• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 21,561 Views, 2,870 Comments

Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Dovah Warriors vs. Freelancers

Chapter 24- Dovah Warriors vs. Freelancers

A whine came out from one of the wolves, looking up to look at Solid Snake. The stealth agent released a sigh and then moved back to scratch the wood made wolf to make it pant again happily. While he had expected the wolves to fall asleep, it seemed that filling their bellies with tranquilized boar- Only made them really, really happy. One wolf was laying down, stairing at its paws like they were the most magical things in the world.

Another wolf was content, napping upside down with his belly pointed up. And its head inside a log. The currently wolf in his hands simply wagged its tail in approval of the attention it was getting. As compared to the last wolf, which was busy trying to climb the tree Snake had been on. At least they were not after him.

A large blast made him pick up his head to turn and look of the direction it came from. The last echo gave him the proper direction he should follow. Although faint, he had caught a glimpse of light. Snake narrowed his eyes and picked himself up to stand. May as well investigate. He gave a short whistle, making the timberwolves snap their heads. Well, except for the one with his head stuck inside the log. A bump and a whine was heard from inside.

"I'm moving out," Snake said, moving ahead. "You guys do what you want." The wolves immediately begun to follow after the human. Snake smirked. These strange wolves made from... He guessed oak, were not so different from his Huskies in Alaska. He picked up his pace, his M-9 with both his hands to follow after the wolves marching ahead of himself.


"What was that noise?" Otacon said, lifting his head up. A large blast and flash of light made his traveling group all look at the same direction.

"That sounded like a magical explosion, and the light is not made from normal means," Trixie said, frowning a bit. What else could go wrong?

"Should we keep going?" One of the escort changelings asked.

"No, I think we should investigate. If its a weapon, I thik we need to find out what it does. I don't want our forces to get hit with a nasty whammy," Otacon explained. The changelings nodded. More than likely, it was one of the mercenary humans.

"What about the prisoner?" One of the rear guards asked.

"Lets take her, maybe she knows what made that light.." Otacon begun to walk slowly in the direction. His limp had made traveling a bit slow. With any luck, he would be able to at least let Trixie get away. He had a promise to keep afterall.


Dan and Phoenix walked toward the bleachers, their pony partners at their side. The other humans clapped, while the ponies stood up to begin to stomp their hooves on the bleachers. Dan moved one hand to his waist and bow. Phoenix moved his right hand to the back of his head, laughing at the display. Their fight had been short and hardly worth clapping for.

"Alright, I know we don't know each other, but lets be partners for now. I got a tournament to win and get to be number one," Travis said as he lowered his hands from the clapping to look over at Nate and nod. They had little time to prepare, and if Dan and Phoenix were capable of those things-

"I may not be a super human, but I can handle myself. I've fought a few mercenaries, power hungry tyrants, mutated apes, and an occasional government agent or two. But I got no extra firepower like those two," Nate said, motioning to Dovahkiin and Ralf. The two were shaking hands. They came to the team name of "Dovah Warriors" by combining Ikari Warriors with Dovahkiin.

"Seriously, look at these mismtach ups. Those two look like they tear through a brick wall just by blinking," Travis said at the two biggest guys.

"From what I know, Dovahkiin will be the heavy hitter. The guy can use magic, dragon breaths, and weapons," Nate said with a sigh.

"Alright. I take him. I have a few surprises of my own..." Travis said to turn to Luna. He winked at her, moving his right hand up to lower his shades. Princess Luna perked up her head, blinking twice at her champion. She nodded, as if understanding.

"What is that all about?" Nate asked, looking between the two.

"I got some special moves, but I can only use them if my partner activates them. I can transform into a tiger for one," Travis said to push his sunglasses back in place to look back at Nate.

"Seriously? Am I the only normal human here?" Nate asked, shaking his head to the sides. "I feel like I am the but end of the jokes..."

"Alright, do you guys have a name yet?" Spike asked, walking up to the two. Travis raised his eyebrows, turning to look at Nate.

