• Published 17th Jul 2012
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Humans Assemble! - Mistershield

When Equestria is in need of Heroes, only the Avengers will do. But they are stuck with this group. Now with a mini character guide.

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Checking In

Chapter notes: The various teams are separated. So to make it easy to tell them apart, I will use a color code to separate the people talking through phone. Discord, with no voice or body, will remain in italics to not confuse anyone. Team Baltimare will be left alone, as Dan is controlling the meeting. Team Phoenix is red. Team Espionage is blue. Team Canterlot is green. Team Ponyville is orange.

Chapter 50- Checking In

“Alright, lets do this,” Dan said with a frown. Accursed lunch service pony only offered pony food, leaving little for the humans to choose. Also, the conductor that had his hat tossed away, was giving him looks. Still, he was able to stomach down the veggie sandwiches by taking the damn flowers out of it. He placed the octo-phone over his right ear to slip it on. One by one, the others in his team joined in the booth he picked. Nathan sat across from him, with Rarity at his side. This left Soma and Fluttershy standing up over them in the aisle.

“This is Team Baltimate. Come in troglodytes,” Dan said.

“Dan, be nice!” Pinkie said, frowning a bit to nudge him at his side.

Dan? This is Otacon and Team Espionage.” Otacon said, turning to look at the others. The humans, ponies, and the remaining Diamond Dogs were gathered around the funeral pyre held for the once rabid dogs. At the moment, Snake was petting the survivors and make them wag their tails. Trixie perked up her eyebrows, noting that for a snake, David was clearly a dog pony. Person. Man. Male.

This is team Canterlot. One sec, let me put Jack on,” Travis said. He turned to look at the others and nod. Princess Celestia and the other regal ponies looked up from the lunch table as Jack moved to take the octo-phone and slip it on.

“What is that device?” Terra asked, walking over to Johnny. Bravo was tied up with rope around his midsection, the other end tied to Blueblood. Princess Celestia had been feeding the tied up human strawberries with a smile.

This is Jack. Team Centerlot ready.” The Asian warrior said to look around as the others started to move in close.

“My guess? Its a Radio,” Johnny said, not up to par with modern electronics. Carl showed him something like this once.

Hmm. That time of the day already? May as well tell the others about me.

“Shut up, Dis- Whatever your name is!” Johnny said, not liking being tied up.

Team Appleloosa checking in. Did you just call us fossils?” Phoenix asked, lifting his eyebrows. At his side, Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrows. His team gathered around his booth. Lyra and Sephy were kneeling and standing on the booth behind their leader. Lyra can stand in the booth with no problems, while her knight was so tall he had to kneel in the booth. Spy and Zecora sat across from Phoenix, while Ralf and Cherilee stood on the aisle.

I am so glad Dovahkiin can always know what time it is. I had no idea 2 pm was the 14 hour of the day. Team Ponyville here,” Sokka said. The adult humans and ponies had gathered inside Pinkie’s old room upstairs, giving them some peace and silence. The KND and their partners were sitting down on the floor to look up at the adults.

“Number Two, can you link into their signal?” Nigel asked in a low voice. While he and a few of the others had earpieces, they still needed a signal to communicate on.

“I’ll try “ Hoagie said. He took out the handheld sized phone and worked on it. Applebloom picked up her head, turning to study how her partner worked. She was learning a lot about construction from him.

“Alright. Old business first. Team Appleloosa you’re up,” Dan said to look around at his group. “Any plans?”

Well. Still traveling at the moment, so not much in development...” Phoenix said to look around his group.

“Really? You got nothing?” Dan asked, a bit surprised. He was sure that the lawyer would’ve had something.

Well,” Phoenix stopped talking, lifting his head up to look at the others. “Dan’s asking if any of us have leads once we are in Appleloosa.” Spy shrugged, coming up empty. His first plan was to get to the pony town and spy on everyone. Zecora also shook her head to the sides. Ralf and Cherilee also shook their heads to the sides. Leave it to Sephiroth to come to the rescue.

“Phoenix, I found this on one of the cabin entryways,” The one winged angel said. He reached over his booth to hand Phoenix a poster. It had a picture of Sheriff Silver Star smiling, his hoof up to show the main street of Appleloosa. In big letters on the top, it read ‘First Annual Appleloosa Rodeo.’ On the bottom though, Phoenix read ‘First Ever Equestrian International Rodeo.’

