• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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This Strange Power

Chapter 51- This Strange Power

Soma picked up his eyebrows, turning to look at Dan. The midday report was done, so why did his leader look so relaxed? He could have sworn that Dan had gotten angry at the meeting. He felt a poke at his side, so he turned to look at Fluttershy. There some clouds in the sky that partially blocked the sun. Shadows casted by the side of the windows made her gaze appear brightly lit one second, then back to her normal adorable self.

“Soma, are you ok?” The pegasus asked, looking up at his face. A single eye poked from her mane, blinking once.

“Oh, I was just-”

“Alright, guy time. You mares go talk or something,” Dan commanded, lifting his head to look at Nate and then at Soma. The soul hunter raised his eyebrows, finding himself interrupted. Just when he was going to hug her. Sometimes she was just too adorable and cute for her own good. Even when she yawned or sneezed.

“Oh, ok,” Fluttershy said, turning her head away from Soma and walk to the other end of the train cabin. Just when she was finally feeling confident enough to talk to her partner. She felt enough awkward time had passed so she could finally get some proper bonding time away from animals, others, and not on business. Her mouth pointed to the floor as she was joined by Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

“Flutters? What has you so down?” Pinkie Pie asked, unusually calm for her. Rarity blinked once, turning to look at how odd her two friends were. Then again, last time Pinkie was on the train, she had acted serious over the whole dessert eating mystery. And Fluttershy could be upset over a multitude of things.

“Yes dear, you are not in your normal chipper self,” Rarity added, trying to be normal. The three mares sat down on a booth. Pinkie and Rarity sat next to each other so they could face Fluttershy properly.

“Oh, well its about Soma...” The pegasus smiled a bit, lifting her head to try and smile as to not cause her friends worry. “I finally had a chance to talk to him while we were awake today. And...” She stopped there, turning to look away. “Well, I... I...”

“Don’t you like him?” Pinkie Pie asked, lifting her left eyebrow. “Or were you going to say you love him?” The pink earth pony was confused. Didn’t they all really really like their own partners?

“Yes dear. What were you going to tell us?” Rarity asked. Wasn’t she supposed to be the leader

of romantic affairs from the group? Then again, Pinkie Pie was the engaged one.

“I was going to say that.” Fluttershy stopped herself, turning to look over the booth to look at Soma. “I haven’t been able to get one kiss out of him.”

“A kiss?” Rarity asked. Her left hoof moved to her mouth. Now that she mentioned it, she had yet to get a kiss from Nathan. Well, one she could remember at least. Earlier she managed to clean the lipstick and realize what she and Nathan had been up to that drunk night.

“Oh? Is that all? Do you want to kiss Soma?” Pinkie Pie asked, smiling again to tilt her head to the side.

“I... Do,” Fluttershy said, blushing a bit to move her front hooves to rub against each other. “I feel so alive around him. I think he’s handsome and strong. In his arms, when he moves at high speeds, I’ve a sensation that I’ve never thought I could experience on my own. I’m not the best of fliers,” Fluttershy said to hide behind her mane to smile. “But I honestly feel more than just friendship from him. For the longest time, I keep myself fantasizing about touching the lips that touched meat...”

“Oh uh, Fluttershy dear, I think you should stop talking about meat around others. Even I’m squeamish at the thought,” Rarity said to frown. “But doesn’t Soma-”

“Like you back?” Pinkie Pie asked, rubbing the spot under her chin with her left hoof. “I mean, even Danny Wanny shows he cares for me. And he can be a meany sometimes.”

“I’ve had no luck... With confessing properly. I try to be aggressive and dominant, but Mr. Spy says Soma is a hunter. I must let him hunt me, but I have no idea how to make Soma hungry. I tried singing, working together, and other things,” Fluttershy said, blushing really hard over the memory of that drunken night.

“Well, do you think maybe its Soma the one with a problem, dear?” Rarity asked, lifting her eyebrows. “I mean, he’s still so young and maybe he’s not sure how to proceed...”

“I do remember him telling me he was not a very social person, and because he travels so much he does not spend time with others...” Fluttershy thought back. “Do you think that’s it?”

“Let’s think on a plan to see if we can get Soma to stop being so shy....” Rarity said, smiling now that she finally had a chance to chip in her fabulous two cents.

