• Published 17th Jul 2012
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Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Some Answers

Chapter 12- Some Answers

"Oh do shush Princess, its not that bad," The Doctor said, shaking his head at Princess Celestia. Both of them were inside Twilight Library, waiting for the others to appear.

"I can't believe you! This is all your fault!" The Princess said. She was frowning, sitting down to look at the Tardis.

"Just because I'm your champion doesn't mean I'm at your beck and call. The universe and time have a way of needing me," The Doctor said. He smiled down at Spike, petting him once.

"All you guys have been doing all this time is argue. Can't you join the feast since you figured things out? And are you sure its okay for me to be hear when you guys have your secret meetings?" The baby dragon asked.

"Oh, do not worry about it Spike. Once you grow up, you will become one of the sages of Equestria anyway. You may as well start now," the time lord said with a chuckle.

"Doctor! Why are you spoiling the future sage? Isn't he supposed to suffer and struggle to gain knowledge and learn life lessons?" Princess Celestia spoke, looking out the window. It was almost night time, and soon she would have to speak to the humans.

"Says who? While I don't condone shortcuts, preconcived notions about gaining something are hardly worth worrying over. Spike, you better make sure you don't tell anyone about being a sage just yet. You still have to get there. You may as well go get the humans so we can get started," the time lord said with a smile.

"Ok. But I can't believe I have to grow up before anypony will take me seriously," Spike said. With a sigh, he walked out the door and left the two near gods alone.

"Alright. So we know what happened. But how should I explain it? Cover it up as spell mix up? Blame it on the humans and on their beacons? Say its your fault for not wanting to come in the first place?" Princess Celestia asked, both eyes closed a little to look at her champion. Why of all creatures did it have to be him?

"Oh, I don't see why you should complicated things. And while its all of our faults, I say we just muck this one up to me. I won't be around for a while anyway.." The Doctor stopped, taking a moment to think. "Well, for me anyway. You all may see me relatively soon. Just say some spacial anomally caused a time rift. It interfeared with the spell and my Tardis. With me gone, a void was left behind- and the Humans knocked on heaven's door with their exploits. Usually humans believe that sort of thing."

"Aren't you the one that said not to make it complicated?" The Princess asked.

"That's your problem, I need to be leaving soon. We have to find out what happened to Twilight's champion. He's the only one I couldn't find any info on through Equestria's records in the future..." The Doctor said, puzzled for once in his long life.

"Is Twilight's Champion really never found?" Princess Celestia asked. She already knew the answer. Thanks to the Doctor, she had a general idea of why the champions were selected, and also how they came to Equestria. Each Element pony was supposed to have a knight of sort, but finding the right counter element in the knight was tricky. What under the sun though, could Magic's partner element be?

"Oh... The fact I can't find him or her- must mean that Champion is either hidden away and will eventually die, or already dead. Spike made a very detailed account of this in his journal that the missing champion was never found. Its really a fascinating read. To think Spike already knows as much about magic as Twilight does at his age is truly astounding," The Doctor said with a chuckle.

"Focus Doctor!" Princess Celestia said, moving to stand up.

"Oh, right right. Time is relative and all that. You must find the Champion soon though. The fact I am already here means that the future could have already changed. Its really not easy scanning through time to find something you have no idea what to look for," The Doctor said as he walked inside the Tardis.

"Good luck Doctor," Princess Celestia said. The fact she could only rely on that wondeful and insufferable man both worried and aggravated her.

"I do have one possible hint. Usually when I pop up to solve a problem- I am usually right in the middle and thick of it. It could be that Twilight's champion could very possibly be in the middle of the problem you are now suffering through..." The Doctor stepped up to the sun princess and smiled. "Time is my ally. Magic is yours. But our minds are our weapons. I am sure we can come up with something."

The Princess released a sigh and nodded. She watched as The Doctor and stepped inside the Tardis and vanished with his usual flair. Time to prepare for the humans. If what the Doctor said was true, this could prove to be a long night.