Actually, we do have one lead. Sephiroth found one. Appleloosa is hosting its first rodeo,” Phoenix said to smile. “Thank you Sephiroth,” The lawyer said to look up at bladesman and smile. Proud for Sephiroth, Lyra gave the Cetra a hug around his neck, and then kissed his head. Spy picked up his eyebrow, more surprised by Lyra’s reaction. While Sephiroth didn't even bother to blink at the hug or kiss, Lyra had blushed.

“A rodeo huh...” Dan said, turning to look at his group to clue them in. Otacon took out his pen and pad of paper to write down ‘Rodeo in Appleloosa’ and then showed it to the others to clue his team in.

What’s a rodeo?” Sokka asked, lifting his eyebrows to look at his teammates. Dovahkiin shrugged and turned to look at Ash, the only modern age warrior in their midsts.

“It’s a competition of sorts, its theme is the wild west....” And Ash stopped talking, turning to look at the blank faces. He turned to look at the ponies, glad they knew what it was. “Let them tell you later,” Ash said to point at Applejack and Derpy. The orange mare scowled a bit. Dang it, that would happen. A rodeo and she was stuck at home. Did Dan do that on purpose?

Apparently, it’s going to be big event. It’s also the first ever open international invitational. With any luck, this means humans won’t be a big deal there,” Phoenix said. Otacon perked up his eyebrows and wrote down international. Merchant frowned, he could only imagine how many firearms could be sold at an international shindig. “With any luck, more human champions will be there. Though, this may make it harder to find changelings. Will have to wait and see.”

“Its a start. Any new business before we go to Team Espionage?” Dan asked, snapping out of his homesick funk. That wasn’t like him.

New business?” Phoenix asked, looking around at his team.

“You know? Brands? Enemies? Something worth mentioning?” Dan sighed. Though he wasn’t expecting much, it was only one morning.

Actually, I don’t-” Phoenix stopped talking, lifting his eyebrows at Spy. Spy raised both of his hands up, taking off the blue gloves he wore. On the back of each one of his hands, he had a single phoenix Brand. “Uhh, Mr. Spy had a Brand on each hand...” The lawyer lowered his head a second, surprised. When did this happen?

“I think it happened ze same time you got your Brand. We didn’t notice because of your transformation, and because my gloves are made from special fabrics. My guess? Both covered their appearance by ze material.” Blue Spy raised each hand a second, taking note. “By further guess, ze Brand appears on dominant hand...”

Did you say on each hand? Which Brand?” Otacon asked. A lot of eyebrows were going up on his team, and a lot of the others at the different locations.

Um... The Double Phoenix. Dan, are you left handed?” Phoenix asked. Unlike his Brand though, Spy’s phoenixes were single- So only one normal phoenix on each hand. Did this mean his Double Phoenix could split?

“Me? Yes, why?” Dan asked, narrowing his eyes a bit. He turned to look at the rest of his team. “Spy got a brand too.”

That’s good to know. Some of us without powers need to get one of those things,” Sokka said. He turned to look at the others and smiled. “Spy got a Brand. That leaves Dovahkiin and Soma without Brands from the Elements.” Applejack moved her left hoof to rub against her right one. It was her job to get Dovahkiin his Brand. She was nervous though, what could she offer him that he didn’t already have? Being honest around him was hard. He made her heart beat really strange.

Spy brings up a point, that those who got Brands get them on their dominant hand. I got mine on the left, so did you, and Nate is?” Phoenix asked. He turned to look at Spy as he put his gloves back on.

It seems that Travis is not the only one that has achieved a Brother Brand...” Samurai Jack said to look at his teammates. “We will fill you in on the rest after this.”

Oh, Brother Brand... I like it.

“Brother Brand? That ain’t like no Boy Band...” Johnny said with a frown.

“Nathan, you’re right handed?” Dan asked, turning to look at Nate’s Burning Spirit. The treasure hunter nodded. “Yeah, it looks like Brands show up on dominant hands. So, is Spy a freak?”

“Yes. Spy is ambidextrous...” Nathan said, remembering back when Spy helped to treat Phoenix during Alduin’s attack.

It seems no one noticed, not even Spy because of the technology used by his gloves and mask... So I guess that’s it. I do like the name though, Brother Brand,” Phoenix said with a smile.

