• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,561 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Chapter 82- Teachers

Pinkie Pie picked her head out of her second story window. Her window. Not from the Cake’s Sugarcube Corners, but her own house. But at this moment, how she wished it wasn’t. This big two story house that had lots of room seemed so empty. Only Gummy here to keep her company. At the moment, her face was turned to look at the Everfree Forest, with her chin resting on the window sill. The pink mare peeked back into her room, wondering when she could see Dan again. It all hinged on this concert, but there was nothing to be done till then. According to Twilight, the ponies with human partners had to lay low until things cleared up.

So here she was, feeling lonely in this strange house that had only been hers for five nights. A bright idea popped into her head. Both eyes begun to shine as they opened wide. A big grin spread on her face as she ran down stairs. She spotted the couch Dan claimed as his own. Pinkie hopped into the couch and dug her face into the cushions. Miss Smartypants, Dan’s and Twilight’s doll. But it carried Dan’s scent, one she had fallen asleep with as of late.

“What angry thing are you up to, Danny Wanny?” Pinkie whispered.


“Stop!” Dan shouted, jumping to the side. While small and hard to hit, his agility was horrible unless he focused properly. Blast after blast from the hands of Asura, however, kept Dan from thinking properly. How could you think when a deity of anger decided you needed to dodge?

“Yes! Use your small stature to your advantage!” Asura shouted, a big grin on his face. Large white teeth moved up and down as he laughed. “Bend your waist as you move! It makes you a smaller target!”

“Don’t tell me how to fight! You’re lucky there’s no music playing!” Dan jumped up to dodge a blast that took the ground under his feet.

“Stop using crutches!” Asura shouted. He jumped into the air and then drove his right leg out to dive kick towards Dan. The human managed to roll after landing, letting the demigod land on the ground to crack it a bit. “They are just excuses! Channel your rage! Make it yours! What makes you angry?!”

“At the moment, some stupid looking topless man trying to touch me!” The King of Hearts mark glowed again, but Dan knew it was useless. Any blast from his hand did nothing against Asura.

“Getting called tiny? Defending your friend’s honor when they are insulted? Seeing injustice?” Asura stopped moving, standing straight to cross both arms on his chest. “They are all one and the same!” Asura spread both of his feet apart a moment, sucking air through his mouth. He took an Iron Horse stance, setting both hands on his waist as his knees bent. “Human, I give you one last chance. One last attack. Channel all of your anger and attack me.”

“Are you insane?!” Dan shouted, raising both arms over his head to stare at Asura with both eyes bugged out. “For what? Kill you? Try to make a get away? You don’t even blink!”

“One last free hit before I decide to kill you,” Asura grinned. “You amuse me, human. In all my years, I have seen no one else channel anger.” He then lost his smile to narrow both eyes. “They say though, warriors can speak through their fists. Hit me, so I may know you.”

The Element of Anger closed both eyes a little, moving to stand straight. Was this guy on drugs? “What?”

“Hit me. If you posses an anger that is worthy, I shall spare you.”

“What the hell does that mean?!”

“I will not allow a human that can channel mantra like you loose on my world. You will bring ruination and destruction if it is not worthy. Show me then, if you can be my disciple...”

“Like I need you for a teacher!” Dan shouted, lifting his left arm up. One shot, and he better make it count. There was no where to run on this stupid arena on a mountain top. The tiny man gritted his teeth, bearing all of his contempt at the red cyborg man. Asura dug both feet into the ground, also bearing his teeth. “Anywhere I want? One free shot? Don’t regret it now!”

“Come at me, then! Do you worst!” Asura commanded.

“This hand of mine-” Dan stopped there, narrowing his eyes. Nope. Not good enough. He was going to rush the boulder man and drive his hand into his face, but that did squat last time. This time, Dan walked slowly up to Asura, lifting his left hand up as the King of Hearts glowed. “Because I have to get back. Because Pinkie needs me, because those stupid rag tag humans I lead need me. Because I don't have to be judged by you! Because I have nothing to prove!” Dan begun to run now, ducking his head and upper body down low to close the distance.

