• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Time for a Party!

Chapter 43- Time for a Party!

“So Dan split up the humans. Does that mean we are splitting up too?” Fluttershy asked, lifting her head to look at her friends. Some of the female ponies gathered together inside Carousel Boutique. With the four o'clock meeting canceled, the other humans had went off to gather and collect their teams. Unfortunately, a few of the mares had reservations about leaving with their human partners.

“I honestly don't know. Dan said it was up to us. Who will be at the schoolhouse for a week? What do I tell the parents?” Cherilee asked to look around.

“Well, I’ve earned a few vacation days. Besides, I’m not the only weather pegasus. I’m sure we can miss a week...” Rainbow Dash said. Let them try to separate her and Phoenix.

“Ah dunno. Miss Cherilee gots a point. Sure Ah gotta stay, but bucking apples from the farm by myself is impossible. Imagine the rest of the town so short handed,” Applejack said. Junebug turned to look at the others. Would she be leaving with Merchant? The other mares seemed to accept her as one of them.

“It does seem unfair, I will be the first to admit that. I know how I felt when I had to leave Canterlot and move to Ponyville,” Twilight said. Yes turned to look at her friends and the mayor and quickly made a sheepish smile. “Not that I don't love you all and the town now. But change and forcing to leave all behind without warning is a lot to ask for. But you must ask yourselves, can you do this for Equestria?”

“I planned to go with Dan anyway, so what’s the big deal?! It’s an adventure! I’ve never been to Baltimare!” Pinkie Pie said, smiling at them all. “Besides, some of you really think you can go a week without your humans?” Pinkie leaned into, giving her friends a teasing smile. A few blushes begun to form on a lot of cheeks. Junebug and Lyra were the only ones that didn’t look bothered by the fact. Derpy simply raised her eyebrows, wondering why the meeting had gone so quiet.

“So that’s settled then?” Twilight asked, turning to look at the others. With a defeated sigh, Cherilee nodded.

“Alright. Nothing can be done about it if its for the best of Equestria. I will handle things in the school. With City Hall destroyed, we need a backup location. Since the school will not be opened, I think we can use that until further noticed,” Mayor Mare said, smiling at the idea. “I will also inform your employers about the week from no work.”

“Alright. I will send a letter to Princess Celestia then. Is there anything else we want to cover?” Twilight Sparkle said to look around.

“Well, I have an idea,” Rarity said. “A lot of the other humans have not had a proper welcome. I say we let Pinkie throw one of her famous parties. If this will be our last night for a week, I think we can do with a nice social get together.”

“Wow, that sounds like a great idea Rarity!” Pinkie Pie said, getting a huge smile on her face. Fluttershy smiled, getting a squee. The idea of spending an awkward night alone with Soma didn't sound so good.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea to say thanks to the new humans... But Rarity, why a party?” Rainbow Dash asked, a bit surprised.

“I’m generous, remember?” Rarity said, lifting her left hoof to point at her chest. “It’s a perfect way for Nathan and I to thank everypony and every human together. We both owe you all so much.”

“Oh! We need food! Music! Decorations! Games!” Pinkie Pie said, bouncing her whole body up and down.

“We can have it at the Apple Barn. Its got the space,” Applejack said with a smile.

“You are right, we do owe the new humans thanks. Its not fair the Elements of Change get a party but the new ones do not...” Mayor Mare said. “But we should make it a private event. We can’t let the town know the humans will leave and make everypony frightened.”

“It’s decided then! I’ll bring muffins!” Derpy said. “And Me and Sokka can watch the Crusaders while you are all gone!”

“That’s mighty generous of you,” Rarity said, smiling. She had planned to leave Sweetie Bell with Applejack since she was staying behind. But leaving the fillies with an actual mother sounded like a better idea.

“Its no problem! Dinky and her friends could have a sleepover! And since I won’t be working, I will have the time.” Depry said, her eyes closed to smile. She was helping!