"Do you really need a name? I mean, we are only teaming up for the first round..." Nate asked.

"Well, Dan said it would be helpful. He said that if we ever need to team up in the future to do a group attack, a buddy system would make it easier to call out teams," Spike said, rubbing his chin. "The other guys said their name was Dovah Warriors, in case that helps.."

"Just call us 'Freelancers,' okay? I think we can both live with that," Nate said after a second. Travis took a second to think about the name. It was nice and simple, He was an assassin and nate a treasure hunter. Neither were soldiers or anything like that. They both did things for themselves.

"Yeah, I like the name. Nothing wrong with being free," Travis said with a grin. Spike nodded at the two and went to talk to the Doctor.

"Good luck you two," Rarity said, moving to stand in front of the Freelancers. Princess Luna had moved to join the two and nod.

"Yes, I fear you made need it. From what I have witnessed, the Dovahkiin is truly part dragon. Please, keep yourself safe Travis Touchdown," Luna said.

"Yes, you have no reason to put on a show for us..." Rarity, turning to look at the night princess.

"Damnit... Now we have to win," Nate said, moving his left hand to punch into his right palm.

"Yeah, no way I am going to loose. I look forward to tonight afterall," Travis said. He brought his right hand up to place it against Luna's left side of her face. The countour of his palm pushed to hold her cheek while his thumb brushed lightly up and down along her coat. "I can't wait until you are mine..."

At first, Luna closed both eyes and moved her head into the hand of Travis. No one had ever touched her that way. But when he started talking, she opened her eyes wide and hastily moved her face away, blushing furiously. "Travis, no... Not in front of others," she whispered to look at the ground embarassed.

Nate and Rarity opened both eyes at the display. While they had been teasing Soma and Fluttershy, this was something way off their comfort zone. Rarity was more shocked at Travis, noting how brazen and forward he had been. Nate more so at the princess. Hadn't they only met recently?

While that group was talking, Applejack and Cheerilee had moved to their partners. It only seemed right to wish them luck. Ralf was busy, tightening his gloves over both his hands. Well, it was a bit more dramatic than Applejack cared for. The Ikari Warrior had his right hand up, using his left hand to pull down on the bottom of his right glove. Ralf used his teeth to bite down on the bottom of his left glove to pull and tighten his other glove at the same time. The sound of tightening leather and the determined eyes to Ralf made Cherilee blink once and wonder.

Damn, why did that look so rough? So macho? So cool? Poor thing, she was used to the look of parents and male ponies that were friendly and hardly so aggressive. Ralf released his gloves to wriggle his fingers to test they were flexible.

"We came to wish you luck," Applejack said, lifting her eyebrow at Cherilee. Why was she staring at Ralf like that?

"Um, oh yes," the fuschia pony said. She really did need to get out more, hanging around kids so much made her realize she missed a few things. "While you guys look like you could tank through anything, try not to loose your heads. Phoenix and Dan looked... weak to be honest. But they were capable more than I thought..."

"I said I would win," Dovahkiin said. He had gotten dressed in his normal Nord outfit, giving him a more viking look. It was also tailored made to be more useful for combat compared to his other outfits. It also left more skin showing. His left hand moved out to touch Applejack on her muzzle, petting her softly. "I will keep my word."

"Just... Shut up and win," Applejack said. Damn this man. Her cheeks felt hot, but she didn't move away from his hand. Ralf blinked once, wondering if he should do the same with Cherilee.

"Um... I guess I don't want to win. I'm a soldier, not some leader. But if Dovahkiin needs to win, then I will do my best to make sure he does," Ralf said, grinning. Like he needed a reason to win. "But, some luck couldn't hurt," he said. Getting down to his left knee, Ralf kept his grin to Cherilee and moved his right hand out to her. Cherilee blinked once and froze. What was Ralf going to....