"Are you sure you do not need to rest Dr. Otacon?" The King of Changelings asked. Night was decending in the Everfree Forest quickly, and the fire Otacon was using for light to take notes could attact creatures. Otacon had taken one of the strange wooden objects in his chest pocket and begun to write things down on a pad. One by one, Otacon interviewed each one of the Changelings involved in Ponyville's inflitration.

"This is very important King Aurelius. While I believe your troops are telling the truth, there are things they can only notice once they remember things..." Otacon said, looking up his his notepad. He would use his PDA, but there was no telling when he would be able to reacharge it. Better save it for the hard stuff. He already learned a lot, and thanks to reading proverbs and the book Art of War for Snake, the engineer learned something about warfare.

"You have a plan?" King Aurelius asked. At the start, the king merely wanted the changelings to relate the tale of the apes in Ponyville. Unfortunately, Otacon did not know them. But, the doctor begun asking questions and taking notes. The king allowed this, as a scribe was one of the things the King was in the need of. It would be good to get a message to his Queen, and this may very well prove to be what she needed to know.

"Yes. There is a proverb from my home. "Know thy enemy." It means the more you know about who you are dealing with, the better you can beat them," Otacon answered. "I already learned a few vital things."

"Such as?" The King asked, closing his eyes a bit.

"Well, lets take the Blue Ape. According to your subjects, he could have very well been the most powerful one. But, he did not always have that "Majestic Aura." It appears that he did not activate until he was in the middle of the battle..." Otacon had turned a few pages in his notepad to read.

"How is this important?" Aurelius asked. He had a guess, but best let the good doctor do all the work.

"Well, it could mean a few things. One- Blue Ape could only use this power of his when the aura is shinning. Two- Blue Ape Can only use this attack once a day, or only by gathering concentration or magic first. It could explain why everyone else attacked first and the one riding the pony was blocking the retreat- To buy Blue Ape time. Three- Blue Ape's power seemed to require "chanting." Since his allies were not affected, it could mean that only those hearing the words were affected, or accused as the case could be." Otacon stopped reading and looked up to look at the King.

"Did you draw the same conclusions over the others?" King Aurelius asked.

"Well, yes and no. Like this fellow- Archer Ape, he shot arrows with two types of magic. Was it him casting the magic on the arrows? Was it that the bow that was enchanted? Or only the arrows? Or a mix? There is a lot to consider, and little info to go on," Otacon said, looking away. His glasses slid down his nose a bit, reflecting the light of the fire. "Which is why we need all the info to plan the next set of strikes."

"You planned to attack soon? I did as well," King Aurelius said.

"No King, not attack. Strike," Otacon said with a smile.

"What is the difference?" Aurelius asked.

"For what I have planned, you will not have to lose any of your subjects." Otacon answered, moving his left hand to push his glasses back over his face. He left his hand holding the glasses up with his middle finger, casting a shadow over his face thanks to the fire. For a moment, the king felt fear of this creature.

Just what could Otacon have in mind?


"So, Twilight lives in the library, but is not an actual librarian," Soma asked, lifting an eyebrow. The humans and mare six were standing outside the library. The moon and stars could be seen starting to appear in the sky. Princess Luna stood at the doorway, scanning each one of them as they passed the door.

"I don't see how that is relevant," Twilight said with a sigh. She raised her head and waited for Luna to nod. Luna's horn glowed a blue hue to scan over the purple unicorn.

"Twilight Sparkle is cleared to enter," Luna said, giving her sister's student a smile. Twilight walked in and headed over to her former teacher and smile. The mare six were easy to scan- Luna knew them, not to mention they were ponies. The humans would prove to be tougher to scan.

