• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Side Story G- unedited

Author's Note:

Sorry, it's been a while, huh?

Lots of things, but still I'm sorry. Not much time to write, and I had troubles with the new chapter. Had to re write it a few times, and even then, still not happy with it.

Still working on it.

This is another what if- but the bonus for once- is canon. To the story anyway.

Combine! Elements of Change

“Just... How many hamburgers are you going to eat?” Steve Rogers asked the former lawyer. Both dressed in civilian clothes, both former Galactus hunters were sitting inside a both in a diner. They had been training for a while, so they had a lunch break. It was a bit busy being lunchtime and all, but Phoenix was hunched over and had several hamburgers on plates in front of himself.

“You don’t understand,” Phoenix finally replied, moving a napkin to wipe his mouth with a napkin. The black haired human was smiling, his gut sticking in a content swollen tummy.

“Try me,” Steve said, glad he ordered a salad.

“Well, there is something else I wanted to talk about,” Phoenix moved to sit up straight, pushing a plate away. Both elbows rested on the table top, his hands moving to cross in front of his mouth.

“Phoenix? Why so serious?”

“Well you told me your story but, you left out an important detail.” Phoenix looked over at a confused Captain America. “Who was the leader? Who did you make the focus of the Elements?”

“I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.”

“Well the Elements of Harmony have Twilight Sparkle as the leader. It is in her that they focus the power of the Elements to trigger the Magic.” Phoenix lowered his hands to look away. “If we go by that logic, that means Otacon is the candidate for our focus.”

“Uh, this is bad why?” Steve asked. “He sounds like a good guy. Mislead, yes, but a stand up fellow that realizes weapons and war are evil.”

“You didn't answer my query though. Did you guys have that?”

Steve shook his head to the sides. “Back then, there wasn’t even Elements of Harmony.” The captain pushed his own plate away and take a sip of root beer. “We were just an experiment. True, we had our own adventures, but Asura kinda was of our Hulk.”

“Back at square one then,” Phoenix sighed. “Well, Science doesn't exactly sound like a rally call we can all get behind. But at the same time, any of the Elements the guys have could fit.”

“Are you telling me you wouldn't put your chips in with Hope?” Steve teased his friend.

“Well, I honestly have no idea what I would do if the others gave me their Elemental power. Just, what would happen if we picked the wrong one?” They both took a second to think about it.


“Alright guys, hands in!” Dan shouted, an angry snarl on his face as he placed his hand in. “Everybody put your focus into Otacon!”

The others nodded, moving their Brand out to the middle of the group. One by one, the elements glowing as their power was invoked. Dan’s King of Hearts begun to shine in a yellow light. Next came in Phoenix with the Double Phoenix, the light glowing red. Nate placed in his hand to smile, the Burning Spirit emanating green glow. Dovahkiin moved his hand in, invoking the power of the Scars of Passion to activate with a brown color. Soma focused on his Soul Skull awakening to white shine. They all turned to look at Otacon, smiling.

“I’m Science, so I have no idea what is going to happen. But here we go,” Otacon released a breath of air to steel his nerve. Science’s Edge turned on with a purple light, and he placed his hand into the group. With all of the hands in, the colors begun to join in and mix together. The purple light from Otacon’s hand first took the form of a disk, growing larger and larger. As the disk grew though, wind begun to build up, making all of their clothes and hair flap against their frames.

“This is crazy!” Nate shouted, a stupid grin on his face. They all started to float, moving a few inches from the ground.

“This better not be a disappointment!” Dan shouted as the wind started to howl.

“Tell Fluttershy I regret nothing!” Soma shouted, as the purple light begun to gather around each of their forms.

“I’m getting sick!” Phoenix said, his cheeks puffing out. “I think I ate too many burgers...”

“It’s like absorbing a dragon’s soul!” Dovahkiin shouted, moving his free hand to keep his hood on.

