• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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The Sixth Day, Start

Chapter 81- The Sixth Day

Once more, the sun started its journey over the desert wasteland. With it, the dry heat buffaloes were used to return and took away the cold night. But something was off that morning, and Little Strongheart was short of it. She picked up her head, eyes narrowed a bit. Did the sun was always... Not as strong or bright?

“Is something wrong, young one?” Chief Thunderhooves walked over to look at the sky with her.

“I’m not sure,” Little replied, looking back at her chief. “I think the sun’s off.”

“You think so? Hmm. I cannot say,” Chief mused for a moment to look away from the sky. “But at least the elders and I have come to a conclusion.”

“You did?!” Little perked up, forgetting the sun for the moment. A big grin form on her face. She had spoken with the chief and given him and her tribe an update of what had gone on.

She did make an important note to skip some events.

“Yes,” The much larger buffalo chuckled before continuing, “We will join our Appleloosan allies- On one condition.”

“A condition?” Little perked up both of her eyes and blinked a few times, trying to understand. Then again, her race did hate war...

“Yes. As long as our other allies do not join the changelings’ side.”

“What?!” Little’s eyes opened wide at that outburst.

“Little, you must understand. We have just made friends with the ponies. If the oxes, minotaurs, donkeys or even saddle arabians join with the changelings, we must support them. Or at the very least, not get in their way. We have been allies with those other races a much longer time.” Chief moved his left front hoof to Little’s feathers. “Remember, we honor our agreements, no matter how old they are.”

“But...” Little sighed and looked down to the ground. She knew that the feathers meant. Some oaths were not taken lightly.

“Let us hope that the minotaurs gathering around our lands are not in league with these changelings.” They both turned to look over a hill, spotting a few tents set up that had a some minotaurs waking up.

“Little! Chief!”

“Hmm? Is that Braeburn?” Chief turned to look at the trotting pony with the hat. “Is something the matter, Braeburn Apple?”

“I couldn’t *huff* find Cooking Mama *wheeze* and Donut Joe!” Braeburn stopped in front of them, getting a second to catch his breath. “I had the whole town looking for them. Also, some of the town ponies said they spotted a different human, but he’s gone too!”

“Another human?”


“You know, I’m supposed to be with my team heading back to Baltimare,” Gilda the griffon frowned. At the speed she was going, it would take longer than she wanted to get to Ponyville.

“Look, you didn’t have to carry me,” Sora replied. The young man was dressed in a odd set of clothing, least compared to the other humans. Short black jacket over a red shirt, and blue shorts with large red pockets on riding shorts on top. Black and yellow shoes without socks was worn on his feet. Short and spiky hair waved a bit with the air over his blue eyes.

“Like you can fly. I call that gliding,” Gilda snorted.

“Hey, usually my magic allows me to adapt to the land. Maybe because Donald’s not here with his morph spell I didn’t transform.”

“Just shut up your pie hole, and there is no way I’m paying for a train dweeb,” Gilda answered back. “Besides, it’s faster if I fly.”

“Hey, thanks for this,” Sora smiled, moving his gloved hands out to hug her neck. Startled by this, the griffon took a sudden dive as her wings and legs flailed a bit.

“Hey! No hugging the pilot while flying!” Gilda screamed out as she tried to regain her composure. The sides of her beak revealed a rosy blush.

“Ha ha ha!” Sora grinned after he laughed. “Oh come on, Gilda! There’s nothing wrong with hugs. Even Donald likes them.”

“Well, I don’t!” Gilda frowned. She almost snarled and wanted to throw this Sora dweeb off her. But he was her ticket for Sephiroth... And what was-

“Aw, you are just a softie!” Sora grinned. He had moved his index fingers into the sides of her beak to try to make her smile.

“Just think of Sephiroth...” Gilda whispered to herself.

“Hey... I got a question.”

“What now, dweeb? I thought I explained the humans and how Equestria works the best I could.”

“Why are you single?”

If Gilda had water in her mouth, she would’ve spit it out. Instead, her beak fell open as she started to to gag as an insect flew into her mouth.