Meanwhile, Dan rested his head on his hands, elbows resting on the booth table to look at Nate and Soma as they sat down next to each other. Least the booths were big enough to let the tall humans sit.

“Alright Soma, what’s the holdup?” Dan asked, lifting his right eyebrow.

“Hold up?” Soma asked, lifting his left eyebrow. Dan raised his left hand to point at his King of Hearts. Nate lowered his head, looking at his own Burning Spirit. Now that Nate thought about it, Soma was the only one from the team without a Brand. “You mean...”

“Yeah. You and Fluttershy. What’s up?” Dan asked, lowering his hands to look at the teen and lean back. “I know for a fact Nate and Rarity are not that close, and yet he got one.”

“But my life has not been in-”

“You forget? I got my Brand when my life wasn’t in danger either,” Dan said. He moved to cross both arms on his chest.

“Don't tell me. The whole reason you paired us two together is to help Soma get his Brand?” Nate asked, lifting his eyebrows. Damn, so that was the reason.

“Sort of. You saw how Pinkie Pie and the others combine their Elements, right? I think we are supposed to do it too. But some of us,” Dan stopped, turning to look at Some with half lidded eyes. “Are taking our sweet time.”

“What do you want me to do about it? I’m not sure how I’m supposed to proceed...” Soma said, shrugging.

“Well, haven’t you dated anyone before?” Dan asked. This time, the treasure hunter wondered what Dan was getting at. Was he implying that they had to fall in love?

“Wait, are you saying...” Nate placed both hands on the table as he came to a realization. While poisoned, he had missed how the females were acting around the human champions. “Are you saying that the Equestrians are crushing on us?”

“Where have you- Or right, poisoned.” Dan stopped himself. His left hand moved to rub his eyes. Why was he even bothering with the small stuff?

“Are you saying that Fluttershy and I-” Soma stopped talking, moving his fingers to cross against each other. “That makes no sense! Of course I like her, who wouldn’t? She’s adorable and cute. But like like her?” The Element of Acceptance raised his head to look at the mares. Fluttershy caught Soma’s gaze on her. She quickly turned her head to blush and look away.

“I hate to admit it, but yeah. I’ve seen how possessive Fluttershy was with you when we first met the two Princesses. Also the stare she uses when other mares looked at you,” Nathan admitted. “And Dan’s right. Every time I noticed, there hasn’t been a time the ponies have not been around their respective partner. Even Rarity has never-” Nathan stopped talking, realizing that Rarity did like him more than just a casual date. He stopped talking, realizing how Soma must feel.

“But how do you know if you even like like a girl or guy?” Soma asked, moving his hands to rest on the table to look at both Nate and Dan.

“What do you mean guy or girl? Are you telling me that you swing both ways?” Dan asked, lifting his right eyebrow. Soma looked way too interested subject. He finally had someone to talk about these things that wasn’t Yoko or Hammer.

“I mean, how do you know you’re in love? Or even know if you’re gay or straight?”

“You’re serious...” Nate said. “How do you not know this stuff? You should be throwing girls off of you, man. I mean, you got that whole vampire thing going, right? Or is all that girl thing what’s turning you off?”

“I’ve never been on a date...” Soma confessed. For once, he had some guys to talk about this stuff. While he knew the biological aspects, he was getting a lot of culture clash from traveling a lot. Not to mention he had that whole monster-kill thing and school that got in the way. And growing up, he was ostracized by childrens because of odd things that would happen around him. “I mean, what is love?”

“Nate, you wanna take this?” Dan asked, clearly not in the mood to talk to the teen.

“Well Soma, love is...”


“So tell me, what’s up with the prisoners?” Travis asked, walking behind Princess Luna. She was leading him deeper down into the castle, down to the dungeons. Although the inner castle was painted white, the lack of sunlight made the small staircase look pale. An occasional torch lit the way down.

“It is hard to say Sir Travis,” Luna said, taking her time walking. “Those with their horns cut off have been unresponsive, as if their will to live was stolen. The ones knocked out by the power of Phoenix Wright refuse to speak. Luckily, we are sure no changelings are around to allow them escape...”

