• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Back to the Present

Chapter 56- Back to the Present.

“Well... It looks like team Appleloosa finally got to their city,” Dan said to lower his octo-phone. The morning check in went well, and Dan was relieved. With each moment, the teams moved further and further apart from each other- The better chances are that they would be out of signal range. Pinkie Pie tilted her head to the side, a bit confused by the small angry one’s mood. She said nothing though, finally glad she got to spend a night with Dan in a bed for once. Maybe she was rubbing off on him.

Dan was not the only one in a good mood. Fluttershy was next to Soma, sitting on her haunches to grab Soma by his right arm in her hooves. Poor Soma, he hadn't slept much, fearing for more kissing. And Dear Lord Dracula, he actually enjoyed those soft lips of her. He was more scared that he was going to let years of self repressed hormones unleash on poor Fluttershy. He took a second to look out the window to distract himself. Yep, more green and countryside views. Least the day looked nice. He was tired of being cooped up in a train for so long.

Rarity had a smile on her face, though it was more from Fluttershy’s success than her night with Nate. Unlike the other two couples, they moved to sleep in separate bunks. It was just not ladylike to sleep with Nathan until they had a date. She regretted the decision. Just looking at how happy Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy got her feeling left out.

“Well, nothing new to report,” Nate said to look up from the new journal he started. Only thing added was that Team Appleloosa made it a okay. For once, that was a good sign. Even Team Espionage had a hitch. “Team Ponyville is back to their chores, and Team Espionage is just waiting for a changeling to pick up the letter. But I think it's high time we came up with our own plan though.” So far though, he was all business. He was glad he got a bunk all to himself though. Though beds were wide enough, just not long enough for his tastes. Sleeping in fetal position was awkward.

“I suppose you’re right,” Dan said to place both his hands behind his head to lean back in the booth seat and look out the window. According to the map Trixie had gone through, they passed the mountain tunnels last night. Now, they just made it past the river of the Bull Mountain. Since Baltimare was further away from Ponyville than Appleloosa was- They would most likely make it to their destination by that evening. “Anyone know anything about Baltimare?”

“Well, its a popular town... Though for different reasons. While not at the height of fashion or cultural arts compared to others- It is one of the more hub locations of shipping and merchants of Equestria.” Rarity said as she moved a comb with her magic through her hair. “Its one of the few cities that had a river running through it, making it popular to ship things inside the country.”

“Wow Rarity, I’m impressed. I didn’t think a beautiful designer like yourself would know about shipping and exports so much,” Nate said with his eyebrows raised.

“Well, I am a fashion designer. While Baltimare may not be in one of my top cities for fashion advice, shipping and exporting things is. The more luxurious fabrics like silk have to be shipped in,” The white unicorn said to blush. Yet another compliment for her mind than her looks. Dear Nathan could see beyond her beautiful outer self and into her inner one. “Because of the gulf, it has many lovely beaches and resorts.”

“Oh yes, Rarity is right,” Fluttershy said to lift her head up. “Baltimare is also one of the few cities that offers to transport exotic animals and also one of the few cities that ships fish.”

“Fish is that important?” Soma asked, glad to have something new to talk about. Now that he thought about it, did ponies even fish?

“Well, Ponyville is near a river. But a lot of times fish like salmon have their own migrating seasons, so fishing can be scarce.. A lot of the animals I care for only eat fish, so sometimes I have to have fish delivered for all the little critters I look after,” Fluttershy said with a smile. She was so glad future Mr. Fluttershy was taking interest in their future business together. Dan took note of how the two were getting along, hopefully Soma could get his Brand soon. They all turned to look at Pinkie.

“What?” The pink earth pony looked around. “Did I forget to wipe the frosting from off my mouth again?”

“Actually yes, but don’t you have something to add dear?” Rarity asked. “We are used to your eating habits.” Dan decided not to nod. Yet another thing to talk to Pinkie about once they were not traveling together.

“You know, I do know a few things about Baltimare,” Pinkie Pie said after she wiped her mouth clean. “Because its in a gulf, Princess Celestia thought it was the perfect place to set the Maritime Sea School. Its the only place in Equestria you can get to join the navy or a license to be a captain for a large yacht boats...”

“Wait, you guys have a navy?” Nate asked. Sure he knew there were boats, but a navy? “And why do you know this?”