“Woah woah woah!” Sora moved both arms out to grab onto to neck and trying to hang on for dear life- And also pat down her throat. “You ok?”

“Where *cough* did that *wheeze* come from?!” Gilda asked, her wings flapping rapidly to keep her from losing altitude. Although she didn’t notice it before, his touch was warm and comforting. Sora was glad his time with dream eaters had granted lots of practice treating and grooming creatures.

“Well, I was wondering why you left your griffon squad? Also, why none of them bothered to stop or join you,” Sora asked.

“What does that have to do with being single?!” Gilda roared, being a bit defensive. She was going to have to stop and rest soon.

And maybe get a massage from the dweeb.

“You’re not answering the question...” Sora answered. “But I guess you got a point.” Sora placed both hands on the back of his head to look ahead of himself. “You have such pretty white feathers, and your fur is very soft. And your personality is so cute.” He grinned, shutting both eyes as he wondered how much of a softie Gilda was. Expecting an answer, Sora waited a second for some sort of squeak or retort.

“Just... Shut up,” Gilda finally said after a few moments. This kid was infuriating! How dare this guy make her blush and compliment her like a lady! This wasn’t fair! Gah!

“You’re weird,” Sora finally said after a moment. “Guess that’s why. Pretty face and cute personality, but weird. Well, I got my answer.”

Gilda finally managed to calm her face and spun once, letting Sora fall off her back.

As Sora fell to the ground, he debated spending more time with other girls or guys that weren't ducks, goofy, or as socially inept as he was.


“And one, and two...” Gilgamesh called out, enjoying the morning sun with the changelings. Outside of the cave, he was now doing morning stretches and exercises before they could go into real training. It was weird, the weapon collector had no idea if he should make them stretch with magic shape shifting exercises or plain ones. He settled for the old standby, Mr. Push-up. At his side, his new partner joined in with the exercises. Sphragis grinned, looking at the others as he did push-ups at twice the speed the others did without missing a beat.

“Heh. We should move to the hard stuff!” Sphragis called out. He didn’t mind getting paired up with Gilgamesh. Another warrior and a chance to learn more combat methods.

“Ha! One thing at a time, Sphragis!” Gilgamesh was glad he had a changeling he could compare the others’ results. He knew that they could reach true horse-like levels of strength and power. From what the warrior general told him, Spragis was the only real warrior. As it turns out, magic, food, and training actually did factor their strength levels. With the Crystal Heart providing love, the changelings had plenty of food and their magic levels were stable. Good, this would make his new troops a great threat. And Otacon’s words of wisdom were not lost on him.

Surprisingly, Sphragis was a loyal subordinate and did his best to serve his king and queen. The only thing higher in his eyes was combat. No special or remarkable story either. Born with his brood, he spent his time being an individual with combat.

But one thing did bother Gilgamesh. Changelings ate positive emotions and even then, food was sometimes hard to get. Love is an emotion hard to obtain as well. And changelings needed food to train and be strong. So then, what kind of emotions did Sphragis feed on to get so big and strong?


“Sombra,” Xehanort called out, holding the green quartz crystal Gilgamesh used. With Roger gone, the dark unicorn decided to respect his wishes and make Xehanort as the temporary leader. While Vegeta was his personal champion, there was something to be said for Xehanort’s experience and knowledge.

“I see... Celestia must be wanting a meeting to discuss the wargames,” Sombra said as he walked over to look down at the quartz. Using his magic, the unicorn raised the crystal to his left ear.

“King Sombra?”

“Princess Luna?” Sombra asked, a bit confused. Vegeta and the other Dark Brands noticed the conversation and stood up to listen in. “I was expecting your sister.”

“Do excuse the hour of this call. My sister is raising the sun...”

“I see. What is the nature for this call?” Sombra asked. Master Xehanort turned his head, seeing the changeling rulers waking up to look at their direction.

“I’m calling to set the hour we can meet for the wargames. Will noon do? We can make it a lunch meeting.”

“I do believe that is not up to me, Princess of the Night. This is the conflict between your side and the changelings,” Sombra replied, eyes closed a bit. “And do not refer to me as a king. Not yet anyway...”