“That’s it! Come at me!” Asura shouted, moving both arms out to his sides, as if to hug and embrace his new student.

“THIS HAND OF MINE GLOWS WITH AN AWESOME POWER! ITS LOUD ROAR TELLS ME TO DEFEAT YOU!” Dan shouted, moving his right hand to grab his left wrist. The light around the left hand begun to glow, getting brighter and brighter. “BECAUSE I REFUSE TO LET HER CRY! TAKE THIS! MY LOVE! MY ANGER! AND ALL MY SORROW!”

Asura wondering just how much emotion Dan was gathering for this strike. No matter. Dan hopped into the air, just a few feet to bring his left hand towards his face. “DO IT!”


“What?!” Asura shouted, both eyebrows raising in confusion. That had come from behind him! The Dan in front of himself had vanished, as if the after image technique had been used. Turning his head back, Asura looked down to see Dan had both of his hands together, in a prayer position.

Pointed at his ass.

“ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH!” Dan shouted, driving his fingers upward.


Asura’s anus clenched in pain, for an awesome power just exploded inside him and burned him a new one. The demi-god moved both hands to his ass, thrown a few feet into the air after the sensation hit him. He landed a few feet from the edge of the arena, wobbling a bit as it was hard to stand. He was going to kill that little human!

"This is, SPARTA!" Dan yelled, moving to stand up and kick Asura off the mountain. Asura tittered over the edge, falling headfirst towards the ground.

“It looks... my ass... I have a... sweet merciful buddha, the pain... a new student...”


“Twilight! Breakfast!”

“Wha?” Twilight picked up her head, eyes swollen a bit from the book she had been sleeping on. All of last night, the unicorn had spent reading up on all of the champions. Even those from Baltimare. If there was any chance to redeem them all, it was in the book the (10th) Doctor had given her. So far though, not a single one of them lead a comfortable or gentle life.

“Breakfast! You got a lot of work to do!” Spike called out from the first floor.

“Breakfast. Right,” Twilight sighed as she moved out of bed. “Coming!” Twilight responded, going to comb her mane. Her late night reading gave her nothing though, the best plan was still let Shining Shores do her thing and hope for the best. Poor Otacon though. He had not had enough time to mourn for his sister, all because of this war. And her fault for not casting the spell right. Though it had been Discord’s fault. Still, she wondered if there was anything she could do for the poor engineer.

“Otacon, I will make this right.”


“So then, do you understand how your Nano-tech works?” Adam asked. The facial faced fellow was wearing a black shirt and trench coat, hiding his prosthetics from view. A pair of metal appendages under each eye made a pair of sunglass lens pop up over them. His black hair was combed back, revealing a red emblem on the left side of his forehead.

“Sorta...” Otacon responded, though his voice a bit shaky. Revealing the Science’s Edge on the back of his hand, Otacon made the brand glow. His normal white coat was replaced with a black one, while his green shirt and other clothes had changed color to black as well. Now sporting boots, Otacon’s brown hair was combed over the top of a helmet appearing over his face.

“Just remember, you have no prosthetics like I do, so all of your tech only augments your powers so much,” Adam reminded him. “But that’s not what’s worrying you, isn’t it?”

“No...” Otacon nodded. They both took off, running across the rooftop to hop and land on the next building. “It’s about what you said before.”

“About you guys not being the first humans in Equestria?” Adam chuckled, using his tech to slow down his descent to land.

“Exactly. Are you telling me we will forget everything once we get back home? If we get back home?” Otacon picked himself up, trying to get used to his new armor instead of using hover. After all, it was important to know what his limits were.

“I was the original Element of Science. Back then, Star Swirl summoned us to test the spell,” Adam picked himself to stand straight, looking down at Sarif Industries. “This was back when I was under the operation that kept me from dying.”

“So a state between life and death...” Otacon moved, lifting his arms to test the weight. Odd. The others had gotten power ups or weapons, while he had an entire body upgrade. Of sorts.