“Oh well that’s easy! Dan asked me where I could find explosives!” Pinkie answered with a sing song voice. The humans turned to look at Dan, Nate with his eyes closed and Soma with a sweatdrop. “So of course I would look up that info. Also, its a popular city for welcoming! I always wanted to go there to learn new customs, celebrations, and ways to say hello and welcome others!”

“That makes sense. Only one train travels through Southern Equestria, so that makes Baltimare the southernmost city that has a port to travel to,” Dan said to think back. “Any events going on?”

“Not that I can think of! Trust me, if there’s a reason to throw a party- I would know about it,” Pinkie said to smile.

“Actually, while its not really a big event or anything...” Fluttershy started to say. “But I’m not sure if I should say.”

“If you think its important or can help us, you should share it,” Soma said to look down at his partner.

“Well, I got a letter from my former talent manager...”

“You mean Photo Finish?” Rarity asked, her eyebrows raised. “She is one of Equestria’s top model manager and finders! Fluttershy herself was scouted by her and for a short while was Equestria’s most desired model...”

“Really?” Soma asked. He was surprised, but more by Fluttershy’s anger than her shyness. He was one of the few that witnessed it first hand. Knowing paparazzi, one of them was bound to trigger her anger.

“Oh, it was a while back. I couldn’t take a few steps without a pony-” Fluttershy stopped talking as she noticed the looks from Rarity and Soma. She knew Rarity was a bit sore from that incident, and thought Soma was getting jealous. Soma of course, was giving her weird looks because he remember what she did to that manticore.

“Back to the matter of hand?” Dan asked. “Enough talking and get to the point!”

“I’m sorry!” Fluttershy said, moving to hide behind Soma’s arm at Dan’s outburst. “I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

“The letter already, you butter yellow flightless horse!” Dan shouted out, his good mood gone.

“Hey Dan, give her a chance,” Soma said to move up and block Dan from Fluttershy. Though the soul hunter was doing it more to spare Dan from getting his partner angry. Though Angry Dan vs. Angry Fluttershy would be awesome to see...

“Yeah Dan! Stop being a meany!” Pinkie Pie said to hug Dan around his neck. Dan started to turn red, the feeling that the world was against him was building again.

“You were saying about this Finish?” Nate asked, trying to get things going. He did not want to sit the rest of the train ride with an angry Dan on his case.

“I’m sorry.... Finish sent me a letter, inviting me to the debut party of her newest model,” Fluttershy said to peek out behind Soma. “She didn’t mention who it was though.”

“A debut party?! I hate those!”

Everyone turned to look at Pinkie Pie, more surprised it was her saying that instead of Dan. Dan was also shocked.

“What?! Those parties are so high class and boooooooooooooooring! Nothing but photos, small portions of food, music you can’t dance to, and no games at all!” Pinkie Pie said. Dan smiled, rubbing his hands together a bit. Looks like he was rubbing off on the Element of Laughter. “And don’t get me started on the chatter those fancy posh ponies can get into....”

“Do you think its a good lead though?” Nate asked, moving to cross both arms over on his chest.

“Well, Photo Finish has lots of contacts. And a lot of the parties she throws often brings celebrities and business opportunities,” Rarity said to look up at Nate.

“So its decided. Señor Vampiro, you and Alwayscry check out the party. New Chris, White Marshmallow, Pinks, and I will check out the Sea School. Sounds like a good place the Changelings may hit.”

“New Chris?” Nate asked, lifting his eyebrows. “Oh, codenames?” The others started to frown, then raised their eyebrows at the code comment. Made sense, and why not?

“Yeah... Code names...” Dan added slowly to look left and right.


Solid Snake walked out of the tunnels, lifting his head to look at the sky. Another bright day, even with some of the shadows casted by mountain tops. The breeze was light, making the ends of his headband sway lightly over his left shoulder. Trixie marched out to stand next to him. Her eyes had to blink a few times, trying to get used to the bight light of the sun once again.

“Looks like Junebug and Merchant are okay,” Snake noted. Thanks to his bandana, there was a slight shadow casted over his eyes so he could see better. Since Merchant was only needed as an extra, and there was no more danger from the Diamond Dogs- The businessman was going to head back to Ponyville and get back to making Bits and supplies. Snake then reached into his inventory to pull out his camera. “No sign of any other creatures- Changelings or otherwise.”

“Well, nothing to report either. The morning check in had nothing new. Team Appleloosa arrived at least,” Trixie said to open her eyes. Amazing how the humans carried out orders with no complaints. She already had a page full of them, but she kept them to herself. If the humans could do it, then so could she. Nothing to do until the Changeling came back to collect Otacon’s letter. Then the Diamond Dogs and the humans would go back to Ponyville. “David?”

