• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,562 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Farewell My Champion

Chapter 27- Farewell, My Champion.

"What the hell is that?" Snake asked, hurrying ahead of Otacon. Just a moment ago, the sun which was at full blast, had vanished. And it was no plane sounds coming from the skies. Whatever it was, it passed over quickly. Snake had come up to the end of the bleachers, catching many spectators there.

"That is a dragon," Dovahkiin said, his head trained to the skies. An all too familiar experience for him. And the color, the color of the dragon really bothered him. So far, all of the animals he spotted in this realm all possessed gentle colors, even the black changelings had a solid form to them. This dragon was of an odd ash color.

"Wait... Aren't you Solid Snake? The Dove of Shadow Moses? The man that single handedly took down the legendary Big Boss?" Ralf asked, picking up his head to look at Snake. Being a soldier, he had seen and heard the stories about the legendary Snake.

"Ze Solid Snake? IQ of over 180, multilingual, and said to be unrivaled?" Blue Spy said, walking up behind the Snake and Otacon. Zecora stayed quiet, listening to the descriptions of the snake yet human. Ralf had almost gone into full fanboy mode. No one would believe that he had met the one and only rival to his commander, Hidern.

"An Ikari Warrior..." Snake said, recognizing Ralf. Snake was not the only one that had earned a legend status. While Snake was a stealth agent, Ralf and his partner were direct strike force one men armies.

"Its heading straight to Ponyville! But, dragons never fly to towns..." Twilight said, her face still looking at the sky.

"Is no one going to say anything about the new guys?" Dan asked, turning to look at Snake and Otacon. How did they get past his radar? He could care less about the dragon. Otacon finally caught up, his face concerned.

"Is- Is the match still on?" Travis asked, lowering his head away from the sky. Nate had his mouth open a bit, never having seeing a dragon before. Quickly, others that had been looking at the skies turned to look back at the ground. It was Princess Luna to whom they looked for guidance.

"Now dragons too?" Otacon asked, moving his left hand to his glasses. Maybe there was hope for this world afterall. Snake frowned a bit. There was way too much "color" in one spot. Not to mention talking horses. Murmurs started to spread against the ponies. Luckily, many of them had come to the farm to view the fights. Twilight finally lowered her head to look at the new humans. Which one was it? She raised her eyebrows though, spotting Trixie between them.

"Trixie? Why are you here?" Twilight asked. Trixie looked around a bit to the sides, debating speaking. If she said something, she may get hit again. She turned to look at Snake. The mullet agent had pulled out his camera, using it as a makeshift binoculars.

"Hear me, our loyal subjects!" Luna shouted, quieting the herd. "Dragons are ancient and wise creatures. I am sure that-"

"Is it me, or does no one remember Spike going on a rampage?" Rainbow Dash asked.


"That be no mere dragon, that sounds like Alduin, the End Bringer!" Dovahkiin said. "The one of whom legends sing."

"What’s going on?" Rarity asked, hearing the loud shouts far away.

"The End what now?" Applejack asked, lifting her eyebrows. Something about Dovah changed. That familiar and gentle demeanor was gone. His gaze narrowed, and the muscles in his arms tensed up.

"End Bringer, the end of days. He can travel between realms. That dragon eats souls, be them of dead, or alive beings" Dovahkiin said, lowering his head to look at the others. He picked himself to stand up. "And he has called for me, saying "I am immortal, I cannot die!"”

"So... how does an apocalyptic dragon know you're here?" Dan asked, moving his left hand up to hold his the side of his face, resting his chin on his palm.

"Now's not the the time to talk! He's in Ponyville! We got to do something!" Rainbow Dash said.

"She's right, no telling how much damage he can do..." Dovahkiin said. He begun to march, heading away from the others.

"So, What's the game plan?" Phoenix asked, picking himself up to follow.

"There is none, we cannot win," The dragonborn said, shaking his head to the sides. "He cannot die, not through normal means. Even in my past, the ancient heroes with unrivaled might, could not beat him. He was torn through time, sent into the future."