So I guess that makes two with Brands outside the Elements of Change...” Otacon said. Samus finally found the signal to the octo-phones, so she was listening in. Still, Brother? That was sexist. Then again, she was the only female she knew of.

“Moving on. Team Espionage. Old business, then new. Tell me what you got, Otacon,” Dan said. It looked like his team wanted more info. He scowled a bit and turned to look at Nate’s note taking. He reached out to take the journal he used to take notes and begun to write on it so the others could see what was going on.

Alright... Old Business. We managed to join with the Diamond Dogs. What’s left of them. I’m afraid that many gone rabid by eating some strange meat they found in Everfree...” Otacon said, turning to look at Red Rover as he nodded. Snake moved a hand to his headband and adjust it. Something told him the dogs had eaten changeling meat that had been tranquilized.

Rabid?” Samurai Jack asked. So, this realm had disease as well. It made sense since Nate had been poisoned. He turned to look at the others and then walked over to a table. Looking around, he found a napkin and start jotting down notes. Princess Celestia raised her head to an attendant, requesting some parchment and writing utensils.

Is everyone alright?” Phoenix asked, writing down ‘Rabid’ so the others could see. A lot of worried faces started to show up for his team. As did with Team Ponyville. Mayor Mare managed to go downstairs to the Cakes and get a waiter’s pad for Sokka to write on.

Yes, We are all alright. But there are only 3 Diamond Dogs still around. They did get a message from King Aurelius. You were right Dan. They set up a base at Dodge City.” Otacon took the letter handed to him by Young Yeller to start reading.

“I knew it! What else does the letter say?” Dan said, writing down things on the journal. Sokka smiled at his team and the others gathered to smile. ‘Everyone’s safe. Dodge City is Changelings HQ.’ He wrote down. Similarly, Jack wrote down things on the table. He improvised, using a piece of breadstick as a brush and dip it into salad dressing to start writing for the others to see.

At least everyone’s safe,” Phoenix said, smiling at his team to assure them.

One moment-” Jack said, turning to look at Princess Celestia’s face. He frowned, seeing her frown as well to shake her head to the sides.

What’s wrong?” Otacon asked. Samus turned to look at Snake and then the ponies gathered. She raised her free hand to her voice projector for her suit and start broadcasting the transmission for all to hear.

“I got the signal!” Hoagie said, smiling as he looked at Uno. The KND and the colts and fillies gathered around to listen at what was going on.

Princess Celestia tells me that its not possible for the changelings to be in Dodge City...” Jack said, frowning a bit. The other humans and Equestrians turned to look at Princess Celestia. The samurai moved to place the earpiece for her to explain.

Hello? Can you hear me?” Princess Celestia said.

“Is this Celestia?” Dan asked, frowning a bit. He sighed and then shook his head to the sides. “Just go ahead.”

Ever since the attack on Canterlot, security has been doubled at the borders, especially Dodge City. A guard patrol was sent to Dodge to scan things, and they found nothing. Also, as an added precaution, I have been monitoring things from here. There have been no large groups moving in the last month, other than the donkeys Ms.Trixie has given a tour to.”

But, there is no chance that King Aurelius would lie to me...” Otacon said. Trixie once again frowned at the memories.

“Oh, like how he lied to you about Princess Celestia being a cruel ruler?” Twilight asked, frowning a bit at him.

Point taken Twilight, and I’d like to say sorry formally to you Princess Celestia,” Otacon said.

Pleasantries later guys. Then, what does this mean?” Phoenix asked. He showed his notes so far to the others, making many eyebrows raise.

“Sounds like something you need to look into Otacon. Anything new to add?” Dan asked, his brain already thinking for answers.

Nothing to add. We barely had enough time to read the letter. He makes mention that they made progress, but didn’t have a chance to work on bombs yet...” Otacon read out loud.

“Can you read Changeling?” Twilight asked, looking up at her partner. She thought that Nathan was a linguist. She forgot about her anger towards the changelings for lying to her partner, once again impressed by his intellect.

Well, I started to learn changeling writing. Once you learn C+, Hexadecimal, and Binary, you find all other languages kinda simple...” Otacon said to smile and pet Twilight. He was just glad she was no longer glaring knives at him. Trixie turned to look at Snake, who shrugged. The mullet warrior moved a hand out to pet Trixie. While not what she wanted, Trixie shut both eyes and enjoyed the contact.