“What is it?” Snake lowered his camera to face her. Least the urge to hit her was gone now. Maybe he just needed a day to get used to her.

“What will happen to us once you humans are gone?”

“Gone? What do you mean?” Snake asked. His left eye closed a little, confused.

“Trixie- I mean... I- I mean the Ponyville ponies and humans,” Trixie quickly corrected herself. “We are caught up in a battle, but as soon are you are done, you get to go back home. You will all go back to your homes and old life. Will you remember us?”

“I was wondering that myself,” Snake said to move back and lean against the cool stone mountain back. “Why are you asking?”

“Well, everyone else will be going back to their old lives. I- I don't want my old life back,” Trixie said to lower her head. “All the others have homes and jobs. I had to work in a rock farm for money, with no steady home. The only reason I’m fighting with everypony is because I owe you and Otacon my life.”

“You are not from Ponyville, correct?” Snake asked to cross on his chest. This often happened in wars though. Soldiers would go in, make friends, but when the conflict was over leave those devastated by the war behind and never see them again. Since ponies never had wars, scars would be made and left behind.

“No. While having a stage show would be nice- Being around others made me realize being alone isn’t so great. Do you think-” Trixie stopped there, turning her head to the side.


“Do you think we could visit your world?” Trixie asked. It was worth asking.

“I....” Snake stopped, lifting his eyebrows. That was a good question. “I don’t see why not. We got pulled here, and we are going to get sent back. What’s to say,” Snake stopped to look back at her red cheeks. Was she asking to go back with him?!

“I see...” Trixie said to smile a little. She said nothing and lifted her head, looking over at the scenery now that her eyes were better. It was a beautiful valley panorama, with the sun touching greens and white. Snake said nothing, waiting to see if Trixie asked anything.

She didn’t.


“Okay, so far, so good,” Sokka said to smile at his team. Applejack and Dovahkiin woke up early to feed the animals and pets of the others. Fluttershy had to be happy to know that. They were all gathered at the park, on a bench to look down at a map of Ponyville made by one of the map makers. So far, it was going to be more of the same.

“So, what’s up boss?” Ash asked to look up at Sokka. While the adults were on the bench, all of the kids were sitting down on the grass. They were all kinda shocked when they found out the teen was the leader of the scary men.

“Alright, more of the same. According to Jack, more supplies will be sent today. Finish what you can Dovahkiin,” Sokka said to smile. The dragonborn nodded. “Applejack, I want you to keep working on food things. If you have the time, help Derpy with the children.” Applejack nodded, turning to narrow at her sister. Applebloom smiled and gulped a bit. She was the one to blow up the Rich’s kitchen.

“So, we can do what we want?” Nigel asked, standing up to talk with his troop.

“Yeah, I guess...” Ash said. While the Mayor would be busy with the hospital, he would be the only one to help supervise the kids.

“What if we want to help?” Number Three asked. Poor Rumble was being hugged to her chest.

“Well, the hospital is being built. Thanks to most of Ponyville residents helping out, they’ve made lots of progress. But some more help couldn’t hurt,” Mayor Mare said to smile. It may do the town good to see human children so capable. “And while its not a major concern, many of the town ponies that left have pets that needed to be checked on now and again.”

“Alright then. Number 2 and 4- You can help with the hospital. Number 3, you can help with the animals. I will help Sokka, and Number 5 will assist with cooking,” Number One said. The KND nodded and stood up. The fillies and colts stood up, glad to doing something other than just sit.

“Why are you being so helpful? Don’t you want to finish your treehouse?” Derpy asked.

“We are the Kids Next Door! We are dedicated to more than just fighting adult tyranny. Number 3 is a volunteer Candy Striper as an example,” Nigel said with pride with the kids under his command. Rumble perked up his eyebrows, surprised by that set of news. Please, let that mean no more tea parties!

“Derpy, leave the colts and fillies without partners here. Watch over them until the next teacher for the day comes. I think Carrot Top will teach them gardening today,” Sokka said to look at the young ones. Derpy smiled as well. “I’m going back to the forest to collect more ingredients with Nigel. All together!”

The adults stood up and moved their hands and hooves in. The children and their partners moved in as well.

“Teeeeeeeeaaaaaam Poooooooooooooonyville!”