"Oh dear," she said, feeling warm fingers move through her mane. It felt like a comb, only... She couldn't describe it. Combs and brushes were never this soft. Nerves rarely touched were reacting to the sensation. Ralf closed both eyes and cotninued to pet her. This wasn't so bad, just like petting a real horse. Her mane was much softer than the ones back home at least. Ms. Cherilee seemed to like it.

"Alright, time to plan and think of a wish," Dovahkiin said. He rose to stand up and walk towards their side of the arena. Ralf picked up his head and nodded, moving after his human partner. He liked his odds, Dovahkiin sorta reminded him of the other Ikari Warrior, Clark. Applejack and Cherille lifted up their heads and blinked.

"They will do well," Applejack said. "I'm sure of it," she said to comfort Cherilee.

"Does it... always feel like that?" The teacher asked. She almost wanted to follow after Ralf and demand more.

"Ya mean when they touch us? I dunno. Only Dovah there has touched me, and other than that a group hug between us all felt the same as all other hugs. But yeah..." the cowboy mare said. She turned to look over at the big humans discussing things. "I know what ya mean." Cherilee blinked and wondered as she moved back to her place in the bleachers.

"Alright, while we are waiting for the five minutes, some announcements," The Doctor said from the booth. "First, Sephiroth will be just fine. Right now he is resting while he is being scanned by my Tardis. Lyra is with him, so she will let us know if his condition changes. Second, Twilight Sparkle?" Twilight picked up her head, blinking once. Was The Doctor talking to her?

"Your champion is on his way," He said, chuckling a bit. "And if this next fight is flashy as the other, he can get here sooner," The time lord teased. Spike smiled, lifting his claw from the arena to wave at Twilight. That was great news! The toddler dragon wondered though, just how and why The Doctor knew these things. The Doctor closed the book he had been reading to put it away. The title was Diary of the Number One Assistant.

"Really?" Twilight asked, lifting her head at the news. Her normal expression slowly changed to a giant smile as he eyes gave a bit of a sparkle. Flashy huh? She immediately shut her eyes and begun to concentrate. Princess Celestia turned to look at her student and chuckled, shaking her head to the sides. Oh, that Doctor knew how excatly how to push the buttons of ponies and humans. Still, it was nice to see her student so eager.

A large skybolt, bigger and larger than the one from yesterday, flew out into the sky. Everyone stopped what they were doing to spot the purple flash. Twilight had her legs bent a bit to brace herself against the ground. Her horn flashed with a almost white-purple hue to send the skybolt in the air.

"Pretty," Pinkie Pie said. She was at the front of the bleachers, her front hooves resting on Dan's thighs. Dan said nothing, just looking at the sky. Another champion that doctor said. Screw it, he didn't care anymore. Phoenix merely smiled, glad Twilight was getting excited. Like Pinkie pie, Rainbow Dash was looking at the sky as her own front hooves rested on Phoenix's lap.

"Alright, round 2 begins," The Doctor said. "And lets thank Twilight Sparkle for that sky show. Time for the coin toss."

Travis lead for his team, while Ralf for his. Spike moved between the two at the center of the pen. Spike raised his left hand to flip the coin into the air. The bit flipped rapidly, gliting once at the apex before falling down into his waiting claw. "So.. who calls it?" Spike asked.

"I don't care. If we won the coin toss, I was going to say let Dovah Warriors get their wish," Travis said with a grin to stick out his tongue.

"Funny, we were thinking the same thing," Ralf said, moving his right hand up to flick his nose with his thumb.

"So... um..." Spike turned to look at the Doctor and shrug.

"Alright everybody... Or is that supposed to be everpony? There is no wish for this round!" The doctor said, moving his hands up to clap. Oh these humans sometimes. This was the reason he had so much hope in humanity. This is why he would always try to save them from themselves. Princess Celestia smiled at the Doctor's approval. She could only imagine how much humans could be entertaining to eternal beings like herself.

"Er... Alright then. Good luck! Fight!" Spike said, running away from the area. Travis stayed on the field, moving his right hand out to pluck his beam katana from his belt. With a twist of his wrist, the baton spun rapidly against his palm. Ralf left the field, leaving Dovahkiin out.