"Are you kidding me?!" Dan yell, moving to walk at the other side of the Dovahkiin. "Then what's the point?!"

"While he cannot die, he can be hurt. Our only hope is to cause enough damage to him to frighten him off," Dovahkiin.

"So, we are going off to fight an immortal dragon, and hope we can weaken him? That sounds totally plausible," Nate said, frowning a bit. In all honesty, he was getting pissed off. Nothing could surprise him now.

"You girls are coming, or staying?" Soma asked, turning to stand and follow after his fellow Elements. He smiled, moving his hands to his duster jacket and smooth it out to walk behind the others. The mares looked at each other, not sure what to do. The last dragon they met was a downright meanie. And the teen dragons they met were mere jerks.

Travis, Ralf, Otacon, Blue Spy, Snake turned to look at one another. Ralf shrugged, and then begun to walk away and follow the other humans.

"Does that mean the match is forfeited?" Travis asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What match?" Blue Spy asked.

"Does it matter? They're humans. That's a dragon. And I am not standing by," Snake said, tightening his fist. He begun to walk and follow after Ralf.

"Well, if Dan's going, I'm going too!" Pinkie Pie said, suddenly getting a frown. She got up from her sitting position to trail off.

"Pinkie Pie! Wait!" Twilight cried out.

"You can't change my mind!" Pinkie Pie said. She stopped a second, turning to look at how her friends had also moved.

"Lets take the Elements. Maybe they can help. If we have them, why not use them?" Rarity said. Princess Luna stepped towards the mares and opened the chest to have the Elements exposed.

"Maybe we can't help them, but maybe we can at least power up the guys," Twilight smiled. The other mares nodded, moving to take their elements. Twilight turned to look at Snake. By the way the other humans spoke of him, she had no doubt this was her champion.

"Oh good! Your champion made it!" The Doctor said, walking behind the scientist. "Twilight Sparkle, let me introduce you to Dr. Hal Emmerich, A.K.A. Otacon." Both, human and unicorn tilted their heads and looked at each other. Otacon, perking up hearing the word champion. Twilight in turn, for confusing Snake. Was then Snake, Trixie's partner?

"Hey Luna! I won, I don't care if the match is postponed! They left, so they lost!" Travis yelled out, walking after everyone else. "Let's see what’s gonna happen tonight!" Princess Luna lowered her head, releasing a sigh. Did this man only had one thing in his mind?! Zecora blinked once, turning to look between the human with the red jacket, and the dark blue princess.

“Do not ask, let just go,” Princess Luna said as she took to the air. Still, she did look forward to tonight, just a little. Zecora raised both eyebrows and then said nothing, turning to follow the princess.

“Such a state of great disarray. We must not give into dismay,” Zecora said, hurrying to catch up with the masked human. Something in her mind told her to stay with the other exotic speaking creature in this land.

“Good luck!” Otacon said as he stayed behind, watching all the others march or run off. He blinked once and smiled, only able to lift his right arm out to wish the humans good luck. He had no weapons, no helicopter, and, with his limp, he was no good to anyone. With no satellite for the codec to work with, he was no good for support either. Never has he felt so helpless before.

“You’re not coming?” Twilight stopped, turning to look at her champion. All the other mares had left them behind.

“I’m sorry, Twilight is it? I will only be a liability in this fight” Otacon said, moving to sit down on the end of a bleacher.

“What? Why?” The purple unicorn asked. Wasn’t he a champion? Wasn’t he a powerful fighter like all the others? She walked over to the human, adjusting her tiara a bit.

“I am not a fighter like the others are. Well, from the people I know at least,” the scientist said, looking over. He was not sure what to make about half of the other humans he had met.

“So, what? You are just going to sit there and do nothing?” Twilight said as she got closer to Otacon. She was frowning now.

“Twilight, it's not that simple. Snake’s there, I am sure he can handle things,” Otacon said. “You’d better go, they may need you more than me,” he said quietly, lowering his head.

