• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,561 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Even the Best Laid Plans

Otacon took a second to finish his notes on the changelings. Thanks to Trixie, he managed to get some facts straight, but very little that could actually considered important. So far he had:

1. Changelings are not from Equestria, and Trixie believes thay are from "Badlands," which is south of the Equestrian border.

2. Although changelings are able to shapeshift, the are limited to what they can copy. While they can make perfect physical copies of others, they cannot copy learned traits. They could not copy Trixie's magic, so she is being forced to teach them basic tricks like levitation. Must be to blend in better.

3. Changelings are also limited by their magic strength. The more powerful a changeling, the longer they can hold a changed form. They can also copy voices and duplicate innate magic, like a pegasus' flight ability. Or give themselves extra muscle mass such as taking the form of a strong creature, such as a gorilla.

Mental note: Find out why pegasi and unicorns exist in this place.

4. While certain changelings are strong enough to copy non-organic matter, such as a spear or clothing accessory- Its still made from their organic material. Which means if they copy weapons and use them to block, they would still get hurt.

5. Chagelings are able to manipulate their form size a bit. Which means they can't transform into something small like insects, or huge like elephants. They can however, manipulate their forms as long as the mass is used, such as a long snake or a small and stocky Diamond Dog.

6. Trixie had no idea about the plans they had, but she had heard several conversations since her imprisonment. Most of them revolved around food. Never any mention about being ill or revenge. But none about conquest or war either.

7. Changelings ate "emotions." It was done when a changeling uses it sharp teeth to bite into its victim. It didn't matter where. Once bitten, the victim would go into a "trance" for a second. The victim's eyes would change color, the only physical change done to a victim. Depending on how much emotion is feed upon would determine how functional the victim was left.

8. Speaking of food, the changelings seemed to have an apatite for positive emotions. Love was the most tasty, not to mention to easiest to manipulate the victim with. Least according to what Trixie witnessed.

9. She never spoke about King Aurelius. She never spoke with him, even as a donkey. He was at least smart enough to not get involved with her- Or not worth her notice. She didn't even know if the King was there from the get go, or one of the others that joined the group later.

Personally, Otacon thought it was due to her attitude.

10. Changelings have little to no identities. Lower ranked channgelings had no names, or even sex. Apparantly, to a race that can change their gender or appearance- Had little need for anything to tie them down. The King and Queen though, being the strongest, made sense to rule. In insect fashion though, the Queen had more power. There was also generals that had names, but Trixie had no idea where they were.

11. Neither side- Pony or Changeling, had any idea about war. Sure they knew some tactics and how to fight. But nothing like rules of engagement or conduct. No Geneva Convention articles, no prisoner of war etiquette, no advanced war strategies, no mind games, not even weapons.

Otacon closed his notepad to put it away. He smiled at Trixie, moving his left hand out to rub her head. Trixie wanted to pull her head away, but she thought it was best to let her only potential ally in a bit. Its not like it felt bad, just new. What to do now though. Now he had more questions. No proof that the changelings were evil, or clear their name either. But how much to rely on Trixie? She was a traveling performer, so her info could be ignorant as well.

"What will you do now?" Trixie asked, lifting her head to look at Otacon.

"I'm not sure. I did promise to free you. But I have no idea how just yet. You did provide me with a lot of info. Maybe I convince the King to make me a lab out of the forest. At least that way, you can make a break for it," Otacon said to take his hand back. A sound made Otacon pick up his head and look around.

"They are coming," Trixie said, whispering again. That meant she had to get blindfolded again. She lowered her head, eyes closed. She wondered how much more she could take.

"Hang in there. You survived this far, you can hold out a little longer," Otacon said to pull her blindfold back up. Just in time, the guards were returning with his requests. Otacon stood up, nodding to the two and moving to meet up with them.

"Any luck with the prisoner?" One of them asked. One of them handed him a weird colored apple looking thing. He took it to sniff, and then shruged to take a bite.

"Very little. As a prisoner, she has little to offer. Since she traveled so much, any info she could provide might be outdated," Otacon said once his mouth was clear. This "japple" as he was going to call it, tasted pretty good. He nodded to one of the guards. "Its okay for her to eat. I want to try once more, but not today. I am more worried about how Operation Tetra Blitz is going."


