• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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One Last Match

Chapter 26- One Last Match

"No meat?" Sokka immediately felt his form deflate. His cheerful face lost its complexion, and changed into sad mode. Both eyes closed and his arms fell limp at his sides. Both of his eyes closed a little, while his lips slowly drooped. Damn Aang and his Avatar weirdness and adventures! He was sure that this place was the Spirit Realm. How else do you describe this strange looking horse bird thing. He decided to simply walk the direction given to him.

"Are you sure you don't ride a ride Sokka?" Derpy asked, walking alongside the young man. He was dressed in his usual blue vest wrap and pants. His hair was neatly combed in a wolf tail fashion, and he had his favorite weapons, a club and boomerang, on his back.

"I doubt you could carry me, I mean your wings are so small! How can you even carry your own weight? That makes no sense to me," Sokka responded, turning to give his new companion a shrug. "Are your bones hollow or something to make you lighter to compensate?"

"I'm not sure what is going on, but all pegasi can fly!" Derpy said, smiling. When her eyes went a-wall, Sokka immediately turned his head away to look ahead of himself. It was bad enough meeting a regular human with those eyes, and seeing it on a creature with huge eyes was just worse.

"What's a pegasi?" Sokka asked, trying to act casual.

"You don't know what a pegasus is?" Derpy asked, her eyes returning to normal to question the young man. And people sometimes thought she was stupid.

"Um, I have heard of badger moles, buffalo yaks, catgators, buzzard wasps, boarqpines, cat owls, dragon moose, elephant koi, elbow leeches, flying bison, gilacorns, hog monkeys, koala sheep, lion turtles, otter penguins- Those are really cute when they are babies, polar dogs, rabbiroos, tigerdillos, wolf bats, wood frogs, and several types of bears- But no, pegasus is a new one," Sokka said. As he had been talking, he had been counting down the creatures with his fingers.

"Wow, those sound weird. I don't think we have any of those in Equestria," Derpy said. A lot of those words she knew, but not in conjunction with the other animals. "Well, I'm a pegasus. I'm a pony that can fly. We also have ponies with horns called unicorns, and regular ponies."

"Now see, ponies I have heard of. Never actually seen one but," Sokka shrugged, looking around the area. It looks like a settlement was coming up. "Is that Ponyville?" It looked like it was still a ways off.

"Yep! I live there with my own baby muffin!" Derpy said, smiling.

"Um, is that your child?" Sokka asked. He hoped not all ponies had those weird eyes of hers. How would her kid look like?

"Oh yes! I hope you get to met her soon!" The gray pegasus said, smiling.

"By the way, thanks for helping me. Don't you have a mail delivery to finish though?" The dark skinned teen asked. Spirit realm or not, he was not sure how things worked.

"Its no problem! The deliveries were cancelled due to the accidents, so all I had to do was come home after dropping a package in Cloudsdale."

"Accidents?" Sokka asked, lifting his eyebrows. Could you even have those in the Spirit Realm? He was going to have a long conversation with Aang about this later.


"You know, this town tour is just so informative and all, but are we going to be walking like this all day?" Ash asked, lifting an eyebrow. The Mayor had gone to visit all of the local places, trying to find the element bearers. Carousel Boutique was a bust, only the Cakes in Sugarcube Corner, the Golden Oaks Library was closed. The Mayor wanted to save the Everfree Forest for last, since visiting Rainbow Dash would be hard. All that left was the Apple farm.

"Well Mr. Ash, we could hire a carriage if you like. In all honesty, I am not used to walking so much either. I have important duties at City Hall. Robberies and all," the gray maned pony said.

"Robberies? You mean, your horse-" He stopped there, getting the stink eye from the Mayor. "Er, I mean your city residents, have things worth stealing?" Ash asked. She looked appeased at least. Mental Note: Watch out of the head honcho and language.

