• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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The Dark Brand

Chapter 64- The Dark Brand

“So we’re dead. We know why Phoenix is gone. Now what?” Vergil moved his left hand to rub his chin. So it appears he had not defeated Mundus back then. And he also found out what happens should his partner die. It seems he would have to look over his partner for now- Least until he trained some more to get stronger for a re-match.

“Now, I need all your help. So far, you are the only ones that knows why you're dead. Team Ponyville knows this, but its only 3 others. You must make sure the other humans don’t freak out,” Distant Star said to look over at Vergil.

“Oh Dan is so going to kill me...” Celestia shut both her eyes. She honestly did believe Dan would kill himself to return as a vengeful spirit.

“That’s the other part. I will need your help to subdue Dan long enough so I can discord him...”

“Discord him?” Travis opened his eyes wide. “Dan is gay or bisexual?”

“What’s bisexual?” Spike blinked once, turning to look up at Cadence. She shut both her eyes and winced at the blue dragon.

“What is this ‘discord’ thing? Is it bad?” Jack moved a hand to hold his chin. So far, it seems this new unicorn was genuine about wanting to help Celestia.

“Another story?” Distant rolled his eyes in his sockets to look over at Spike. “Don’t you tell these guys anything?”

“I explained it to Celestia, I was hoping she explained it to the others...” The Doctor turned to look at the sun princess.

“I do not think Vergil, Terra, or Johnny, or their partners know...” Spike picked up his head to look at Jack and Travis. “Nate explained it to the other humans before he got poisoned.”

“Fine, we’re running out of time,” Distant stepped up to lift a hoof. “You, Cadence- You are the princess of love. But you surely understand there is more than one type of love, yes?”

“Of course! Who you-” Princess Cadence found a cupcake in her mouth.

“Moving on. You, Vergil- You represent Filial Love, the bond from child to parent. Your partner, Shining Armor is Sibling Love, the love between brother and sister.” Vergil and Armor turned to look at each other, lifting an eyebrow at each other. “Terra is Maternal Love, making Cadence Romantic Love,” Distant moved to point his hoof as he spoke at each person.

“But I’m not a mother...” Terra raised her eyebrows.

“Not yet...” Distant added to look away and then point to Johnny and Blueblood. “Johnny is Chaotic Luck, one of the champions of Chaos. Blueblood- You’re the element of self-image, Esteem.”

“How does Luck and Esteem affect each other though? I know why the love birds over there, but us?” Blueblood turned to look at Johnny.

“Johnny Bravo is a chaotic element? That explains a lot...” Jack nodded.

“Well, I am very lucky. But who needs luck when you got these manly pecs!” Johnny moved to sit up, striking a pose. “Go ahead! I will show you the pepop of love!”

“The what?” Distant had to stop his explanation. That was the most stupidest thing he ever heard, but it could mean the most chaotic thing he had ever heard as well.

“Throw some grapes on my chest! Go on!” Johnny turned to look at Snape. The black robed wizard frowned, pointing at himself.

“He’s your fellow Chaotic champion. Lend him a hand...” Distant motioned.

“Why are we even-” Princess Luna frowned, her head so full of fluff right not. Why did Johnny have this strange effect that made people follow along?

“This is bloody ridiculous. I’m the headmaster of Hogwarts!” Snape stood up to grab some grapes and started to toss them at the blonde. To everyone’s surprise, Johnny started to make the grape bounce off his chest by simply shaking his pectorals.

“Boom! Boom!” Johnny said with each bounce, making each grape fly out to hit Terra on her head. Cadence finally got the cupcake from her mouth and turned to look at the strange display of power. That... That was some impressive muscle control. “Oh yeah, ladies can’t resist!” Armor frowned again, seeing his wife open her mouth to catch a grape in her mouth.

“While that is amusing... What is this Discord thing you mentioned?” Jack had his left eyebrow raised.

“Oh right, right. Back to the...” The Doctor turned to look at his partner now. Distant moved his head to look at Celestia, who was also staring at Johnny’s pecs. “Snap out of it.”