Soma moved up, the first human to get scanned. Soma looked at the face of this Princess Luna, wondering what she was scanning for. The night princess moved her horn up and down the side of Soma's head. Both of his eyebrows shot up when Luna blushed. The princess had felt the darkness the teen possesed. It felt like a drug, the taste of darkness she had when Nightmare Moon still existed. He was about to say something when Fluttershy moved in and tugged at Soma coat, dragging him inside.

"Possesive much?" Nate asked, moving to step to get scanned next. He watched Fluttershy drag the poor kid away and then shrugged.

"Nathan Drake may pass," Luna said. Nate turned his head, more surprised than Soma had been. That was fast! Still, he said nothing as he walked over to Rarity. Somehow, he felt she should be insulted. Even the mares had taken longer.

Next, the Dovahkiin stepped up. Luna felt it odd, the only other time she had to raise her head up was to face her sister. Still, she scanned over the dragin born's head. He took longer, as this human clearly possed powers and much magic. Luna knew this one was not a changeling, but a clear threat if he turned rogue. Still, she allowed him to pass.

"Scan me if you dare," Dan said, his eyes narrowed up at Princess Luna. He had stepped up to get scanned next. "Go ahead, I dare you. Make my day," he repeated, staring at her eyes.

"Dan Mandel may pass!" Luna said, moving to take a step back. While she had nothing to fear from this human, the image of the dance fight was still fresh in her mind. Dan merely smiled, walking past her. He knew his way around the library anyway.

Phoenix stepped up, the last to get scanned. He said nothing and smiled, understanding the need for this procedure. The former lawyer lost his smile quickly, seeing Luna starting to cry. "Are you alright Princess Luna?" He asked, not sure what was going on.

"What did you do?" A night troop guard asked. The night troops were Princess Luna's guards. Unlike regular pegasi, these were the color of pitch night with the wings of bats instead of birds. All at once Phoenix found himself being targetted by very pointy spears.

"I didn't do anything! Really! I just stood there and let myself get scanned!" Phoenix said, looking around himself. The others inside the library turned to look at the comotion happening at the door. Rainbow Dash almost performed a sonic rainboom as she flew to land behind Phoenix and get in the way of the spears.

"Lay off him!" Rainbow Dash said, here eyes narrowed. The night troops found themselves surprised, forcing to take a step back away from the Element of Loyalty.

"Everypony Stop!" Princess Luna yelled out in her royal voice. "Put your weapons down, and the next pony that dares to raise a weapon or threaten that human will answer to me!" Luna said, tears still in her eyes. "Let him pass," she said in a hushed voice.

"Luna? What's wrong?" Princess Celestia quickly moved to the side of her sister. Rainbow Dash and Phoenix quickly stepped out of the way, letting the royal sisters meet.

"Its... I am alright. You- Rainbow Dash. Never leave this human. He will need you, more than you know," Luna said, standing straight to wipe the tears in her eyes.

"Oh, dear Luna. So you know?" Celestia said, moving to nuzzle her sister and hug her with her white wings.

"Know- What exactly?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking up at Phoenix. He shrugged, at a loss as well.

"I will explain, but lets close the door. Night troops, stay on guard," Princess Celestia said. She closed the doors and left the troops outside. No one noticed poor Spike bealy making it through to look around.

"Er, did I miss something?" The purple dragon asked.

"All in due time. Luna, are you alright now?" Celestia asked.

"I am fine now. Its just Phoenix suffered so much, and yet he still stands. He does not deserve the suffering he is put through," Luna said, keeping her head lowered.

"Did- Was my mind read?" Phoenix asked, suddenly feeling very upset at his privacy being invaded.

"I thought the scan was just for magic," Nate moved to step up. He kinda figured that's why his scan was so fast.

"Royalty. Typical," Dovahkiin said as he crossed his arms on his chest. Dan nodded, in complete agreement.

"I couldn't help it. Phoenix is so worried right now, and his thoughts are very apparant to someone with empathy powers," Luna said. "Forgive me Phoenix Wright."

