• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Side Story F

Dear Readers: What was I thinking when I wrote this? Run you fools

Side Story F: Equestrian Boys

“So, let me get this straight,” Dan had to take a moment to lift his right hand over his eyes, the left hand moving up to Princess Celestia. “We need to lay low, so you think the best idea is to send us through this-” Dan picked up his head to look back at the alicorn.

“Magic Mirror,” Princess Celestia nodded.

“Right. Magic Mirror,” Dan turned to look over at the giant reflection device. “And into another world?” Gathered behind him, the humans champions started filling the hallway leading to the mirror.

“Yes. It is only for a day, the portal will be open for a few days,” Princess Celestia nodded once more. “By then, the War Games will start, and we should have my citizens no longer upset at you all.”



“No way, Jose.”

“So we went from one dimension, and you’re sending us to another? Is this Inception?”

“This is just...”


The ponies picked up their heads, turning over to look at the humans. While the idea of sending them of to keep them safe, this was a bit too much.

“Alright... Alright. Suggestions?” Phoenix picked up both hands to settle them down. He turned to look over at Princess Celestia. “And are you sure it’s safe?”

“It is. I wouldn’t have suggested it otherwise.”

“Are you saying, that if for any reason- You wouldn’t send a pony by themselves through a magic portal?” Twilight asked.

“Clearly not. If there was a reason I would send an Element of Harmony by themselves through the mirror, I would at least send a guard escort,” Princess Celestia added.

(Yeah, way to go Equestria Girls.)

“Like how you allowed me to get poisoned...” Nate replied with a dry voice.

“That was to save Discord,” Princess Celestia blushed, having the dignity to do so. Still, her eyes went up in alarm. “And you weren’t in danger.”

“How about this,” Otacon picked up his hand to his glasses. “We send a few of us in, see if it’s safe, and then the rest of us go in.” Snake had his left hand up, about to suggest the same thing.

“Good plan, I like it,” Sokka added. “But who do we send?” Derpy flew up a bit, looking down at the crowd. A lot of the faces on the humans and ponies perked up at the idea.

“Hmm... How about the Firsts?” Vergil suggested. “They work well together, been here the longest, they are elemental warriors, various skills and abilities, and it’s not me.”

“No! No way!” Rainbow Dash flew up and confronted the half devil with a frown. “If Phoenix goes, I go! Besides, we can’t put them in danger!”

“I have to agree with Rainbow Dash. But at the same time, Princess Celestia assures us it’s safe,” Twilight interjected. “And Vergil also makes a valid point. Out of all the humans, they do stand the best chance to make a solid group.”

“It’s hard to argue facts...” Dovahkiin moved his left hand to rub his chin. “Any ideas, Sokka?” The young man had proven himself very competent these last few days.

“Hmm...” Sokka moved both arms to cross on his chest. “We do need a search party, true. But I think we can also send a few more for support. Just in case.” The water tribesman turned to look at the others. “I think Ralf, Travis, Terra and Distant Star should go.”

“Me?” The unicorn turned his head left and right, lifting his left hoof up to point at himself. He was a bit shocked really, then again it was an excellent opportunity for chaos...

“This is all your fault. I think it’s time you do a bit to prove yourself,” Sokka added.

“Bah. I already- You know what? Fine,” Distant released a sigh and put his hoof down. “I think one of the ponies should go-”

“I’d like to go...” Fluttershy asked, moving to flutter up and hug Soma’s left arm to herself.

“Oh hey, if she’s going then-”

“No. You all have jobs to do here to earn back the ponies’ trust. Especially you Twilight. Since you summoned some of them, it is only right,” Princess Luna interrupted Twilight. If she couldn’t go, she was not going to let other pony go.

“Anyone else?” Nate asked, lifting his eyebrows up.

“I’d like to volunteer some of my troops and myself,” Number One moved up to the front of the line.

“But you’re just kids! The whole point of a search party is to make sure its safe for everyone!” Cheerilee called out from Ralf’s side.