"Fluttershy! Soma!" Phoenix came to a stop outside the cottage near Everfree forest. Having been to the area a few times, he was sent to check up on them. The tired lawyer moved to stop and look around the area. It wasn't even eight o'clock in the morning yet and all this was happening. He saw signs of a scuffle, and blood on the ground. A scene all too familiar to the once investigative lawyer.

"What's going on?" Soma asked, moving to open the door. Phoenix picked up his head and gave a sigh of relief.

"Is Fluttershy alright?" Phoenix managed to say. Just knowing the teen was alright made him feel better. He doubted that Soma would let anything happen to her.

"Yeah, she's in better condition than I am. Will you tell her I don't need to get naked and get washed and bandaged?" Soma said, moving to step out of the cottage.

"But Soma! You were bleeding! We have to get the wound washed and treated right away!" Fluttershy spoke, coming outside as well. The poor teen managed to walk behind Phoenix. "Oh, Mr. Wright! Are you here to take us to the meeting?"

"What is going on here?" Phoenix asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Someone mention an attack?"

"Oh yes. Soma was attacked by a manticore. He saved me, but got hurt! He refuses to let me treat him..." Fluttershy said, forwning a bit.

"Psst, Phoenix, don't get her angry. You wouldn't like her when she's angry," Soma whispered behind the lawyer. Phoenix shut both eyes, not knowing how to respond to either of them. "And tell her I am fine? I have a soul or two that lets me heal naturally," Soma said in his normal tone.

"Really? You can heal just stand around and do nothing?" Phoenix asked, impressed.

"Actually, its healing me now," Soma nodded.

"I still need to see if it got infected," Fluttershy said as she reached the two.

"Look, We have no time for this. Ponyville was attacked!" Phoenix said, moving to take steps away from the two and face them both.

"What? How?" Soma asked.

"Is everyone alright?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know. Both the Ponyville Dam and the Quarry had been tampered with. The Dam broke and begun to flood. The Quarry experienced a rockslide. Thanks to everyone, we managed to prevent any damage to the town," Phoenix said. Good, it looks the two had calmed down.

"But if no damage was done..." Soma asked, lifting an eyebrow to the direction of town.

"We think it was all a ruse," Phoenix said. "We think they were distractions to attack Dovahkiin and yourself." Fluttershy opened her eyes wide, and Soma in turned face Phoenix again. "Neither you nor Dovahkiin were at the sites, so we thought Changelings came after you guys with everyone busy at the emergencies."

"The manticore! You were right Fluttershy," Soma said, looking down at his partner. She nodded, narrowing her eyes. Oh, the next time she would confront a changeling, she wouldn't hold back like she did at the Canterlot wedding.

"A what?" Phoenix asked.

"A manticore. Part lion, part scorpion, part bat. All bad if you get it upset. Its a chimera type beast, and it attacked Soma and me earlier. I knew something had that poor kitty upset," Fluttershy said. "I will have to find it later and apologize." Soma closed both of his eyes, hoping he wouldn't have to.

"Look, we can talk about it with all the others. We need to find Dovahkiin. We are meeting at the library," Phoenix said. "Can you move Soma?"

"I'm fine, really. I stopped the bleeding for a while, and my health is almost at 100 percent-" Soma stopped talking, lowering his head for a second. "Did you see any vultures at the attack sites?"

"Vultures? No. But Dan spotted flamingos," Phoenix said. "We are pretty sure they were changelings in disguise though..."

"Nix!" Rainbow Dash flew overhead to land on the ground close to the group.

"Rainbow Dash! How is the Dovahkiin?" Phoenix asked. She had gone ahead to check on the Apple farm along with Rarity and Nate.

"They're fine! We are all waiting at the library. But I am pretty tired," Dash said, her chest moving up and down. Having to create the water tornado and moving back and forth to check on Ponyville residents had taken its toll on her. She was also starving.

"You did good Dashie. Lets get some food and talk. Something tells me this won't be the last attack," Phoenix said. Soma nodded to Fluttershy, and she moved to fly into Soma's arms.