"No hard feelings?" Dovahkiin asked.

"Feelings? This is a fight. What good do warriors need for those," Travis said. The assassin moved his left leg forward and bent his right knee to lower his stance. His right hand moved to catch the baton and hold it still. The baton was a few inches away from his face, pointing open hilt of the weapon out to his opponent. Flick of the thumb, and the beam katana hummed to life. It was the color red, flaring out like a real Asian sword. His other hand moved almost to the other end of the weapon, wanting to cradle the tip.

"I suppose you are right. Lets put on a good show..." Dovahkiin said at display. A magic sword huh? "Bound Sword," Dovahkiin said with a smile and held out his right hand out. A blue pattern of light emerged in front of the dragon born, taking the shape of a daedric sword. Dovahkiin moved his right arm out then to snatch the weapon out of the air to hold the sword out at ready.

"That's a nice trick, maybe you can teach me..." Travis raised his eyebrows, impressed by the so called magic Dovahkiin could conjour up.

"Enough talk," Dovahkiin said with a grin. He stepped forward rapidly and swung his sword straight ahead of himself in a horizontal ark towards Travis' face. The assassin decided to take things easy for now, trying to see if he could outmanuver the big guy. The nimble Travis rolled to his left side and then picked himself up to stand and rush to meet with the left side of the dragon born.

The two light swords clashed against each other, the sound of science and magic trying to fight one another was unlike anything heard before. The sound of angry humming scrapping against a dull metallic clank as the two warriors pressed forward with the weapons. Nate watched in fascination, seeing how the two in the field refused to back down. Ralf was impressed, Travis was much smaller but refused to give Dovahkiin any space. The weapons were held vertically as the faces of Travis and Dovahkiin were only a few inches away.

After a few seconds, they both moved back from each other. Travis with a backwards roll, and the Dovahkiin with a back hop. No sooner than each one landed that they both rushed forward. The beam kanata moved up from the low angle and the bound sword up from over its master's weapon. Again, both weapons clashed in the middle with violent sparks sent flying to the sides.

The audience stayed quiet, surprised by how beautiful the scene actually was. A red blur of light and of Travis' jacket flashed against the dark colors of the Dovahkiin as each met their opponent's weapon perfectly. Strong and well aimed strikes were getting them no where. Time to change the flow.

Travis moved to hold the katana with both hands, the grip of his gloves making an almost louder sound than possible. In turn, the Dovahkiin did the same with his weapon. Travis grinned and then begun swinging his weapon fast and furiously in any angle he could. Up and down towards an angle at the left shoulder to the right hip of Dovahkiin. A fast horizontal slash against the dragon born's chest. And then a low angle rising slash against the center of the chest. A short hop to swing the beam kanata down the center.

While not as fast as Travis, the Dovahkiin simply blocked each swing with minimal effort. They were all attacks aimed at the midsection. Both weapons met, the bound sword moving position from vertical to horizontal as the beam katana slid along the bladed edge of the ancient looking magic weapon. After a few seconds of swinging, the two warriors jumped back from each other, chests moving up and down to breathe.

Time for a different tactic. Travis moved both of his hands behind himself, holding the beam katana behind himself to charge it. Dovahkiin raised both of his eyebrows as the smaller opponent walked slowly towards him. The beam weapon slowly got brighter and hummed louder. Dovahkiin rushed forward, performing a fast power attack. Unable to charge the weapon longer, Travis brought both arms forward to swing the beam forward. The charge attack and the power attack met in the middle again, this time creating an angry clang and sent sparks that were more resembling lighting than the blue wisps of fire. Both warriors getting tossed back by the impact and landed a few feet away from each other.

"So, weapons are getting us no where fast..." Dovahkiin said.

"Then, lets step up the ante then, shall we?" Travis said as he winked at Luna. Luna raised her eyebrows and spun the slots only she could see underneath her knight. She blinked, seeing the slots coming up 7, 7, and another 7. Travis grinned, unable to help himself. "Oh Luna, I lov ya!" He cried out, blowing Luna a kiss as he entered Dark Side mode.