"Could we skip the waterworks and someone please explain what is going on?!" Dan said, getting impatient. The mares in the room looked confused, not sure what the whole meeting was turning into.

"Very well, you all deserve the truth. But before we start- Could you Humans tell me- Why are you champions? What makes you heroes?" Princess Celestia said. She walked away from Luna, and stepped to the front of the Library to adress them all.

"Well- I am not exactly a hero. All I know is that the forces of darkness are on the rise- Thanks to my birth. If I want to make sure the darkness does not consume me, I must put an end to it," Soma said. "I will protect the innocent, I will not let anyone suffer because of me." Fluttershy looked up to Soma and nodded. That sounded heroic to her.

"I am not a normal human. I posses the heritage of dragons. Blood of dragons flows in my veins, and they call me dragon born- Dovahkiin. I must stop the end bringer dragon Alduin, and bring peace to my homeland. This is my fate, even if I do not want it," Dovahkiin said. He stepped up, turning to look at Spike. "Hello, little brother. I vowed not to slay noble dragons though." Spike smiled up at him. Could this human really be part dragon?

Applejack stared at him, shocked by the news. That explained why he was so gosh darn tall. She smiled after a second. She wondered what else he had in store for her.

Dan stepped up, clearly not amused. "Really? I have to go through this again? I fight the wrongs of ignorance and stupidity. People that have wronged me, must be dealt with. I have helped the oppressed and the confused, and given them freedom. And more than once," he added.

"Really?" Pinkie Pie asked, moving to stand next to Dan.

"Well, Ninja Dan and those chefs now own their own businesses thanks to me. The evil robots trying to replace everyone and that demented dentist will no longer be a plague on humanity. Then there was that time New Mexico and Canada had to be taken down a peg or two... list goes on," Dan said, thinking back.

Twilight Sparkle simply stared at Dan, clearly not believing him.

"Hey, I can be heroic too. A lot of the things that wronged me, had wronged others too you know," Dan said, crossing his arms on his chest. Applejack nodded. He was telling the truth.

"I am not really a hero either," Nate said, impressed by Dan. Who knew the little guy had it in him. "Last thing I did do that even comes close- was protecting the Tree of Life. Some bad guys wanted it for themselves. I only stumbled upon it because I was looking for the same treasure- Just never knew it was a tree...." He chuckled, shaking his head to the sides. "But these guys were really evil, I mean we are talking take over the world. If they had gotten the fruit from the tree, the whole world would have suffered. I am just glad I managed to stop them."

Rarity smiled, at least Nate had some redeming qualities. In a way, it was more impressive that Nate had done that without powers or magic.

"Well, we all know me. I was a defense lawyer. I saved lives," Phoenix said, a bit embarassed. He didn't get to toot his own horn too much.

"Phoenix, don't be modest. What about Galactus?" Luna asked.

"Oh, him! I guess that could be considered heroic..." Phoenix said. He couldn't believe Luna had saw the planet eater.

"Whose Galactus?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh, just a bad guy I helped stop with some friends," Phoenix said, not wanting to get into it. He doubted anyone would believe him anway.

"Just tell them Phoenix," Luna said, getting impatient.

"Okay, fine. I fought a crazy, 80-foot-tall, purple-suited dude and I had to fight like 96 guys to get to him. He was flying and shooting lightning bolts from his eyes, okay? And I kicked him so hard that he saw the curvature of the earth. Does that make you feel any better?" Phoenix said, moving to slump his shoulders. He remembered that whole fighting Galactus and his heralds thing.

"Damn dude," Soma said, surprised by that outburst.

"That sounds so awesome!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, I guess it was pretty awesome," Phoenix said.

"What are you, some sort of super lawyer?" Dan said, wondering what law school Phoenix attended.

"Moving on. From what you all describe, you are clearly Champions. Does that ring a bell, Twilight?" Princess Celestia said to look at Twilight.

"Are you telling me, I summoned human champions, not pony champions?" Twilight said, looking at the humans she had apparantly gathered.