“Alright! Let the humans know about the party in their honor. We should all help to set it up,” The purple unicorn said with a smile. “Lets get the humans there at six.”


“So, this is it...” Travis said, walking to meet up with his only teammates. Samurai Jack closed both his eyes, bowing at his waist to greet Princess Luna and the assassin. At least Travis was not a ninja. “Aren’t there going to be more of us?”

“According to our leader, the being called “The Doctor” shall be our last team member. As such, we are being sent to...” The samurai turned to look down at Spike.

“Canterlot,” Spike said, nodding at everypony. “I am going to be your guide if you need to go somewhere, or to get some supplies. I’ve actually lived in the streets of the city. No offense Princess Luna.”

“None are to be taken, young dragon. Being one of the ruling princess, I’ve not got the opportunity to explore the new capital city,” Luna said. Least, it was new to her. She spent her time looking at the city through her telescope. “Spike will have to be your assistant. I have spent too much time away from my royal duties. However, I shall still try to make time to help whenever I can.”

“Great, so me and the samurai get to spend our time by ourselves with the dragon...” Travis released a sigh. Normally, spending time with a real honest to good life samurai was an otaku wet dream. But he couldn’t enjoy it knowing it would only be themselves. The two turned to look at the “party” that was supposed to be going on.

Night time had arrived in Ponyville, past six pm. The big event was taking place in the Apple farm, inside the barn. Only the humans and their partners had been invited, and even then that was a huge turn out. Both barn doors had been left open, letting people, pony, and cows to walk to and fro through. Colorful streamers, balloons, and a big banner reading “Welcome New Humans!” was decorated the inside of the barn.

Most of the humans remained inside with the others, though they managed to splinter themselves off into small groups. Ash and Mayor Mare were getting acquainted with Dovahkiin, Applejack, The Merchant, and Junebug. Ash was trying to give the details to Creeper Pasta the best way he knew of concerning the changelings and Brands. Half the time though, Ash had to fight the urge to take his chainsaw and cut the head clean off Pasta. The hooded fellow looked so much like a damn deadite. Least, he did get a triple barrel boomstick.

“I just hope we can find a substitute for leather...” Dovahkiin related with Applejack.

“Leather? What’s that?” Applejack asked, lifting her head to look at the dragonborn. Dovahkiin released a sigh. Many minerals, pens, paper, tools, and other things were provided with the shipment from earlier. But no leather for strips, which a lot of the armor and weapons called for.

“Um... stuff for belts?” Dovahkiin tried to explain. Apparently, cows and bison could talk in Equestria, so getting leather from them was not an option.

Only Sephiroth had opted to jump to land on the roof of the barn and sit down to look at the night sky. It took her awhile, but Lyra managed to get on the roof through normal means. The rest of Team Appleloosa decided to talk things over on the train ride. It would be a long one after all.

“Is the night sky the same as in your home?” Lyra asked, turning to look at her partner as she carefully tiptoed on roof shingles.

“I.. think so. There are stars, but they all appear at once. It’s strange, how your “princess” Luna can make the stars appear at will...” The long haired Cetra said. He idly turned to look at her. “Why are you not with the others?”

“Why aren’t you?” Lyra retorted, smiling a bit as she finally made it at his side.

“I have no idea what a party is,” Sephiroth replied.

“Really?” She asked, raising her eyebrows. “Not even a birthday party?”

“I do not remember any celebrations of this kind. Even before the experiment, I can’t recall anything else...” Sephiroth turned to look up at the moon. He had the sudden urge to throw the moon at something.

“Wow. Your Mother never threw you a birthday party? No offense, but she doesn’t sound like a nice er... Human,” Lyra said. Sephiroth raised both eyebrows, debating to take offense or not. He had seen Derpy hug Dinky much, and images of himself hugging a cold, steel, and silent door with a single window passed through his mind.

“She was very sick...”