“Hmm? Oh, yes, sorry,” Celestia turned her head to look at Distant Star and had the decency to blush a bit. “Oh don’t look at me like that.”

“I’m starting to wonder if you really want that date,” Distant Star said with his eyebrows closed a little. He was immediately nuzzled by Celestia’s muzzle. “Bah. In any case, you now know your why you were paired, and what ideal you represent. ‘Discord’ is a spell that reverses your whole self. But this also explains why you were not paired with your direct opposite. Let’s take Rarity and Nate as examples. Rarity is Generosity, while Nate is Equality. Why are they paired?” He took a second, waiting for the others to snap out of Johnny show. Even Terra blushed a bit when they caught her staring at Johnny like that.

“Control yourselves...” Armor said behind a stoic face. There was no way he was jealous of Johnny.

“Ahem. The opposite of Generosity is of course, greed. But you see- Rarity herself is also greed,” Distant Star continued to explain.

“What are you talking about?!?” Spike jumped up to defend Lady Rarity’s honor. “There is no...” He stopped himself, seeing how everyone was staring at him now. “Hey, Rarity-”

“Explained herself perfectly that night.” Princess Celestia turned to stand at The Doctor's side. “Don't you remember Spike? Even a greedy person, if they donated a single coin-”

“Can still be considered generous,” Spike finished for her. “So Dan in his Discord status-”

“Would not be humor- But Happiness. I think, humans are weird. And as we all know, Dan’s Element of Anger is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. I am frightened of what a Discorded Dan would look like.” Distant shut both eyes to shudder.

“All that pure anger changed into happiness?” Celestia lowered her head. “Yes, that could work and keep Dan from tearing Equestria and myself apart.”

“So, you basically want us to hold Dan down so you can do this discord thing,” Travis said. “But, why is Phoenix’s disappearance making Dan so mad you want to try this?”

“Yes, why the death threats to Celestia when its clearly not her fault?” Princess Luna turned to look at Distant.

“One thing at a time. I wasn’t done. Discording somepony is more than just altering their mood. It’s a chaotic spell. I discorded a stallion named Big Macintosh once. I expected him to be a loud jerk, but he started to act like a dog. Caught me completely off guard.” The gray unicorn shrugged. “Also, I’m not the only one that can cause discord. Sometimes, somepony can achieved discord on their own, if they finally break and lose all hope, thats enough to send a pony into depression.”

“Hm? Why is everyone so quiet?” Sombra raised his left eyebrow, turning to look at his summoned knights.

“If this fellow wishes to speak on our behalf, let him,” Master Xehanort said with a knowing grin. He wasn't sure about the others- But if they were smart, they’d would stay quiet. Learn all they can. Asses the situation, and then decide how to proceed. And if they were tainted in darkness? They would be thinking ‘How do I take them down?’ And he could feel the darkness in all of them- Save for Gilgamesh. He felt bloodlust in that one.

“I agree. Let’s see how our so called “negotiator” can handle himself,” Luthor replied with a smug smile. The moment this Roger Smith failed, he would step up and take command. Not the first time he had to. And from looking at all these individuals, he gathered they were all some kind of combatant.

“I’m just a jester,” Kefka replied as he moved both hands up to shrug and also smile. The clown took a moment to look at the others. He was the only ones dressed in a wide array of colors thanks to his harlequin style costume. Even his makeup was still perfectly on. They all looked like some kind of brutes- But their eyes. Their eyes were those of predators. Cunning ones. No- Best play the role of fool until he could find out some weaknesses.

“Best wait to know more than just assume command. Warrior I be, but I pick my battles,” Gilgamesh said to cross both arms on his chest. He could careless about the others now. Only Master Xehanort peaked his interest. He was the only one with a weapon visible. And a very odd looking one at that. With that said, they all turned to look at Wesker.

“Must I? Fine, it seems none of us are stupid enough to want to place their neck on the line without knowing more,” Wesker said with a bored tone. But something about Roger Smith made him wary. Where had he seen that face before? It reminded him so much of a lawyer... “Besides, this fellow does not want to be leader, only negociate. I am eager to learn more now about our situation.”