"Well, that's the thing. While we were robbed, it was truly odd things. While certainly useful, the things stolen have little monetary value. Gems, money, and more profitable items were left completely alone." The Mayor lowered her head. When she left the library that morning, her assistants continued to do inventory on the things stolen. When one of the city clerks went to get a registry to do a checklist, the census of the Ponyville had been discovered as missing.

"Sounds to me like its more of a plan of a future heist than simple robbery. Don't you have cops in this city?" Ash asked. While he had passed lots of buildings, not one of them look like a constable or sheriff's office. Not even one police booth.

"We never needed them before. I am seriously considering getting at least a sheriff," The Mayor said. She had been so proud of her town. Never needed a police officer before. And Twilight and her friends seemed more reliable than actual cops. But often Ponyville was left alone, since the Elements often left the city or had their own things to do.

"A yeah..." Ash said, not wanting to get involved and be a hero for another medival town. "Do you mind if we can get some grub? We've been walking a lot."

"Now that you mention it, with all the comotion and reports I did skip lunch. Tell you what Mr. Williams. We can have lunch and see if the ponies and humans I want you to meet return. If not, lets hire a carriage. Its been a long day for me," the Mayor said. If this is what the Elements of Harmony went through during a crisis, she wanted no part of it.

"Sounds like a plan. I know its been rough, but so far you've been doing ok and all. I can see why um, the city residents voted for you," Ash said. He had no cash, and really had no intention of trading any of his items for anything. He would have to mooch off the Mayor for a meal at least.

"Why, thank you Mr. Williams. I know this delightful little cafe. I am sure something there will be suitable for you. They have excellent tea," the glasses wearing earth pony said.

"Really? If the Mayor of town recomends it, how can I say no?" Ash asked. A cafe huh? Been a while since he had a decent cup of joe.

"You can call me Ms. Mare if you like," the Mayor said. She beamed at the way the human was conducting himself. Certainly he looked a bit worse for ware, but he had excellent taste.

"Sure thing Ms. Mare. Do they have Irish Coffee?" Ash asked. The zombie slayer motioned with his steel hand for a spiked drink. At least he tried to be a bit refined, but he also needed to know if this place had hard drinks. A strange feeling told him he was going to get hammered tonight.

"Well..." The Mayor said, lowering her voice to look around. "I have no idea what Irish is, but if you want something to spike your coffee with, they do serve excellent wines," she said with a wicked smirk. Ash picked up his eyebrows, having to duck down to hear that. Did the Mayor have a hidden taste for the hard stuff?

"Oh, something tells me you and I are gonna get along just fine."


"Iz that normal?" Blue Spy asked, picking up his head. Just a moment ago, he thought he heard something. Not too far off, he caught a flash of red against red. It only lasted for a second, but it was enough for the trained instincts of the espionage expert to home in on. RED. It didn't sound like an explosion either.

"That has come from the Apple Farm. I hope there is no cause for alarm," Zecora said, turning to look at the direction Spy had. The duo had walked out of the forest, and already on their way to the town.

"A farm you say. I see no smoke, thus no fire. What then made such a display?" The masked human narrowed his eyes. This was nothing good if it involved red. "Can we take a detour then?"

"I agree, the display was most strange. We should see what made the exchange," the zebra said. She nodded to her companion and then changed direction to head towards the farm. The Spy gave a small sigh. He had just gotten flamed by Pyro and then shot to death. While waiting to respawn, he ended up inside the zebra's hut. The resulting conversation was informative, but the real scoop was in Ponyville.


"So this Buster Wolf... Its really better than Galatica Punch?" Dan asked. He had sat down close to Ralph and Cherilee. His human partner, Travis, simply sat down close to them, but was enjoying pie with Princess Luna. Pinkie had laid down close to Dan, content with eating her own pie. Dan madfe a mental note to have Pinkie Pie learn some kind of manners. She just dug in there.