“No, I think it’s a good idea,” Dan placed both hands on his hips to look at the kids. “Things would look weird if we go to a place and it’s just a bunch of adults. We need a cover story too. Kids, at least, give us some cover and also make others trust us more.”

“He’s right. Going in without a plan does seems foolish,” Snake added. “And children even make the hardest adults grow soft a little.”

“Look at you, talking about using kids as bargaining tools...” Trixie snorted a bit. “But he’s right. Little colts and fillies is what I use to draw in adults to my shows.”

“Hey- They did volunteer,” Snake defended himself.

“Alright. Number Two, Number Four, you’re with me.” Nigel stepped over with the rest of the scout party. The other two looked at each other and shrugged, joining with the others.

“One last thing,” Sokka turned to look at the people that he volunteered. “I picked you guys to balance a few things. Terra to add a girl and she knows magic, Ralf as a soldier should be used to insertions, and Travis for his sword fighting to balance out the mix.”

“Hell yeah!” Travis smirked and raised his left hand to high five Nate.

“Not a bad group, Sokka,” Soma complimented the teen. “Alright, let’s do this!”

“Vanguard Team, go,” Dan said as he walked through the portal. Not his first time using one. Still, he walked up to it and placed his hand through it. He pulled back his hand and wiggled his fingers. He then shut both eyes, and stepped through the magic fog.


“Whoah!” Dan yelled out as he landed through the portal. Both eyes were closed, more from the spiral he just went through than in pain. He had landed on something soft. Something squishy. Something... Alive? “What the?” Each hand squeezed open and closed on the jiggly things. Both eyes opened, looking down at a young teen. It was a girl, with pink hair... And yellow skin?! She had both eyes closed, a rosy blush on her cheeks as she cooed a bit. Dan lowered his head, looking down at where his hands were.

On her breasts, giving them a squeeze once more.

Yep, breasts alright.


Wait, breasts?!

Squish. Squish.


Why was he still squeezing?

“What hit me?” The girl asked as she opened her eyes. Dan, frozen in place, eyes locked on her face. She moved her head slightly and looked up at his eyes.



They both yelled out, Dan lifting both hands away from her chest as she moved her hands to cover her chest. He quickly stood up, moving back from her as she moved to sit up and back away from him.

“I’m sorry I just fell-”

“Please don’t rape me!”

“I’m really I- Wait! I’m not a pervert!” Dan shot both hands up to sneer at her... Only to notice something was off. His voice... He moved his left hand to his throat. Huh. He looked down at his clothes, which had also changed. Gone was the familiar and comfortable threads he was used to. He was wearing blue slacks instead of jeans, and his normal ‘jerk’ shirt was replaced with a white dress shirt and a royal blue school sweater. The girl stopped crying, opening her eyes slowly to look up. When she saw him reach for his throat, she had to stop with her current train of thought. Was he hurt?

“Are... you ok?” She asked, slowly standing up. Her eyes peeked out of her pink hair a bit, moving her hands to straighten out her white blouse.

“Something’s wrong...” Dan said in a bit of a cracked voice. He turned to look at the girl, noticing she was the same size as him. What? Most girls, even teens, were taller than him.

“Oh! We must get you to see the school nurse right away!” She darted both of her hands out to him, pulling him to follow her.

“Wait! I gotta-” Dan tried to pull back from her.

“Oh, we can pick up my fliers to volunteer later! Come on!”


“Umph!” Phoenix frowned, landing on both feet after coming through the portal. “That was freaky...” He added as he looked around. Was he in the human world? Both of his eyes opened wide as he spotted cars, a street, and buildings common to what he’s seen in movies. Japan was different to USA after all.

“Gangway!” Nate cried out, pushing through the portal and bumping into Phoenix. The former lawyer was pushed forward a bit, almost knocked down as he had to stumble a few steps.

“I should know better and-” Phoenix stopped talking, spotting... Nate? “Nate?” Phoenix asked, his eyebrows raised. Nate was dressed in what looked like a school uniform. The weirdest part? Nate looked younger!

“Huh? Phoenix? Why do you sound so...” Nate stopped himself, lifting his left hand to point at Phoenix. He was also dressed in a uniform, and looked like a teen.