“Right. So who tried to get them to talk?” Travis asked.

“Get them to talk? If you mean interrogate, the interim captain of Celestia’s guard tried. I do not know his name,” Luna confessed. Looking down. They finally reached the bottom floor, which lead to some jail cells. However, the floor was made from crystal glass and the doors to the cell as well. “But they refuse to speak. They need not food, nor drink, and we abhor violence. We have no idea how to make them talk.”

“Really?” Travis asked, loosing interest now. No violence? No torture? Wait a tic. Did ponies know good cop, bad cop? Better yet, did they know bad cop, crazy cop? “Luna? I have an idea. I need some things.” Luna nodded, not sure what he had in mind. She called for a guard, and Travis begun to give out ingredients.

“Beans?” Luna asked, raising her eyebrows at the weirdest thing on the list.

“Alright, while he’s getting that, let me tell you about another prank...” Travis leaned in, whispering something to Luna to make her giggle. She nodded, and they both walked to the first cell.

“Who wants to see paradise?!” Travis shouted out loud, waking some of the prisoners. He looked around, hunched over a bit to lift his hands and have his fingers bend like claws to look around. With any luck, they would think he was one of the first humans that attacked them all. It worked, as some of the changelings hunched down to back away from the human in the red jacket.

“Its one of them...” A changeling said, whispering as fear slowly crept onto its face. Its black fangs were apparent as it opened its mouth.

I am prepared to bring eternal night!” Luna exclaimed, lighting and thunder striking the air as she walked in behind Travis. Her wings were stretched out as her eyes had turned white with magical power.

“Oh, Nightmare Moon!” Travis said to look up at her as he entered Dark Side mode. This particular version, the entire area turned black and time seemed to slowed down. Everything entered into the negative zone as Travis and Luna were the only ones unaffected. The changelings moved slowly, forced into the power of the Dark Side. One swing of Travis’ beam saber would be an instant kill.

If these changelings will not talk, then they are of no use to us!” Luna projected in her Canterlot voice. “Let us be away with them!”

“Not yet! Lets have some fun!” Travis said, turning to look into a cell as his chest heaved up and down to breathe hard. Travis activated his beam saber. Thanks to being in the negative zone, the beam hummed in black light instead of red. He cut open a jail cell to grab one of the hornless changelings to drag him out and carry him away. As Travis left, his Dark Side ended and the remaining changelings were left wondering what was going on. Luna also left the area, but not before pointing to one of the changelings that still had a horn.

You will be next!” She laughed and cackled, walking behind Luna. After a few seconds of quiet, the changelings begun to hear the sound of a beating.

“Ergh!” Was heard, as the sound of crunching and slamming was heard. “Ow!” and other groans were heard along with “Hit him again!” and “Let me go next!” Unable to see, it was Travis that was beating a sack of beans. He punched it hard, making sure the sounds were projected. Luna had to cover her mouth with both her hooves to keep from laughing out loud as Travis faked beat a sack of beans, some coconuts, and a sack of apples. The assassin grinned, taking a second to wipe the sweat from his brow. It was nice to mess with people without breaking the rules.

( ...Being able to laugh together.)


Meanwhile, in the upper floors of the castle. everything was quiet. There was guards stationed at certain points, what with the heightened security and all. But the guards did their duty, staying quiet with their eyes on alert. Almost too quiet in the white hallways. One of the guards raised a left eyebrow.

“Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?” The other guard station at the doorway said. The two guards were guarding the door to Princess Celestia’s bedroom. The guard stopped for a moment, hearing light thuds. “You know what? I think I hear footsteps- But they sound so light.” The guards were used to hearing pony steps that made thicker sounds against the marble floors. The sounds got louder and louder slowly. Both guards picked up their heads, turning to look at what was making the noises.

It was Johnny Bravo, both arms picked up in front of himself to run. He had a panicked look on his face.

Run you fool! If Celestia catches us, she will never let us go again!

“I’m running already! Why did you ask her on a date?!” Johnny panted, trying to keep moving from the the white alicorn. “Why don’t you just go? She- huf- won’t chase us if you leave.”

Because I need chaos, and the other champions I summoned are not exactly cooperating. You are only one that I have a chance with.