“Well, I wasn’t expecting much considering its only been a few hours since we split up. Alright, Team Canterlot, any news about the captured changelings?” Dan directed the reports to the next team. The solar princess turned to look at Jack and nod, letting him get the bluetooth back. An attendant returned with some writing utensils for the samurai.

Yes. We arrived with Princess Luna. We met with Princess Celestia, but we have yet to talk about the changelings...” Jack said.

“How come?” Kuki asked.

“Number Three, hush!” Uno said, frowning at the closed eyed girl.

Was that Kuki?” Sokka asked, turning to look at the KND. The others turned with him, looking at the children huddled over the handphone Number Two had.

Was... That a child’s voice?” Otacon asked.

“Let Jack talk. And if I found out someone’s on the phone when they are not supposed to be...” Dan yelled out, his eyes bulging from his sockets. There was way too many interruptions as it was.

Crap, Dan’s getting angry...” Sokka said, frowning a bit to urge away from the KND.

“What? He can’t be scarier than Dovahkiin there,” Number Four said.

“He’s the one that did this to us,” Scootaloo said, waving a hoof to her bald head. “We all used to have manes...” All of the Kids Next Door opened their eyes wide.

“He frightens me, kids...” Ash said, though it was a lie. Dovahkiin nodded along with Ash, though he was genuinely afraid of the smaller human.


Back to the matter at hand...” Phoenix said, wondering what those hushed voices were. He wrote ‘more humans’ with ?? in the notes he was displaying to everyone. Soma and Fluttershy looked at each other, those two remaining quiet all this time.

Well, we have not proceed because we found several humans in Canterlot...” Jack said to look at the others. “Terra Brandford, a female... Mage?” Jack raised an eyebrow, not sure what to call her. She merely nodded. “Vergil Sparda, a half devil swordsman.” Vergil frowned, but said nothing. He lost, and by contract, he was bound to listen to Dan and Jack. “And finally, Johnny Bravo. He’s...” Jack stopped talking, not sure what to make of him.

“Johnny Bravo?” Uno asked, taking a moment to think. He knew that name... Of course! He met Johnny at a racing circuit, and several other competitions. Ash raised an eyebrow, looking down at the phone the kids used. (Johnny Bravo has appeared in almost every “Cartoon Network” presents game. The KND have appeared in a few as well. Not to mention they all appear in Fusion Fall.)

“Did someone say my name?” Johnny said, standing next to Jack. Blueblood took a second to look back at where Johnny should be, only to spot an empty silhouette of black stripes where the outline of Johnny should be. Then the ropes fell to the floor.

“But he was just-” Blueblood said, lifting his hoof up to point next to him, then at Jack and Bravo.

“Wow, three more humans? They sound useful...” Otacon said. The list of humans archetypes were starting to... Otacon stopped and frowned a bit. Archetype? He took a look at his team and then went over the humans in his head. Not just champions of a cause? Archetypes as well? It was just a coincidence...


While it took a while to explain things, we did learn one thing. It seems other humans summoned will only show up if all of their pony counterparts are together. Almost as if a team of ponies is needed for a team of humans...” Jack said. He smiled down to pet Spike, glad the little dragon caught that fact.

That is interesting,” Sokka added. “Same happened to us.”

“Wait, wait... one team at a time,” Dan said, frowning but his voice calming down. More humans? He was not liking this. “Anything else to add?”

No. We already heard Celestia explain about Dodge City. We just finished lunch, and then discuss about the prisoners.” Jack added. “But I assume you know about Discord?”

Oh, I forgot about him...” Otacon added.

“Discord?” Dan asked. This made a lot of ponies frown. Soma and Nate both turned to look at Fluttershy and Rarity, noting their faces.

Isn't Discord a villain?” Phoenix asked. He noted the responses his pony team mates were starting to frown. Save Rainbow, who was snorting and pawing the booth. The lawyer immediately move his right hand out to pet her mane to try to calm down. She slowly relented.

Oh my. I can only imagine the faces of the others. Too bad none of my champions are there with the other teams to pop in.

“Did you hear that?” Vash asked, looking around a bit.

“Hear what?” Braeburn asked. He looked around the desert, spotting nothing other than tumbleweeds. Toph and Little Strongheart stopped practicing to look over at the red coat porcupine head.

