Only too late did he realize his mistake as almost everyone but Rarity and Pinkie Pie felt revulsion in their own stomachs.

“I’d... I’d like to watch please,” Rarity admitted.

Author's Note:

I'm not dead yet!

I decided to not censor swearing, but its not like I am going to have them all swear their heads off.

Still re-cooperating, but at least I got both arms and I got a junky pc to work with.

Here's hoping I can still deliver.

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