“Is my voice off?” Phoenix moved himself to stand, looking down at his clothes.

“A pox on portals!” Dovahkiin shouted as he landed next to Nate. Phoenix and Drake took steps back to watch as the others started to come through. He was also a teen, and his muscular physique took a drastic reduction in size. Still looked strong though.

“I think I’m going to be sick...” Otacon came in next. The engineer had his normal brown hair cut really short, and some acne on his teen face. His glasses also changed to thick black plastic pair.

“That was kinda fun,” Soma chuckled as he walked through the portal with no problems. He had lots of experiences with portals. He stopped though, his eyebrows raised up to look at the teens. “What happened to you guys?!” Unlike the others, Soma had not changed at all physically. The only thing that did change was his clothes. He had the same uniform the others were sporting.

“Why are we kids?!” Nate asked in panic, looking down to pull at his sweater. “I hate school!”

“Umph!” Soma found himself getting pushed back as Ralf came in next. The soul hunter raised his left hand to look back at the soldier.

“Damn, that was weird,” Ralf said as he picked himself to stand. “Sorry Soma, you should really move-” The soldier blinked once, looking at the others.

“Why aren't you a teen?” Soma asked. Unlike the teens in uniforms, Ralf was wearing a blue tracksuit and a whistle around his neck. His headband was gone, instead replaced by a baseball cap.

“Me? What happened to you all?!” Ralf walked over to compare body height with the others. They looked so small in comparison to him. Both hand moved to his head though, feeling something off. “Where’s my bandana?!”

“Scootaloo! Come on! Those guys are being so loud!” A young and female voice called out. The guys stopped talking, turning to look at three girls walking over.

“You think they are here for the decathlon?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Why are they being so loud though? Our school’s going to win.” Scootaloo said.

“Crusaders?” Dovahkiin asked, his right eyebrow raised in question. They look like the fillies if they had been turned human.

“Hey! How do you know our...” Sweetie Belle stop talking, turning to look at the boys standing behind the older ones. Her eyes opened wide at the one in the center, wearing a pair of shades. Her voice was in her throat now as she stared.

“Troops, you ok?” Nigel asked. He and the other boys landed on their knees, with their arms up at ready. Wally to his left, Hoagie on his right. Dressed like the others in uniforms, but grown up a bit as well. Hoagie was no longer round, and had a some of his hair seen under a pair of goggles worn on his head. Wally was taller and a bit muscle on him, only his hair was cut much shorter. Nigel though, had short brown hair where he was once bald.

“Guys? I think something’s wrong...” Hoagie said as he stood up. His head moved quickly left and right, looking at the other teens. “Number One! You got hair!”

“WHAT?!” Nigel moved both hands to his head and felt the brown strands. “I have hair?!” He shouted again.

“Hey! Shut up already!” Scootaloo called out. “Who do you...” She stopped, turning to look at Number Four. While he did wear a school uniform, his white shirt was untucked and his collar was messy. His blonde hair fell over his brown eyes a bit, and he had a skateboard on his left arm. “Woah.” She blurted out. A skater boy.

“Scootaloo?” Wally raised both eyebrows, not sure what or who he was looking at.

“Uhh...” Hoagie’s mouth opened a bit, his eyes turning left and right rapidly. “What’s going on?” He asked, looking between how Scootaloo walked closer to Wally.

“Yeah. Sweetie Belle? Scootaloo?” Applebloom waved her hands in front of Sweetie’s face.

The older teens turned to look at eachother, then back to the younger kids.

“What’s with them?” Travis stepped out from behind the KND and walked over to look at Ralf. “And why are you dressed funny?”

“Travis, you’re in a suit and your hair is combed...” Ralf replied as he pointed at the assassin’s new getup. Travis frowned a second, looking down at his attire. A blazer and slacks, the same color as the boys.

“The hell is this?” Travis asked, moving his hands to touch the suit on him.

“My name’s Sweetie Belle, what’s yours?” The girl walked up to Nigel, holding out her left hand in a handshake to him as she blushed a bit.