“Everypony else is risking their lives! Why are you not-”

“Twilight Sparkle!” The Doctor said, stepping behind her with a frown. “If you say anything else about this man, rest assured Princess Celestia will not be happy,” The Time Lord said in a low voice.

“Um, it's okay sir. We can’t all be heroes” Otacon said. He had no idea who this man was, but he was dressed sharply. And had a nice tie too.

“Doctor?! Why are you defending him?!” Twilight said, lifting her head to look at the Doctor.

“Now’s not the time. That damn dragon was not supposed to show up until Tuesday...” The time lord said as he headed to the Tardis. He had to get Sephiroth ready. Twilight blinked once and turned to look at Otacon. The human had both arms resting on his lap, looking at the purple unicorn with a small smile.

“You’d better go. We can talk later,” Otacon said. Trixie had not moved from her spot, looking at the exchange between the two.

“Otacon, thank you,” Trixie said, stepping away from the two. She ran off, trying to catch up to Snake. Twilight blinked once, turning to look at her one time rival. Both eyebrows raised, she looked at Otacon again. Trixie had said thank you? She blinked again and then joined the other unicorn to follow after the others. She would talk to The Doctor soon.


"What, in the name of all the things that are holy, is that thing?!" Ash asked, lifting his head up from his sandwich. He had only taken one bite, and immediately regretted it. Who puts a flower between two pieces of bread? Thank the Necronomicon, a distraction arrived. The ponies that had been at the cafe raised their heads, looking up at a dragon hovering in the sky before landing on the center of town.


"Woah, that guy is loud," Ash complained, moving to stand up. It was amazing, he could hear that roar over the sound of ponies shouting in fear and running away. He turned to look at the Mayor, who had froze in mid bite of her daisy sandwich. The S-mart clerk raised an eyebrow, simply moving his metal hand to grab his "spiked" coffee and drink it.

"Well, sound the trumpets, raise the drawbridge, and drop the oldsmobile. Looks like I am going to add dragon slayer to my S-mart resume," Ash said. "Mayor? You there? I need some gas," Ash said.

"A dragon! Wait, gas?!" Mayor asked, finally turning to look at Mr. Williams. He had moved to get that metal looking contraption off his back and grin.

"Yeah, Gas. Burnable fuel. Stuff in lanterns?" He said. He had very little shotgun rounds left, so he would have to save it for the finisher. "I got some gas in this thing, but it won't last long."

"Um, do you mean kerosene? We have some in the shops..." She trailed off, trying to calm down and think. Focusing on Ash made it easy to forget the dragon.

"Kerosene? It may work. Get as much as you can!" Ash said. He stepped out over the cafe fence and pull on the chainsaw motor string. "Hey you! Giant lizard! Get down here!"

"Who dares?!" Alduin said, turning to look at the voice. It was more aggressive than the horses seemed to be.

"Name's Ash. Housewares," the deadite killer said. The chainsaw roared to life, spinning its metal chain.


"I take it that's not normal," Sokka said, lifting his head to look at the dragon landing inside the city he had just stepped in. Derpy had stopped next to Sokka, lifting her own head to look at the dragon.

"Maybe its friendly. I know a baby dragon, Spike. He's really nice!" Derpy said, smiling at Sokka.


"Yeeaaaaah, no" Sokka said with a frown. Ponies were running back and forth, some trying to leave the city entrance he had just walked through.

"Dinky!" Derpy said, suddenly looking around. She took off into the air, looking at the crowded ponies. Her eyes went round and round as she looked for her daughter.

"Momma!" A small pastel purple unicorn filly picked up her front hooves. She was immediately picked up by Derpy, and they both hugged. Sokka narrowed his eyes, turning to look at the dragon. Where had he seen this before? “Forget that! What can I do? Think, brain, Think!” He reached behind himself and took out his boomerang. He was not going to let a mother be separated from their child in front of him again.