“I didn't hear anything. Trust me, my sense of hearing is great,” Toph said. “You ok, Vash?”

“I thought I heard laughter...”

“So Discord is helping us?” Dan asked, lifting his eyebrows a bit. Other ponies were eagerly listening in with their partners, trying to listen in on Princess Celestia’s explanation of Discord’s involvement. Least the abridged edition.

From what we found out, yes. Though only for his own means of survival, if nothing else. It does not appear that he can harm anyone with his power reduced,” Jack said. He turned to look at Spike, not sure what to make of the dragon’s face. A bit of smoke came from his nostrils.

“Alright... So he summoned his own champions. It can explain why so many humans are popping up.” Sokka said. “And only his champions can hear him.”

How do you- Wait, did more humans show up in Ponyville?” Otacon asked as he took a guess.

You may as well let Sokka go next. After the duel and dealing with Johnny’s connection to Discord, we were tired and hope to continue with our assignments in the afternoon,” Jack said.

Duel?” Phoenix asked.

Vergil just wanted to see how strong we were...” Jack said, shrugging. Boys will be boys. “I won.”

“I guess it was needed, we didn’t see you at the tournament.” Dan said. “Good going Jack.”

“Any sign of The Doctor?” Twilight asked.

Oh, Twilight asks if The Doctor has been seen,” Otacon asked.

Knowing him? He’s off meddling in other’s business...

“Hmm...” Snape said, lifting his eyebrows as he looked back to the Doctor. Once more, they got into the Tardis and head into the past this time. Back to the time of when Princess Celestia was not even conceived.

“Is it Discord again?” The Doctor asked, blinking once.

“Never mind. Diario Reparo,” Snape said, waving his wand to place it down on Nathan Drake’s journal. Slowly, the book begun to flip through pages as it begun to repair itself.

“Alright Snape. With any luck, we can use Spike’s lead.”

Well, we have five children, and they call themselves The Kids Next Door,” Sokka said. “They are all teamed up with young colts and fillies.”

“Were those the voices we heard earlier?” Dan asked. “I hate kids!”

“Danny, I thought you wanted to be dad...” Pinkie said. She had her eyes closed half way and was smiling, giving Dan bedroom eyes. This made The Element of Anger push back his head back a bit and blush.

“Oh man, I don’t want to be near you kids when Dan gets his hands on you,” Dovahkiin said. This made Wally gulp.

They look to be more of Discord’s champions. They are highly trained, and know combat,” Sokka reported.

“Good. Put them to work or something. So long as they don’t get on anyone’s nerves...” Dan said, trying to look away from Pinkie’s gaze, but unable to.

“Look, we agreed to behave, but we are not taking orders from-” Uno stopped talking, looking at Dovahkiin. He moved his left hand out to conjure a daedric magical sword into his hand and snatch it out of the air.

“Until we meet the others?” Uno said, his sunglasses lowering down his nose. The other KND hugged their pony partners to themselves. Even Kuki took a step back as Ash took his metal hand off and then attach his chainsaw directly to his arm.

“Fair enough. Just listen to Sokka for now then,” Dan said. That finally made Pinkie Pie shut both her eyes and grin, wagging her tail. This made Fluttershy and Rarity perk their eyebrows at Dan. Once more, Nate made the ‘whipcrack’ noise. This time, Soma laughed a bit. Fluttershy turned to look at her partner, smiling. It was so nice to hear the quiet young man laugh.

“No! No!” Cherilee frowned, shaking her head to the sides to make her mane shake. Ralf looked to his partner, confused. “No way! I am already against the humans fighting. You want to make human colts and fillies join this confrontation?! You want to make our own young ones battle?! This is not right!” She said, turning to look up at Ralf. He moved down to wrap his arms around her neck.

“Lets meet them first, ok? No need to get angry,” Ralf said to smile a bit. Still, he did not like the idea either.

Spy turned his head to look at the two. This could very well be what they need to get others to join their cause. He wondered how many other humans were taking this set of news.

I've also got Mayor Mare and the rest in the town to start rebuilding the hospital. Dovahkiin wants to say something...” Sokka said to take off the bluetooth and hand it to the dragon born.

Dan? I’ve started on making weapons and armor. With the steel, I made us all knives. These will be for first aid and food purposes. With the moonstone, I have made elven armors,” The Element of Resolve said. He needed to raise his smithing level.