Team "Dan" as it was called for now had a bit of a split. Travis, Ralf, Cherilee, Princess Luna, and Pinkie Pie had decided to gather under the shade of some trees close to the bleachers. While they did get some stares, they were left mostly alone. They did get a few "well done" amd "good luck" from the young ponies. It seems as the tournament went on, more and more ponies started to show up.

"Yeah, Galatica Punch took a while to develop. Buster Wolf was made by an American named Terry Bogard. Same principle, but the Buster Wolf uses something like your hand power. My Galatica uses pure force," Ralf said. He had been content to eat some apple cupcakes. Least the cupcakes had not so much sugar and more content. He needed some real protein later.

"Ok. Travis? You got the wish and game plan ready?" Dan asked, looking over to the red jacket assassin. Travis nodded, mouth full of pie. This stuff was good.

"This Apple cider. Its a bit, um, tame," Travis said, taking a swig to clear his mouth. "Don't get me wrong, its ok, but I need the real good stuff. I mean, apple to wash down apple is just stupid."

"Oh hush Mr. Touchdown. Its free, be grateful," Cherilee said. Unlike the others, she had opted for just plain apple slices. Students kept giving her apples as a gift, so naturally she had come to hate the things. At least apple slices she could stomach one at a time. Luna chuckled, deciding to give her knight a true meal later. That date comment had kept her quiet, wondering what exactly she would do. It would be hard to expect anything out of Travis being new and all, so it would up to her.

Meanwhile, at team Phoenix corner, their own lunch meeting was in progress. Phoenix, Nate, and Soma along with Fluttershy, Rarity and Sweetie, and also Rainbow Dash were all sharing an apple pie between them. Unlike team Dan, they were all on a red and white checkered blanket.

Applejack and Dovahkiin were busy at the food stands with Twilight and Spike. Well, the Element of Honesty mostly threw herself threw herself into work. She really did not want to think about dating. Not yet at least. Dovahkiin was looking through the wares, looking for something special to eat. He decided for apple strudel. Twilight mostly decided to hang around the stands. If her champion was coming, chances was the human would approach the tasty food stands.

"Are you sure about this Soma? I mean, I feel bad about this," Nate said, lifting his head. In both his hands he held the Kaiser Knuckles that Soma had used in his tag match.

"Just take them. I own a pair of Kaiser Knuckles +1," Soma said with a shrug. "And if I wanted a faster weapon, I would go for my Valmanway."

"Er, plus one?" Phoenix asked. That sounded strange.

"Don't worry about. The Kaiser are Kaiser. Weapons meant to help fist users. When you throw one punch, you actually shoot three. If you use your special attack, it will unleash a volley of over 18 punches in less than 5 seconds," Soma said as he bit into his pie.

"I gotta thank you Soma, giving me the pistol and knucks. If we win, I am making sure to pay you back," Nate said.

"Just make sure Phoenix wins. I think its personally unfair. Dan switched teams to get Travis, and you see how fast he is," Soma said when his mouth was clear. Fluttershy perked her head up and blink. There was a bit of pie left on his lip. She moved her left hoof up to his face, but then decided to stop. She instead brought her face closer to his and lick the pie off. Phoenix's eyes suddenly opened wide, not moving.

"Did you just kiss Soma?" Sweetie Bell asked. While the others at the picnic blanket were stunned, she didn't think twice about it. Well, stunned was a nice way to put it. Rarity's mouth fell open for a moment. She stood up, pushed a large red couch to the area, and then proceeded to faint on it. Soma himself had snapped his eyes open, the feelinng of a warm, rough, and wet tongue on his skin made his head stand out and shake to the sides with the sensation of goosebumps.

"Kiss? Oh no no no, I only cleaned the pie off his lips," Fluttershy said, smiling as she blushed. Nathan blinked twice, not sure what he should be doing or feeling now. How did the ponies kiss anyway?