"Sokka?" Derpy asked, turning to look at the young man.

"Get going! Get your daughter and the others to safety. I will distract that thing and try to lure it away!" Sokka said, moving his free hand to motion for them to leave with the other ponies.

"But-" Derpy started to say, looking at her daughter.

"What are you waiting for? I may not look much, but trust me! I can annoy real good!" Sokka said with a grin. He turned away and ran over towards Alduin. Derpy watched the brave human run off before she took her daughter and flew off.


Meanwhile, back at the Apple farm, three young fillies had hunched down below the bleachers. One was an earth pony, the color of yellow with a red mane. The second was a pegasus, the color of dark orange with hot pink mane. The last one was a white unicorn, with a dual colored mane of pastel purple and pink. They were all putting helmets on their heads.

“This is gonna be awesome! We can team up with the humans and help save Ponyville!” Scootaloo said. She smiled, moving to get her scooter up and ready to pull a wagon.

“Can you imagine it?! Cutie Marks for dragon taming!” Applebloom said. She smiled to hop into the wagon. “This way, Dovahkiin won’t shout in his sleep!”

“And Nate will say “Thank you, Sweetie Bell! You were fantastic” And then he will give me a kiss!” The young unicorn smiled as her friends turned to look at her and frown or stick a tongue out.

“With a human? Really? I would rather get a kiss from Spike,” Applebloom admitted. She blushed a bit, moving her head back to adjust her bow under her helmet.

“You’re both acting weird,” Scootaloo said, frowning at them both. “Just get in. We can beat everypony if we take the shortcut we always take.” When Sweetie jumped into the wagon, the pegasus took off to send them all flying down a path.



“That’s the best you got?!” Ash shouted, looking at the dragon that had tried to take a bite out of him. The large dragon had moved to stand on all four legs, releasing loud roars at the human. Maybe if the dragon killed this human, Dovahkiin would emerge. A large claw moved to swipe out at the odd human. In return, Ash decided to block, seeing how well the weapon would do on this son of a lizard.

“You shall fare no better than your ancestors!” Alduin shouted in dragonic. It didn’t matter to Ash, he simply raised both arms to block the claw with the weapon. Sparks emerged as the chainsaw tried to cut through the part where the claw met dragon scale. Somehow, the human only managed to find himself pushed back a bit. The dragon tried to force his claw forward more, while the warrior could only grit his teeth and try to push the rotating blades against the claw.

“Shove it out your blowhole,” Ash retorted, moving to swing his chainsaw arm forward to push back a bit. The chainsaw had started to slow down. “Damn gas. And the blades need a bit of sharpening,” he frowned, looking down at the motor. While the chainsaw could cut through solid tree trunks the size of pillars, he still needed time to slowly cut through the dragon scale. At least some damage was done, Alduin had pulled his claw back and growl.

The ash colored dragon lowered his head, trying to snap the human again. One bite of its mouth and it would be all over. Ash lowered the chainsaw and turned it off to hold in his real hand. His other hand moved out, trying to use as much strength as he could to uppercut the dragon under its chin. The human gave a shout, pressing his weight on his left leg to brace for impact. Metal clashed against scale, forcing the dragon back a bit.

“How dare you?!” Alduin shouted, shaking the sting a bit out of its face.

“I just gave a goddamn dragon an uppercut,” Ash said, moving his arm back. The weight of the dragon against his arm had made him take a step back. But still, it felt good. “Where’s that gas!” As much as he did not want to admit it, things didn’t look good. That blasted dragon didn’t look like it had taken much damage. The dragon was about to blow its fire breath when a boomerang struck it across its face.

“Hey dragon! I’ve seen bigger Koi Fishes than you! I bet your father was a lizard and your mother an elbow leech!” Sokka cried out, moving his left arms to catch the boomerang as it returned. The teen had somehow managed to get on top of a house and smile at the dragon. Ash and the dragon turned to look at the newcomer. “What’s the matter?! Never seen someone greater that you?!” the young man taunted as he hopped off the roof and land on the ground.