“I think it’s coming!” Otacon shouted, the disc expanding to an orb to hide all of their forms from view. The giant orb begun to spin, drawing a ring of a purple color as the wind begun to make tornado. With no warning, the orb exploded and sent a purple wave away from the eye of the storm. The flash of light ended, leaving our heroes in the middle and back on the ground.

“Otacon?” Twilight’s voice called out.

“Twilight? Why do you...” Otacon picked himself up, moaning a bit as he had to stand up.

“Are you ok?” Twilight asked, though the voice sounded distant.

“I’m fine Twilight, justwhatandtheimgoingtopissmypants!”

Otacon opened his eyes, his mouth open to stare up at a giant Rex. Painted purple with pink stripes. The others started to wake up, also looking over at the giant mecha.

“Oh, you are all alright! Thank good- Why are you all so tiny?” The purple metal gear lowered it’s face down, making a mechanical joint sounds as she moved. “Wait, what’s wrong with my body?!”

“Dibs,” Snake called out.


“So we are going to use Dan as our focus?” Nate asked, clearly worried. The others also started to sweatdrop at the implications this could hold.

“I hate to admit it, but Dan has the strongest attunement to his element compared to the rest of us,” Otacon reasoned. “It makes sense he can handle the rest of ours.”

“Just shut up and huddle in!” Dan shouted, moving his hand in. The others nodded, willingly to give it a shot. They all gathered their hands in, invoking their powers together. This time Dan’s Brand shot out a yellow light into the air. They all looked skyward, as the light fired off like a giant cannon. After a moment, the light stopped... going upward at least. The clouds in the sky gave away as a yellow snowflakes began to drop to the ground.

“Such a terrible beauty,” Merchant said, moving a hand out to catch the yellow flake. “Not even cold.” All across Equestria, Dan’s snow started to fall.

“But what is supposed-” Sokka stopped a second, frowning. “Hey! Snow is supposed to be cold!”

“Just what do you think you guys are doing?” Pinkie frowned, getting angry. “I was expecting fireworks or something!”

Dan opened his eyes wide, as it appears he was the only one that didn’t have a frown. He took a few steps back, lifting his hands up. “Now now, let’s talk about-”

“All this time we listened to you! How are we supposed to defeat the changelings now!” Luna growled.

“Oh hey! This is not my fault! This is the changelings!” Dan pointed at the opposition. “Get them!”

“He’s right! This is all their fault!” Fluttershy shouted, rage coursing through her veins.

“Tear them apart!” Dan shouted, glad he had a scapegoat.

Chrysalis gulped as ponies started to converge with pissed off snarls.


“So uh... Why me?” Nate asked, looking around at his friends.

“You’re Equality, right?” Dan frowned. “It makes sense you can use all of our powers without worry that it will overwhelm you. Well, if you use them equally.”

“That’s the theory anyway,” Soma shrugged. “I mean, it makes sense to me.”

“Alright, let’s do this then,” Nate sighed. He was the weakest of them all, but they felt he was the best choice. Screw it. “Hands in!” One by one they placed their hands in, with Nate on top. He smiled at them all, letting all care and worry escape him. They all shut their eyes, attuning themselves to their element.

“Something’s happening!” Dovahkiin shouted, the ground beneath them stirring. As the Brands collected to Nate’s light, the ground begun to crack.

“Woah! Woah!” Otacon struggled to keep his balance. Nate moved his free hand out to steady him.

“Everyone together! Something big is coming!” Nate grinned, refusing to let go. They all moved their arms out, helping each other from separating. The ground finally rumbled and split open, allowing a giant metal construct emerge from the ground. They all stood on the device, looking around at the multi colored lights being shot out around them,

“What’s going on?!” Phoenix asked, lowering his head to look back at the ponies still on the ground. Lights of red, blue, green, white. black, purple, yellow, and orange begun to hit the ponies.

“Not sure! You’re standing on what looks like a giant lantern!” Rarity shouted as she was hit by a light.

When the rumbling stopped, several lights moved out from the bottom of the strike each one of the humans. The light surrounded each figure, lifting them into the air for a second and vanish.