“What about our date?!” Princess Celestia shouted. The two guards blinked and looked at each other. Did their ruler just ask for a date from the blonde human?

No one will expect us to hide under her nose and in the bedroom. Just run through the doors.

Johnny came to a stop, holding his knees with both hands in front of the doors that ponies were guarding. “Could you two guys do me a solid? Don’t tell her I ran in here...”

JOHNNY BRAVO! You will come back here with Discord!” Princess Celestia came to a stop at the other end of the corridor, looking around the intersection.

“Dang it...” Johnny said as he raised his head to duck through the doors. The two guards raised their eyebrows, confused as to what was going on.

“Guards!” Princess Celestia ran up to them, her wings flared out to her side. “Have you seen a bipedal creature with blond mane?”

“He... Went into your bedroom, your majesty,” The first guard said. The second guard stood immediately at attention, still confused though.

“Oh? My bedroom you say...” Princess Celestia said to smile and look through the large oak doors. “Make sure no one interrupts us.” The solar princess walked through the doors.

“Oh no! She found us!” The guards heard. Then they heard a click as the doors were locked. Shining Armor and Princess Cadance turned their heads around the corner, looking at the door that leads to Celestia’s bedroom.

“You did something, didn’t you?” Shining Armor asked.

“Me? I have no idea what to what you are talking about. Let’s go take a peek...”


“I just want to make sure our Auntie is ok. That is Johnny Bravo and Discord we are talking about...” The pink alicorn said.

“I suppose you have a point,” Armor said, leading the way to a room next to Celestia’s bedroom.

“With any luck, we could continue our honeymoon and...”

( …Surviving chaos together.)


“Ponies. Gentlemen! I have a suggestion,” Blue Spy said, his right hand moving to hold the inner pocket of his suit. Everyone in the cabin turned to look at the masked man. “Since we have some time to kill, why not spend it with a game?”

“What kind of game?” Rainbow Dash asked, hovering a bit at the side of Phoenix. She was finally able to stretch out her wings and smile. She liked the idea of entertainment. Ralf and Cherilee turned to look at each other and then nod.

“Why, the King’s Game!” Spy said, pulling his hand out to reveal four straws he held in his hand. The ponies turned to look at each other, not sure what was going on.

“Oh wow. I thought you were a Frenchman... The King’s or Queen’s Game is common in Japan,” Phoenix said, smiling a bit. Oh, when was the last time he ever got to play that? Not since his college days.

“A ruler’s game? How’s it played?” Cherilee asked, turning to look at Ralf as he smiled.

“Oh, this is a game used in mixers and social get togethers. Its a popular group date activity next to Karaoke. But people like this more because its cheap, easy to set up, be played drunk or sober, tons of fun, and can be played outdoors and outdoors,” Ralf said. While from America, Ralf has traveled the world and learn a few drinking games.

“This game sounds exciting. How shall we be playing?” Zecora asked, grinning up at her partner. Little did she know, Spy was just doing this to stay on everyone’s good side and try to earn some brownie points. Plus, it would be nice to see someone squirm. Been a while since he’s had a chance to backstab anyone.

“Do you know this game?” Lyra asked. Sephiroth shrugged. “Oh, I’m sorry. I remember you didn't have many parties...” The unicorn lowered her head, only to find Sephiroth’s hand on her mane.

“Fret not. If its for milady, we can try once,” Sephiroth said with a nod.

“This iz a simple game. I only have four straws, so we will play a zimplified version of the game. So four humans or ponies will pick straws. One of zem is marked with an “R.” This means “The Ruler” will give a command to two subjects. They must be obeyed no matter what. But there are limits and not taking things too far,” Spy added to grin behind his mask.

“Oh! So this is like truth or dare, just with no truth part!” Rainbow Dash said to smile. She loved this game for sleep overs.

“Oh! Its been so long since I played! Can the Ruler also command a subject to tell the truth?” Cherilee asked to step over to the others.

“But of course! But the only other rule is that the Ruler must involve two subjects, no more, no less. So for example, Sephiroth must tell the truth to Lyra if the Ruler commands it.” Spy smiled, spreading the four straws in his hand. “What did you say?” Everyone nodded, looking at each other. They had time to kill on the train, and it sounded fun.