Elven?” Otacon asked.

There are elves in my homeland, and they use this ore a lot. As for other weapons, I am afraid I’ve used up all I have. And although I only started, I only had 2 sets made. It does take time to make these.” Dovahkiin handed Sokka an elven sword, flawless quality. Sokka smiled, moving to hug the sword. While it wasn’t a space sword, it was better than none. And it shined so nice.

“Alright. I will see if we can get more materials sent,” Jack said with a nod. “And it would be nice for a few shields to be made.”

“Alright. Focus on chest pieces, then worry about the rest. We could all use them, then helmets. Anything else?” Dan asked.

No, though I could try to enchant some jewelry. As an example, I could make a ring that can give Ralf extra attack power to his fists. But I need to make an enchanter’s table,” Dovahkiin said with a smile. “Sokka was also nice enough to go foraging for me so I could make potions.” Ralf smiled when he read the news from Phoenix.

Sounds like you got your hands full,” Jack said. “I will start training ponies here soon.

“Alright. Time is money with these octo-phones. Sign off, and we will talk tonight. Well done everyone. Dan out,” he said to take off his bluetooth and turn it off. He turned to look at the others.

“Alright. I was right about Dodge City. What does this mean though?”

The changelings were back in their normal forms, hidden in tunnels. Small alterns with dimmed lights lit the way down a tunnel that lead to a cavern underneath Dodge City. They were so close to the mountain of the badlands and the Macintosh Hills that some caverns headed close to Dodge. It was these same tunnels that allowed the changelings to slip into Equestria unnoticed in the first place. Dull brown and light gray limestone mineral deposits decorated the walls.

“King Aurelius, these plans are...” Exuvia the Sage looked down at the notes a changeling copied from Otacon.

“Much better than your own?” Pharate added with a smile. This made the female snort once, but then turn away. It was true. King Aurelius smiled, glad the his generals could appreciate Otacon.

“I admit, using the ponies own environment against them is cruel and effective,” Sphragis said. True, it meant no combat, but still- Changelings luring a manticore to attack a pony was genius. And both a rock slide and a dam breaking at the same time? The chaos it could have caused was beyond imaging.

“Now you see why I value Otacon so much. Such simple plans would have never occurred to us. While we have Otacon’s current plans, I have a few things I want to throw in. I’m sure Otacon would agree to them...” The changeling king said to smile. Pharate lowered his head a bit, grinning.

“I think we need to give Otacon a better title than Champion and Sage...” Pharate said to smile, looking around the generals.

“I agree. 'Otacon the Raging Dragon' sounds fearsome.” Spragis said. “Only a dragon could do so much damage...”

“Nonsense. This man is an intellectual, and I plan to learn from him. He should be 'Otacon the Grand Sage', is more fitting,” Exuvia said.

“I think the King has an idea...” Pharate said to look at Aurelius.

“I think 'Otacon the Noble' is fine,” King Aurelius said to smile. “Remember, he still thinks we are innocent. We cannot have suspicion casts on us while he works so hard. I almost called him 'Otacon the Gullible.' Instead of a three fold plan, I think we can really make it double if not more.” The King threw his head back and begun to laugh. His generals never even met Otacon, and they already liked him. This was going perfectly.

Otacon shivered a bit, as he felt a sudden chill ran up his spine. Twilight blinked, turning to look up at her partner. Was he upset when he spoke directly with Princess Celestia?

“Dr. Otacon, are you alright?” Twilight asked.

“I’m not sure. I think it may be these windy tunnels,” Otacon said to look around. Tilting her head to the side, thinking a bit. The humans had taken their cloaks off to fight. She smiled and shut both eyes to step over to her partner. Both of her front hooves moved to push Otacon down to sit on the ground. Caught off guard, Otacon landed on the ground to sit up.

“Twilight? What was-” Otacon fell quiet, as Twilight moved to sit at his left side. Her tail moved around his back, while her head rested on his shoulder. The engineer blinked a bit to look down at her. She raised her head for a second to bring her nose to rub against his. Otacon tilted his head to the side to shrug. Must be more of that grooming ritual. He moved his arm out to wrap around her shoulders and hold her close.

“Cold now?” Twilight asked in a low voice.

“Not anymore...”

Both closed their eyes to smile.

Chapter Proofreaded by LyonAzakura.

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