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Lyra said, lowering her head to and let both ears drop. “Maybe I can throw you one after this is all over?” She asked, lifting her head up to look at his side, the one with the wing.

“I think I may try it...” The Cetra said. Maybe he will throw the moon at a planet then as a gift to himself. They both lowered their head, spotting Big Macintosh carrying a keg of cider on his back to the barn.

“Is that hard cider?” Applejack asked, turning to look at her brother when he walked in. Dinky and the Crusaders were playing a game of pin the tail to the pony with Pinkie Pie supervising. Dan was busy fooling around with the ammo of his new grenade launcher. Acid rounds, freeze rounds, explosive, and his favorite, flame rounds. They all turned their heads to look at the keg as it was set down.

“Eeyup!” Big Macintosh. “But even then, it’s not that hard. It takes a few to take me down,” The red stallion said with a smile.

“You know what? That sounds like a challenge to me,” Ash said, turning away from Merchant. Mayor Mare and Rainbow Dash both licked their lips and water.

“None for me thanks,” Phoenix said, eyebrows raised at his partner’s drooling.

“Aw come on! Just one won’t hurt,” Rainbow Dash urged. The pegasus stretched out her bottom lip, wanting to tear up a bit and look up at him with big eyes.

“Well, I guess one toast...” The former lawyer said, turning away from that look.

“Is there an age limit for drinking in Ponyville?” Soma asked to look around. Both Nate and himself were eating some cake that Pinkie Pie provided. Fluttershy and Rarity had formed a perimeter around the food, keeping the Pink one away from the sweet food so others could get a chance.

“I have no idea what your age limit is. But for ponies its not based on age, its based on choice. Usually though, its not until fillies and colts reach adulthood.” Twilight said. She and Otacon were sitting down while Trixie and Snake got them punch. Samus moved to the keg and placed the spout on it to start help serving.

“That’s no help...” Sokka said, turning to look at Soma. “Where I come from, it depends by country, but its usually over 16.” Just one more year....

“I’m 19, so I think I qualify...” Soma said to look around. No one seemed to mind.

“In France, even ze children can drink wine,” Spy said, moving to grab a cup. While no one had wine, a nice apple flavored wine could be a nice change of pace. Ash, Travis, and Rainbow Dash was first in line to get the fresh cider.

“Alright everybody, please come get a cup of cider. I want to throw a toast in thanks to you all,” Nate said. The humans and ponies begun to gather to the center, where Nate and Rarity stood together to look at them all. Rainbow Dash stared at her mug of cider, wanting so badly to take a drink of the good stuff.

“Ponies and humans, thank you all for coming. As you know, we wanted this party as a chance to thank you all. You are all strangers, and you had no reason to help us. But you selfishly saved lives today, and you all wanted to help Nate when he needed your blood.” Rarity said, turning to look at them all. She smiled, her eyes closed halfway to look at them all.

“She’s right you know. I’ve been told what you all been through to help me. You are all better men than me, submitting yourselves to a needle like that,” Nate said, smiling at them all.

“Hear, hear!” Yelled Dan, glad at least the huge syringe had not been for nothing. Sephiroth grabbed Lyra at this point to jump down and join the others.

“Ain’t nothing,” Ralf said, smirking as he raised his mug up high. “Toast already!”

“Yeah!” A few others cried out.

“Alright, Alright... Rarity said I should try poetry. Give me a sec for the words...” Nate said, moving to hold his mug. He grinned, making his eyes close a little as he got hit by inspiration. Live in the moment. He raised his mug up high in his left hand to start talking.

“The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is with friends. The reason to be happy is because we are still alive.” He took a moment to stop and relax his smile. “Lets give thanks that we can fall down 7 times, and get up 8. Let us not give up. Let's fight for what we want. Let's find a place to call home. Let us give thanks. Let us kick ass!”

“Amen!” Ash said, lifting his glass as others joined him. Nate moved his mug to tip against Rarity. The other humans moved to begun making wooden mugs hit against one another. They all raised the cider to their mouths and begun to drink.