“Now then, since I came with the idea, does anyone mind if I go first?” Spy asked, smiling a bit devilishly at them all. Phoenix shrugged, turning to look at Rainbow Dash. It wasn’t how the game was played on the first round, but they were playing a different version.

“Ok. But then the ponies get to draw straws. Deal?” Rainbow Dash asked. Spy nodded, moving to hand the straws for Ralf to hold.

“Very well. As the king for this round...” Spy moved his right hand to slip into his coat, just like Napoleon. “I command that Phoenix and Rainbow Dash kiss on the lips.” The mares perked up their eyebrows, turning to look at the couple. So it was this kind of game... Phoenix blinked once, turning around to look at the others. He wasn’t too sure how to feel about the smiles and smirks the others were giving. Still, it was a common choice for the King’s Game.

“Phoenix...” The former lawyer blinked, turning to look down at Rainbow. Why was she so- Not Rainbow Dash at the moment? Her cheeks were a bright red, a sharp contrast against her cyan color. She placed her hoofs on his chest to lean her weight on his chest as she landed on the booth. Her normal confident smile was much more smaller.

“Er.. Dashie?” Phoenix asked, lifting his left eyebrow.

“I wanted our first kiss to be more romantic... But I,” She stopped talking, closing her eyes to push her lips against his. She did it quickly, it was just a peck before she drew her head down to continue blushing, looking at the ground. A few cheers were given by the other mares.

“Aw, that was too quick,” Ralf complained. Spy nodded, though he smiled at the way Phoenix was also blushing. About time those two had some physical contact.

“That... That was nice...” Phoenix said, closing his eyes to blush a bit. Been a long time since he was kissed also. Rainbow Dash picked up her head to look at his face, feeling a bit better since Phoenix liked it.

“I believe now the ponies pick straws,” Ralf said, lifting his right hand to hold the straws up.

( …Being able to play together.)


“Look at those two...” Trixie said, turning to look at Otacon and Twilight. The Element of Magic and of Science were busy away talking to each other. Otacon was writing a letter to respond back to King Aurelius. However, it was not that they worked together that bothered Trixie. It was how they worked together.

“What about them?” Snake asked. He was busy tending the fire inside the tunnels. Thanks to being so deep inside, it was constantly dark and the sun went down sooner, making it get colder. Though he turned to look at his friend and his partner. Otacon was sitting down, with Twilight Sparkle between his legs. The two were wrapped by Otacon’s cloak to keep warm. The purple unicorn had her head resting on Otacon’s shoulder as they both looked down as Otacon wrote on a letter using a pencil.

“Don’t they seem... Unusually close?” Trixie asked, placing a hoof to adjust her hat over her eyes to look at Snake. The stealth agent said nothing, studying how they worked and talked to each other. He didn’t miss the looks Twilight had as she studied Otacon’s face.

“This is a lesson they both have to learn.” Trixie raised her eyebrows, confused by what Snake was talking about. She moved to sit at his left side, getting closer to the fire and let her cape settle around her form.

“What do you mean?”

“They both are so different from each other. But at the same time, they are made for each other. But they don’t know what love is until they are split apart,” Snake said, moving to add a log to the fire.

“I don't understand...” Trixie said after a second.

“Oh, they are both so busy, right? Responsibilities they have for the sake of others. Otacon works for peace to break the curse of his family. Twilight for her studies and her friends.” Snake turned to look down at Trixie, smiling a bit. “They try to make time for the more important things, the things that make life worth living.”

“And now?”

“And now? They are in their element. They are working for the sake of others. Peace. But the lesson I was talking about- Working with each other for the simple things. Fixing a problem is easy. But working towards a goal where neither have experience? That’s hard.” Trixie pouted a bit. Snake was too deep for his own good.

“That’s not simple at all.”

“Love never is,” Snake said to grin.

“Are you saying that-”

“Yes. Neither of them knows it. But when you’re as naive as Otacon or as dense as Twilight, the only way you can realize you truly care for someone is when your partner is gone.” Snake moved to look back at the two elements as they continued talking. “What will happen when they move out of their comfortable little worlds of books and science and connect them?”

“Wasn’t that the whole point of the Elements of Harmony paired up with the Element of Change?” Trixie asked.