“Well spoken,” Imago said. The elder changeling had gotten worried that Sombra would be directing this wargames, but it was for nothing. The red-horned unicorn was showing modesty and also giving his daughter and that oaf of a son-in-law their proper due.

”Excuse my-”

“It is not to me you should apologize to. Allow me to place Queen Chrysalis,” Sombra said with eyes closed halfway. Not that he enjoyed putting the princess in her place, but he was not a former king for nothing. He would show proper protocol and respect for his allies. At least, for now. The crystal moved to Chrysalis’ left ear so she could speak. The queen merely grinned and bowed her head, making Aurelius snort once.

“Apology accepted,” Chrysalis said, pleased by the putting the Princess Luna on edge. “Oh of course, noon.”


“Alright crew! Let’s show them why Sapphire Shores is the show stopper!” The entertainment pony raised her front hooves into the air, eyes closed to shout. She was wearing her traditional white dress with hat and flashy decorations.

“Alright! We got a few hours to set a stage! Let’s put Ponyville as the party capital of Equestria!” Command Chief said. The light green unicorn was wearing a hard hat, overlooking as various ponies jumped out to start building.

“Hey, Chief... Who are the new guys?” Shores asked, a bit surprised by the Diamond Dogs now wearing hard hats and moving to grab building materials.

“Oh, them?” Chief turned to look at the Dogs and grinned. “We found them in Ponyville! They were hanging out in the Apple Acres. With nothing to do, we offered them a job! And with their paws, they can build and use tools better than unicorns.”

Red Rover and the others nodded, giving Shores a thumbs up.

“Well, I am an equal opportunity pony,” Shores added as she flashed a smile at her new crew. “Alright then! Let’s get this show ready for the humans.”

“Alright then, let’s get Sweet Apple Acres ready for a show,” Chief grinned.

“Get off my lawn!” Applebloom yelled out of her window.

“But you told-”

Chief was silenced as a pillow hit him on the face.

“Sorry about that,” Applejack sighed. “None of us got much sleep last night.”


“Well, it took all night, but here we are,” Gilda said with a sigh of relief. The two travelers landed on the ground, the griffon had lowered her body to let Sora jump off of her.

“You ok? Not tired or anything?” Sora asked as he moved his hand to pet her head.

“Stop touching me already, I’m not a pet!” Gilda said, moving her head back from him. Why were his fingers so soft and warm? With no fur or talons, this was a much different sensation than from her own kind or ponies. Would Sephiroth feel better?

“Hmm?! Oh! Gilda!” Rainbow Dash peeked her head down, spotting her friend. Ever since her trial, things had sorta been ok. Though Gilda testified against her, she was just stating what she saw that night. The griffon even had admitted her feelings, hopeful leading to the road to forgiveness.

“Finally, someone that’s not a dweeb,” Gilda smiled, her beak showing off a smile.

“Who’s this? Is this your human partner? I had no idea you liked them young...” Rainbow Dash chuckled, moving to land next to them.

“Whoa... technicolor pegasus. You remind me of a dream eater I once had. Named it Rainbow Dash,” Sora said with a grin. Both Gilda and Dash turned to look at him, mouths open a bit.

“How’d you know her name?!” Gilda cried out, shocked. She had not mentioned her name at all!

“Wait, what?” Sora opened his eyes wide, turning to look at the pegasus.

“That’s creepy. Do you have powers like Dovahkiin?” Rainbow blinked twice, inspecting this teen.

“And he’s not my partner,” Gilda frowned. “I just brought him here cause he said he had to meet the humans.”

“Well, I can’t take you to them I’m afraid. We’re supposed to lay low for a day... But they are in the middle of the Everfree Forest, by the ruins.”

“Really? Why?” Sora asked. “And I got some powers...”

“Well, you better go find them. They got big plans in the works,” Rainbow Dash said. “I just hope they are alright.”

“Why wouldn’t they be?” Gilda asked, suddenly frowning. “And is Sephiroth with them?”