“So be it then. Very well then, Roger Smith- Let us test your mettle. Impress us,” Vegeta moved his left arm out to motion to the human. He could very well kill them all without a second thought. In fact, he could almost guarantee it. Able to detect ki now, he took a moment to analyze them. Either they were smart enough to hide it, or used other means to earn the title of knight. That jester freaked him out though. Damn clowns.

“Very well. Before we proceed any further, I should warn you all,” Roger took a moment to lift his hands to his black tie and straighten it out. “We must all act professionally, even criminals. Negotiating requires good faith, in this case, it was lacking on both sides. Collective bargaining of this nature should only be conducted between pros.” Smith lowered his tie and turned to look at Sombra. “Introductions are in order. I’m the only one that has given their name.”

“Indeed. I am King Sombra, the Dark Unicorn. No, king no longer,” Sombra moved to sit down and turn to inspect the others. These others- Yes, they had a power in them. Vegeta though, seemed the strongest while Smith was the weakest. Then again, he knew nothing of them. “I have used my magic to summon you all here.”

“I see. Very well Mr. Sombra- We now know who you are. As an act of good faith- You may ask us a question. We shall proceed back and forth. Does anyone object?” Roger turned to look at others gathered. No one said otherwise, either smiling or staying quiet.

“Do try not to take long. We are in a cavern of some sort- I suspect for the reason,” Gilgamesh commented. Wesker took a moment to grin. So this Japanese looking warrior was not that stupid looking. Everyone was dressed in modern looking clothes save for the bald man- Who seemed dressed in futuristic tech, the clown, and the old man seemed like a mix.

“This will be addressed as well. Your turn then, Sombra,” Smith moved to hold to offer his right hand out.

“A question. Very well- Do you remember what happened to you all before you arrived?” Sombra smirked, wondering if they knew they were dead. Only Vegeta seemed to have a clue. Smith fought back from frowning, this was a professional negotiation. But the subject of memories was a touchy subject for someone from the city of amnesia.

“Keep in mind- He only asked if we remember. We do not have to explain what we were doing...” Smith warned them all. But this was a test. Their responses would act as a clue to see who was smart, and who was friendly.

Wesker smirked, deciding to like this Smith fellow. He was smart enough to control his team, even if they wanted to offer more info. Wesker shook his head to the sides to decline, but that was a lie.

Kefka frowned a bit, still trying to act the clown. His right hand moved up to wave it up and down, as if to indicate it was hazy. At least he was honest- Playing the war of Chaos sometimes was hazy. While he hated lowering himself to the level of the clown, Luthor also moved his hand along with the clown. It was a step to try and earn a potential ally. Something made Luthor suspect the clown was hiding his true self. Damn costume freaks.

“I do remember,” Vegeta said to answer flatly. This better not take long though, he had some patience. Gilgamesh nodded along with the Saiyan, as did Master Xehanort.

“It matters not. The reason I ask this- Is because I now hold your lives in my hoof,” Sombra said to grin, revealing his teeth. His scarlet eyes begun to give a blue hue that took to the air as he gathered his power.

“You got two seconds to explain yourself before I blow up this planet!”

Everyone turned to look at Vegeta, eyebrows raised. They were all powerful, yes- But none of them could make a claim to be a planet breaker. What took them all by surprise though, was the earth underneath him that started to shake as he gathered his power into his form.

“Hold on- Its out turn. Care to explain what you mean?” Smith moved his left hand out to Vegeta. Why was it whenever things involved memories, things took a really ugly turn for him?

“Of course. You are all in a state between life and death,” Sombra smiled and moved to point at them. “Look on your foreheads. You now carry a Brand, the Darksign.”

He took a moment, letting them all turn to look at a crystal as he released his magic power. Kefka raised an eyebrow, wondering how this tattoo got over his makeup.

“We didn’t have this when we got here!” Luthor turned to look away from Kefka’s face. “And why does the small one not have one?!” The others took a moment to look away from the crystals. Master Xehanort grinned, moving a hand to run the darksign on his head. Oh, this Sombra was not stupid either.