“But other than that, can't tell you much. Only until you told me your story could I remember a bit from my own time there.”

“Who else was with you?”

“Some ninja called Bang. A goofy guy in blue... Captain Democracy or something. It’s hazy. Must be the implants in my head,” Adam shrugged. “But from the looks of things- Equestria also forgot about us.”

“They mentioned Equestria had defender before, but they never said who,” Otacon nodded. Did that mean Twilight would one day forget about him?

“On to the next lesson then. Hand to hand combat using tech,” Adam turned to look at Otacon’s face. “You can't worry about that now. It's in our nature to want to rise above our limits. Think about it. We were cold, so we harnessed fire. We were weak, so we invented tools. Every time we met an obstacle, we used creativity and ingenuity to overcome it. The cycle is inevitable... But will the outcome always be good? I guess that will depend on how we approach it.”

“Are you saying one day, science will let us reach Equestria on our own?”

“Just look at us. Do you think humanity could do the things ponies could consider as magic?” Adam grinned, lifting his arms up to take a fighting pose. “Now, you don’t know any martial art, so the fastest and best technique I can teach you is-”

“Comando Savate?” Otacon perked both eyebrows up in hope.

“No, slap combat. Now remember, it is demoralizing to repeat the phrase ‘Who’s your daddy?’ in mid-slap.”


Rainbow Dash landed on a cloud, looking down on the construction crew working on Shore’s stage. In less than ten seconds, the cyan pegasus cleared the sky. The weather patrol would make sure no clouds would get in the way of their favorite singer, so that was good. All that was left down was to wait for lunch time.

“I wonder how Gilda got a champion,” She idly turned to look back at Everfree. Did she even get his name? It didn’t matter now. This cloud told her to take a nap.

Rainbow smiled, confident it would all work out. They had Hope back on their side, after all. She turned to look over at the Everfree forest, knowing that nothing would happen to them. Today was a new day, and she made a promise to never do something so stupid that would place a pony’s life in trouble again. The pegasus relaxed in the fluffy cloud, shutting each eye closed to drift off. In her dream, she was cooking breakfast, on a stove on the ground. Had to be on the ground, so Phoenix could walk normally. He was reading the paper, dressed in his blue suit.

Trucy Wright would be playing with Scootaloo, running along the house as she would get upset and yell at them. Soon enough, she would kiss Trucy on her head, sending her off to school with her number one fan. Phoenix would then give her a kiss on her head and lead off to some law office, while she would fly to the Wonderbolts camp.

Everything would be so perfect. She just knew it.


“So, what do you think of your new clothes?” Captain America asked.

“I, uh...” Phoenix raised his left hand behind his head to sigh. “Is this really necessary?”

“You’re the one that needed a disguise so Wesker doesn’t recognize you,” Captain America replied. “Besides, when you activate the level two of your Brand, it won’t matter.”

“About that... You were really the first Element of Hope?” Phoenix asked, walking to sit down on a bench.

“I was frozen in an ice block for 40 years,” Steve shrugged. “I thought it was all just some ice induced dream until you told me what was going on.”

“So it’s true then. I will forget about Rainbow Dash for good,” Phoenix moved to rest both elbows on his thighs.

“With great power comes great responsibility. But Spider-man needed to add that a great power also comes at a price.” Captain America moved to sit down next to Phoenix. “And all heroes, super or not, must make the hard choices.”

“But do I tell them that?”

“That’s up to you, isn’t it? But remember, Phoenix- Hope must be kept alive. You need to decide how to ensure that.”

“Let’s get back to training,” Captain America chuckled. “Show them that your objection is mightier than a sword.”

“Hey Pheeny!”

“Oh crap, it’s Deadpool...” Phoenix opened his eyes wide. “Hide... Captain?”

"Come on guys! Let's dance!"

“When in Rome,” Captain America grinned to walk behind Deadpool.