“Kid, I like the attitude, but your insults need some work,” Ash said with a smile. Glad to know someone had showed up that wasn’t a tiny horse.

“Hey, I don’t work well under pressure!” Sokka said, moving to hop down as a tail was coming to swipe him. Once Sokka landed on the ground, he took off into a run and head to the other side of Alduin. “We need to get him away from the city! And you try to insult a giant dragon that can bite your head clean off!”

“Fine. Hey overgrown lizard! I think I saw you before!” Ash said. He begun to run forward, trying to follow Sokka and lead him away from the town. “I think you were in the San Francisco Zoo, inside the snake pits!”

“Zu’un Alduin. Zok sahrot do naan ko lein!” Alduin shouted, moving foward to give chase.

“Yeah, I didn’t like you either!” Ash retorted.

“You call that an insult?!” Sokka said, avoiding the whiplash of a tail as he hopped on a cart and then dove forward a few feet. The teen rested his left foot on the front of the cart to push it forward and to a stop. When it did, he threw the boomerang again in the air as he jumped off to the side.

“Shut up kid, he’s following us, isn’t he?” Ash said, turning around to look behind himself. The boomerang Sokka had thrown hit the right eyeball of Alduin, making him stop and roar in pain. “Nice hit!”

“I wish I had my space sword! It would be easier than playing keep away. And thanks!” The teen moved to grab his boomerang as he came to a stop. Damn, it looks like the dragon wasn’t willing to move from its spot. “Now what?!”

“Mr. Williams! I found some kerosene!” The Mayor said to look around. She bent her neck down and lift the gas can with her mouth. She moved over to Ash, placing the fuel down on the ground.

“Call me Ash,” the warrior said with a grin. He got down on his left knee to begin re-fueling the chainsaw. “And thanks baby.”

“Baby?” The Mayor asked, lifting her eyebrows.

“Baby?” Sokka asked, his own eyebrows raised. Screw it, no way the Spirit Realm was this weird. Sokka drew his club out, holding a weapon in each hand.

“Name’s Ash. Yours?” the clerk asked, moving himself up to stand.

“I’m Sokka,” the teen said to look back at the dragon. It looked like Alduin was ok now, growling at the two. They were almost out of the town. Just a little more.... Sokka blinked once, noticing the dragon lift its head to look behind them both. Ash perked up his left eyebrow and looked behind himself as well.

“WULD NAH KEST!” Dovahkiin shouted out, his blade drawn out. In an instant, he had rushed through Ash and Sokka with a tempest of wind and emerged in front of Alduin. The dragonborn narrowed his eyes, lifting his right arm to point his sword up at the now still ash dragon. “Why have you come to this place?!”

“Still the language of man? You are no Dovah! You are no match your ancestors were,” Alduin said, lowering his form a bit. Finally, his real target. Ash and Sokka turned to look back at the confrontation. “For hundreds of years, dragons have not been in Tamriel! Where then they be? Some fled to this place of peace. Even those dovah that dare to assume my equal are capable of moving between the realms.”

“You will find only your end here, Alduin!” Dovahkiin said, moving once more to approach.

“Ha! You could not slay me then! What chance have you now?!” Alduin responded.

“Why make you talk, instead of throwing myself into battle? To buy time!” Dovahkiin shouted with a grin under his helmet. A giant white bat had been flying overhead while the two had been speaking. It had been high, staying out of view to position itself over the end bringer dragon. The white bat shifted forms and turned back into Soma. However, the silver haired teen changed forms, this time taking the shape of a 30 foot iron golem. The giant metal construct had its arms crossed over the chest, and a grin etched where the lips should be. Soma would have to thank Fluttershy for this move.

“Time for-” Alduin stopped speaking, spotting a small shadow growing larger and larger. The dragon turned it head to the heavens and spot the giant iron golem come crashing down on its back, the spot between the base of its neck and where the wings were. A large crash and then a rumble was heard, the body of the dragon finding itself crushed under the weight of Soma’s form. The dragon stretched out its neck to give a defeated breath of air as it passed out for a second..