“The hell?” Nate asked, looking down at himself. His normal clothes were gone, and he was wearing to be spandex of all things. Orange spandex, mind you. On his left hand, there was an orange glowing ring.

“Why are we wearing such stupid looking spandex?!” Dan shouted, looking down at his red getup.

“I don’t know! Huh? do you hear-” Otacon stopped talking, turning to look at the sounds of ponies.

“Mineminemineminemineminemine!” Rarity shouted, launching herself at Nathan to knock him down. She was wearing the same orange uniform Nate was. “This is where my babies come from!”

“Wait, why am I wearing Blue?” Otacon asked well- before he was tackled by Twilight, wearing purple of all colors.


“Yeah, I agree,” Nate said, motioning to Dovahkiin. “Only he and Soma are used to using so many powers and abilities. And no offense Soma, Dovahkiin probably has more experience than you do.”

“None taken,” Soma added, lifting his left hand up to wave side to side. “And I think me being infused with the soul of Dracula could only corrupt the power used.”

“So be it,” Dovahkiin sighed as he crossed both arms on his chest.

“Anger,” Dan said, lifting his left hand to blast Dovahkiin.

“Equality,” Nate called out, shooting his own light at the dragonborn.

“Hope,” Phoenix went next, smiling at how the Nord seemed to be unaffected by the beams. Well, in a negative way at least.

“Acceptance,” Soma grinned, wondering what was going through the Dovahkiin’s head as she shot him with his power.

“Science,” Otacon said to end the roll call. All of the champions kept their arms up, firing their powers into the dragonborn. The Nord then moved each hand out, invoking the power of Resolution into the mix. The combined glow of the colors swirled for a moment before exploding in a flash of white.

“By your powers combined, I’m Captain Planet!” Nate said.

“Uh... why am I Optimus Prime?” Otacon looked down at his transformed self.

“I have somehow turned into a cowboy,” Dovahkiin said, dressed like Walker, Texas Ranger.

“I think we changed into things of great will,” Phoenix said, wearing Captain America’s uniform.

Dan... Dan stayed the same.

“Aw come on!”


“Really? Why Soma?” Otacon asked, turning to look at the youngest Element.

“Well, Soma has ‘soul power’ and it is not limited to one type,” Dovahkiin begun to explain. “He has attack type, boost type, support type, summon type, transform type, and others. We have no way of knowing how the union of our powers will manifest. At the very least, Soma has had more experience with various types compared to the rest of us. Even me.”

“I get it. So whatever happens when we unite, I have the best chance to know how to deal with it,” Soma nodded. “Nate and Dan bearly had their powers a few days, and Otacon has had less than a day at this point.”

“And my powers have been limited by my constellations,” Dovah added.

“So uh...” Soma moved to take off his coat and set it aside. “Let’s form a circle and hold hands.”

“No way! That’s so girly!” Dan frowned. Though, his cheeks were red.

“Let’s just form the circle then,” Soma sighed. They all formed a circle, giving each other about a foot of space. One by one, they all shut their eyes to lift their hands and Brands to their chest. Each Brand glowed, sending a ray of white light from one champion to another. Each one floated slowly up, getting surrounder in the glow of the previous one’s Brand color. They floated in the air a bit, oblivious to what was going around them.

When Soma opened his eyes again, he turned to look over to his left, expecting to see Dan. Except his head turned right, looking at Pinkie Pie. The hell?

“Uh... Fluttershy?” Pinkie Pie asked, a bit confused. “Do you hear Dan inside your head yelling curses?”

“No, why?” Fluttershy asked.

“Dan?” Soma asked.

“Soma? Where are you?” Fluttershy picked up her head, looking around for her special somepony.

“I can hear Otacon in my... head?” Twilight commented.

“Oh fuck, Dan is going to kill me,” Soma panicked, apparently somewhere inside Fluttershy... And what was this now?

“Since when can Ah do a Kamehameha?” Applejack asked, duplicating Dovahkiin’s lightning storm spell.

“Fluttershy, can you try using Flying Humanoid?” Soma asked.