“Oh.... What happened?” Twilight Sparkle asked, waking up to look around. Her eyes had small bubbles of yellow pop in front of her eyes. Lets see. Wooden floor. Straw littered about. Balloons hanging from the ceiling. Moaning and groaning coming from Ash as he had a lampshade post over his head. She looked underneath herself to find a sleeping Otacon, his pants pulled down to reveal a heart pattern of boxers. The lavender unicorn quickly moved to stand and look around as she woke up with a sudden nervous excitement.

“What hit me?” Otacon asked, lifting his head to look around. Why did he feel a draft? A hand moved to his glasses, which had been set askew to look around. Huh. His pants had been tied around his ankles. “Damnit.. my mother in law better not have-” He stopped talking, looking at a blushing Twilight Sparkle looking at his underwear. “I’m not in Kansas...”

“Hnn...” A voice said. The two turned to look at Applejack. Her hat was worn on her rear, and someone had tied her hair in a ponytail.

“Why am I in a tub of water?” Dovahkiin asked. He looked around, feeling very cold as his lower half was dunked in the apple bobbing tub. “Why am I naked?” He asked, looking down at himself.

“You guys got so wasted...” Sokka said, leaning his frame against the doorway. He had his arms crossed on his chest.

“Sokka?” Otacon asked, quickly moving his hands to pull his pants back on. “What time is it?” He asked to look at the rising sun.

“Its past breakfast time. Be glad the others already left...” Sokka said to shake his head at them all. He and the fillies had not drunk any of the cider.

“Oh... not again,” Mayor Mare said, lifting herself out of a pile of hay. She looked around, spotting the others. “Where’s that goat?”

“Sokka? Can you tell us what happened?” Twilight Sparkle asked, walking over to the young water tribe member.

“Look, it’s all too much to go through, so let me give you the highlights, ok?” Sokka said, moving to stand up straight. “Lets see. You all drank some of the cider. You all quickly drunk the whole mug. Then you asked for more. All the ponies got drunk really fast...” Sokka said, looking over to Otacon. “Well, save for him. You don't drink much, do you doc?”

“No... Not really. Please tell me we didn't do anything stupid... And where are the others?” Otacon asked.

“Well, the fillies were sent into the Apple’s house to sleep. Then the “adult” fun started...” Sokka said, closing both eyes. “The guys compared sizes of their penis. The mares whooped and hollered at that one...” Ash raised the lampshade over his head, raising his eyebrows at that one. “Of course some of the men refused, in which the drunken mares started to pull down pants.”

“Wait, you mean...” Twilight turned to look at Otacon.

“Oh, you started the whole thing. You walked back and forth drunk, asking Otacon all sort of questions like “why wear clothes.” When you started to strip the doc, others started to get naked...” Sokka said. What was seen could not be unseen.

“Oh Princess Celestia is going to send me to Unicorn Preschool,” Twilight said, laying down on the ground to cover her eyes with her hooves.

“Wait, if the ponies got drunk and there was only one keg- how did I get drunk?” Ash asked to stand. “Where’s my other hand?” Ash asked, finding it hard to hold his pants up with one hand.

“Oh...” Mayor Mare ducked back into the haystack and pull the metal hand out. She walked slowly over to him, blush apparent on her cheeks. Ash looked down at his hand, wondering if he even wanted it anymore.

“Blame Merchant. He had things called “rum” and “vodka” in his backpack. Amazingly, he was one of the few that didn’t get drunk...” The teen turned his head, looking over as Derpy joined his side.

“You guys got so wasted!” Derpy said, smiling at them all. “I’ve never been in an orgy before!”


“Oh my god, my head is splitting!” Phoenix cried out, hearing a train horn being pulled. He winced, looking around. Was he moving? His eyes shot open to look around. Ralf perked up his head, looking over his shoulder. “Ralf?”