Stepping away from the train station, Phoenix Wright smiled under the shadow granted by the hood to look around. This was straight out of a wild west movie! The ground was not paved at all, instead yellow and brown ground that had been stomped out by thousands of feet lay before him. Looking up, he saw bright and colorful banners hanging from walls and signs. As his team moved further into town, smells of various types of foods filled his nostrils. He could smell sweet buns, pies, cornbreads, cotton candy, and... Meat?

Ralf immediately turned his head, turning to look at a stand being run by a minotaur. She- At least Ralf thought it was a she- was almost taller than him. Her fur was the color of a light red, wearing a long yellow apron. She was behind a grill, selling things like fish and other things on a stick.

“Mother of God... Meat!” Ralf finally managed to sound out. Cherilee turned her head, looking up at Ralf. For a moment, she had been lost. This Appleloosa town looked so much rougher than Ponyville. She watched though, as Ralf lead the other humans away and head straight for the grill. She turned to look at Rainbow Dash and the other mares to shrug. Even Phoenix left her side.

“Give me two of everything!” Ralf exclaimed, moving a gloved hand out to slap bits on the counter. Copper, the female minotaur smiled at the large hooded creature and handed Ralf sticks of grilled food. She could careless what the creature was. For a second there, she thought she was going to lose money since lots of the creatures didn’t eat meat. Ralf turned away with his precious and begun to tear through the meat.

“This is going to take a while, isn’t it?” Cherilee asked as she walked over to Ralf and look at the large man eat. Phoenix, Spy, and even Sephiroth had sticks of meat to eat.

“Nix... Did you even ask what kind of meat it is?” Rainbow Dash said to hover over her partner.

“Hmm... What kind of meat is this?” Phoenix turned to look at the vendor.

“Esta carne es de rata,” Copper the Minotaur said to smile.

“I heard ‘carne’. That’s all I need to know,” Ralf said. He didn’t care, he’s eaten rattlesnake before. When you were a soldier, you ate what you need to survive. Zecora frowned, looking at Spy. The Frenchman had understood what the female said, but simply shrugged and continued to eat his fish. He was smart enough to pick fish.

Meanwhile, Vash and Braeburn turned to peek out from the alley they were in. Vash stayed quiet, wondering why the humans were so interested in meat. There was plenty other of foods available.

“You want Ah just go over and talk? Ah know Rainbow Dash,” Braeburn said to look up.

“Really? Go ahead then. We’ll-” Vash stopped talking. “Huh, its the sheriff. Does he know the others?”

“He knows Rainbow Dash too. She and her friends came last time,” Braeburn turned to look over at Silver Star. “If Rainbow Dash if with them, Ah reckon the other humans are ok.”

“Its hard, but I can feel them. They feel more natural than you do Vash,” Toph said to walk out of the alley and head towards the other humans. Vash released a sigh and stood up to follow.

“Welcome back to Appleloosa Miss Dash,” Sheriff Star said to smile as he approached the mares. Zecora turned to look at the Sheriff, blinking once at his mustache. She normally liked them, but since seeing Spy she debated if Spy could grow one.

“Hey Sheriff! The town’s busy huh,” Rainbow Dash said to walk away from the disgusting humans. She was going to make Phoenix brush his teeth several times. “Everypony, this is Sheriff Silver Star! He’s the authority here in Appleloosa.”

“Nice ta meet ya’ll,” Silver Star said to nod to the pretty mares. He then took note of the considerably taller figures in cloaks. “Reckon these the humans Princess Celestia mentioned?”

“So you got the letter?” Phoenix said, setting his meat stick down. And if they knew humans, then he guessed it was okay to lower his hood. “My name’s Phoenix Wright, and I’m the leader of this team. Nice to meet you Sheriff.”

“Woah there! Ya gotta porcupine there on yer head, partner,” Sheriff said to look up at Phoenix’s head.

“That’s just my hair...” The former lawyer shut both eyes to hang his head. Although distant, Vash begun to cry a bit. Another fellow needle noggin. No wonder Vash liked him.

“Really?” Silver Star asked. He shook his head to the sides and then smiled. “So what brings ya by? Going to compete in the Rodeo?”

“I’m afraid things are much more serious than that Sheriff... We need a place to talk,” Phoenix said to look back as his group. He picked up his head though, spotting Vash, Braeburn, Toph, and Little Strongheart walking to them. “Guys, I think we already finished half of our mission.”