“I’m Nigel?” Number One moved a hand out to shake her hand in confusion. Why was his troops older? Why did he have hair? Why did the adults turn into teens? Why was this Sweetie Belle so cute?

“So... Are you good with that thing?” Scootaloo asked as she tried to hide the blush in her cheeks with a smug look. “And how’d you know my name? Seen me in our internet videos?”

“Hoagie, what’s the internet?” Wally whispered to his friend. “And why are you thin?”

“Don't ask me!” Hoagie replied in a hush voice. He turned to look over at the school. Finally, something familiar! Where they in an alternate earth? He turned to look at the only girl not acting crazy. “What’s the school’s name?”

“This is Canterlot High. How can you not know that? Aren't ya’ll here to compete in the decathlon?”

“Uhh...” Hoagie turned to look up at the older teens.

“Yes. Yes we are,” Terra replied. Unlike the others, she was dressed in a navy blue skirt. She didn't look like she lost much in her age. “Can't you see the banners, guys?” The Esper pointed out at the big pink banner welcoming other school to the competition.

“Oh indeed. We are the representatives from Star Academy,” Discord spoke, grinning as he stood behind Terra. Like Travis, he was dressed in a suit, but also had a vest. His black and gray hair was combed neatly, and his goatee had been trimmed. “Sorry, my students were being loud. You know how it is, school spirit and all...”

“Hey Applebloom! We need helping setting up the... Oh hello!” A blonde teen walked up behind the little red head, holding her shoulders. “You guys are the Star Decathlon team?”

“Apple... Jack?” Dovahkiin asked, moving a hand to his red hair. What the hell was wrong with this world?

“How’d ya know my name?” Applejack picked her head up to look at the large teen. Damn, they grow them tall in Star Academy.

“You don't know who I am, do you?” Dovahkiin asked as he stepped up to her.

“Enope,” Applejack stated as matter of factly. “Ah’d think Ah remember a feller like you.” Dovahkiin frowned a second, a bit sad by this fact.

Phoenix turned to look at Soma and nodded. Soma also turned to look over at the Crusaders and finally got a clue, this was some humanized realm of Equestria.

“But we do know about Coach Jones,” Applebloom said, big smile on her face.

“Coach?” Ralf questioned. And why only him?

“Well yeah. You are married to Miss Cheerilee. Aren’t you?”

“Married?!” Ralf cried out. He picked up his hand to look at his ring finger. Yep, gold band. Damn you Glee show!

“Uhh... Where’s Dan?” Discord asked as he looked around. He raised his foot, looking down at some fliers he had stepped on.


“Get away from me!” Dan cried out, trying to get away from the Nurse Redheart.

“I just want to see your throat, young man!” Red called out as she tried to calm down the teen. “Tell your boyfriend to calm down, Fluttershy!”

“Boyfriend?!” Fluttershy felt a rush of heat on her cheeks.

“Boyfriend?!” Dan stopped, pointing at her. “Wait, Fluttershy?” Dan’s eyes went wide.

“Umm... He’s not my boyfriend yet...” Fluttershy moved her hands to cover her mouth when she realized she said that out loud.

Dan froze in place, feeling a chill go through his spine. Soma was going to murder him.


“So they think we are from a rival school, they are humanism... Kinda, I’m in a suit, and you guys regressed ages?” Travis asked. “Oh hey... My Brand’s gone.” Travis looked at the back of his hand, now that he didn't have gloves on anymore. The others quickly looked down, spotting the lack of Brand on any of them.

“I hate this place already,” Soma frowned. “And I can’t feel my powers either.”

“Fus Ro Dah?” Dovahkiin tried to dragon shout, but all that came out was a light yell at best. “Oh this is all kind of wrong...”

“Why am I married?” Ralf asked, sweat dropping a second.

“I think we switched bodies with our counterparts from this dimension,” Discord said, looking around this place. “But why are you guys younger and we are not?”

“It doesn’t make sense,” Phoenix added. “Unless we were made to match our partners’ ages. Applejack looked like a teen, so did that make the Dovahkiin of this world also a teen?”