“What the?” Vegeta turned to look away from the others to look at a crystal. It was true, he lacked the symbol the others had.

“Calm yourselves- I’m still answering your question,” Sombra said to lower his hoof and relax his smile. “The reason I ask if you remember what happened,” The dark unicorn raised his head up to look at Smith. “Was to help you understand this explanation. You are all in a state between life and death. The Darksign signifies an accursed Undead. Those branded with it are reborn after death, but will one day lose their mind and die forever. I did not kill you, that Darksign brand appears only to those that died and are summoned by this spell.”

Luthor shut both his eyes and frowned, moving his right hand up to his chestplate. This stupid Kryptonite shard in his heart! Was that what finally killed him? He opened his eyes and turned to look at the others to gauge their reactions.

Wesker frowned. He was not supposed to be killed this easily! Then again, why was he wearing his normal black trench coat? He had taken it off to fight Shiva and Chris... That volcano and rocket? That killed him?

Gilgamesh said nothing. He had been wandering the Void long enough to know this Sombra was telling some truth. But the fellow was lying. Although he had a Brand of the undead, Gilgamesh was not dead. Sombra somehow placed this on him. Unless... Traveling the Void was a state between life and death. All this thinking was making his head hurt.

Kefka stood up straight for once, finally losing his clown persona. Normally he would hunch himself, trying to carry himself as a small figure to be underestimated. No longer. His face shown the look of a killer- Eyes narrowed to focus on Vegeta.

“Forgive me for asking a second question- But why is he not carrying one?” Smith moved his hand away from his Brand to point at Vegeta. He felt nothing, not even a burning feeling.

“I shall allow this, then again I am still explaining your first question,” Sombra moved to stand up and start walking to each of them. “Before you were all brought here- You all were locked in a terrible conflict or battle. This I know, for the Darksign links us. I know your names now as well. You have been given a second chance to live. He does not have a Darksign because he is my personal champion. I serve as his Darksign.”

“If you expect me to serve you red horned creature, you are greatly mistaken! I am Vegeta! The proud Prince of All Saiyans, warrior elite! I could kill you all with just one finger!”

“Did you feel something shake?” Johnny perked up his eyebrows.

“I think I felt a tremor just then actually,” Blueblood opened his eyes to wonder.

“I’d like to see you try,” Gilgamesh replied, moving his hands out to form fists. “You’ll find me not willing to-”


Roger Smith had walked up to Vegeta and slapped him across his face. Gilgamesh had his mouth open, in shock to look at the fellow with the scowl on his face. Wesker moved both his hands up to clap at the display, while Kefka immediately proceeded to point and laugh. Luthor blinked twice, not sure what just happened.

“How dare you! I am going to-”


“Stop it! I warned you! We will behave professionally! You agreed to allow me to proceed! If you are indeed a prince, show some discipline! Getting riled up by the words of a unicorn...” Smith lowered his hand down to place it in one of his pants pocket. In reality, his hand stung worse than it had ever in his whole life.

“Where do you get off telling me what to do!? Insignificant little- What?” Vegeta tried to move his upper body forward, only to find himself being retrained by an invisible force. Master Xehanort had his Keyblade out pointed at the prince. “You... Are you using magic?”

“Mr. Smith in correct. You are behaving like a spoiled brat!” Xehanort frowned, finally displaying a sign of power as his own darkness begun to glow like flames around his shoulders. “We agreed to allow the fellow to conduct this, and so far, he has done his job. All he did was control the situation. And keep in mind now,” He turned to look at the others. “They carry a sign, not you. I suggest you try not to make enemies now.” Wesker moved to his sunglasses, sliding them off to make his red eyes glow.

“Wooo! Lookit! I can make magic too!” Kefka also stopped laughing, moving his left hand up to make fire appear from his fingertips. So this so called prince was weak to magic...

Gilgamesh took out two weapons- a gunblade and the Excalibur in his hands to hold them at ready. “But rest assured, I am not against you. If this Sombra has ill intentions, I shall join you in destroying him.”