"Panther Soul," Soma spoke, moving at his rapid pace again with his partner in his arms. Almost like they planned this ahead of time.

"Oh come on! I can't move that fast!" Phoenix said, watching the teen just up and leave them in a blurr.

"Carry me?" Rainbow asked, lifting her front hooves up at Phoenix.

"What?" Phoenix said, looking down at her. Oh dear lord, those eyes. It was worse than a puppy dog asking for a table scrap. Way too cute.

"Hey, you said I did good right? How about a reward? I'm tired from all the flying, and I used up a lot of energy. Flying around on an empty stomach isn't good for a pegasus," Rainbow said. She once again lifted her hooves up at him.

"Just stop making those eyes! And yes, you did good today I guess," Phoenix said with a sigh. He decided just not to carry her piggy back style like yesterday though. Like Soma, he moved to pick up Dash into his chest from under her belly. Dash said nothing and moved to lean her head against his chest and listen to his heartbeat. "This better not be a trend between human and pony," Phoenix said in a mutter. He took off, knowing that the meeting would take a while.


When Phoenix finally arrived at the Library, he was glad to see that the others had arrived. From the look of things, they all appeared alright. Rainbow Dash opened a single eye to look at her friends, and then closed her eyes again to hop off Phoenix. Caught red handed, she blushed and trotted off to the kitchen. The teasing look of Rarity and Twilight was enough.

"Phoenix! Rainbow Dash, what took you guys?" Asked Twilight with a smile that could only be described as "I know what you were up to." Soma and Fluttershy said nothing, he merely munching on pancakes. Delicious buttery pancakes. Fluttershy waved at Rainbow Dash, sipping on some tea.

"You carry a pegasus in your arms all the way from Fluttershy's cottage," Phoenix responded. He turned to inspect the others.

Nate managed to get a shirt back on, looking over the books in the library. He had already eaten, so while waiting for Phoenix he had decided to check out what excatly ponies read. What the hell was The Adventures of Daring Do? Rarity was sitting down with Fluttershy, having a low toned conversation.

Phoenix, too hungry and tired to care much at this point to notice anything, joined Rainbow Dash in the kitchen. He needed sweet delicious coffee.

Dan was sitting down on the floor, looking over a book with Pinkie Pie at his side. She said nothing, content to watch as Dan would turn the pages. He was currently looking through a science book. If he couldn't buy explosives, he would just have to make some.

Phoenix blinked once, holding a cup up to his face and take in the aroma of the coffee someone managed to brew. To his knowledge, ponies didn't drink coffee. He didn't care. Once he took a sip, he turned to look over at Dovahkiin dressed in his thief guild outfit. He looked alright, but he was sitting close to Dan. Applejack was at the other end of the table, sitting with her female friends. Neither were looking at each other, just staying quiet.

If others noticed, they didn't seem to care. Trouble in paradise already?

"Well, lets give Phoenix and Rainbow a moment to eat, then we can start the meeting," Twilight said with a smile. Done cooking for the moment, Spike released a sigh and walked over to the Dovahkiin.

"Are you... really part dragon?" Spike hesistantly asked, looking up at Dovahkiin. This would be the first time to talk. The dragon born turned to look at Spike and smiled, glad for the conversation.

"Aye, Little Brother. I am Dovah- Which means "deity dragon" and "kiin" which means family," Dovahkiin said, moving his right hand out to Spike. The purple dragon moved his claw out to shake his hand.

"Deity dragon?" Spike asked, lifting his eyebrows.

"Oh yes. There is more than one kind of dragon out there. The more powerful and eldest dragons were a bit... Arrogant," Dovahkiin said with a smile. Spike drew his claw back and chuckled, deciding to like him. Weapon on Celestia or not, this guy was alright.

"Can you breathe fire or anything?" Spike asked, moving to sit down in front of his "older brother." Finally, a real chance to talk with a real dragon that wasn't a total jerk. Still, part human, but he would take anything he could get.