“Another thing that they have to learn. There is no textbook they can study. What does pair up mean anyway?” Snake asked his own partner. Trixie raised an eyebrow, not sure herself.

“Hey Otacon, could you come over here a sec?” Trixie called out. Otacon lifted his head, blinking once to nod. As he started to move, Twilight grumbled a bit to glare at Trixie.

“Twilight? You ok?” Otacon asked, lifting his eyebrows to notice the purple unicorn’s reactions.

“Oh- Um I...” Twilight blushed a bit. “I was just comfortable! Right! I was all set to sleep the night.”

“You wanted to sleep with me?”

“That’s not what I meant!” Twilight said, her eyes closed to talk in a high voice. She opened her eyes after a second, noticing how Samus and Big Mac returned with firewood. Even The Merchant and Junebug raised their heads from counting gems and appraising them. The Diamond Dogs also looked at her, ears perked up at the noise.

“Ok, ok! Fine! I want to spend as much time as I can with Otacon!” Twilight admitted out loud to look at the others. “I already missed a lot of time!”

“Er, Twilight?” Otacon asked. The unicorn turned her eyes left and right in her sockets as she noticed how many were looking at her. She released a sigh and then raised the cloak with her magic to cover her face and look up at him.

“I’m fine. We’re already experimenting with each other,” Twilight said with a hushed voice as she blushed. Otacon felt his cheeks flush with heat. Damn, here he was hoping she wouldn’t bring up the drunken shenanigans.

“I suppose you’re right,” Otacon said, turning to look away. Both were unable to look at each other. “Um, after we get to Ponyville, you wanna-”

“Go on a date where we can eat dinner, partake an activity, and then physical skinship?” Twilight asked, immediately turning her head to look up at his face.

“Uh... Ok?” Otacon asked. He was going to say get a translation book. Where did she get that checklist from?

( …Being able to show public affection, even if you look stupid.)


Applejack sat down on the wooden floor, looking up at Dovahkiin. They were both inside the Apple farmhouse, as the human was done with the forge for the day. Now, Applejack was simply staring at her partner, wondering what in tarnation he was up to.

The dragonborn hummed a low tune to himself, setting a special table for himself. He had gotten some beakers and other weird looking stuff from the Golden Oaks Library. Also, he had the book Super Naturals open on a countertop.

“What’cha doing?” Applejack asked, looking at the dragonborn, as he start eating a stalk of wheat. He stopped tasting, turning to look at his partner and blink.

“I’m tasting the ingredients, trying to get a feel for them before I start mixing them,” the Nord said. Various herbs, leaves, butterflies, and other things native to Equestria were laid bare on the table.

“Yer really gonna eat all that?” Applejack asked, debating if she even wanted to kiss Dovahkiin anymore after eating a dragonfly.

“Well, I do need to raise my Alchemy level. And even though I got this book, I still need to see if I can make some of my own recipes,” Dovahkiin said to smile at her. The orange cowpony frowned a bit. “Something wrong, Applejack?”

“Its not right. Here ya are, slaving away at a forge all mornin’ and now ya stuck here makin’ potions when Zecora could done that,” Applejack said to look at his face. “Yer making special weapons and fancy magics.”

“Oh, don't worry my little pony. I promise I will make the time to spend time the night with you in bed...”

“That ain’t what Ah meant!” Applejack said to blush. Confound this male! “Why are ya pushing yerself so hard? Even Ah learned a lesson about bitin more than Ah can handle.”

“Because I love my new friends,” Dovahkiin said, lifting an eyebrow at her. Like he needed a reason. “I don't want them hurt, so I make armor to protect them. I want them to defend themselves, so I make them weapons. When they get sick or hurt, I make potions to help them...”

“But this ain’t Skyrim. These guys are taking a nice train ride while yer busy away all day.”

“I do this, because I love you too.”

“Say what now?!” Applejack exclaimed, lifting her head up to look at him. “Did ya say, love?”

“Of course. I can do so much, so I must do so much. What else can a man do when he is in love? Do you think I do this only in the name of my Resolve? What good is resolve, if you have nothing to drive you?”