“I.... Believe me Negotiator, that slap will not be forgotten,” Vegeta turned to frown at Smith. The Saiyan could sense all of their power levels raising. And while he could beat them physically- Those two with magic in their fingertips. Gah! Stupid magic. It wasn’t ki, so he couldn’t tell how strong their magic power was! It was also one of the things saiyans couldn’t fight.

“Do with me what you want! I’m not scared of death, or you. But as long as I am negotiating, you shall do as I say. Do I make myself clear?” Smith moved his head right into Vegeta’s face, looking down at him.

“Fine. Undo this magic.” Xehanort nodded, lowering his keyblade to release his magic.

Sombra smirked. So Master Xehanort could manipulate darkness as well? Interesting. But he was still happy to know his champion had pride. Also Vegeta was still better than some old looking fellow. “Please understand, it is not my intention to make slaves from any of you. Think of this ordeal as a job. You follow my commands, and you shall be granted your lives again.”

“Very well. It seems you are more or less telling us the truth. You may ask us two questions, its only fair.” Smith moved to cross his arms on his chest to turn his back on Vegeta.

“It is not a hard questions. Will you listen to my commands? I wish not to keep you more than I have to. You shall all be returned to your homes with your lives restored. The second- Will you not destroy each other? I warn you now- destroying one of your fellow Darksigns will have horrible repercussions. Those darksigns are not magic. They are symbols of undead. But because they are linked to me- I shall know it. Harming one another will be counted as treason. You will be sent back to die.”

Kefka turned to look at Xehanort. A fellow magic user? Hmm... Another chance to backstab someone? Then again, did he even want to go back to the stupid existence of a warrior for
Chaos? He was about to open his mouth to say something when Luthor stepped out.

“I agree, so far as there are some other boons granted. You have us at a bind- If we say no, we will die. What choice do we have?” Luthor turned to face the others. Smith nodded, allowing him to take the floor. “You know our names and such- Stop reading our minds. Its bad enough you have us in this condition...” He stopped to point at his forehead and the Brand. “It would be impossible to work well knowing you could peek in. Incidentally, I am Lex Luthor.” It was worth a shot, see if anyone recognized the name.

“This I agree, but I must be able to send you messages via telepathy. Is this acceptable?” Sombra turned to look at Smith.

“Let us continue, and see what the other boons are. If there are no problems, we can settle them all there. I suggest we hear from each of the others. You, Saiyan prince, Go ahead,” Smith moved his right hand up.

“As if I need your permission. I am Vegeta, stop calling me Prince. Very well. These commands of yours- What exactly are we trying to accomplish?” Vegeta moved to cross his arms on his chest. “These boons will depend on what is expected of us.”

“A good point. Well Sombra?”

“Very well. In the current war- A race called Changelings is fighting against Princess Celestia and her Equestrian allies. They have asked for an alliance with me. As you know, I said I am no longer a king. I was taken out by this Celestia from my throne. I seek not revenge for this, I respect her for actually accomplishing this,” Sombra admitted this to himself. Its what a conqueror would do after all. “But I do this so I can gain new land and start a new kingdom. In this war- Celestia has acquired other humans to battle.”

“I see... I can respect this, I suppose,” Vegeta said. Other humans? They should pose no threat to him. He would kill them all and get sent back... Back against Frieza? Hmm... Actually, that was not starting to sound like a fair deal. “My boon is this- Can you make us stronger than we are? If we are to fight, I need to know you can give us the power to fight beyond our limits.”

“Actually, yes I can. But I am not sure how much. I would have to assess your abilities and powers and see how I can,” Sombra nodded.

“Mr. Clown?” Smith turned to look at Kefka.

“Oh? Me? Oh no no no... Well, I do have this incy wincy question... And I’m Kefka by the way,” Kefka moved his right hand to make a pinching motion, shutting his left eye to blink and stick out his tongue on the side. Almost like he was trying to make this seem insignificant. “Do we have to go back? Can we decide to stay if we like it?”