The peanut gallery turned to look at the night princess with a gasp. She could only blush and look down and up, going back between Travis and the ground. The assasin raised himself to stand up straight and hugged his weapon closer to his chest as red lighting begun to gather around his weapon and midsection.

"Then lets not hold back," Dovahkiin said as he dispelled the bound sword. The dragon born narrowed both eyes and raised both arms to his sides and begun to collect magic into each hand. He hunched over a bit, bending both knees to brace for the impact. His left hand moved out in front of the right a bit and then suddenly both of his palms faced each other as he bent all of his fingers into the skin of his palms.

"Anarchy in the Galaxy!" Yelled out Travis

"Firestorm!" Dovahkiin screamed.

Travis unleashed his gathered dark side into a bright flash of red flare pillars around himself. At the same time, Dovahkiin pushed both of his hands out to unleash the ultimate fire spell. Red fire surrounded the dragon born. Both red forces of elements clashed, trying to outdo the other. The spectators watched with the mouths open as the terrible beauty of conflicting fire. It was only short lived though, as both attacks were over with quickly.

Travis had caught on fire, smoke quickly eating away at his shoulders and jacket. He winced,trying to put out the fire as fast as he could. Dovahkiin fell to one knee, damaged indicated by the falling of the human titan. Black scorch marks covered his skin.

"Dovahkiin!" Applejack cried out. "Tag out!" She said, worried. Luna moved her left forehoof out, seeing how Travis was on fire.

"It looks like we won't be able to settle this..." Travis said, moving to hold his left arm with his right. He had turned off the beam katana.

"No... Looks like its up to them," Dovahkiin said slowly to stand. Both humans nodded, turning to walk over to the partners outside the fence.

"Good luck Ralf. I have no idea what to expect from that soldier. But do not hesitate to quit," Dovahkiin said to move his right palm out to tag Ralf in.

"Don't sweat it! Leave it to me," Ralf said as he hopped over the fence and landed close to Nate. Travis leaned against the fence and grin. He did not expect the viking warrior to get all medival on him.

"Looks like I spoke too soon," Travis said, moving his good hand out to tag in Nate.

"I am not going to chicken out just yet," Nate said as he climbed over the fence and walk to the center.

"Shake?" Ralf asked, moving his right hand out to Nate. Caught a bit off guard, the treasure hunter raised both eyebrows but moved forward.

"No tricks?" Nathan asked, moving his hand to shake Ralf's hand once.

"Nah, I don't do magic. And I have no hard feelings. Don't hate me when I win," Ralf said as he took his hand back. Phoenix begun to clap his hands, glad someone was showing some proper sportsmanship. Soon enough, he was joined by stomping and clapping from the other humans. Nate and Ralf turned to look back at the audience, unable to stop smiling. Cherilee smiled softer, the anxious feeling that had been building gone. No, this human Ralf had more than that muscle jock look.

"You hear that? Looks like we did something right," Nate said as he turned back to raise his arms in a boxing pose.

"Lets give them a real reason to clap eh," Ralf said, lifting his own arms to his sides. Both nodded, and then rushed in at each other.

Ralf threw the first fist, his right arm in a quick jab. Nate moved his head to the side, moving his own left hand out in a counter jab. Doing the same, the Ikari warrior juked to the side and dodge the punch.

"Boxer?" Ralf asked, moving his feet up and down to get his body into a bouncing motion.

"A little. I am more of a counter hitter and brawler," Nate answered. He rushed forward and gave tried a wide and hard left hook.

"Really? Me too," Ralf said as he jumped away to the side. While not a soldier, he was impressed by Nate. He should return the favor. "Vulcan punch."

"You don't-" Nate raised both of his arms to block. Ralf moved his arms rapidly, throwing rising jabs so quickly that all that could be seen was blurs. Red fumes and flames came from the gloves of Ralf. "I thought you didn't use magic!" Nate said, feeling a bit of the burn. He was glad to have moved back, not wanting to feel the continue hammers against his bones.