Rarity worked furiously, wearing a pair of eyeglasses behind her sewing machine. Both hooves pushed a white fabric through, trying to make dresses for Shore and her backup dancers. Sweetie Belle rushed back and forth, helping her sister by getting gems sorted to compare on the suits already made.

“Do you think...” Sweetie started to say, “That being an orphan makes it ok to kill ponies?”

Rarity immediately stopped in her tracks, lifting her head up quickly. “Sweetie Belle! Not for one moment think like that!”

“But Nathan-”

“Nathan is a human, and he was lead a life where in was in self-defense...“ Rarity sighed, wondering when she would have this talk with her sister. “Ponies do things, but you’ve seen how Nate is a good and polite, considerate human. He does not consider himself a murderer, so how can we?”

“But-” Sweetie Belle turned to look at Nathan’s old journal, now resting on a counter. “I think he’s a good pony, but will he kill a pony if it’s in self-defense too?”

“Sweetie Belle...” Rarity moved off from her seat and walked over to her little sister. “Why are you thinking like that?”

“I can’t help it. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon...”

“Oh those two. I am going to talk with their parents,” Rarity mumbled under her breath. “Listen Sweetie. Nathan is the Element of Equality. Twilight herself called him here. Do you trust Twilight and myself?”

“Well, yes...” The little unicorn moved her hooves up to hug her older sis.

“Then believe in Nathan and the others. We couldn’t have picked any better champions. Right now, all of the humans are in Everfree, building a plan to help Equestria.”


“I dig giant robots!” Nathan called out, driving the Gurren Lagann's chest robot. He laughed a bit, a spiral mark going through his eyes. He drove the mecha forward, using the drill arms to pierce the armor of a beastman’s robot.

“Yeah! You show them, bro!” Kamina shouted, riding on the top of Gurren’s helmet next to Simon.

“I gotta admit, I never expected Nate to be able to handle the Gurren so well,” Simon commented. “I can synch with him almost as good with you, bro.”

“Our spirit burns together! Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!” Kamina shouted, watching the beastman go down. “That’s another gunmen for our side!”

“Hey guys, let’s get drunk tonight!” Nate called out.

“Hell yeah!”

“Don’t forget about us! We aren’t going to let you guys win!” Kittan shouted out loud from his Star gunmen.

“Bros stick together,” Nate said in a low voice, leaning back to relax from the fight. “Travis, Rarity. I’m only getting started.” He looked down at the Burning Spirit, seeing it glow in a yellow light. Kamina lowered his head a bit, wondering if he would ever get a chance to go to this ‘Equestria’ place.

“Hey. You will see your bro again.”

“How about you?” Nate asked, opening the inner communication monitor to look at Simon and Kamina. “Aren’t you gonna ask your girl out?” He teased with a cheeky grin.

“Bah!” Kamina grossed both arms to turn his back on Nate. “Men deal with one thing at a time!”

“Be a man, Kamina! Believe in the you that believes in me that believes in you,” Nathan grinned, moving both hands to drive the robot forward.

“Never thought I hear those lines used on you, bro,” Simon chuckled.

“Cheeky little bastard. Get a girl first before you talk to me.”


Fluttershy moved from her chicken pen, collecting a few eggs in a basket. She held the basket in her mouth, humming a low tune to herself. Soon enough, Soma would come back. It would only be a day now. She would have to make sure things were ready. The pegasus made sure all of her animal friends were fed so she could continue. Soon enough, she could bake her beloved a pie. And then, the much needed snuggles.

She walked over to her shopping list, getting a feather from her wings to start writing. Scented candles, rope, condoms, energy foods, a copy of the Pony Sutra, erotic games, energy drinks...

Oh, Fluttershy just had to make up for lost time. She giggled, hugging the list to her chest. Oh, this was going to be the best night. They would only have one night before the wargames, she she was going to wreck him.

Maybe even break him so he couldn't participate in the wargames. They were so many humans after all.


“You ok, Soma?” Ichigo Kurosaki asked.