“Hmm...” Sombra took a moment to think. “No, not stay. Once your mission is over, you are granted your life back and sent back. But-” He stopped there and raised his head to look at Kefka. “I can summon you again- This time alive without the Brand. I couldn't summon you alive, first, because I had no idea what champions the spell would bring me. But once I know where you’re from- I can easily bring you back if you so wish it.”

“Ahh. That’s an option at least!” Kefka grinned, moving to start bouncing up and down around them all in a circle. “Then my boon: I ask that you give us a place to live of our choosing!”

“Why you dirty little clown...” Wesker grinned, finally in a good mood. That clown pulled a fast one. He got two for one.

“Once it is my power to grant you a home- I shall. Till then, we shall see how the war goes.” Sombra also shut his eyes to smile. He would need a jester. And such a clever one at that.

“I am Gilgamesh! You have the power to control the void? Are you able to stop me from traveling through it?” The large Kabuki warrior turned to look down at Smith, not waiting for him to give him permission.

“Like I told the clown- Once your Darksign is gone, you shall be returned to the point before your state between life and death. I do not see how you wouldn’t be affected.”

“Very well then. I ask for weapons as a boon. And strong ones- If we are to fight, we will need them,” Gilgamesh said to place his weapons away. “And strong fighters. I wish not to be bored by petty fights over land disputes.”

“I shall see what can be done about weapons. And if what the changelings tell me about the other humans are true- Then these fights shall be anything but boring,” Sombra grinned. Oh, he liked this Gilgamesh. He spoke in an archaic tone, one he was used to.

“Mr. Red Eyes?” Smith turned to look at Wesker.

“I’m called Albert Wesker. I ask for resources. While I am here, I would love to study the flora, animals, and other things. I am a scientist you see. I will help you, but allow me to work on my own things,” Wesker said to place his sunglasses back on.

“A scientist? Such an odd collection of champions I gathered...” Sombra raised his eyebrows. A prince, a mediator, a jester, a general, and now a scholar. It was almost like this spell indeed collected the people a king would need. “I do not see us always fighting. So, why not.” Wesker grinned at the unicorn’s response.

“If its not too much to ask, allow me the same. I am Master Xehanort, a scholar of magic- And always willingly to learn new arts,” Master Xehanort moved to step forward. “It would be nice to have more... Options in battle.” He grinned, shutting both eyes to hide a knowing smile. Gears were turning in his head.

“A wizard? Very well. I can teach you what I know, and I expect to learn the same from you. More options to make better strategic battles.” Sombra then turned to look at Smith. “You are the last one. You had proven your mettle so far negotiator.”

“I have no boon,” Smith replied to stand up straight. “The others have made excellent points. I assume you must feed us anyway.”

“Truly? No boon?” Sombra raised his left eyebrow.

“I only ask one thing. Pick one of us to be leader, one the others can listen to. We will need a face to speak for you, and some of you...” The man in the black suit turned to look at Vegeta. “Are not very diplomatic. I personally nominate Master Xehanort. After all, age brings wisdom.”

“Yes, I agree,” Sombra moved his right hoof up to rub his chin. His red horn glowed a second. “Do any of you object for it to be Roger Smith?”

“I object,” Vegeta said with a frown. “Slapping people is not diplomatic either.”

“I like him!” Gilgamesh said with a hand on Smith’s left shoulder.

“I have no objections,” Wesker said with a small smile, making Vegeta squirm.

“I’m still just a jester. I don’t care!” Kefka stopped bouncing to look at Smith. Better the man with no powers to have crosshairs on his head that would make the others target him.

“Only for now. I think we should assess abilities and powers and also histories to see who is better qualified...” Luthor moved to finally walk for the first time. Good, his Anti-Superman suit was still working.

“I agree with Mr. Luthor for now. But I am happy to be nominated,” Master Xehanort opened his eyes to look over at Luthor. Down with the non-baldies!

“Damnit. Fine. I agree with the bald fellows. But this is your last chance negotiator...” Vegeta warned him. “I don’t carry a darksign.”