Both turned to look over at Dovahkiin, which was trying to find a way to explain things without magic or giving themselves away. Applejack stared at him, her gaze getting more and more upset that he couldn't say the truth.

“Allow me,” Travis moved over to the two. He pushed Dovahkiin’s head down so he could kiss Applejack. The two kissers raised their arms up, trying to desperately get away from each other. Both were suffering from Oxygen deprivation as their eyes were opened wide.

“Travis!” Nate ran over to his bro and wrap both arms around his waist to pull him back. “You're going to get us in trouble!”

“Who are you all?”

The new voice made them stop, turning to look at a teen with red and yellow hair, like the color of the sun. Sunset Shimmer had both of her arms crossed on her chest to confront them all. “And what are...” She stopped, turning to look at Otacon.

“Uh... We’re from Star-”

“Shut up, nerd,” Sunset Shimmer commanded. “You are going to be my date for the Fall Formal.”

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.


“So, Flash, how about you and me go to the ice cream shop?”

“I dunno, Twilight, I just broke up with Shimmer,” Flash said, moving his hands into his coat pockets. “What will-”

“Stay away from my waifu!” Otacon shouted, moving his left hand to punch human Flash across the face.

“Flash!” Twilight made her hands into fists. “How dare you hit my boyfriend?!”

“Him?” Teen Otacon lowered his fist, having knocked Flash Sentry out. “You’re joking...”

“What makes you-”

Otacon shut her up by wrapping his right arm around her waist and pulling her into himself with a kiss. Twilight tried to fight it a bit, but quickly moved her arms around his waist and hug him back.

“Yes, yes! Touch my horn, Otacon!”

Otacon woke up from his dream, sweat dripping down his skin as he panted for breath. “Oh sweet god, it was just a nightmare,” He replied.

“Otacon? Are you alright?” Twilight picked up her head, looking over at him from her side of the bed.

“Uhh... I had a nightmare where you were dating another guy.” Otacon moved his hand over to put on his glasses.

“Another guy? Otacon, don't be silly. Why would I need a colt when I have you?” Twilight leaned her head in to rub against his neck. “What was his name anyway?”

“Flash Sentry I think...” Otacon tried to recall the dream.

“Hm? I think he’s a guard in my brother’s kingdom... Wait, are you on the octo-phone again?” Twilight leaned her head in, seeing Otacon move a hand to his ear. “Who are you calling?”

“Travis here. Is that you, Otacon? What’s up?”

“I need a hit on a Flash Sentry. how much do you charge?”


“Wait... Everyone is a human here?” Travis asked. That must mean Luna is also a human! He turned to the school and rushed over, pushing kids back and looking around the crowded hallways. His hands moved to push the kids aside. Where was Luna?

“You, kid!” Travis pointed at this dimension’s Trixie.

“How dare you talk-”

“Where’s Luna!” He shouted, moving his hands out to grab her blouse and push her against the lockers. “Spill!”

“She’s in the Main Office! Her office is next to Principal Celestia!” Human Trixie panicked.

“Thanks!” Travis let go of her and ran to the direction she pointed. He knocked over a pair of kids that looked like Snips and Snails. The assassin had a large smile on his face, reaching the office.

“Luna!” He shouted, pushing the door open to look around.

“It’s Miss Luna, thank you very much,” Luna said, sitting behind her desk.

“No....” Travis said, looking at this new Luna. This was nothing like his dreams!

“Who are you?”

“NNNOOO!” Travis shouted, looking at her as she stood up. What kind of a sick cruel joke was this?!

“Are you alright, sir?” She asked, standing up to lean on her desk and stare at him.


Author's Note:

I'm so sorry everyone.

Please, forgive me. I had to dedicate this chapter to Morex25, who wanted me to publish a chapter.
So on new meds, and with an hour to work with, I gave you this.

Should I write a side story with all this? Or was this a bad idea?

Also, damn you Hasbro for what you did to Eqestrian Girls Luna.

Shame on you.

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