"That's not magic, just my vulcan punch laced with gunpowder!" Ralf said. He stopped punching and ducked down. After a second or two, he jumped into the air. His feet came out first as his whole body spun in circles in the air to perform a drill kick. "Light Radio Kick!" He yelled out, slamming his feet into Nate. Luckily for Nate, it was the light version.

"Sweet hell," Nate said, fiding himself pushed back more than he wanted. That was the light version? His chest felt like his collar bone was broken. He couldn't block anymore either, he felt his arms were truning into mush. Ralf got off from the floor, getting himself to stand. The down side to radio kick? Because his whole weight was thrown into the blow, he had to land on his side.

"Think Nathan, think..." Nate said, moving his arms out to the side and try to shake the pain away. He reached to his left side and pulled out the silver gun. Ralf raised both eyebrows, surprised. A gun to a noble fight? "Think fast!" Nate yelled out, tossing the weapon into Ralf's chest. Unable to think properly, Ralf quickly moved his hands up to try to catch the weapon. "Brutal combo," Nate said, immediate running after he had thrown the weapon.

"A silver-" Ralf started to say, wondering who would use a precious metal to make a weapon. That was, until Nate closed the distance. Unable to block, Ralf had to take the hits. Nate drove his right fist in a sliding punch to start against his opponent's face. The second hit, the treasure hunter lowered his right hand to uppercut it into Ralf's midsection to make him bend over. The final hit, Nate moved both hands to grab hold of the back of the Ikari warrior's head and drive the right knee into the face.

Ralf was sent flying back a bit, grinning. While he had taken damage from the blows, it wasn't enough to knock him out. Nate placed both of his feet in the ground, rapidly looking for the gun. Thankfully, Ralf had dropped it. More of a courtesy, Ralf's trained combat insctincts would not have left him drop a weapon unless he wanted to. The larger human landed on the ground and stood up, moving the back of his right fist to wipe the blood from his mouth.

"Damn, that was one of my better combos!" Nate said, not beliving Ralf could still stand. The crowd had leaned forward, surprised by the quick wit of the smaller human. The crowd wanted to cheer for Nate, kind of a David vs. Goliath thing.

"I'll admit. You're good. Not many can catch me off guard like that," Ralf said. "Let's say the next hit ends it, okay? I'm starving and that last hit made me a bit dizzy." The soldier got down to bend his entire upper body down to the side, focusing his attack on the unblockable Galactica Punch.

Nate frowned, not sure what else he could do. It seemed all these guys took a certain pose when something big was coming. Damnit! It wasn't fair, he had nothing like that. Should he quit? "Sorry Rarity"... He thought to himself.

"Screw that!" Nate said, rushing forward to run. His legs still worked. His only chance was to interrupt the move. Hearing the feet of his opponent move, Ralf stood up with a swing and unleased his forward dash. The Galatica Punch was a sliding punch, and it was unblockable. It was his most devestating move, capable of making a hole in the side of a tank. Propelled forward, Ralf gave a yell as he prepared to give Nate the world's more powerful lariat.

Unfortunately, the Galactica punch was avoidable. Seeing Ralf rushing in, Nate gave a short hop forward. Few people used the baseball kick, and Nate seemed to be able to use it perfectly. He could show off a bit too. Ralf watched down and saw Nate slid under his outheld arm. The larger human tried to stop, only to have Nate slam his outstreched left leg connect against Ralf legs. Unable to stop, Ralf tripped and was propelled forward by his own force.

Nate raised both of his arms over his head, watching at how Ralf spilled forward and then vanish from sight. Still, the treasure hunter frowned. That kick felt like he had slid into a damn tank. Ralf in the meantime had tmbled down and managed to use his arms to keep his face hitting the floor. But the rest of his body tumbled, rolling along the ground twice before coming to a stop. The crowd leaned foward, watching as Ralf hit a wooden fence. Thankfully, he the rolling absorbed a lot of the momentum and only stop with a thud.