“It’s settled then. We agree to follow you Sombra. You’ve agreed to our boons. So long as you stay your contract- We will as well.” Smith turned to look at the others. Why did they make him leader?

“Wonderful. Let us meet with our allies. I may just summon more humans,” Sombra said with a smile. “Gather around, I shall use my magic to send us to our new home. But, I need some crystals. Break some and bring them with us.” With little choice, the others moved to get some crystals and start breaking them.

Roger released a sigh, moving to lean against a tall crystal. Glad he was away from the others, the negotiator took a moment to take off his left glove and look down at the firebird tattoo on his hand. While he had been talking the whole time, the back of his hand felt like burning sensation. Just what did this mean?

“Are you alright?” Gilgamesh turned to look down at startle the man in the suit.

“Ah! Gilgamesh. You startled me!”

“Ha ha ha! Where is that commanding presence from before?” Gilgamesh smiled behind his scarf. “Do not tell me you still fear Vegeta!”

“No.. I- I am not a fighter. I don't think I can break a crystal...” Smith said to look up at Gilgamesh. From all the others, he looked the most imposing and threatening- But also, the friendliest. Something about the kabuki warrior calmed him down.

“Is that all?” Gilgamesh moved his left arm out to punch a crystal and break it off. It landed on Smith’s outstretched arms to make him ‘oomph.’ Gilgamesh then moved to punch another crystal to get his own piece. It was a lot larger than Smith’s though. “Do not worry Roger Smith. You have curried my favor. I shall protect you to the best of my abilities. I do not trust the others. I have worked with their type before- And it is not worth the trouble.”

“Thank you, Gilgamesh. Something tells me there is more to Sombra’s story than he lets on.”

“Indeed. When we have a chance, I must relay where I found you before.” Gilgamesh picked up his crystal over his left shoulder and started to walk back to the others. Smith raised both eyebrows, wondering what Gilgamesh meant by that. He was pretty sure he had never met the large warrior before. Then again, he and everyone else in Paradigm City lost their memories. He took his crystal into his arms and huffed over to join the others in a dark cloud to vanish from view.

“Soma, you okay?” Fluttershy lowered her head to smile, leaning down a moment to smile at Soma. They all decided to evacuate the train cabin, in case they needed to make a run for it. Dan’s anger was all but depleted, and Nate was also drained after using his Brand. This left Soma as the only fighter left.

“I’m fine. I’m regenerating my magic power slowly...” The soul hunter smiled up at her. “I’m glad no- Nopony? Was hurt.” He chuckled, hearing himself a proper Equestrian term for once. He was sitting down next to a tree.

“Hmm... I wish we had a map,” Dan frowned, looking down at the remaining supplies. None of the ponies had a chance to get food, water, or clothing as they had been rushed from their cabins. All they had to work with was the briefcases from Merchant. “As far as I can tell- We are in the forest outside the eastern border of Baltimare.” They were so close to Baltimare now, only about an hour away in train. Walking though, would be much longer. Thick trees helped hide the ponies from view.

“Yeah, I wish we had a chance to look at that map too,” Nate frowned. Only the team leaders and Snake had a chance to look at the Atlas in the Golden Oaks Library.

“I think Dan’s right...” Pinkie Pie sat down next to Dan, counting how many cupcakes she had. “The changelings came at us from a flying position- Right? That’s must mean they came from the mountains east from Baltimare. I don’t see the river, so we must be to the northern part of the forest.”

“Good eye Pinkie Pie!” Dan said, smiling at her. Looks like she did pay attention now and then. She moved to wrap her hooves around his neck in a kiss. “Not now Pinkie! We are in a tight fix!”

“I actually think its the perfect time for such things. We all almost died,” Rarity said to step up to Nate. “If it weren't for Nathan’s Brand, who knows what would have happened. Thank you again.” She shut her eyes to place her white lips on Nate’s left cheek for a kiss. Nate blushed, moving a hand to pet Rarity’s mane. Rarity immediately relaxed. The unicorn was sure to pull herself back from his touch- She did not want to ruin her mane. But his touch... Oh sweet Celestia! Rainbow Dash never had her mane done, so she had no idea how good a manecut could be. But Nathan made stylists look like amateurs.