“Ah...” Applejack lowered her head on the table top, letting a sigh escape. Her mind was refusing to cooperate. Dang it, why did he have to be so harsh gone perfect? “I reckon yer right.”

“Course I am. I’m the Dovahkiin,” He said, smiling to lean down to remove her hat and kiss her head.

“Not modest at all, are ya?” Applejack said to shut her eyes and release a contented sigh.

“I love your new hairdo. I just want to hug you all day and kiss you.”

“Stop teasin me already!”

“Oh, did you want to got to bed now then? Been meaning to let you try my spear-”

“Oh Dovah... What am Ah gonna do with ya?” Applejack said to open her eyes and shove him playfully.

“With any luck, it involves the Lusty Argonian Maid....”

( …Being honest with each other about their concerns and feelings.)


“Alright kids. You sure this is all you need?” Ash asked. He managed to get some hammers and nails away from the hospital rebuilding project for the kids. While tools had been stolen by the changelings, nails and wood were not. The adult human and Mayor Mare looked down as the Kids Next Door begun to grab two by fours and grin.

“Trust me. Gets me nails and some wood- And I’ll build you the world!” Hoagie said with a mile to spin a hammer in his right hand. Applebloom smiled, hammer in her own mouth.

“Well, you seem to know what you’re doing. Just please stay out of trouble,” Mayor said. The needed something to keep the little colts and fillies out of trouble and away from explosives. She raised her head, turning to look at the Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse. The KND and the schoolyard ponies had gathered at the Apple Farm to help build.

“You sure this is a good idea?” Sokka asked, turning to look at Derpy.

“Of course! The little ones may not look it, but the Crusaders rebuilt this treehouse,” The pegasus said. “And if the human colts and fillies want to live here, why not let them?” Sokka shrugged, there was that whole humans under attack from changelings to worry about. Still, he turned to look at the younglings. They were all laughing and smiling, enjoying the outdoors as they told jokes to each other. It seems that children, pony or human, still shared the love of stupid jokes.

Save for two that were standing a bit to the side. Wally frowned a bit, still wearing that cruddy blue vest. Scootaloo at his side, looking over at Rumble and Kuki. Number Three was happily collecting flowers to decorate, while Rumble was her guinea pig. He was wearing a flower ring on his head that made him grumble. The small blue pegasus would rather be hammering. He raised his head and started to munch on the flowers on his head.

“Rumble! You are just adorable!” The colt frowned, once again getting another hug from the green sweater monster. Wally released a sigh. Only reason he let himself wear this blue thing was because Kuki said he would look cute in it. He raised his eyebrows though, hearing Scootaloo sigh as well.

“You too?” Number Four asked. Scootaloo immediately picked up her head to blush, looking around a bit.

“I don’t like Rumble!” She admitted out loud quickly.

“Huh. I ain’t mention no one, and how’d ya know what I was talking about anyway?” The blonde asked. While not the brightest, he wasn’t stupid.

“I- Ah horsefeathers. Yeah, me too,” Scootaloo said defeated. She kicked the ground, feeling jealous that Kuki could hug Rumble so easily.

“Lets get to work...” Wally said. He needed something to get his mind off things.

( …Thinking of someone else, even if they already have someone.)


“Welcome to my world...” Severus Snape said with a sad expression. He was reading Nathan Drake’s journal from the future. “Why are my ears burning?”

“Severus?” The Doctor asked, looking up from his controls.

“Nothing. Next time, I pick what we eat.”


“Really? That’s it?” Soma asked, blinking to look at Nate. “But that’s stuff friends do, right?”

“Love and friendship ain’t that different kid,” Nate said with a smile, resting his own hands on the booth.

“Never thought I would agree with Nate here, but he’s kinda right. Love is some stupid drug that makes you do all kind of stupid stuff too... Ain’t ya seen any movies?” Dan asked, eyes closed halfway.

“How about an example?” Soma asked as he turned to look at the two men. “I mean, you guys got your own Brands...”

“Oh, no way!” Nate said, raising his hands up to wave them. “I already had to explain love. Let Dan show you, he was the first one to get engaged and also get a Brand.”

“He got a point,” Soma said, actually smiling to look at Dan. It was good to make the little guy squirm.

“You really want me to show you my stuff? You couldn’t handle it...” Dan said to shut both eyes and cross both arms on his chest.