“Howdy Everypony!” Braeburn said to walk up Rainbow Dash. He shut both eyes to smile a bit before turning to look at the others. “I’m Braeburn Apple. The tall one is Vash, the little buffalo is Little Strongheart, and the young teen is Toph Bei Fong. Welcome to the Rodeo!” Vash stepped over to move out to shake Phoenix’s hand.

“Were you crying just now?” Phoenix leaned his head in, inspecting Vash’s eyes.

“Umm... We must talk. In private,” Spy said. They were giving out way too much info up in the open. He turned his head to the sides, looking back and forth. As the day continued, more and more ponies and Equestrian residents started to fill the streets.

“That so? Follow me.” Sheriff Star nodded to them all and lead them all to his office.


“Am I the only one that thinks this is all surreal?” Terra asked to look around the long table they were all seated around. For once, Princess Celestia and the others of Team Canterlot were being attended like royalty. Jack blinked once as a pony moved in to take a long white napkin and spread it over his lap. At the same time, another servant pony moved to place a napkin around his neck.

“Umm... Thank you,” Jack asked, trying not to be rude. The other humans and ponies were also being attending to in the same manner. Terra was also feeling awkward, even the royal twins Sabin and Edgar didn’t have this many attendant’s for their guests.

“Any luck with the prisoners?” Celestia asked to try and break the mood.

“No sister, we spent the evening “torturing” some changelings. We left the others still alert overnight to “reflect” on things. With any luck, they will be ready to talk...” Luna said with a smile. Travis chuckled. They had left a single “changeling” body hanging from a noose, leaving only a shadow to be seen by the remaining prisoners.

“Where’s Johnny? I look forward to his antics,” Vergil said to look around. He seemed the only one not bother by the treatment. Prince Armor rolled his eyes to shake his head at his partner. Least he was behaving now.

“Huh... He was not at the morning check in,” Princess Cadence said to look around as well. Everyone else was present... No wait a second. “Where’s Blueblood?”

In the other side of the palace, Johnny Bravo was standing behind Blueblood. Johnny was shaking his hips up and down to dance as a record player has some music playing. In his right hand, he held a comb to run it through his partner’s hair. The blonde human was giving the blonde unicorn a pompadour hairdo.

“Are you sure about this?” Blueblood asked to look at himself in the mirror.

“Aw yeah, you are looking almost as pretty as me, uh huh,” Bravo said to smile and look in the mirror as well. “Trust me, you saw how those girly ponies couldn’t keep them hoofs of theirs off me.” Blueblood nodded, remembering how even Cadence kept looking at the human. In fact, Bravo was only “helping” Blueblood because the unicorn stepped in and took Johnny away from Celestia.

“Well, I did need a new look- Long hair is becoming passe,” Blueblood said to nod.

“Now you just need one more thing...” Johnny said to pull out a spare pair of shades to slip it on Blueblood’s eyes. “Perfect. No hot mamacita will be able to help herself.” Both blondes look into the mirror and smile.

“Do the monkey with me Johnny!”


“Oh man... This is so-” Vash sat down on a chair, looking down at the wooden floor. Not enough chairs in the sheriff’s office, so most of them were sitting inside the jail cells on the beds attached to the walls.

“Unbelievable?” Toph finished, having trouble believing things. And she could bend metal to her will, hung out with the Avatar, and rode flying bison. But this whole story was just too fantastic.

“I had no idea,” Little Strongheart said as she sat down on the floor. “A battle that involves all of Equestria. Would Changelings go after the buffaloes?”

“Reckon so there Little,” Braeburn said. He was looking at the somber and serious faces the others had. Least the mares. It was hard to look at the humans and read their emotions. That Spy feller was a real bandit if he ever saw one. “Sounds like they want all of Equestria.”

“Yeah, but we’re fighting back...” Phoenix said. It had fallen up to him to tell the story of the Battle of Ponyville, the Banishing of Alduin, and the Nathan Event. He didn’t want to go over the messy details.

“Well, this is the worst time to check in on da changelings,” Sheriff Silver Star said to frown. “If ya cast that suppression spell, the whole town will be in an uproar. Not to mention with so many events, it would be impossible to check on them all.”

“I’m pretty sure I can cast the spell- But I’m nowhere near Twilight’s level! At best, I could only get a short range...” Lyra said to frown as well. Twilight Sparkle was sure to teach the unicorn the detection and suppression spell to look for changelings. But there was way too many creatures here.

“How many will be at the corral?” Ralf asked. “I think I got a plan. No offense Phoenix.”

“No, you’re a soldier. Makes sense you got a battle plan. Lay it on us...”