“Sorry Phoenix. We were going to miss the train, so I had to carry you,” The soldier said. The Element of Hope picked up his head to look at Sephiroth, who was carrying Lyra and Cherilee on his shoulders.

“I need some coffee... Why does that train have to be so loud!” Phoenix said. “Where’s the rest of the team?” He moved himself, trying to stand up. Ralf waited a second, letting Phoenix get off to look around. Ralf had also been carrying Rainbow Dash.

“Spy and Zecora are getting our tickets,” Sephiroth replied, looking at their “leader.” This was going to take some getting used to.

“Was I the only one that got drunk?” Phoenix said, moving a hand to hold his head.

“Well, Spy is a Frenchman, and they drink wine like water there. Sephiroth’s body can’t let him get drunk. And I am nursing a hangover now...” Ralf said, grinning. Not the first time he’s had to force himself after a wild night.

“Did anyone did something embarrassing?” Phoenix asked. The ponies looked like they would be out for hours.

“Well, Big Macintosh was the winner. Surprisingly enough, Dan took second place,” Sephiroth replied. “The last place went to Me and Sokka, who refused to participate.”

“Participate in what?” Phoenix asked, lifting an eyebrow.


“Why are these guys so heavy?” Snake asked, dragging Nate from under his arms. “I thought this guy ran a damn bar. Lightweight,” The stealth agent said to carry the man into his train.

“At least you're not carrying this guy,” Samus said, frowning at Dan. The small human was being transported on a wheelbarrow with Pinkie Pie napping on top of him. “God, he’s such a weepy drunk.”

“Where’s Soma?” Snake asked, moving over to grab Rarity by her tail and drag her over the floor.

“Dunno. Fluttershy took him somewhere once he passed out last night.” Samus frowned. All she managed to get was mildly buzzed. “Team Canterlot took off already. Luna is a night owl, so she went to get a chariot to take her team with her.”


“Soma... you have to get up,” Fluttershy said, nudging her partner awake. She smiled, looking at Soma as he yawned and opened his eyes.

“Where... am I?” He stopped talking, smelling something weird in their air. He opened both eyes slowly, realizing he felt soft sheets on his bare skin. Was Fluttershy next to him?!

“You were wonderful last night,” Fluttershy said, her eyes closed halfway to stare at his face.

“What?” Soma asked, opening his eyes wide. Both hands moved to the sheets and lift it up to look he was naked.

“Oh, don’t you remember? You were so forceful...” Fluttershy said, closing her eyes. “You had a crazed look in your eyes, like you would not be denied. I was so frighten, and I couldn’t stop shaking...” She said, moving her sheets to hug around her form. “So rough, so hungry, so scary. I loved it so much though,” Fluttershy said, blushing.

Oh f*** me,” Soma thought to himself. A hand moved to his head, holding it as he moved to sit up. “Fluttershy, if I did anything to hurt you...”

“What are you talking about Soma?” Fluttershy asked, opening her eyes.

“I mean... You and Me...” Soma said, moving to point at them both.

“Why would I be hurt? All you did was kill a chicken and cook it,” Fluttershy said.

“Oh... Why am I naked?” Soma asked.

“We made love...” Fluttershy said, moving her head to nuzzle against the naked teen’s chest.

“Oh shit!” Soma picked his head up, looking around himself quickly. Both of eyes were bloodshot, looking at the area woken up in. Still on Fluttershy's sofa. Both hands moved to touch his chest, feeling his clothes still on. Looks like he was still in the cottage. Had that all been a dream?

“Soma?” Fluttershy peeked her head through the doorway of her bedroom. “Are you ok?” She asked, waking up from a most pleasant dream where she finally got Soma in bed. “We got to hurry to the train station...”

Travis and Luna raised their respective arms and hooves up to slap each other high fives. Mission accomplished.

Author’s notes: No, no orgies. Sokka, Sephiroth, Derpy, and Samus just moved them all after they passed out from drinking as a prank masterminded by Travis and Luna. Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.

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