"Oh yes. Dragon fire is called "Thu'um" where I come from. That is usually called "dragon shouts" or the true language of dragons. Humans can learn it, it is a language after all. But it takes a long time for someone not dragon blood to learn it." Dovahkiin moved to pick up Spike, placing him on his lap. This little brother was his first chance to teach someone else about the way of the Shout.

Applejack turned to look at the two and smiled a little bit. It was touching. It reminded her of Big Macintosh and lil Applebloom when she was younger.

"So you think you can teach me?" Spike asked.

"It would be my honor, little brother," Dovahkiin said, a large smile on his face.

"Sweet! Um, should I call you older brother?" Spike said, moving his claws to rub his tail.

"We dragons must stick together. Least, the noble ones. We are family, though we be different," the dragon born said to set Spike down again. "Words of power are what make a dragon shout. I will teach you the words, but you must never say them without conviction. To use these words irresponsible would bring dishonor to the dragons. The first shout I ever learned, was "fus ro da."

Spike blinked, tilting his head to the side. Why did those words resonate with him?

"Fus means force. Ro means balance. Da means push. Put them together and you create "a push to force away balance." Its formally called "Unrelenting Force." Your voice is raw power, pushing aside anything or anyone - Who stands in your path.You must never use these words unless you are ready. When you want to practice, picture the power from your self, much when you use dragon fire. Speak with conviction and release the power of your lungs," Dovahkiin said with a smile.

"I promise!" Spike said, eager to learn a formal dragon lesson. He could only hope that Dovahkiin had a lot more to teach him. "Is what Phoenix used yesterday at the battle also Thu'um?"

"I have no idea, but Pheonix has the potential to also learn dragon. Few posses the skill and talent, and I have no doubt he could," Docahkiin said to lift his head up at the approaching Phoenix. He was munching on a peice of fruit.

"Oh hey, I am fine with objection, hold it, and take that. Fus Ro Da huh," Phoenix said with a smile. Maybe he will just learn that one. Nate turned to look at all the guys and decided to walk over. Soma picked up his head, cheeks full of pancakes. He decided to stand up and join them as well.

"Pinkie Pie? Can you give us guys some alone time?" Dan asked, lifting his head up from the book.

"Sure thing! I bet the girls have some great gossip about their first night with their partners!" The Pink one stood up and walked over to join the other Elements.

"Why so quiet Applejack?" Pinkie asked, noticing her apple friend a bit off.

"Yes dear. What is the matter? Is it about Mr. Dovahkiin?" Rarity asked, a knowing smile on her face. Rainbow Dash perked up her head, looking to Applejack as she ate pancakes. A bit dry for her taste, but these were tasty.

"I don't want to talk about it," Applejack said. What was left of her good mood was gone.

"What's going on girls?" Twilight asked, looking up from her notes and walk to the groups.

"Oh, the girls were talking about- erm- bonding time with the humans," Fluttershy said, lowering her owm head to blush a bit.

"Bonding time?" Twilight said, raising an eyebrow. She tried not to sound jealous. For her, it was more of a scientific curiosity. The knowledge, magic, and experience the humans could teach! If only she had her partner...

"Well, I didn't mean to brag. You girls spent more time with your partners than I did. So I manged to get a date with Nathan later. You know, to learn more about him of course," Rarity added quickly.

"Oh! A date sounds so nice," Fluttershy said. Impressive. The last time any of them spent time with a male was.... She couldn't remember. Applejack perked up her head, getting interested in the conversation.

"But like I am to talk. Pinkie here is already engaged. And she was the one to propose," Rarity said with a teasing smile. Pinkie blushed a bit, both eyes closed.

"How was your first night alone with your special somepony in your new home anyway?" Twilight asked. Dan was not exacly the best company.

"Oh! I it was nice. Not much in the house, just a couch. We both ended up sleeping on it," Pinkie Pie said innocently. "Dan patted my mane and scratched behind my ear a bit. That feeling is sssooo goooood! The ponies at the spa can give great massages, but they can't compare to magic hands and um... those things they have at the end of their hooves," Pinkie Pie said.

"Oh my gosh, right? Those things feel so good against my mane," Rainbow Dash said, glad to have someone to talk about it. "Hey Nix!"

"Don't yell like that!" Phoenix said.