The butter yellow pegasus raised her eyebrows, but nodded. Out from her back, a second set of wings burst out. Ephemeral blue wings stretched out, much too big for her own size.

“Somepony stop Pinke from using Dan’s powers!” Rainbow Dash yelled.


“You know... I can’t answer that for you Phoenix. It looks like it will have to be something to talk about with the others,” Steve said to set his cup down. “But have faith.”

“I am more worried now than I was before,” Phoenix said as sweatdrops begun to slide down his face.


“Red Spy!”

“You suck!”



The sounds of battle rang out across the compound. Bullets fired and explosions rang out. Grunts and sounds of metal clanged here and there. Red agents fought against the Blu. Angelo erhem- the new Red Medic, picked up his head. Someone was in need of his help, so he picked himself up and ran.

“Doctor!” Red heavy called out, smiling a bit as Angelo arrived.

“Heavy, what’s wrong?!” Angelo called out. Heavy pointed down at his chest, which had more red than usual. The medic nodded, and placed his hands and used magic to heal the wound.

“Ha ha ha! You are credit to team!” Heavy grinned, moving to stand.

“Yeah well, this constant battle isn’t my thing,” Angelo sighed. “You’re lucky you remind me of Yangus. Get going, you big lug.” The sounds of battle still rang out, so Heavy took off from the porch he was on.

Angelo released another sigh, turning his head to look at the ‘battle.’ Demo was off blasting. Sniper was well- sniping. Soldier was rocket jumping. Well, can’t say this wasn’t boring at least.

“Feeling bad, stranger?”

“Have at- Oh, it’s you,” Angelo relaxed his battle stance, having drawn his sword out. Slowly, Merchant walked up to the templar knight. “Pasta. Seems odd we be the only ones here.”

“Hm. Can’t say I’m a stranger to this kind of battlefield,” Merchant moved both hands to hoist his backpack up. “Though we be on different teams.”

“Blu’s treating you well?” Angelo asked, placing his sword away.

“They be fine folks. When I told them I knew Spy, they took me right in. How’s Red Team?” Merchant turned to look over away from the battle and back to the knight.

“Well, it took some time getting used to. When I told them I was a healing knight, they welcomed me with hugs.” Angelo winced, moving a hand to his ribs. “Still feeling the hug Heavy gave me. Soldier took me under his wing. Says he’ll make a Man out of me.”

“Sounds like Blue Engineer ta me,” Merchant chuckled. “He says birds of a feather should flock together.”

“We need a dispenser over here!”

“Humph. Duty calls,” Merchant sighed.

“We’re up!” Engineer ran over to Pasta, but stopped a moment. He furrowed his brows, looking at Angelo.

“By all means,” Angelo took a step back, lifting his hands up to show he had no weapons. Engineer relaxed his pose and put his wrench away. The overall wearing mechanic hoisted Merchant over his left shoulder and took off, running to Blue Heavy. Angelo raised his eyebrows at the display.

“Setting dispenser!” Engineer shouted out, setting down Merchant. “Going back to defend the point!”

“What are ya buyin’?” Merchant asked, addressing Blu Heavy.


A figure in white took off, leaping from a tree to land on another tree branch. The figure wore a white hood, covering both eyes from view and casting a shadow over the rest of the face. The man, by the looks of it, carried a set of arrows and a bow on his back. The long jacket he wore had blue trim and high reach leather boots that stopped over his thighs. In his right hand he held a strange A shaped hatchet, and a hidden knife being slipped into his left wrist. After hopping a few times, the white figure finally stopped to overlook a warzone. Red jacket soldiers had blue jacket figure pinned down in a fort.

“Not bad. You are getting better,” Connor Kenway complimented his protege. The other figure turned to look back at the other figure in white and raised the left hand to look the hood.

“But of course,” Blue Spy grinned under his mask.

“Still don’t see the need for the mask,” Connor shrugged. “You are already a trained in assassin techniques, but you lack versatility.”

“Yes, well, I am trained in urban methods, not rural,” Spy shrugged.