"Er... Phoenix you ready for the match?" Nate asked, trying to change the subject. Glad for the distraction, the former lawyer turned to his new partner and nod. Rainbow Dash was finally able to breath again, the sight of Fluttershy and Soma making her brain shut down.

"Yes, the wish is set, and the battle strategy is set- And what's this now?" Phoenix said, looking down to Sweetie Bell. The tiny unicorn had moved up to Nate and rub her muzzle against his neck. Her tiny horn tickled him.

"Sweetie Bell?" Nate asked, lifting his neck a bit higher.

"Oh, don't worry Nate. I promise even if you loose, we can still get married when I grow up," the little unicorn said.

"Nathan?" Soma asked, finally able to think straight. He was also glad for the distraction.

"Sweetie Bell, dear! Why don't you bring your friends over so we can share pie?" Everyone turned to look a the not fainted Rarity. She was blushing a bit, moving closer to Nate.

"Oh, OK! We got time before the match, we can interview him finally!" Sweetie Bell took off to find the other crusaders.

"You have to excuse my sister, she has a bit of a foalhood crush on Nate," Rarity said, coughing a bit. Fluttershy said nothing, finally glad she managed to get something done with Soma. She laid her head down on the blanket and enjoy the thought. Next step? Talk to Pinkie or Rarity alone.

"Oh, is that what it is? Children can be so innocent," Phoenix said, chuckling. He remembered when Trucy said she had a crush on her teacher.

"Oh thank god. I was getting weird vibes there," the treasure hunter said to release a sigh. Again though, his eyes opened wide when he found a much larger mane and horn rubbing against his neck.

"Oh, don't you worry dear Nathan. I will talk to my sister later. I refuse to share," she added as she tried to make herself look appealing.

"So much for generosity," Rainbow Dash said with a grin. This caused the others to laugh, trying to get the ackward mood out of their systems. Still, Rainbow Dash turned to look at Phoenix. Fluttershy was clearly taken charge, and Rarity refused to stand down. It looks like Applejack and her were getting left behind. But what could she do? The fast addict lowered her head and wondered. Did Phoenix even show some kind of caring?

"Hey Rainbow Dash. I'm counting on you to cheer for me. And this time, stop calling me cool or awesome. Its embarassing!" Phoenix said, closing both his eyes to blush. He was not used to the cheering.

"Heh. You got it Nix," she said, picking up her head. Maybe she was just over thinking things. For the most part, the two teams mostly rested. The bleachers were getting filled again, the ponies and spectators were filling back into place. Soon the match was going to be held. Inside the Tardis though, things were only getting quiet.

"Are you sure he's okay Doctor?" Lyra asked, lifting her head to look at the human with bowtie. At the moment, she could care less about fashion. Sephiroth's body had been laid down on a strange looking bed. The clothes on his chest had been removed, leaving him topless. His one black wing had been streched out to the side, held aloft by a harness. Various electrodes and monitoring devices had been attached to his chest.

"Oh yes, this fellow is a remarkable specimen. One would never know he was human unless you know what to look for..." The Doctor said with a smile. It looks like the reserves of Mako and Lifestream were being used unconciously to heal the last Cetra.

"He's not human?" Lyra asked, suddenly confused.

"Oh, he is, he is. In fact, the more time he spends in Equestria, the faster he will return to his human state. I am not sure what happened to change him in the past, but whatever happened gave him that wing." The Doctor stopped speaking and walked over to a knob and push it. He hummed to himself as he read Sephiroth's mental waves. "Oh Lyra dear?"

"Yes Doctor?" She asked, a bit confused.

"You need to stay at his side. Soon he will be awake, and he will most than likely be confused. Try your best to comfort him and help him through this ordeal. He's your responsibilty now," The Doctor said with a smile.

"I understand... I think," she said, walking over to the displays of the Tardis. "Will he remember us?"