“Quickly! We have little time before he revives!” Dovahkiin cried out. He raised his right arm and pointed it forward, urging the others. Dan riding on Pinkie Pie once more lead the wave of other champions forward. The plan was simple. Knock out the stupid dragon once, and then let everyone get into position and let loose. If it didn’t die- Well it wished it would have.

“Heh. Look at that,” Ash said, relaxing his shoulders a little. Both Sokka and himself watched as Soma transformed back into human and hop off Alduin. Both of his hands moved in front of himself as he got into position to the right of the new threat. He was joined by Dan, who was gathering a red light into his left hand. Pinkie dropped off Dan, and then quickly ran off.

Phoenix ran to the left side of the dragon, but he had to duck down and search the ground again. Unfortunately, he had used his last Turnabout against Sephiroth and had to recharge. To cover him, Ralf and Travis moved in front of him to cover the former lawyer. The soldier bent down, preparing his Galactica Punch again. Travis picked up his head and grinned, looking up at Luna as she flew overhead and landed close by. She had played slots again, gaining three bells.

Snake and Spy had run past the fainted dragon, hurrying to stand behind the dovah. The blue spy turned to look at Snake and nodded. Blue Spy turned invisible using his own power, while Snake turned on the active Octo-camo.

“I feel we should be doing something...” Sokka said, turning to look at Dovahkiin. The would be viking smiled at the both.

“Join me. When I give the signal, we all join in at the same attack with your most powerful hit,” the dragonborn said. He moved to place his sword away and prepped both of his arms to prepare a new spell to unleash. Nate rushed to the side of Dovahkiin, holding the silver gun at ready in front of himself.

“Now you’re speaking my language,” Ash said. He pulled on the cord to his chainsaw and made it rev back to life. Filled with gas, the power tool gave a whirr of contentment as it spun faster than it had earlier. Sokka shrugged. It was more simple than he wanted, but what could you do against a dragon? The water tribe young man ducked a bit to hold his boomerang at ready. With any luck, he can get that other eyeball. Alduin begun to stir a little, and Dovahkiin turned to look at his cursor. All of Alduin health was returning.

“Ready! Now!” Dovahkiin shouted. “Lightning Storm!”

“Galactica Punch!”

“Blueberry Cheese Brownie!”

“Geroth’s Soul!”

“Sekiha Tenkyoken!”

The dragonborn had gathered magika into his hands, and then unleashed it all in a giant lightning beam. Ralf had unleashed his form, sending all of his force to perform his sliding punch into Alduin. Travis snapped into Dark Side mode, and begun to swing his beam katana rapidly. Each time he swung, a beam of energy would come force in a wave to the side of the dragon. Soma unleashed his own beam of white super laser from his hands. Dan brought forth his left hand and unleashed a type of heated yellow light that spun around as it forced its way inside the beast.

While the big guns had fired off their attacks, the less than super humans also joined in. Blue Spy produced a knife and performed a critical backstab into the ash dragon. Snake and Nate begun to fire off their pistols. Ash drove his chainsaw forward, trying to cut the right claw of Alduin. Sokka threw his boomerang again, this time going for the other eye. Phoenix was still collecting evidence.

Being bombarded by all sides, Alduin could do little but get surprised by all sides. His stamina, health, and the magic needed for dragon shouts were being shaved off all at once. He released a roar of pain before collapsing once more. His head had moved to the heavens before falling down to the ground with a thump.

“He’s down! Girls, do your thing!” Dan shouted. The humans lowered their hands and stepped to the sides. Save Sokka and Ash, who had to catch the weapon and Ash pull back his power tool.