“I’m just glad you’re French. We need more allies against the British,” Connor confessed, moving to take out his hatchet at ready. He turned to look at the colonists as they slowly retreated. “They fight for liberty and freedom, but for-”

“I am a patriot, I know my history. But, the moment has passed. Back to work.” They both grinned, Spy slipping his hood back on as they both jumped down to rush the British. Both men jumped down to the ground and ran. Earth was split by cannonballs, and the sounds grew thunderous as they both got closer. A rifle was stolen from a soldier and used to club past a field. a hidden gun flew out from a wrist, caught into a hand to shoot at a soldier as it spotted them.

A certain general from a fort turned to look at the two crazy-enough men to storm the enemy battle lines from a telescope. He watch them dance, never stopping. An enemy was used as a human shield. The British weapons used against them, ripped right out of the hands as soldiers fell from the swings of metal. Hands flew out, pushing men unwillingly into their deaths or out of the way.

“Charge!” General Washington cried out, lifting his sword up. He would not let them die in vain.

“For Washington!” Connor cried out, flying out with a bow drawn to hit a horse in the eye..

“Viva la liberte!” Spy shouted, using Connor as a stepping stone to jump off and drive his hatchet to an enemy officer’s face.


“What the hell!” Vergil shouted, looking at his other self.

“What?” (Reboot) Vergil said, lifting the sniper gun up.

“What in the hell do you mean?! You shot a pregnant mother!” Vergil shouted, using both atms to point at the weapon.

“She was a demon, about to give birth to another Nephilim. It had-”

“Where’s your honor?! What happened to the sword father gave us?!” Vergil shouted, enraged now. “Granted, I want power- But not like this!”

“We need to get out of here,” Other Vergil sighed. “Now’s not the time. Why are you losing your cool?

“I...” Vergil shook his head to the sides and moved his right hand up to slick his hair back. “Let us move.” They both moved, letting Nephilim Dante clean up. “Is this why you brought me here for, Deadpool? To see my other self? To realize I could very well turn into this?” Vergil thought to himself. He ran to jump over a wall, joining his other self. Was this supposed to be a wake-up call?

“What’s your problem?” Other Vergil said. “Because we always use a sword, by us using a gun, no one will suspect it was us. Not to mention, it’s bad enough I believe you are me.”

“What... What would Mother think of us?” Vergil asked, moving to get into a vehicle. The other half devil had to stop for a second, letting that thought sink in. Both silent, Vergil turned to look at his other’s face. At the very least, the other half demon still had thoughts of Mother with himself. He still had a semblance of angel when the angry gaze faded away. “And you know what is worse?” Vergil remarked with a somber face, moving to sit down. “You’re half-angel. I’m half-human.” He then turned to look at the Nephilim Vergil. “What does that say about us?”

“Don’t act so high and mighty,” Nephilim Vergil frowned, moving to escape in the vehicle. “You will do anything for power. And Mundus couldn’t know we exist.”

“...” Vergil said nothing, lowering his head. It was true though, he would do anything for power. But to kill an unborn child? And with a gun? Did the end justify the means? But is this what a true demon would do? One thing was clear though, this Vergil was a coward, letting Dante do all the work. The half-human would like to think he could wear a disguise, and prove himself stronger as the true eldest son of Sparda.


“Aw, come on, Kratos! It can’t be that hard!”

“Quiet, fool!” Kratos yelled out, turning his head to look down at a yellow man in cardboard pants. “How do you expect me to cook with no fire!”

“It’s more than just heat! You need love! Compassion! Krabby patties must be cooked with joy! We serve good food to good fishes!” Spongebob Squarepants said.

“You are aware, crabby patties are made from fish, right?”

“They are?”


The Real Bonus:

Lord Tirek sighed, bored being trapped in Tartarus. Oh, how he wished that...

Hm? Who was this?

Dan walked over, looking up at the old centaur.

“Huh. Guess Human and Pony can cross breed then...”

“Daddy?” Tirek asked, eyebrows raised.

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