"Oh of course dear. Its just his past that will give him troubles. He will try to conect the dots, but he won't be able to, least how he remembers them." The time lord walked over to look down at Sephiroth and grin. "Oh, you are going to be such a problem child from now on. Well, I got a match to look over," He said, nodding to Lyra. He walked out the door, but stopped himself. "Don't touch anything," He added, peeking his head to look at Lyra. She seemed to want to peek inside Sephiroth's pants.

"Eep! I wasn't!" Lyra said, blushing furiously.

"Who knew ponies were such perverts," The Doctor muttered under his breath. She shrugged and walked over to the booth. It looked like Spike had been waiting for him.

"Why do you have my journal?" Spike asked, lifting a book.

"Oh look at that, it somehow made its way here. And its locked! I can't imagine who would do such a thing," The Doctor said with a grin. He took the book from Spike and tossed it into the Tardis.

"This is one of those things I have to grow up before you tell me anything, isn't it?" Spike said, knowing better than to argue.

"And welcome back everybody! We are ready for the finals!" The time lord said, moving to sit down. The humans and their pony partners were walking back to the grand stage as it were. It looks like Big Macintosh was kind enough to sweep inside the pen and clean up the arena.

"Team Phoenix will be Nathan Drake and Phoenix Wright! They will be fighting Team Dan, which is Dan Mandel and Travis Touchdown!" Spike announced through his bullhorn. At the mention of their names, the humans grinned and walked over to step inside the fence. Spike stepped out of the booth and head over to join them for the coin toss. The other humans walked over to sit down on the bleachers and wait.

"Phoenix gets to call the coin toss!" Spike announced, holding his bit up. Phoenix nodded, giving Dan a smile. In return, the smaller human smiled as well.

"Heads!" Phoenix announced, watching at how the coin flipped in the air. Everyone had their heads held up, waiting for the coin to fall. It did, landing on the toddler dragon's claw.

"Its tails!" Spike announced, showing the coin to the two groups. Phoenix groaned. It only made sense, he had been lucky with evidence. "What's your wish Team Dan?"

"We want the finals to be one on one," Dan said, his voice loud so all could hear. Heads turned and mumurs built in the crowd. The Doctor raised his eyebrows. Surprised once again, he turned to look at Luna for a ruling.

Princess Luna stood up, moving forward a bit. "Does Team Phoenix object?" She asked.

"Actually, we wanted a one on one also," Phoenix said, grinning. Damn Dan, that son of a gun.

"If there are no objections, its fine. Let the final battle be one on one!" Luna proclaimed with his left forehoof up.

"Its up to you buddy," Dan said with a grin. He picked up his hand to tag Travis in formally.

"I got to win this, I got a wish that needs granting," Travis said as he moved his hand to draw his beam katana out.

"Well, this is it. Nate, good luck," Phoenix said to tag in the treasure hunter.

"I got this," Nate said, moving his hands up. He had the brand new Kaiser Knuckles on. It wasn't much, but at least he felt he could give a good fight. The peanut gallery begun to clap and shout, urging the last two contestants on. Dovahkiin frowned though. Travis and Nate? Did Dan or Phoenix have no wish to win? Since they were not fighting, the two team leaders walked back to sit at the bleachers.

"Hey Nix, what gives?" Rainbow Dash asked. She had flown down to look at her champion.

"Well, it looks like Dan had the same idea as I did. We sent out our worst fighters so we could loose!" Phoenix said, grinning.

"Really?" Pinkie Pie asked. "But Travis is such a good fighter!"

"But a hothead. I knew if Phoenix or Nate fought, they could out think him," Dan added. Ralf raised his eyebrows for a moment, and then nodded. Travis was a killer, but not a real fighter. Nate may just stand a chance.

"Alright! Fight!" Spike said, running out of the arena. He stopped though, the sun suddenly being blacked out. A large shadow flew across the ground. Everyone picked up their heads, looking at what could have caused it.

A very large dragon was flying towards Ponyville.

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