“It will be the main event after lunch. Most of the street fair events will be in morning or evening,” Braeburn said to look around.

“Ok. Vash- you, me, Phoenix, and Sephiroth will join the Rodeo Corral. The rodeo sounds like the best place to catch them. Our partners will be with the spectators,” Ralf looked around at the others to see if they understood. “Toph, Spy, you and your partners will look during the competition and see if we can find changelings while we keep them distracted. We are only after info, not fighting.”

“Yes, zis plan is good. I also suggest we participate in the morning events, as to not arouse suspicions,” Spy said.

“I like this plan. Reminds me of something Sokka would do,” Toph said to nod. A few others of the ponies and humans nodded.

“Wait, did you say Sokka?” Phoenix asked to look down at the blind one.

“You know Sokka? Kinda thin, but really smart and funny?!” Toph almost caused an earthquake as she jumped to her feet.

“Woah! Yeah, I suppose so... From the Southern Water Tribe,” Phoenix said as Rainbow Dash helped him stay on his feet. It would make sense that a blind person would describe someone by personality rather than looks.

“He’s here?!” Toph shouted, looking for Phoenix’s hands. “Tell me where he is!”

“Hold on, hold on,” Phoenix said. He smiled down at the teen. She reminded him so much of Trucy. The former lawyer raised his octo-phone on. “Otacon! This is an emergency transmission!” Everyone went quiet for a second. Even Toph, though she wasn’t sure what was going on. Otacon was not in the list of names mentioned in the introductions.

“Otacon here! What’s wrong Phoenix!”

“It’s not a medical emergency, but we need to see if we can contact Sokka,” Phoenix said to speak into the phone. Vash blinked twice. The humans had communicators?

“Who is that voice?” Toph asked in a low voice. With her enhanced senses, she could hear even the faint voice of this Otacon.

“Hold on. I hope Sokka didn’t turn off his phone, else we have to wait for lunch...”

“Thanks Otacon. We are all safe by the way,” Phoenix said to smile down at Toph.

“What’s going on?” The earthbender tilted her head to the sides. “What’s with the weird sounding voice?” It was making her hesitate.

“Hey Phoenix! This is Sokka! What’s wrong?”

“That’s Sokka! Where is he?!” The earthbender immediately moved to grab Phoenix by his chest and lowered him down to her level. “Sokka! Can you hear me?!”


“Damn, you’re strong!” Phoenix said, trying to keep his balance again. “Give me a second.” He moved a hand to take off his headpiece and place it over Toph’s left ear. “Go ahead.”

“Toph? Toph?! Is that you?!”

“Sokka?! You’re alive!” Toph said after a second. She still held on to Phoenix though, no matter how hard he pulled back. “How is this possible?”

“You’re telling me! I’m so glad to hear your voice.”

Toph begun to cry tears of joy, finally releasing Phoenix to smile. “You better be sorry for what you did!”

“What did I do now?!”

“Thank you so much,” Toph said in a low voice. Team Appleloosa turned to look down as Toph moved to hug Phoenix around his waist and smile. “Thank you thank you thank you...”

“Guys, let’s give them some privacy ...” Rainbow Dash said to walk out of the Sheriff’s office and smile. “We got some events to win.”

Chapter notes: Damnit. Manly tears were shed. Incidentally, Dan has “code names” for those he met so far...

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.


“Umm... Hi. I’m Celestia.” The alicorn filly said, her voice was very soft and low. Celestia picked her head up to look at little Distant.

“Come again?” Distant asked, lifting his left eyebrow. He moved his head closer to her face to listen in better.

“Oh, was I too soft? I’m sorry...” Celestia said to lower her head and look at the ground.

“I’m Distant Star. What’s your name?” Distant said to lower his head to look up at the little filly’s face. Celestia ‘eeped’ and ran over to hide behind a pot. Distant blinked twice, looking around a second. This filly was way too shy.

“I’m sorry if I startled you.... I’m Celestia.”

“Oh! That’s, umm... A nice name?” Distant said, trying to encourage the alicorn. “You wanna play a game?”

“Oh, I love games!” Little Celestia said, picking her head out of the leafy plant. “Although, my parents don't let me play much.”

“Oh, well... What do you want to play?” Distant asked, smiling now that she was being nice. Celestia blushed, hiding behind her pastel rainbow mane a bit to look at him.

“I heard of this wonderful game called “Doctor” from some friends. Come on, you get to be the patient!”

Distant Star gulped.

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