“They’re right...” Fluttershy took a moment to look at her friends. That had been way too close a call there. If Soma had his Brand... “Soma?”

“Yes?” Soma blinked once, turning to look at those sweet large eyes of hers.

“If you don’t mind... Could you close your eyes?” Fluttershy blushed a bit, cheeks pink to match her mane to lower her head. Soma blinked once and shut his eyes. Fluttershy dashed off to the supplies and picked up her butterfly necklace. The pegasus hurried with a smile on her face to look down at his lips. Rarity opened her eyes a second, and then turned to nudge Nate’s attention. The treasure hunter grinned, turning to look at Dan. Dan managed to pin Pinkie Pie down for a second to look over. Everyone stayed quiet to look at the couple.

“Should I be using a soul?” Soma called out, not sure why his eyes were closed.

“Soma?” Fluttershy finally called out as she got closer. “Do... Do you accept me?”

“Accept? Like what?” Soma still kept his eyes closed, though he was getting nervous.

Soma... I want to be your marefriend. I want you to be my special somepony,” Fluttershy whispered into his left ear. The others turned to look at each other, eyebrows raised a moment. Dan shrugged his shoulders. Pinkie Pie turned her eyes in her head to look at Acceptance and Kindness and forced back a giggle. Rarity moved her hooves up to her mouth and then grin.

“Are you asking me...” Soma opened his eyes, turning to look back at Fluttershy’s face.

“I know we haven’t exactly-” Fluttershy found her mouth going silent as Soma leaned in. “Soma...” She whispered as she found herself frozen in place. He shut his eyes again and leaned in, placing his lips on her left cheek.

“Aww come on!” Rarity shouted. She quickly found herself being pulled in by Nate to duck behind a tree. Soma and Fluttershy turned to look over at the sound, finding no one else there.

“Was... Was that Rarity?” Soma raised his eyebrow in question. He turned back to look at Fluttershy as she closed both her eyes again. This time, she moved to place her lips on his own. Soma turned his head to the side slightly, having her lips meet his. She opened and closed her mouth slightly, losing herself in the kiss as her jewel started to glow. They both floated slowly upward a bit, her pink light flowing from her jewel and into the teen’s body.

“Yes!” Dan shouted, lifting his head out from a bush.

They both floated back down on the ground, Soma’s right hand glowing.

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.


“Yer evah notice something’s strange?” Applejack asked, lifting her eyebrows to look at her friends. “Like seeing things that are not there?”

“What do you mean?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Well, ever since I,” Applejack blushed, lowering her head. “Made Dovahkiin my lover- I have seen strange things.”

“Really? Strange like- Hold on one moment, dear,” Rarity said. Hmm... Press the button to duck for cover. What button? She leaned forward a bit, moving her whole body to lean under the counter and hide herself from view to take cover. “Ah, so that’s what the prompt is for.”

“See, like that! Last time I leveled up, Ah saw the constellations in broad sunlight! I ended up putting a perk in apple buckin’...”

“Huh. That is strange,” Twilight Sparkle said to frown. “Let me check.” Twilight lowered her head, moving her hoof up to the left side of her head. She went into Codec mode to bring up Otacon.

“I see what you mean,” Fluttershy said. “Let me... Ahh! There we go,” Fluttershy said to smile. Her eyes closed as butterfly familiars begun to fly around her. “I think I can also summon a bear!”

“Weird. All I got is a health bar and a power meter,” Rainbow Dash said to hover in place.

Pinkie Pie turned to look at all of her friends, as if they went crazy. “Hey Dan, can you do anything like that?”

“They are insane! Honestly. Let’s go get some food...” Dan said. Both Anger and Humor begun to jump from platform to platform to collect sandwiches. “Make sure you grab the bonus for a high score.”

Author's Note:

Let's see now. I bitch slapped Vegeta.

Suck it.

The Darksign is from Dark Souls.

Soma's Brand is from Bleach. Yes, I turned him into a Soul Reaper.

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