“Hm... I have an idea Pinkie,” Rarity said to smile. Her hoofs moved up to hold them and look at Fluttershy. “You kiss Dan all the time, and he seems to let you get away with it. How about you show Fluttershy how you do it?”

“Oh! That’s right, after all, you are engaged. I would like to see that,” Fluttershy said to smile at the idea.

“Hmm... I guess I could try. But Dan isn’t a romantic kind of guy. But I do get my hugs and kisses when I need them! Alright, I’ll do it!” Pinkie Pie said to grin and get off the booth. Pinkie gathered up her swagger by moving her hooves to clean the pastry crumbs off her coat to start walking. She stopped though, seeing Dan walking over to her.

“Danny Wanny! I need to-” Pinkie Pie found herself shut when Dan moved to place his index finger on her lips.

“Stop right there young lady! I got something to tell you,” Dan said to draw his hand back to smile eviliy at her.

“But Dan, I gotta-”

“Shush young lady. Don't interrupt, this is important. Do you know that “Smile” song you just love to sing?” Dan said.

“Yeah? Want me to sing it?” Pinkie Pie said, getting a huge smile on her face.

“Oh, no. I hate that song!” Dan said, throwing his hands back to wave them side to side. Pinkie Pie frowned, feeling her pink mane start to quiver a bit as she bit her lower lip. At this point, Soma and Nate picked up their heads to look over at the couple. Rarity and Fluttershy also got off the booth to look over at them. Finding himself on the spot, Dan quickly looked around and then placed his hands to rest on Pinkie’s shoulders.

“What I meant to say- Is that I think I have a better Smile song.” Pinkie blinked a few times, tilting her head to the side. A better song than her own Smile? She sat down, expecting the song. She had her eyebrow raised though.

“I doubt it mister. But you get one chance,” The party pony said to sit down.

“I swear to god, we’d better not get Rick Rolled,” Nate muttered under his breath.

Dan nodded, already up to the task. He moved his right hand out to her chin, holding her jawline as the sound of a guitar started to play from nowhere.

“What in Dracula’s name?” Soma asked, lifting his eyebrows to look around for the direction where the sound was coming from. Fluttershy and Rarity perked up their eyebrows. Was... Was Dan going to serenade Pinkie Pie?

You're better than the best

I'm lucky just to linger in your light

Cooler than the flip-side of my pillow

Pinkie Pie relaxed her gaze, feeling Dan’s damp yet warm hand slide against her coat. She wasn’t sure what was going on, Dan was never this romantic. He had her eyebrow raised in question.

“That's right,” Dan answered to chuckle, as if to answer Pinkie’s questioning gaze.

Completely unaware

Nothing can compare to where you send me

Let's me know that it's okay

Pinkie Pie raised his head, a smile growing on her face as she started to enjoy the song.

“Yea, it's okay,” Dan said, moving his hand back from her face to let them rest on her shoulders.

And the moments when my good times start to fade

You make me smile like the sun, fall outta bed

Sing like a bird,

Dizzy in my head

Spin like a record,

Crazy on a Sunday night

You make me dance like fool,

Forget how to breathe

Shine like gold,

Buzz like a bee

Just the thought of you can drive me wild

Oh, you make me smile

Dan finished the song, lowering his hands to look back at Pinkie Pie. He raised his eyebrows though, seeing Pinkie Pie started to cry. He took a step back to look around.

“All I did was sing, I swear!” He cried out to point accusingly at the others.

“Oh Dan... That was beautiful,” Pinkie Pie said, moving a hoof to wipe her tears.

“Oh, tears of joy! Never seen those before...” Dan said. Been awhile since he saw those. He found himself quickly being pinned to the ground as she pinned him to the floor in a hug and kiss. This time, he didn’t struggle.

“Wow. That was romantic,” Nate admitted. Soma nodded, a bit loss for words. He turned to look at Fluttershy, who had hugged her hooves together at the tender scene between Dan and Pinkie.

Chapter Notes: I just had to go and write a romantic chapter, didn't I? I apologize. Next chapter, the Road Trip Arc ends when Phoenix and the others arrive at Appleloosa.

Chapter proofreaded by LyonAzakura

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