"Nate! He's not out yet!" Travis yelled out and watched in shock as Ralf was getting back up. "Get up!" Nate blinked twice and lowered his arms to look behind himself.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Nate said, forcing himself to stand. Although the fight was short, the treasure hunter felt like giving up. This guy was impossible to take down, and clealy had more power. He could only imagine how pissed off Ralf could be at this point. The larger human moved his hands to dust himself off a bit, shaking his head to the sides and clear his head. He begun to walk back to Nate.

Nate released a sigh, wondering if there was anything else he could do. He could go for the gun, but its not like he wanted to kill the guy. The best attacks in his arsenal were all but used up. Nate raised his hand up to give up. He quickly found his held out arm was being held up higher. "What the..."

"I surrender!" Ralf said, grinning to look at the audience. He held up Nate arm, holding his other arm up as if he won. "Sorry Dovahkiin," Ralf said, unable to stop chuckling. The Dovahkiin had been busy, casting a healing spell on himself. When the light cleared, the dragon born merely shook his head to the side to laugh.

"And the victory goes to the Freelancers!" The Doctor said. He raised himself to stand up, and start clapping again. Soon enough, confused ponies in the crowd simply begun to stomp in acceptance. Its not like they came to see a bloodbath, just some good healthy competition. The flashy show was good, but it was nice to see other things. Dan and Pheonix merely smirked at each other.

"Oh we can so beat them," Dan said. All Phoenix could do was chuckle.

"But why? There's no way that I could beat you in a real fight," Nate said, lifting his eyebrows. He watched as Rarity moved to run out to the field. Sweetie Bell joined her.

"My last attack, the Galactica Punch- Is my best move. And you beat it, easily. Lets call that your win. Besides, its not like me or Dovahkiin want to be leaders..." Ralf said. Ralf moved out of the way, letting the unicorns tackle into Nate. Taken down, Nate laughed and hugged the sisters.

"Thanks Ralf, for not hurting dear Nathan. You are a real sportsman. Although I do not know you, I feel you would have made a good leader," Rarity said to look up at Ralf.

"You won Nate!" Sweetie Bell said, rubbing her face against Nate chin to make the human laugh.

"Hope you're happy," Travis said, walking behind the trio with a frown. "You won by pity." Travis then moved his left arm out to Nate, giving him a grin. "Still, victory is victory!" Nate moved his left arm out to take hold of the offer and picked himself to stand. Princess Luna blew a kiss to Travis, deciding to let the humans do their own victory. Travis smirked, catching the kiss with his left hand and then placing his palm against his forehead. Nate raised an eyebrow at the reaction, but said nothing.

"Heh. A good leader also knows when to let others take charge," Ralf said to turn around and head to his partner. Dovahkiin had walked out to meet his human partner. He placed both hands out to begin healing the soldier.

"So, how bad are you hurt?" Dovahkiin asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Close enough to pass out... That Brutal whatever he calls it hurts. It was precise and fast. I have no idea, but I think he got my organs for critical hits," Ralf said. He instant felt better thanks to the recovery magic. Dovahkiin and Ralf stopped their conversation, turning to look at Applejack and Cherilee.

"Well, don't go expecting any congratulations or nothin," Applejack said, closing both her eyes.

"You did well Ralf. You're not really hurt, are you?" Cherille asked. She noticed how Ralf had been holding his side as he walked away from the crowd.

"I told you, I can survive anything!" Ralf said, moving to pet his partner on her head.

"Oh, you big brute. Why did you have to be so macho?" Cherilee said, simply letting Ralf do what he wanted.

"Oh, you are just a softie..." Dovahkiin said, looking at the two. "Lets go see who the next fight is. And Applejack, I won't forget my promise. I did decide what I would do even if I didn't win," the dragon born said as he lead his team back to the others. Applejack opened her eyes and smiled, merely walking after her partner.

So far, this day was turning out unlike any other.

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