"What are those things at the end of your hooves?" She asked.

"What, these things?" Phoenix asked, wriggling his fingers. "They're fingers!"

"Thanks Nix!" Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

"I said I hate that name Dashie," Phoenix said, going back to his conversation with the guys.

"Dashie?" Fluttershy asked, looking over at her pegasus friend. Rainbow only blushed and looked away.

"I hate that name too," she muttered.

"Wow, pet nicknames for each other already? Seems we should change your name to Rainbow Wright instead of Dash," Applejack teased. She finally felt better.

"What!" Rainbow Dash said, spitting out a mouthful of food she had gone for. She was blushing hard now, moving to clean herself up. Although she didn't want to admit it, she liked the sound of it. Mrs. Rainbow Wright. It didn't sound cool, but it did sound nice.

"Um... You were saying about magic... Fingers?" Fluttershy asked, suddenly interested more about fingers than marriage.

"Oh, its like... I can't compare it. You just have to get Soma to do it for you," Pinkie Pie said. "Right Applejack?"

"Uh, um, sure, whatever," Applejack said, suddenly caught off guard. "It does feel nice when the human runs their skin lightly over your muzzle..."

"We should... Get the meeting started," Twilight said, feeling more and more jealous. "Uh Phoenix-"

"Fluttershy is the cutest pony!" Soma said in a loud voice, pointing at Nate.

"Get off your high horse, you teen vampire heart throb! Rarity is the best pony!" Nate said, moving a hand to point at Rarity.

"If you think I am just going to stand by and let you get away with telling lies, you are mistaken sir! Pinkie Pie is the best!" Dan yelled out to tackle Nate.

"Applejack is the best pony! She's adorable and sweet," Dovahkiin said. "Spike, hold me back before I Thu'um them all," Dovakiin said.

"Are you kidding me?! How I am supposed to stop a giant brick wall?" Spike said. "And I agree with Nate, Rarity is the most beautiful!"

"See? Even a dragon knows the best!" Nate said, trying to keep Dan off. The two had locked hands and fingers against each other.

"Rainbow Dash is the fastest flier and her multi-colored mane is simply amazing," Phoenix said, moving to hold back Soma.

"Let go of me! Fluttershy is so cute and-" Soma stopped talking, turning to look over at the mares in the room.

"Guys?" Twilight asked, walking over to them. "I know I am not suppose to tell you what to do, but there's no fighting in a library," she added, eyebrows lowered. She was just upset, not even Spike said anything on her behalf.

"Oh crap," Nate said, releasing Dan to look at the ground, as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. Dan coughed once into his palm, closing his eyes.

"Look, we owe you girls an appology," Phoenix started to say. He was interrupted as a Pink blur moved in to tackle Dan to the floor and give him a hug.

"I knew you loved me!" Pinkie Pie sad, rubbing her face against his.

"Unhand me woman!" Dan yelled, trying to claw the ground. "Why is no one helping me?" Dan yelled, looking around for assistance.

Applejack got off her seat and walked over to look up at the Dovahkiin. "You... you really think I'm sweet? After this morning?" She asked, her voice quiet.

"I told you so when we first met, remember? I called you adorable then too," Dovahkiin said. He had to look at the roof, not wanting to meet her eyes.

Rainbow Dash merely closed her eyes and finished her food. She already knew she was the best. Phoenix was a pretty smart guy. Still, hearing him admit it was great for her ego.

"Shouldn't we you know?" Soma asked, motioning to Twilight with his head. "The-" He was also tackled to the ground, finding himself also in a hug. "Oh my god the pain!" Soma said, finding himself on his back with Fluttershy aggresively hugging his midsection. "Still tender!"

Nate raised his eyebrows, looking over at Rarity. Oh thank god, she had not moved from her spot. He released a sigh and then walked over to the food and sit down, next to Rarity. "Not going to say anything?" He asked.

"Oh no no no dear, public displays of affection are wonderful, but I would rather wait first until our date. Its nice to know you care though," Rarity said.

"Someone help them," Twilight said, not amused at how her library was turning out.

"You're just jealous," Phoenix said, trying to help Spike with Dan.

"Am not!"

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