“The one-winged guy? Yeah, he’s with them. But you better get the story from them. I gotta help clear the clouds for a stage show.” Rainbow stopped a moment to look around. “I can even get you in. It’s Sapphire Shores singing.”

“Really? Let me go drop off Sora here then. Get on,” Gilda commanded.

“Well, my thighs hurt from riding you, but a little more couldn’t hurt.” With that said, Sora hopped on the griffon and they took off into the air. Rainbow Dash frowned a bit, watching her old friend take off. The pegasus wondered how the griffons in the rodeo were doing without Gilda with them. She just hoped she didn’t get in trouble.

In a few short minutes, Gilda managed to make her way to the Ruins. She circled around in the air a few times, with Sora looking around as well.

“No one’s here...” Gilda said, her eyesight much better than a human’s. “But there was somepony here.”

“Somepony?” Sora asked. “We better land though.” Gilda nodded, and they both glided down to land on the spot near the rope bridge. What greeted them was lots of empty beer cans, litter made of wrappers, plates, and abandoned fire pits.

“Some- human? Yeah, some humans were around here. Looks like they took off though.” Gilda marched on the ground, carrying Sora on her back. “Stay on me, if we need to take off, you’d better stay close.”

“I don’t see signs of a struggle though,” Sora added. He did see a few trails of something heavy being dragged on the ground. The keyblader moved his left hand out, catching the Kingdom Key that materialized into the air. Weapon in hand, he continued to scan the area.

“I see sleeping beds further inside...” Gilda picked up her head to look inside. As she walked, Sora moved the keyblade to poke a few embers of a fire.

“Those fire were lit last night. Looks like they are still warm. These cinders still burn,” Sora commented.

“Is anyone there?!” Gilda called out, letting her voice echo through the old temple. “I don’t like this. Even if the humans left to hunt, they would leave one or two behind to watch their things.”

“I think you’re right. But other than trash, I don’t see any weapons or signs of a fight inside either.” Sora finally moved to hop off Gilda and sniff the air.

“You smell that? Smells like drugged meat,” Gilda said, frowning a bit. “And urine.”

“Gross!” Sora frowned, lifting a hand to cover his nose. “Drugged meat?”

“You don’t smell it? Well, I guess a predator like a griffon has better sense of smell.”

“Wait. If the meat was drugged- who would do it? And why? I don’t get it.” Sora walked over to look down at some smaller sleeping bags. “And who would drug kids? These are not meant for adults.”

“Where are they all?”


“Ergh... my head,” Dan said as he picked up his head from the stone floor. “Was I shanghaied again?”

“Who are you?”

“Huh?” Dan picked up his head a moment, moving his left hand to hold his head. “Who is that? Is that you, Merchant?”

“A human?” A large gold colored hand moved out, grabbing Dan by the back scruff of his neck. “Did you not know this is my private training ground? Get out of here before I throw you off.” Dan rubbed his eyes a bit to wake up, turning to look at the huge boulder holding him up. The large boulder had red colored skin, short white hair that was combed back, and topless.

And wearing a skirt.

“Throw me?! How dare you manhandle me!” Dan immediately shouted, waving his short fists in front of himself as his left hand grew with an awesome power.

“And what are you going to do to me, puny human? Don’t you know who I am? I am Asura, one of the general-”

“Exploding Burning Finger!” Dan shouted, bringing his left hand to blow up on Asura’s eyes. A bright red flash and an explosion left a dark smoke cloud on the deity’s face. With a frown on his face, Dan waited for the large boulder man to fall over. But when the smoke cleared, Dan was staring at eyes that had changed color to white. “Uh oh...”

“So, little man, you can channel the anger mantra?!” Asura shouted, his voice getting louder. “Let’ me show you how it’s done!”


“Are you sure about this, Phoenix?” Captain America asked. Steve Rogers was dressed in his modern uniform, standing in a S.H.I.E.L.D. training room. “You are pretty strong once your reach Turnabout.”

“As it stands, I am lacking some of my attacks, Captain,” Phoenix said. On his left arm, he sported his Phoenix Shield. “Since I got this, I need to learn how to use it.”