“What thing?” Sooka asked, turning to look around. He had not seen a single female human. Dovahkiin moved to the side, grabbing Sokka by his free arm. Ash raised an eyebrow, seeing the Mayor motion behind himself. Ash moved back, watching as six ponies with jewelry stepped forward. The Elements of Harmony lined up together, gathering their power. “Oh,” Soma said, not sure he understood.

“Alright girls, lets-” Twilight step forward, ready to gather magic. She stopped though, spotting a familiar sight. Scootaloo rushed from the side, dragging her companions in the wagon. “Not now!” Twilight said as she panicked.

“What?” Phoenix asked, having stood up. He assumed since the girls were going to unleash the Elements, he would not have to gather evidence. “Oh, girls...” Phoenix said in a low voice. The other humans were in standby, preparing a new attack.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, DRAGON TAMERS!” they all shouted as they came to a stop close to the fight. They were all smiling, taking off their helmets.

“Someone get them out of the way! We can’t use the Elements!” Rarity said, immediately spotting her sister. Applejack and Rainbow Dash also looked upset.

“I got them! You girls get ready!” Phoenix shouted, running to the group of kids.

“But we came to help!” Applebloom protested.

“Yeah! We can be awesome!” Scootaloo said.

“And we never seen the elements in action!” Sweetie Bell said.

“What are you girls thinking!” The former lawyer said. Phoenix didn’t care. That evil dragon seemed to be able to revive after only a short period. Even now, Alduin begun to stir. He ducked down, lifting the unicorn and the earth fillies into his arms. “We gotta go!” The pegasus filly looked upset as she hopped away from Phoenix.

“Please Mr. Wright! Can’t we stay?” Scootaloo asked. Phoenix frowned, lifting these little girls was a bit much as they struggled. Alduin opened his good eye, and decided enough was enough. He stayed down, preparing himself for escape. Luckily, when his health returned, so did his magika reserves.

“FUS RO DA!” Alduin shouted, catching the Dovahkiin and the Elements in his shout. They were all thrown back by the force. Alduin quickly took to the air with a quick updraft created by his wings. Some of the humans tried to attack, those with guns like Nate, Snake, and Spy fired off rounds from their weapons. Soma and Dovahkiin had used all of their magic, and Travis’ Dark Side had finished. Princess Luna tried to fire off night bolts from her horn to help.

“Mr. Wright! Behind you!” Scootaloo shouted. The ash dragon quickly took off though, escaping to the air. Phoenix had been distracted by the younger ponies and turned to look behind himself. Alduin had lowered its hind legs and swung its tail in a wide arc to try and knock away the others. To save the girls, Phoenix threw the girls away as he was hit from behind. The girls landed on the air, but he was sent flying against the wall of a building and then falling to the ground with a moan.

“Phoenix!” Nate shouted, looking away from shooting. “Man down!” He shouted, putting his weapon away. That damn dragon had flown too far away for any of them to do real damage.

“Nix!” Rainbow Dash shouted. She got off from the ground and flew off to Phoenix. He had yet to rise from the ground. The Crusaders quickly made their way to him.

“We’re sorry Mr. Wright!” Applebloom said. “You can get up now!” Scootaloo moved to his head and push his head.

“Ponies, move!” Rainbow Dash commanded when she landed. When the little ones moved aside, the cyan pegasus moved Phoenix a bit to get him from his belly to his back. There was some blood coming from his lip.

“Oh.. hey,” Phoenix said, coughing a bit.

“Oh, you’re alright!” Rainbow Dash said with relief. She was quickly joined by the others.

“You know, I never thought about rainbows before. Always thought they were girly. But I think rainbows are beautiful..” Phoenix said to close his eyes.

“Oh stop it-” Rainbow Dash said. She felt her cheeks hot for a second but then moved a hoof out to shake him a bit. “Phoenix?” He didn’t react. Spy was the first one of the humans to arrive where Phoenix was, moving his left hand out to the man’s chest.

“His heartbeat is weak. Phoenix iz not breathing!”

Author's note: Took a while to write, didn't it? But I now had help from a new proofreader, LyonAzakura."

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