“I’m... Not sure,” Soma said, having involuntarily shivered there a second. Both of the teens were walking through the streets of Soul Society, although it looked weird that Soma walked alongside the red head. To many of the other soul reapers they passed, it looked like the soul hunter was a Quincy. Ichigo was dressed in his black shinigami robes, doing his rounds as a substitute soul reaper.

“Look, I’m not sure how much I can teach you. I’m still learning this stuff myself,” Ichigo started to say. While Soma did have a strong spirit power, it made them all nervous. They could feel a dark taint inside the young man. Ichigo took a high jump into the air, leading Soma away. Not to be outdone, the soul hunter took to the air, using a soul to help him keep up with his so called teacher.

“Looks like we finally found a place where we can talk,” Ichigo said as he landed on a building top.

“I noticed the others giving me looks,” Soma sighed. “Just like growing up.”

“Tell me about it,” Ichigo moved a hand to rub the back of his head. “I got looks because I could talk to ghosts. Look, don’t let others get to you. They mean well, they just need to accept things.”

“Speaking of Acceptance,” Soma looked down at his own Brand. The entire time Soma arrived here, the skull had not stopped glowing.

“Yeah, it freaked me out. It’s just like my own badge. So thanks to that um... Mark-”

“Brand. Yeah. I can use more than one soul at once, and I can equip more than four at a time. Being filled with so much power normally makes me nervous...” Soma raised his head, turning to look at the teen. “Normally, this much power tempts me to turn into Dracula. But now? Nothing. I feel completely in control.”

“I’m not sure. It could be because this is Soul Society. Let’s hurry and get you to reach your Bankai.”

“Bankai? You sure I can?”

“Coming from a guy that can talk about souls like its an everyday thing,” Ichigo sighed. “Look. Just sit down. Reach into your inner voice, and find the soul of your zanpakuto. Once you can talk to that spirit, you should be able to reach the next step.” He sat down, indicating for the soul hunter to do the same.

“So... I should meditate?” Soma asked. Receiving only a nod, Soma sat down on the ground in a lotus position.

“I’m not sure how spirit sensitive you are, so I’m not sure how long this will take. Just shut your eyes, and focus. Listen and feel, but don't force it.”

“Here I go...”



“Huh?” Soma looked around himself, inside the halls of the castle of Dracula once more. “A voice?”


“Who’s there?!” He shouted, retrieving the Death Scythe.

“Soma, down here, you big dummy!”

“Who?” Soma looked down, not expecting to see this person. “Kuki?” Number Three, of the Kids Next Door, save she was wearing a black robe.

“Of course, you silly!” Kuki smiled. “Who were you expecting? Dracula?”

“I wasn’t sure...” Soma shrugged. “Why are you my inner voice?”

“Your Zanpakuto!” Kuki smiled, eyes closed to point at the weapon. “It’s the one you use the most, so it’s attuned to you as your weapon.”

“Shouldn’t I be seeing Death then?” Soma asked, lowering the scythe.

“Silly! I was the Grim Reaper for a while!”

“Really?!” Soma raised both his eyebrows in shock. “How? Why?”

“It’s a long story. But I am Death. You were the silly one that used my soul to make this scythe! When you did that, the Death you know and love is reduced to this!” Kuki moved her arms up and down over herself.

“Seriously? I guess that makes some sense...” Soma bent down, looking at her. “So, now what?”

“We find out what your bankai is, silly!”

“I’m.... not sure how I should feel about this.”

“It’ll be fine!”


Applejack and Applebloom were busy getting the farm animals and tools out of the way. With the huge turnout they expected, they had to make room for everypony. Big Mac however, was getting ready to join Shore and her backup dancers.

They were going to bring back the Navigator.

“Say, sis...” Applebloom started to say.

“If ya were gonna talk about-” Applejack frowned, staring down at her sister.

“I wanted to see if Miss Twilight could use a spell to make our manes grow back.” Applebloom frowned.

“Oh... Lil sis,” Applejack sighed, moving a hoof out to hug her sister close.

“Are ya really that upset about Dovahkiin?”