"Yes. And it is no accident that the Elements of Harmony found them- nor that each human just happened to be appearing next to each particular element at first," Princess Celestia said. This made the mares pick up their eyebrows in expectation.

"You did this?!" Dan said, turning to look at Twilight. He did not look happy.

"You kidnapped me again? And not only that, you kidnapped four others?" Phoenix said, once again slumping his shoulders. "What, you are getting better at this?"

"So she gets away with kidnapping people? I guess it should figure, its always the quiet ones- And who is quieter than a librarian," Nate said. No one laughed at his joke.

"Do you know that Phoenix has a daughter, and she has no one? Phoenix is worried sick!" Dan yelled out, marching to Twilight.

"Yes, I know, and I'm sorry!" Twilight said, looking down. This was all her fault, and she deserved what was coming. "I know I can't make it up-"

"Enough!" Princess Celestia said, projecting her voice loud and stomping her foot on the ground. "I command you all to stop!"

Instantly, the Dovahkiin had his sword drawn out and gave a dragon shout. "WULD NAH KEST!" He shouted, finding himself instantly at Princess Celestia's side. His Nightingale blade was at her neck, almost touching her. The Nord had position himself carefully. The Princess could not kick well from this angle, nor could she use her wings. And pointing her horn at the dragon born fron this angle was out of the question. Seeing the Dovakiin react, Nate instantly drew his weapon out, pointing to one Princess and another. What the hell was going on?

Soma also reacted, but in a different fashion. He darted forth, moving to step between Dan and Princess Celstia. He had no weapon drawn, but each of his arms were held out in front of himself. He had two Souls ready to use in case an attack came. The silvered hair teen had both eyes narrowed. If there was going to be a fight, he was going to side and protect the humans that needed it.

Dan took a step back, but didn't say anything. He knew that the Princess could send him to the moon, but that did not worry him. Last time Soma was this close, that dark purple aura had built around him. Still, he was going to go down fighting if he had too.

"Please! Stop this!" Phoenix said, moving his hands out on front of himself. The mares were shocked, not sure what was going on.

"Dovahkiin! Ya don't have ta do this!" Applejack said, moving at his side. "Don't make me hurt you!"

"She may be your princess, but she is not mine. If she dares to give me an order again, I will not hesitate to attack. These are freemen, and not bound to the whims of royalty," the Nord said. His eyes were narrowed, keeping his sword in front of himself. "Even princesses must know their place. Will you make me, fight you Applejack?"

Princess Celestia was in shock. She had no idea that the Dovahkiin had this kind of power! But she should have expected it, he did have the blood of dragons. This looked bad, she had overstepped her bounds. It was not the humans fault, and they were aggitated.

Princess Luna stared as well. What should she do? One wrong move and the Dovahkiin could easily end the life of her sister!

"Nate! Please! Put your weapon away! Don't be a brute!" Rarity pleaded, looking up at the poor confused human.

"I- I can't! All I know so far is that if I have to pick a side, I will have to pick the side not telling me to do something," Nate said, a bead of sweat forming at the side of his head. Why was this happening? He just had some flapjacks not more than an hour ago!

"Dan! You are not going to fight, are you?" Pinkie Pie asked. Oh, if only she only had more cupcakes!

"I- Celestia is on my list. Sooner or later she was going to get hers," Dan said. It was really, really hard to focus his anger around Pinkie. All he could do was get his axe ready. He didn't want to get his revenge this way- Not like this! It was barbaric.

"Soma?" Fluttershy asked, flying at the side of the boy.

"I am not going to fight, I promise. I am only taking a defensive stance. See? No weapons," He said, smiling at Fluttershy. Dovahkiin could problably handle things on his own anyway.

Rainbow Dash flew up in the air, moving to get behind Phoenix. She didn't want to fight! Not against them! Her loyalty was conflicting at her heart. Be loyal to her princess? Or her new friends?

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