“Ok, Phoenix. Just like old times. Let me show you what a shield can really do.” Both of them spread their feet apart to brace their legs and smile.


“Come on, Nate!” Kamina shouted. The topless human with blue hair and sunglasses grinned. “Just get on the Gurren and kick my ass!”

“Hey! Get the hell out of that tin can and say it to my face!” Nathan shouted. He had his Burning Spirit on, using a giant drill to deflect the giant robot feet from stomping on him.

“Uh, Big Bro,” Shimon said from his cockpit area. “Are you sure this is the best way to teach Mr. Drake?”

“He is the spirit of Equality. We fought tooth and nail to be even with the beastmen!” Kamina grinned, moving the robot fists to punch the drills. “They have gunmen, we got our gunmen! They have super big gunmen, we combined our own to make us even. The beastmen own the world of the sun, so now we want to stand equals with them!” Kamina shouted.

“I... Guess,” Simon said, wondering if this would really help Mr. Drake. Little did he know, his future adult self would train Travis Touchdown.


“So, you just clap hands, and poof- Alchemy?” Ash commented.

“Well, there’s more to it than that...” A large metal knight suit said.

“An you call this prosthetic auto-mail?” Vash asked, pointing at the Full Metal’s arm.

“Yes and yes,” Edward sighed. Why did he have to teach these two alchemy? They both had the potential for magic, but alchemy was the- “What are you two doing?”

Both Ash and Vash clapped their hands together and placed their hands on the ground. Two ponies made of earth crept up from the ground to take the form of Braeburn and Mayor Mare.

“How is that fair?!” Alphonse said. “I had to give up my body!”

“Seriously? Did you two see that gateway?” Edward asked. Vash was already getting on his nerves. Damn copy cat had a missing arm, wore a damn red coat, had blonde hair, and the worst of it? This asshole was taller than him!. Life wasn’t fair. Maybe he had also given away his growth along with his arm and leg to get Alphonse back.

“Nope,” Vash said, nodding at his work. Ash shrugged, but then looked down at the back of his hand.


“So, how do you think the other humans are getting along with their teachers?” The (10th) Doctor asked the (11th) Doctor.

“Oh, I think they will become stronger...”

“Don’t you think that they will kill you for drugging their meat?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about, and you’re me...”

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura.


“Why are you in here for?” Dan turned to look at Kratos. They were both inside a large white colored room that had some lawn chairs set. Joining them were also Ash and Dovahkiin.

“Something about anger control,” Kratos responded. The Spartan had to snort once, a frown decorating his pretty face.

“I already went through that..” Dan frowned, having not read the sign for the door.

“Well, I can understand why you two are here for,” Dovahkiin said with his arms crossed. “But I do not need help with my anger.”

“So says Mr. Sleep Shouter,” Ash complained. “But the sign outside did say anger management...”

“Hello, and welcome everyone to couple’s counseling. Dealing with humans and ponies specifically,” A voice spoke as a human male walked through. Andrew (Author of ‘Hands’ (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/14407/hands) smiled, setting his things down on the desk in the front of the room.

“Couple’s Counseling?!” Ash shouted, moving to stand up straight and push his chair back. He was not the only one, as the humans all stood up to look at Andrew.

The sign outside the door fell down, revealing the real name of the class. Couple’s Counseling for Marriage.

“This isn’t anger management?!” Dan shouted, his voice like screeching nails on chalkboard.

Dovahkiin turned to look at the door, seeing it closed by a pony wearing a hat from the outside. He ran to the window and drew his sword out to break through. Unfortunately, a magic field kept the window intact. “We are locked in!”

“Alright then... All I am missing is Wang Fire,” Andrew said as he looked down at his notes. “Well, you all need to complete this course in order to-” Andrew stopped himself, turning to look as several armed men approached him. Not to be intimidated to easily, the counselor drew his own boomstick out.

“Bring it!”

Author's Note:

Short chapter, sorry.

Still don't know who got sent back?
Not telling.

Chapter was a bit rushed- But I'm getting surgery tomorrow.

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