“Nah. More upset at me. Ah never gave him a chance to explain,” Applejack smiled a little.

“I know. He lost his farm and all. That’s so sad,” Applebloom lowered her ears down at her sides. “And nopony helped him out. How can humans be like that?”

“Were not so different. Ah judged him unfairly,” AJ moved to stand up, turning to look over their fields.

“Are you going to ask him to stay again?”

“If he’ll have us. He’s working for us, just like he worked for Skyrim. We only paid him once, and he’s putting his life on the line...” The cowpony turned to look at the stage. Almost done now, thanks to the Diamond Dogs. Who knew they were so talented? “He didn’t deserved to be treated with mah anger.” She lowered her head and shut both eyes. “Ah treated him just like Zecora. Ah guess I’m the bigot.”

“Can’t you just say sorry?”

“It may not be enough. But he deserves more chances than Ah do. That, and more.”


“Come, Dovahkiin!” Bang Shishigami shouted, a grin on his face as he stood on a treetop.

“This Nox Nyctores is a troublesome weapon,” Dovahkiin said. In his hands, he held a giant nail.

“The Phoenix: Rettenjo is a 55 inch nail!” Bang shouted, crossing both arms on his chest. Unknown to Bang though, the Rettenjo also had the power to break other weapons. “Only a being of justice can wield it’s awesome power!”

“Hmph!” Dovahkiin had to set the nail down, wondering what he was doing wrong. According to the ninja, this weapon needed attunement. He looked down at his Scars of Passion Brand, wondering if the nails were a clue. “Phoenix. Dan. Nathan. You can channel. So can I!”

“What are you doing?” Bang asked, lifting his eyebrows as Dovahkiin took off his right glove. The Brand begun to glow, surrounding the dragon slayer in a green glow.

“This is my first time using this, so I’m not sure,” Dovahkiin shouted. “But-” He stopped there, feeling something building inside him. It felt like he was absorbing a dragon soul now. A large red scarf begun to gather around his neck, and flow behind his form like a flag.

“Dovahkiin? Is this possible?!” Bang lowered his hands to the sides. Could it be?

“To rid this world of evil... I will become... The Thief of Resolve!” Dovahkiin jumped straight into the air as fires burned in his eyes. An X-shaped scar appeared over his eyes as he floated in the sky. Each arm tensed his muscles at the sides.

“Shishigami Ninpo!” Bang shouted, hearing music building.

“Quicker than the wind and as still as the forest! Hotter than flames and MORE MAGNIFICENT THAN A MOUNTAIN!” Dovahkiin shouted to point his head to the sky.

“No, Dovahkiin!” Bang shouted. “Not on your first try!”



Princess Luna looked up to look at the clock. Only a few more hours til noon. But now, a more pressing concern to fill her first.

Snape, Princess Celestia, Prince Blueblood, herself, and Distant Star gathered around the statue of Discord.

“Are you ready? All together, use your magic on me. This time, I will regain my trapped power,” Distant said.

“One, two, three...”

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.


“I have forged my most powerful weapon ever,” Dovahkiin stated, wiping the sweat from his brow.

“Really? How powerful is it?” Soma asked, looking down at the weapon. He could feel it’s awesome power.

“This weapon is made from gold, but not just any gold! Gold mined the planet of Melchior 7! Where the trees are 300 feet tall and breath fire! From these ores, this weapon was was forged using ancient blood rituals of Skyrim, long ago forgotten! Not only does it makes this weapon nigh indestructible, but it can bend the fabric of the universe itself!”

“Woah,” Nate said. “I can feel it’s power!”

“I made this, for you, Dan. I can never make another like it again.”

Dan reached forth for his new weapon, lifting it over his head. “I have the POWER!”

Author's Note:

Finally. Sorry I took so long, but I am feeling better.

The First Defenders have been revealed, the first Elements of Bromance. Obviously, not all of them reached the point where there were taken yet.

Been also working a new story, Humans Assemble: Equestrian Boys. Give it a read, won't you?


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